36.06% Crimson Destiny (Fantastic Beasts Fanfic) [Temp Hiatus] / Chapter 20: Unspeakable Library

บท 20: Unspeakable Library

"So, is this all of you?" Destiny asked after she finally finished discussing some initial stuff with the Unspeakables. After she revealed her name, they wanted proof, as any other sane person would, so she showed them her Signet Ring. One of the Unspeakables came forward, wanting to check if the Ring on her finger was genuine or not.

Destiny allowed the man to cast the Charm and when the results came out positive, talking with the Unspeakables became quite easy. They were glad that they were finally able to make contact with one of the Leaders of the movement. Since Destiny was the genuine Heiress of the Grindelwald Family, the Unspeakables were sure that she was the most trusted aide of Gellert Grindelwald.

They also started to call her Lady Grindelwald, not that she cared either way. As long as they followed her orders while staying loyal to her, she wouldn't mind what they called her. That is why Destiny wasn't bothered by the fact that Gawain Bulstrode had been calling her Miss Grindelwald.

"No, my lady. There are a lot more of us, but right now only my team is free" One of the Unspeakables answered Destiny's question. They have removed their hoods, but they didn't reveal their names. They simply couldn't… they couldn't reveal their names to anyone who knew that they were Unspeakables. They have used Oaths to protect their identities.

There are a lot of people who would try to capture Unspeakables to get information. So, they have used Oaths to protect their identities. So, if one of them gets captured, he couldn't sell out the others no matter what. Some of the Unspeakables have been trying to get this law changed because they thought that it was too heavy-handed and barbaric, but the older Unspeakables wouldn't allow it, at least as long as they are still in service.

So, the Unspeakables introduced themselves to Destiny via using their assigned numbers… Unspeakable #21 was the leader of this team. Destiny understood the necessity for their paranoia and secrecy. For fuck sake she was planning to capture an Unspeakable and roast him or her for all the information before Gawain had revealed that the Unspeakables wanted to join their cause.

So, Destiny quickly memorized their numbers. "I see… I would like to meet all of you at the same time if that is possible…" Destiny trailed off with an unsure look on her face.

"That would be very hard, my lady. All the teams have different shifts, so you can only meet us in groups" Unspeakable #21 answered in an apologetic tone. Unspeakable #21 was one of the oldest Unspeakables in service and he was quite experienced, it showed.

"I see… Can you ask all of your team members to swear a loyalty Oath to you?" Destiny asked while rubbing her chin.

"Of course, my lady. If you have the wordings in mind, or we can prepare the Oaths" Unspeakable #21 answered with a snap.

"Yes, I do" Destiny said and pulled out a different scroll from her pocket. He levitated the scroll into Unspeakable #21's hands. The man quickly inspected the oath.

"We would need to add a stipulation, my lady. I want to add a clause so that I can release them from the Oaths after I retire… Somebody else will take my place and it would be wrong for me to keep them bound to me…" Unspeakable #21 explained and Destiny didn't have any problems with that, but she still decided to put up an argument. 

"How about adding a clause for transferring the Oaths to your successor, instead of releasing the Oaths, and if one of your men succeeds your position, then they automatically get freed from the Oaths and the loyalty Oaths of the others gets transferred to him or her?" Destiny suggested and Unspeakable #21 started to chin with a thoughtful look on his face. 

"That would work" Unspeakable #21 said with a nod of his head. After that, the Unspeakables started to modify the original Oath. It took them only a few minutes to get it done and one by one the Unspeakables swore loyalty Oaths to their leaders. Since they had to use their names for the Oath, Unspeakable #21 had to erect a silencing Ward around him. 

Even though Destiny couldn't hear what they were saying, she could still easily sense their Magic reacting with their Oaths. Finally, it was the time for the Leader to swear his Oath to Destiny. Unspeakable #21 swore the Oath. Destiny felt his Magic react and a satisfied smile appeared on her face. With a wave of her hand, Destiny ripped the silencing Ward. 

"Hmm… that's good. So, what kind of services can you provide me? I understand that you won't be joining me in the front lines" Destiny questioned curiously. 

"We could spy for you, we could give you all of our research data… we could give you access to our library, we could work as your research team and we can always provide you with a couple of Time-Turners" Unspeakable #21 answered with a smile and Destiny slowly closed her eyes with a neutral look on her face. 

