6.43% In Danmachi with Plasmids / Chapter 8: Scary place (Redone)

บท 8: Scary place (Redone)

If you see any grammar errors or Typos, make sure to warn me!

Thank you, I hope you enjoy this chapter.


"Awww... AH! My back..."

'Silver woke up sometime later with a bit of a cramp in his back. What did he expect sleeping in heavy armor?'

'He carefully took off the armor and stashed it in the inventory space. At the same time, he took off an old-style pocket watch. He made this during his many years in the forge.'

'Clocks aren't a novelty, but one like this surely is.'

"So I slept for an hour? It's almost time for dinner."

'He took off clothes, gave himself a clean using Wind bath's variation, Bubble bath, and put on new clothes and his white Scarf, it's rather cold after all.'

'It's much faster than a standard bath, but it's very uncomfortable. It also wastes Mind, something he preferred to keep for emergencies. This is not the village anymore.'

'He descended the stairs and saw the Innkeeper attending to some clients and his daughter playing on the counter. There was also another woman talking to clients that he could only imagine to be his wife.'

'He noticed Silver and showed a surprised face.'

'Silver gave him a nod and approached him.'

"When did you go up? Didn't even notice you coming in." Asked the Innkeeper

"It's quite full today, it's normal to not notice, I just went up and took a quick nap."\

I need to be more aware of my surroundings next time...

"You are right… So, what will it be for today? You can order a Fish with Cold beer, or Fish with fruits."

"Today is Fish day?" Asked Silver

"That's the business strategy of this Inn. So…"

"I am not that hungry right now so I was thinking of going around town, I don't know if I will return in time to eat dinner here."

"Well, it's your money. Dinner ends at 8, and I close the doors at 10. Sometimes I will be around until 11, I guess you can still enter then too."

"Sure, I will most likely return earlier though…"

'Silver was cut in the middle by a childish voice.'

"It's you!" Said a childish voice from the side


'Silver noticed the little girl.'

"Ho? If you approached me, it means you know the answer to the problem."

"Of course! It's the chicken!"


"What is it? Don't tell me I got it wrong!"

"You see, Who came before the chickens?"

"What? Said the girl"

"Who were their distant parents?"


"Not exactly, there was once a creature, many years ago, that looked like a chicken but wasn't a chicken."

"This creature was domesticated by the races here in the mortal world, and after many generations, the first chicken was born. So that begs the question, who came first? The chicken or the egg?"


'Now the child was really confused.'

"The answer is most likely the egg, since the chicken we knew today had to first hatch from an egg right?" Said the mother of the girl, coming back with another customer request.

"That's right."

"...Humph! It's just a stupid question! I am still the best!"

"Whats 13 x 13?"

"What?... It's…" She started to count on her fingers again, fully focused on her "daunting" quest.

'As for Silver, he just waved at the innkeepers and left the store. his destination was none other than the Hostess of fertility.'

'Why would he go there? For one, he wanted to see some classical characters, and on the other, they say that the food there is incredible.'

'It's even on the same road as this Inn. So it was pretty easy to find.'


'The hostess of fertility is a wooden building three stories tall, but the extra rooms on the second and third floors aren't for clients, they are instead for its workers.'

'Almost every worker in the pub is Level 4 and above, making this place stronger than most Familias out there.'

'And as the cherry on top, every single worker is a beautiful single girl. But good luck approaching any of them. As all of them had some sort of troubling past, making them wary of pretty much anyone.'

'There was a large wooden statue in the front of the building, but Silver don't recognize which goddesses it represents. Perhaps Freya, but he can't be certain.'

'Yup, this store is owned by Freya, but there isn't much to fear on that note since Freya isn't here.'

'She spends most of her time on Babel doing whatever she wants.'

'Silver opened the front doors and…'



'A large kitchen knife flew and hit the wall on his right!'

'He looked forward and saw a group of adventurers being kicked around by the girls in the Pub.'


Poor bastards... Did they drink too much?

'He took a step to the side and allowed their bodies to fly out of the Inn.'


How could I have forgotten?... Because this is a gathering place for high-level adventures, trouble is very common here.

'One of the girls noticed Silver and ran to him, not before pulling the knife out of the wall.'

