1.96% Game of Thrones: The Uncrowned King / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: End of the Beginning!!
Game of Thrones: The Uncrowned King Game of Thrones: The Uncrowned King original

Game of Thrones: The Uncrowned King

นักเขียน: GrimsReaper

© WebNovel

บท 1: Chapter 1: End of the Beginning!!

The flames to the building climbed higher and higher, and as the heat grew more intense, Will knew he wasn't getting out of this one.

'Well... fuck.' He thought, slumping against a nearby wall, the room growing hotter by the second. Originally he had started all of this for vengeance on those who took his home, his family, beat him, mocked him, and left him for dead, but to achieve what he wanted wasn't so easy, nor did it come without losing his morals at the same time.

The innocents he walked over to get to this point were too many to count, and he knew if there was a judge at the end of this, the fire would be waiting for him, so dying by fire would be like having a glimpse of what his future eternity held in store.

For nearly two decades, he trained and studied his enemies, found their weaknesses, then carried out his plans. He watched everything unfold, some things going just as he expected, while some went into disarray, but in the end he achieved what he set out to do.

Out of the 9 people he set out to ruin, 8 of them were cut down by his own hand. Trying to deal with the ninth however, was what got him into his current situation. Everything should have worked out perfectly, but somehow he missed something like this.

The origin of how the fire started was still a mystery to him, as was where the hell the walls came from as well. From studying the blueprints and even breaking into the place a few times, the walls should have never been there, nor should there have been a way to start the fire.

Regardless of being stuck in the trap and the ninth man still being alive, he would still achieve his goal. Before coming here, he had taken everything he had gathered about them, then sent files with all of their misdeeds to newspapers around the country that would be released upon his death.

The proof was irrefutable, and he might not be the one to kill this guy personally like the rest, he would still be the cause. Politicians were funny that way. Their image was everything, and if you destroyed that, you destroyed them.

'Was it worth it, Will?' He asked himself. He wasn't sure if he would do it the same way if he could start over, but in the end he knew he would do everything he could to bring those who had wronged him down.

He didn't think his brother and sister were happy they were avenged, not the way he did it anyway, but he was. The smoke in the room was getting to him now, and he couldn't stop coughing. 'Soon...' He thought, seeing some parts of the floor fall in on themselves, knowing he had but a few moments longer.

As the flames washed over him, instead of screaming in agony, he embraced the heat. It was the second most unbearable moment in his life, the first being when he watched his family be tortured before his very eyes, but he still endured it with a smile on his face.

Having watched his brother be beaten within an inch of his life and his sister used like some street whore while he hid in a secret compartment under the floor, the fire was welcoming. The pain lasted for what felt like an instant, then all at once, it disappeared.

The pain, the surroundings, everything but the fire raging around him, burning in a void of nothingness. 'What the fuck...?' He thought, turning every which way to try and find something, but all he could see was either blackness or bright orange flames. It didn't even appear he was standing on anything, just floating there, surrounded by fire. Thankfully the pain had gone, but this still wasn't very fun.

"Is this seriously going to be my torment for eternity?!!" He shouted out to the flames, not really expecting an answer, but he got one anyway.

"Calm down, kid. Honestly, you mortals really blow things way out of proportion." The voice was smooth and calming, and for some reason seemed to radiate out of the void. "Who are you?! Where are you?!" William asked, turning all around him, as it seemed whenever he could hear the voice speak, it was always behind him.

"I am God. Well... A God, but that's not really important. What is important, is the fact that I finally hold your very soul in my grasp." God said, causing Will to stop trying to find the unknown being.

"As for where I am, well, I am all around you." God spoke, then as if to prove his point, the fire around him dimmed, followed by lightning striking out of nowhere all around him, revealing glimpses of something William couldn't even begin to describe. It was like he was staring into the depths of the abyss, and it stared back, making him feel as though it would devour him.

