90.84% A Nascent Kaleidoscope. / Chapter 506: Chapter 458

บท 506: Chapter 458

Jinn POV

This was a very bad situation.

And this thing wasn't the only problem. There were still millions of things outside the walls that were still being fought on by their armies while everyone else had to pull back and take care of him.

Pressing my hand against my chest, I took out Artoria's Sheath. I glanced at Odin and he recognized it, that was good. "Use it on Wilhelm." I tossed it to the God.

"Girl –"

"It's fine, I came prepared." I smiled despite my nervousness.

Odin didn't argue and he pulled Wilhelm a bit further away.

That's fine, he couldn't help in his state.

"Another outsider." The very large and dangerous God Killing Giant leaned forward, looking down at me and ignoring Odin and Wilhelm for now. "Are you going to fight me, little one?" His voice rumbled, blowing my hair back.

"Are you going to fight me!?" I shot back.

His laugh literally shook the ground I was standing on.

This feeling standing in front of him, it was no less than the few times I've stood in front of my creators.

Just the heat radiating off of him was burning my throat.

I didn't know where the others were, and I only had one priority at the moment.

I took a deep breath.

Beginning parallel thought partition.

Second Thought Stream success/Begin secondary split.

One of the best things I picked up from Wilhelm's home that Grandpa taught me. Being able to partition off your thought process into multiple thought streams for multitasking.

Atleast, that was for a normal person.

I was not a normal person.

Quad Thought Streams successful.

Split again.

Eight Thought Streams successful.

Split again.

Sixteen Thought Streams successful.

Split again.

Thirty-two Thought Streams successful.

Diagnostics/Medical analysis/Magic flow Examination/Brain Structural Integrity

Condition optimal/No detrimental Health signs/No Anomalies detected/Brain activity within 97.83% of normal parameters.



Sixty-Four Thought Streams Successfully deployed.

Noticeable strain detected/Casting speed slowed by previous iteration by .073%/Pain receptors triggers within the cranial region.

Within acceptable parameters still.


One-hundred Twenty-Eight Thought Streams successfully deployed.

Internal Brain Hemorrhage detected/Swollen Brian locations analysis/Deploying minute Healing spells to designated locations.

It hurt….

Damage repressed/Pain receding/Activity realigned to 94.89% of normal parameters.


Analyze current situation.

Likelihood of victory– 2.89%.

…Likelihood of Death – 29.85%

Reevaluated after loss of Sheath – 79.75%

I don't want to die.

Conclusion….. Retain the sheath/Retrieve the sheath/Use the Sheath/Take back the sheath/Keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it//Keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it//Keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it//Keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it//Keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it//Keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it//Keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it//Keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it//Keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it//Keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it//Keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it/keep it

But Wilhelm needs it….

Parameters evaluated and deemed acceptable.

Setting aside Sixty-Four Thought Streams to begin casting spell, Temporary Designation – God Killer.

Begin Analysis of Target: Surtr.

Begin Analysis of Target: Five Elements.

Begin Analysis of Target: Holy Power.

Begin Analysis of Target: Demonic Energy.

Begin Analysis of Target: Divine Power.

Begin Analysis of Target: Spiritual Power

Tracing back the origins of esoteric energies and concepts.

I blinked and resumed my stare down with the Fire Giant, a mere second having passed.

"Not even a living being." He rumbled. "A thing that stands before me, you are not of Asgard, you are not of the Nine Realms. Insignificant." He stated. "The Thunder God was brought down by my blade and hides in cowardice. The All-Father is on his last legs. What Other Gods exist seemingly ran away. And this is what stands before me? Tell me, what are you, little thing? Are you a great Warrior? Are you a God? Are you capable of fighting me?" He laughed again as if it was some great joke.

Twenty Thought streams dedicated to the analysis of Target: Surtr's physical features.

Size: Measured.

Weight: Estimated.

Heat generated:….incalculable.

Length of Sword: Measured.

Arm Length: Measured.

Muscle contractions: Noted.

Facial Contortions: Noted.

"You're right, I'm more thing than person. I'm no Warrior, I'm no God, I'm not even a fighter." I smiled despite the situation. "I'm Jinn, Spirit of Knowledge, and there's one thing I can do better than anyone else."

"And what's that, little spirit?" He looked at me.

All Available Thought Streams in sync.

Target: Surtr.

Response: Statement.

I held my hands out, calling out a Thousand different Scrolls. Each one of them were carefully crafted by my own hand, each once written to perfection to record and contain a singular spell.

All of them actualized simultaneously, and all of them hit the Giant's chest. Storms of Ice, Bolts of Lightning, Bullets of Air, Dragons made of Water, pillars of Earth. Even Fire spells were used to collect data.

The Giant was forced to step back.

"I'm the best at Recording."

The air shifted around him. The way he looked at me changed too.

"I underestimated you." He stated, and he didn't wait for me to respond, his sword swept out at me.

Laevatein, the Sword of Surtr.

One hit of that and I would die.

It didn't even need to touch things with it for them to be destroyed. The houses, the buildings that had yet to be destroyed, were incinerated by proximity as his sword swept right at me.

Calculating force based on muscle movement, body direction, and resistances.

Strike is 22% stronger than previous.

Preparing response.

One-Thousand, Two-Hundred, and Fifty-Three Scrolls appeared around me. They all lit up and fired at the sword in his hand.

The Impact was explosive.

If I didn't set several strands of thought to anticipate the blow back, I would have been swept up and blown far away at the ensuing collision.

However, his blade was deflected backwards.

He stumbled back a step before reorienting himself.

The Giant stopped again, looking at me. "I admit my mistake, little one. But how many times can you keep this up?"

"I've been making these ever since Wilhelm took me in and I discovered their existence. I'm not good at creating new Spells, I'm not good at imagining new things. So, this was all I could do to feel like I was useful. Copying what other people have done, over and over. But you're right, the amount I have is limited."