"Welcome to the hostess of fertility, Nya!" Said the catgirl with dark hair.


She was a very beautiful girl, no wonder many of the guys keep looking at her.

'Silver quickly focused and replied:'

"I guess I came at a bad time…" He said as he looked to the side to see the broken tables

"Nya! That's just a coincidence, please come this way." She said as she grabbed his arm and with immense strength pulled Silver towards a table

'The other adventures were… jealous? Forget those idiots.'

'She led him to one of the seats at the counter, she then gave a slight bow and went to serve other customers.'

'Silver looked in front to see a large collection of different wines. He didn't recognize any of them.'

"Dionysus Light wine… Acratopotes Blue Wine…"

I recognize the Gods but not the wines.


'A large cup filled with an Orange liquid was slapped right in front of him out of nowhere.'

'The one who did it was a smiling middle-aged woman, she was "big", not fat but nor slim.'

'It was none other than Mia Grand, a "Dwarf" over 1,80 M tall, and level 6 adventurer.'

"This is the first time someone looks at me like that since I opened this Pub! I know I am beautiful but I am not taking any boyfriends your age!"


Wait… What?...

How do I respond to that?


'She placed a bowl of beef with some noodles in front of Silver.'

'It looked really good.'

"This is an apology for the previous event! Enjoy it, as it shall be the last time this happens!"

"... I don't even know where to begin but… Thank you."

"An honest boy! Quite rare. Brats your age keep trying to impress the girls all the time."

I even feel a little bad to say this was supposed to be the food for those bastards I just kicked out... NAH!

"You can't blame them, everyone dreams of the perfect partner." Said Silver as he cut a piece of the meat


'He put the piece of meat in his mouth, then with a surprised voice said:'

"This is good! Who made this? Give that person a bonus!"

"I already pay her a lot, brat! Do you want me to go bankrupt?"

'She looked around to see that the number of customers was increasing and said:'

"If you want anything else, just call me."

"Okay... She left."

She is indeed very rough, not even caring about my opinion.


'Silver continued to eat the food.'

'…The beef was good and the Orange juice was sweet.'

"I think I can go for another bite…"

"So, what will it be?" Said a girl from behind him

'Silver body stiffened for a moment, however, his many years of training made him recover his bearings almost instantly.'

'He turned his head calmly.'

"No reaction? How boring." Said the girl with Silver hair.

'If the previous one was blunt then this one is flirtatious...'

'Her smile as she placed her finger close to her chin seemed to attract others' attention...'

"If you stare at me like that I'll get the wrong idea…" She said with her cheeks slightly red.

'But Silver remained calm. Even though the sight in front of him was rather alluring.'

"Can I get a Big Bull Ramen with grape juice?"

"... Yes…"

'She went away dejectedly, only for the catgirl with dark hair to laugh at her.'

"What was that?"

I can't even begin to comprehend what passes through the head of some people...

'Sometime later a group of adventurers entered the pub.'


'The group consisted of a werewolf with gray hair, two Amazoness, two Elves, one Elf with long green hair, and the other with lengthy golden yellowish hair. And finally, a human with shining golden hair.'

'Apart from the werewolf, everyone else is a girl.'

'Who doesn't know who these people are? They are some of the most famous adventures in Orario! Everyone in there apart from the Elfs is Level 5, with one of the Elfs being level 6 and the other Level 3. A very scary group.'

'They are going to become even scarier when literally everyone becomes Level 6 with the exception of the Elf with Golden yellow hair.'

(It's more orange than yellow though)

'Everyone watched the group for a second before going back to what they were doing. The reason for that is simple…'

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS LOOKING AT?!" Screamed the werewolf at a high voice

'But no one responded.'

"Bunch of pussies…" He said as he went to an empty table and sat there.

"Calm down Bete." Said one of the Amazoness

(Amozoness are a race of Humans where every single member of it is female. They normally have much higher physical strength than Humans and they are also, always tanned.)

"Tsk." Said Bete, anoyed

'They all sat down calmly before making their requests and waiting.'


'Silver gazed at their group, in particular, at the silent beauty with golden hair.'

She is truly beautiful.

