38.26% In HOTD with The Satou System / Chapter 43: Chapter 43 - Squid Day

บท 43: Chapter 43 - Squid Day

Processing all the meat we could store took a full day, but the results were well worth it. We ended up with several thousand pounds of meat that would last us almost the entire journey. It would take a few days of smoking and preparing on the ship to preserve all the meat, but it would work. Having a small festival to eat all we could while on the island, it was a nice change of pace to not have to worry about the undead attacking us. The kids got to play in the water, the women got to tan, and men got to screw around and have some fun. Once the day was over though, we were back on the open ocean.

"Trust my judgment in food now?", I teased Yuko as she sighed rubbing her stomach.

"It's not my fault, you are a modified human so your stomach might have taken it better than ours.", Yuko remarked with a smile, "That said, I will trust you moving forward."

"It was some great tasting meat!!", Sayo laughed munching on a portion she brought back up to the wheelhouse, "The only way this would be better is if we had some beer!!"

"You and your damn alcohol...", Oriha mocked, "What's so good about alcohol anyways?"

"You have no idea how nice it is to feel your body just relax, and let go.", Sayo sighed with a blissful smile, "Having fried food and a cold beer is a very good past time!! Besides things can get freaky when you are drunk enough!!"

"You aren't selling me on it, the one time I had a drink it burned my throat!!", Oriha shouted, "It hurt like hell!!"

"What did you have?", I asked her.

"Something called a Top Shelf Long Island Ice Tea?", Oriha stated not sure if that was right, "Some sleazy man tried to get me drunk. I took one sip and threw it on him because it was terrible!!"

"That was a very expensive drink to throw on someone.", Yuriko and Kiriko laughed.

"How expensive?", Oriha asked.

"Depending on the alcohol used we are talking $50 to $200.", Yuriko answered, "I saw one at a lounge in New York City that sold for a thousand dollars a glass."

"It didn't taste like no thousand dollars to me!! I wouldn't even pay a dollar for it, even if it was free I wouldn't have it!!", Oriha told them with a disgusted face, "I will stick to my soda and fruity beverages."

"Ah to be young and dumb once you have a bad day, a family to care for, and a mountain of documents to sift through...you'll want one.", Yuirko told her, "Before the world was falling apart I would have a drink every night. It's a nice way to unwind after a long day of putting up with lecherous ass hats that only want your body, or to kiss up to your husband."

"Preach it.", Kikyo stated, "I worked as a bank executive's secretary, and you have no idea how many times I had uncomfortable encounters with men at my job. The busy bee workers were nice, it was the executives that were jerks. Thinking that just because they made a lot of money I would just spread my legs. All of them were a bunch of pigs!"

"You and I are going to get along perfectly.", Yuriko said, "Why don't you be my secretary from now on? I am sure we will be doing some business moving forward as groups become more established. We will eventually need to be trading with others as they pick their areas clean."

"I can live with that, what's the pay?", Kikyo played along.

"Hmm, how about sleeping with Victor?", Yuriko suggested burying my arm between her breasts.

"Mother!", Saya shouted.

"I can agree to that.", Kikyo agreed, "I'd like to thank him for saving Saito, could I maybe borrow him for a bit? I want to make sure he knows exactly how much it means to me."

"By all means, Saito is asleep in the main bedroom. You'll have to use your former room.", Yuriko stated.

Pulling me along, she took me to her room and locked the door behind us. Getting undressed she sat on the edge of the bed with a shy expression.

"I am sorry that I may a bit flabby, but still have a bit of fat left from when I had Saito.", she said.

"Oh don't you give me any of that.", I chuckled, "You are breath taking, it's an honor to be your partner."

Taking my clothing off, she looked at me in shock. Walking over to her I lightly pushed her back into the bed, started to eat her out. Getting her nice and ready for me, she came very quickly and started asking me to fuck her. Telling her she was a naughty woman, she told me she had been wanting this for a while.

Putting the tip against her opening, I kissed her passionately as she squirted on it. Slamming into her, she locked her legs around me and pressed her chest against me. The feeling of her F cups squished against me was a heavenly feeling, and being pushed up against her cervix was exhilarating.

"You okay?", I asked.

Kissing me in response, I took that as a big yes and started thrusting into her. Moaning as she took me, all I could hear was her butt clapping against me. Firmly grabbing her butt and the back of her neck, she tensed up as the pleasure radiated up her spine. Rubbing the back of her neck, and squeezing her butt harder made her scream into my chest as climaxed hard. Panting after that one she was looking at me like she wanted more. Shaking off her hold on me, I flipped her over and pushed her into the pillow. Smacking her butt a few times I learned forward to start kneading her breasts.