Even though she looked completely uninterested on the outside, it was completely opposite for her on the inside. She wanted to dance in joy, but doing that would ruin her image, so she simply satisfied herself by dancing inside her mind. She already knew that they were ready to spy for her. She would have gained access to their research data either way, but she was practically salivating over the fact that she could gain access to their library. 

No matter what anybody says… Destiny was not a fighter. She might be one of the best fighters in the world, but in reality, she was a scholar. She had travelled around the world, collecting Magical knowledge or rediscovering lost Magic or knowledge. She wondered what sort of Arcane Magic she was going to discover in their library. Having her own research team was also awesome and she also wanted to have her own Time-Turners. 

Destiny slowly opened her eyes. "How can I gain access to your library?" Destiny asked, looking straight into the Unspeakable #21's eyes. 

"You won't be able to access our normal library, but you can access our library from a backup location. We have to keep a backup of our library in case the Ministry is toppled. There is no way that we would just allow some random Dark Lord to access all that knowledge, so we will destroy the library with Fiendfyre. For instances like that, we have backup locations" Unspeakable #21 explained, and Destiny was extremely giddy on the inside. 

"Where is this backup location and how can I access this backup location?" Destiny asked in an impatient tone. 

"It would be too hard to tell you… My lady, do you know Legilimency?" Unspeakable #21 asked and Destiny gave him a 'Are you for real?' look and the man could only nod his head with a sheepish look on his face after he saw Destiny's reaction. "Of course, you can. *ahem* My lady, I will be lowering my Mental Shields, I will show you the memory" Unspeakable #21 added after gathering his bearings. 

Destiny was already staring into the man's eyes, so it took her only a moment to enter his mind. As soon as she was in his mind, she found herself in front of a memory. There is a bank in Aberdeen, inside the bank, there is a very special door. The door can be only seen by someone Magical and you can only open the door with a specific code which is only known by the high-ranking members of the Unspeakables. The bank was also protected by a special type of alert Ward. If anybody Apparated inside or Disapparated from inside the bank, the alert Ward would trigger.

Through the special door, you will gain access to a very special vault. Once again the vault can only be opened by someone who knows the code. If you try to crack the code or anything or anything, then you won't like what will happen to you… if you are even alive. Through the vault, you will be able to gain access to several underground floors hidden underneath the bank and that is where the Unspeakables keep the backup of their gigantic library. 

Unspeakable #21 is a high-ranking member of the Unspeakables, so he obviously knew the codes for both the door and the vault. For now, Destiny couldn't be anymore happier. So, she slowly herself out of Unspeakable #21's mind. The said Unspeakable blinked and shook his head to clear his mind.

"That is a pretty nice way to hide something…" Destiny grinned. Unspeakable #21 could only smile after hearing the compliment. "There is something else I needed to ask you…" Destiny trailed off and Unspeakable #21 simply tilted his head in curiosity.

"Do you know of any Wards that can cancel Kinetic motion? I searched for a Ward like that throughout m travels, but I haven't found any" Destiny said and Unspeakable #21 simply turned towards Unspeakable #85.

"My lady he is the specialist in Wards" Unspeakable #21 said pointing towards Unspeakable #85. Unspeakable #85 came forward so that he could directly answer give an answer to Destiny and from the looks of it, he seemed to be thinking very hard. After a few seconds of complete silence, he decided to speak up.

"What is Kinetic motion?" The Unspeakable #85 asked and Destiny almost lost her balance after hearing the question. Destiny gave him an unimpressed glare and Unspeakable #85 at least had the decency to look embarrassed. Even Unspeakable #21 seemed to be looking embarrassed.

Destiny released a sigh and looked into the man's eyes. Unspeakable #85 was about to break the eye contact, but before he could do that, he felt a presence inside his mind. Moments later, he found himself inside a memory. The man quickly understood what Destiny was talking about. Now that, she had given him an explanation, she quickly pulled herself out of the man's mind.

After a few seconds, the eyes of Unspeakable #85 regained clarity. "I see… So, that is what Kinetic motion is. I am quite fascinated by Muggle Science…" the man trailed off and then he glanced towards Destiny. "Unfortunately, my lady, I don't have any wards that could cancel Kinetic motion… I can look for them in our library, but I don't think that I will find anything" Unspeakable #85 said in an apologetic tone. 

