28.03% Zero Fate against the world (Old Version) / Chapter 26: Welcome to Brazil!

บท 26: Welcome to Brazil!

This took a while, sorry my friends.

But I guarantee you that the next chapter will be released on time this sunday.

In this chapter, we will be taking a look a the mc's new Class.

My idea for this was for it to be a minor Class, like something that will give the mc something but it won't be super major, like my plans for the next class.

I got many interesting ideas, but I always had this one on my head so I couldn't;t just abandon it.

Also, some of you may see this chapter as smaller than most, this is because for some reason, I thought the average number of words was 6K when in the earlier chapters it was 5K.

I will try my best to keep the content going, but reducing the number will help me in making these chapters in a more consistent way.

I can always go past this limit if I wish.





'Many Galaxies of all shapes and sizes suddenly lit up in the darkness.'

"Here I go again..."

'He recognized this pattern, so the first thing Philip did was to close his…'

"Shit! I forgot I can't protect my eyes during this fucking process!"

'Philip continued to exclaim as the bright light washed over his vision…'

[Gamerverse is narrowing down the choices randomly]


'All of the galaxies with the exception of one disappeared.'

'The pain also disappeared...'

"It looks like the Milky way… Not like I know how it looks, to be honest."

I saw it many times in documentaries but I never memorized its appearance…

And also… It seems to be a rather normal galaxy since there isn't any sort of dimensional being trying to invade my mind this time…

[Gamerverse has made a choice]

So soon?

[Gamerverse chooses a class randomly]

The galaxy disappeared as well.

[Gamerverse has chosen a class]

[Beginning transferring process…]

[Injecting memories…]

[Due to the characteristics of this Class, you are being sent directly into *****]

'Philip felt as if those last words had been toned down in volume suddenly, he barely heard them…'

"The what now? I don't think I heard that correctly…"

'But there was no one to answer Philip as he suddenly lost consciousness…'


'Philip felt as if his entire body was submerged in water, it felt heavy, weak, frail.'

"What happened to me this time?" He said as he got up from bed

Where am I?

'Philip looked around him, he seemed to be in one of those low-end box apartments, the walls were dirty and the paint was peeling, the wood on the ground creaked, the window was half broken as it couldn't close, and the only electronic products seemed to be an old fan attached to the ceiling and a square TV.'

"Fucking hell…"

[You have acquired a new class through Gamerverse. Would you like to see the notes?]

'His thoughts were suddenly cut by his System.'

"Sure, I need to know what is going on anyway." He said as he swung his hand in the air

'Multiple notes suddenly appeared in front of Philip.'

[Gamerverse has selected a universe]

[Metal Gear Universe]

"What? Metal gear?"

The Universe of super soldiers and bizarre supernatural powers?

No… A lot of things are bizarre in this Universe.

[Gamerverse has set its eyes on a class]

[Descendant of the Jetstream]

[The Class, Descendant of the Jetstream has been automatically equipped]

[You have equipped a class!]

[Your destiny changes...]

[Your class morphs your reality]

[Due to your class effects, an additional status window is being made]

[... Process completed]

[You have/// E33OR!]

[Gamerverse is forcibly interfering with the Class transfer process]

[Gamerverse fills in the gaps in the *****]

[You have received a Beginner SwordMaster equipment package]

[A Class mission has been issued]

"Class mission? Like my previous one?"

'Philip scratched his head as he went over all of the sudden information.'

[Master the Rodrigues New Shadow School Sword technique and eliminate the Disciple behind the destruction of the Rodrigues Dojo using only the sword]

'Philip scratched his head in confusion as he heard that.'

"But… How am I supposed to do that… I'll just start with opening the beginner package."

I don't even know who my target is.


[You have received:

-Rodrigues Muramasa, VT7 High-Frequency Blade x1

-Uradachi, the murder sword manual x1

-Rodrigues New Shadow School manual x1

-Yagyu New Shadow School manual x1

-Basic Military Exoskeleton, pre-2016 x1

-Jetstream Sam electronic Diary x1


"Alright… That is a lot of things… But this doesn't make much sense, did I gain another beginner's package? Wasn't I supposed to only gain one?"

