The arrows all prove useless, lacking the strength to pierce the beast's hide from such a distance, along with its travelling speed making the arrows unable to catch a purchase.
"IT'S COMING BACK AROUND!" Farkas shouts, readying his shield in preparation.
"Surtr! Get down! It's coming for you!" Jackle exclaims, firing a couple arrows at the beast as it glides.
Surtr isn't able to get into cover in time, he raises his hands in a vain attempt to protect his face from the fire, but he and everyone else knew it was for nought... That is, until Saeko came to his rescue.
"Suekue!" she intones as she utilises said technique, her feet blurring at a sprinting pace, despite the fact she'd been standing still. She slides in front of Surtr and draws her blade, swiping a vertical line in front of her, "GAHEIL!" she exclaims, her attack literally parting the hellish flames and leaving the two unharmed, if a bit toasty.
"Gods...!?" Surtr mutters at the sight, both amazed and horrified at how close he and his saviour had come to death.
"Stop standing there and move!" Saeko growls, while Gaheil was a useful technique, it took a lot out of her, especially so against something as powerful as a dragon's breath.
"T-thank you-" Surtr breathlessly starts, wondering where this magnificent woman had come from, only to be interrupted by Irileth's shout.
Saeko ignores Surtr and runs towards a boulder, noting that she had the dragon's full attention. Her blood was boiling, her heart furiously beating, her spirit thrumming with excitement. This was what she'd been searching for. "COME AT ME YOU DUMB BEAST! Hahahahaha! IF YOU DARE!" she almost hysterically shouts, a manic smile on her face.
"She's..." Surtr trails off.
"Mad? Yeah, I know-" Raiden answers for him, only to be surprised by the Nord's response.
Raiden smacks Surtr in his helmet, "That is not a ship you want to sail on, trust me." he states, "Now, get a hold of yourself!"
Surtr gives a curt nod, though, disregarding the man's advice.
The dragon attacks again, attempting to burn Saeko alive, but she was too slippery to properly hit. Whenever it turned to her she'd already vanished from his view, as if she was intentionally working right at the border of its sight. "LAAS YAH NIIR!" it growls, eyes glowing red as the life force of every living creature around it becomes apparent.
It makes a tight turn in the air and clips Saeko with the tip of its wing, launching her a dozen feet before she managed to recover her balance.
"Jall fen hi taan wahk dwiin!?"(How will you fare without steel!?) "ZUN HAAL VIIK!" the dragon roars, firing a rippling wave at Saeko which tears her weapon from her grasp despite all her efforts to keep a hold on it.
It twirls through the air, leaving her and making most of her training seem utterly pointless until now... What could a swordsman do without his blade!?
The dragon quickly approaches and her vision filled as it prepares to bite her in half, the vicious gleam in its eyes telling how much it was enjoying this.
"NO! RUN!" Surtr exclaims, running to help her, block the attack, do anything!
Raiden himself was shocked by the sudden change, he'd never seen Saeko lose her weapon, ever. It was the antithesis to everything he knew about her. The fact the dragon could force her to drop it had him stepping back in shock, so severe the threat was in his mind.
Saeko stands stock still for moment, looking to everyone that she'd accepted her fate... Only for her to glare at the beast shooting towards her. "I DON'T NEED A SWORD TO BE A SWORDSMAN! I AM THE BLADE!" she roars, raising her hands and slicing downwards as if she was still gripping her weapon.
Thoughts of dying completely left her mind as she made the attack, so focused was she that the absence of her weapon didn't even register. It felt like her spirit was about to explode, the excitement, fear, and other emotion overwhelming her until... Calm took her, with only the dragon in her sights.
Then, a single word appeared in her mind. One that she needed to shout, whether or not she died was irrelevant.
Everyone watching was blinded, even Saeko herself as she made her cut.
Saeko's vision soon cleared, the first thing she noticed was not the fact that she was alive, but the large glowing, see-through katana held in her grasp. It felt natural, as if it'd been with her at her birth, and would follow her in death.
Then, she spotted the large furrow in the ground directly in front of her, a large wound in the earth that was spattered with steaming blood... Dragon blood.
One of its huge wings was lying next to it, spilling blood from its freshly made cut.
She looks to the side, finally seeing the one-armed dragon roaring as it breathed fire around it at random, too furious, too in pain to rationally think.
A grin makes its way to her face before her eyes flutter closed, fainting as the weapon in her grasp dissipates.
Surtr arrives just in time, having still sprinted in the direction despite his momentary blindness. "WHAT IN OBLIVION WAS THAT!?" he shouts in shock, only to accidentally catch the attention of the raging one-armed beast. "Oh, gods..." he mutters, looking between Saeko and his own weapon. He needed to draw it away from the unconscious woman he'd found himself smitten with.
Out of everyone's expectations, he runs directly towards the dragon, giving a warcry as he does so.
Raiden arrives and stares at the girl for a moment, "You've truly surpassed me, Ansei." he mutters before throwing her over his shoulder and running to safety.
Yep, Saeko's an Ansei... For those of you not in the know, she's essentially unlocked her Zanpakutō, youknow, the thing from Bleach. It isn't an exact comparison but close enough.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
"HIIAAAAAAAARRRGGHHHH!!!" Surtr wails as he charges the dragon, the furious beast glaring at him as it attempted to reconcile with the loss of its limb.
