
Second chance.

After dying William expected for nothing to exist just the end of him, but it seems souls are actually a thing. He was in front of a very pale and red eyes man who was looking at him like he was a freak.

William looked at his hands and body and it was normal except that he could not feel anything around him. Finally the man spoke for the first time.

"How did you manage to cultivate the Blood Resonance Creed to the 2nd stage 9th level with out a ounce of cultivation in you? That is impossible, mortals cannot use Divine grade cultivation technique, especially as a human."

William looked at the man and he was talking about that book he found in the depths of a Pyramid in Egypt. A blood red book that gave made him the strongest in his world.

"I found a red book in my world that gave a feeling of oppressions. I read the whole thing and even though most of it was in a language I could not understand I used what I could decipher and practiced it. I felt their was far more i could not use."

"Did this book have a black skull on the cover with black gems in the eyes?"

"I assume the book was yours or belonged to someone you knew."

The man sighed and nodded.

"It was my son's. The Blood Resonance Creed is a Divine grade cultivation technique for the Revenant race, but my son was incapable to use it. He just was too kind and I as the God of Revenants told him to find someone capable. Guess he succeeded."

William remembered that pyramid where he found that book and sword, it was full of traps related to night, blood, and slaughter and at the alter of the book he found a skeleton with a blade in it's chest. That was where he found his sword.

"Was a black sword with a black skull in the pommel his as well?"

The God nodded. "I assume he killed himself right? Well no matter, you have more than proved yourself William. You cultivated a cultivation technique with no qi or mana in the air all the way to the peak of the second stage. I have decided become my apostle."

"Sir, by apostle you mean servant of a God?"

"Yes, I am one of the top 5 strongest gods in the multiverse. Very few can match me, but dare I say you have more the potential."

"With all due respect would that not make me your slave."

"Not even close. I have vessels and enslaved mortals, but only 5 Apostles. Each apostle gains my knowledge, and experience over time and as they grow stronger I grow from their power. Loosing even one would damage my soul as Apostles are like a gods way to get stronger. It is a two way contract. That I swear on my dao."

At his promise William felt a tyrannical presence that assulted him and the god and a red strand connected them.

"My name is Dragos the God of Revenants and Blood. I just made a promise on my dao to not lying to you. Now, William Collins, do you take me as your master?"

William kneeled and spoke. "I William Collins, pledge to be the Apostle of Dragos, God of Revenants and Blood on my dao."

The universe once again resonated and both William and Dragons felt the connection of a river to a endless sea. Dragos was the Sea and William was the river. That was just how much stronger Dragos was than William.

"Now William, It is time for you to go to your first world. A world with enough blood for you to go further then you did in your past life. Do you have any requests for me?"

"Can I get my old Power Armor and Jazz back. I want the exact one and not a copy."


A snap of the finger and once again the wrist watch appeared on Williams right arm and the connection to the chip in his brain that he assumed Dragos returned to him. The confused voice of the A.I spoke up.

"Where are we? William, how are we alive?"

Jazz used the chip to read his memory which was normal and learning what he just did she was shocked he got the attention of a god.

"William, I shall be sending you off to a particular world where i say their will be more than enough blood for you to really let loose the true Terror of the Blood Resonance Creed."

"I have one last request?"

"What is it?"

"Make it even harder."

Dragos grinned and nodded.

"Do not die."

A blood red portal open in front of William and sucked him inside it with out warning. Next thing that William knew he felt terrible pain all throughout his body, but he did not panic.

'Jazz, statues report.'

"I see three drugs, Pancuronium bromide, potassium chloride, and midazolam. The three drugs used in leathal injection. The body has been dead for about 30 minutes. After analyzing a bit of memory of Dragos I can access you need to begin to use the Blood Resonance Creed to resurrect this body."


William's eyes were closed as he was in a corpse, but he still had blood in his body. He sent a small strand of what he now knows was Internal Qi that came from the body. He moved it to his heart and forced started his heart.

The still warm body was still not too far gone for his techniques and as soon as the heart was forced started blood began to pump. The Postasium Cloride had stopped the heart, but that was easy to get rid of.

He used his internal energy and began to cultivate even though this was a corpse it was still fresh. The more cycles he completed the more his heart grew stronger. Now he had the complete technique and he knew what he did wrong.

The first time he should have used his internal energy to fuse with his bone marrow, in the first stage, but he did not. This was the first step to increase his life span and durability for the second stage where he could release his qi outside the body.

That was why his heart could not keep up, not this time. Finally his heart was beating at a normal rate and getting faster he needed to take a breath as the Pancuronium bromide caused muscle paralysis.

Once his blood was moving normally and regaining life he made sure his lungs were clear for air.

'Jazz are we clear?'

"You are in a and I turned off the cameras so your clear."

William took a deep breath of air and the moment his diaphragm and lungs filled with air his heart body finally got air. He breath in a steady way to get his body used to breathing again. Now to get rid of the Midazolam.