The Giant Chuckled.

"I only have 407,397 remaining."


His expression quickly turned as another Five Thousand scrolls appeared, and the world was overtaken with a myriad of colors and effects that slammed into the Fire Giant.

The Giant roared and charged at me.

Heat intensified by 73%.

His sword swung down from overhead.

Physical force estimated increase by 389%.

Weak Points noted, deploying countermeasures.

3,089 Scrolls of the Air Element appeared on the right.

Fire element noted with 98% decrease is magical power due to conceptual origin. Conclusion, Fire Spells useless other than Concussive force.

1,058 Scrolls of the Fire Element appeared underneath.

775 Scrolls of the Ice Element appeared to the left.

8349 Scrolls of the Water Element appeared above.

Designated Targets, Left foot, Right Shoulder, Right hand, Both Eyes.

Fire element noted with 98% decrease is magical power due to conceptual origin. Analysis, Fire Spells useless other than Concussive force.

The numerous Ice Spells all landed upon his Right shoulder.

Fire Origin calculations indicate an 89% reduction in Ice Element efficiency. Establish an additional 10% margin for error.

His Shoulder froze from the sheer quantity that managed to penetrate the passive flames around his body. It shattered nearly instantly, but the desired effect was already achieved.

The Water Spells shot at his face.

Penetrative power minimal, desire effect, established.

Vision obscured by steam.

The Wind Spells aimed at his Left foot.

Analysis, Wind Spells show decreased efficiency by 23% on Target:Surtr.

Conclusion: Wind Spells are optimal over Previous Elements thus far.

His footing, however, was disrupted, nearly tripping him up.

Lastly, the Fire Spells landed upon his sword-wielding hand. Splashing nearly harmlessly upon his fingers.

Desired effect, partial success. Muscle notation indicated grip strength lessened by 7%, reevaluate Concussive force provided.

Notion: 18% of Spell Scroll Reserves contain fire element.


His sword still swung down overhead.

Overall strength of attack, estimated reduction to less than 19% of previous attack.

Conclusion: Counterattack.

Calculating required number of Scrolls based on gathered Data.

Calculations finished.

Simulations project a 0.47% Margin for error.

I immediately summoned 10,478 Earth Element Scrolls, they all lit up and actualized as his sword was about to land, calculated to the exact second.

A massive pillar of Earth shot out of the ground in front of me, hitting his sword from the bottom with enough force to swing it back up over his head and send him stumbling back and falling down onto his behind.

Optimal situation to continue pressure.

Readjusting calculations for offensive measures.

Searching Mental Library for Spell to utilize.

Object of copy acquired, Target: Medea.

Spell: Rain of Light.

Error, No Knowledge of High-Speed Divine Words.

Readjusting to compensate.

Additional Parameters, Target: Wilhelm.

"Five Elements, Mutual Generation." I cast immediately, substituting Talismans with 1000 of Each Element in the form of Spell Scrolls.

Spell sequence failed.


Spell sequence Failed.


Spell sequence Failed.

Alternate viable path established. Mental Library contains memorized works of target: Medea's Magecraft.

Analyzing notated Enchantments on object: Boat.

Analyzing notated Enchantments on object: Medea's Secret Project.

Analyzing notated Enchantments on object: Kunou's Birthday Present.

Begin simulations.

Spell Sequence success.

Projecting Magic Circle.

Noted loss of Magical Energy coefficient in casting by 45%.

Acceptable parameters.

Utilizing Spell Scrolls to compensate for missing pieces.

67,957 Spell Scrolls consumed.

Alter Magic Circle, insert custom Spell Sequence, size adjusted to target: Surtr.

A gigantic Magic Circle appeared in front of me, the iridescent Purple Light made it reminiscent of Medea's own spell, even after all my alterations to mimic the effects.

Surtr stood back up, furious at what had happened, only to see the equally large Magic Circle staring him down.

"Rain of Light."

The world vibrated as the beam of light fired off, colliding with the Giant.

He raised his sword up to block, and the Beam of Light began to cascade off in all directions, causing a purple aurora to fill the sky.

However, the Giant King began to get pushed back.

His Molten feet pushed into the ground, turning it into sludge and lava, but gradually, he continued back.

The Fire Giant Surtr was forced back to the Entrance of Asgard before my spell ceased.

The Giant King looked at me from behind his sword as it slowly lowered. "Little one…..feel honored that you have managed this much. However, I will no longer consider you an insect in my way, but an enemy."

I held my hand up and smiled again. "Come at me."

He didn't get mad, instead he laughed loudly. "You have courage!" He roared, and he began his charge at me again.

He swung his sword before closing the distance, a wave of fire sent my way.

Begin Calculations.

20,478 Scrolls were used to block it.

Another 7589 Scrolls were used on the follow up swing.

57,377 Scrolls fired to halt his advance.

8584 Scrolls to stall him for several seconds.

Initial Spellcasting nearing completion.

God-Killer beginning simulation.

Surtr roared and brought down a fiery rath. "Let's see if you can keep it up!"

I had to consume 4984 Scrolls dedicated to Barriers to block the blow and even then, it nearly overcame them.

Target:Surtr's output has exceeding original calculations, reevaluating.

"Good, good!" He laughed more. "Show me everything you have, little one. Fight for your survival!"

The Waves of Fire didn't abate, and I refused to move from this spot.

Nothing would get past for so long as Wilhelm was still behind me.

Opening another Thirty Parallel Thought Steams to handle increased Calculations.

I ignored the blood that began to seep out from my eyes, nose, and ears.

Blood is merely the physical manifestation of my Spiritual Form leaking Magical Energy.

The throbbing of my head was inconsequential as well.

Deploying 50,000 Spell Scrolls, Five Elements converging as one. Estimated resonance effect to increase effects by 200%.

Surtr's blade cleaved apart a portion of Asgard's landmass as the spells I launched sent it veering off to the right.

