84.48% The Lion Cub (HP SI) / Chapter 98: Chapter 98: Meeting the Slug

บท 98: Chapter 98: Meeting the Slug

"Why? Why did you do this?" Dumbledore asked earnestly, with a look of concern shining in his blue eyes.

Harry looked at the front page of the Daily Prophet, where his invitation card was printed in bold letters under the headline that read;

Harry Potter: The Prophesied One!

He had to admit Skeeter had gone out of her way to captivate her audience using a flare for dramatics in retelling their conversation. She cooked up an entirely new story for the prophecy all by herself to augment the drama involved. According to Skeeter, Merlin crossed into the mortal plane from the afterlife to deliver the prophecy of the Chosen One to Dumbledore and the Potters. Then she spun another fantastical tale of how Peter Pettigrew heard a portion of the prophecy and reported it to the Dark Lord. She then connected this half-knowledge of the prophecy as to why Voldemort attacked the Potter family.

Rather than taking offence to the false tale spun by Rita Skeeter, Harry found himself impressed by her narrative skills.

'Skeeter should try her hand at writing fictional stories.' Harry mused.

"Harry. Are you listening?" Dumbledore asked, looking rather frustrated.

"I came here to invite you, Headmaster, to the party I'm hosting at home. If you have the time to spare, please pay a visit."

"Are you alright, Harry?" Dumbledore asked with concern.

"I'm quite fine. Thank you."

"I don't think so, Harry. How do you explain this?" Dumbledore shook the paper he was holding for emphasis.

"What is there to explain?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you see the danger you'd invite with this act, Harry? Lord Voldemort will take this as a challenge. He will attack you and burn your home to the ground." Dumbledore said earnestly.

Harry snorted as he stood up from his seat and walked closer to the vacant stand where Fawkes was supposed to stay.

"I've been constantly in danger from the moment I stepped into these halls. I didn't see you warning me not to return to Hogwarts. So. Don't you think it's a little late to 'warn' me about any dangers?" Harry raised an eyebrow at Dumbledore.

For once, the Hogwarts Headmaster had no answer and observed silence.

"Look, Harry. I'm only concerned for your safety."

Harry outright laughed at Dumbledore's face when he heard the word 'safety' from the man's mouth.

"No, you're not Dumbledore. Your concern is not for Harry Potter, an orphan boy. No, your concerns and actions have always been in the interest of your beliefs on what is best for the boy-who-lived and your petty war against Voldemort."

"You're wrong, Harry." Dumbledore disagreed. "I do care about you."

"I don't think so. Else, why would you…" Harry stopped himself at the last moment before spilling the beans about the Horcrux stuck in his head.

"Harry?" Dumbledore sat forward in his seat, looking expectantly at him.

But Harry was distracted by something else as he got a glimpse of Dumbledore's blackened hand.

'He is afflicted with the withering curse. That means…' Harry thought as the realisation set in.


Dumbledore's voice brought him out of his musings. After clearing his throat, Harry addressed Dumbledore.

"There is no point in arguing about this Headmaster. The party will go ahead as planned." Harry said firmly.

"You're putting yourself and everyone that arrives for the party in grave danger."

"Look around you, Headmaster Dumbledore. The wizarding world is in danger as long as that madman lives." Harry said with a scoff. "No one is safe when vampires, werewolves and dementors are wreaking havoc in public while Death Eaters are spreading terror in the muggle world."

"Then cancel that party. Voldemort will only find incentive in attacking such a large gathering to sow more terror in the minds of the people."  Dumbledore pleaded, but Harry just shook his head.

"You had the ability, political clout and resources to destroy Voldemort's support base all these years. Yet you chose to do nothing and allowed them to walk freely simply because of misguided morals and cowardice on your part."

"Harry, please. You don't understand what I faced…"

"I understand more than enough, Dumbledore. I had a long and fruitful chat with Bathilda Bagshot. She had many stories to tell me about you, Grindelwald and Arianne."

