53.53% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 143: Chapter 1: Blank Slate ll

บท 143: Chapter 1: Blank Slate ll

"Ohhwaaaughhh..." I groaned rapturously, sagging deeper into my seat and letting my legs spread out to the sides. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, wallowing in the tranquility of the blissful sensations crawling up and down every nerve along my entire body. Tryptophan increases in my brain were converted to pleasant serotonin and melatonin. My limbs felt heavier than usual, and I felt my jaw slacken as I fought the urge to fall asleep.

That had been a most excellent cheeseburger.

The clinking of plates snapped my eyes open. Without measurably raising my head, I looked down my nose to see Kim smiling at me as she collected my plate and napkins. She turned away, probably walking into the kitchen to put our dishes in the sink. But less than a minute later, she returned, stood over me for a few seconds, and then ducked down and crawled beneath the table.

Now I picked my head up, looking down to see that Kim had reappeared kneeling between my spread legs. Licking her lips, she reached up and opened the button of my cargo shorts. And with a little smile, she unzipped me and then grabbed onto the waistband, forcibly tugging both shorts and boxers down to my ankles. This left her with clear access to my naked crotch, my penis already beginning to swell in anticipation. And after taking hold of my prick with two fingers, she exhaled hot air onto it and then bent down to suck it into her mouth.

"Ohhwaaaughhh..." I groaned for the second time, sagging even deeper into my seat and letting my legs spread farther to the sides. I dropped my head back down and closed my eyes, wallowing in the tranquility of the blissful sensations crawling up and down every nerve along my entire body. Dopamine surged into my brain, making me feel good and making me wake up rather than feel sleepy. But my jaw still slackened as I found myself absorbed by the feeling of Kim's oral attention.

But then she stopped. After working me up to a thick, massive erection, Kim kept her lips in a tight suction all the way up the length of my stalk before popping off the head and then rocking back on her heels. I looked down to see her smirk at my cock before ducking her head and crawling out from under the table. And my jaw remained slackened as I gawked at her in surprise.

"You're stopping?" I wondered in dismay.

Standing up beside me, Kim gave me a serene smile and touched my shoulder. "Don't worry. You won't be left hanging."

"I won't?"

She shook her head. "Just wanted to start you off in the right mood."

"For what?"

As if on cue, the doorbell rang.

Kim's smile turned into a smirk as she turned and headed for the door. Grumbling, I tucked my erection back into my pants and zipped up so as to be presentable for whoever was at the door, although I was sporting an obvious bulge that would be discovered by the merest glance at my crotch. And as Kim got to the hallway, I called out, "This part of your plan, too?"

"Not my idea, actually." Kim spun around, continuing to face me as she walked backward. "She called last night while you were in the shower."

"'She' called? Who called?"

Kim didn't answer as she went out of sight into the hallway. Still in the dining room, I heard the sounds of Kim flipping the lock and opening the door. And then the sounds of feet rapidly pounding the hardwood floor warned me only a second before a fireball of auburn hair and excessive energy burst into the room.

Alarms went off in my head that she was running too fast, and I jerked both hands up in the universal STOP gesture. "Paige! Paige!" I warned, too late.

The petite redhead more or less vaulted herself into my lap. Seated on the dining chair as I was, I had no way of bracing myself for the impact. About a hundred pounds of hyper girl hit me right in the chest, and unable to take the momentum, my chair and I immediately tipped over backward.

"Holy crap!" Paige swore as her blue eyes popped wide open in terror as we both careened through the air. Somehow, she managed to stick her feet out and take the immediate impact with the floor as she held onto the chair back. But she was still moving too fast to fully arrest us, and a second later, the chair fell flat and so did Paige and I. At least I managed to tuck my head forward so that the back of my skull didn't bounce off the hardwood.

"Oops," the diminutive redhead apologized as I glared up at her.

Rolling my eyes, I rolled her off of me and set my head down on the floor. And then taking a deep breath, I flipped over and got to my knees before standing fully upright. My erection was now long gone.

Paige blushed bright pink and threw me an impish grin as she bent down and picked up the fallen chair, sliding it back beneath the dining table. "Sorry. Got a little excited there."

"It hasn't been that long since we saw each other." My mind searched back through my recent history, chock full of intense events in this summer alone. Even though so much had happened, it really had been less than three weeks since I'd visited Paige with Amber in tow.

Paige's dark blue eyes glittered as she fixed me with a predatory look. Her gaze tracked up and down my body as she leaned against the chair's backrest, practically swooning. "The issue is not about how long it's been since SEEING you."

There was a world of innuendo in Paige's voice, not to mention the naked lust in her gaze. Her adrenaline already up from the near fall, the petite redhead breathed heavily as she devoured me with her eyes.

In fact, Paige looked so obviously horny that I actually found it funny. As the amusement washed away my annoyance at being bowled over, I shook my head and asked, "Is that ALL you ever think about?"

Paige put on her doe eyes and pouted cutely. Looking as innocently sweet as possible, she whined, "It's been forever. And Kim promised we could today!"

I jerked my head back in surprise. Kim promised what? I suddenly darted my eyes back to the hallway where my roommate was lurking just behind the corner and barked, "Kim, you promised her?"

Stepping into view, Kim lowered her gaze deferentially before stating in an apologetic tone, "I didn't promise her anything..."

"KIM!" I barked in a commanding tone.

She seemed to shrink beneath my baleful gaze. Waiting a few extra beats to gather herself, Kim kept her eyes downcast as she explained, "When I answered your phone, Paige asked me if I was your new girlfriend. I explained that I was just your roommate, and when I realized her intentions, I told her I wouldn't mind if she wanted to sleep with you. But I didn't promise anything."

My baleful gaze now turned to Paige. "Red?" I questioned in a firm tone.

Now it was Paige's turn to scrutinize the floor. Still pouting like a little girl, she whimpered, "Sex isn't ALL I think about. It's just that I've only gotten laid twice since I had April, both times with you. Twice in nearly a year. And I'm getting antsy."

"Paige..." I sighed, rubbing my forehead wearily. "You can't keep depending on me for sex. You're a vibrant young woman--"

"With a baby at home," she interrupted.

"Doesn't matter. I'm sure there are lots of guys in this world who don't mind dating a single mother. You can find a new boyfriend to take care of these things for you."

Her face fell. "But what if I don't want another boyfriend? What if all I want is you?"

Now Kim actually stepped forward, frowning in concern. I think she realized just as I did that a romantic relationship with Paige was the exact opposite of what I needed right now. But as I glanced at the Japanese girl and shared a meaningful look with her, Paige was already touching my arm.

"I don't mean it that way," Paige began. "I like you. I really, really like you; but I'm not in love with you. Sometimes, I think I was never really in love with you."