If that had landed, the Castle behind me would have been incinerated.

"Show me your will to survive! Overcome me, and Asgard may not yet fall! Can you achieve what even the Gods failed to do, little one?" He didn't seem to care at all that I was keeping him at bay.

Was I truly holding him back?

Calculating Surtr's full strength.

Results: Inconclusive.

It didn't matter, I just had to hold him off by whatever means for as long as possible.

"Then I'll show you everything I –" I felt a strange sensation in my back.


It hurt…..

I looked back to see someone standing behind me with long silver hair and a dagger sticking out of me.

"I'm sorry, but this was just getting ridiculous. I mean, I could understand Thor, Odin, or even the Mongrel. But this…." He pulled it free and my blood flowed freely. "Well, I do admit, I take an inordinate amount of pleasure from this anticipating his face when he sees you."

"Ah?" I lost control of the spells, and they shot off randomly.

All my Parallel thought Streams collapsed.


It hurt.

It hurt more than anything I've ever felt.

Was this what it was like to get stabbed?

I didn't like it….

"Trickster!" The Giant roared and I couldn't even register the flames that shot past me.

Only the scream of the one who stabbed me seemed to indicate that something happened. "You buffoon, I was helping you!" He hissed back, clutching his arm that looked burnt to cinders.

"You dishonor me!"

"Dishonor, are you mad!? You're the destroyer, the end of everything! What honor do you have!?"

Another wave of heat passed by my head and the same voice let out another shout of pain and rage.


I looked up at the Giant, and he was looking down at me.

"I do not know what to do, little one. My purpose commands me to burn away all that stands in my way, but not like this." He paused as if fighting himself internally. "Leave, I will show this one mercy. You do not belong to Asgard or the Nine Realms, this is your reward for your efforts."

I summoned 400 Spell Scrolls and shot them at him.

He raised his hand up to block them from hitting his face.

"I have never offered this mercy to anyone else before, little one. Why are you rejecting it?"

"I won't let you past me." I said defiantly.

"Why do you still fight? There is no purpose in my slaying you."

"Because the man I love is behind me and he can't fight right now, so I won't let you pass."

Even if I had to sacrifice myself.

"You….." He again didn't move for several moments. "I misspoke before, calling you a nonliving thing."

 It made me feel strangely happy for him to say that. "I'll be nice and let you surrender."

He barked out laughter. "Your courage is commendable. No one has ever spoken to me so brazenly before. I'm afraid that nothing can stop me from fulfilling my purpose. Asgard will fall to flames, as too will the Nine Realms."

"You could just….not?" I offered.

For some reason, he seemed sort of…gentle in this moment. "Something is only beautiful because it ends, little one. I am the end of this story."

"I won't let you."

"Then stand defiantly in the face of destruction, little one." He took a step back. "I acknowledge your will, let it be known that Surtr acknowledges you. Come, face your death head on!"

I stood up straight, ignoring the pain in my back.

Resuming Parallel Thought Streams.

Reigniting all of them at once was painful, but I pushed past it.

Resuming previous calculations.

I held out my hands and all of my remaining Spell Scrolls appeared.

They blanketed the sky from their numbers, all 178,118 that remained.

But they were only a distraction.

Reverse engineered origins completed.

Tracing back the basics of esoteric Energies and Concepts.

Conclusion: Similar variable detected.

The Spell rained down upon the Giant, barely delaying him for the precious seconds I needed.

Variable noted: Ether.

Retrieving examples of Ether, Subject: Wilhelm.

Parsing through numerous examples, noted fight with target: Kronos.

Spell depicted: Ether Cannon.

Conclusion: Divine Beings susceptible to Fifth Imaginary Element.

Begin formulating Spell Sequence.

Simulation concluded: Insufficient power to threaten Target: Surtr.

Fifth Imaginary Element will create the structure.

Applying additional concepts, targeting: Immortality.

Formulate Concept: Limitation.

Simulation successful, begin casting.

It started out gray, as if other colors were rejecting even coming near it.

The Spell Circle hovered parallel to the ground in front of me, and slowly lowered, the structure of the spell coming to fruition as it slowly passed through the air.

In the shape of a spear to make it easier to handle.

I grabbed hold of it as the last of my Spell Scrolls were used up. The cold and detached feeling in my hand seemed to seep into the rest of my body, but I paid it no mind.

Instead, I used all my remaining strength to throw it.

The Spear shot through the air and Surtr himself saw it.

It was so small in comparison, so tiny.

Compared to the barrage of spells I just released; it was miniscule.

Something deemed unthreatening..

His flames made way as it touched them.

And his body jerked back as it pushed through the flesh of his chest, flying out the other side, leaving a hole through his body.

The Giant fell to a knee and for the first time, he bled.

The conclusion I arrived at after analyzing things from other people, A Spear made of Ether that imposes Limited Lifespan on whatever it hits.

Blackish-gray veins pulsed out from the admittedly small wound on his chest in comparison to the rest of his body, but even as I felt backwards in exhaustion, I couldn't help but smile.

Maybe it was because I felt like I accomplished something amazing, or maybe it was the big black Dragon that came flying and roaring overhead as it slammed into the Giant.


Wilhelm POV

Ddraig roared with a fury that I hadn't ever witnessed before as he collided with the Surtr.

I could understand, I was also furious, but my main priority lay elsewhere.

"You silly girl."

"Hehe." Jinn giggled despite bleeding out in my arms. "Did I do good?"

"You did amazing." I kissed her forehead. "Go ahead and rest, we'll handle the rest."


I needed someone….who was around? I had woken up not but a few moments ago and I was still confused at everything that happened previously, only that Jinn fought Surtr and wounded him.

Odin was doing something, and I was too out of it a moment ago to process it.


"Ratatoskr." I called out.

Luckily the ground shimmered and the Squirrel popped out. "What!?"

"Please take her to safety."

He looked at me and at Jinn and chittered something before scampering over. I gently laid her on his back, and he nodded at me before running in the opposite direction of the fight.

