เขียนรีวิวWriting Quality 5 Stability of Updates 1 Story Development 3 Character Design 2 World Background 3 First of all, the story is not finished. The last update was two years ago, and even on the author's Patreon, it remains incomplete, with the last update sometime in 2022. It's a good read—nice grammar and all that. However, at some point, the power scaling becomes so ridiculous that it’s not even funny anymore. Some characters just get pushed aside. I really liked the interactions between the protagonist and his children, but eventually, it just turns into, "Off to another dimension you go." And yeah, I get that he does it to keep them safe, but considering they’re supposed to be the most important beings in his life, the whole dimensional deportation happens in just 3–5 sentences, and that’s it. At some point, I kept reading just because I had already invested so much time in it. I also liked the dynamic with Fury, but he just faded out of the story, only to reappear for two sentences some chapters later. The protagonist becomes more paranoid as the story goes on and starts to see everyone as a potential threat, which, again, I get (his daughter is his whole world and so on). But for how important she is to him, their interactions feel really hollow. The romance itself also feels kind of empty. By the last chapter, it almost feels like he and the Ancient One would make a better couple than his actual love interest. The friendship dynamic was written better than the romance, which honestly felt like a side project at best. That being said, I really enjoyed the first 50–100 chapters, especially the parenting and fluff moments. The fight scenes are a mixed bag—some are really good, while others are skippable. I skipped a few because they were unnecessarily long, and 20 chapters later, they didn’t matter anymore since his power boosts rendered everything before them irrelevant. The pacing is weird—it feels both rushed and like a slow burn at the same time. That said, keep in mind that I’m just a reader. Everyone has their own preferences, and I tried to review this story to the best of my ability.
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์Writing quality is okay and the errors doesn't really interrupt the reading experience. It is mostly just spelling errors. Warning! This story is incomplete and is dropped. And you get blue-balled at the end, since he quit writing literally right before the big boss Knull fight begins. Before that tho, it is an alright story. I found it a fun read and I enjoyed all the characters and interactions they had. The start of this story is precanon of the MCU and everything revolves around the MC so dont expect The Avengers, Spider-Man, etc since they either don't exist or are children at the time. There is no harem.
Honestly a trash tier novel with poorly implemented game elements, an mc with a personality that reads as the worst way anyone has ever done deadpool, and an author that obviously has a hard time understanding powerscaling. It starts rough, gets worse, becomes bad, and ends incorrigible. I have no clue how this ever became popular if this novel is anywhere near the authors other works. He’s obviously just pumping word count for patreon.
Typical CORNBRINGER novel, decent start, enjoyable grind at the start with a captivating plot. Then falls to pieces later, It goes from semi-convincing growth and genuine struggle to improve to in 100 chapters going from thor level to far stronger then all infinity stones, and in typical cornbringer fashion stopping the novel right before the end of the story/arc to write a different novel. Had some good characters that were entirely ignored for entire sections of the novel or just straight up ignored. Its clear in the story the author didn't really care enough to put thought into each chapter. Several times the main character does certain things in order to set up future plotlines and does absolutely nothing with it. All around okay book to read with your brain off just don't get too invested and expect disapointment.
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์What is L + ratio? L + ratio is used as a mocking insult on social media, often in reply to a post or opinion considered particularly bad. The letter L is used as a slang term for loss (as in the opposite of win). The word ratio is used in its social media sense referring to a situation in which a post has a high proportion of replies compared to likes or reposts, which usually indicates a barrage of negative replies criticizing and often mocking the post.
Hello there fellow degenerate. I have came upon an ephipany while reading this hot steaming pile of power scaling garbo. Perfection does not exist if it did life would be dull and boring the imperfections in life makes it worth living. You know this fic has its up and down its portrayed as if the MC is a pawn but it is actually the king but actually its the person moving the pieces and splash in some conversations with the opposing player and others around to liven up the mood. Then it hit me. Imperfection is perfect.
Story after the 100th chapter becomes a stagnant pile of garbage that is trying to evolve but all its doing is moving itself to a slightly better garbage dump. The beyonder arc is what truly ruined it to me but hey maybe you’ll like it? Still worth a read ig.