Destiny was slightly disappointed, but there was nothing she could do. "I see… Do you think that you can create a Ward that could cancel the Kinetic motion?" Destiny asked and Unspeakable #85 eagerly nodded his head.

"It might take some time, but I am sure that I would be able to create something. Now, that I know what Kinetic motion is, I will be able to ask others for help too" Unspeakable #85 gushed out excitedly and Destiny was quite pleased to see how eager he was. Well, a Ward like would be necessary for their war with the Muggles.

"Then I will leave you with that…" Destiny said while looking at Unspeakable #85, then she turned towards Unspeakable #21. "If you want to tell the others about me then you need to make them swear Secrecy Oaths to you…" Destiny said and then she asked Gawain to release all the Unspeakables from their Secrecy Oaths. 

After that, Unspeakable #21 ordered his whole team not to reveal anything about Lady Grindelwald to anyone. Only Unspeakable #21 was allowed to reveal anything, but only if the person in front of them agreed to swear a Secrecy Oath. Destiny was supremely happy with this development. Now that Destiny didn't have anything to discuss with the Unspeakables, everyone decided to leave, but Destiny stopped Unspeakable #21 and Gawain to stay for a moment.

"Gawain, I would be happy if you decided to join my cause" Destiny said while looking at Gawain. The said Wizard simply smiled and respectfully bowed his head.

"I would be happy to, my lady" Gawain said and Destiny asked him to swear his loyalty to Unspeakable #21. As soon as the oath was done, Destiny said that they could leave, and moments later both of them were gone. Destiny also Disapparated only after a moment…

<Line Break>

When Destiny returned to Cassiopeia's house, she found that Violetta was also there. As soon as they noticed Destiny's arrival, Violetta stopped talking and turned towards Destiny to greet her, but Destiny simply gestured to continue as she was. Violetta looked slightly uncomfortable, but she relented. 

"So, how was your day?" It was Cassiopeia who broke the ice after Destiny's arrival. 

"It was quite eventful" Destiny said with a curt nod of her head and jumped onto the couch. Destiny closed her eyes and released a tired sigh. 

"My lady, did the Unspeakables join our cause?" Violetta asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice. 

Violetta really wanted to know if her father had joined their cause or not, but it wasn't her place to question her Lady. She might have been a Bulstrode before marriage, but now she was a Black. The Black Family had decided to join the cause, so if her father had refused to join then her relationship with her parental Family was going to sour. 

"You don't have to worry about that. The Unspeakables have decided to join our cause" Destiny answered with a faint smile on her face. 

After hearing Destiny's words, Cassiopeia and Violetta couldn't stop bright and cheerful smiles from forming on their faces. "That is great!! Having the support of Unspeakables is a great boon. A lot of Dark Lords and Ladies have tried to bring them into their folds, but they have failed… I think this is the first time the Unspeakables have decided to join someone who is trying to overthrow the Government" Cassiopeia gushed out excitedly and Violetta could only nod her head in agreement. 

"They have only decided to join our cause because they understand the threat of Muggles. The Magical Governments around the world would never admit the fact that the Muggles are a threat. They will simply pretend everything is fine while sticking their heads into the sand. That is how it works and if anybody tries to do anything, then they are declared Dark Lords or Ladies…" Destiny trailed off with a bored look on her face. 

"It has happened throughout the history" Destiny added with a shrug and with a wave of her hand, she took off her boots. 

"The ICW has also transformed into a Muggle protection organization. You have no idea what kind of shit they pull…" Destiny continued her rant and Violetta looked slightly scandalized over Destiny's language while Cassiopeia seemed to be amused. To be honest, neither Violetta nor Cassiopeia have ever tried to challenge the Statute of Secrecy, so they didn't have any idea what type of punishment you could receive. 

"There is a girl named Sophia in my forces. She is a Pureblood, she was in Auror Academy and she was one of the best students. Before graduating, Sophia along with a few more were sent on an easy mission as a test, but due to some twist of fate, a Muggle ended up getting injured and they prioritized their mission over Obliviating the Muggle. The Muggle ran away and blabbed"

"Sophia and her team were kicked out of the Auror Academy and they were forbidden from ever working in the Ministry" Destiny finished the story and both Violetta and Cassiopeia looked completely horrified. "There are a lot more examples like that, but you get the idea, right?" Destiny asked with a humourless grin. Violetta and Cassiopeia could only contemplate in silence. 