The way Dumbledore just froze up filled Harry with more confidence.

"You had your chance to destroy Voldemort and his cronies. You failed. Now, I'll try my hand, but it'll be my way. You can sit back and watch as I wage war against Voldemort not out of some misplaced notion of saving the foolish masses of the wizarding world but out of my own self-interest."

"It's not as easy as it looks, Harry. Trust me. I understand…I wish I could've done more so that no one else had to bear this burden." Dumbledore said with sorrow.

"I have a right to live freely, just like everyone else. I have the right to have a family like everyone else. I'll fight for those rights, and I'm prepared to kill Voldemort and his entire army if that's what it takes."

"Yes, you have that right, my boy. And I wish you live a far better life than this old man. But understanding your enemy is important if you're to destroy him. Lord Voldemort is a powerful sorcerer who has gone farther than any dark wizard has gone before." Dumbledore said.

Harry eyed Dumbledore warily as the man came forward from behind the desk and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I admit you've come far ahead than I had ever hoped or envisioned in terms of sheer power and skill in magic. But your…our foe is far better, Harry. If you hope to defeat him, you must strike at the very foundation upon which Voldemort has built his power."

Harry raised a curious eyebrow at Dumbledore.

"Have you not wondered, Harry, how Voldemort survived all these years without a body?"

"I have." Harry nodded slowly.

"Then that's what we need to find out. His immortality is one of the major pillars that gives him strength and confidence. We must make lord Voldemort a mortal before a killing blow can be struck."

Harry stared at the headmaster, who was looking at the pensive cabinet with a hesitant look. He was tempted to come out with the knowledge of the Horcruxes. It was true they could do so better if they could talk freely without keeping secrets from each other. However, he had to constantly remind himself that Dumbledore was the one who started this game of secrets long ago.

Even now, the man was dancing around with what he knew instead of taking any proactive action. Dumbledore knew about the Horcruxes from at least Harry's second year or even before that. All this time, Dumbledore had sat on his ass and done nothing. The only move Dumbledore had ever made against Voldemort in this war was the destruction of the ring Horcrux. Even that little bit of news was not shared with Harry. He was merely deducing that's what happened from the withering curse that was eating away Dumbledore.

Harry's eyes inevitably fell on the Elder Wand, and the call of power permeated his mind. The Deathstick was his by right, and even now, Dumbledore was holding it just like he was planning to use Harry as a lamb for slaughter in the pursuit of Voldemort's destruction. More than anything else, that thought emboldened Harry on the spot to go ahead with his plans.

"So, how do we stop him, sir?" Harry asked.

"We must know Voldemort's past to understand the source of his immortality; for that, we must need someone who intimately knew Tom Riddle. The distance from Tom Riddle to lord Voldemort is not great; therefore, we must secure the aid of an old friend."

"Who is it?" Harry asked, already knowing where this was all leading to.

"Professor Horace Slughorn is an old colleague of mine and one of Tom Riddle's favourite professors in Hogwarts. I had tried many times in the past to enlist his aid, but this time, I believe he'll come around with you by my side, Harry."

"What do you want me to do, headmaster?" Harry asked.

Dumbledore shot him an enigmatic smile.

"Do you have more of those invitation cards in hand?"


Harry had expected Dumbledore to ask his aid in bagging Slughorn and bringing the old potion master to Hogwarts. But he didn't expect it to happen so soon. Dumbledore wanted to move today itself, which had shot down several of his plans.

For one, he hoped to use Bellatrix to retrieve Hufflepuff's cup from Gringotts. Then there was the check-up on preparations of the defences he had built in the castle to face Voldemort's army in case the Dark Lord chose to attack.

Because of Dumbledore, he had to suspend the plan to retrieve the Horcrux the next day and clear off his evening schedule. But that still allowed him some time to assess the defences in Potter Manor.

"Is everything in place, Dobby?"

Dobby happily bounced on the balls of his feet, nodding enthusiastically.