I arched my eyebrow in surprise.

"I'm serious. Oh, for sure I was completely infatuated with you. It was like, the biggest, most intense crush of my life. But I was overwhelmed with lust and hero-worship and longing that I don't think I ever really thought about what it meant to truly love you, to want what's best for you, and to consider those things instead of my own selfish desires. I wasn't a very good girlfriend to you Freshman year, and I wasn't a very good person in the months after we broke up. But having April and seeing what happened to your relationship with Dawn were real wake-up calls, and while I don't think I'm the most mature 21-year-old on the planet or anything, I'd like to think I've done some growing up in the last year."

With raised eyebrows, I gawked at Paige for a moment. While she may indeed still have a long way to go in her maturity, that single little speech was the most self-aware thing I'd ever heard her say.

"I know I could go out and find another boyfriend," Paige continued. "Uncle Frank and Aunt Polly are certainly encouraging me to do so; and someday, when I've got this whole Mother/school balance worked out a little better, maybe I will go out and find a nice guy to be with. But right now ... I don't really want a boyfriend. My days and nights are spent taking care of April. And now with me commuting over here for class three days a week, I have even less time to deal with any kind of romantic relationship."

I nodded slowly, beginning to understand.

"I don't want the hassle. Really..." Paige looked up at me, blushed, and then dropped her eyes to the floor again. "Really ... For now, I just want to get laid. You know?"

I sighed. "I get it."

"You do?"

"But that doesn't mean you have to depend on me. Even if you don't want to deal with romance and all that, just something casual, then I'm sure there are--"

"I don't want any other guys," Paige cut me off, stamping her foot impatiently. "I don't KNOW any other guys and I don't TRUST any other guys and I just don't want to DEAL with all that. If you're rejecting me, then I'll just have to buy new batteries for my vibrator."

I blushed and averted my gaze at that, finding myself looking straight at Kim, who blushed as well while grinning at me.

"Please, Ben?" Paige's doe eyes were back. "I'm only coming up to Berkeley three times a week: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Maybe sometimes I'll just come to class and go straight home afterward. But on Tuesdays like today, I've got this big time gap between 1 and 4. At the very least, I hope we're still friends enough that I can come hang out at the house with you. But really, I hope that you and I can spend a least a few of these Tuesdays making each other feel good. I'm single, you're single, and I really need this. I'm not asking for anything more than that."

I took a deep breath, honestly considering it.

Paige's hand darted to her purse, swinging it forward and then opening the zipper. "You may not believe this, but I even planned enough to take precautions. I've spent a lot of time the past couple of years examining my belief system, wondering what was drilled into me by my parents versus what I truly believe in myself. One of those things was contraception, and after talking with Aunt Polly and Uncle Frank, I decided to go ahead and go on the pill."

My jaw dropped as Paige presented me with pink plastic case. She opened it up to show me a silver foil rectangle with four rows of tiny round plastic pouches just like the ones I'd seen from other girls. The first ten pouches in order had already been punctured and emptied. Flabbergasted, I managed to utter, "Wow, seriously?"

Paige nodded. "So there won't be any worries about accidentally creating a Ben Junior with me."

I noted the flash of sadness in Paige's eyes at that statement, but she recovered quickly and gave me a little smile. But something else occurred to me, and I said, "I thought girls couldn't get pregnant while they were still breastfeeding."

Paige shrugged. "It's different for everyone I guess. My periods started up again when April was six months. My doctor said it was perfectly normal. Doc also said it's safe for me to start using these now."

I nodded my understanding. Still, I took a deep breath and asked, "Is that your first set? We should probably wait a full round before risking its effectiveness. Plus, this means it's the tenth day in your cycle. Kinda dangerous..."

Paige shrugged. "Then pull out. Or cum in my ass; you know how I like that."

I felt a stirring in my loins. I rather liked that myself.

The corners of Paige's lips tugged upward as she realized what direction I was now leaning. Slowly, her smile grew as I took a deep breath and really thought about this decision. And while watching the expression changing on my face, she knew I would do it right about the moment that I did.

Really, it wasn't so different than the previous two times I'd agreed to have sex with her. As long as it was only physical, just between friends, and didn't interfere with my other relationships, this was something I could do for her. And if I admitted it to myself, knowing just how wild and crazy little Red could be in the sack, it was something I could do for myself as well. But there had to be ground rules. Looking at Paige sternly, I raised a finger and waggled it threateningly. "You'll take every pill every day without fail, got it? Swear to God you won't cheat."

Paige looked taken aback. "That's blasphemy."

"That's how serious I am. If you can't do it, then I won't do it."

She took a deep breath, looking thoughtful. And then after a moment's hesitation, she stood erect, raised her right hand as if in judicial court, and stated, "I swear to Ben, on how much I sincerely care about you and only want what's best for you. I want this for me, but I think we'll both enjoy it. And I wouldn't ask this of you if I thought it would hurt you in any way. I'll take my pills religiously. I wouldn't dare risk this for you."

I raised my eyebrows at her statement, nodding slowly. "Works for me."

"So we can do it?" She practically hopped in place impatiently.

I rolled my eyes, then put my face into my right hand and rubbed my temples with my thumb and middle finger. "Uh, this whole conversation hasn't exactly put me in the mood."

"You let me worry about that." Paige grinned. "Just give me a five-minute head start."

Giddy, the petite redhead grabbed onto my neck, hopped up, and pecked my lips. Then with a sly grin at Kim, she skipped into the hallway and headed for the stairs. But just as she got to the first step, Paige paused. And turning around to wink at me, she added, "By the way, I'm still breastfeeding. And since I won't be able to feed April until I get home later tonight, I'm gonna need you to empty out my milk. Okay?"

I gave Paige her five-minute head start. Actually, it took seven minutes because Kim and I lost track of time. Once the perky redhead disappeared upstairs, my pretty Japanese roommate came to me, sat me back in the chair, and then knelt at my feet.

She resumed her blowjob right where she left off; it was an easy matter to unzip me and extract my half-hard prick. I groaned rapturously, tilting my head back and enjoying the dopamine rush as she slowly stroked my shaft with her right hand, tickled my balls with her left, and licked my knob like a lollipop. But after realizing how much time had passed, Kim brushed her bangs back behind her ears and backed away.

Getting a firm grip on both my cargo shorts and boxers, Kim tugged them off my feet to leave me completely bottomless and bareassed. Taking me by the hands, she then pulled me up to a standing position, and then leaned in and pecked my cheek. "I've got to get to class. I'll have dinner ready when you return."

"Thank you, Kim."

"My pleasure," she replied, and she meant it. Patting my butt, she turned me around and faced me toward the stairs. And as I started up them one step at a time, I heard Kim grab her own backpack and head down the hallway to leave.