After that, Destiny picked up the tome she had been reading before Violetta's arrival. She was also planning to visit the backup vault of the Unspeakables after lunch. For now, she won't be telling anyone about their backup vault… 

<Line Break>

After a couple of hours, Destiny found herself standing outside the Bank of Scotland. It was a branch of the Bank of Scotland, but it was pretty big and people were continuously going in and out of the bank. Nobody paid any attention to Destiny as she entered the bank she quickly made her way through the bank until she located the secret door. Destiny tapped the door at specific places with her Wand and the door opened with a click. 

Inside the room, there was only a vault. The vault wasn't anything special, at least from the outside. Destiny entered the room and closed the door behind her. Steadily she made her approach towards the vault. She slowly placed her hand on the dial. Since Destiny knew the code, she started to twist the dial and moments later, entered the combination of the code. The vault door unlocked with a loud clang and Destiny couldn't stop herself from grinning. 

She pulled the door open and inside the vault, there was a spiral staircase. Destiny stepped inside the vault and the lamps on the walls lit up. Destiny slowly climbed down the stairs as she didn't want to be caught in some sort of trap. She had been continuously using her Magic Sonar Spell along with detection Spells. She haven't seen any traps in Unspeakable #21's memories, but it was better to be safe than sorry. 

Destiny was eager, giddy, and excited, but she didn't dare lower her guard. She finally arrived on the first basement floor and Destiny's eyes grew wide. From the memories, she knew that the place was huge… but the memory simply didn't do any justice to how massive the first basement was, and the whole floor was packed with bookshelves and all of them seemed to be full. Destiny wondered how much time it would take her to finish all the books on this floor. 

After casting a few more detection Spells, Destiny grabbed the ledger placed on the study table which was right beside the staircase. Destiny removed the dust with a quick Wandless Scourgify Spell before sitting down at the table. She didn't forget to check the table or the chair for any sort of trap. Yes, being paranoid is much better than getting fried. 

Destiny opened the ledger to see if there were any interesting books or not. There were hundreds of books that caught Destiny's attention, so Destiny decided to read them before leaving. She couldn't take away any of the books with her. If she tried then an alarm would go off in the Department of Mysteries and her jig would be up. So, instead of taking any of the books, Destiny was going to use her Occlumency to memorize the contents of the books. 

After that, Destiny quickly made her way towards the second basement. The second basement wasn't huge like the first basement, but it was still quite large. All the books on this floor were of the darker type or downright gut-wrenching types. There was more than just one section of books on Blood Magic… Destiny found that Christmas had come early for her. Destiny reluctantly made her way towards the third floor of the basement. 

The third basement was basically filled with junk the Unspeakables would never need. The third basement was the smallest, and it wasn't a backup location to be exact. In fact, it was much more like a storage room. Various types of artefacts were stored in the third basement, but none of the artefacts would be useful for Destiny. Most of these artefacts were probably broken due to the passage of time.

Since there was nothing useful in the third basement, Destiny quickly made her way towards the second basement. She wanted to read the books related to Blood Magic, the other books could wait. So, Destiny grabbed a bunch of books from the Blood Magic section and sat down at the table. Destiny opened the first book only to find that she was already quite familiar with the Spells mentioned in this book, so she put away the bok.

The second book was mostly the same, but there were a few Spells, which were completely new to Destiny. Destiny quickly memorized all the Spells, she could always test them later on the Muggles… even though Destiny was yet to find anything impressive, she wasn't disappointed in the slightest. There were still a lot of books related to Blood Magic to go through. 

There was also nothing new in the third book, but the fourth book was a hidden gem. All the Spells inside the book were completely new to Destiny. The book was completely dedicated to Blood Transfiguration. Destiny already knew the Blood-Acid Curse, which was also a form of Blood Transfiguration, but the Spells in the book were completely different.

If you use the Blood-Acid Curse on someone then they will die, because there is no Counter Curse of the Spell and even if you create a Counter Curse, it would be completely useless because by the time you would apply the Counter Curse, the damage would be already done. The death of the victim would be inevitable.