"Everything is done as per your orders, Harry Potter, sir. Dobby found it difficult to arrange for other elves without master's presence but Winky and Kreacher helped to convince them you'll return."

"Good. Winky told me you had difficulties recruiting the elves because of my absence. But you've done wonderful work, Dobby. Thank you."

"Dobby is happy to help, sir." the elf squealed happily.

Harry smiled at his elf friend. Winky and Dobby were also affected by his abrupt disappearance. Perhaps they felt it more keenly than anyone else. They had carried on his plans for Potter Manor even in his absence, hoping he'd return one day.

Together, they walked beneath the extensive tunnel system the dwarves had built as per his specifications. Harry walked further into the tunnels while Dobby continued to regale him with some funny stories about the dwarves not allowing the elves to clean up the place while they were working in this place.

Dobby, however, stopped the many complaints the elves were making when they finally arrived at a prison cell inside one of the tunnels. Instead of being the lively little social butterfly Dobby usually was, he became withdrawn and tactically moved behind Harry with a dose of fear in his eyes.

"Oh, come on, Dobby. Don't tell me you're afraid of this weakling." Harry snarked, and it had the intended effect on the woman who was keeping herself in a dark corner of the cell behind iron bars.

Bellatrix rushed towards the bars of her cell with a deranged look on her face.

"You mudbloo…"


The knockback jinx struck Bellatrix square in her gut, making her stumble backwards.

"What have I told you, Bellatrix? You must behave in my presence and not call me any names." Harry tutted, shaking his head in disappointment, which only enraged the mad witch.

"Your end is near, Potter. You and that blood traitor cousin of mine will face a horrible death. I'll watch with glee as the Dark Lord peel the flesh off your bones." Bellatrix screamed while thrashing against the body bind curse Harry placed her.

"You seem to have disturbing but impossible dreams in these dark tunnels. Fear not, Bellatrix. I've come to put an end to this dark but unamusing chapter of your life once and for all." Harry said without missing a beat before nodding at Dobby.

Dobby snapped his fingers, and the door to the cell swung open.

Bellatrix bared her teeth and renewed her struggles as Harry stepped into the cell with his wand in hand.

"You do not have the guts to kill me, boy. You're weak like your parents and that fool Dumbledore."

Harry laughed at the obvious ploy of trying to get a rise out of him.

"Oh, I've got no trouble in killing at all. I quite enjoyed killing off Voldemort's Death Eater pals when he was resurrected."

"Do not speak his name!" Bellatrix shrieked, glaring at him with the burning hatred of a thousand suns.

"Since you asked so nicely, I won't mention his name again. For the sake of our conversation forward, I shall call him Mr Noseless from now on."

"Argh! You dirty half-blood. You'll suffer for this insolence. The Dark Lord will come and…"

"Mr Noseless will do all sorts of terrible things to me. Yes, I get your doomsday threats." Harry waved dismissively, which made Bellatrix frothing at the mouth.

"No, I'm not here to speak of your impending death but about how to kill Mr Noseless."

"The Drak Lord is all-powerful. My lord has triumphed death long ago." she said with a mad grin and a wicked chortle that came straight out of cliché ghost movies.

"Does the Hufflepuff's cup in your vault would have anything to do with his immortality?" Harry asked innocently.

"What?" Bellatrix froze while staring at him with wide eyes.

It was the exact moment Harry launched an all-out assault on Bellatrix's mind that cut through her mind without any shred of mercy or concern. He cut through her attempts to block him out. He had to admit her mind had formidable defences even when the witch was a deranged psychopath who was under the grip of continuous use of negative emotions to amplify the repeated use of dark magic.

Bellatrix Lestrange was the prime example of the dangers of the continuous use of dark magic. He suspected the witch had most likely forgotten how to use less dangerous magic because of her fall from a normal mental state. The repeated use of dark magic gives rise to megalomania, which even Harry suffers to a certain extent but on acceptable levels. He had learned to suppress the egotism mostly thanks to the Goblins and their warrior culture. The militaristic discipline among their race had somewhat rubbed off on him while he was in the branch reality. More physical activity and learning swordsmanship had allowed him to vent off some of the aftereffects of dark magic.