But it could be because I am in an illusion… At least I think I am in one.

"One last thing left to do… Open Secondary status."

[Disclaimer, due to the nature of this Class mission, your basic abilities have been adapted to fit the scenario]

[Your body capabilities will stay at the physical limits of a Human for the remainder of this mission]

[Some of your Main status skills' effects have been nullified while some of your Traits have been suppressed]

'Hearing this notification, Philip stretched out his arms and said:'

"Oh… So this was why my body felt so goddam heavy…"

I was just nerfed into oblivion…

I'll check my Main status later, perhaps I will find out more about what changed.

[Name: Philip Vinten

Class: Descendant of the Jetstream


Rodrigues New Shadow School Technique Lv0

Brazilian Superhuman Martial arts Lv0

Taito Flash draw Lv0


Blade Mode Lv0

Explosive draw Lv0


Strengthened Body

Sword Heart

Inventory (+)


'Looking at his array of skills Philip immediately understood what his class was about.'

"Now that I look at it, it feels oddly familiar… Oh yeah!"

I remember now! A game I played almost a decade ago… And this Class seems to be all about one of the main villains of the game…

"Everything makes sense now."

'Philip stayed put in bed trying to remember as much as he could from the game he played as a child, Metal gear rising.'

'After a few minutes, he said:'

"I understand what I need to do, but at the same time I also understand just how impossible of a task this is."

This universe isn't that different from my own, but this Earth took a rather strange path due to how fast technology advanced and the presence of the supernatural.

For example, android enhancements were already common by the 2010s, and things such as super-large war robots were already common by the 2020s… In truth, they already existed way before this… They were known as…

Metal gears.

If I were to describe my current situation, I am a normal human with a sword and a dream, and my objective is to kill a drug lord with advanced weaponry in his arsenal… With a sword.

That is if I remember the lore of this villain correctly since it seems I took over Sam's spot.

(He is talking about Jetstream Sam, if you played the game it's almost impossible to not recognize him)

"There doesn't seem to be a time limit, but I also don't know the state of my real body, I could spend months in here and no time would pass in the real world, while I could pass a week here and a day would pass in the real world…"

'Philip frowned as he sat on his terrible bed.'

"There are many things I need to understand first."

How strong I am, what is my condition in this world, and how much stronger I can become?

"However, things seem quite bleak, this Class seems to have less potential for growth than my previous one…"

I can't complain. And in any case, this is just the start, I can properly evaluate this Class after reaching its maximum potential.

Perhaps I will be surprised…

'Philip immediately opened his inventory and took out his stuff, one sword inside a strange metal sheath, 3 small pen drives, a large metallic exoskeleton, and lastly, another small USB drive… Or it looked like one at least.'

"Hum… But I don't have a computer though…" Noticed Philip as he looked around the room

'He got up from the bed and started to search the place even the small bathroom on the side, but there wasn't anything in there apart from a few meds and a few old bloodstains.'

'He also found a large amount of hard cash under the bed inside a suitcase, the total amount was displayed on a digital counter outside of the suitcase.'

'It only appeared when it recognized his Id since it had a Bio-Lock. The value totalized to around 10 Million USD.'

"Jesus Christ, why do I have so much hard money with me?"

Did I rob a bank?

"I severely lack information about myself… It should all be inside these electronic devices."

Should I just buy a laptop or something of the like?... Hum…

Before doing anything rash like leaving my room, I should go over everything I have.

'Philip went to the exoskeleton, it was a full gray piece, it didn't look like an exoskeleton and more like a piece of clothing since the armor looked rather thin apart from a few places such as the legs and the back portion of the arms, touching it made it glow as a mechanical voice welcomed him.'

'He put it on but it felt weird since it was a one-piece, and immediately, a blue hologram appeared in front of him, but it wasn't from the system but rather from the computer system installed within the suit..'

