19.6% Game of Thrones: The Uncrowned King / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Gifts

บท 10: Chapter 10: Gifts

With the morning sun just coming over the horizon, Will was already out in the yard doing his morning exercise.

Combined with rocks tied to his body, Will did a 25 mile run, did 300 pushups, squats, sit-ups, chin-ups, 100 swings of his swords with each hand, and 100 thrusts with his spear with each hand as well.

They were still a bit too big for him, but he was slowly growing into them. He figured it would be best to train with them considering they would be the ones he would be using for his main weapons.

He did shoot about 50 arrows a day as well, but he wasn't nearly as good with his bow as he was with a crossbow. People might think they were the same, but they were completely different.

For a crossbow all he had to do was aim and pull the trigger. For a bow, he had to hold it just right, calculate how far to pull it back or raise it into the air, and all the other complicated shit to go along with it.

Crossbow fired the same every time, and even a commoner could kill a man if they got off a good enough shot. Hell, even Joffrey killed someone with a crossbow in the series. Granted it was a bound woman, but the fact he managed to kill anyone himself in that show was already an achievement.

By the time he finished his morning training and cleaned himself up, Aegon and Rhaenys were just coming out of their rooms for breakfast. There was nothing but silence as they watched Will dish himself up a plate full of food and begin eating without saying a single word.

"Good morning." Aegon said quietly, almost in a whisper. "Good morning." Will replied back, not slowing down his eating. Rhaenys didn't say anything, but you could tell she wanted to.

'Guess she's still thinking about yesterday.' Will thought, finishing up the last bit of his food. Getting down from the table, Will said, "When you two finish your training for the day, come find me near the water. I have some gifts you might enjoy."

Aegon shouted to him about what the gifts were, but Will chose not to answer the boy. If he told him what it was now, he would have to stay and explain what the hell he was talking about for a long time, and that didn't sound all too fun. Granted it wouldn't be fun later, but after he had some fun it wouldn't be so bad.

Leaving the main building, Will headed straight for the docks of the Watergardens, then pulled a few items from his inventory. There were four surfboards, two kiteboards and two large kites made from the masts of one of the ships he had stolen. He didn't have any way to keep air locked inside of the material, so he used a lightweight flexible bamboo kind of stuff that floated on water.

All he had to do was seal both ends of the hollow material so it wouldn't fill with water when he tested it out. The rope and harness for them wasn't anything special, but it would work for this. There was also one very large glider, but this one wasn't the ones meant for the water.

Will figured if they got up high enough with this thing they would be able to fly quite the distance before they landed. He would have to test the glider first, but he was sure that it would be able to hold at least 3 people and still hold together.

As well as those items, Will also got two of the nicest bows he had been able to find from all the looting he had done in his life, save for his own bow, a few swords, spears, and other fancy weapons that were small and light enough for the brother sister duo.

With Oberyn here to train them, Will had no doubt they would come to try and kick his ass in the future, not that he would let them of course. A nice thing about Oberyn, he didn't believe in letting his daughters remain weak, and instead encouraged them to be the strongest they could be and to utilize anything they could to become stronger.

Will had no doubt the man would do the same for Elia's children, maybe even going further than his own children as these two might be targeted in the future.

For Elia, Will gathered a few fancy books and items he created himself, most of which he was quite proud of. There was a chess set and a deck of cards.

The chess set was made of marble, and the rules were pretty much the same, but the Queen, instead of a crown, had a hand on it for Hand of the King, Bishop was called Lord, the Rooks were now squires, and the pawns were soldiers.

Elia had been bored one day when they were in the north and to help her, Will had made a set out of stone and shown her how to play. This one was much better made, and instead of rock, Will used marble to create the pieces and the board, even going so far as to engrave her initials onto the bottom of it.

It was a one of a kind item, and he was sure she would like it. He figured she would teach Doran how to play, and together they would have a grand old time. The cards were more for Oberyn's benefit. Will figured the man could use another hobby instead of trying to seduce him into bed. He got the chills just thinking about it.