"Well... that was creepy as fuck. Please don't do that again." William said, shaking the image of what he just saw out of his... Soul...? Brain...? Whatever he was now.

"Hmmm... what an interesting mortal. You stared into my eyes, yet I see nothing in yours. I don't know anything you are thinking, nor what you want to do, or will do. No matter how I tried, you still somehow managed to pull through and live. Despite everything I did to have you killed, you countered and crushed my pawns, until eventually you were the last one standing. Now here you are, finally in my grasp, yet everything I have set up is burned to ashes." God said, bringing William's curiosity to an all time high.

"What are you talking about?! Why do you want me?!!" He shouted, wondering what the fuck this thing was on about. He already forgot it was something that creeped the shit out of him, but he would get to that later.

For awhile there was no answer, but William knew the god or whatever the fuck it was, was still there. He was just about to ask again when it finally answered, "Ever since the beginning of time, when the Creator gave life to the cosmos, we divine beings have watched on as the universe grew, eventually branching out into millions of universes layered together. We even had a hand in building our fair share of them.

However, we eventually grew tired of building universes, and started more along the lines of creating games with certain mortals. We would grant them power, throw them into a world of their choosing, and let them run wild. But like all things, it became predictable and boring. So I decided to change things up.

Rather than pick a mortal, I created one. No divine as ever done this you see, and I was hoping for something interesting to happen, and to my great joy, something did! Despite the limited amount of power I put into creating you, it was enough to hide you.

With my sight alone I couldn't see or hear you! Your every move was unknown. To find you I had to use some power, but even then it was like watching a movie, where your thoughts were unknown. I was so excited at this revelation, I tried to move you to a different, more interesting world, but you fought me.

Sure I could have just taken my power back and devoured your soul, but I thought it would be fun to play with you. I sent pawns to take you when you were a child, but without realizing it, you had escaped. Not only that, but with your actions and thoughts hidden from me, you were able to destroy my pawns in a way that made me laugh, and I just wanted you even more.

Upon seeing you go after the final pawn, I was almost tempted to keep playing the game, but that world is far too boring. Sure people kill each other, but with your guns and technology, it was no longer fun to watch. I arranged for you to burn, and now here we are."

Needless to say, William couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"Let me see if I'm getting this right. You were tired of always knowing what would happen, so you created an unknown in the world, which is me. Then after succeeding, you didn't like the world so you sent minions to slaughter all of my family and myself included to send me to a different world, but failed. Then, all the time I was trying to get vengeance, you were playing a game, until you finally decided to change the venue and cheated by burning me alive in a cage with no way out?" William asked, not sure if this was all a bad dream or some sick fucks fantasy's.

(Yes, Author!! We're looking at you!!)

"That pretty much sums it up, yeah. So any thoughts on the world you want to go to?" The God asked, brushing everything off like it was no big deal.

William couldn't do it though. This... thing!! Had arranged for everyone he cared about to be killed, yet showed zero fucking remorse whatsoever! He didn't care if this God created him!! They were his family! They had raised him, loved him, and in the end, bled for him.

"Fuck you!! You think I give a damn about anything you want after what you did?!! You may have created me, but to hell with it!! Take back your damned power and go shove it up your ass until you're coughing it out your mouth!!"

He didn't care that this being could probably erase him with just a thought, he was far too outraged. And by normal means, he was right to be angered, but to this god, it seemed like this mortal was throwing a petty tantrum over nothing. However that didn't mean God was ignorant over mortal matters, after all, he had watched and studied them for billions of years.

"I get you're mad about losing your family, so I'll let that all slide. And I would also like to point out, I simply instructed my pawns to end the life of a family so I could have you. How they did it was not up to me, otherwise you would have died along with them. One thing we divine can't do is control souls.

