43.12% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 115: Theories of Self-Interest IV

บท 115: Theories of Self-Interest IV

Dawn tapped my arm as we turned the final corner and approached the house. I glanced over at her, and she said, "You're squeezing my hand rather tightly."

Blinking, I realized that my grip had indeed increased as we got closer and closer to home. Relaxing immediately, I sighed and apologized, "Sorry."

"Don't be. You're nervous, aren't you?"

"Nervous about what?"

"It's Thursday," Dawn explained with a shrug.

I sighed and nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. It had been four days since my talk with Kim about her love for me and her whole 'your happiness equals my happiness' thing. And for four days, things had been a little awkward between us.

Who was I kidding? For four days, things had been awkward for ME. Kim had returned to the status quo, just as she'd promised. She was a roommate and friend around the house. She was a team member at school. And she was her usual somewhat shy but always perceptive personality in whatever social group she found herself in.

She was NOT a fawning schoolgirl. She was not a lovestruck teenager. She was calm and collected and to the outside observer, she acted no differently than she had been doing all year. The only weird one was me.

"I'm not sure I can do this," I said with a sigh as we went up the stairs and onto the front porch.

"Why not?" Dawn asked, standing aside as I put the key in the lock. "It's just sex."

"It's not just sex. She has feelings for me." And more to the point, for me to continue having sex with her would ALSO continue our progress toward me becoming Kim's Master.

"And don't you have feelings for her?"

"You know I do. That's what makes this harder." I sighed and opened the door, walking into the foyer.

Dawn shook her head as she followed me. "I don't get it. You like her, she likes you. What's the problem?"

"What's the problem? I don't want to lead her on any more than I already have. We all know that she wants me as a boyfriend."

Dawn took a deep breath and said, "Yeah, well ... I've been thinking about that for a couple of days. Maybe you should."

"Should what?"

"Make Kim your girlfriend."

"Uh, I already HAVE a girlfriend." I dropped down onto a couch and opened my arms up invitingly.

Dawn grinned and flopped down into my embrace, tucking herself into the crook of my shoulder and wrapping my arm around her abdomen. "I meant adding Kim as a second girlfriend."

"What?" I looked dumbfounded at Dawn, astonished that she would even suggest this.

She shrugged. "I'm serious. I've thought about it, and I really wouldn't mind. I love you, babe. You're my soulmate. You were the beginning of my love life and you will be the end of it, my alpha and omega. We will always have each other. I just think that for right now, at the relationship stage we're in, there's room for her, too."


"She needs you. She loves you."

"She wants to marry me and have my kids."

"I don't know about that. I'll grant that she wants marriage and family eventually, and she might even fantasize about that stuff with you. But for right now, Kim just wants some stability and to trust someone. She's put that trust in you."

I shook my head. "She trusts me enough as it is. She doesn't actually need the boyfriend thing. She said she was fine with the status quo as it was."

"Maybe she's fine with status quo. But you're the one having issues with intimacy without the 'girlfriend' tag. Tell me: if Kim were your girlfriend, would you have a problem taking care of her tonight?"

I shrugged. "I guess not."

"Exactly. You wouldn't feel like you were leading her on or anything. You would just be carrying out your normal relationship with her. 'Girlfriend' is just a word. Your relationship with her wouldn't really be any different than it is right now."

I shook my head again. "But I can't have two girlfriends."

"Why not? You've had two girlfriends before."

"Disasters, both times. As much of a male fantasy it seems to have two girlfriends, they're just not stable and the damn things always blow up in my face."

"Just because something didn't work in the past doesn't mean it won't in the future. The Adrienne/Paige thing failed because of other problems. Adrienne was in love with Grace and going through a lot of turmoil over her sexual orientation. And Paige just wasn't stable in the first place."

"The first time I tried it didn't work either."

"Why was that?"

"Megan and Cassidy? Uh, well..." I thought back. "Actually, Megan and Cassidy got along pretty well. There weren't any real conflicts between them. Really, the only reason why those relationships failed was because I cheated on them."

