100% MHA: Bubble of Death / Chapter 15: All That's Left to Do Is to Wait

บท 15: All That's Left to Do Is to Wait

"The new students seem promising don't they?" Cementoss commented.

Ever since the end of the exam, the teachers had been hard at work reviewing the recordings to determine which students would pass.

"Yes, this year is going to be an interesting one." Snipe agreed.

"Especially young Midoriya!" All Might exclaimed.

"The boy who broke his body just from using his Quirk?" Midnight questioned.

"I believe with proper training he could become an exceptional hero!"

"You're just looking forward to teaching a strength emitter-type quirk. Don't you think it's a little early to play favorites All Might?"

All Might sputtered. "W-well…i-" He put his hand behind his head and had the decency to look embarrassed.

She laughed and All Might joined in as well.

Watching this exchange Aizawa narrowed his eyes at the number one hero. He had been singing Izuku Midoriya's praises ever since the exam started, just what was the relationship between the two?

The boy's Quirk was strong but if it hurt the user Aizawa assumed he wouldn't last long in the hero course. To begin with, he couldn't understand why someone whose Quirk harms them would be allowed in the hero course in the first place. His attention was on the student who made the number one spot.


The Bubble-type Quirk, the appearance, Aizawa was sure it was the girl he faced in the bank those years ago. She hadn't left his mind since. He had always kept an eye out for signs of her and the other kids he saw that day. Even if he thought they were just a bunch of idiots playing villains he didn't want them to do something regrettable.

Especially after learning that they might be born into a life of crime. If there was one thing Aizawa hated the most it was villains who indoctrinated children.

But still, he had to wonder. Had she truly left that life behind? Where were the other kids? And what had happened with the Wolfman?

Aizawa assumed he would learn these things in time. There was very little chance she wasn't in his class after all.

However, if it turned out she was trying to escape her villainous past and be a hero he would do his utmost to help her.

He may not be famous but he was a Hero.

Coming out of the event hall I quickly made my way home. The interaction with those girls was a little intriguing but I eventually put it out of my mind. I had more important things to do.

Like leaving before Bakugou could find a way to bother me. Avoiding him like this would cause him to be much more agitated when I saw him in class, especially when I was pretty sure I made the number one spot. But It would be more interesting so I didn't mind it.

I stopped by a convenience store to grab a drink.

Over-exertion of my Quirk made me severely dehydrated. I had managed to curve the downside with practice but this was the most I've used my Quirk in a long time. My lips were chapped and I could feel the headache pounding at the back of my head.

The weakness made me uncomfortable. It took considerable use to turn debilitating but I didn't like having something others could take advantage of. I'd have to find a way to ease it through some utilities.

As I walked by an alley I noticed nothing from the corner of my eye. Taking a closer look I could see a struggle happening. It wasn't a mugging, I realized it was a discrete fight between villains.

Two villains were standing opposite in the alley. The one who seemed to be only using his fists was bloody with cuts all over and the other, the one with the knife, was severely bruised.

Looking around I noticed that many of the cameras had been covered with electrical tape.

This was premeditated. Was it a friendly spar or a fight to the death over territory?

The knife wielded lunged, he took a heavy blow to the gut but managed to stab the knife deep. The stab was directly into his heart, fatal.

The fist-fighting villain fell to the ground and the knife-wielding man yelled in victory.

I smiled.

Maybe I could have some real fun.

I walked into the alley. Noticing me the victor was thrown from his stupor. He immediately assumed a battle-ready stance.

"Relax. You're tired, aren't you? Don't you want to rest?" I said, stepping deliberately.

"The Hell are you on about?" He grunted out.

I displayed acid bubbles only during the exam and I planned only to use Ignition Bubble here. That way if he ever went to the police. There would be no way they would link this to me.

"Don't come any closer kid, nows not the time to play her-"

Before he continued I sent an Ignition Bubble flying at his leg. His reaction was quick, causing the bubble to miss its original mark on his thigh, but not fast enough. The bubble instead exploded at his calf, removing a considerable chunk.

He toppled, screaming in pain.

He could only thrash around as I sent two Ignition Bubbles toward his eyes. They exploded, permanently blinding him.

I stared at his pitiful form squirming on the ground. With this much damage, he would definitely go to the police. Despite being a villain.