We can create them, instruct them, we can erase them, or we can reincarnate them, but the Creator made it so no divine could control them. Free Will and all that. I did not mean for your family to suffer as they did, and for that I apologize. However, I created you, and one way or another, you are going to come with me regardless of whether you want to or not." The god said, and just as William was about to do another outburst, the God added, "But to appease your anger and make this fun for both of us, how about I change some things around for the souls of your family?"

His words calmed William similar to how a lake would put out a match. "What do you mean?" He asked, his anger put on hold for the moment.

"Right now, the souls of your family are currently in the cycle of reincarnation. They have already been purified, and now are awaiting their new reincarnation forms. Could be an animal, a bug, a mythical being, whatever. What I'm willing to do is make sure they are all given lives where they live out their dreams and be happy, and in return, you go to a better world and cause mayhem, only this time it won't be against me." The god said cheerfully, and William could swear the thing was smiling at him despite not being able to see it.

He didn't have to be a fucking mind reader to know what he would do considering everything else he had done for them. "Fine! You make their dreams come true, and I'll be your entertainment!!" He said sourly.

Sure he would do it in a heartbeat, but that didn't mean he was going to be happy about it.

A few minutes later God spoke, "Alright!! It's done!!" Then as if to prove his words, images appeared in his mind, and he knew from them that God had kept his word.

"Thanks. I still don't like you, but now I won't be trying to kill you. Not that I could anyway." He said, still not happy, but he was at peace with himself now. "It was nothing really. Think of it as a reward for a game well played, though I know you don't consider it a game." God said, getting a huff of agreement from William.

Pretending like he didn't hear it, God asked, "So which world do you want to go to? And what power do you want?" William thought for a moment, then asked, "What's the extent of the power I'm allowed?" He would take whatever he could get, and getting the maximum would be best.

"Well, it really depends on the world. Most Gods would just let you spin a wheel, or give you a bullshit system and the like, but I feel that doing that kills the story!! Say you were given a system, I would pretty much know how everything played out based on the system missions. Plus if you were compelled to follow some floating blue screen, you wouldn't be living your life how you wanted, you would be living how the system wanted, and I didn't create you for that shit!"

William had to admit God had a point there. Figuring he better pick his world first, he asked, "What are my options for worlds?"

There was a pause before a list of names appeared before William on a white system styled screen. "This is just so I don't have to say every one of them. There's a lot." God said before William could ask if he had a system, which he thought was unlikely given God's stance on systems.

Dragon Balls

Attack on Titan



One Piece


Game of Thrones


Harry Potter


The list went on and on, showing hundreds of different worlds, all of which had some form of power in them, be it magic or otherwise. Many of them he crossed off with just a glance, knowing how if you didn't have the power you were basically a slave. Finally he narrowed it down to three options.

"What powers can I get for either of these three worlds"

Harry Potter

Game of Thrones


"Hmmm.... well for starters, Harry Potter is out. I'm not saying it wouldn't be funny to watch you fuck up and murder a lot of people there, but one of the other two are more your style. As for powers... For Naruto, you can have lots of Chakra, one Kekkei Genkai, and an Inventory. And no you cannot have the Sharingan. As for Game of Thrones... some elemental magic and an Inventory I guess."

William thought over the options, and of the three, Harry Potter did seem too out of character for him. He could never go back to school with all of those little snot rags, and he sure as hell wouldn't follow some fucking prophecy which pretty much said he couldn't kill the main bad guy.

Naruto sounded fun for the sole purpose of fucking with people with all of the different Jutsu which let him transform into different people. Game of Thrones however, had a certain appeal he was drawn to, and the more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea.

"You said I could have elemental powers, so can I have powers similar to that of Aang from Avatar: the last Airbender?" God thought over the request, and although he knew it was a broken power, he had watched more overpowered abilities go into worlds less powerful and have it still be entertaining to watch.

"Sure! You get that and an Inventory, and that's it. The power will come from Magic instead of Chi, and although it will be similar to the Avatar world, it will be a bit different. What those differences are, you'll have to figure that out.