The golden-haired Human was the "heroine" of the Danmachi series, Ais Wallenstein. Daughter of the hero who blinded the black dragon making it the One-eyed black dragon 1000 years ago.

Yes, a thousand years ago. How? I don't know, I never watched the series that far, I died earlier... So I don't know if they even explained that.

She was also the daughter of a spirit, even though that shouldn't have been possible.

In essence, she is clad in mysteries.

'While Silver thought about how novel this feeling of meeting childhood characters was, he didn't notice the person that was watching his back.'

'It was none other than Ais. Her eyes were fixated in his direction, to be more exact, his scarf.'

'This particular scarf gave her a strange feeling, but she couldn't connect head nor tails about where she saw it.'

'Eventually, she just thought it was her imagination and that she might be a little dizzy after a day of training.'

"What is it Aiz?" Asked the Yellow-haired Elf.

'She shook her head and said:'

"It's nothing, Lefiya."

'Although they were curious, they still stopped asking.'

'But there was one Elf that kept looking at Silver's back for a few more seconds...'

'Several minutes of waiting later, his food came, it was a big bowl of Ramen filled with many sorts of vegetables and meat.'

'It was served by none other than Mia, who was seemingly annoyed'

"What is it?" He asked her

"It's nothing kid, now, focus on the food. Be sure to clean the plate! Else we are going to have to talk." She said with a smile on her face as she cleaned a few cups

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea…" He replied it in an Ironic way.



I couldn't even evade her punch… There isn't even a need to compare the difference between a Level 6 and a Level 0.

One day I will be there. Enjoy your victory for now.

"Pfft, haha! I might've given you a chance if this was 30 years ago. Go back to eating now!"

'He couldn't complain about that, the food was delicious after all. He finished it in 6 minutes.'

"Can I get a refill?"

"Ho? You think you can take on another?" Asked Mia

"Well, I am quite hungry."

'She asked for his order and made some notes on a piece of paper.'

"Your food will arrive in a few minutes..."

"... Just make sure to finish it all!"

(Mama Mia was a woman who valued money, but she cared most for her food and that people finish what they started.)

"Today we had quite the fight against those monsters huh?" Said one of the Amazoness of the Loki Familia

"We would've been fine if Bete did not rush to the middle of those Hornets!" Said the other Amazoness.


"What did you say?!" Bete yelled, while slamming the table

"Stop it Bete. Before you Break the table. Like last time." Said the green-haired Elf



'He drank a big mouthful of his beer.'

"Fucking hell! Fuck those Hornets…"

'The werewolf continued to voice out profanities while drinking, he was clearly letting out his emotions.'


I feel sorry for him sometimes. He isn't an asshole just because.

When he was 12 years old, a monster attacked his village killing his family and his childhood friend with who he had a relationship with.

He went to Orario to train and for the next few years, he did as such.

High level and with a new girlfriend, his life was promising. So he went back to his village to kill the monster and avenge his family.

He killed the monster but when he got back to Orario, he found out pretty much everyone in his Familia had died in an expedition, leaving only some people behind.

(I think it was the Vidar Familia)

After they departed from Orario, he stayed behind and continued training without a purpose until Loki came and recruited him.

Now he has a crush on Ais but his feelings are rather confusing.

Perhaps that's why he is such a jerk. To make people avoid him.

"... Well, it happens. It was not a failure. On the contrary, we succeeded in getting the items for the commission." Said the green-haired elf

"Riveria is right! Let's celebrate!" Said one of the twin Amazoness.

"I just hoped Mr. Gareth and Mr. Finn were here with us…" Said Lefiya


"Weren't they doing some shit for the Loli Goddess?"

'Bete's cheeks were slightly red now…'

"Bete! You shouldn't talk about Loki-Sama like that…" Said Lefiya as she looked behind Bete

"HUH?! Let that Bitc…"


'Everyone looked at Bete in silence.'

'Even Silver'

"What happened?

'Bete looked behind him to see a red-haired small girl. Well, she wasn't small. Around 165Cm.'

'She looked rather tomboyish since she was wearing tight tank tops and small shorts.'