Letting out guttural moans of pleasure, I felt her start to loose it. Digging her fingers into the mattress, and looking back at me with hunger in her eyes she was ready for me to climax. Picking up the pace for a few minutes to get to that point, I pulled her back onto me tightly before grunting as I came. Grabbing her by the back of the neck I felt her body start to spasm as she felt me pulsate in her.

"You...you are an animal.", she laughed trying to catch her breath, "That was amazing, I completely understand now how you keep them happy. You aren't even getting soft yet, are we going again?"

"I can go as long as you want.", I told her.

"Please use me however you want. You...you are my partner and savior, I want you to be-", she said before I started churning her up again.

Trying several dozen positions with her, we made love for a few hours before she was unable to move. Stopping there, I pulled out let her clean me off. Feeling her suck on my shaft till she was satisfied, she then wriggled up and fell asleep in my arms. Once she was sound asleep in my arms, I decided to take a peak at her stats.


Name: Kikyo

Race: Human

Former Occupation: Japanese Intelligence

Current Occupation: Mother, Secretary

Age: 34

Level: 18

Attack: 80

Defense: 82

Mental Strength: 90

Willpower: 90

World Phase 2 - 20%


Intelligence Gathering - Rank 3

Stealth - Rank 3

Disguise - Rank 4

Organization - Rank 4


Saito's Mother

Devote Wife of Victor


'Japanese Intelligence...no wonder she has so much stamina and endurance. I thought it was weird she didn't pass out after round 2.', I thought.

"Interesting, so she is tied to the Japanese Intelligence.", Midna stated.

"I take it my system won't show former occupations without being lovers with the person?", I questioned.

"Correct, you can only see current occupations.", Midna answered, "If they have any titles associated with their former line of work you will see those though."

"I see, well thankfully she isn't a threat to our safety. Still though, I wonder why she was keeping it a secret.", I stated, "Either way the others have the helm tonight so I will get some sleep."

---Next Morning---

Waking up in my arms, Kikyo's face was beet red as the memories of last night came back to her. Giving her a good morning kiss her shyness seemed to lessen significantly. Asking her if there was anything I needed to know about her, her face suddenly became serious.

"I used to work for the government before becoming a stay at home mother.", Kikyo admitted, "I wanted to tell you sooner, but I was worried you'd hate me because of my connection to the government."

"Of course not.", I assured her, "You were intelligence, a politician, or some pencil pusher right?"

"I was in the Intelligence branch of the government. Before meeting my husband I used to travel the world gathering intelligence on our enemies. It was dangerous work, but I got a thrill out of it. Eventually budget cuts forced me to the home front where I was tasked with finding leakers who where selling Japanese assets for money. Eventually I met my husband while doing reconnaissance, and I ended up leaving the field to be a mother to our son.", she told me.

"Do you happen to have anything on Umbrella I can use?", I asked.

"We didn't regard Umbrella as a threat, but...I did hear rumors they had some secret facility on the island of Crete in the Mediterranean.", she answered.

'Interesting...so they have a secret facility in the Mediterranean, they are probably using it to locate the GATE fragments at the bottom of the sea.', I thought, 'I can imagine how deeply they are buried by now...'

"Something wrong?! You aren't going to hate me now are-"

Giving her a kiss I told her it was too late to turn back on me now. Telling her that I wasn't mad, just curious about what they were doing out there given everything that has happened. Saying that it wasn't anything too worry about, she gave me a beaming smile before saying we needed to get ready for the day. Getting dressed and out the door, I went to the mess hall and was greeted by Yuko and Sayo.

"Good morning, we need to have a conversation after breakfast...it's about the creature you killed.", they told me.

"You aren't going to tell me you changed your mind about the meat now, right?", I inquired.

"The lab tests came back negative for anything we needed to worry about, but the creature was over a hundred years old. It pre-dates Umbrella Corp by a long time, I honestly don't know where the hell it came from. It's DNA is foreign to us...it's like it isn't even from our world.", Yuko told me, "The team is fascinated by it, and they are working hard to see if there are any benefits we can make from it."

"Interesting...", I said rubbing my chin, "It's hard to believe that it was that old."

"I know, based on what data we collected...it was only half grown.", she whispered, "They recommend staying out of deeper water, you may not be able to kill a full grown one."

"Do you know if it can tolerate extreme cold? The only open expanse of deep water we will be in is between Russia and Alaska.", I told her.

"I will have them check, but since it appears to be a deep water dwelling creature it may be.", Sayo answered.

"Deep water dweller...the water here is only a mile or so deep, that isn't deep water.", I pointed out before getting closer to her, "Something must of chased it out of the depths or something is eating it's usual food and it mistook us for a meal."

"That is a good theory, I will run it by the team to see if anything we can tell backs that up. I would hate to see whatever the hell drove that thing away, if that is the case.", Yuko shivered, "Also...Saori wants to see you when you get a second, she made you breakfast."