I wouldn't get angry at Odin for now, I know that rationally, he didn't have much choice but to let Jinn handle things. And as for where he ran off to, it had to be important enough during this time period.

But whatever it is, he better have made use of the time Jinn gave.

"Great Welsh, what a form you took!" Surtr's voice boomed.

Ddraig didn't say anything audible, his roar was enough to express his current anger.

Ddraig liked Jinn.

Ddraig wasn't incapable of feeling while in this form, while wearing the 'concept' of Níðhöggr around him. However, he didn't care, the flames of Surtr lashed around him, but he just bit down onto the massive Giant.

It pissed me off, but I was still nowhere near back to my best.

Avalon worked overtime to get me back up on my feet, but there was a limit to what it could mend in a short time, not to mention, I was exhausted and drained in every other aspect.

But this gave time for Surtr to not properly deal with his own wound that Jinn inflicted.

I wasn't quite sure what she did, but I could see it visibly pulse and reject healing from the Fire Giant.

The Hole that went through his chest, the grayish-black veins that jutted out from it.

The remnants of the buildings next to me were crushed by Ddraig's fake body. The Fire Giant threw him off and he went sliding across the ground.

Surtr, however, still looked to be in decent shape.

Everything about him screamed Danger.

Compared to Kronos, I would thoroughly place him as stronger.

The best comparison….actually, at this moment, I think he was above Indra as well.

Was…..was he getting stronger?


"With my bow and arrows, I respectfully ask for the Divine Protection of the Moon Goddess Artemis, and the Sun God Apollo. I offer thee this Calamity – Phoebus Catastrophe."

A myriad array of lights appeared overhead.

Thousands of arrows, like beams of lights, fell down from the sky. The first one caused the Giant to stumble, the combination of the impact and the suddenness of it. He quickly regained his footing, but the uncountable number of arrows arrived just as quickly.

An attack meant to route an army all targeting a being the size of a mountain.

Just as quick as it came, it disappeared.

The Fire Giant looked annoyed, but nonplussed.

However, a streak of green light crossed over from where the arrows originated. Like a whirlwind, Achilles appeared on the shoulder of the Giant, seemingly ignoring the flames pulsing around his body, his spear turned into a meteor as it stabbed towards the Giant's face.

Surtr of course noticed out of the corner of his eye, but it was too fast for him to react in time as the green blur slammed into the side of his head.

The Giant King snarled something unintelligible, flaring up his fires and forcing Achilles to jump off. He twisted his massive sword around, the tip of his searing blade pointing right at the falling Greek Hero.

"It was here, at this place, that Susanoo led a thousand unruly Deities in rebellion! A Thousand Swords standing upon the Earth, used as city walls to defend against the enemies. Here! Namely, the Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi! The Steel that breaks a thousand blades!"

My Wings sprouted from my back and I shot up, my Divine Power poured into my blade. The Lightning cracked around its length as the edge of my Divine Blade at the sword of flames.

"Haaaaah!" I let out a roar, putting all my current strength into deflecting the blade away from Achilles, giving him a chance to call his Chariot and fly out of the way.

The force of the strike was enough to send me slamming into the ground.

I pushed the rubble off of me and coughed a couple times, but I stood up once more.

Ddraig was back up, hovering around me protectively and I saw several more people now appeared.

Fucking hell, I couldn't believe Jinn handle this monster for so long.

"Strun Bah Qo!" A familiar shout rang out, and it wasn't mine.

Thunder clouds gathered quickly overhead, accumulating Lighting as it crackled, ready to be used.

"My Friend!" Thorum flew upon Durnehviir.

With him was who I assumed to be Hel based on what I saw before.

"This is a tricky situation." Sasaki Kojiro slipped out of his method of Presence Concealment, standing nearby.

He wasn't unscathed from previous battles. Despite his skill, he was perhaps the most vulnerable of Servants I knew in pure stats.

"More outsiders." Surtr breathed out, and the temperature further increased around us. "If you seek doom, then face me!"

I held my Divine Sword up and took control of the overhead storm. I gathered all the Lightning, it cascaded downwards onto the time of my blade, taking the shape of my sword.

The Blade of Lightning broke the sky in half as it even surpassed the Giant in scale.

I let out a shout as I brought it down. The Giant Also roared and swung his Fiery Sword at my oncoming strike.

Flames and Lightning spewed forth every which way upon impact. The ensuing shockwave cleared away the lower section of Asgard in its entirety and dispersed the Storm Clouds from above.

I was thankful that they evacuated the non-combatants early on.

"It's not enough!" Surtr shouted defiantly, dispersing my Lightning blade after expending a noticeable amount of effort.

His flames, however, flickered ever so briefly.

"Fus Ro Dah!"

The Shout rippled out, slamming into Surtr, but he barely budged.

"Pests!" His sword swept out at Thorum, but they managed to dodge it with some effort.

"Don't forget me!" Ddraig again collided with the Giant. He opened up his jaw and sprayed out his poisonous breath.

"Gah!" The Giant finally reacted after taking Ddraig's poison right to his face.

His flames were burning it away quickly.

"You're open." Sasaki appeared right in front of his face as the poison dissipated, blade reeled back, and the point aimed right at his eye.

Surtr looked at him, cheeks inflated and he breathed out a stream of fire.

"Bakudō #44, Sekisho!" It was the fastest and easiest barrier I could cast.

It barely held on a moment before it shattered, but it was enough. A green flash and Achilles was in front of him his own Divine Shield held up as Surtr's flames bellowed into it.

Green Tendrils of Magic snuck up, wrapping around them within the blink of an eye, and jerked them out of the way.

They hit the ground hard, but they avoided the brunt of his flames that turned the ground they touched into lava.

Hel's fingers were alight with a green hue, her Magics found them well as she had glided to the ground to save them as she did.