"Why did you stop? Continue for me, please!" She said

'Her eyes, which were normally closed most of the time opened slightly to look at Bete.'


'Bete swallowed dry. Sobering up almost instantly.'

"Nothing to say? Finn! Gareth! Get him!"

'A small man and a dwarf entered the store.'

'They looked at Bete with pity.'

"Sorry for this Bete, but what she declares I shall obey." Said Gareth as he grabbed a piece of rope

"You asked for it Bete. Close your eyes and wait." Said Finn as he smiled

/2 minutes later.../

'Bete was tied up into the ceiling looking like a sausage.'

'Everyone started to laugh at him'



'Loki picked up a wooden spoon and slapped Bete's ass.'

"Be a good dog and stay there."


"Now that we had this out of the way let's drink! Mia-chi! Get me one of those expensive wines!"


'Mama mia didn't seem to be that pleased with the order but she still went and picked the bottle.'

'She passed right in front of me.'

"You don't seem pleased… Again"

"You like asking questions don't you?" She said as she looked at him with a serious tone

"I didn't ask anything."

"Being funny now?... It's just that those guys always cause trouble! They drink and I have to kick them out!"

"Really? Those girls don't seem to be…"

'I looked behind me to see one of the twins placing one of her feet on the table and roaring.'

'She was already drunk from the beers the waiters brought.'

"...Forget what I said."

"Is there anything else? I need to deliver this wine for that alcoholic Goddess."

"Just give me a light drink later, please. I also have my own small thing to commemorate…"

"Sure." She said as she turned around

'Silver finished his drink and relaxed a little, ignoring the screams behind him.'

The drink was quite alright, only a small cup, although it was difficult to rank it when compared to those in his memories.

But I guess a drink made directly by one of the Gods might surpass anything I ever had...

I wasn't a fan of drinking, but I still do it from time to time. I enjoy good food just as I enjoy some good alcohol. Simple.

But I prefer juice most of the time.


'Around an hour later Silver decided to leave, it was quite fun seeing these people all around him, but he had to go since it was getting late.'

"Excuse me miss." He said to one of the waiters.

'It was the Elf.'

'Her beauty was truly phenomenal, no wonder she was said to be a fairy.'

"Yes?" She said with a stoic expression.

"Can I have the bill?"

"Of course. Let me go get it for you."

'She went to the counter and talked with Mami mia, the latter went to the desk and pulled out a note, and she handed it to the Elf.'

"Here it is."

"I started to read the values."

"400 Valis for this… 340 for the spaghetti…"

"3000 for the Drink? Damn! You got me this time!"

'Mami Mia looked at Silver with an "I got you" expression.'


"Sir?" Ryuu the elf looked at me suspiciously.

"I will pay! Sheesh, don't look at me like that…"

'He took out 5 coins worth 1000 and got the change.'

"You better wait! I will get revenge on you!"

'Mama Mia laughed at silver's words...'

"HAHA! I will be waiting, boy."

'He got up and went outside.'

'On the way, he passed by the Loki Familia table.'

'Ais stopped what she was doing and looked at his back, once again the sight reminded her of something.'

'Loki and Riveria also Looked at his back but soon stopped.'

"Alright! This time you will tell us what all of this is about!" Said The amazoness with short hair.

"What is this all about Tiona?" Asked Finn.

"Ais and Riveria kept looking at that boy's back! But they refuse to talk about it!" Said Tiona in a slight drunk tone

"It's nothing like that. I just felt something… Familiar with that man, nothing else." Said Reviria.

'Ais just nodded.'

"Hum… I also felt something strange about him, but I can't place his finger on what… Why don't we go find out?" Said Loki

"Loki-sama, please leave other people alone." Rebutted Riveria

"You are so boring!..."

'They continued to laugh, talk and drink for the next several hours.'


'Everyone came to their senses and paid up, running away afterward.'

'The Loki Familia group left soon after'

'As for Silver? He was currently crashed down on bed suffering from the intense headache caused by Mind down.'

'But why is that?'

'That's because for the past few hours, someone kept practicing "magic".'

'He drank several potions, but the headache never went away.'

'Today's training session was about the other application of his powers.'

'Plasmid powers are normally generated inside of someone's body before being released into the outside.'