All thoughts of Kim left me when I entered my bedroom. The bed itself was empty, but my eyes quickly zeroed in on the petite girl leaning against my desk. Paige's dark auburn hair was up in twin pigtails. Her backpack was open on the floor, nearly empty. Draped over one of the stuffed armchairs in the sitting area were Paige's regular clothes, a T-shirt and shorts befitting a young college student, but she wasn't naked. Instead, Paige had re-dressed into her Catholic schoolgirl uniform, with the starched white blouse tied off around her midsection to leave her belly bare. The plaid skirt was pulled high, ending just below her crotch so that I could see plenty of creamy thigh between where her knee-high white socks ended and the skirt's hem began. Black saddle shoes finished off the slutty schoolgirl attire, and then I brought my gaze back up to her pretty face, where she gave me such an intoxicating look of seduction that my breath was taken away.

Her deep blue eyes sparkled as she watched me staring at her. The left side of her mouth pulled back into a knowing half-smirk, and then without a word, she turned around and bent over my desk, presenting her backside to me. And as if that wasn't invitation enough, she reached back and flipped up her own skirt, proving that she was without panties to cover her bare-shaven cunt or her winking rosebud asshole, already gleaming in the light with artificial lubrication.

She wasn't a 16-year-old Catholic schoolgirl anymore. She wasn't even an 18-year-old freshman anymore. Paige was 21, a single mother to a darling baby who would be turning a year old in less than two weeks. But her petite size, naughty attire, and slutty/innocent act lit a fire inside me. And before I realized it, I'd crossed the room, dropped to my knees, and buried my nose in the crack of her ass while hungrily extending my tongue as deep as I could go up her already saturated pussy.

"Holy Mother of God!" Paige cursed, groaning as she bent further over across my desk and shot her left hand out to grip the table's edge. Her legs quivered and weakened, threatening to collapse her. And since she was too short to easily lean over the desk surface, I had to grip her legs and haul her up a few inches so that she could lie on her belly across the desktop with her feet dangling in the air, twitching erratically to the sides as I continued to eat her out.

Paige came to two squealing orgasms that way, with my hands spreading her perky buttcheeks to the sides as my tongue darted in and out of her snatch like a viper attacking its prey. But after she had her second climax, the throbbing erection banging its head against my belly begged for its own satisfaction. So standing up, I pressed one hand against her lower back to pin her light body against the desktop. And with her feet still dangling in the air, I spread her thighs to the side and abruptly buried all seven and three-quarter inches of my dick into her sodden pussy.

"Jesus Fucking Christ!" Paige screamed.

At full depth, I came to a stop. From this angle, Paige's vaginal canal was short enough that I could feel my cockhead being pinched down by the narrowing of her cervix. The knuckles of her left hand were white as she gripped the table's edge, and her breathing was shallow as she got used to the filling sensations. Simply holding myself inside her, I bent forward, brushed her hair out of the way, and tenderly kissed her cheek.

"So deep," Paige moaned. "Feels like you're coming out of my throat."

I chuckled. "You've said that before."

"It was true before, too. Unghh..." she groaned.

I chuckled and kissed her cheek again, waiting until she got used to my presence.

But Paige had other ideas. "You're not moving," she complained quietly. "Fuck me, Ben..."

Slowly, I withdrew until just the ridge of my mushroom head kept me inside her tight channel. Groaning deeply, Paige whimpered again, "Fuck me, Ben..."

Firmly, but not rapidly, I buried myself into her once again. She tensed as I thrust, her inner muscles clamping down around my invading prick to make her feel even tighter than she already was. The muscles along her hamstrings tensed as well, causing her legs to rise up a few inches as if they were about to curl around my back. But as I reached full depth and began to withdraw, her legs relaxed and swung forward once again.

"Fuck me, Ben..."

In ... Out...

"Fuck me, Ben..." She emphasized my name a little more.

In ... Out...

"Fuck me, Ben! Fuck me!"

It didn't take very long. Despite her first two starter orgasms, Paige was still pretty wound up after having gone so long since her last fucking, not to mention the mental high she rode from having me inside her once again. My own self-control had been frayed from both of Kim's warm-up blowjobs. And given how exquisitely tight and heavenly Paige's pussy felt right now, there was no way I was going to last forever.

Still, ego made me hold out until I made Paige cum. To this point, I had been too engrossed with the emotional connection I currently felt for my little redhead to really work my sex god magic on her. A lot of things simply worked on instinct anyway, and Paige was certainly enjoying herself well enough. But my own urge to cum drove me to focus on getting her off even faster, and so gripping her hips I pulled the both of us backwards until the petite girl slid off the desktop and stood up on her own two feet...

Well, mostly on her own two feet. At 5'2", Paige was short enough that I wouldn't have been able to continue fucking her from a standing position if she was supporting her own weight on her feet. As it was, I had to bend my knees quite a bit just to get low enough, my only other alternative to physically hold up her entire body while we fucked. With my knees bent and her upper body braced atop the desk, I was able to palm her tits and hump her from behind. Still, it felt like most of her weight was supported only by the joining of my cock in her cunt, and Paige groaned, "Oh, fuck me, Ben!" while feeling me as deep as I'd ever gone before.

We fucked like that for about a minute before the burn in my arms told me this wasn't going to work. Spying my desk chair, I dropped my arms to wrap around her waist, physically hauling Paige into the air with my cock still imbedded in her twat. Shuffling us both over, I twisted and then sat down heavily on the chair, Paige's own weight driving her down around my prick. And as she howled in passionate lust at the depth of our joining, I slid my hands inside her schoolgirl blouse and squeezed down on her hard little nipples.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!" Paige screamed in orgasm.

Cupping her tits, I realized that they felt moist as my nipple-squeezing had apparently squirted some of her breastmilk into her bra.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!" she screamed again as she humped herself up and down my cock, leveraging her own body off the chair.

"UNNNGHHH!" I grunted, feeling my own balls coiling for eruption.

"AAAAHHHHH-ACK!!!" Paige's third scream abruptly cut off, no doubt due to the sudden entrance of my cock into her colon. Not wanting to spurt dangerous sperm into her womb, ten days on the pill or not, I had lifted Paige's weight off me while she was distracted by her orgasm. With a minor course correction, I centered my cock on her lubricated anus, and once I felt the mushroom head notch into position, I grabbed onto her hips and yanked firmly down.

An inferno of heat, remarkably dry after the saturated swamp of her pussy, surrounded my prick. Her anal muscles clamped down around me, milking my cock for cum the same way my hands had milked her breasts just moments before. And with a final groan, I tightened up and then exploded, hosing down Paige's bowels with heavy sprays of superheated spunk.