"Ah! I see it now…" Said Philip as he sat on the bed

'Philip took out Sam's diary and plugged it inside a compartment of the exoskeleton.'

'A series of windows suddenly appeared, it was a collection of logs, videos, documents, and more.'

"So here they are… My documents." Said Philip as he sighed in relief

'Philip found his ID and even several passwords for things like his bank account and even other things such as his mercenary code and things like that.'

'Trying to move in a modern world without an identity is pretty much suicide.'

"The problem is that I am currently guilty of murder and I am considered a criminal in a few countries in Europe… Yikes. At least I am not being chased here in the US."

Not like I will go there but it would've been better if I had a clean background.

"I will soon be guilty of murder anyway, considering my mission…"

'Philip also saw a list of faces and locations, with several dates tied to them.'

'It seemed some of the targets would only appear at some places doing some very specific times.'

"Hum… So this is my mission… It seems I do have a time limit."

"So it's something like hitman, I have to kill the targets when they are available until I expose the final Boss."

All the while upgrading my skills and improving my techniques…

If the time goes over what is shown here, I might get stuck in this world for longer trying to track down the targets again, or I might straight out fail my Class mission.

And I don't want to find out what would happen if I do fail… Would I just lose this Class?

"This is hard, my earliest target is tomorrow at 6 Am at a bar, just a bit over half a day to prepare…"

And I barely have any skills… According to what is written here, the target is someone protected by guards and they are all heavily armored…

While I only have a sword and a few martial arts. My strength isn't even that high. I just checked and the only thing I can say about my body is that I am a bit stronger than some athletes.

"I can think about this on the way, first, I need to finish this diary and read those Manuals…"

'Philip proceeded to go on a row, he plugged in the USB drives for the techniques on his exoskeleton and started to read and watch a series of documents and recorded videos.'

'They even came with a detailed simulation for him to study and understand.'

'His exoskeleton could even imitate some of the moves, allowing him to feel the movements first hand.'

'By the time the sun set, Philip was done reading everything as he closed the final electronic manual.'


[You fully understood the basics behind the Yagyu New Shadow School technique]

[Your Class related skills have received a massive amount of proficiency!]

[Rodrigues New Shadow School Technique Lv4 -> Lv6]

[Brazilian Superhuman Martial arts Lv5 -> Lv6]

[Taito Flash draw Lv5 -> Lv7]

[Blade Mode Lv2 -> Lv4]

[Explosive draw Lv4 -> Lv 5]

[Disclaimer! Hidden quest complete! Rodrigues' inheritance]

[The necessary amount of proficiency to master all of the Rodrigues' techniques considerably decreases]

'Seeing the numbers go up made Philip smile, but at the same, it greatly disappointed him.'

"I can't think like this, on the contrary, I should be happy that I was even given such help."

The manuals and the diary were both here to guide me and give me an initial boost in my skills. Thanks to that, I now feel much more confident…

They were truly a beginner's boost.

"But it isn't enough."

I need to push myself more, I don't know what will happen if I die in this world and I don't want to find out.

"I understood a lot just from reading the books and seeing the videos and simulations, but to level it up further, I will need to use these skills on the field."

Only then can I make those techniques mine.

"If these were to be used back on Earth wouldn't it cause quite an uproar?" Chuckled Philip as he stared at his sword sheath on his waist

They aren't that impressive on their own, but when paired together with a proficient master…


'In the blink of an eye, Philip drew his sword and cut a fly in the air in half, his sword was too fast for the human eye to trace.'

'A combination of Taito Flash draw and Superhuman Martial arts…'

'But this wasn't everything Philip could do…'

"I see it now, the potential of this Class, it may not increase my strength immensely, but if I could pass some of these skills to my main Class, my power would reach a new height."

If I can do this with a normal Human body, imagine what I can do with an already superhuman body.

In theory, it sounds good, but only time will tell though.

"Let me take a quick look at my skills first…"

The Rodrigues New Shadow School Technique is simply a form of sword technique derived from the Japanese Yagyu New Shadow School.