Will also created a flute he carved using water and earth magic, making it somewhat unique compared to the flutes already existing in this world. It was also based on flutes from his previous world, as the ones from this one were made a little weird in his eyes.

Will wanted to give her a violin or a piano, but he didn't really know how to make them. Violins were somewhat of a thing already, but pianos weren't, which was a shame. Not knowing how they worked pissed him off a little.

That was also his problem with making his own alcohol in this world too. In all the fanfictions he read, almost everyone knew how to magically make alcohol or gunpowder and other revolutionary technology, but that wasn't actually how it worked.

To make alcohol, all he knew was you could somehow use potatoes to make Vodka, but he had no idea what the process was or even where to start. Maybe he could hire people who already worked in making alcohol and see if they could experiment with potatoes and hopefully get it right in the future.

Would be nice to make a drink that wasn't so god damned sweet, and had at least somewhat of a kick to it. Sure he wasn't a drunk, nor did he actually drink, though mostly due to his age, he did allow himself the occasional glass of wine or ale every once in a while.

(A.N. Never understood how some random nobody from earth could come to a different world and revolutionize the damn thing. I learned a lot in school, but never how to make alcohol, glass, instruments and other fancy gizmos. No one knows everything guys, and even this book isn't perfect, but I'm trying to not make it so he has the entirety of earth's knowledge at his disposal. Although I do know a few things about little bits of the process of making Vodka, I don't actually know how to make it myself.)

With the gifts all planned out, Will put them in a few different chests, then stored them back into his inventory. He would have just done all of that last night, but he had been way the fuck too tired to do any shit like that.

(A.N. I was just too tired to write it out at the time, and didn't want to go back and fix it today! I'm sure you'll forgive me in time!)

The only thing that remained in front of him was a kiteboard, harness, and of course the kite. Quickly changing into swim shorts of his own creation, (Old pants cut short!) Will put the harness on before he jumped into the water. Even for how early in the morning it was, the water felt great, although that could also be because of his magic.

Ever since he could remember since coming to this world, he had never really gotten cold over anything, and aside from preferring the North to the South, Will had never felt uncomfortable due to the climate before.

Maneuvering himself onto the board, Will used wind magic to raise the kite and launched him out across the water.

With his magic, Will figured he was easily going a little over 50 miles an hour, faster than anything in the world could travel, save for maybe a dragon. God how he hated those fucking overgrown lizards!!

(A.N. All dragons must die!! Doesn't matter what fiction, dragons suck!! I'll let ya think about that and the dragons in this world. *Evil Laughter!*)


(Oberyn Martell POV)

"El...sa! Are you ready?" Oberyn shouted, almost slipping up and shouting his sister's real name. He was not going to get used to this. "One moment!!" Her voice sounded through the door, and he couldn't help the smile that formed across his face.

Every time she disappeared from his sight, he feared he had gone insane and had been hallucinating her coming back to him, but each time his fears would be driven away by her return.

Hearing her voice through the door was like music to him, letting him know it was all part of a plan, and his sister was truly safe.

He was mad at her for half a second when he confronted her about not telling him about her escape, but Will interjected at that moment and told him that she didn't have a say in the matter and that it was entirely his decision, and if Oberyn had a problem with that, he could go spend a day at the brothels and get fucked.

As soon as Elia came out of her room, the both of them met up with Ellaria to meet up with Doran. They had all agreed they would break their fast together, then go to the Watergardens to see the children.

They had all only just sat down at the table together when a guard rushed into the room before falling to his knees. "Forgive the intrusion, but there is something happening on the shore near the Watergardens!!" The guard said, his head still bowed.

"WHAT IS IT?!" Doran asked, thinking maybe there was an attack. The guard didn't answer right away, and it was plain to everyone he was struggling to find the words for it. Finally he answered, "A boy is flying across the water... with a sail in the sky."

