

The next few days went pretty much the same with my brother's and my own rigorous training schedule then fish or boar for lunches and dinners. We mostly fasted through breakfast, while unnecessary I figured some healthy living wouldn't hurt either, also having the effect of removing a certain hunger weakness we both had. Now skipping a meal or two wouldn't really effect us the way it did Goku when he was young and on his first adventure.

Speaking of which, From my perch on top of Grandpa's house I can see the silhouettes of my brother and a taller blue haired girl walking up the path to the house. 'Must be that time already.' I mused with a grin, and hopping down.

"Bro, this girl hit me with her car then shot at me with her "gun" then still has the nerve to ask for Grandpa's ball." Kakarot said incredulously.

"Oh, is this true?" I asked the bluenette.

"w-well yes... I- I'm sorry.." She says clearly a bit put off at my appearance and the whole situation she's found herself in. "I wasn't paying attention then I was freaked out that he was fine after I crashed into him and I saw his tail so I acted out of fear.." She said but I catch her eyes glancing at my dark brown furry arms and yellow eyes.

"I see.. Then the way I look must really frighten you huh?" I asked with a bit of amusement and also a touch of hurt. 'I still apparently feel a bit self conscious I guess.' I mused.

"N-no.. I mean, it's different but... that's not it.." She said with a blush. 'uh what..' I thought completely caught of guard.. "I'm Bulma by the way.. Bulma Briefs." She said after collecting herself.

"Scalis.. And you met my brother Kakarot.. A pleasure to meet you." I said mechanically still not processing fully the thought that this beautiful girl blushed after looking at me. 'maybe its just my imagination just forget that for now.' I thought. "Anyways, my brother said you were looking for Grandpa's ball huh? Want to elaborate further for me?"

"You can't be seriously considering this Scalis. Just handing over Grandpa's heirloom?" Kakarot protested.

"Calm down Kakarot, I just want to hear an explanation before anything. Besides if you still salty about earlier it sounds like it was a misunderstanding. Remember brother we're different, so people may not know how to react to us, we have to be understanding, within reason of course." I said and he visibly calms down remembering my stories and warnings on the matter. "We fight, but never for cruelty, only defense of ourselves and those who cannot defend themselves, and sport." I said my own little motto and he nods in agreement. Don't get the wrong idea though, we're not soft, just not barbaric. We don't mind killing just not needlessly. Like some poachers found out the hard way a few years back. It was hard lesson for Kakarot and a eye opener for me. I wasn't put off at all at what I did to that man, we turned over his friends to a ranger that had been tracking them but the man I killed fought back and tried to kill the ranger so I ended him. I slept like a baby that night. Clearly my genetics influenced my feelings on the matter and with what I know is coming I am grateful.

"Sorry to interrupt but you wanted to know why I want the ball yes?" Bulma asked bringing me away from the memory of that day and my musings. I just nodded and motioned for her to follow me to the camp fire I had built. I put the large fishes Kakarot caught on to cook then took my seat. She went on to tell us about the legend of the dragon balls and her own wish for the perfect boyfriend. When she finished and I had plated up some food for the three of us I thought about our options.

"Brother, if we decide to let her take the ball I want to go with her." Kakarot interrupted my thoughts. "I want to see the world, maybe train and fight with people to see where I stand." Kakarot explained.

"Very well, I will agree to letting you have the ball if you will agree to two of my conditions." I said and I can see her start to come up with a protest. "Your wish is worth this yes? You want something and I want something that seems more than fair." I said.

"Fine... Name them." She said.

"First, is less for myself and more for my brother and your own safety. You've seen how your gun can be ineffective for certain situations so I ask that you take my brother with you." I said and I can see her accept that readily. "Second, I ask for a favor in the future that you cannot turn down." I said and I can see her get nervous. "Relax, I will not ask for anything that will cause you harm or for anything that will cause you any distress." I said and I can see her visibly relax. 'She must have thought I wanted something impure, hehe. Maybe one day, maybe not who knows.' I thought.

"Wait, wont you be coming with us brother?" Kakarot interrupted.

"No.." I said and he tenses. "This will be an adventure for you bro. You're time to get out of these woods and experience things, train, fight, live." I said. "Also I wont be staying her in your absence so don't worry. I plan to go out and experience things as well. Grandpa told us of that place remember?" I asked and he thought for a moment before realization struck. "Yes, I will be going there to see about getting some help to get stronger myself. Go Kakarot, find a master to teach you new techniques, do things you want to do, when you're ready or if I cant stay away I'll see you, haha." I said with a laugh.

"Well you have a deal from me. As long as its within my power and with your word earlier that it wont be unreasonable then I will owe you a favor." Bulma interrupts.

"I guess I will be seeing you soon then bro, take care of yourself while I'm away." Kakarot says coming over and giving me a hug.