So, it was best if he was never allowed the opportunity to go in the first place.

"It's unfortunate I found you when you were at your weakest. Good luck in your next life, if you're given one."

I sent an Ignition Bubble towards his chest and that was it.

Looking at the crime scene impassively I checked to make sure the other guy was truly dead before leaving.

When I got home I was greeted by Gale. Sam and Haru were still out. 

Before I could even get to the living room he was sniffing me all over.

"What?" I asked.

"You smell of blood, it'd be best if you took a shower."

He wasn't even asking who I killed or why. I liked his unquestioning attitude. 

Deciding to reward him, I tossed him a drink I'd bought for him before heading to the shower.

After the shower, I flopped onto the couch next to Gale. I stretched releasing a deep yawn.

Now all that was left to do was to wait for my acceptance letter.

Izuku stared at the test results in shock. He had passed. He had actually passed. Tears started to swell in his eyes, threatening to allow forth a deluge of water. 

Izuku jumped, throwing his hands in the air, ignoring the slight buzz in his formerly injured arm. 


He could be a hero!

Before he could celebrate more the hologram flashed once again, momentarily distracting him from his joy. He took a second to calm down before examining the screen. He was looking at the leaderboards. He was expecting Kacchan to be number one, his Quirk was perfect for high damage, however, he saw him in the second spot. He looked at the top in shock, Koko was number one.

Her Quirk had a ton of utility but he couldn't figure out any way to use it offensively, especially on metal. Except for the hints she had given back at the park nothing was telling him her Quirk was more than it seemed.

Well, there was no way she didn't get into 1-A with that score. He'd be able to see for himself how she managed to destroy so many robots.

Most importantly though, he'd be able to see her again.

I reclined in my chair. 

The week had been slow.

I mainly spent my days relaxing with Gale as Haru and Sam brought home money.

That's not to say I was doing nothing though.

I had been planning on how to spend my time during U.A. and come up with only one blaring option. That was, boiled down to the basics, self-improvement. The school gave extensive resources when it came to Quirk improvement thus I was going to focus as much as possible on the hardening aspect of my bubbles. Not only because I felt close to a breakthrough but because that was the most necessary thing I needed to accomplish before my debut.

The reason for its importance was simple, my physical abilities were borderline garbage. My body was that of a frail teenage girl. Not exactly much to go on.

My bubbles may be extremely deadly but it was all over if I got speed blitzed. So, I needed something more in the way of protection. Mei Hatsume, the prodigy, might have some ideas if she used her quirk to examine the structure of my failed Hardened Bubbles.

With the furthering of my Quirk, a sudden idea crossed my mind—the sleeping gas villain from the Forest Training Arc, Mustard. 

If I could experience that gas from myself it might be possible to recreate it into my bubbles. Bubbles that could induce sleep would be an extremely useful asset.

With the Quirk advancement opportunities put aside. I'd been thinking that joining the U.A. wasn't such a bad idea as I originally thought. It adds much more prominence to my character. U.A. student turns villain, that would make headlines.

There was also Stain's sentiment, which I planned to steal. The people backed Stain who was just a vigilante, immensely. Now, imagine a villain spouting Stain ideology that was a former U.A. student. That had the potential to be much more impactful on the people.

I could be seen as a revolutionary.

Of course, I would need to stay long enough to gain the public eye. Thus my charade should end after the sports festival. I would quit then, then I and my group would go to the Forest to meet with or kidnap Mustard.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Koji's number.

He picked up on the first ring.

"Hey, boss." He said.

"I'm going to be off the grid for a while when it comes to managing Sam and Haru's mercenary work. I trust that you can handle it?"

"Of course boss! Does that mean -erm."

"Yes, you will be getting paid more."

"I won't let you do-"

Someone burst into my room, Turning around I could see Haru flanked by Sam and Silver standing at my door.

"Boss!" He said, waving an envelope in his hand, "It's here!" He walked to hand it to me.

I looked at the big U.A. symbol embroidered on the envelope.

"I'll call you back," I said, hanging up the phone. I held up the envelope and Sam immediately sent a knife through the top of it. 

That's what I liked about her, she always knew what I wanted. Loyal and smart.

I took out the small disc

I noticed the group making their way out the door.

"Where are you guys going?"