Paige continued screaming the entire time that she felt my cock squirting her rectum full of cum. But when we were both done, her voice gave out and she collapsed back against my chest. My hands were still on her tits, fondling the fleshy milk-filled globes. And on sudden inspiration, I pulled my hands out to swiftly unbutton her blouse, yanked her bra out of the way, and then twisted the limp and worn-out girl in my lap so I could lean over and take a nipple into my mouth.

"Ohmmm..." Paige sighed as she felt me suckling breastmilk out of her swollen teat. She cradled my head with her right arm and stroked my hair with her left hand, looking down at me adoringly.

I smiled around her boob and then pulled away. Smirking, Paige managed to kick her right leg over my head, spinning herself in my lap without withdrawing my dick from her ass. That left her facing me, and we found that by leaning back, Paige was able to present both breasts to me for my milking enjoyment. And for some strange reason, I felt myself getting hard again, as if breastfeeding were a turn-on for me.

I guess it was.

My crazy little redhead brought me to three screaming orgasms that afternoon, shrieking out about a dozen herself. Our last coupling came on my bed with Paige slowly riding up and down my cock while bent over so that I could drink down the last of her breastmilk from her pretty boobs. And I was having so much fun that I completely forgot my own promise not to cum inside her pussy.

But Paige herself remembered, and when she realized I was about to blow, she took it upon herself to dismount me and suck my prick into her mouth, drinking down every last drop of dangerous sperm.

"Wow..." I sighed in amazement after realizing just how close I'd come to flooding her womb with tadpoles. "Thank you."

Paige leaned over and gave me a short peck. And then with a serene smile, she replied, "I meant what I said: I wouldn't dare risk this for you."

Nodding in understanding, I reached up and caressed her face. "Same time next week?"

Paige giggled. "I can't wait."

At 3:40pm Paige and I walked out the front door of the house together. At 3:50pm we hit the campus and I kissed her goodbye as I headed up the hill toward Cheit and Paige took a left to go to her own class.

Seven minutes later, I walked into my classroom and looked around. Most everyone I saw was familiar. UGBA 131 Corporate Finance was an upper-division elective with pre-requisites, meaning the students were almost entirely fellow Seniors from the Business Program, with the odd Econ major thrown in. There were perhaps only a couple of faces I didn't recognize on sight, including one in particular that caught my attention immediately.

Bert Kim waved me over to a spot in the third row. "Ben! Over here!"

Smiling, I made my way through the crowd and set my messenger bag on the floor next to the desk immediately behind Bert's. He twisted in his seat and offered me a fist bump. "Hey there, stranger."

I smirked. "It's cuter when Lynne says it."

"That's 'cuz Lynne's cuter than me, period."

"No argument from me."

"Heyyy there, strangers!" a distinctly feminine voice said brightly behind us. We both turned to see a beautiful brunette with an olive complexion, big expressive eyes, and an impressive figure standing before us. Sasha Serafian smiled and gestured to the seat immediately to the right of mine. "Is this seat taken?"

I gestured her into it, replying, "It is now."

She dropped into the seat heavily and sighed, the smile gone for the moment. Turning straight to Bert, Sasha rolled her eyes and said, "That Professor Vudutha. What a hardass, huh?"

"Tell me about it," Bert drawled.

I gave them both blank looks.

Bert shrugged before explaining, "118. International Trade this morning. It used to be an Easy-A when Toshihiro was teaching it. But Vudutha's a visiting prof and apparently out to prove a point."

I winced. "Sorry, guys."

Sasha shook her head. "It's only the first day. Maybe he'll calm down as the semester goes on."

"So this is our third class together already," Bert commented to Sasha again.

Sasha giggled and threw him a smile. "Should I sit somewhere else? Don't want people to get the wrong idea."

"Nah," I interrupted. "Better to keep you near him. That way you can keep the wolves at bay so he can stay loyal to his girlfriend."

"Sure you don't secretly want to keep me near you?" Sasha retorted while winking at me.

My eyebrows popped. Did Sasha just flirt with me?

Bert was already laughing and reached over to pat my arm. "You got him. Ben is so heartbroken after the loss of his soulmate that he's desperate for a good woman's healing touch." He chuckled for a few seconds before realizing that neither Sasha nor I was joining him.

Bert quickly realized his faux pas and winced. "Sorry, man. Too close to home?"

I took a deep breath and tried to shake off the shadow that had settled over my heart. "Little bit." I turned to Sasha and said sincerely, "It's just nice to see a friend."

"How ARE you?" she asked. She glanced sidelong at our friend before explaining, "Bert told me about Dawn yesterday."

I took a deep breath and shrugged. I missed Dawn, of course. Only two days into the new school year, it still felt really strange to walk up to class without her by my side. But I tried to focus on the people I did have around me, like Kim, Brooke, DJ, and Paige. Kim had been an ever-present companion for the past 24 hours or so, with no intentions of leaving my side for the foreseeable future. My little sister Brooke would always be around, no matter what. And DJ would likely have a special place in my heart for a long time to come as well.

And then there was Paige. I still didn't know exactly how Little Red would fit into the rest of my life, but for now she was a friend, a kindred spirit in someone who felt a little alone in the world. And for the next several Tuesdays at least, it looked like she would be a willing and energetic bed partner.

My life could honestly be a LOT worse.

"I'm fine," I finally replied, noticing that Sasha was eyeing me with great concern. I nodded and repeated a little more firmly, "I'm fine. Life goes on."

Just then, the room hushed as our professor entered. He was a tall man, relatively youthful for an esteemed Business Professor. With a chiseled jaw and longish Bon Jovi hair, Professor Henry Rutledge was considered a bit of a hunk by the female students. He'd earned a permanent teaching position just this year, with a spotless record and a reputation for being able to really engage his students with his roguish charm and encouragement. But as I watched him walk by, I couldn't help but think of how close he'd been to tarnishing that perfect record.

To be completely fair, I didn't actually know what had happened in that Cheit Hall office at the end of last year. The only two people who actually knew for sure were Dawn and Professor Rutledge himself. Dawn had given me her account: a shameful admission of blackmail that involved her using her feminine wiles to seduce the man into an admission of sexual desire that she caught on tape and then leveraged into bumping her score from a D+ to an A.

At the time, I'd really just been relieved to learn that Dawn hadn't actually slept with the man in exchange for her grade. That mental image had quite literally caused me to lose my breakfast all over my bedroom floor, and the horrific concept had propelled me into all sorts of dark and twisted paranoias about Dawn's subsequent acts of self-loathing in the months to follow. Finding out it wasn't true - that she hadn't actually defiled herself in that way - had been a welcome relief.