Even to the guard it sounded insane, but that was the best he could come up with to describe what he saw. Thankfully there were two people among the royalty who knew full well who was responsible, and if he was behind it then everything should be fine. 'Hopefully.' Elia thought, wondering if Will was trying to kill someone again.

They all skipped their meal, choosing instead to make their way to the shore. Doran wasn't quite able to make it there on his own, so he had some servants help him onto his horse.

"I know this might not be the time, but you should really talk to Will later about your illness. He cured me." Elia told Doran, getting raised eyebrows in return from both him and Oberyn.

They hadn't even thought of how she handled the trip to the North and back, travelling mostly by ship. If that was the case, Elia should have looked much worse, but instead she looked healthier than she ever had.

"You mean he can...?" Doran asked, not being able to finish the words. Elia simply nodded her head, then kicked her horse to start trotting towards the water.

"Now I have to get him into bed. I'll bet it will be a night to remember!" Oberyn mumbled to Ellaria, the both of them sharing a kiss at the thought of bedding Will.

"Don't even try it!! At least not until we see if he can heal me!" Doran exclaimed, breaking up their little moment as he used the reins to prod his horse into catching up with his sister.

"Come, my love!!" Ellaria shouted, getting ahead of him. Smiling happily at that, Oberyn prodded his horse along as well, catching up to the group in no time at all.


(General POV)

When they reached the shore line, all of them were left dumbstruck at what they were looking at. There was a small figure, no doubt Will of course, gliding across the water at an insane speed, doing flips and spins like a madman.

"How is he doing that?!" Doran asked, his eyes wide in amazement. "Magic..." Elia whispered, already knowing how. They all just stood there staring for about 15 minutes before Will started slowing down drastically, then started to make his way towards them.

When he got close enough to the shoreline, the wind seemed to disappear around them and the kite began to fall to the ground.

"Good morning!" Will shouted, stomping up the sand to them, wearing nothing but pants cut at the knees. Oberyn couldn't help as he let his eyes go up and down the boy's body, causing Will to get the chills for a moment. 'Strange... Did my magic fail?' Will thought, but brushed it off rather quickly.

"For a boy of twelve, you certainly look a bit older." Oberyn commented, and Will wasn't sure if he should be happy or creeped out. He didn't have an 8 pack and wasn't bulging with muscles or anything like people claimed they were in fan fictions, but he wasn't a scrawny kid either.

He ate better than most royalty did in this world, always making sure his body got the daily dose of healthy foods it needed to keep strong. He was also more active than most people, especially those his age.

Will looked like a boy of maybe 14, or 15 years old standing at 5 feet 4 inches tall, and he was in great shape, so why wouldn't he be proud of himself? The problem was Oberyn. He couldn't take a compliment from the man, knowing full well what he was after.

(A.N. That is also something I don't quite get in fanfictions. I get the author wants to make his MC ripped and overpowered out the nines, but you can do that and still have him or her look at least a bit normal. Just my thoughts though, you people might also like to read about roided out looking kids, but that just creeps me out a little)

"I meant it, Oberyn! I'll cut it off!!" Will declared, taking an involuntary step towards Elia, his source of calm. Before another argument could unfold, Elia asked, "What was that you were doing out there?"

Oberyn could see that his sister was trying to help him, and although he didn't need her help, he took it nonetheless. "I was kitesurfing! It's pretty awesome!! You should give it a try!!" Will said, making everyone look at him in wonder.

"How?!" Elia asked, not knowing anything about what she had just seen. "It's easy! You just let the wind guide you along the water. You won't be going anywhere near as fast as I was, but you will be going faster than any human can run. Minus myself of course!" Will stated, a cheerful smile on his face.

Elia didn't get a chance to agree to anything before Oberyn chimed in, "I get to try first!!" Seeing the look on his face, Will couldn't tell if Oberyn was being an overprotective older brother or just wanted to be the first to try it.

"I guess you can, but you might want to try just surfing first. If you don't know how to move the board, you're gonna fail every time." Will stated, making Oberyn wonder if he should be insulted at that, and also what surfing was.