"Remember your teachings brother, you'll be fine, and so will I. Don't compromise yourself for anyone, stand up for what you think is right and I'll see you when we're both a bit stronger and I expect a good fight, you hear me?" I said hugging my brother back. Honestly I'm not worried about him in the slightest, with his strength nothing should be able to touch him as long as he keeps from getting to cocky. "Also remember there's always someone stronger out there, don't get a big head." I said pulling a way a bit. "Don't forget to lower your BP out in public" I said in a whisper only he heard and he nodded in response. I had taught him alot about ki manipulation how to sense it and hide his own. He's way more advanced than he should be at this age. But like a sponge he soaked it all up greedily always asking for more. He could even fly on his own and produce ki blasts. We both could. Having Vegeta's knowledge is truly my biggest cheat in this world and I wouldn't have Kakarot running around without learning the basics and more.

He turned his back and followed Bulma down the path away from the house. Now for a long time I could sense every strong being on this planet so I know exactly where I'm going but decided against using instant transmission to just show up. That's right Vegeta learned the technique on Yardrat so I know how to use it too. Although with my current strength all of planet earth was my limit as of now. I went inside the house and gathered a few things into an old back pack, just some clothes and some jerky. 'I just hope he'll train me and maybe let me go further.' I mused tying the strings of my bag and shouldering it before stepping outside.

'Welp, no time like the present.' I mused before running through the tree line and out of the forest. I came to a stop at the base of Mount Paozu. I looked around and saw a village off to my left. I sent my senses out and got my bearings before my feet left the ground and I slowly flew in the direction of what I hoped would be my future training area.


A few days later at the base of a tall tower that stretched into the clouds a young man with yellow eyes wearing a blue gi top, baggy black pants, with whit boots and gloves could be seen peering up into the clouds with a smile on his face. That boy was me.

"Are you here to try your hand at the tower young man?" A deep voice asked from behind me.

Turning I saw a large Native man and his young son. 'hhmm, always wondered why Native Americans had a village at the base of this tower if the manga is clearly Asian... Anime logic never mind.' I mused. "Yes I'm hoping to see the great Korrin and have him teach me." I said in reply.

"Ah so another martial artist comes to try his hand. Good luck young one. The climb isn't an easy one and isn't for the faint of heart. But I see the eyes of a warrior in you so I believe you will make it no problem." The man said with a smile.

"Thanks mister.. I'm gonna give it my best." I said but honestly with my strength this will be a cakewalk but I need to keep a bit of a low profile for a while since I'm not on my mountain any more.

Then I began the long climb.


"Ah, the young saiyan has finally made his way to my home. Kami said it'd happen sooner or later, though he said there would be two of you. Where's your brother?" The white talking cat asked me as I pulled myself over the railing into his tower.

To say I was shocked at what Korean said is an extreme understatement. I quickly collected myself after finding out these people fucking knew my brother and I were saiyans and they never informed my brother's canon counter part. 'We'll that's kinda fucked up' I thought before replying. "Well he has his own adventure to tend to for now, so I planned to get a head start and let him experience the world without my interference for once." I said honestly as I pat the dust off my gi. "Hello I'm.."

"Scalis, I know.. Like I said Kami told me you were coming eventually. We've been watching you and your brother train on Mount Paozu. I just wonder what you could hope to learn from me that you don't already know? Maybe you're searching for the divine water eh?" Korrin interrupted.

"Well.. no I think my brother will have need of it in the future so I just want a way to train to become stronger. I've hit a bit of a roadblock trying on my own." I said honestly again, him giving me no reason to lie. And he's somewhat divine so he would know if I lied. 'This guy is starting to piss me off interrupting me every few words'.

"In that case you'll have more luck on Kami's lookout than here. I can feel your suppressed strength so I know there's not really anything for you to learn here." The cat said. I just nodded in response. "Usually someone would need the power pole you're brother has but seeing as you both can fly there's really no use for that I suppose. Just hold a moment." The cat said before bowing his head a bit. {Kami, Scalis is here. He's stronger than we initially suspected. I'm sending him up to you to train there.} Korrin told Kami telepathically.

{Very well, I'll have him learn what he can from Mr. Popo} Kami sent back.

"Go ahead and fly straight up from here. Cant miss it brat." Korrin said after he finished talking to Kami.

I just nodded and blasted off into the clouds. Soon I came through the cloud cover and saw the lookout. Landing on the surface I looked around in wonder at all the plant life and the beautiful architecture of Kami's palace. It's a great deal bigger than the Anime made it seem. I'd say running from one end of the lookout to the other is about a mile give or take and the palace is huge. I started making my way to the large structure when I noticed Kami himself and Mr. Popo standing side by side at the front of the palace.

"Welcome Scalis to my humble abode. I already know why you're here. Mr. Popo will help train your body some more and I will increase the weight of your clothing." Kami said after I came to a stop in front of him.

I gave him a small bow. "I thank you for your generosity Kami. But if I may, I'd like to ask why you would readily agree to let me train here knowing what I am." I asked.

"Ah yes, a saiyan. Your people were brutal savages that plundered the universe taking over planets and killing millions of people along the way." He said matter of factually. "However, that is not you nor your brother. You helped tame that side of your brother, and had a good life with Gohan before his unfortunate passing. There's no evil in either of you." He said and I just nodded. "Now Mr. Popo, you may begin." He said before waving his hand at me increasing the weight of my clothing several times nearly bringing me to the floor.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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