"She usually helps make the-"

"She made the meal especially for you.", Oriha and Nina told me as they carried their plates to sit down, "Aren't you something special!! Such a ladies man!!"

"Nina...Oriha is infecting your mind with her insanity, I recommend staying away from her.", I told Nina.

"Nah, she is just having fun.", Oriha laughed, "We are going to play some video games before the training starts today!"

Going to take a seat with the others, I sighed and went over to where Saori was. Seeing me put a warm smile on her face, like I was walking in the door from work.

"I haven't had an ample opportunity to thank you for saving my daughter. While it isn't much, I made you a homecooked meal and wanted to know if you could spare some time for me in a few days.", she told me, "Right now we are busy, but in a few days it should slow down once the squid meat is finished preserving."

"Of course, that would be great.", I said looking at the plate of food.

Instead of a traditional Japanese breakfast, she made me an American Style breakfast with bacon, eggs, toast, and a cup of coffee. Thank her for her kindness, I told her to let me know what day she wanted to meet. Telling me she would let me know soon, I went to sit down with the other women who were talking about the Kraken attack.

Yuko had gotten them up to speed on the situation, and all of them were intrigued that something like that existed. They all assumed it was a virus mutated squid, but to learn that it was virus free and over a hundred years old frightened them. It really made them all wonder what else was still lurking beneath the waves in the dark world below.

"Maybe Godzilla is real!!", Oriha told them, "Maybe he scared that thing up here!!"

"You want me to believe that a 40 story tall radioactive lizard is prowling the deep ocean?", Astrid looked at her skeptically, "You know how stupid that sounds?"

"Hey, it sounded just as stupid as us being attacked by a Kraken!!", Oriha retorted, "Don't lecture me on crazy sounding ideas."

"I think it's more likely that there may be other sea monsters out there.", Daiyu interjected, "Krakens were talked about a lot in the past, and now one actually showed up. There may be some truth to sea dragons and other creatures of the deep."

"Hopefully there isn't a Creature from the Black Lagoon.", Shizuka shivered, "I don't want to be dragged to the bottom, and be his partner!!"

"Shizuka...", Rika sighed, "That was a hentai you watched on accident..."

"Uh...", Maya and Saeko questioned, "How do you watch hentai on accident?"

"Well you see my brother used to live with me, and he had a thing for hentai. When he moved over seas for work he left a few things behind, one of which was his media center. He renamed a lot of stuff classic movie titles so when we were living at home our mother wouldn't beat his ass. Well...Shizuka may have seen a few hentai that made her scream on the media center.", Rika told them.

"Your brother sounds disgusting.", Saya stated.

"You have no fucking idea girl.", Rika groaned, "He once spent twenty thousand yen on a used pair of panties."

"Yeah...her brother wasn't right in the head.", Yuko agreed, "He tried stealing Shizuka and I's panties on numerous occasions."

"I am surprised you let him live with you!!", Sayo and Pucca stated.

"He was my brother...", Rika said with a downcast expression, "I kept them around because he didn't last long in his new place. He got caught out in a gun fight between rival gangs, and was shot in the head."

'Jeez...just like me!', I thought.

"You could have at least unplugged the thing...", Shizuka complained, "I couldn't eat squid or octopus for a whole year because of those movies!!"

"It was...you got nosey and plugged it in.", Rika laughed, "And besides which no one made you finish those videos."

"Oh right.", Shizuka giggled.

"So Victor did you have any stashes?", Oriha said giving me a smug smile, "With your libido you had to have something, right?"

Laughing at that, I told her that I didn't have anything. Reminding her that I had multiple relationships, I told her that I didn't need anything once I got to Japan. Telling her that I stuck to the girls I liked, I said I hadn't ever bought anything since living in Japan. Asking about before Japan I said I did, just like every other teenaged boy. When she asked what it was, I said I plead the fifth.

"Is it that bad?", Rei asked, "I don't think any of us heard anything about this."

'That's because I never told you, and will never tell you.', I thought, "Just the typical stuff any guy would have, nothing special."

In reality I had stuff about mature women as I liked older women, more like preferred it. Don't get me wrong I love my harem members, but I really like mature women. They know what they like, and unlike the younger girls they REALLY like having sex. From what I remembered in health class, mature women had a higher sex drive then men of the same age. This meant they were the perfect partners for a young man like me who had a very high sex drive.

Finishing breakfast I relieved Kyoko from her post at the helm, and took a seat. Deciding to see if I could reach Gerald, I wanted to bring him onboard if he was still living. Instead of using the satellite phone, I tried reaching him on a HAM radio.


Author Note: I am only doing 4 chapters week as I am taking Wednesday off to celebrate my birthday. Plan is to kick back and enjoy myself with some Guinness, Stromboli, and DOOM. I hope you are all doing well this holiday season, and enjoying time with your loved ones.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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