"So there you are. Don't cheat, and it can work."

I arched an eyebrow. "Megan and Cassidy were best friends. They were really, really close to each other, and sharing me bonded them even more. That's not the case with you and Kim. Honestly, I'm worried you two would be more like Adrienne and Paige."

Dawn laughed. "I'm not going to fall in love with another woman. Or were you thinking I'm the 'Paige' in this scenario?"

I chuckled and shook my head in the negative. I had to admit, Dawn was bringing up some good points. Kim already lived in the next room, we were sexually intimate, and she clearly loved me. Her family believed I was her boyfriend, most of our friends knew she was very close to me, and my reputation was such that no one would be really surprised if we declared Kim my second girlfriend. Really, 'girlfriend' was just a word. There wouldn't be a significant change in our actual relationship with each other.

But even a word carries weight. Day-to-day, there might not be much of a change. But with the addition of the title would come more responsibility. I felt that the title 'Kim's Boyfriend' would be almost synonymous with the term 'Master', and I wasn't sure I could handle that just yet. For one thing, I would have to devote more energy and effort to consciously think of Kim's interests and take responsibility for her. I would also owe Kim more of me, more of my time. And lately, I'd felt like I'd been having less and less time with Dawn as it was.

"Why would you want me to do this?" I asked, idly brushing Dawn's hair with my fingers. "You're my one and only right now. What benefit could there possibly be for you if I add a second girlfriend?"

Dawn mused on that for a minute. She stared off, deep in thought while I continued brushing her hair. But after that minute, she glanced back at me and shrugged. "Nothing for me directly, I guess. But overall, I think that we would be happier."

"What do you mean?"

"Well ... you and I are a team now. Bert told me you guys were discussing philosophy a few weeks back. I was curious, so we got to chatting about it, too. He was explaining Utilitarianism to me, about maximizing the utility for our collective. Well, I'm part of a collective now: you and me. Some things are good for me, and others are good for you. I have to consider those things equal, though; I don't want to be selfish. So even if there is no benefit for me if you make Kim your girlfriend, there's a benefit for you, and I value that."

"It's not just a matter of a plus for me and a neutral for you. You have to see that adding Kim as a girlfriend would actually be a negative for you. You'd lose some uniqueness being my only girlfriend, and you'd also likely lose some of my time and heart."

Dawn shrugged. "Small sacrifices. Minor negative for me, but a much bigger positive for you. I can deal with that, and overall, we come out ahead. Isn't that why you've been so strongly pushing me the last couple of months about freedoms? I leave you to take this cooking class. I spend more time apart from you and hanging out with Gwen and Robin. I'd like to think those are minor negatives for you, but that they're worth it because of the positives it brings me. Overall, our collective utility goes up."

"But wouldn't making Kim a girlfriend bring her into our collective? What makes us special is that things are just you and me."

Dawn frowned. "I guess I hadn't thought of it that way. I mean, I like Kim well enough, and we're friends. But ... she's not a part of you and me."

"So it's settled then: 'no' to girlfriend."

"But maybe you can have two collectives: you and me, and then you and her."

"Now you're talking about splitting my attention and duty to two separate causes. That can't be good either." Whatever my concerns about becoming Kim's Master, I had to make damned sure I didn't lose focus on Dawn as my girlfriend.

"Ugh, okay, maybe I can't explain this right in terms of philosophy or in theories of self-interest. I just thought..." Dawn sighed and tried to re-work the words in her brain to match the concepts in her mind.

"Dawn, don't worry about it. I love you, you're my soulmate, and you're the only one I want holding this special place in my heart."

"That's sweet." Dawn patted my arm. "But ... Look, let me just put it this way: I appreciate you giving me my freedoms. You don't know how reassuring it is to know that I can go out and spend time with my friends and pursue these outside interests without losing you. So many other people in committed relationships feel trapped because they want to do other things, but feel that they can't."

"I don't want to become another Daniel/Elaine."