I felt my body ache as I called upon my Spiritual Pressure through the Hogyoku. I was in absolutely no condition to do this, but I pressed on.

It scaled to the sky, and it was noted by Surtr immediately. And after my last attack, he seemed to be paying special attention to me.

"Buy me a few seconds!"

I needed time to properly mold my Spiritual Power in my condition.

"Annoying!" He pulled Ddraig off of him again. Ddraig fought, but his fake body was….weak in comparison, a fraction of his true power. He roared furiously, as the Giant's flowing hand seared away a chunk of Ddraig's body and one of his wings, tossing him to the ground.

"Red Dragon Emperor!" Durnehviir roared.

"Tiid Klo Ui!" Thorum shouted, and something shifted.

Thorum and Durnehviir disappeared, no rather they moved faster than one could perceive for but a moment.

Did…..he just manipulate time!?

"The Crest of Turbidity, seeping out." I raised my hand up, and the familiar black hue overtook around me.

"Wuld Nah Kest!" Durnheviir shouted, using its entire body to hit into the Fire Giant.

"Ven Gaar Nos!" Thorum followed up with summoning a Cyclone right into his face.

The Fire Giant shuddered and roared again, sweeping his hand out, hitting the Dragon away, leaving scorch marks all over its body.

Thorum's body flickered with his own special Aura, and Dragon Wings appeared, letting him hit the ground much more softly than if he fell from that height.

"An Insolent Vessel of Madness. Boiling up, Denying, numbness, blinking, obstructing slumber."

Surtr went to swing his blade down on the Dragon and Thorum, but Tendrils of Magic grabbed hold of his sword arm.

"You will not!" The Goddess of Niflheim declared, her Magic poured out and she held him firmly for a few moments.

The Flames around Surtr burst out, burning away her magical bindings, but a dozen Runic Circles materialized overhead, each one casting a spear of Necrotic Energies that slammed into the Fire Giant.

He grunted in annoyance and swiped his hand through the air, dispersing them all.

My Reiatsu continued to climb as I poured all of my reserves into this. "The Steel Princess who creeps. The mud doll, ever disintegrating. Unit! Oppose! Filling the Earth, know your own impotence!"

Surtr too turned to look at me and ignored the Arrows that landed into him, the spells that were cast and hit his body, only to be snuffed out by his passive flames.

"Whatever it is you are doing, I have seen what you outsiders are capable of and I will not allow it!" He ignored everything else and his sword swept horizontally at me.

"Haaaah!" Sasaki shot forward, slamming into it with his own blade, using all his strength to block it.

Another blade joined as Thorum and Gram shot forward to hold it back as they were pushed across the ground.

"Me too!" Achilles shouted, his Shield making a resounding clang as the sword in Surtr's hand vibrated and his sword swing came to a halt before it could reach me.

I could practically taste the flames from the distance it had stopped.

"Hadō #90, Kurohitsugi!"

It started small, lackluster even. Enough that it bewildered the Giant, but very quickly, the sky changed colors, and the surroundings shifted.

At the perimeter, a black line emerged, a square that began to build upon itself.

Within the blink of an eye, it had sprang up covering half of his gigantic body and it had no intent on stopping.

I nearly dropped to my knees after the amount of Reiatsu that was sucked out from merely casting it.

He pulled back his sword and swung it at the spell, destroying a portion of the walls that began to surround him, but they quickly mended and kept going.

Rather, he pulled his sword up and was about to shove it into the ground again, releasing a gigantic burst in all directions. Which….I didn't know if my spell would hold out against that.

Several powerful arrows collided with the side of his head. Atalanta off to the side had released a substantial amount of Magical Energy, and each of her arrows hit the same exact spot in succession.

Surtr stumbled ever so slightly, groaning at the impact.

And on the completely opposite side, familiar Light Arrows collided with the other side of his head!

Far off across Asgard itself, I could barely make out the Old Elf, bloodied and heaving for breath, but his arrows stuck true.

The Giant had to raise his hand up to stop the Light Arrows that came from the Divine Bow of Auriel!

The Coffin built up in the momentary lapse, his flames disappearing from view, and his eyes looking down at me defiantly as the last thing before it sealed itself completely.

Then, hundreds, thousands of cross shaped black spears impaled themselves upon the box, sealing it tightly.

Everything was utterly silent as we all watched.

I had to use my Divine Sword to keep my body steady, and I felt a nervous sweat drip down my neck.

It started with a crack down the middle.

Then more and more appeared with the tiniest bit of flames seeping out.

And without any more warning it utterly shattered with a flurry of flames spewing off in all directions.

I slammed my Divine Sword into the ground and pumped my Divine Power to shield those around me.

The ground all around us was nothing but molten magma at this point with no building or living foliage in sight.

Surtr reappeared, halfway slumped, breathing looking noticeably more difficult, but standing. However, his flames were merely flickering, and for the first time, we could see his true body without the distortion of the fires around him.

It was as if he were made of magma and rock. Despite this, he had visible wounds across his body. Gashes, cuts, parts of his skin that were flayed off.

The others forced themselves to stand back up, but we were all pretty much at our limits.

"Fine, you want death, so be it." His voice was sharp and killing intent seemed to pulse off of him. He raised his sword to the sky, and the tip of it blurred as the very space was burned away, revealing orange and red skies from the tear he opened.

Flames began to fall down, hitting all over Asgard.

All of us had to immediately move to dodge. I swung my sword at one of them and noted how just the errant fire caused my hand to vibrate from dispersing it.

The flames around him rekindled, perhaps even more intensely than before.

Was that a link to Muspelheim and he was siphoning off the flames?

He snorted, standing back up full and swept his gaze around disdainfully.

It was destructive what he did, but that was seemingly not his true purpose. The fires of Muspelhiem continued to flow out and his sword took them all in. The burning hit sword became even hotter.

The intensity of the flames magnified by an absurd degree to the point where the blade itself turned bright white.

The space around it started vibrating as it was having trouble accommodating the heat being output.