You will start out as a 5 year old, while the Timeline will be a year before Robert's Rebellion, to give you a chance to figure out how to stay alive. What you do once you're there is entirely up to you. The only thing I'm gonna interfere with is if you do nothing but farm!

There was this one guy, a broken existence he was with the powers granted to him, and all he did was farm the lands until his dying breath. Completely killed the story for me!! Anyway, off you go!! Don't die anytime soon!!"


(Planetos Year 279 AC)

With his powers settled and farewell said and done, William felt like he was going to sleep, only to wake up an instant later, but this time there was a bright blue sky above him.

Getting to his feet, he noticed something very troubling.

He was no longer an adult, but instead in the body of a child. He knew it was coming, but going from a man in his late 20's to a five year old kid was unsettling. With a worried thought, he quickly pulled at his pants until he saw his dick was still there.

"Oh, thank you Jesus!" He said, and he truly meant it. He had forgotten to state that he wanted to be a boy, and from many of the books he had read, there were a few of them who had gone into a new world with different genitalia than what they remembered having.

Although he was now a child, he was thankful to see he was clothed, and had proper boots, but the strange thing was it was fine clothing from this world. He wasn't complaining, but it still weirded him out.

Looking around, he noticed he was in a forest, with bright green leaves, but not a sign of civilization in sight. Thinking of powers, he first decided to check out his inventory. It wasn't hard mind you, as all he had to do was think about it and a mental image of everything he had appeared. Surprisingly, his Inventory wasn't empty.

Inventory List:

1 map

2 one handed swords

1 great sword

1 spear

2 daggers

1 axe

1 hammer

1 bow

50 arrows

2 sets of clothes

3 premade meals

1 water pouch

1 Mirror

1000 Copper pennies

999 Silver Stags

2 Gold Dragons

(A.N. I changed up the currency values, as there were way the fuck too many of them and the values to them were ridiculous. I do hope you can find it in yourselves to shut up and not bitch at me. 1000 Copper is 1 Silver, and 1000 silver is 1 gold. Simple!!)

Looking at everything he had, he let out a low whistle. Pulling out one of the swords, he couldn't help but smile broadly. He was never all that interested in swords in his previous life, but he figured he might as well now that he was here. It also wasn't anything super bulky, which would have been a pain given his small form.

Thankfully it was long and thin with a straight blade, going into a vicious point. It also had a loop guard with points on the outside, most likely to cause damage when he bashed someone's skull in with it. He knew it was meant to protect his hands in a fight, but it sure as hell could cause damage as well.

Looking at the other one-handed sword, he found it was nearly identical to the first one. They were both made of a foreign material that he had never seen before, but didn't think too much of it. For some reason, whenever he looked at them they reminded him of Furr King Bradley's swords from FMA, which was fine, just weird that he was thinking of an anime just by looking at them.

Putting the swords away, he checked the spear, and what a magnificent spear it was. It was made out of pure metal, but it was super lightweight. It had a wavy sort of blade, and a horrifying tip, and William knew it would kill anyone it came into contact with. Sadly it was far too tall for his current form, and he had to stow it away back into his inventory.

The hammer and axe were the same, both being made out of the same pure lightweight metal as his swords and spear, but with how big they were, he wouldn't be using them anytime soon. The bow was no better, only it was made of wood. Still unusable though.

The daggers were about the only thing he could use, and damn it if they weren't beautiful. They Looked like they could be on display for how fancy the damn things looked, but they also looked deadly. The back of them was serrated, while the blades curved upwards towards the tip. On the handles there were small holes for his fingers to loop through, making it look similar to having brass knuckles with a fancy blade on it.

"I fucking love these!!" He said, doing a few practiced motions with them. Of every weapon he had, these were the only ones he had actual training in. Granted it wasn't with these particular blades, but with knives of similar length and weight. He was also a bit older at the time, so it would take some getting used to with this new body.