But the Spells inside this book was specifically designed for torture purpose… In the Blood-Acid Curse, the Transfiguration was instantaneous, while the Spells in the book worked very slowly… making it very painful for the victim. All of them came with their Counter Curses and in the case of a few Spells, you could also reverse the damage. 

Even though there were better ways to collect information, there might be some instances where she might want to cause slow and extreme pain to her victim, so she decided to memorize all the Spells. Yes, she could always use the Cruciatus Curse to cause pain, but she didn't like how she had to revel in the pain of her victim.

Destiny did find a roundabout way. She discovered a way to manipulate her intent using Occlumency so that she could revel in the pain of her victim without actually enjoying herself, but it was too bothersome. Destiny discovered that she could also use the Killing Curse without actually hating her victim using this method. 

Destiny suspected that continuously using the Cruciatus Curse and the Killing Curse might twist your mind even though Destiny never felt anything different in her mind after using those Curses. True, the influence might have been too slow or too small to notice anything, but Destiny never felt any sort of urge to use those Curses. 

Whenever she used them, she did it by her own choice, but it was better to be safe than sorry, and having other options was always better…

After finishing the fourth book, she moved on to the fifth book. There was nothing new in the fifth book, so she simply put it was away. She picked up the sixth book and the sixth book was all about blood adoption rituals. Various methods of blood adoption rituals were mentioned in the book. In Magical Britain, only the goblins were allowed to perform the blood adoption ritual since it was a sovereign territory.

Destiny found the method Gellert had used to adopt her into his Family. The ritual Gellert had used needed the consent of both parties and there were several rituals too where the consent of both parties were not necessary.

There were a few rituals where the consent of the Adoptee was unnecessary, you could forcefully adopt a child into your Family and there were also a few rituals where the consent of the Adoptor was unnecessary. You could forcefully get yourself adopted into a Family of your choice. Right now, Destiny didn't have any need for any of these rituals, but she still memorized them.

After all, she might need one of these rituals in the future…

All of a sudden, Destiny was Hexed by her own alarm Charm. Destiny immediately cast Tempus to see the time and she simply released a sigh and slowly got up. She was about to start the seventh book… Destiny levitated all the books to the bookshelves. With that done, Destiny slowly and carefully left the vault. After leaving the bank, she Apparated straight into Cassiopeia's house…

"Oh… I was wondering when you are going to return" Cassiopeia said in a chirpy tone as soon as she noticed Destiny's arrival. 

Destiny smiled at Cassiopeia's concern. "Time flew by in the blink of an eye" Destiny grinned. "Let me take a bath, then I will join you for dinner" Destiny added and Cassiopeia simply inclined her head in acknowledgement. 

Destiny simply leaned down and gave a peck on Cassiopeia's lips before heading upstairs. As soon as Destiny entered her room, she noticed that the gem on top of her letterbox was blinking steadily. Destiny tapped the lid of the box with her Wand and the lid opened with a soft click. Destiny grabbed the letter without wasting any more time and opened it… 

'Dear Destiny, 

We have already departed from Calais and we are going to arrive in Dover in somewhere around a week. After arriving in Dover, I will be sending you a Patronus.

With love,


It was a small note instead of a letter, but it contained all the information Destiny needed. 'So, they are going to arrive in a week. It seems that I need to ask Sirius to arrange the materials for the base' Destiny mused and destroyed the note. It didn't contain any sort of secret of anything, but Destiny hated leaving letters lying around and since the letter didn't hold anything of importance, she decided to get rid of it, instead of preserving it.

After that, Destiny placed Neptune on the desk and made her way towards the bathroom…

<Line Break>

~~February, 1927 (Near Dover)~~

"That is it! We are about to reach the port" Donovan called out loudly from the bridge of the ferry. It has been a week since they have departed from Calais and they were finally going to enter the port of Dover in maybe half an hour. 

The whole ferry was occupied by Crimson Knights, so after boarding the ferry, the Crimson Knights have decided to take over and the crew of the ship were being held under the Imperius Curse. They had to put the ship's crew under the Imperius Curse to stop them from asking weird questions and they also wanted to continue practising Magic while onboard the ship.