A swing of that….would Asgard even have anything remaining? Let alone us in the aftermath.

"Stop him!" I shouted quickly.

"Foolish." He merely twitched the sword and a burst of flames exploded outwards, repelling any attempts to attack before we could truly begin.

With using my Divine Sword to block, my body went flying back and I felt parts of my skin burn.

He lifted his sword up over his head. I truly felt death breathing down the nape of my neck. I could use Avalon, but that would only save me, everything else in Asgard would be utterly annihilated.

"This strike of mine will destroy the world!" Surtr let loose a shout that could be heard across the Nine Realm.

"It's a good thing I have a world then!" A familiar green blur shot up as Surtr brought his sword down. "Akhilleus Kosmos!" His Noble Phantasm was activated.

It intruded upon the normal world. Expanding outwards, Greek Architecture manifested, sprawling cities, rivers, oceans. Murals were depicted, epic fights, the life of one person in particular. Standing firmly at the center of it all was a statue of Achilles.

"Your shield contains a world!?" Surtr spoke out in astonishment and disbelief as his blade was fended off with the destruction of Achilles's Azure Sky.

Despite the explosive power, the heat that radiated outwards and certain death that hung above, Asgard was safe.

The Greek Hero dropped to the ground, barely able to stand back up and his shield nowhere to be seen.

"The little one and now you, why…why are you outsiders so…..outstanding." It was not the words I expected to hear from the Fire Giant intent on destroying everything. "It makes my heart heavy to know that even after this, you will fail." His sword raised up again.

"Zun Haal Viik!" I shouted out of instinct.

The sword in his hand vibrated and he looked at me, but his expression didn't change.

"Zun Hall Viik!" Thorum added on.

It budged slightly more.

"Zun Haal Viik!" Durnehviir's voice sounded through and the grasp of his sword loosed noticeably.

"Zun Haal Viik, you bastard!"

I snapped my head back to see Ddraig's fake body barely holding together, and basically broke down after shouting as well, his soul returning to within the Boosted gear inside of me.

But….the sword of his went sailing through the air.

Before another word could be spoken the ground shook. A red mountain seemed to be moving towards us. That was until I realized what I was seeing.

It was that Deer from before, the massive creature that could almost match the Giant in size.

It leapt over what remained of the walls, causing a near earthquake with but its step.

Surtr's eyes widened as he braced himself, the large Deer lowered its head and its antlers collided with the Fire Giant.

He had to grab onto the Antlers of the giant Deer, but he was immediately pushed back. His massive feet dug gorges out of the ground, but the Deer didn't stop its charge and continued pushing him back fully until his antlers dug into the chest of the Fire Giant.

The Deer let out an indecipherable shout as the Antlers on its head started steaming. Surtr's hands gripped them tightly and the Antlers bubbled and charred black before they were seared through completely.

"You should have waited for your death upon the tree, beast!" Surtr grabbed hold of the big Deer and threw it outside of Asgard's remaining walls.

I could feel the impact from all the way over here.

As Surtr turned his head back this way, a gust of wind punched him in the gut.

The Fire Giant bent over at the sudden impact, and two massive wings covered the Starlight.

The Bird King from before appeared as well, he was looking not very good and realistically, I could not understand how he was flying when one of his wings was mangled so badly.

"Bird…" Surtr growled.

"I told you before, Fire King. Wind can snuff out flames just as it can fan them."

Surtr took a deep breath and blew out a torrent of flames towards us and the Big Bird.

Hræsvelgr in return flapped his wings and an equally large gale of wind slammed into it, holding it at bay.

Like an invisible wall, the flames of Surtr lashed out against an impenetrable barrier, unable to advance past the gales that the Bird King called upon.

I stood up and pointed my sword at the battle. "Storm and Gale, answer my call!" I added my own divine might to the Bird's side.

My Divine Power intertwined with it and pushed back the flames.

It was loud like a thunderclap. The Winds fully pushed back his flames and slammed into the Giant, knocking him off his feet.

"Watch out!" It was Hel who shouted as the ground beneath the Bird bubbled slightly.

It was only a moment before a geyser of magma shot up to the sky, Hræsvelgr let out a screech of pain and fell to the earth, covered in flames.

Surtr pushed himself back up and grunted. "Naïve."

His steps were slow as he retrieved his sword, and frankly, there wasn't much we could do to stop him.

"I intended to simply destroy the core and be done with it, but you have earned my attention. Fight for your survival and throw yourself upon my flames in despair, for Surtr comes for you personally."

"Odin, I really hope this was enough time!" I hissed under my breath.

"It was, you did good." I heard Odin's whisper in my ears. "We needed some time to set up the proper ritual."

Ritual, for what?

A pillar of light ascended to the sky from the castle behind us.

"I approve!" Freyja's voice resounded throughout the realm.

"I approve!" Heimdall's voice added.

"I approve!" Came Tyr.

"I approve!"

"I approve!"

"I approve!"

"I approve!" Odin's voice was distinguishable as well.


"I approve." It was Vidar's voice and as soon as he spoke, the world trembled. "Welcome our new king, Thor."

Surtr looked towards the direction, and with a thunderclap, a particular Hammer shot out and forced the Giant to block, pushing him back a few steps.

Following it up, a golden light shot out, hitting the Giant in the shoulder, before returning to the hands of the All-Father.

Odin, still looking utterly unkempt and barely standing, laughed. "The Throne of Asgard is more than just a chair!"

Olympus, Asgard, Takamagahara, etc.

I would be more surprised if there wasn't something substantial about holding the Throne, but at this moment, I hadn't put any thought into it until now.

Thor landed upon the ground in front of the Fire Giant. And while he was far from his peak and fully healthy, he was doing better than we were.

He looked empowered.

Surtr looked down at him with eyes narrowed. "How bold, to use Asgard's remaining vitality for this."

"Hmph, does it matter? If Asgard falls anyways, then who cares. But if we can take down your big flaming ass, then it's worth it!"