It caused sedation and at last air got to his brain that already was 30 minutes dead which was very bad, but his memories were in his soul and repairing the brain was going to be simple.

'Jazz, is it just me or do I still have my energy from my last body?'

"Nope, Dragos sent it along with your soul. Now hurry up and wake up. You stink."

'Shut it you wench. I am busy resurrecting a corpse. Even if it is breathing and the heart is beating this is still dead.'

The Energy moved through his blood into his brain and the dead cells woke up and ate up the pure Energy. Once he felt the brain was repaired enough it was time to bind his soul to the body.

That was easy he moved his soul from the dantian up to his brain and once the brain absorbed his soul the rest was easy. A finally he did not have to make the heart beat manually and it beat by its self, his blood normal, his brain repaired, and now time to wake up.

William opened his eyes and the first thing he saw a bright light that annoyed him. He flexed his fingers and no better time than to do it now. He closed his eyes and sunk into his mind. He moved his internal energy into his bone marrow to start.

The moment they touched it felt like fire was in his bones, but pain did not matter. His bone marrow began to melt and fuse with his energy and in less than 10minutes he broke threw first level of the tenth stage.

Just that made him feel like this was worth it. He rose of the metal table and popped his neck and began to stretch He saw the tag on his leg and ripped it off and looked at it.

"Minato Hisako. That is Japanese, don't tell my I am Asian now."

He looked at his reflection and what do you know he looked just like his past life with not a single change. Except that he was back to being 16, but he was still 6'2 just like he remembers.

Red eyes, pale skin, and okay muscles. They were more like a swimmer body and it annoyed him, he was always very muscular and he prided himself in his muscles. He felt skinny and weak looking like that. At least his tattoos and scars were still their.

"Time to get out of here Jazz clothes."

"Any requests."

"The usual Jazz."

At his request his black t-shirt, black jeans and boots. A pair of shades appeared on his face and he began to leave the morgue as he was finally alive again.

'Jazz, hack into the police record and find out who's body that was. I feel some magic was involved to turn it into a perfect replica of my original one."

"On it."

As soon as her A.I began to hack into the records she was in in less of a second as a system from 2004 would not be able to handle a advanced A.I that was made my William in the future.

"I got it, Minato Hisako was a serial killer, and rapist that killed over 40 women over a period of 10 years. He was killed by lethally injection today and he was 50 years old, 5'6, over weight and sick. My guess the body was used for raw material. I noticed their were no other bodies in their."

"I guess, time to split invisibility."

He disappeared and he began to walk out of the Prison until he heard the chatter of the cops.

"Masaru, did you hear. The bastard Hisako begged to let him live. He cried and pissed himself when he was injected with the drugs."

The other cop smiled and nodded. "That fat pig is in the depths of hell now. Have you seen the body?"

"No, they are going to do the autopsy soon. I think in a few hours. They just don't care and neither should we."

William walked past them and felt that this Hisako really was hated. He would have killed him for a price as low as a penny is they offered. Once he was out and he left the prison he made sure no one was looking and got out of invisibility.

He began to walk around and he heard the chatter and the looks as he was a American/Russian. He wondered why he was sent here when it seemed like a normal world.

'Jazz, check can you hack into the main Japanese server.'

'I can try, but you are going to have to get closer. First let's go on a date."

"Cough, why did you say that?"

"You said you loved me too. It made me happy, come on, I want to look around."

"I hoped you forgot about that."

"Never, also good new your sword is still here."

As William was walking he was stopped by a female cop who looked like she was only 5'6 so she was short. He looked down and when he heard her he looked around.

"What school do you go to? School is still in session

"Wait, I don't go to school."

"You are still 16 correct?"

"I mean yes, but-"

"No buts, just because you are a thug does not mean you won't go. Do I have to put you in cuffs?"

"A thug? I am not a thug?"

She looked at his right arm where he had a huge tattoo sleeve of a jaguar and a snake, and on his left shoulder he had a large grizzly bear tattoo. He really did look like a thug now that he thought about it.

'I am really not in school, what do I do?'

Jazz feeling it be fun hacked into the system she could of the closes school and she found Fujimi Academy and thought it be fun.

'I got you William, I just made a registration for Fujimi Academy it's the closest one here. Now be a good boy and follow the cop.'

'How dare you, you pile of scrap?'

"Tsk, Tsk, how could you insult your girlfriend. Want me to turn off your clothes?'

'You wouldn't dare.'

'Don't I.'

Luckily this conversation was in a split of a second so it was fine, but he sighed internally.

'I am sorry Jazz, please forgive me.'

'What am I to you?'

'My A.I?'



'Try again.'

'Don't make me say it.'

'Say it.'

'Sigh, my girlfriend.'

'Yay, now go.'

"I am supposed to go Fujimi Academy but have never gone, My father was over for business, but he died and he left me with his brother. I just did not see the point as I am going back to American soon."

She cop sighed.

"It's fine, now come on. It's close."

He sighed and followed her as Jazz seemed interested in living a normal life for as long as it lasts. Could not be too bad now could it.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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