
ตอน 5: Chapter 5

(Author's note: I changed a little bit about the system. instead of the words <random>, I changed to <random power> the thing that gives MC powers randomly. I changed the words <current power> in the MC's status to <temporary power>. with this change, I hope it will clear up some misunderstandings about the system. and let me know if there any mistake! Enjoy reading!)

[10 Zack's sons POV]

A few seconds before Zack presses the button <random power>.

The 10 Zack's sons were talking to each other when suddenly an interface appeared in front of their eyes. They see a button with the words that read <random power> A curious sensation overwhelmed them, so they pressed the button and unknowingly they pressed it the same time Zack pressed it. The interface disappears replace with another interface that shows the powers they get from <random power>.

(Author's note: I only put the title of the power these kids get in here. I also put these kids' names beside the name of the power so you can know who got that power. To make it simple for you guys, I put a power description in the paragraph comment. I did this because it was freaking long. 10 of them alone are already 643 words...plus the title of the power itself pretty much explains what that power does XD... so anyway enjoy reading!)


Fire-Enhanced Combat - Jax

Video Manipulation - Jack

Telekinesis - Tom

Food Generation - Alex

Enhanced Swordsmanship - Ian

Mystical Healing - Erick

Mechanical Intuition - John

Hacking Intuition - Arlo

Supernatural Athleticism - Brad

Electricity Manipulation - Paul


They were confused at what they saw when suddenly a bunch of information about their powers flow through inside their mind as if they had an epiphany moment. After a while, these kids knew what their powers could do. They smiled after that, knowing they could help their dad with their power. Afterward, they stood up from their seats and went to their dad so they could show off their new power to their dad but realized there was another man beside their dad, this man wore such fancy clothes in an abandoned apartment make them even more confused. Although they are still kids and just born not a while ago, they inherit their dad memories so they atleast know some common sense.

[Zack's POV]

A few seconds after Zack saw about the DNA absorption.


DNA Absorption

The user can absorb DNA/genetic information, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as a power source, etc., either temporarily or permanently.


'Luckily I got OP power it is worth the risk... wait! with this power, I can absorb those dead bastards' DNA there!'Zack thinks while he looks at those dead bastards when suddenly a man appears in front of him out of nowhere.

"Hello there," a man smiled with his fancy clothes.

"W-who are you?" Zack asked.

"Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mynir, the god of trade and shopkeepers." Mynir smiled.

"A-a god? are you joking right?"Zack asked.

"It's true that I'm a god although I'm not that kind of god who is omnipotent and omniscient," Mynir smiled.

"I don't know if I can trust you. You just appeared in front of me out of nowhere and you said that you were a god? huh... you must be insane."

"hmmm... you got a point there. I heard there a quote 'seeing is believing '. Let me show you why so many beings call me The god of trade and shopkeepers" Mynir snaps his finger and then a familiar interface appears in front of him.

".....that's it?" Zack asked.

"Look carefully, kid..." Mynir said. Zack, again look at the interface that Mynir showed him. When Zack looks carefully at the interface, it takes a few seconds for Zack to realize what Mynir just showed to him.

"What the Fish is this!" Zack was shocked when he saw a bunch of items in the interface, kinda like inventory that you can store many things inside in it but this is more like a shop than inventory. Zack sees a bunch of items that include a price in them.

'" A divine sword...a dragon egg...there even freaking powers in here!" Zack was shocked when he scrolled the interface, there were endless items in the shop that it might take days or even years to see all of them.

"Yeah, yeah... I know~" Mynir with a big smile on his face.

"Is this true? can I buy things here?" Zack asked.

"Yeah, it's true, you can buy anything from my shop as long as you have money," Mynir said.

"What kind of money?" Zack asked.

"Good question. I accept any kind of money, even CP of yours," Mynir said.

"W- what! h-how do you know?" Zack asked.

"Of course I know, but it's a secret. " Mynir said while smiling.

" Of course you wouldn't tell me. you bastard" Zack said.

"I will tell you if you can do me a favor. If you do that, not only will I tell you why you got the random power system. I will also grant you one wish." Mynir smiles.

"W-what... you can do that?" Zack asked.

"Yup...So, what's your decision?" Mynir asked.

"Umm...but why do you appear here though?"

"Ok... It wouldn't hurt to tell you a little bit. So the one that created your system is my best friend and I owe him a favor. Because of that, you can access my shop until you...But you need to agree to my request first before I can tell you that," Mynir said.

"Ok. What can I help you with?" Zack asked as he agreed to Mynir's request.

" I need you...to get the infinity stones for me...if you do that I will give you a special reward that you can't get in my shop. you can access my shop until you get the infinity stones. You should feel honored that you can use my shop. After all, not everyone has the privilege to buy something in my shop. " Mynir said.