Storing his weapons away, he pulled out the mirror of all things. He had no idea why it was in there, but there should have been a reason right? With just a glance in the mirror he was able to understand why it was there, and Will wanted nothing more than to strangle the stupid God who put him here.

"WHY NOT JUST MAKE ME A YOUNGER VERSION OF MYSELF?!! YOU STUPID DIVINE ASSHOLE!!" Will shouted to the sky. If the idiot for a God wanted to make this a challenge for him, then good job he succeeded.

After all, a boy with midnight black hair with streaks of white in it would have been bad enough on it's own, but giving him bright, almost glowing red eyes made him look monstrous. Will cursed for a good ten minutes before he calmed down, deciding it would be best to do something to clear his mind from his idiotic looks.

Now would be as good a time as any to try and figure out his magic. Closing his eyes, he cleared his mind, trying to focus on what was within himself. He had no idea what he was doing, but in the Avatar series, Aang did this shit a lot. Thankfully it didn't take long before he felt something connect deep inside him, and he realized it was his magic.

Still looking inside himself, he felt what seemed to be a pathway, which he pointed his magic towards. Thinking of fire, he pushed his magic through with little to no effort. When he opened his eyes, he was elated to see a fireball dancing in his hands.

You would think after being burned alive he would have some fear over the fire, but that didn't seem to be the case. Seeing the dancing ball of fire in his palms, he decided to try something else. Thinking about what he wanted to do, he pulled his hand back like he was throwing a baseball, then threw with all his might.

He watched as the ball of fire crashed into the trunk of a tree, leaving a small scorch mark before it dissipated. There was a little bit of smoke, but other than that everything went just as he had hoped.

"Fuck ya, you stupid over grown lizards!! I'm gonna be the top dog in this world!!" Will shouted out to no one, although anyone in their right mind would have been able to guess he was talking about the Dragons.

He didn't know why, but he hated those things!! Whether or not he would kill them in the future was unknown, but it wasn't out of the realm of possibility.

Air magic came just as easy as fire, and after an hour of practice he managed to create a tiny wind blade. The most it did was leave a small scar on a tree, but tree bark was a lot harder than skin, so he called it a win.

Earth magic was more challenging, and after over an hour of practice he barely managed to float a few pebbles into the air. As for water magic, let's just say he had zero talent in that area. With a little over two and a half hours of trying to do anything with water, not a damn thing happened.

Taking some time to eat some food, Will also pulled out the map. Thankfully there was a little red pushpin on the map with a sticker that said, "You are here!" letting him know exactly where he was.

From the looks of things, he was maybe a few hours or a day, depending on the scale of the map, north of Storms End.

Knowing where he was didn't mean a damn bit of good if he had no idea which way was north or south, so he climbed the tallest nearby tree, which wasn't easy given his small stature. Halfway up the tree, he had to pause to catch his breath and let his aching muscles take a rest.

'I wanna see any other kid my age do this!!' He growled internally, although that might have just been to keep himself motivated. Getting his breathing back in order, he continued his climb upwards. Climbing for what felt like eons, he finally made it to the top, getting a good view of the surrounding area.

He had to move around to the other side of the tree to get a different view, but thankfully his guess was nearly spot on. He could make out a castle off in the distance between two mountains, but it would maybe be a day and a half, depending on how fast he walked before he would reach the fortress.

Climbing back down the tree, he began his march towards Storm's End. Along the way he practiced his bending, mostly wind and fire though. Although at one point he took off his boots so he could try and feel for the vibrations like Toph did in Avatar, but it turned out to be a lot harder than they made it out to be.

"Just feel it!!" He said in a snarky tone, mocking a character that didn't even exist in this world. "Stupid little blind girl!!" He almost shouted after he stepped onto a pointy rock. After hours of walking with nothing but training to pass the time, William noticed the sun was beginning to drop below the horizon.