"What is surfing?" Doran was the one to ask, being quite intrigued about what he just saw. It wouldn't matter if he couldn't get control of his legs, but what he saw fascinated him to no end, he just couldn't help himself.

"Surfing is where you don't use the kite or the wind to pull you, and simply use the board to glide across the water." Will explained, although he left out the part about surfboards being a bit bigger than the kiteboard.

Elia eventually agreed that she would give it a try in the future, but not before she tried surfing and could handle it well enough on her own. Oberyn would of course try it out first, but she would still be trying it regardless of what her brothers told her.

Doran wanted to try it too, but there was something else he needed Will's help with first. The problem was he already owed Will more than he could ever hope to repay, and the thought of asking the boy for more was already too much for him. Thankfully he had a wonderful sister who, even after all these years, knew him to an insane degree.

"Will, could we talk to you later about healing my brother, Doran? His illness is affecting his ability to walk, and I was hoping you could take a look at him." Elia asked, looking hopeful towards Will.

Out of everyone in the world, she was the person who hated asking things from him the most, but she would do anything for her family, and asking another favor was a price she would pay in a heartbeat.

"We'll talk about it this evening at dinner. For now though, I have some gifts for you, Aegon and Rhaenys. They should be done with their training in an hour or so, but I think it would be alright to give you yours in advance." Will said, smiling as he brushed off the part about healing Doran.

He didn't really care one way or the other about the guy, but if it was Elia asking then he most likely would be healing the guy. She rarely ever asked anything from him in all the time they were together, more often than not she went out of her way to help him whenever she could.

Mending and cleaning his clothes, cooking food, cleaning their house, and making sure he didn't forget to do odd things he had asked her to remind him about.

To many it would sound like she was just a glorified maid, but she treated him like family from the get go, she never once acted like she was better than him, and she was just as encouraging as his real family had been.

She might not have been related to him by blood, but they were family and Will wouldn't let anyone tell him otherwise. He did like Aegon and Rhaenys too, but not nearly as much as he did Elia.

(A.N. Purely as a mother figure! He's not going to get with her if that's what you guys are thinking, so please just forget that!)

"You didn't have to get us anything!" Elia tried to say, but Will was hearing none of it. "Nonsense! I made them with you all in mind!" Will said, getting a smile from the woman.

"What about me?! Did you make me something?! Did you make it, thinking about me?!" Oberyn asked, derailing the smile from both Will and Elia. "No." Will stated, not giving Oberyn another moment of his time.

Taking a few steps away from everyone, Will stomped his right foot, causing the ground to start morphing before the very eyes of those standing near him. In only a few seconds, a table with 5 chairs appeared, as well as a hitching rail to tie the horses.

"Please, have a seat!" Will said, then using magic a hand made of water came over and pulled Doran from his horse and gently placed him into one of the chairs.

"What?! How?! And why am I not wet?!" The prince asked, his hands feeling all over his body. "Water is the most gentle, yet can be the most dangerous when you use it correctly. As for how I did it, magic!" Will answered, not explaining himself any further.

Explaining his magic was something he would never do, and thankfully no one could force him to say otherwise. Not even Elia bothered to ask him to explain how he did stuff, and he was thankful for that. The only answer anyone would ever get was, 'Magic!' Leaving them very unsatisfied, but there was nothing anyone could do about it.

Oberyn and Ellaria had dumbfounded looks on their faces, and Oberyn could more or less understand why Elia thought Will was not to be trifled with. Oddly though, seeing the magic work, Oberyn was strangely aroused, and he didn't even bother to try and hide it from everyone.

Elia had seen things that were even more spectacular than that before, so while everyone was questioning Will and looking stupid, she calmly took a seat next to Will at the table.

As soon as Elia took her seat, Will brought out the chest he had marked for Elia from his Inventory. Opening it up, Will pulled out the first item, a finely crafted flute.