"W-wait... you want me to get the infinity stones? Why do you need such a thing and why didn't you do it yourself? Isn't it the infinity stones didn't work outside of this universe?" Zack asked. Zack was tired of being surprised at how Mynir knew about the infinity stones, so he just directly asked why.

"For your first question, because I like to know how the infinity stones can only work in their native universe. And for your second question, I can't directly interfere with this universe, the one above all didn't like it if I do that. For your third question, of course the infinity stones didn't work outside of the universe,that the reason why i need those little stones," Mynir said.

"Although I have so many questions left... fine, I agree to help you," Zack said.

"Nice! Since you agreed to help me, I will give you 50k CP for you to buy something in my shop." Mynir smiles.

"H-how-...You know what... I will not question it.." Zack said. Mynir only smiles when he hears Zack say that. With a snap of his fingers, he sent 50k CP to Zack.


<You received 50k CP!>

Zack opened his status to check if there are 50k CP in there.


level 1

Name: Shon Zack

Permanent power:

Temporary power: DNA absorption

Coin points: 50k CP


Zack smiles when he sees 50k CP in his status.

' With this, I can buy something in his shop. Well, what do I want,' Zack said as he scrolled down through the shop to search around and see what Mynir's shop has. Suddenly he heard his sons come to him and say.

"Dad!" All 10 of Zack's sons said at the same time while they ran to him.

"Why did you come here, kids? " Zack smiles at his sons.

'I guess ... being a father is not that bad.' Zack smiles.

"Dad...who this man?" Jax asked.

"Well...umm... his name is Mynir, he is a good guy...maybe..." Zack said.

"Yup. My name is Mynir," Mynir said while smiling at them.

"Oh, I see, hello Uncle Mynir!" Tom smiles.

"Hey! I'm not that old...only 6000 years old" Mynir said.

"Okay old man..." Jax said while grinning on his face.

"hahaha yeah... that is my son," Zack smiles as he thumbs up to Jax. Others immediately feel jealous when their dad thumbs up at Jax. Because of that, they start saying the words old man over and over again.

"H-hey...how about this...I will give all 10 of you... any appearance that you desire...if you all start calling me brother instead of calling me old man...how about that huh? Interesting thing right?" Mynir said while feeling nervous. 'It seems like his weakness is being called an old man or Mynir likes kids.' Zack thought while he was shocked when he heard that.

"You can do such a thing?" Zack asked.

"Hmph! Of course, I can. " Mynir said.

Then all 10 of Zack's sons look at Zack, their dad.

"Can we, dad?" All 10 of Zack's sons said at the same time. Although they like their current face, they also want their face plus their dad can recognize them easier which is what they like the most. Zack sees them kneeling on the floor while they begged Zack, his dad.

"fine..go ahead" Zack sigh and smiles afterward.

"Good! Now..." Mynir snapped his finger and then an interface appeared but this one is different. It has an internet connection and it also has a browser in that interface.

"You kids can search for any face that you like in this browser and I can make that face, yours," Mynir said while smiling. At first, the 10 of Zack's sons felt confused but after Mynir explained it again they finally understood, What happened next is what made Zack's eyes wide open when he sees his sons search in pintr#st to search for a face that they like.

'this Mynir guy is something else...' Zack thought.

After a while, the 10 of Zack's sons finally chose the face that they liked, and with the snaps of Mynir's fingers, it began to happen. Suddenly, a white light surrounds them that is so bright that you can't see them anymore. Zack worried when this happened but his worries were unnecessary because after a few seconds that white light slowly begins to vanish. Zack was shocked when he saw his kids' faces change.

Once Mynir is done with that, he immediately comes to Zack and said.

"pay me 5k CP..." Mynir said with seriousness on his face.

"W- what I thought you gave them for free!" Zack said.

"I never said I would give them for free, right?" Mynir said with a smile.

"Y-you ...you scam me!" Zack said.

"Look at their faces, Zack...they look really happy," Mynir said. Zack looks at his kids already starting to praise each other's faces while smiling on their faces.

[10 Zack's sons POV]

(Author's note: I will put the image of what they really look like in this paragraph comment instead of describing them because I thought it would bore you guys if I did that you know... Imagine describing their face... all 10 of them...even I feel bored writing it XD)

"Wow! You all look so handsome!" Tom said.

"You look cute Tom!" Jax said. Others also agree with what Jax said. Tom just went quiet as he felt shy after that.

"You guys are more handsome than me..." Paul nervously said.

"What do you mean, Paul! you look handsome too!" Brad smiles while patting Paul's head.