Looking around, he saw a tall tree, then ran towards it. At the base of the tree, he pulled out a dagger and carved an arrow in the direction he was walking so he would stay on course the next morning. Finally he did another agonizing climb up a second tree for the day.

Getting up high enough, he lodged himself into the crook of the tree, and after a few adjustments, he found it difficult to fall in any direction, which is what he had intended. He didn't want to fall out of the tree during the night, nor did he want to sleep on the ground where a wild animal would rush to eat him if given the opportunity.

He ate his sandwich, it being the last meal he had in his Inventory, then went to sleep. He awoke the next morning to the rays of sunlight beaming through the foliage of the treetops, almost caressing his skin with it's warmth. He had to shit!!

Making his way down the tree, he quickly ran off towards a big leafy bush. This was something he was going to have to get used to, but he had one proviso to make. "First order of business when I get to Storm's End, is find some fucking toilet paper!!" He shouted, throwing the leaves to the ground.

There was only so much he was willing to give up from his previous life, but toilet paper was not one of them.

With no more food, he began his trek once more, although this time with an empty stomach. He did come across a few bushes with some berries, but without knowing if they were poisonous or not, he simply stored them into his Inventory.

As he marched on, he thought about how he would introduce himself to people. With how he was dressed, no one would believe he wasn't the son of a nobleman, and he had no intention to look or act like a plebian unless it was truly necessary.

'William Castian or William of House Castian?' He didn't really care either way, but from what he remembered, everyone considered houses like a surname. 'Whatever!' He thought, then wondered what kind of sigil he wanted for his fake/new house to be.

The great houses of this world all had some form of sigil, but most of the cool animals were already taken. 'Dragon, Lion, Wolf, Bear, Stag, Horse, and... some other boring ass animals!' He thought to himself, hoping to maybe spark an idea from it.

Then as if a kick to the face, he realized what his sigil would be. He had been reborn in fire and come out stronger for it, and that sounded exactly like a certain mythical bird he rather liked. The Phoenix was way the fuck cooler than those overgrown lizards, and it fit him perfectly!!

(A.N. It might seem like I have an obsession with this bird, and you would be correct to assume as much!)

With the image of a bird with it's wings spread open consumed in fire in his mind for what he wanted his Sigil to be, he picked up a rock, and with earth magic he shaped it until it had the image he wanted on a small stone ring.

He would make something better later with a different material, but for now this would work. After putting the ring on, a thought struck him.

'If I had rings with the other house sigils, could I use them to get free stuff?' That was apparently all the inspiration he needed to make rings with the sigils of each of the great houses on them. He had no idea how accurate they were compared to the real things, but he could always modify them a bit down the road if need be.

Walking through the woods, he saw something out of the corner of his eye run into some nearby brush, causing him to jump for cover almost instantly. From behind a tree, he peered around it, and what he saw made him let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Beneath the leaves of a shrubbery bush, he saw a big fat rabbit, staring right at him, no doubt in fear. His stomach took that moment to rumble, reminding him he hadn't eaten all day. It didn't take much to convince himself to kill the rabbit, but how he was going to do it was the question.

He could throw a fireball at it, but he wasn't sure how that would turn out. Launching rocks was also an option, but he wasn't sure he could throw them hard enough to kill or even hit the damn thing. Eventually he settled on using a wind blade, thinking that you couldn't see the damn thing coming, so trying to dodge would be damn near impossible.

Taking a deep breath, he started channeling the air around the palm of his hand to spin, slowly picking up speed by the second. The tiny bits of sand gave him a visual on what he was doing, and once it looked like a tiny twister, he stepped forward, putting his whole body into the throw, and threw it, making sure to arc it at the last second.

Blood sprayed, yet the rabbit did not die. Instead it thrashed around wildly, trying to get away, but William wouldn't allow that. Pulling out a dagger, he rushed the bleeding creature. Trying to stab a flopping target was a lot more difficult than he thought it was, especially one so small.