"I know, I know. And we won't," Dawn assured me. "But even knowing you've given me permission, and have shown absolute devotion to wait for me to be ready to settle down ... I still feel a little guilty about it."

"About what?"

"About leaving you alone. I love you, and I don't want you to feel abandoned. So while I've been out there, doing my own thing, I've been telling myself that at least you have Kim waiting for you at home. Sure, she has her own friends too, but ... well ... I mean at least on Thursdays, when I'm gone for three hours with this cooking class, I know that you have your night with Kim and I don't feel so guilty. Does that make sense?"

I grimaced. "Uh, this sounds awfully like Adrienne sending Paige to me so that she could be with Grace."

Dawn shook her head rapidly. "It's not. I'm not leaving you, and I'm not trying to just 'occupy' you for my own ulterior motives. Really ... I just ... I like doing my own thing a bit, and I like knowing that someone else is there to take care of you while I'm gone, okay?"

I took a deep breath, and then pulled Dawn around to face me so that we could hug each other face-to-face.

She squeezed me tightly, burying her nose into my shoulder. "I love you, Ben. Forever."

"I know. And you don't need to feel guilty about leaving me to go to a cooking class or whatever. I can do just fine on my own."

"Does that mean you're going to continue avoiding Kim?"

I took a deep breath. "No. Actually, I think you've managed to point out one very important thing to me about her."

"What's that?"

"The only reason I'm resisting the idea of making Kim a second girlfriend is because she's not worthy of you. I can't wrap my head around the idea of giving her the same title as I give you, because that would mean I cared about her as much as I do you. You're unique. You're special. You are one and only."

Dawn smiled, flattered by my praise.

"But I considered it. I really did consider it. I do care a lot about Kim, and even if I'm not willing to put that 'girlfriend' title on her, we still have a very special relationship. I can't deny that to her. I can't keep avoiding her. She deserves better than that."

Dawn nodded. "Okay."

We both paused and thought over everything that had been said. I relaxed, feeling like I'd come to a resolution on how to handle the situation. And smiling, I rubbed Dawn's back as she turned around and snuggled up against me once again.

But a second later, she popped back up and turned to face me. "Hey, do you want me to stick around tonight? Maybe everything will feel easier if I'm with you and Kim."

"And miss your class?" I shook my head. "Nah, I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"Sure. I want to taste on Friday whatever you learn tonight." I leaned forward and pecked her nose. "What'll be on the menu?"

She grinned, tilting her eyes up and to the side as she raced through her memory. "Ah, we're doing Italian. How do stuffed tortellinis sound for dinner tomorrow?"

I grinned. "Sounds delicious."


The bedroom door swung inward, and the pretty Japanese-American babe stopped halfway through shrugging out of her motorcycle jacket, covering her mouth in shock with more than half of the leather sleeve hanging off the end of her hand.

"Good evening, Kimiko," I stated evenly from my spot in Kim's desk chair. The only illumination in the room was from the small reading lamp on the corner table, casting half of my body in shadow.

"You surprised me," she breathed in relief.

"That was my intent," I stated with the same measured tone. "Assume First Position."

Her eyes went wide, but she dropped to the floor immediately. Shaking the remainder of her motorcycle jacket off her arm, she sat on her heels with her knees together. And she thrust her chin outward while bringing her hands in front of her as if praying.

Kim's eyes focused dead ahead, taking care not to look at me but still cocking her ears for my next command. I stayed right where I was sitting, watching her slowly bring her breathing under control. And within minutes, she brought herself to a perfect stillness, so complete that she'd become like a marble statue.

Still, I waited. I gathered myself for this moment, a boundary beyond which there was no return. Kim and I had been sexually intimate before, and we'd played this Master/sub game many times over the academic year. But those times came before we were fully aware of the depth of Kim's feelings. Even if I wasn't willing to title her my girlfriend, for me to proceed would be to both acknowledge and accept those feelings. And with that acceptance would also come responsibility.

I would be taking the path to becoming her Master.