"It's not amazing yet, but it sounds pretty good. I'm sure you could learn how to play it fairly quickly if you tried." Will said, handing the flute, as well as the leather case he had made for it to her.

With a few small instructions on how to hold it, Elia blew into it and right away a pleasant sound echoed throughout the surroundings, surprising everyone, Elia herself included.

"It's lovely, thankyou." She said, holding it close to her. Pulling out the next item, Will placed a weird wooden and glass object in front of her.

"What is it?" Elia asked curiously, and it seemed no one else knew what the thing was either if their expressions were anything to go by.

"I modified the Myrish Eye, (A.N. Pretty much a telescope for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about!) making it a bit smaller, while also allowing it to be retractable and stored easily. That one was the first I've made, but now that it's done I can use it to create a few more just like it. It's a good thing the people of Myr already had everything made for it, otherwise I would have never been able to build this. How they rounded out the glass like they did was genius, but making it so it was in a fixed position mounted on a heavy brass plate like that was ridiculous, so I made some changes." Will said, extending it to it's full length and letting everyone see it.

After getting it from Will, Elia glanced around the area and couldn't help but marvel at how much more useful this was. "This is beautiful!!" Elia exclaimed, hugging Will closely.

Oberyn, Ellaria and Doran all got to try out the 'spyglass' as Will called it, and they too were blown away by the newer model of the device.

"Scouts could use these to get better information from safer distances!" Doran stated, showing just one major use for something like this, and they hadn't even begun to explore the possibilities.

Waiting until everyone was done looking at the spyglass, Will brought out 5 books that no one was familiar with, save for Elia, but she only recognized the one book.

"You didn't...?" She asked in a whisper, reaching out to carefully take the small collection of books. At the top of the pile was a book she had never read, but she had heard the story almost a hundred times from Will.

It was a book with the title of 'Frozen', the very book for which her new alias came from. "I've been writing them out for a few weeks now, and I used water magic to do the drawings. There aren't a whole lot of pictures, but there are enough to get a good understanding of what to visualize." Will said as Elia flipped through the pages to admire everything. Looking at the other books, Elia read the titles.

(A.N. Before you read the titles, just know he is not going to use them to make money in this world. 99% of the population can't read, and the ones that can would hardly give a damn considering only a fraction of them would read for the pleasure of it and not for learning.)

Romeo and Juliet- (A.N. Not Shakespeare style of writing, but the main point of the story.)

Children's tales (A.N. A collection of kids stories.)


A Ruler's Duty

"Two of them are love stories, one is mostly for children, while the last one is my opinion on what a ruler should do. I could only take credit for that one, as the others were written by people from my home land. Though I know them to be long dead, I feel like you might appreciate them." Will said as Elia flipped through the books.

"So you wrote this? Using your own thoughts?" Elia asked, holding up 'A Ruler's Duty.'

"Yeah, so don't judge me too harshly on it. You were always asking my opinions on stuff, I figured I may as well fill you in on some things you might never bother to ask me. You know I think kings are garbage, but this should go into a little more detail about why I think that." Will said, nodding to the book.

Oberyn and Ellaria each flipped through one of the love story's, and Ellaria let out a gasp. "There are love scenes in this book!" She said, her eyes glued to the words in front of her.

"I might not have written everything down perfectly from how it was in the original books, but everything should be close enough." Will said, not showing even the slightest bit of shame for having written something like that despite his age.

(A.N. People who use books as a way to make money in fan fictions do have the right idea, but unless you have photographic memory and have read hundreds of books then it's not really that good of an idea, especially depending on your world. No one in game of thrones is going to change over a love story, and the amount of people who would possibly buy it would be in the low hundreds. Again, just my opinion and it could differ greatly from yours.)

He even said he was just copying what he had read down, and he could just play it off as he was very educated as a child. Plus if all else failed, he could use the tried and true method of not answering people, that always seemed to work wonders for him.

Ellaria and Oberyn both read through the scene, occasionally both of them would glance up at him with widened eyes, then would whisper something to the other.