But the more I thought about it, the more I found myself wondering: which was actually worse? Grade-whoring herself would have been bad, if not unheard of around this campus. But blackmail was more or less criminal, and grounds not only for expulsion but subject to civil law.

Still, those wonderings were solely about Dawn. I still didn't know exactly what I thought about her, or how I felt about her, and I was pretty sure I STILL wouldn't know when or if she finally returned. In the meantime, as I watched him walk past the rows of desks and up to the lectern, I found myself wondering what I thought about Henry Rutledge.

Dawn had claimed that Rutledge was not a predator. She stated that he didn't trade grades for sex, but that he had a soft spot for pretty coeds. So what if he happened to enjoy sexual relations with young, energetic college students? So had Viktoriya Isakova, and I didn't hold her sex life against her.

Perhaps there was nothing more to it than that. Perhaps what Dawn had told me was absolutely true: that she had been the instigator and despite Rutledge's rather unethical admission, he was actually the victim in the whole scheme of things. Perhaps he really was a halfway decent man who had merely been trying his best to get a permanent teaching position that would lead to tenure and a lifetime of job security – the kind of man who wouldn't jeopardize that position by messing with his students' grades unless he was backed into a corner.

But then again, Dawn's reliability in those days was shaky at best. Besides, shouldn't a Professor in his position know better? How could he let himself be seduced by a borderline-failing student three days after her final, no matter HOW beautiful the coed? For him to go along with her advances implied that he was willing to do some grade fudging on her behalf, so he wasn't morally innocent in all this. My gut told me there was more to the story, but like I said: the only two people who really knew were Dawn and Rutledge himself. And I wasn't likely to get a straight answer out of either of them anytime soon.

All I could really do right now was deal with the situation before me. My reality was that Professor Rutledge was now MY Finance Professor, and it was up to me to earn the best grade I possibly could, regardless of any suspicions I had over his dealings with Dawn the previous semester.

Of course, complicating matters was that Rutledge had to be fully aware that Dawn had been my girlfriend. Sure, if Professor Ice knew Dawn was taking a leave of absence, I was sure Rutledge knew too. But even with her out of the picture, I had to wonder if he suspected that Dawn had shared the blackmail story with me. On the surface, it seemed unlikely; why would ANY girl tell her boyfriend that she'd seduced a professor into changing her grade? But then, maybe she had, and maybe with Dawn out of the way Rutledge might give me a hard time by extension. On the flip side, maybe he would realize that Dawn had broken my heart and dumped me, and go easy on me out of shared commiseration.

I really didn't know.

And for now, there wasn't a thing I could do about it.

I suppose it was inevitable. In retrospect, I'm surprised it hadn't happened the first day of classes, or even earlier today.

"Hiii, Ben."

"Hi, Ben!"

I came to a halt just outside of Cheit Hall, with Bert on my left and Sasha on my right. We'd been in the middle of a conversation about the rest of our schedules, wondering if there were any other classes Bert or I might share with Sasha. But that conversation died abruptly as we came face-to-face with two beautiful girls.

"Hey, uh, Casey," I greeted the pretty coed on the left. While not friends, I was casually familiar with the peroxide blonde. She was a fellow Senior and in the Undergraduate Business Program with me, and indeed had just been in the Corporate Finance class with us for the past hour. "Who's your friend?"

"I'm Carolyn," the second blonde, who had not been in class with us, replied while sticking her hand out. I shook it, but she conspicuously ignored Bert and Sasha. "Very pleased to meet you."

"So what's up?" I asked.

The two peroxide blondes glanced at each other with loaded intent behind their eyes before turning back to me with matching radiant smiles. "We were wondering if you already had plans for Friday night," Casey stated first, jutting a hip out to the side and profiling her curvaceous body for maximum sex appeal.

"There are a couple of parties we could go to," Carolyn explained. "Or if you'd prefer, maybe the three of us could find somewhere more private to spend our time." The way her eyes glittered made it obvious what kind of activities she would like to do during that time.

"All three of us?" I asked with an arched eyebrow, not surprised but more curious.

The two pretty girls shared another loaded glance before beaming at me even brighter. And then it was Casey's turn to explain, "Chevelle told us you'd have no problems keeping up with both of us."

"Chevelle?" I smirked, thinking of the way I'd left the blonde hippie chick just this past Saturday night. "Ah, that explains it."

Sasha laughed and patted my arm. "I think that's our cue to leave. See you Thursday, Ben. C'mon, Bert."

Three years ago Bert would have been frozen stiff with nerves. Two years ago he would have been gawking at the two pretty blondes. But today, my best buddy merely shook his head and patted my other shoulder. "Laters, man. I'll tell Lynne you said 'hi'."

"No, wait," I called to them, getting Sasha and Bert to stop and turn around. I then looked over to the two peroxide blondes, saying, "Look, I'm flattered. But I'm still recovering from a pretty bad break-up and I'm not really looking to start dating again."

Casey and Carolyn exchanged another loaded glance before grinning at me. Carolyn thrust her cleavage forward and replied, "Who said anything about 'dating'?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "I'm sorry. Not that you two don't interest me, but I'm just looking to settle into the new school year. Fair enough?"

Casey gave me an encouraging smile, cocking a hip while replying, "We're looking to settle in as well. Unwind from the hustle and bustle of starting classes and all that. Why not unwind together?"

I offered an apologetic smile and held my hands up. "Ladies, please?"

The girls pouted, but didn't press the issue. Crossing her arms beneath her large breasts, which held them up for better viewing, Casey sighed and shrugged. "Well, I'll still see you in class every week at least." She jerked a thumb back to the classroom. "So you'll know where to find me if you change your mind."

Smiling, I replied, "I'll keep that in mind."

With one last glance at each other, Casey and Carolyn sighed and then turned about. I couldn't help but let my eyes drop for a moment to their nicely-formed asses encased in skintight Daisy Duke jean shorts. But I quickly pulled my gaze away and stepped over to Bert and Sasha.

"Single guy like you? Turning down two hot blondes like that?" Sasha marveled.

"Yeah," Bert moaned with a truly stricken expression on his face. "It's like I don't even KNOW you anymore!"

The pair of them laughed, and buoyed by their mirth, I chuckled too.

I walked halfway home with Bert and Sasha before making the left turn to head for the house. Bert always took the BART home at the end of the day, and apparently Sasha did the same, so they continued on together. We'd enjoyed some pleasant conversation, and once they were both gone, I suddenly felt swallowed up by the feeling of loneliness that had been dogging me off and on ever since my big break-up with Dawn.

Once, about two blocks from the house, I stopped and turned back in the direction of campus, wondering just where Casey and Carolyn had gotten themselves off to. I pondered the question of whether I should have lost myself in their sexual embrace to wash away this loneliness. Sure, the invitation had been to go out on Friday night, but I was sure that if I pressed the issue, I could have gotten them to come home with me right then and there.

