66.08% In HOTD with The Satou System / Chapter 75: Chapter 75 - Operation Free Anchorage

บท 75: Chapter 75 - Operation Free Anchorage

"We finished the Arc Reactor!!", the scientists shouted high fiving each other with a smile on their faces, "Time to crack open the beers and celebrate!!"

Several days had gone by since I had handed the Black Label scientists the schematics, and they had worked long hours to get an Arc Reactor online. Planning to use the reactor to power our settlement, we would be able to remove the massive power cables currently connected to the nuclear reactor on the ship. Completely running on Arc Reactor power, would get much better for everyone in the settlement. The completion of this project meant that we were now able to focus on defenses for the island, namely an Energy Shield which was next on the docket. I had been the one to designate that as it meant our defense forces could be shift more to our upcoming offensive assault.

"I swear...", Yuko laughed watching her coworkers, "I think the lack of sleep has gone to your heads. Only three of you actually drink, the rest get drunk just sniffing the stuff."

"Reminds me of the Christmas party last year.", Mikoto snickered trying to find the photos on her phone, "Just a lot less vomiting due to drinking cheap beer. I think I got pictures if anyone wants to recap."

"Amen to that, it was some shitty beer that went under a few weeks later.", Sayo laughed dryly remembering heaving her guts out, "So Victor, what are we going to do now? Did you confirm if the military is trustworthy?"

"Affirmative, the leaks have been patched.", White Queen said with a nod.

"Yeah, I tore them to pieces!!", Ilulu laughed giving me a hug, "Did I do a good job?"

"Of course you did, you are the sole reason we can proceed with confidence.", I praised her as I pattered her head.

"Hehe!!", Ilulu replied with a beaming smile.

Having Red and White Queens monitor for communications to Umbrella, I had them intercept any transmissions about our fake plans. Using that to pinpoint the spies among the military personnel I left it to Alcina, Ilulu, and the AI's to eliminate the problems...which they did with brutal efficiency. With them removed I provided the actual plans to the military commander, which they agreed to without hesitation. Having Alcina and Ilulu execute traitors in front of them likely spurred them on.

"So where are we striking out first?", Alcina questioned.

"Anchorage, there is a military base there that is going to need assistance.", I told them, "They have civilians and military personnel holed up in the base. A lot of the wildlife in the area has become zombified, and they are in dire need of assistance. On top of that, there are many small groups of survivors holed up in building around the city. When we come in, we will need to do a thorough sweep to ensure we get everyone out."

"I assume you will need a ride to get there?", Alcina asked with a teasing smile.

"If you wouldn't mind.", I replied trying not to smirk, "You up for it?"

"Of course, this counts towards my usefulness for the settlement right? I'd rather be assisting you than do anything else. At my height...everything else is too much of a pain.", she laughed before sighing, "Seriously though, being over nine feet tall is a pain for doing anything. Sinks are too short, bending down to do daily tasks, and above all else the constant neck pains from looking down all the time."

Thanking her for the work she had been already doing, I told them to listen to our schedule for the morning. Once they were up to speed I forwarded the information to Elmendorf AFB, and advised we would be coming in by air. Since it was almost 8pm now, it was too late to make a run on the city. Most of our people had worked a full day so they needed some time to recoup their energy. Leaving the scientists to celebrate their success, I headed back home to prepare for the assault tomorrow.

---Next Day---

Finding the scientists in the medical bay the next morning, Shizuka was silently laughing with Mari Kurokawa as they overlooked the scientists. Apparently they drank themselves stupid, and were now being treated for various injuries they sustained during their evenings. Glancing over to see Itami on one of the beds, I asked them what had happened to him.

"Kuribayashi took to drinking with them, and mistook Itami for a punching bag.", Mari laughed, "We had to sedate her, she asleep in her bunk."

"He didn't try running away?", I questioned.

"He accidentally tripped on Rory's axe, and got crushed by it.", Mari choked up trying not to laugh, "Instead of crying out in pain, he was worried his phone case broke."

"Let me guess...", I sighed.

"Yes, it's one of those limited edition items he keeps on him.", Mari informed me.

"Ugh...I swear this guy is going to die one of these days.", I said with smirk, "Alright ladies, my team is headed out to Anchorage. Do you need anything while we are in town?"

"Hmm, we could use more rubbing alcohol.", Shizuka advised.

"Check our storage container to see if we have any spares.", I stated with a wink.

"Oh!!", Shizuka replied with smile, "I already checked, we are out."

Hearing the collective sighs behind me, everyone sort of expected Shizuka to forget what that meant. Telling her we would look while we were in town, she thanked me and followed us out to the helipad. When we were out of earshot of Mari, Rika and Yuko pulled on Shizuka's cheeks.

"Shizuka, Victor was saying that he would put more in from his storage.", Rika reminded her.

"Did you forget?", Yuko questioned.