There is nothing great or special about it, in fact, I can actually research about it on the internet by using the Exoskeleton navigation feature…

Since it came from Japan, it might be beneficial for me to research more about their martial arts.

Next up is the incredible Brazilian Superhuman Martial arts, a technique made by Jetstream Samuel, it combines the multiple martial arts he learned throughout his life that when paired together, it creates a martial art that can allow a normal Human to go against a mechanically enhanced Android.

Of course, only when said Human receives proper physical training, and also, he would need a lot of physical and mental training to achieve a level of mastery that would allow him to do such a thing.

It has a lot of room for growth since its potential is based on how many martial arts I can seemingly incorporate into it and how efficiently I do so.

Next, the Taito Flash draw, it is simply a martial technique, nothing more to add. A stance that maximizes draw speed and inhuman precision, although, since it is a System Ability, there is certainly more to it.

Time will tell as I level it up.

"The next two Skills are what makes this Class rather unique."

'As Philip said that, the world around him suddenly slowed down to an almost halt.'

'The mosquito flying in the air was moving so slowly that Philip could see it flapping its wings.'

This is Blade Mode, it increases my concentration to an unbelievable state, and not only that, but it also allows me to move just as fast during its activation.

'Philip moved his sword using the Taito Flash draw, the speed was such that the poor mosquito was killed by the wind pressure created by the blade and not by the blade itself.'

'The world went back to its normal speed, or better put, Philip's concentration was broken…'

"Haa… The combination of these Skills is what makes this insane, but the mental and physical stress I feel afterward is no joke."

I feel as if I just ran half a marathon… Perhaps it's because I used it for too long despite its low level?

In the game there was an energy bar required to use this ability, but since I am not an android, my body's stamina is the one that takes the brunt of using this.

Also, there are no requirements for me to use this, what I mean is that despite this Skill being called Blade mode, I don't really need a blade to use it.

But I bet my hand would implode if I tried to punch someone in the face while using it...

"There is also the Exoskeleton, it is currently deactivated but I can activate it to help me with some physically taxing activities, like what I just did."

My last Skill is called Explosive Draw, and it's pretty much an evolution of Taito Flash draw, in fact, one of the requirements for this Skill activation is to have a higher level in that technique, and the second requirement is a 'trigger mechanism'.

As in the name of the technique, it is made to be used together with the special sheath of the Muramasa blade, however, this limitation seems rather flexible…

I will have to experiment on it as time goes by, perhaps I can make it even faster…

If what I did was already fast, if I use this or try to go any faster…

My arm may just rip off…

"Was this the reason why I got this exoskeleton in the beginners' package? To help my body until I fully master everything."

My Traits are pretty simple, Strengthened Body is a manifestation of my Main Class, since most of my stats were nerfed/sealed, this is the only thing left.

It only maintains my body at its physical limit.

Sword Heart, on the other hand, is a little more material, it's a Trait that enhances my affinity for anything sword-related.

Rather ambiguous but I can't do anything about that.

I also have a lot of money, so I should consider buying some gadgets if possible, perhaps buying a new exoskeleton, I don't need to be like Samuel and keep the same exoskeleton until his death.

The mission tells me to eliminate the disciple using only a sword… Not that I need to do everything else with only a sword…

So I can buy a gun just in case, right?

But how do I get such a thing?

'Philip looked around the place and nodded to himself.'

"This is pretty much all."

But it's not the end for what this world has to offer.

To fully master the Brazilian Superhuman Martial arts, I'll need to study and fuse other martial styles into it.

And considering such a martial art can be conceived in the first place, I bet what other sorts of incredible arts are hidden and scattered around this world?

All ready for the taking.

'Philip once again drew his blade as he started to swing it continuously. He still had a few hours before his target left the bar. So it was time to train.'


'In the silent night on the old apartment block, the sound of a sword cutting wind could be heard faintly amidst the sounds of car horns and people talking…'

'The sun was about to get up and dye the sky in its pinkish hue, most people would be relaxing in their homes and getting up to do their business but Philip was in no way relaxed.'