But I shook away those thoughts and focused on what was waiting for me at home. There was a good chance that Brooke and DJ would be there for dinner, and even if they had chosen to get food with their group of friends, Kim had promised me she would have dinner when I returned.

Still, that was no guarantee I would get laid. Sure, Kim and I had that "welcome back" fuck yesterday afternoon, and she'd given me blowjobs to warm me up for Paige. But she'd also sent me to bed last night alone and unfucked and with a firm resolution to NOT become my girlfriend. This wasn't like the situation last year when as her Master, I could have ordered her to service me. For now, Kim was the one with the plan she wanted to execute and I was at the mercy of my girls' whims.

Once more I stopped and turned around. I wondered if it made any sense to call Chevelle and ask her for Casey's phone number.

But again, I shook away those thoughts and focused on getting home. I was a sexual creature, but man does not live by orgasms alone. It was getting on toward dinner time, and my stomach was rumbling with a carnal desire quite different from my usual sexual appetite. So I picked up my pace, made the final turn for home, and quickly entered the house.

The lights were on, but from what I could see, nobody was home. The dining table was set with places for four and heavenly aromatic smells wafted toward me from the kitchen, but those both living room and kitchen were completely empty. "Hello?" I called out. "Kim?"

No answer.

Frowning, I checked the hallway and found that both Brooke's and DJ's bedroom doors were open, with the girls absent from both locations. Shrugging, I decided I might as well set my bag down in my room, so I trudged up the steps and opened my bedroom door.

"Hi, Big Brother," Brooke greeted me in her most smokily seductive voice.

The view before me took my breath away, and with wide eyes I stumbled forward a step. With my hand still on the doorknob, I wound up pushing the door all the way open until the opposite knob impacted the wall with an audible [thump]. And I put my weight on the doorknob, sagging against the unyielding wood with one shoulder as I canted my head to the side and admired the view.

My little sister knelt atop my bed in First Position, at least the original one and not Kim's modified version of prayer-like obedience. Brooke's knees were together as she sat atop her own heels. Her arms were tucked behind her back as she clasped her hands together. And she smiled at me in invitation, giggling as my eyes roved up and down her black lace lingerie-clad body.

"Hiii, Ben..." DJ crooned beside her, drawing away my attention. The buxom blonde was in Second Position, kneeling away from me with her arms folded atop the mattress and her cheek resting on her forearms. This thrust her ass into the air, with her knees separated slightly to open up her crotch. All that stood between me and a perfect view of her peach pit was the white strand of a G-string that bisected her ass in half.

Silently, Kim stepped over to Brooke, gently but firmly taking hold of my sister's chin and elevating it upward. She also pressed against the brunette's lower back, changing the arch of Brooke's spine and causing my sister to thrust her 34C tits forward. After that, Kim moved over to DJ, pushing down on the blonde's ass to lower it a few inches. And with a final caress of the blonde girl's back, my onetime submissive turned and flashed a smile at me. "They need some practice, but they're eager learners."

My eyes popped open wide.

Kim sauntered over to me, sliding a hand down my chest before reaching down to pat the bulge that had formed in my shorts. "Take your time. Dinner won't be ready for another hour."

And then she left, closing the door behind her.

I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake.

"Mmph!" somebody groaned, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her.

I'd gone to sleep alone last night, although I'd been well satisfied sexually before dinner time. With my eyes still closed, I briefly wondered who was giving me this morning blowjob. There were three obvious candidates, any one of whom could be my mystery oral artist. Kim hadn't had sex with me since Monday afternoon, and perhaps after serving my required "alone" time by sleeping by myself overnight she was coming to give me the female companionship we both knew I craved. Brooke had never really needed a reason to give me a blowjob; every now and again my little sister just loved the naughty thrill of sucking down her brother's incestuous sperm. And of course DJ similarly enjoyed waking me up in this fashion, plus I'd noticed how my one-time girlfriend had been just a little more affectionate with me these past few days now that her big sister was no longer in town.

The more my brain fired up, the more conscious I became of the specific way I was being blown, a dead giveaway to an experienced cocksman like me. My eyes fluttered open for a brief second, giving me just enough time to see the sunny blonde-haired head bobbing up and down in my lap and confirm my suspicions regarding my fellatrix's identity. I lay my head back down on the pillow, re-closing my eyes. And with a sigh of happiness, I settled my hand onto DJ's head, murmuring, "Morning, kiddo."

Sighing, the gorgeous 19-year-old bombshell inhaled me to the root once more, humming so that my cockhead could feel the vibrations of her throat directly. But she then pulled off me completely, gasping for oxygen before looking at me with a quiet intensity I wasn't expecting.

I blinked twice, simply meeting her gaze. I wasn't yet fully awake, my brain still in the booting up process. But just as I started to recognize how intensely DJ was looking at me, she ducked her head back down and gave my penis a quick peck.

Moving higher, she then kissed the sensitive skin between my belly button and crotch. Slowly, she crawled forward, giving my body little kisses along the way. And as she got up to my chest, I realized that the buxom beauty had been fully naked beneath my blankets.

I lay in quiet repose, watching DJ kiss her way up my body. Every now and again, her crystal clear blue eyes flickered to mine, a happy twinkle in her irises. I smiled back at her, and when she resumed her kisses I resumed my admiration of her body. Those gravity-defying Double-D tits couldn't defy gravity in this position, and her erect nipples dragged across the bare skin of my chest as she slowly crawled toward me. Eventually, she made it all the way up to my face. And cradling my cheek in one hand, she gave me another soul-searchingly intense look before closing her eyes and bending down to kiss my lips.

She took my breath away. Her meandering approach of butterfly kisses up my torso had built my anticipation, so that I was breathing shallowly and rapidly by the time she finally reached my face. The flavor of her lips sent little sparks down my spine, and the touch of her tongue in my mouth sent a surge of adrenaline through my body. Suddenly, my hands flew up of their own accord to wrap around DJ's nubile body, squeezing her tightly and pressing her tits down against my chest. She crooned a happy note into our liplock and parted her lips to try and kiss me even deeper. And as our tongues wriggled together in the shared space between our mouths, I felt her wet pussy slide up along the length of my shaft before getting just high enough to notch my mushroom head into her folds.

I was possessed by the sudden urge to be inside her, and my hands left her back to slide down and grip DJ's hips. She held her breath and paused from kissing me for a moment, just feeling the instinctive movement of our loins into perfect alignment. And then she sighed as my hands pressed her hips down and swiftly imbedded my cock nearly eight inches into her body.