"Come then, Surtr, taste the might of my h\Hammer!" Thor swung up, cracking the Giant up below his chin. It was loud, a thunderous blow!

Despite the size difference, the two of them met in an exchange of blows as equals. The Thunder God's hammer didn't lose out to the Fire Giant's deathly sword.

It truly showed why Thor was one of the strongest Gods in the world.

With every swing, the very air crackled and boomed in response. Every swing forced Surtr to respond lest he suffer damage!

I noticed Thorum to my side and I wanted to question what he was doing, but particularly, I noticed he felt off.

[He doesn't smell like a Dragon!] Ddraig shouted within my soul.

My eyes widened and very quickly I swung my Divine Sword with everything I had.

The 'Thorum' turned towards me and similarly had his eyes widen as his illusion peeled back and Magics exploded out to block my blow.

Loki's true form appeared, and he went flying across the ground before skidding to a stop. "Insolent mortal!" He hissed.

"Loki!" Thor roared.

"You dare look away from me!?" Surtr shouted, his sword hitting the Thunder God, sending him flying off into the side of Asgard's wall.

He looked at Loki and for some reason seemed like he wanted to rend him apart. But the God of Mischief very quickly disappeared.

Rather, he turned his attention towards the castle. "Do you think I didn't notice, All father?" The Giant laughed and he started moving towards it. "To use Asgard's power on the Thunderer, that means the Heart is unprotected!"

"Do you take me for a decoration!?" Odin roared, slamming his spear onto the ground and it shot off, aimed at the Fire Giant.

Surtr used his arm to slap it to the side. "You are weak, All-Father. Watch silently at the side as Asgard burns around you!"

I pulled on the last remnants of the strength I'd regained after waking up and used a Shunpo to appear in front of the charging Fire Giant.

Lighting was summoned upon my blade and I was ready to slash at him again to keep him at bay, only for several spells to surround me. I was forced to swing my sword to clear them away, but even multiple illusions blanketed my vision, some of them splashed against my Magic Resistance, but others still affected me.

They all shattered as a molten leg kicked me away and I felt several of my ribs crack.

The sky spun a few times before I realized I was laying on my back and that Loki interfered.

The sky thundered as Thor returned, but Surtr seemed utterly intent on not fighting.

Despite the Thunder God hitting him hard enough to crack bones, the Giant pushed forward.

A massive Spell Circle appeared, green in color, as a Skeletal construct stepped out and grabbed hold of the Giant.

Two more appeared, and three and four.

Hel was standing in front of him, casting her magics as shields manifested and Chains wrapped around him.

One of the Skeletal Constructs grabbed onto Surtr's arm but he merely swung it away and shattered the others with a gesture.

The Magics around him likewise were broken by force.

"Hel!" Thor called out, sliding to the ground next to her, pivoting and flying up to hit the Giant in the head with his Hammer.

Blood shot out of the Giant's mouth, but he again ignored the Thunder God.

"Begone pests!" He grabbed his sword with both hands.

"Nay!" I heard Thorum yell defiantly, colliding with the Giant's chest using his body and Gram piercing into his flesh.

I pushed myself up and forced myself to Shunpo again despite my body screaming at me.

I caught the swing of the blade with my Divine Sword and felt like I was going to break. Despite being a faction of its size, I held it off!

A shadow loomed over head, and the palm of the Fire Giant, pushing down towards us.

"Oh God dammit, why me!"

Was that Ratatoskr?

I could barely formulate the question as the Squirrel ran up between us and something gold-colored sailed through the air right at his palm.

Was that….an Acorn?

A Golden Acorn bigger than I was.

It barely touched Surtr's hand when a release of various energy's smacked his arm backwards and the Acorn fell to the ground with a thump, and sinking into far more than it should have.

Surtr looked down at the Golden Acorn in clear shock. "Squirrel, you dare to use that here? You would blasphemy against your purpose!?"



"Is that the seed for the next World Tree!?"

"….no." Ratatoskr replied. And in that moment he took the opportunity that his sheer audacity that gave Surtr pause allowed him to escape. "Don't look down!" He shouted as he ran away.

Surtr, despite the words, looked down.

And below the earth, something rumbled.

The Ground cracked and burst as a towering, scaly figure shot to the sky.

A Serpent no smaller than the Fire Giant himself towered overhead, hissing in fury.

Fuck was that the World Serpent!?

"Don't touch my sister!" It's voice rang out and it swept around the Fire Giant, wrapping him up tight before its fangs sunk down into his shoulder.

Surtr let out one of the most genuine painful roars I've thus heard from him.

From what I recalled, Jormungandr's poison was deadly.

"I don't know what's going on, but if you be friend, then let us fight together!" Thor came flying in and his hammer collided with the left side of Surtr's head, destroying it.

Like a rock that had part of it shattered, the Fire Giant stumbled backwards.

"Another one that betrays their role!" He was furious at this point. And with a shout from the Fire Giant, fire burst out from his position, we were all forced to take cover, even Thor.

Jormungandr wasn't so lucky.

His scales and skin began to burn. He was forced to release his bite on the Fire Giant and his painful wails echoed across the Nine Realms.

Even his constriction around Surtr loosened, giving the Fire Giant the Opportunity to pull him off. And Rather than toss him aside, the Fire Grant grabbed both ends of it and pulled.

Blood splattered everywhere, droplets raining from the sky.

"No!" Hel screamed as two halves of the World Serpent fell to the ground.

Thor's hammer sung with lightning, enough that I had to genuinely question how he accumulated it so fast.

If it was any other situation, I would be taking notes.

Surtr raised his arm up and caught the blow. The momentous blow that shook Asgard as a whole was stopped by his hand. Even as his palm was caved in, and his bones snapped, he didn't let go.

In his other hand, Surtr gripped his sword, and reversed his grip, holding it up like a spear and he took aim.