"No!! Mari and I checked this morning, if more appeared after he said that she'd know something was wrong.", Shizuka pouted, "Why are you treating me like I don't know what I am doing?"

Staring at her with a stupefied look, Yuko and Rika were genuinely shocked she had thought it through so much. They were so used to her ditzy actions that when she did something smart, it left them stunned. Laughing at their reactions, the rest of us found it quite funny to see them genuinely surprised. Telling them to stop playing around, I reminded them we had work to do.

Meeting up with Ilulu, Saeko, Mikoto, Maya, Shigure, Miu, Renka, Cammy, and Chun-Li at the helipad, Alcina was already waiting for us in her draconic form. Turning to Yuko and Rika, I told them that I was leaving things in their capable hands for the time being. Telling them to report any issues to me at once, they promised to keep me in the loop.

"Ahem, you aren't thinking of leaving me behind again are you?", Rory laughed with a grim smile as she approached, "Being left out of the fun is becoming quite tiresome, and I grow bored of wasting away here. Take me with you, I want more excitement in the last few decades of my physical existence."

"Rory, I thought we agreed you'd be the most-"

"Well I changed my mind, I thought we'd have a few invaders but no one has shown up.", Rory complained, "Surely you don't think I would be a burden to you, right? I am stronger than any of the women here."

Saying that in front of strong willed women like the ones here was just asking for trouble. Rubbing my forehead, I immediately understood the angle she was playing here.

"Excuse me?", Mikoto laughed grabbing her pistol, "Why don't you say that again...I couldn't hear you."

"I am sorry Little Girl, did that upset you?", Rory said with smile, "I would be more than happy to show you the difference between us."

Feeling the raging auras behind me, I knew she had sufficiently flared their competitive nature. Knowing that there was no backing them down now, I told Rory she could come with us. Giving me a happy smile, Rory told me that I made the best choice possible.

"Since you seem to believe you are the strongest here, why don't we make a competition?", Saeko suggested.

"Oh, I certainly like competitions!", Rory stated with sparkling eyes, "What are we competing for?"

"Victor's cooking.", Saeko offered, "The winner gets a one on one date with Victor, and gets to enjoy his cooking."

"Wait!? Why am I the prize in the competition!!", I demanded, "You could have at least asked me for my opinion first."

"Interesting, I am a fan of good food and I hear Victor is an excellent cook.", Rory said, "I accept the challenge!"

Deciding not to bother with it, I would leave Saeko to explain to the others that weren't coming why they missed out. Telling everyone to climb on Alcina, we set out towards Anchorage.

---Two Hours Later, Over Anchorage---

Gliding over the city, we were looking down at the situation from ten thousand feet. Judging by what my map was showing, we were dealing with almost one hundred thousand undead humans, around twenty thousand undead animals, and ten thousand Demons for a grand total of one hundred thirty thousand enemies for us to dispatch. As the largest horde in Alaska, once they were taken out we would have smooth sailing into Canada.

"So where are we going to land?", Rory asked looking for a decent landing spot.

"All of you can land, I am going in now.", I laughed putting my helmet on.

"What do you-", she went to ask only to watch me step off Alcina's back, "What are you doing!? Won't you die from a fall of this height!!"

Watching me rapidly descend towards the ground, Rory kept a close eye on me till I smashed into the ground leaving a large crater in the street. Watching many of the Undead and Demons turn to look at what had made the noise, she watched them stumble backwards as I walked out of the crater like nothing had happened.

"Just what is he made of!?", Rory gasped, "I have never known someone to be so reckless. Even for a higher being that was reckless."

"He's made of the good stuff.", Saeko laughed with a mischievous smile, "Too bad you won't know about it."

"Haha, you are several centuries too young to think you could stop me.", Rory remarked, "Starting now, we are competing."

Agreeing to that, Alcina descended into the area I had cleared. Letting the women get off her back, she changed back into her human form and opted to join the competition. Paying the women no mind as they went on a rampage, I contacted the base to let them know we were in the city and working our way towards them.

Splitting up into smaller teams to cover more ground, the women were going street by street clearing the enemies with deadly efficiency. Not a soul was able to stop them from advancing, nor did the women holding anything back. After clearing their street, the women would systematically check buildings for any trapped survivors that were in need of assistance.

"This building is clear.", Cammy reported.

"We have two families over here.", Miu called out over the radio, "They are in need of medical attention, but are not actively infected."

"All clear over here.", Saeko said.

Making their way slowly towards the base, they started to notice that the resistance they were finding was lessening. Thanks to me causing a large amount of noise and destruction, the enemy was being drawn away from the base. Eventually the balance of power shifted enough that the base personnel were able to make an offensive of their own, and beginning to assist with the clearing. Bringing the survivors they had found in the city to the base, they left them with the military and ran back to join Victor.

"So far I am ahead twenty-two kills!!", Rory bragged.