"Oh, Ben," she gasped, turning her cheek against my shoulder as she quivered.

"Deej..." I groaned, sliding my arms around her lower back to pull our loins tightly together.

"Mmm..." she hummed when she felt me reach maximum depth and then remain there, soaking in the sensations of my cock throbbing with urgent need within her.

Time stopped for a minute, as did we. Breathing shallowly, we both simply luxuriated in the blissful sensations of our joining, not needing to thrust or otherwise continue the coital act just yet. We were pressed together, skin-to-skin, from chest to toe. Her body felt warm against me, enveloping me in a cocoon of loving heat that I never wanted to break free of. I stroked her flanks, enjoying the texture of DJ's bare skin beneath my palms. Once she got used to my internal presence, she turned her face back to mine and kissed me once more, an expression less passionate but no less loving as our mouths opened and closed together while pivoting to the sides left and right, constantly in motion and yet always in total harmony.

After a few minutes of gentle kissing, though, DJ got anxious for more. Reaching her arms back, she took hold of my elbows and removed my hold of her lower body. Sliding her hands up my forearms, she managed to interlace her fingers through my own. And after stretching both of our arms together toward the headboard, she leveraged herself upright into a cowgirl position and then drew my palms to her big, heaving breasts.

Taking her cue, I let myself fondle those heavenly orbs. As she began to buck her body up and down my cock, I worried her nipples with my palms while using my fingers to pinch down on her firm yet supple flesh. DJ threw her head back, sliding her own hands along her throat and chin before dipping the middle finger of her right hand into her mouth and biting down on it while grimacing and moaning deeply.

My right hand left her breast, sliding up the middle of her chest and wrapping around her neck as well. I squeezed gently, just enough to get her attention and have DJ pick her head back up and look down at me. There was obvious lust in her eyes, but a hint of something more as well.

I'd seen this look in DJ's eyes before. She had it that fateful month at Morris Camp when we'd first become a romantic couple. She had it that one memorable lovemaking session right before Dawn broke up with me just before Finals in May. And she had that look now.

It was a look of love.

And as I stared back into her eyes, as I felt the giddy excitement of holding her big breast along with the delightful wet warmth of her pussy around my cock, I wanted to love her right back.

But my heart tightened as if some ethereal hand had reached up and squeezed down on it. A lump formed in my throat and my body tensed up, and not in a good way. I stopped my upward thrusting into DJ's body and went so rigidly still that she ceased her own humping motions. And as a stricken look spread across my face, I watched her own twist into an expression of sorrowful disappointment.

I knew what she wanted. In a way, DJ had never stopped crushing on me. I'd been her ideal since long before that summer when we'd fallen in love. And even though we'd broken up for good reasons, a part of her would always still want me. This was her chance. This was a time when Dawn was completely out of the picture, hundreds and hundreds of miles away. She knew I had very strong feelings for her, and I think she instinctively knew it wouldn't take a whole lot of convincing to make me fall in love with her again.

But it was too soon. Sure, Dawn had dumped me more than three months ago; but she'd only walked out of this house on Saturday, and that departure had left a jagged scar across my heart that would need more than four days to heal. DJ was only too aware of the pitfalls of a rebound relationship, having been through it with me once already after the end of my romance with Adrienne. And she had also been made aware of Kim's plan for me to learn how to be alone for a little while.

And yet, she was here.

Intellectually, we both knew this was a bad idea. Our heads were both fully cognizant of the rationale for not entering into a romantic relationship. But sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants.

"Deej..." I began cautiously, fully aware that it was unwise to upset a woman while she had your cock in her pussy. But for once in my life, I had to nip this burgeoning relationship in the bud before it got out of hand. "What are we doing?"

She tried to smile. "Just having some fun?" The uncertainty in her voice belied her own words. She knew there was more to this than mere fucking.

"We've slept together every day since you got back from SoCal, kiddo. Starting to get kinda regular, isn't it?"

DJ frowned. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Deej ... We can't keep doing this."

The poor girl looked crestfallen. I watched her conflicting emotions go to war across her face, and she pinched her lips as she fought the urge to cry.

Sighing, I reached down to grasp her hips and gently tugged her upward. Whimpering, DJ allowed me to pull her off my cock. She settled onto her knees beside me while I sat up and slid back to lean against the headboard. I paused for a moment to collect my thoughts, and once I figured out what I needed to say, I looked her in the eyes and stated warmly, "Dorothy Jean, I love you."

DJ blinked quickly and jerked her head back. Uncontrollably, a smile spread across her face and her eyes sparkled as she replied happily, "I love you, too."

"That's just the problem."


"I love you like a sister. But I also love you like ... well ... like a lover. We both know we've got very strong feelings for each other, and it would be really easy to slip into a romantic relationship."

DJ's eyes softened and she canted her head to the side. "Would that really be so bad?"

"Josh is still--"

"I'd drop him in a heartbeat if it meant I could have you," she interrupted.

I winced. "But is that what you think is best for us? Right here? Right now?"

For a brief second, a look of everlasting love was in DJ's eyes. Her breath hitched, her lower lip quivered, and her eyes shimmered with extra moisture. But that second later, she pinched her lips together and looked away. Still, she didn't answer verbally, instead closing her eyes and almost hoping this problem would just go away.

"I can't rebound. Not again." I exhaled slowly, turning my eyes away and off toward the other upstairs bedroom. "Kim is right: I have to learn how to be alone. It's not that it's a bad thing for me to get so emotionally invested into the woman I'm with. But my codependency isn't healthy. If I'm not strong enough to take care of myself, how can I truly expect to take care of my girlfriend? It wouldn't be fair to put that kind of burden on her. And I can't keep leaving myself so vulnerable if a relationship starts to fall apart. I've been through an emotional wringer with the extreme ups and downs of my dating life these last few years, and after Dawn left ... I just don't know how much more I can take right now."

DJ was stone silent, kneeling beside me with her eyes still averted. She'd crossed her arms over her chest, not trying to hide her nudity but more simply hugging herself.

"Please don't take this personally," I said sincerely. "I do love you. But ... right now ... I just can't. Not this soon after Dawn."

"Just one more reason for me to resent her," DJ muttered.


DJ just seemed to shrink. But she took a deep breath and shook her head as she looked over at me. "Sorry."

"It's not about you. I can't have a relationship with anyone – not you, not Kim, not even Dawn if she were to come back. I really need to be alone for a while. I'm going to be alone for a while, at least in the sense of not having a girlfriend. I need to learn how to function on my own, without being dependent on anyone. I need to rediscover my old hobbies, figure out how to entertain myself, and remember how to share my day with friends instead of a single partner. I can't be with you, because for now I can't be with anyone, period."

"So what are you saying? That we can't have sex anymore?"