'But this time, instead of releasing the power outside, he channeled it inside. Something he was always slightly fearful of doing.'

'Silver was trying to recreate Gene Tonics by using his abilities in a different way.'

(Gene tonics are like permanent/situational body upgrades. Like a Tonic that can cut off fat from your body, and make your hair grow back. See notes)

'Just like he can alter the composition of his hands in order to use a multitude of abilities, why can't he do the same for the rest of his body?'

'Previously, Gene Tonics were separated from Plasmids, but he doesn't have the means to create one. But since his current abilities are powered by Mind, perhaps he can use it to change his body.'

'Applying a specific effect to a part of his body other than his hands and seeing what happens.'

'But controlling the power in this way is much harder than it seems. It's a completely different feeling.'

'And since he spent most of his two years practicing the normal way of using this power, he is still rather bad at using it in this way.'

'But it's never too late to start, right?'

'Who knows what may come out of it.'

/At the same time, in the Loki Familia mansion/

"I think I know what I felt strange about him." Said Loki as she laid down on the couch

"What is it?" Asked Finn who was in the room checking a few papers

"... It's more of a rumor among the Gods, really. I will have to confirm it later." She said with a mischievous smile.


She is going to cause trouble again...

'For some reason, Finn's thumb began to ache.'


"... Sigh. Do as you wish, just don't cause trouble."

"What do you take me for?"


'Finn just looked at her with a blank expression before continuing to read the papers.'

'This greatly pissed the red-haired Goddess...'





(I think I should make this clear by now.

How does the MC personality actually work?

Imagine as if you were an 18-19-year"old boy, then you suddenly wake up in the body of someone else and start to receive memories from a life you never actually lived. This is how the MC feels right now.

From his perspective, what happened to his first parents and his life in Rapture was nothing but a "dream". Although he has already made up his mind to believe the contrary.

At the start, he had the personality of a young adult, but as the years passed, he assimilated the memories and he is now much more mature than his age.)

(Finn's instinct is so strong that Loki said it surpassed some Gods. his theory is that it's a hidden Skill. Just like a 5-dimensional troya.)

(There is no explanation for the skill, but it works somehow. The Gods can't read the skill since it does not appear in the Hieroglyphs. More on that later when I explain about the Leveling system.)

(Gods are rather weak in the mortal plane, they need food and most of their abilities are sealed. With the exception of some abilities. Like Hephaestus's smithing abilities and the Goddesses of love charm. But if you piss off a God he may decide to erase you from existence…

Whether he will be able to or not depends on the other Gods around to stop him, but it's better to not test your luck.

I think there was once a situation where a God was measured by Falna stats and he was said to be Level 999. Meaning his power can't be calculated, simple.)

(Gene Tonics are special serums made from processed ADAM that introduce modified stem cells into the body, allowing for genetic modification and mutation, giving the user what some might call "superpowers".

They are like passives.

Tonics have three classifications

Combat" Combat Tonics improve the MC's offensive and defensive capabilities.

Engineering" Engineering Tonics improves the MC's hacking ability and interaction with machines.

Physical" Physical Tonics improve the MC's physical and physiological properties.

Of course, since this is a real"life situation, the statistical values of tonics are as good as trash.

Like Armored shell 2 that reduces bludgeoning damage by 25%... How do I even implement that?

If he takes a punch from Goblin that deals 100 damage, he is going to negate 25 points.

But what if a dragon punches him and deals 10000 damage? Is he still going to resist 25%?

So we will only consider their practical use, like turning or skin harder or something of the like.

The types will also not be limited to those three. In the first place, the engineering types are useless in this world since technology is based around magic.)

Abadom Abadom

3800 words

Another week has passed, a new chapter for you to read.

I used this chap to introduce the mechanic behind Gene Tonics as some sort of secondary application of his powers. It's harder to do, and to maintain than the other abilities.

I am still thinking about what goddesses I should put the MC into. Hestia is a good choice, and I have a plan to make her descent earlier, but I am afraid of the backlash from the people who are screaming: cliche! cliche!...

But it's not like she is the only candidate.

See you all tomorrow, ou Monday, depending on when I decided to post the chap.

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