"I can't believe we never tried that!!" Oberyn whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, getting a nod from the woman he loved. Elia and Doran were both looking at the book Will had written about Rulers, and if Doran's expression was anything to go by, he was stupefied by what he was reading.

"We can discuss the books at another time, but for now there are still two things left." Will said, pulling out a deck of cards made using hardened pieces of thick paper he had gotten in Myr. It was a bit more durable than cardboard, but it could still rip easily if he tried. The only thing different about these cards from his own world was the Jack, instead being drawn with the symbol of the Hand of the King on it.

"There are hundreds, if not thousands of games you can play with these playing cards, and most of them are for adults." Will said, then went on to explain Five Card Poker, Texas Hold'em, Solitaire, and a few other card games.

"I'll just write a few of these games down later." Will said, thinking it would take hours to go through all of the games he knew about.

Finally getting to the last gift, Will pulled out a square checkered marble box from a padded fur lined satchel. "Will, I-" Elia tried to say something, but it got stuck in her throat as tears welled up into the corner of her eyes. Without even looking at the full gift, Elia stood from her chair and pulled Will into her embrace.

"Thank you!" She said, letting the tears fall freely as she cried out of sheer joy. It was only hours before Will had come to her aid that she believed all was lost and she was destined to die, and now here she was, years later with him surrounded by people who would give their lives for her in a heartbeat, and it was all thanks to this boy.

The gifts were things she would treasure for the remainder of her life, and none of them were useless items. Each one could be used to achieve amazing things, and if she so wished, she could use some of these to create more of the same items and sell them in bulk, further increasing the wealth of Dorne.

Although she already knew it, these gifts confirmed something else about Will. Out of everyone in the world, he was someone she could trust wholeheartedly. He had his own ways to amass wealth, yet he didn't care.

He was beyond powerful, and there was nothing she could give him that he couldn't take himself. He was doing all of this because he wanted to, and had no ulterior motives behind it. That was something that was hard to find in this world, as most people would throw you away the minute you were no longer useful. However, that wasn't Will.

Their moment lasted for a little over a minute before they broke apart and Elia went back to her seat, still wiping the tears from her eyes. Seeing his sister calmed down now, Oberyn asked, "What exactly is it?" Gesturing to the box, he was a little lost on what it was.

Will then explained how the game worked, then he and Elia took the chess pieces out of drawers that pulled out from the bottom of the board on each side, already in the correct order in which they were to be placed.

"Think of it like you are having a mock battle and these figures represent the people participating in the battle." Will said, giving them all a mental image if they wished. Oberyn did think the game looked fun, but Doran was more than a little interested in it.

The man had his eyes glued to the board the entire time, not even taking the time to blink for fear of missing something. By the end of the game, Doran was hooked on it, vowing to have Elia teach to play with him later.

"These are all wonderful gifts!! I'm so jealous!" Oberyn said, not bothering to hide how he felt. Although he wasn't envious enough to try and take anything from his sister, that didn't mean he wouldn't ask to borrow some of these items. The books especially!

"I think Anna and... Olaf! *Pfft!* should be done with their training for the day, so I'm going to go give them their gifts." Will said, making the chairs and table disappear after he placed Doran and the chest of Elia's gifts on horses, then began to walk back towards the water.

"Make sure you come to dinner tonight in the palace!" Elia shouted at his back, getting a simple nod in return. Without waiting for anyone to say anything, Will used wind magic to toss the kite up high into the air, then jumped into the water and onto the board, immediately sailing for the Watergardens.

"Where are you going?" Elia asked Oberyn as he rushed to his horse. "Where else? The Watergardens! I'm not going to miss the other things he might show us!!" Oberyn stated, then was off, leaving only a cloud of dust in his wake.

Ellaria was still reading the book in her hands as she stood next to Elia, only noticing Oberyn was gone when Elia took the book from her fingers and put inside a pocket on her dress.

"You can read it later, but for now let's get this stuff back to the palace." Elia said, getting on her mount as well.