If there was anything I'd learned in my rather varied sexual experience, it was that there was a very big distinction between lust and love. Lust could be enjoyed with relatively little consequence. Love was not something to be toyed with, and had to be handled carefully. Love could offer great rewards, but also came with a mountain load of both expectations and risks.

She was worth it. Something in my gut told me that Kim was someone special, someone who would have an impact on my life to come.

And she needed me. The word "need" was more than just a trigger to me; it was a concept that nearly defined me. I wanted to be needed. I needed to be needed. For me to become Kim's Master would be the ultimate White Knight act. And it was something I felt that I just HAD to do.

So I stood up, approaching Kim from her left side. She didn't waver, remaining still and staring straight ahead. She continued to ignore my presence, obediently maintaining First Position even as I unzipped my jeans and pried out my semi-hard cock.

I then moved directly in front of her, holding my dick in my right hand just a few inches away from her mouth. Caressing her cheek with my left hand, I tilted her face up so that she was looking at me. "I am not your Master," I told her, and I saw the glow in her eyes fade just a bit.

"Not yet," I added, and that glow returned. We both knew it was a promise for the future.

"There is much I need to learn about how to take responsibility for you. There is much I need to understand about what makes you the way you are. But I will learn those things. And in time, I will be ready."

Kim was nearly beaming by now.

"I do not love you, not romantically," I explained. "I love Dawn. She is my soulmate, and she is the one I will marry. But I do care about you. And I promise I will always look out for your well-being."

Kim nodded in understanding.

I went silent for a long few seconds, just staring down and reading her eyes. My naked prick continued to wave in front of her face, but she kept her gaze on my eyes. I continued to wait, ensuring that I had her full and undivided attention, and that my words had been given enough time to sink in.

Finally, I pushed forward, prodding my mushroom head at her lips, causing her to open them and allow my cock access to her mouth. And as the first inch pushed through, I stated, "Let's begin."


"So where are the boys taking you tonight?" I asked, reclining back against the headboard, watching the gorgeous half-naked blonde doll herself up for the evening.

DJ sat in front of the vanity mirror I'd built for Adrienne more than two years ago, puckering up as she leaned forward and applied her lipstick. Once finished, she patted her lips together and then smiled broadly, checking to make sure she hadn't smeared any on her teeth.

Patting her lips together one more time, she shook her head and glanced over at me. "I don't know. They said it was a surprise. Brooke is hoping they take us into the City."

I nodded, ogling DJ's tits when she turned to me. So as not to get any makeup on her carefully selected dress for the evening, or even on her bra, the buxom 18-year-old was applying her makeup completely topless, with those spectacular 34DD's on full display. Her pale pink nipples were even crinkled up and erect in the winter chill. "Sure you don't want me to turn the heat up?" I asked, referring to the house's central heater.

"You turn the heat up tonight, and my boyfriend is going to feel very put out," DJ cracked, glancing at me again.

"So if I understand things correctly," I began with a grin. "If I turn the heat up, you'll put out?"

"For you, anytime," DJ promised with waggled eyebrows, but she still held up a hand to stop me when I moved to dismount the bed and approach her.

"Wait-wait-wait. Don't get me started. I'm hot and horny enough already in anticipation of tonight."

"Then let me take the edge off for you," I offered with a leer at her tits.

She shook her head and raised an arm to cover her chest. "We don't have time. I wouldn't be able to fix my makeup before Josh gets here."

I arched an eyebrow. "That's it?"


"Your only reason to stop me from fucking you right here and now is that you wouldn't have time to fix your makeup before your boyfriend arrives? So if we had more time, you'd let me?"

"Sure," DJ grinned. "Well, okay. Josh might be rather curious if he gets my clothes off tonight and finds my pussy full of cum."

"I'll cum in your mouth," I reasoned. "But then I guess you'd still have 'recently-fucked-pussy' syndrome."

DJ giggled, shaking her head. "If it weren't for that, yeah, I'd nail you in a heartbeat. We haven't gotten together since that first week after Winter Break."