But Bellatrix Lestrange was a witch beyond the edge of sanity. Yet, her offensive power was nothing to scoff at, even at the mental plane.

But Harry didn't rise to his state of power without mastering his mind, body and magic. He tore down all attempts by Bellatrix to keep him out of her mind most cruelly. He could hear the witch screaming madly to the high heavens as he demolished her will without any concern for the sanctity of her mind.

Images started to flood his mind as he gained total access to her mind.

Harry cajoled her brain to ignore all the episodic memories and focus on the semantic memories. His will was enforced on her mind, and soon, he began to gain access to a lot of information. Digging deeper into decades of memories was difficult, as Bellatrix's mind was not emotionally stable. Some memories caused volatility within her mind, mostly related to her past battles.

Harry carefully navigated around the memories of battles past, and with some effort and luck, he found what he was looking for. The memory of Voldemort awarding the Hufflepuff's cup to Bellatrix filtered into his mind, and from that thread, he accessed all memories related to the cup.

Harry pulled back from her mind when he finally learned all the security measures enforced on the vault and the cup.

"What've you done?" Bellatrix gasped, looking pale white as she stared at him in abject terror.

"I was merely confirming my suspicions. The cup contains Mr Noseless' soul, and thanks to you, I know how to access the vault and deactivate the traps you've laid around the cup." Harry said, smiling brightly at the witch.

"You'll never get access to the vault. Only I can get inside the vault, and I'll never betray the Dark Lord. I'd rather die." Bellatrix snarled even as blood trickled down from her nose.

"I know. You're the most loyal servant of Mr Noseless…" Harry said sardonically.

"Stop insulting the Dark Lord." Bellatrix screamed.

Harry flicked his wand, and Bellatrix fell silent.

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. I know of your loyalty to Mr Noseless, and you'll never betray his trust. But I've methods to make you cooperate."

"You are nothing but a half-blood. You cannot do anything that'd make me betray my lord." Bellatrix mockingly laughed.

"On the contrary, nothing could be farther from the truth. I've subverted far terrible foes than the likes of you to my side, Bellatrix Lestrange." Harry's words were tinged with the weight of his magical power as he mustered his magic for a spell.

Harry pointed his wand right between the eyes of Bellatrix with a green glowing aura at the tip of his wand.

"You have years of experience over me. You've travelled farther than myself in the vast, everchanging frontier of the dark arts. You've had more practical experience in magical battles than me. I admit all that. In fact, I acknowledge you as a worthy, skilled and dangerous witch."

Bellatrix stared defiantly at him even as his aura manifested into a visible oppressive force that bared down on her shoulders.

"But the difference between your power and my power is as wide as the gap between the sun and the earth."


Bellatrix's vacant eyes after the spell took effect gave him no pleasure. Harry hadn't wanted to go with the current plan but couldn't think of any other way to safely and easily access Bellatrix's vault in Gringotts.


A distinct pop came out of nowhere in a dark alley, scaring away a cat rummaging inside a garbage can.

"I think we scared off a cat, Harry." Dumbledore said with some amusement.

"Shame we can't use the same technique to scare off vampires, werewolves and Death Eaters." Harry muttered as he walked down the street with Dumbledore.

"Indeed." Dumbledore said with a chuckle.

The lights lining the street flickered on and off as they walked towards a house in the distance.

"I couldn't help but notice you seem to have no reaction to apparition." Dumbledore commented.

"Sirius taught me to apparate this summer. It's mighty convenient than flying but not as fun."

"Good. Practice regularly until it becomes second nature. Mastering teleportation magic would be a boon in getting out of a tight spot, and it's extremely useful in battles." Dumbledore advised.

Harry merely nodded, appreciating the rare good advice that came from Dumbledore.