"Yeah,...it's true," Jack said while giving his thumbs up at Paul.

"Guys, I have a suggestion! Let's form a group with our dad being a leader!" Alex smiles.

"I agree," Ian said without hesitation. Others also agree with what Alex said.

"But...What is the name of our group?"Erick asked.

" How about...The Sexy Brains?"John said.

"I don't like that name," Arlo said. Others also said the same thing. John feels sad when his idea is rejected by others. But he feels happy again when Alex comes to him and makes a lollipop for John with his Food generation power. Although Alex feels a little bit tired after that.

"How about... Hot Executioner?" Jax asked.

"I agree," Ian said without a doubt. The others hesitated at first, but when they heard Ian say without hesitation in his face made them even agree to Jax. That's where the name Hot Executioner comes from and in the future, this name will make everyone feel terror.

[Zack's POV]

Zack looked at his kids and then he sighed.

"fine you bastard..." Zack said. After that, he only left with 45k CP.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you~" Mynir smiles.

"There's something I want to buy, Mynir," Zack said.

"I already gave you access to my shop. All you need to do is say shop in your mind." Mynir said.

" Okay, you lazy bastard," Zack said shop in his mind, and then the interface <shop> appears in front of him. He searched for something until he found it.


Interspatial ring (blue gem) 10k CP

Interspatial rings are rings that act as a pocket dimension for its user, so the user can store and take things out from it at will. The user does not have to be touching an object to store it in his/her interspatial ring; he/she only has to be (very) close to it. The rings can store anything except for living things (they can store corpses). These rings can only be used by its user, who has to bind them with blood. When the user dies, the rings become unbound and without a user, though the things they store remain inside.

This interspatial ring has a space of 1 cubic km.


"I want to buy this ring," Zack said as look at his CP reduced from 45k CP to 35k CP.

"Sure" Mynir snaps his finger and then a ring that has a beautiful gem in the center appears and floats in front of Zack. Zack grabs the ring and puts it on his finger from the right hand. Zack bled his finger from the left hand with the knife that he stole from Delano earlier and dropped those blood to the interspatial ring that he wore in his right hand. It began to shine with a blue light and after a few seconds, the blue light slowly disappeared.

'It seems like I completely bound this ring to me.'Zack smiles and then he tests it out by storing the knife. Which the knife immediately enters the interspatial ring.

"Nice," Zack said. Suddenly he heard his kids say something to him.

"Dad! We decided to form a group with you being a leader!" Tom said with an excited face. Other kids also feel excited.

"What? when did you decide to form a group?" Zack said.

"Just a moment ago!" Tom said.

"hmmm fine... so what name did you guys decide on?" Zack smiled.

"It's Hot Executioner, dad!" Tom said.

"...." Zack went quiet. While Mynir just smiles knowingly,

"Wait...why do you want to form a group in the first place?"

"Umm...we got our own power from a <random power> thing, dad," Paul said. Other kids nodded with what Paul said.

"Yeah! we have our own power now, dad! we can help you with our own power!" Tom felt very excited when he said that. Other kids agree with what Tom said.

" Wait! you got those powers from <random power> too?!" Zack is shocked as he notices that Mynir just smiles not even one bit surprised.

"Did you know about this, Mynir!" Zack asked Mynir because after all, he was friend with the one who created the random power system.

"Of course~ Your kids got your genes... So the random power system was connected to your kids because of that. Although they can't level up like you, they do have their own status but they didn't have their own CP. You can also make their power be permanent too" Mynir said with a smile.

"But what if someone took my gene, and use it to get a random power system too?" Zack asked.

" You don't have to worry about such a thing, the one that creates the system of yours is not an ordinary being. If anyone wants to steal your genes, your genes will only be poison to them. Without his permission, no one can steal your systems." Mynir said.

"Ok..." Zack said as he finally understood. Afterward, Zack looks at his kids and asks.

"So, what are your powers, kids?" Zack asked. After that, they all explain what their power could do. After a few seconds, Zack understood what their power was and said to Mynir.

"You said that I can make it their power permanently right?" Zack asked.

"Yup, you just need to think that you want their power to be permanent," Mynir said.

"Ok..." Zack said and then he thought as he wanted to make their power permanent. Then, an interface appears in front of him.


<Do you want Fire-Enhanced Combat, Video Manipulation, Telekinesis, Food Generation, Enhanced Swordsmanship, Mystical

Healing, Mechanical Intuition, Hacking Intuition, Supernatural Athleticism, and Electricity Manipulation to be permanent?>

<The total price is 100 CP.>

<yes / no>


Zack pressed <yes>.


<The change has been successfully completed!>

"did it work?" Zack asked.