It took him almost a minute before the point of his blade pierced the furry creature, making one final high pitched squealing noise before it went limp. Sweating a bit, he sat down on the leaves and sticks until he caught his breath, then turned his attention to the soon to be food.

'What do I do now?' He thought. Gutting something wasn't really new to him, as he had practiced on more than one occasion with the two legged bastards when he was getting his revenge, but skinning and eating it was something else entirely.

He also had no idea where to start on a rabbit, but figured just staring at it wouldn't give him any answers, so he went to work. Almost an hour, many mistakes, and a mangled stick of meat later, William was admiring his handy work.

By no means was it good, but for his first time with no instruction, he figured he did alright. Cooking the damn thing was a lot easier than he thought it would be with fire magic, although he did burn a few spots.

It was also disgusting, as he didn't have any seasonings or something to marinate it in, but it was still food. He ate a little more than half before he was full, then stored the rest inside his Inventory. There was only a few hours left until he reached Storm's End, then he could figure out what to do from there.

Clearing the forest, Will got a better view of the castle before him, and at just a glance understood why it was called impenetrable. The place was fucking huge!! Another thing of note, the townsfolk and peasants didn't live within the castle walls, instead they created a small town within view of the walls.

'They probably wouldn't have let me in the castle anyway.' He thought, marching towards the town. Something he noted as he walked along the open field, was the King's Road, which stretched as far south as you could go, then went all the way to Castle Black in the North, was only about a hundred yards from the route he had walked in the forest.

'Whatever...' He thought, knowing he could not change the past. It would have been easier to walk along the road, but it might have been more dangerous depending on if he met anyone else.

The town was nothing to write home about, but it was still better than nothing. Walking through the town, he got odd glances here and there, but with the way he was dressed and carried himself, everyone thought he was a noble and rather than causing problems for the young lordling, they steered clear.

His house was unknown, and people didn't want to risk offending someone who might be able to send armies their way. The first thing he did in the town was go to a few stalls, and after a bit of information gathering, he was horrified to learn they didn't have toilet paper. The man at the stall was even flabbergasted at the mention of using paper for such a thing, but he was clearly an idiot!

William didn't bother with the man after that, instead he found a linen shop. With 10 Silver stags, he purchased a large assortment of small pieces of linen, enough to last for a year or so for what he intended to use it for. It might have been expensive, but it was a necessity.

Next on his to-do list, he had to go to a few stalls to acquire all sorts of different spices and food, but in the end, he could now make anything he cooked have some sort of flavor. The spices were relatively cheap, only costing 6 Silver Stags, and that was even after the insane amount he had purchased. That still left him with 2 Gold, 983 Silver and 1000 Copper Pennies.

With 20 Silver, he purchased a large assortment of different foods, bread, milk, cheese, some fruits and vegetables. His quantities were ridiculous for the average person, but he didn't know how often he would be able to find food like this, and he had a decent bit of wealth, at least by common folk standards.

Purchasing armor was going to have to wait, not only because he would grow out of it soon, but also because it cost a lot more than 1 or 2 Gold Dragons. He wanted to buy a horse as well, but he decided to postpone that idea.

He couldn't afford the upkeep for a horse, nor could he hold it if a group of assholes tried to take it from him. Sure he might be able to defend himself, but as he was right now, he wouldn't be decimating battles just yet.

With 5 of his Silver Stags, he purchased passage on a caravan to King's landing, which would depart the following morning at sunrise. He didn't have anything in particular he wanted to do in King's Landing, but it was the capital and whatnot.

The smell would probably be a problem for him if it was anything like they described in the series, but it would just be the first stop along his journey. He had plans, and they involved moving northward!

GrimsReaper GrimsReaper

Greetings all!! This is my take on the Game of Thrones series! It will be a mixture of both the books and show, but nothing too out of the ordinary. Anyway, enjoy!!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C1
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



เข้า สู่ ระบบ