"That's the house." Dumbledore pointed at a small house covered in darkness, unlike the surrounding homes nearby.

"I can feel a vague aura of magic. It's most likely some form of concealing magic." Harry whispered.

"Your senses have sharpened, Harry. I'm heartened to see that you've not abandoned the simplest forms of magic in pursuit of powerful spells." Dumbledore said.

Together, they walked into the home, which looked like it had been abandoned, and a fight had broken out.

"What do you think, Harry?" Dumbledore asked while looking around the house's interior with the tip of his land lit with white light.

"It's quite a good illusion, but the castor forgot to use the Dark Mark." said Harry before asserting his magic over the whole house.


The revealing charm consumed every nook and cranny of the house, and the concealment charm broke. The illusion around them peeled away, leaving Horace Slughorn standing in a corner where an armchair was supposed to be.

"Oh, bollocks! I should've moved yesterday." Slughorn cursed himself while throwing a dirty look at Dumbledore.

"Hmm. It was a worthy effort, Horace. Very impressive. I assume you didn't have much time to put more spells and details without revealing yourself." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled merrily.

"I suppose I could've performed better, but under the circumstances…" Slughorn looked at Dumbledore and then at Harry.

Slughorn's eyes sparkled with recognition, and then a resigned sigh fell from his mouth.

"Perhaps I didn't have much of a chance to remain inconspicuous when faced with you two." Slughorn said resignedly.

"Oh, it was all Harry. I merely apparated us to a nearby alley." Dumbledore said distractedly while looking around the homes as if he was searching for something.

"Ah, of course. I should've guessed." Slughorn said with a beaming smile while looking at Harry. "You're her son, after all."

"You knew my mother, sir?" Harry asked politely.

"Oh, yes. Lily was absolutely brilliant. A professor is not supposed to have favourites among his students, but your mother was one of my finest students. Her skill and vivid sense of imagination was a marvel to witness when she applied them to magic."

"I've been told she was highly skilled in Charms." Harry said.

"Oh yes. But not just Charms. Her Potions were a work of art." Slughorn reminisced with a gentle smile.

"I've been told of that as well."

"Come, let me show you." Slughorn directed Harry's attention to a picture on a table where Slughorn and a young Lily Evans.

"It was taken during Lily's graduation. She was such a skilled witch. Lily was supposed to make such phenomenal contributions to different fields of magic." Slughorn said wistfully.

"But then…" Slughorn trailed off, looking sadly at the picture.

"Horace. May I use the loo?" Dumbledore asked innocently.

"Oh, yes. Please be my guest." Slughorn said distractedly.

Slughorn blinked rapidly, took a closer look at Harry, and frowned.

"Don't think I don't know what you're doing, Albus. My answer has not changed, you know." Slughorn shouted after Dumbledore, but the headmaster didn't reply.

"Professor Slughorn. Can I get a copy of this picture? You see, I don't have that many photos of my mother."

"Of course. I'll be most happy to give you a copy, Harry."

"Thank you." Harry smiled at the gentle old man.

"You're in the Daily Prophet. They're now calling you the Prophesied One rather than the Chosen One."

"I'm sure they'll come up with more silly names after I destroy Mr Noseless."

"Mr Noseless?" Slughorn asked with a chuckle.

"It's the name I have for Tom Riddle. I think I'll keep using that instead of the name he chose for himself."

"Do you think you can destroy him, Harry? Many have tried in the past, including Dumbledore." Slughorn asked with an unreadable expression.

"I've battled the Dark Lord many times in the last five years. Not once had he triumphed over me. He couldn't win even when I was a baby. Within two years, I'll destroy him and anyone that supports him." Harry said firmly.

"You're very brave, Harry. Your parents would be very proud." Slughorn said after a moment of silence.

"Oh, before I forget…" Harry took out the invitation card for the party and gave it to Slughorn.

"I'm holding a party to celebrate the restoration of Potter Manor. I hope you'll come, Professor."