"Where's Oberyn?" Ellaria asked, finally looking around them. "The Watergardens." Doran stated, almost wanting to go to the Watergardens himself to see what would happen. Sadly he had other things to do, and goofing off wasn't one of them.

Both he and Elia made their way back to the palace, and Doran couldn't wait for this evening. Before he had been skeptical about Will using magic to heal him, but now he was singing a different tune after having been ripped from his horse by a giant fucking water hand!


When Will got back to the Watergardens, Aegon and Rhaenys were already waiting for him by the docks, having seen him coming from a ways off.

"What is that?!" Aegon asked, pointing towards the kite in the sky and the board in the water. Will went on to explain everything about them and how he had made one for each of them as well as surfboards, the glider, and the weapons.

They didn't get any books or some fancy items, but the weapons made them both more than happy enough with their gifts. They were both given their own little swimsuits, although whether or not they would wear them was a different matter altogether.

Will figured they would based on how much he had influenced them growing up, but for how out of the norm they looked compared to what the rest of the world wore, it would be a stretch.

"I'll give you lessons on how to do everything, and I'll even write them down in case you forget when I'm gone." Will said, then rolled his eyes when he noticed how they both became glum after he mentioned he would be leaving without him.

Rather than let them brood over his inevitable departure, Will used water magic to create two large hands that came out of the water and dragged the both of them inside. Rhaenys recovered fairly quickly, getting to the edge of the docks, while it took Aegon a few minutes to kick his way there.

He had only learned to swim in a tub, granted it was a large tub, but he still wasn't too good at it. As soon as they were both standing back on the docks and had got their breathing back under control, Will threw them back into the water, then tossed two surfboards in after them.

"May as well give you a crash course on it!" Will said, then jumped in the water onto his own board. Despite their glaring eyes, both children followed Will out into the water on their new boards, spending hours having fun.

Aegon was still a bit too small for this, but he wasn't too bad at just standing on his board as it floated. Trying to go over a wave is what pushed him off, but he would get there in the future. Rhaenys was a natural, managing to ride a few little waves without falling off.

It wasn't until she started bragging that Will used water magic to send her tumbling into the water, getting a glare from her in return as soon as she got back on the board.

Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, Oberyn made his way out to them, wearing only a pair of long thin pants. He shared a board with Aegon until Will told him he had another board stored away, at which point he got his own.

The man took to surfing like a fish to water, and Will had to admit that for being a first timer, Oberyn did better than anyone he had ever seen.

Rather than give the guy another thing to be cocky about, Will made him have a series of unfortunate accidents and fell into the water. It wasn't until the Sun started to go over the horizon that they decided to leave the water, at which point Will used magic to make them all instantly dry.

"How convenient!" Ellaria said, feeling all over her clothes. "Well that was fun, but now I need to prepare for dinner tonight at the palace." Will said, leaving everyone else to just stand there at the docks. Aegon and Rhaenys would be eating with the other servants, so Will wouldn't really worry about them tonight.

"Don't you think it will be seen as a bit weird that the prince was playing with some servants?" Rhaenys asked Oberyn, wondering if they had fucked up. Oberyn brushed it off, saying that word was spreading about Will and how the royal family was trying to get into good graces with him. If that meant swimming with servants, then so be it.

So far all anyone knew about Will was that he came from a wealthy family across the sea, and that was it.

"We also had the majority of the servants stationed in the Watergardens moved to the palace, and a few extremely trustworthy guards moved here. The odds of most people seeing us from the city were almost none, but if any did then there shouldn't be too much of a concern." Oberyn stated, also telling about how there were scouts surrounding the area for the next month, and if anyone approached then they would be moved to the palace.

"Speaking of the palace, I need to go get changed." Oberyn said, taking Ellaria by the arm before they made their way to their horses.


It took Will less than an hour to get himself cleaned and dressed up in a set of nice new clothes. Mounting Trojan, he made it to the palace in no time at all, wondering what the Martell family had in store for him.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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