"HI FEN TALLRA FAH DAAR, SIVAAS! TIID, FEIM!" The dragon shouts, the first causing its movement to look peculiar, janky yet quick and smooth. The next word caused its body to momentarily go see through, the dragon jumping forward and through Surtr's erratic charge.
Surtr swings at the dragon but falls through it, his manic momentum causing him to stumble to the floor, just as the dragon turns around with its body returning to normal.
At a very fast pace, the dragon lungs forward to bite Surtr, the only thing holding it back being the loss of its arm.
Surtr throws a random slash behind him as he hastily gets up, his weapon slamming against the dragon's jaw with little effect, aside from causing it to barely miss him, knocking him through the air instead.
"ZU'U FEN LUV FIN SLEN NOL HIN QETH! AG FOLOOK ZII!" the dragon shouts, blasting Surtr with a shout that causes his eyes and mouth to glow a bright gold colour as he screams in agony.
The dragon looks away with the intent of finding the ant who'd injured it, only to turn back around when Surtr stops screaming. "Drey hi dir full vosaraan?"(Did you die so quickly?)
It quickly spots the Nord glaring back at it however, standing his grown with a determined expression. "T-that all you got, beast!?"
"Dovahkiin." it utters in both fear and disbelief. Only a dragon could survive having its soul attacked so brutally, along with recovering so quickly.
"Yeah? Well, it takes one to know one, you foul creature!" Surtr retorts, not having any idea what the dragon had said, only that it was probably an insult of some sort.
In the dragon's shock, it doesn't realise that it had many mortals creeping up behind it... Not until an axe drops on the tip of its tail, cutting it off and causing the beast to roar in pain and rage.
"QUICKLY! KILL IT NOW! CHARGE!" Irileth commands, prompting almost everyone else to charge the rear of the dragon... A few were unwilling to go forward of course, but for the most part, Saeko and Surtr's acts of heroism had caused most of their blood to boil.
All of the Companions and town guard charge, some even using the enchanted arrows as makeshift knives when their personal weapons prove ineffective. Of course, the dragon immediately begins thrashing around, stomping on people, eating them, tearing them apart. But the Companions put themselves forward, attracting its attention and using confusing tactics against it, same as they usually used to fight giants.
Fourteen guards had already been crushed to death, a couple more got their limbs bit off, and some other unlucky folk had been burned to death.
Jackles' right arm was heavily blistered and scorched under her leather armour, not to mention Surtr who'd broken a couple ribs from the dragon's earlier attack.
"DAMN IT, KEEP ITS HEAD DOWN!" Farkas growls as he barely recovers from having its body face smack into his shield.
"WE'RE TRYING! JUST KILL IT ALREADY, STAB IT IN THE ASS FOR ALL I CARE!" Njada angrily shouts, barely avoiding having her arm bitten off by the enraged beast.
"TAKE THIS!" Skjor roars as he stabs in the general direction of where the dragon's anus should be... Of course, since dragons are immortal, don't need food, and don't excrete waste, there wasn't anything to stab.
The dragon suddenly rears back, attempting to sit on whoever had just stabbed it under the tail. Skjor points it blade upwards as he falls backwards, allowing the dragon to impale itself on it. He barely avoids being crushed due to the weapons crossguard, which stops it from lowering any further.
"HAAARGH! I'M BACK YOU BASTARD!" Surtr suddenly jumps atop the dragon, ignoring the sharp pains in his chest from his broken rib. He quickly scrambles up its neck and tries to stab it in the eyes, only for it to flail its head in response, making hitting his target almost impossible.
"DAMN YOU! STAY. STILL!" he shouts as he continually fails his attack.
"Allow me!" Raiden announces as he approaches the exposed throat of the dragon, his saber in hand as he prepares his attack. "Break, Nimat!" he states, sending a single strong yet controlled slice at the dragon's throat.
*Clink, Clink, Clink!*
After the first initial strike, the sound of three more occurs, pieces of scales being scratched away until it finally draws blood.
The dragon feels this and immediately slams its head onto the floor, making its neck inaccessible while inadvertently leaving its head still enough for Surtr.
His sword pierces its eye, but he isn't finished yet, putting his entire body weight on it until it breaches into its brain, abruptly cutting its struggle short.
The area goes silent as the dragon goes still, everyone looking at it in shock and disbelief... They'd slain a dragon, a legendary beast of myth... Right there, lying at their feet.
Finally, Irileth's voice forces them all from their momentary lapse in thought... "ALL OF YOU, GO SEE TO THE INJURED! THE FIGHT'S NOT DONE UNTIL THE SICK AND WOUNDED ARE TAKEN CARE OF! BRING ANY WHO NEED IT TO THE TEMPLE OF KYNARETH!" she shouts, prompting everyone to get to work.
Just as everyone starts moving, so does the dragon, causing everyone to get ready for battle again... Only to see its scales, flesh and bone start dissolving, bursting into light and streaming into a baffled-looking Surtr.
"What the-"
Surtr's mind blanks out as information floods it, words without meaning, meaning without words, hundreds-no, thousands of years of memories, defeats, victories, failure... Domination.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
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