'He was currently inside a coffee shop looking at a bar on the other side of the street.'

'He was waiting for his target, an old businessman, to leave the bar drunk after an all-night of drinking and partying.'

"Here is your toast sir." Said the waitress as she put on a plate on the table

"Will there be anything else?" She asked

'Philip looked at his plate and asked for a straw for his drink and soon enough, the waitress came back with one.'



'Philip immediately noticed a small note beneath the paper with a number on it.'

"Holy shit…" He whispered to himself

Did I just gain the legendary cute waitress number?

Never had I even gotten a girl's number before… As expected, this only happens in the USA.

But it's such a shame that I am not a big fan of these sorts of things… And I have someone to murder…

Professionals have priorities…

'Philip shook his head, thinking it might've been the change of clothes.'

'In order to guarantee the success of this mission, Philip put on a large coat that went all the way to his legs in order to hide his exoskeleton.'

'It went pretty well since it was rather thin, so the coat did a pretty good job of hiding it, although it made Philip look as if he was twice as muscular as he should've been.'

'He also had a hat on his head he used to hide his face, but that wasn't the main use for it.'

'Philip had left his temporary house two hours prior to this mission, he passed through a nearby black market and bought a face recognition inhibitor device.'

'As the name says, it will prevent any camera from properly recording his face.'

'As for the coat, he stole it from a drunk guy he found walking around on the streets, but he made sure to pay the guy for it as he dropped a small stack of cash on top of him.'

'He also bought a small hand pistol from the black market, and a few more tools he stored inside the large special suitcase on his left.'

'It was a large black suitcase with some special features… He can't just carry a sword around the place, much less a bunch of dangerous gadgets and a gun, he would be detected immediately by the robots and safety measures around the city.'

'This might be the US, but carrying guns is still a bit too much.'

'That's why he bought this case for a few hundred thousand dollars… Not like he will need this money after he leaves this place so it's better to use it all.'

"There he is."

'Philip shoved the last toast into his mouth and took out a few notes and dropped it on the table before getting up. He smiled at the waitress and left, leaving the change as a tip for her.'

'The target was incredibly drunk, being escorted by two massive guards with a serial number on their forehead, clearly, they were modified Humans, androids.'

'They made their way into a limousine, and while they did so, Philip thought:'

If I were in the game I would've just walked close to the car and slashed them in the face, right?

Since I am playing the memories of Sam, I should think as to how he would've acted… Since he survived long enough to enact his revenge.

'Philip analyzed the cameras on the street once again, and he knew that the place they were parked in had no visible cameras…'

'Philip had multiple escape routes, what was he waiting for?'

"Is everything ready?" Asked one of the bodyguards

"Yes, just waiting for confirmation."

"Roger that… Wait, who is that guy over there?" Asked the first guard

'In front of the limousine was a strange man with a large object in hand.'

'The guards couldn't really identify what it was from their angle inside the car, so one of them just hit the horn.'

'But instead of leaving the man…'



'He jumped on top of the car's hood and looked directly at the two bodyguards.'

'His smile was the last thing the two of them saw.'

'Like a flash of lighting, Philip neatly cut through the entire windshield bisecting their necks, this was the sharpness of the vibration blade, this short of bulletproof glass was weaker than bamboo to it.'

'He got down from the hood and opened the door inside the limousine…'


'The limousine soon drove off into the distance… Its owner snored loudly as he slept on the back of the car, without noticing the bodies near him.'

'The assassination of the guards and the kidnap was too quickly for anyone to notice, no blood was spilled and the sound was barely audible, that was just how fast and sharp the sword strike was.'

'Several hours later on an abandoned parking lot, Philip received another large suitcase of cash from his contractors with a small bonus since the target was captured alive, including a passage to Brazil.'

[You completed your first contract!]