I heard a clang, the same one from Odin slamming down his spear, and a shield sprang up around the castle.

Almost instantly, dozens more Shields were cast all around in anticipation.

The Fires of Surtr flickered, and they seemed to dance across his body, gathering and merging with his Sword.

"Destruction is all I seek, everything else does not matter!" The Fire Giant threw his sword and it collided with the first shield, breaking it fully, and the second, the third, and it continued until every shield was seared away and the sword burnt a path through the castle.

But the Castle wasn't the target, it merely stood in the way.

It continued on towards behind, where Asgard rested against the World Tree.

Once the Castle's walls were no longer there, it was easy to get a proper look.

The way the tree opened up, vines sprawled outward, and the truck of the World Tree was exposed with a literal beating, Wooden Heart thumped.

The Divine Sword of Surtr pierced into it and the World Tree wailed.

There were no words, no proper 'sounds' yet every living being existing within the Nine Realms could feel it.

The fires of the sword began to climb up and down the tree consuming it.

I felt the sword in my hand slack and Odin who was nearby, his spear fell out of his hand, clanking against the ground.

Thor, who had been fighting Surtr so valiantly, dropped to the ground as if all his momentum disappeared.

Even Surtr just looked at it silently.

Everyone simply stared as all fighting ceased.

Even…..even if Surtr was defeated at precisely this point, did it matter?

"Hey Surtr, remember me?" A familiar blue hue hovered near the sword of Surtr's


"…..Little one." Surtr spoke for the first time after achieving his goal, but for some reason, his tone carried with it a hint of….hesitation?

Jinn held her hands up, and took out something I knew all too well, but at this point in time, I hadn't really thought about it in a while.

"Is that an Elder Scroll?" Thorum blurted out.

Jinn held the Scroll up, pointing at the Sword. "Thanks for abandoning your Sword, it's mine now." She declared and unfurled it. I had to look away, just glimpsing at it caused me to unconsciously start trying to analyze it and it hurt to even view. As someone who had glimpsed into Infinity that was the Kaleidoscope, those Elder Scrolls were dangerous to me.

"Little one!" Surtr roared, but he could do nothing.

The Sword of his, his mighty weapon that everyone within the Nine Realms feared, it was sucked up into the Scroll.

"Girl, from this day forth, Asgard will forever be your ally!" Odin shouted.

Frankly, no one had time to process what happened, but another thunderous boom rang out and Thor cracked Surtr across the face with his hammer again, sending the Giant crashing to the ground.

"It does not matter, my goal was accomplished." Surtr rumbled despite himself getting quickly pummeled.

He wasn't lying, the literal 'heart' of Yggdrasil had been stabbed, and cracks were forming in the tree even if the flames were starting to die out.

Yggdrasil was dying.

However, my eyes landed on the Golden Acorn and I then looked back up to the Tree.

I took out my Staff of Magnus and took hold of the seed.

It was significantly heavier than I imagined.

My actions did not go unnoticed, but no one moved to stop me. The Magic Circles appeared underneath with the Acorn as the basis, and it was the easiest time I ever had casting this spell. "Blessing of the world tree – Yggdrasil."

It started small, the Acorn sprouted. And then, the winding roots shot up out of my Magic Circle. They began to grow until a strange phenomenon occurred.

A resonance.

It was as if Yggdrasil was reaching out at the strange 'thing' that just appeared.

I felt it through the link of the spell, the vague 'feelings' the Tree gave off. I knew that Yggdrasil was alive, but until this moment, I truly did not understand what that meant.

I forced the spell to redirect to the World Tree, the roots twisted and turned, wrapping around the True Yggdrasil, keeping it from being damaged any further, it began to climb upwards and disappeared far behind even my sight.

"….father, how long will that hold?" Thor asked.

"Few days if we're lucky." Odin spoke bluntly. He looked around and it seemed as if he aged several years all of the sudden.

I looked at Jinn, then I looked at Thor and my mind raced.

Lastly, my eyes fell on Thorum, and I felt my eyes widen.

"I….have a plan."

Odin snapped his head at me. "What do you need."

"Make me the King of Asgard." I said without hesitation.




I wobbled forward, plopping myself onto the chair – the Throne of Asgard.

Despite the fact that most of the Castle was literally in ashes, and the stars were shining down on top of us, it felt significant.

All who could were here, the court of Asgard that remained.

There was a reason that many of the Gods did not participate in the battle with Surtr after a point, as they were physically unable.

Missing limbs were common from just a glance.

Luckily, the Ritual to hand over the 'reins' so to speak was still available.

The thing was, the fighting hadn't stopped.

Outside the walls, the armies were still going at it. In Vanaheim, they were still fighting off the armies that poured over from Muspelheim. In Alfheim, both Elf races were still warring. And Jotunheim was still here, waiting for their opportunities, as were the traitorous Gods.

I could see it, I could feel it.

"Welcome our new king, Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg." Odin declared.

And I could see everything.

Asgard was the Home of the Gods, and it 'overlooked' the entirety of the Nine Realms.

It was almost overwhelming to suddenly have so much information flood into my head.

But the theoretical conditions had been met.

The Reenactment of Myth.

It was one of the most powerful forces I've run into only a few times thus far. If your actions aligned with the act of a Myth, an event that engrained itself into the collective of Humanity, your actions would be amplified if they could resonate.

The pieces seemingly fell into place, but it was a gamble on if it would work at this point.

I put my hands on the arm rest and called upon my Authority as the King of Asgard.

"The Nine Realms are in chaos." My voice reached every corner of the Realms. "The mortals suffer, the Gods traitorous, and invaders from outside conspire with those who would bring destruction. Henceforth, I am putting you all on notice!" I slammed my hand down and a particular piece of parchment appeared above my head.

I didn't think I would be using this so soon, but I didn't hesitate to do so!

"God's Investiture list – Open."



Here comes the conclusion of the Ragnarok Arc.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

I also have a boosty if you can't use the above under the same name.

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