"Yup, you can check their status if you want," Mynir said.

"hmmm ok," Zack said.


Name: Jax

Permanent power: Fire-Enhanced Combat

Temporary power:



Name: Jack

Permanent power: Video Manipulation

Temporary power:


(Author's note: Later, I will make one chapter in volume 0 that has all info about their powers and their current status.)

After a while, Zack checked all 10 of them. Indeed it's changed to permanent power. Suddenly, Zack had an idea so he said to Mynir.

"So is it possible for me to trade my DNA absorption for something similar?" Zack asked.

"Hmmm... it depends on what power you want to trade with," Mynir said.

"I don't know the exact name of the power but it's about copying others' power."

"Do you mean Power Replication?" Mynir asked

"Yeah," Zack said.

" So you want to trade your DNA absorption with Power Replication? hmmm, sure, why not?. After all, DNA absorption is a better version than Power Replication anyway," Mynir said.

"But before that, can you wait a little bit? I need to absorb Delano's gang DNA." Zack said. Zack thinks that if he absorbs those corpses' DNA, at least he can get stronger even a little bit.

"Sure," Mynir said.

However, when Zack turns his body to go to the corpses. he saw his kids all asleep on the floor. he smiled when he saw his kids like that. He forgot that it was nighttime. He opened a Mynir shop in his mind and bought 10 single beds that included pillows with only 1 CP although Mynir said it was such a waste because Zack can buy 1000 single beds and still cost 1CP. It's a different thing if Zack buys something like a magical bed that will help users greatly lose fatigue and sleep better. It only costs 100 CP for one magical bed. But Zack told Mynir that he didn't want to use CP more than necessary. After all, he can always get those CP back.

"tch..." Mynir clicked his tongue as if he failed to trick Zack into buying more of his shop.

'This guy...' Zack thinks. He brought all the single beds from his interspatial ring. Mynir said that all items that Zack bought from Mynir's shop will automatically put stuff straight to his interspatial ring. 'Convenient' Zack thinks. After that, he put down all the single beds and pillows one by one and Zack pick his kids up and took them to their bed.

In the end, Zack absorbed all of Delano's gang DNA except his kids that had died in battle. Zack sadly put all his dead kids in his interspatial ring. After absorbing Delano's gang DNA, his muscles got bigger and denser. He is getting taller from 6 ft tall to 6'11 ft tall. Now, Zack's body is like a body builder but he realized when he absorbed their DNA. Suddenly, they have no facial features and not even muscles left in their body. 'Maybe because they don't have any DNA anymore now that I absorb theirs'.

"So you're done?" Mynir asked.

"Yes," Zack said. Then Mynir snapped his fingers again to change Zack's power from DNA absorption to Power Replication. After that, Zack made this Power Replication permanent which only cost 10 CP and then Zack checked his status again.


Level: 1

Name: Shon Zack

Permanent power: Power Replication

Temporary power:

Coin Points: 34.89k CP



Power Replication

Users can mimic and replicate the powers of others. Users need physical contact to mimic powers. Users can even stack several powers together, which may lead to Power Mixture. Higher-level powers may be more difficult to copy.


Zack grins when he looks at this Power Replication.

"Are you done yet?" Mynir asked.

"Yeah, thanks," Zack said,

"I didn't do this for free, you know...you need to get the infinity stones for me, remember?" Mynir said.

"Yeah-yeah I know...I try my best..." Zack said.

"Good boy, well I need to go. bye~" Mynir smiles.

"You bastar- urgh... he's already gone." Zack sighed and then he looked at his kids sleeping in their beds. Zack went to them and touched their skins with his left hand. Suddenly, yellow energy flowed through his left hand, and after that, the energy slowly disappeared. He checks his status again...


Level: 1

Name: Shon Zack

Permanent power: Power Replication, Fire-Enhanced Combat, Video Manipulation, Telekinesis, Food Generation, Enhanced

Swordsmanship, Mystical Healing, Mechanical Intuition, Hacking Intuition, Supernatural Athleticism. Electricity Manipulation.

Temporary power:

Coin Points: 34.89k CP


Zack grins when he looks at his status that now has much more permanent power than before.

[???'s POV]

At the restaurant. A woman washes the dishes after all the customers have left and the restaurant is closed late tonight. While the woman was washing the dishes in the sink, she began to think of a tanned man who suddenly stared at people who were eating in the restaurant yesterday. She began to smile as she thought that the tanned man was a little bit funny.

"Emma! What are you spacing out again for! hurry up wash those dishes!" a woman voice yelling in the distance.

"O-okay!" Emma quickly washed those dishes but with a smile on her face.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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