[All of your Class related skills will gain an average amount of proficiency]

[Rodrigues New Shadow School Technique Lv6 -> Lv7]

[Brazilian Superhuman Martial arts Lv6 -> Lv7]

[Taito Flash draw Lv7 -> Lv8]

My two Skills did not level up but this is fine.

If I gain this sort of reward every time I complete a contract, I will have no trouble Leveling everything.

"Next target… All the way in Brazil."

My first target was not only a proper test for my abilities, but it was also the key for me to return to Brazil unnoticed.

As I went through the diary, I found out that this target was not part of the Class mission but more of a contract Sam had picked before I came to this world.

(Philip took over Sam's identity if you didn't realize)

Completing this contract gave me yet another large amount of cash and a ticket to Brazil.

The only thing left to do here is to pack… Wait, I don't have anything to pack.

'Realizing all of his possessions were inside the large suitcase in his hand, Philip dejectedly made his way to the private airport where his private flight was waiting for him.'

'No news were released to the public about this news, whoever his contractor was, he did a pretty good job at hiding it.'

'But such is the way of the world, how many politicians/businessmen die every month in this way?'

"I'm glad I choose engineering over law…"

/12 hours later/

'Philip woke up from his comfy flight. As to how he got on the plane? A private airport has its own rules... As long as you have the connections and the cash.'

"Did we arrive?"

'Philip opened the window and saw a massive statue, it was one of the 7 world marvels, it was Christ the Redeemer.'

"Never been to this city, I wonder how it is in this world."

[Download completed]

'As he said that, he heard a notification coming from his datapad, he bought one on his way here and he made sure to remove any sort of tracking device in it by passing through a black market before going to the airport.'

'As the flight would take several hours to complete, he searched the internet for martial arts videos and related information and had it downloaded for him as he slept.'

"It's so fucking good to have wifi again… If even for a few days…"

'The plane landed and Philip took off, making his way out of the airport and asked a nearby taxi driver to go towards a hotel he had researched while he was on the plane.'

'Seeing it was quite far away, the taxi driver smiled with glee as he put his feet on the gas.'

/A few days later…/




"Stop… Please, I'm up…"

'In a very high-Class hotel, inside a large and elegant room, Philip could be seen waking up from a large bed.'

'His alarm clock rang nonstop at a desk beside his bed.'

"Yaww… It's been 3 days already… Time to hunt the next target."

'3 days ago, Philip arrived at this beautiful city, he doesn't know its state in his previous world, but in this one, technology had already perfectly fused with its infrastructure, and thanks to this country's booming economy as a rising giant, it made things rather accessible despite him being on a second world country.'

'For the past 3 days, Philip remained at a low profile, barely leaving his hotel room, studying and training as much as he could just so he could Level up once or twice before the mission.'

'He also used this time to research more about his targets, to a certain success.'

"Adding all of the contract times together, at most, I will spend two weeks in this place, I have to make as much of my remaining time as I can."

Open Secondary status

[Name: Philip Vinten

Class: Descendant of the Jetstream


Rodrigues New Shadow School Technique Lv7

Brazilian Superhuman Martial arts Lv8

Taito Flash draw Lv8


Blade Mode Lv5

Explosive draw Lv6


Strengthened Body

Sword Heart

Inventory (+)


"It's starting to get hard to level these up, in 3 days, I only leveled a few things once, and that's when you consider the proficiency bonus I received last time."

However, considering the number of contracts left, it's more than enough.

What's fazing me is the inventory feature, I can't store anything in there. The only time I used it was when I retrieved the items from the beginners' package.

So I think that is only a medium for my rewards to be given to me…

'Philip stretched his body and put on some clothes, he called for the hotel service to bring him his breakfast and after he was done, he started his preparation to eliminate his next target.'

'His target location was pretty simple, it was a drug cartel located on the periphery of the city.'

'With a smile on his face and his sword in hand, Philip made his way towards the target.'

'This time, Philip will be raiding a base!'





What are your opinions on this Class? Underwhelming? Decent?

What Class did you expect/wanted? I am here to hear your opinions.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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