"We figured you'd want some privacy."

I always didn't understand why everyone opened them in private in the anime.

"Why would I? 

Not being able to argue with that logic they all resumed their original positions.

I clicked the button to turn on the disc causing a hologram of All Might to appear, Gale let out a growl in response. I glanced at him and he cowled. His hate for All Might made manipulating him easy but it did get annoying sometimes. He couldn't even look at the man without becoming enraged.

"Hello, Koko! All Might here, the newest U.A. teacher!" He said, "You totaled 82 villain points and 22 hero points giving you the number one spot. You showed excellent tact by saving your fellow applicant when melting the zero-pointer leg. You'll be an excellent hero I'm sure of it. Anyway, you'll be in class 1-A. Welcome to U.A.!"

"Guys, I think you know what this means," Haru said seriously.

"What?" Sam asked.

 "Time. To. Party!" Haru yelled.

Haru wouldn't let the fact that we should celebrate alone so we ended up at a diner. We couldn't bring Gale along much to his chagrin. He'd probably be all pouty once we came back.

"Our boss is going to be the best hero of all time! All Might? Endeavor? Never heard of em!" Haru exclaimed.

Some of the nearby guests gave him a look and then shook their heads with a smile.

Sam gave him a sharp look, "We're in public, don't refer to her as that."

He hung his head forward, over the table, "Really? Then let's hear you say the boss's name."

She clenched her jaw, taking a quick glance at me. I rolled my eyes.

"…Koko" She finally said shyly.

Haru burst out laughing, doubling over. "As I thought!" he said through giggles, "You're just too respectful Sam. It's a surprise that I'm respectful enough not to act so casually!" 

Sam stared at him with hatred.

It was true though. Sam had always been respectful to me. It wasn't as bad in the beginning, but lately, she was getting more and more loyal. I wasn't complaining, having someone that loyal was a useful asset. However, I could have sworn she looked at me with reverence from time to time. 

Haru liked to pretend he was the flakiest of the group but I knew he was almost as loyal as Sam was under the mask. I wouldn't have kept him around for so long if he wasn't.

Gale was self-explanatory. I was his savior, he'd do anything to protect me.

All in all, I had curated the perfect group of loyal soldiers, willing to sacrifice themselves for my cause if necessary.

"Koko is that you?" A familiar voice asked.

"Eh, who's this string bean?"

Sighing I turned towards the voice. Seeing the familiar green hair and nervous expression I groaned inwardly. Did I trade off getting bothered by Bakugou with getting bothered by Izuku?

"That string bean is Izuku Midoriya," I said.

"You know this guy b- Koko?"

 I smiled at his correction.

"Yes, we went to the same school when we were younger."

"One of our dear Koko's childhood friends eh? I didn't think she had any of those." He stuck his hand out and Izuku shook it.

"Nice to meet ya. I'm Haru!"

"L-likewise," Izuku responded. 

Sam didn't make any move to acknowledge his existence and Izuku was probably too intimidated to greet her. Instead, he turned to me.

"Did you pass?" He asked anxiously.

"Class 1-A," I responded.

His eyes lit up. "That's great! I'm in Class 1-A too! That's actually why I was here. Me and Mom were celebrating. Anyways, what's your plan, do you know what type of hero you're going to be? Have you given any thou-"

"I think." I said interrupting him before he could go on any longer, "Your mom is waiting for you."

I tilted my head towards the door and Indeed, Inko Midoriya could be seen looking around, most likely for her son.

"O-oh, that's right." He said shyly, "I'll see you in class then!"

He smiled at me before running off.

"That was interesting," Sam said.

"Yeah, he's a bit of a strange kid isn't he?" Haru said before stuffing his face.

I could only nod in response.

We talked and ate for a little while longer before leaving. 

Class was starting in a few days.

Not too happy with this one since it's kind of just a filler chapter but it's whatever, at least I got it out. 

While making this chapter I realized I kind of wrote myself into a corned due to the fact that Aizawa would definitely recognize Koko (great job me from 2 years ago). I was tempted to just ignore it as it would require less work but I pulled through. Hopefully, I made the reason she wasn't arrested on the spot believable enough.

I think I'm going to try and make Sam more talkative in the future since I'm getting tired of Haru carrying these interactions.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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