overall it was a pretty good one, however, the author seems to have dropped the novel over a year ago after starting a new series, which seems to be possibly a recurring theme with them. too bad really
---_---------) -$) &$) &$) &$) &$&_-&&------_---"-_&(&) &$9&#) &#(&_&#(-_&$-$(#(_#) &#(_#5$[img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์Amazing book all around, just waiting for the chapter update that was said to restart in this month
I was initially quite entertained and enjoying it since the characters are nicely written with interesting personalities and also enjoying the mc go through the marvel world, but eventually lost all interest when the knull saga began. I was hoping for some actual avengers interactions, spidey etc.. but the author skipped all that to go straight to knull. I tried to read till latest chapter but never got the drive to continue waiting for the next update. Knull saga just seemed too boring for me and should have been started way after the endgame timeline at least. So much possible content skipped.. so disappointing
I have read up to 240 so far and while i do not like some of the story development, i am quite entertained by this. Also it seems like the characters are quite well written and have their own personalities. I also enjoy the main character's quips. I especially find hela amusing. A little disappointed an interesting character like her isnt the main heroine lol. But somewhat curious if the author has not watched all the marvel tv shows by the latest chapters since some of the tv shows, would explain the events happening in this novels current timeline. Like how zola still lives as an ai. Overall i am still entertained and would like more chapters
Coming here as one of the many AO3 writers that are being harassed by spam comments insulting their work. It is unprofessional and embarrassing. I'm sure this comment will get deleted like the other negative ones but people should stay away from webnovel.
I keep getting insulted and spammed by bots with advertisements for this on my own writing. Speaking with others in my community I know they’re getting spammed too. Predatory, shameless behavior. Illegal, too.
Best writing ever.. this is the first time i ever read a story the way you have written....[img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update]
you deserve it, wasting my time reading unfinished novel, and decided to make a new one before finishing it. typical author always burden themselves make a new one before the previous one is finished. Truly pathetic
A quantidade de erros de lógica e inconsistências é incrivelmente bizarra. Pqp, como o cara conseguiu tudo isso é incrível, incrível como a burr1ce de plot
he put a pay wall behind the final chapters so unless you want to pay for his Pateron do not read
Before us is a work that does not deserve high praise; in my subjective opinion, this story is simply glued together from rotting pieces of flesh. There are two things that make this story stink, the story and the main character. I also may feel the author’s humor, but this is just my opinion.
Interesting, because it's interesting I give it five stars. But it would be more interesting if you stopped by my place and found the same thing too!
i normally likes cornbringers novels but this on is garbage to be honest. the grammer is terrible, you can not follow the story of you have not seen the films as half of the plot is missing so you just have to Guess what is happening as the chapters are not connected well.and the plot is soo much forced that Chinese novels feel more real.
A really good novel but I feel blue balled now I am caught up and during the beginning I got really excited when he said he was going to be a warrior but now I am just disappointed because it just became another supposed "magic warrior" who is really just a mage that almost exclusively uses magic
It was awesome and the story development was really well put together. I’ve read a good number of stories of similar origins and this one practically tops them all.
Writing Quality 5 Stability of Updates 1 Story Development 3 Character Design 2 World Background 3 First of all, the story is not finished. The last update was two years ago, and even on the author's Patreon, it remains incomplete, with the last update sometime in 2022. It's a good read—nice grammar and all that. However, at some point, the power scaling becomes so ridiculous that it’s not even funny anymore. Some characters just get pushed aside. I really liked the interactions between the protagonist and his children, but eventually, it just turns into, "Off to another dimension you go." And yeah, I get that he does it to keep them safe, but considering they’re supposed to be the most important beings in his life, the whole dimensional deportation happens in just 3–5 sentences, and that’s it. At some point, I kept reading just because I had already invested so much time in it. I also liked the dynamic with Fury, but he just faded out of the story, only to reappear for two sentences some chapters later. The protagonist becomes more paranoid as the story goes on and starts to see everyone as a potential threat, which, again, I get (his daughter is his whole world and so on). But for how important she is to him, their interactions feel really hollow. The romance itself also feels kind of empty. By the last chapter, it almost feels like he and the Ancient One would make a better couple than his actual love interest. The friendship dynamic was written better than the romance, which honestly felt like a side project at best. That being said, I really enjoyed the first 50–100 chapters, especially the parenting and fluff moments. The fight scenes are a mixed bag—some are really good, while others are skippable. I skipped a few because they were unnecessarily long, and 20 chapters later, they didn’t matter anymore since his power boosts rendered everything before them irrelevant. The pacing is weird—it feels both rushed and like a slow burn at the same time. That said, keep in mind that I’m just a reader. Everyone has their own preferences, and I tried to review this story to the best of my ability.
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์Writing quality is okay and the errors doesn't really interrupt the reading experience. It is mostly just spelling errors. Warning! This story is incomplete and is dropped. And you get blue-balled at the end, since he quit writing literally right before the big boss Knull fight begins. Before that tho, it is an alright story. I found it a fun read and I enjoyed all the characters and interactions they had. The start of this story is precanon of the MCU and everything revolves around the MC so dont expect The Avengers, Spider-Man, etc since they either don't exist or are children at the time. There is no harem.
Honestly a trash tier novel with poorly implemented game elements, an mc with a personality that reads as the worst way anyone has ever done deadpool, and an author that obviously has a hard time understanding powerscaling. It starts rough, gets worse, becomes bad, and ends incorrigible. I have no clue how this ever became popular if this novel is anywhere near the authors other works. He’s obviously just pumping word count for patreon.