Dashing through a crowd of Undead, Maya and Saeko decapitated all of them and pierced their heads in a blink of an eye. Looking back Rory with proud expressions, Rory bit her lower lip and leapt over them to behead an Ogre.

"That still only counts as one!!", Ilulu pouted obliterating thirty Demons with her vectors.

Unable to see her vectors the enemy were literally running towards their deaths with her. She took such delight in cutting loose that her eyes became slited, and she came close to losing control of herself. Calling out to her though was enough to snap her back to reality, and prevent her from going psycho. Working her way towards me, Ilulu felt more in control of herself next to me and could focus on watching my back.

Watching the group's backs from a higher vantage point, Mikoto was using a Magic Rifle to pick off her enemies. Wearing a smirk on her face as she picked off enemies that were getting to close to the others, I could tell they were getting frustrated she was stealing their kills.

"Would you cut that out!", Rory shouted, "That was the tenth enemy you have taken from me!"

"I can't help it that you are that slow.", Mikoto teased, "Maybe you should all speed up a bit."

Doing just that, Saeko and Maya immediately went back to back and sheathed their swords. Lowering into a lunging draw position, the next thing the others saw was them standing twenty feet from us. Sheathing their blades, the moment we heard the click all the enemies behind them literally fell to pieces. Using the enchantments I put on their armor and weapons to the max, they were demonstrating the latent potential they had as swordswomen. Having watched them practice at home, the two of them worked like two halves of the same person when they were in Battle Mode.

"Now I see why you were so quick to challenge me to a competition!", Rory roared, "I haven't met mortals like you before!! If you aren't holding back, neither shall I!"

Spinning her Halberd, she threw that sucker like it was a paperweight towards the enemies. Grabbing Shigure and Ilulu, I pulled them out of the way as the weapon whizzed by leaving a bloody mess behind it. Watching what could only be called mowing a lawn of Undead, the Halberd eventually came back to her. From that point on, those three were the only ones focused on the competition as the others recognized that they were playing with fire. Even Tōchūmaru was hesitant on joining in now...even though he really wanted the food.

"Those three are crazy.", Renka stated watching dozens of undead die with each swing.

"Yes, but we aren't weak either!", Miu reminded her, "We have been training hard, let's show Victor the progress we made!"

"Right!", Renka agreed.

Having taken it upon themselves to learn Bang and Bomb's fighting styles together, Miu focused more on Bang's style while Renka focus more on Bomb's style. Learning to work together using these styles, it was almost like watching a dance. Mui would deliver a devastating blow, and Renka would follow up with series powerful blows that rendered almost any defense useless. Watching their after images glide seamlessly around one another, I was taken aback by how closely they had been practicing together.

'If Hayato fought them...I am seriously doubting he'd win the fight.', I thought with a smile, "What do you think Shigure? I think they are doing an excellent job."

"Agreed.", Shigure admitted, "They have been doing a lot of training...just like I have."

Watching her lower into a signature draw stance, I couldn't help but chuckle. Having given her a training manual that gave instructions on the Flying Heaven's Honorable Sword Style that Kenshin used, I was surprised to see her using it so soon. I had only given her the manual a week ago yet she already learned the basics. Her talent for learning martial arts was truly astounding.

"You sure you have enough practice to do this?", I asked her.

"Yes.", she said as Tōchūmaru jumped onto my shoulder.

Watching her draw her sword quick enough to create a vacuum, enemies around her got pulled towards her. Jumping into the air, she started summersaulting at a rapid pace with her sword in hand as she fell to the ground. Bisecting the first few enemies, she landed on her feet and delivered a flurry of blows that ended the remaining enemies lives in short order.

"Damn girl!!", Cammy laughed, "That's a crazy good...are you okay?"

"I haven't gotten used to the...dizziness.", Shigure replied looking sick.

'Let me set a reminder to add an enchantment on her sword so she doesn't get sick from performing those stunts.', I thought putting a noted on my HUD.

Glancing over towards Chun-Li and Cammy, I found Chun-Li unleashing her anger on the enemy. Flicking her leg out at a high rate of speed, it almost looked like she had ten left legs. Though she wasn't concerned with the competition, I could tell she was trying to beat her own record. Cammy on the other hand was treating this like training, and was using a combination of firearms and martial arts to fight. Always making sure to stomp on the head of her fallen enemies, she looked quite happy with herself.

'Well at this rate, I guess I can just stand here and-', I thought before Alcina flew past me and crashed into a building.

"Stupid man thing!!", she hissed getting out of her crater.

"Are you okay?", I asked watching her wipe the blood from her face.

"Yes, but I may need some assistance.", she replied pointing to a Tyrant walking towards us.

Telling Tōchūmaru to go back to Shigure, he immediately leapt off my shoulder and onto her head. As the Tyrant moved closer, the Undead in the area started to back off as it approached us as did the Demons.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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