I grimaced, my eyes dropping down to her magnificent breasts still visible around her forearms. Feeling my gaze, she even thrust her chest out a little more. Regretting each syllable, I answered, "Not if we can't keep our emotions in check. Casual hookups are one thing, but Deej, we've been doing this practically every night and half the mornings, too."

"I like doing this with you."

"Me, too." I sighed heavily, and before I realized it, I'd reached a hand up and stroked her naked breast.

DJ felt the touch and reached a hand up to cover mine, cradling my palm against her skin. Her eyes returned to mine, that look of heartfelt longing shining in her irises once again. "I love you, Ben."

"I love you, too."

She shook her head. "No, I mean it. I love you."

My eyes tightened. Taking a deep breath, I exhaled and shook my head firmly in the negative. "I'm sorry."

DJ sighed, then shrugged and picked up her head. "It's okay." She smiled weakly, but at least she was trying to smile.

Nothing more needed to be said. I may not have spent the same amount of personal time with DJ as I had with Dawn, or even Adrienne; and we may not have had the same kind of mystical connection I often felt with both of those other women. But in this moment, I knew that both DJ and I felt the longing ... and the regret ... for a relationship we both wanted, but a relationship that just couldn't happen.

Not yet at least.

She deserved better than just a rebound. Hell, DJ deserved better than merely a romantic relationship. If my little kiddo and I got together, it would have to be more than a few months to get myself over Dawn. It would have to be more than just a year or so of girlfriendly-bliss before Dawn came back to Berkeley. If DJ and I got together ... it would have to be for good. It would have to be choosing her ... even though Dawn was still out there somewhere.

And there was no way in hell I could make that kind of decision.

Not yet at least.

My left hand left DJ's breast and rose higher to cup her cheek. She pressed her face into my palm, enjoying the warm strength she felt there, and her weak smile got bigger. Taking a deep breath, she stiffened her spine and sat up straight. With a twinkle in her eye, she reached down and stroked my prick, which had gone half-soft during the discussion but twitched with fresh signs of life at her touch. With a different kind of smile – a more seductive, naughty smile – she bent forward and walked herself on her hands until she assumed Second Position, with her cheek on her forearms and her ass in the air.

"Come fuck me, Ben," DJ husked in a deep voice. "Don't make love to me. Don't think about what we mean to each other. I'm just a hot blonde with a killer body and a penchant for getting pounded. Lube me up and sodomize the shit out of me if that's what you want."

I shouldn't have asked my next question, but it was out of my lips before I could stop myself. "Is that what you want?"

DJ bit her lip, that naughty smile evaporating. I watched her mouth quiver for a moment, and a single tear rolled out from her eye. But then she turned her face away from me. And in a quiet voice, she sighed, "It's what we both need. Now shut the fuck up. Grab hold of my ass and ream me out good, okay?"

I took a deep breath, the sight of her absofriggin'-incredible body too arousing for me to resist. My cock had re-hardened – DJ was just too damn sexy for it not to have. Lining myself up behind her body, I reached out to take her hips in my hands. And closing my eyes, I lunged forward.

It didn't take long. A hard fucking was what we both needed, and would give us... enough ... pleasure. But my heart really wanted to make love to her, and the longer this fuck went on the more I would be reminded of that fact. So I did what DJ asked: I held on and reamed her out good.

Oh, she'd invited me to sodomize her, but I didn't want to waste time lubing her up and I cared too much for her in this moment to do it dry. Gripping DJ's hips hard enough that I left pink handprints on her milky white skin, I used her as a masturbatory tool to pummel my cock through her tight cunt to maximize the friction and give myself the most pleasure I could.

I pounded her without mercy. After the first minute, I relocated my hands to her shoulders, pulling DJ up onto all fours so that I could jerk her skinny body against mine with every merciless lunge. The air was filled with meaty slapping sounds to accompany each jarring impact of my pelvis against her ass. And after about two minutes of breakneck thrusting I felt my nut sack tighten.

Abruptly, I changed my pulling motion on DJ's shoulders into a pushing motion. My cock swiftly exited her cunt, and then I was rolling her onto her back while her eyes flew open in surprise. No sooner had DJ's back hit the bed than I was knee-walking over her torso and squatting just above her chest, my cock in hand as I jacked the shaft furiously.

Breathing heavily, DJ quickly recovered from her surprise and sat up, grabbing onto my bare ass and parting her lips to invite my dick inside. Just as my cockhead entered her gaping mouth, my balls uncoiled, the tension inside me suddenly going slack.

"Ungh-NNNGH!" I grunted as the volleys of spunk flew out of me to splatter against DJ's inner cheeks. I grabbed onto her head, yanking her face down around my shaft and shoving my dick almost violently down her throat. She choked, and a few tears dribbled out from her eyes as she made little gagging noises. But as I instinctively released my grip on her head, she withdrew just far enough to breathe without actually pulling me out of her mouth.

"NNNGH!" I grunted again as I felt myself spit out wad after wad of hot cum. I still held her head, keeping it in place although I no longer tried to skullfuck her. Over and again I filled her mouth while DJ kept her eyes on mine, watching me watching her take every drop I had to give.

"Mmmm..." DJ groaned in a deep voice around my prick, her eyes fluttering. I realized that she had a hand between her thighs, rubbing her clit furiously while she felt me spraying her oral cavity with sperm. And just when I stopped squirting, her whole body tremored and she groaned after getting a small orgasm for herself.

When we were done, I simply let go of her head. DJ fell away from me, collapsing onto her back with a trickle of cum leaking out from the corner of her mouth. I sat back on my own heels, breathing hard from my exertion. And while the final release had been ... satisfying ... I still felt that ethereal hand squeezing heart painfully enough to actually hurt.

I stared at DJ's limp, naked body, those glorious tits thrust up into the air. I felt a pang of guilt for having used her like that. It wasn't our way; it wasn't the lovemaking a girl that special to me deserved. But then, that was the point. We were friends, fuck-buddies, and even siblings on some level. But we couldn't be romantic lovers. Not right now.

Not yet.

I wanted to. She wanted to. But we'd danced this dance before, and both our rational brains knew better than to repeat the mistakes of our past.

But just because it was rational didn't mean it wasn't sad.

Eventually, DJ recovered enough to turn around and look back at me. Her face wore the same sad expression as mine, and for a minute or so we simply looked at each other, communicating wordlessly all the "I wishes" and "What ifs" in the world.

After a while, DJ shrugged and took a deep breath. She sat up and leaned across the mattress to give me a soft peck on the cheek while I remained kneeling where I was. And then silently, she slipped off the bed, put on the baggy night-shirt she'd left on my desk chair, and walked out of my room.

Not yet.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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