"Okay, tell everyone to get ready. I don't want to waste any more time after reaching the port" Ambika said and the other Lieutenants agreed with her. Donovan and Ambika immediately sent some of their subordinates to convey the order around the ferry. Both of them also sent a couple of Witches to help Annabell with the children.

"What about the check post?" Quinton asked while looking at Ambika. She thought for a bit before she turned towards Donovan.

"You will present all the documents" Ambika said while looking at Donovan, who nodded his head after hearing Ambika's order. Then Ambika turned towards Quinton. "You will be making the Muggles more compliant with Magic and if anything goes sideways then your men will take care of the Muggles. Vladimir, ask your men to support Quinton's team in case something goes awry and we end up murdering the Muggles" Ambika dished out the orders and everyone left the bridge after nodding their heads.

After half an hour, the ferry finally docked at the port of Dover. The Crimson Knights Obliviated all the crew members and then they modified their memories to make it look like the whole trip was completely normal and their passengers were also completely normal. After leaving the ferry, all of them made their way towards the checkpoint with Donovan and his Team in the front while Quinton and his team were trailing right behind them.

The massive group finally arrived at the checkpoint and as soon as Donovan and his team started to present their documents, Quinton and men Confounded all the Muggles on the checkpoint to make them more compliant. It stopped the Muggles from asking weird questions as they continued to verify the documents. They could have skipped the whole process, but they wanted to keep appropriate Muggle documents as they might need to infiltrate some Muggle Authority office…

It took them nearly an hour to get all the documents verified but according to them, it was worth it. After getting the documents verified, the Crimson Knights quickly walked out of the port so that they could send a Patronus to Destiny. After leaving the port, Ambika's subordinates quickly erected a Muggle Repelling Ward big enough to cover all the Crimson Knights.

"Expecto Patronum!" Ambika waved her Wand towards the sky while thinking about the message she wanted to send and a silver astral badger burst out of her Wand tip and disappeared into the horizon…

<Line Break>

It has been a week since the first group of Unspeakables under Unspeakable #21 have sworn their Oaths to Destiny. Since then, the other Unspeakable teams who were also sympathetic to her cause have come one by one to visit Destiny so that they could swear their Oaths to Destiny. The whole week has been quite busy for Destiny.

First, she had to meet Sirius and ask him to arrange for the materials to build their new base. Sirius happily agreed and even though Destiny wanted to use her own gold, Sirius waved her off, telling her that he will take care of it. After only two days, the raw materials started to arrive in the empty plot via Portkeys. 

Destiny had been also spending most of her time in the backup vault of the Unspeakables. After dinner, Destiny would work on giving a will to her Magic. It was a time-consuming process, but Destiny was determined to achieve that state. After doing that, she would teach Gellert how to achieve that state. So, like any other day, Destiny was bunking inside the backup vault of the Unspeakables when the messenger Patronus of Ambika arrived.

"We are waiting for you outside the port of Dover" the message was short and brief, but it was more than enough for Destiny. She quickly got up and levitated the books back to the bookshelves. She was quite sure that she wouldn't be able to return here now that the Knights were already here. Destiny walked out of the bank after a few minutes and she Disapparated as soon as she walked out of the bank…

Destiny arrived outside the port of Dover with a soft crack. She immediately noticed her Knights and her Knights also noticed her arrival. Once again Destiny Apparated and this time she arrived inside the Muggle Repelling Wards. As soon as Destiny arrived in front of the Knights, they bowed their heads.

"Hail Lady Grindelwald!!" All of the Crimson Knights exclaimed together at the same time. Destiny was slightly taken aback by their intensity and then she realized that she had missed this. Destiny smiled softly as she looked around, even the children were paying respect to her by bowing their heads.

"Raise your heads!" Destiny called out loudly and everyone finally raised their heads. Destiny approached her Lieutenants. "I assume that you didn't have any problems during the journey?" Destiny asked with a grin.

"None, my lady" Quinton answered in a respectful tone. 

"Good. Prepare the flying carpets" Destiny ordered. Brooms were faster, but flying carpets had more space for both the passengers and luggage. Dover and Cornwall were on the opposite side of the island, so they needed to cover a huge distance before they could reach Cornwall. The children were going to travel on the flying carpets as they didn't have much experience with brooms. 

