Oblivious to the unpleasant feelings around her, Alicia's face beamed with a smile as she watched them pick up a piece of each of the appetizers one after the other, and she almost clapped for joy when she saw the quick surprise that crossed the queen's face when she tasted it, before she quickly concealed it with indifference.
It seemed like they had not been expecting it to taste this good, and they were all genuinely surprised by it.
"It is pleasant," Sir Gregory, the richest merchant in the Moon Kingdom, commented with a nod, and she smiled at him when she remembered that Tyra had said she needed him on her side if she wanted the other aristocrats to like her.
"Thank you, my lord. I read that you are allergic to peanuts, so I was extra careful to not add any," she said, and he looked at her in surprise.
"Allergic?" He asked, looking at her curiously.
Hello dearest,
I haven't been feeling quite well.
More like psychologically than physically. But I'm trying to focus on updating stories here and ignore thinking about other things.
Thanks for your patience.