Typical CORNBRINGER novel, decent start, enjoyable grind at the start with a captivating plot. Then falls to pieces later, It goes from semi-convincing growth and genuine struggle to improve to in 100 chapters going from thor level to far stronger then all infinity stones, and in typical cornbringer fashion stopping the novel right before the end of the story/arc to write a different novel. Had some good characters that were entirely ignored for entire sections of the novel or just straight up ignored. Its clear in the story the author didn't really care enough to put thought into each chapter. Several times the main character does certain things in order to set up future plotlines and does absolutely nothing with it. All around okay book to read with your brain off just don't get too invested and expect disapointment.
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์What is L + ratio? L + ratio is used as a mocking insult on social media, often in reply to a post or opinion considered particularly bad. The letter L is used as a slang term for loss (as in the opposite of win). The word ratio is used in its social media sense referring to a situation in which a post has a high proportion of replies compared to likes or reposts, which usually indicates a barrage of negative replies criticizing and often mocking the post.
Hello there fellow degenerate. I have came upon an ephipany while reading this hot steaming pile of power scaling garbo. Perfection does not exist if it did life would be dull and boring the imperfections in life makes it worth living. You know this fic has its up and down its portrayed as if the MC is a pawn but it is actually the king but actually its the person moving the pieces and splash in some conversations with the opposing player and others around to liven up the mood. Then it hit me. Imperfection is perfect.
Story after the 100th chapter becomes a stagnant pile of garbage that is trying to evolve but all its doing is moving itself to a slightly better garbage dump. The beyonder arc is what truly ruined it to me but hey maybe you’ll like it? Still worth a read ig.
overall it was a pretty good one, however, the author seems to have dropped the novel over a year ago after starting a new series, which seems to be possibly a recurring theme with them. too bad really
---_---------) -$) &$) &$) &$) &$&_-&&------_---"-_&(&) &$9&#) &#(&_&#(-_&$-$(#(_#) &#(_#5$[img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์Amazing book all around, just waiting for the chapter update that was said to restart in this month
I was initially quite entertained and enjoying it since the characters are nicely written with interesting personalities and also enjoying the mc go through the marvel world, but eventually lost all interest when the knull saga began. I was hoping for some actual avengers interactions, spidey etc.. but the author skipped all that to go straight to knull. I tried to read till latest chapter but never got the drive to continue waiting for the next update. Knull saga just seemed too boring for me and should have been started way after the endgame timeline at least. So much possible content skipped.. so disappointing
I have read up to 240 so far and while i do not like some of the story development, i am quite entertained by this. Also it seems like the characters are quite well written and have their own personalities. I also enjoy the main character's quips. I especially find hela amusing. A little disappointed an interesting character like her isnt the main heroine lol. But somewhat curious if the author has not watched all the marvel tv shows by the latest chapters since some of the tv shows, would explain the events happening in this novels current timeline. Like how zola still lives as an ai. Overall i am still entertained and would like more chapters
Coming here as one of the many AO3 writers that are being harassed by spam comments insulting their work. It is unprofessional and embarrassing. I'm sure this comment will get deleted like the other negative ones but people should stay away from webnovel.
I keep getting insulted and spammed by bots with advertisements for this on my own writing. Speaking with others in my community I know they’re getting spammed too. Predatory, shameless behavior. Illegal, too.
Best writing ever.. this is the first time i ever read a story the way you have written....[img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update]
you deserve it, wasting my time reading unfinished novel, and decided to make a new one before finishing it. typical author always burden themselves make a new one before the previous one is finished. Truly pathetic
A quantidade de erros de lógica e inconsistências é incrivelmente bizarra. Pqp, como o cara conseguiu tudo isso é incrível, incrível como a burr1ce de plot
he put a pay wall behind the final chapters so unless you want to pay for his Pateron do not read
Before us is a work that does not deserve high praise; in my subjective opinion, this story is simply glued together from rotting pieces of flesh. There are two things that make this story stink, the story and the main character. I also may feel the author’s humor, but this is just my opinion.
Interesting, because it's interesting I give it five stars. But it would be more interesting if you stopped by my place and found the same thing too!
i normally likes cornbringers novels but this on is garbage to be honest. the grammer is terrible, you can not follow the story of you have not seen the films as half of the plot is missing so you just have to Guess what is happening as the chapters are not connected well.and the plot is soo much forced that Chinese novels feel more real.
A really good novel but I feel blue balled now I am caught up and during the beginning I got really excited when he said he was going to be a warrior but now I am just disappointed because it just became another supposed "magic warrior" who is really just a mage that almost exclusively uses magic
It was awesome and the story development was really well put together. I’ve read a good number of stories of similar origins and this one practically tops them all.