Yes, they played Quidditch on the brooms, but they had never covered such a long distance on a broom and they were going to fly above the clouds during the journey, so that was another problem. It took them somewhere around half an hour to prepare everything. 

The flying carpets would be controlled by the caretakers of the children, meanwhile, all the Crimson Knights are going to travel on brooms. The Knights quickly cast strong Notice-Me-Not Charms on the brooms and carpets as they wanted to avoid getting noticed by the Ministry of Magic.

Destiny slowly rose up in the air and the others followed her lead. Ambika, Quinton, Donovan, and Vladimir were right behind Destiny. Half of the Knights were right behind Destiny and the Lieutenants followed by the flying carpets carrying children and finally the remaining Crimson Knights at the back…

It took them about an hour to reach Cornwall from Dover. Unlike the brooms, the flying carpets weren't designed for speed. That is why they had to travel at a slower speed. The brooms were fast enough to cover the distance between Dover and Cornwall in under 10 minutes. Even Destiny could match the speed of the fastest brooms out there, but she had to take it slow so that flying carpets could match their speed. 

"This place is certainly nice…" Vladimir said as he looked around at the plot. 

"We have the permission to extend the Wards up to the seashore, but I have different plans in mind" Destiny commented as she gestured her Lieutenants to come closer. 

"I plan to put our base under Fidelius as soon as the building is complete" Destiny said and all of her Lieutenants were impressed. They knew what Fidelius Charm was but they had never used it. "So, how quickly can we prepare the base? We already have the raw materials and we could get more if necessary" Destiny questioned while looking at Vladimir. 

Vladimir and his team might be the best fighters among the Knights, but that wasn't their only talent. Vladimir started to rub his chin with a thoughtful look on his face and then he glanced towards the pile of materials. After a few moments of silence, he simply shrugged. 

"Depends on how big we want our base to be" Vladimir pointed out. 

"Big enough to house four thousand people and I also want a ballroom along with several halls. I might call a meeting with all of my followers, so big places might be necessary. I also might need to hold some balls and shit" Destiny answered with a thoughtful look on his face. Vladimir gave her a curt nod. 

"I see… let me prepare a rough outline. That way, it will be easier to understand the design. Do you want a Victorian styled building?" Vladimir asked while scratching his head. He pulled out a notepad and a pen from his robes. He quickly wrote down the points Destiny had mentioned. 

"I don't care to be honest. Make a few designs, I will tell you which one is the best" Destiny suggested and once again Vladimir gave her a curt nod and walked away. 

"Ambika, send a few of your subordinates to set up the tents for the children. I am sure that Anna wouldn't mind having a few helpers" Destiny said while looking at Ambika. The white-haired girl gave her a respectful nod and walked away. 

"Quinton, take some of your men and check out all the Magical Alleys. Post a few of them here and there so that they could collect information. Donovan, you also accompany him, scout a place to start recruitments and I also need the two of you to send a few of your people in the Muggle World" Destiny quickly dished out the orders. Both Quinton and Donovan gave her a respectful nod, but before they could leave, Destiny stopped them. 

"Wait" Destiny called out and pulled a parchment from her pocket. "I have written down all the information I have gathered in there, it will obviously help you" Destiny said and Wandlessly levitated the parchment into Quinton's hands. After that, Quinton and Donovan gave her a respectful nod before leaving. 

After that, Destiny went on helping around. Vladimir approached Destiny after a few hours with a few parchments in his hand. He was being followed by a few members from his team. Destiny speculated that they must have helped Vladimir with the designs. Vladimir extended the parchments in his hands towards Destiny. 

"My lady, I have prepared some designs with the help of a few members of my team" Vladimir added proudly. Destiny gave him an appreciative smile and took the parchments from Vladimir's hands. Destiny quickly checked the designs. Only one of the designs caught her eyes, so Destiny handed over the parchment to Vladimir. 

"This one. I like this one. How much time do you think you are going to need to build this?" Destiny asked and once again Vladimir glanced towards the pile of raw materials. 

"Two weeks if we can get a continuous supply of the materials. These materials won't be enough to build the whole thing. Oh… do you want the building to be big enough to hold four thousand people without any Expansion Charms?" Vladimir questioned. 

"Four Thousand people without Expansion Charms" Destiny answered and Vladimir gaped at her for a moment, before he gathered back his bearings. 