"Ah, yes. The party. I…"

Dumbledore chose that moment to come out of the loo.

"Well, Horace. You know why I'm here. Hogwarts would be most blessed by what you've to offer for our students. I extend you the same offer I've offered you for the last decade. The position is yours if you'll take it."

"Well… I…" Slughorn looked indecisive for a moment before caving in.

"Fine. But I want a raise, and I want my old quarters."

Dumbledore smiled.

"That can be arranged, old friend."


An excerpt from,

Hogwarts, A History by Bathilda Bagshot

The century of Hogwarts' rise as a formidable castle and centre for learning was a time of great upheaval among wizards and muggles. The formation of the Kingdom of Scotland under House Targaryen catapulted magical education and muggle education.

Some say the influence of Queen Rowena Ravenclaw shaped the education-oriented policies implemented by Scotland's first king in his admittedly short reign. King Hadrian reigned for barely two and a half years, but throughout this reign, he created hundreds of learning centres in the lands under his control. The Roman churches that symbolised oppression and blind faith became centres for learning for both muggles and wizards. The King and Queen of Scotland directly funded the schools using the royal treasury to ensure they ruled a populace who valued knowledge above all else.

It was Queen Rowena who enshrined the motto of all royal schools,

Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.

As the borders of Scotland expanded, so did the number of schools. But Hogwarts remained the prime destination for magical children to complete their studies. At first, Hogwarts struggled to attract many students once it was created by the Founders. However, King Hadrian's endorsement of the school and appeal to wizarding families saw a significant influx of young students to the school. The assurance of free meals and fee-less education must've also been attractive for many poor families.

Even during the regency of Queen Rowena, the rapid pace of education never stopped. Centuries of repression on free speech, freedom of thought and expression were suddenly taken away inside the newly formed Kingdom of Scotland. As a result, many more wizarding schools, muggle schools and even mixed schools started to form inside the kingdom.

This was also a time of most epic wars. In his short reign, King Hadrian had waged many great battles that saw the defeat of the muggle kingdoms bordering Scotland. The schools also became the training grounds for the future army of Scotland, which incorporated the warring ways of the Goblins into its curriculum. While Queen Rowena initially opposed teaching warcraft in schools, she eventually came around to the idea proposed by her husband.

When King Hadrian disappeared or ascended (as believed by modern muggles), the four Founders of Hogwarts became involved in a fight amongst themselves. Salazar Slytherin wanted Hogwarts to adopt the teachings of war as he feared the absence of King Hadrian would threaten the kingdom's stability. Slytherin feared the muggles would rebel and try to wrest control of the Kingdom from House Targaryen in the King's absence. He wanted Hogwarts students to learn warfare so that wizards would never become subservient to muggles again.

When the differences between the Founders widened, Salazar Slytherin turned his back on Hogwarts. Despite allowing her husband's policy of military training in schools, Queen Rowena was not willing to forcibly enforce this in Hogwarts.

Even if Salazar Slytherin abandoned Hogwarts, he never abandoned the family of the man he admired most. He went to the capital and met with Queen Rowena, requesting that he be allowed to impart his knowledge to her children. At the time, Queen Rowena had only given birth to her second child, Princess Daenys Targaryen.

Some say Slytherin was attracted to the royal court because of the allure of power and influence. But most historians agree that Salazar Slytherin must've settled at the court to guide his kin. It was no secret that King Hadrian Targaryen was a parselmouth like Slytherin. While it was uncertain whether the Slytherins gained the gift of parseltongue from House Targaryen or vice versa, it was agreed upon by many that both families shared blood.

Time would prove Salazar Slytherin's decision to join the court and focus his efforts on Prince Alexander's and Princess Daenys's education to be a boon for the kingdom.

The enemies of Scotland had rejoiced upon hearing the unexpected absence of Hadrian the Dragon. But they never realised the Age of the Dragon was only beginning. After all the blood of the Dragon remained strong on this earth and they'd soon realise the true might of the House of the Dragon.


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