"Then we are talking about a mini Castle. We would need more time… maybe a month?" Vladimir guessed and Destiny simply grinned after hearing his answer. 

"I always wanted to have a Castle… call it a childhood dream of mine. Add a Quidditch Field along with various training grounds" Destiny said and Vladimir turned back towards his men who seemed to be slightly shaken due to the surmountable task in front of them. 

"Heh! What the hell are you looking down for? This is a challenge and we will overcome this challenge too!!" Vladimir exclaimed while looking at his men. They immediately regained their confidence and cheered loudly. Destiny simply shook her head after watching their antics. 

After lunch, once again everyone found themselves busy. Moving bases was not an easy task and now they had to live in tents for quite some time. Vladimir and his team had already started to work on their project. Destiny was also helping them as none of them had enough Magic to dig the ground for the foundation. They could do it, but it would take them a lot of time, but Destiny did it only in a matter of a couple of hours. 

It was already dark when Ambika found herself a small break, but she couldn't relax for long as Destiny decided to ambush her from behind. "I have missed you so much" Destiny whispered into Ambika's ear as her hands groped Ambika's breasts from the back. Ambika's breath hitched and she subconsciously started to grind her ass over Destiny's scared garden. 

Ambika's whole body shivered in anticipation, but she was able to regain her senses before she could lose herself into her urges. "Wait! Not here, Destiny. Someone might see us" Ambika almost pleaded and Destiny simply couldn't say no to such a request, so she side-along Apparated with Ambika into her room. The two of them directly appeared over Destiny's bed. 

"Is this okay?" Destiny asked huskily and Ambika's answer was a loud moan. Destiny pinched Ambika's nipple with one hand while her other hand snaked inside Ambika's robes, reaching the wet cave in between Ambika's legs… 

<Line Break>

"I missed this" Ambika said while playing with Destiny's crimson hair while her head was lying in the valley between Destiny's twin peaks. 

"Miss what? Sex or cuddling?" Destiny asked softly as she continued to caress Ambika's back. Ambika hummed in content. 

"Both and I also missed you" Ambika answered with a cheeky grin on her face. Destiny smirked after hearing Ambika's answer. 

"I see… so we should rectify that, shouldn't we?" Destiny asked and once again Ambika hummed. 

"I suppose we can…" Ambika trailed off and as soon as she finished speaking, she found herself pinned down under Destiny. Ambika giggled and captured Destiny's lips… 

<Line Break>

"What am I even supposed to say to her?" Ambika asked humorlessly. "I can't go out and say. Hello, my name is Ambika Rajat and I am also Destiny's lover" Ambika snapped and Destiny started to snicker after hearing Ambika's rant. Ambika balefully glared at Destiny. 

"Of course, that would be very inappropriate and rude to say while greeting someone" Destiny said in an amused tone and Ambika continued to glare at Destiny, completely unimpressed by her cheap jokes. 

Destiny released a huge sigh. "How about just greeting her normally for a start?" Destiny suggested and after a few moments of silence, Ambika gave her a stiff nod. 

"How did the two of you even meet?" Ambika questioned curiously. 

"I met her in a pub called Leaky Cauldron. My Portkey dropped me right outside the pub. Her table was empty, so after asking for her permission, I sat down at her table. She was quite impressed with my Wandless Magic and decided to take a chance…" Destiny gave Ambika a brief description of her meeting with Cassiopeia. 

"She seems to be quite an opportunist? Do you think she is the right choice?" Ambika asked with some concern in her voice. Destiny had already fortified the room with Wards before having a lay in the hay with Ambika, so she wasn't bothered about anyone eavesdropping. Even House-Elves can't eavesdrop on her conversation. 

"Yes, she is an opportunist, but that doesn't mean that she is bad. I am also an opportunist. I only got involved with her due to the weight of her Family in Magical Britain. They are paying everything for our new base, I didn't even need to spend a single Galleon. Cassi gave me a plot while Sirius is paying for the raw materials" Destiny explained and Ambika could only sigh. 

"That is good I suppose…" Ambika admitted. 

"The Black Family is also going to introduce me to several like-minded people. Through them, I have made contact with the Unspeakables and they have also joined our cause" Destiny added and Ambika didn't have any arrangements against that, so she simply decided to accept Cassiopeia... At least, for now…


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