I chuckled and shook my head, reclining back against the headboard.

"I mean it," DJ said, getting up and coming over to the bed. She put a hand on my chest and leaned forward, staring at me with those gorgeous blue eyes and letting her big naked tits sway forward right under my chin. "I've missed you," she said before leaning in and kissing me softly.

A second later, she pulled back and hurried over to the vanity, checking her lips and then applying one more coat of fresh lipstick.

I touched my own lips and then glanced over at her. "Really?"

DJ shot me a wistful look. "Of course. We both do. Brooke really misses you, and I'm not talking about sex."

"I'm always here. You two are the ones that are never home. I feel like the last time I really saw my little sister was when she was a High School Sophomore and I was a Senior."

DJ shrugged. "We have to make our own lives. You and Dawn have your own Junior-class friends, your own school things and all that. This isn't like being at camp when it's just your family and ours. There're a lot of things going on. We could either just hang around here orbiting your group, or we could go out and be at the core of our own group. It seemed better for Brooke and me to go out."

"I guess," I said glumly, staring down at my knees.

"Hey, don't be sad. We're all still family. We may lose touch here and there, do our own thing for a little while, but when push comes to shove, we all know we've got each other's back."

I smiled and looked back at DJ, for once not even tempted to ogle her tits. She smiled right back at me, and I wondered aloud, "Hey, when did you grow up and become so smart?"

She shrugged, making her jugs jiggle delightfully. "I don't know about being smart. It's just what I keep telling myself when I find that I miss you guys."

I grinned and then leaned back against the headboard. Sighing, I stared straight at the ceiling, willing myself to see right through the floorboards and into the Master Bedroom. I heard Dawn walk across the room again, a muffled thumping sound coming down despite my best efforts at soundproofing this house. And I wondered aloud, "What IS she doing up there? If she keeps me waiting much longer, I'm going to rape you, kiddo, Josh or no Josh."

DJ giggled as she stood up and thrust her naked chest out to me. "In that case, I hope Dawn keeps you waiting. At least she ordered you to come here and watch me get dressed. This has been such naughty fun."

She posed, even lifting her tits in her hands and pressing them together with a giggle. I licked my lips hungrily, but just when it seemed like I would actually move forward and motorboat them, DJ shook her head and went to the closet. She carefully pulled out the dress she'd chosen for tonight, and asked, "Zip me up?"

I got off the bed and walked over to her while she finally put on a lacy bra. Wearing nothing else but a tiny thong that disappeared between her buttcheeks, she turned and stepped into the dress, pulling the straps up and over her shoulders. I stood behind her, bending to take a whiff of her perfumed neck and then kissing it gently, causing her to shiver.

"You're about two seconds away from me saying 'fuck it' and just mounting you right here..." DJ breathed, a quiver in her voice.

I knew better than to push her right now. So rather than tease her any further, I simply reached down and zipped her up. DJ turned around to face me, reaching up to pull the clips that had been holding her hair up. In soft waves, it fell down around her shoulders.

"How do I look?"

"Absolutely stunning."

"Stunning enough to steal you back from my sister?"

I chuckled and stepped away.

"I know, I know. I'd have to get in line," DJ sighed. "Heck, I think Kim's cut in front of me by now."

I frowned, "Huh?"

DJ smirked. "Don't be coy. I've seen how close you two have been getting the last month or so, especially after that little trip you took to visit her family."

I shook my head. "We're just friends ... with benefits. You know the special deal with Kim's submissiveness."

"Sure, sure." DJ smirked. "I just keep waiting for you to order her to finally have a foursome with Brooke and me. You realize that neither of us have actually had sex with her in all this time?"

I shook my head. "No, no. Our relationship is really delicate and I don't want to abuse-"

"Whatever," DJ cut me off with a hand wave. "It's clear that you care a lot about her. I'm just waiting for Dawn to formally tell us that you have two official girlfriends again. For all you know, Dawn's getting Kim all dolled up for you upstairs, and the two of them are going to give you a Valentine's Day you'll never forget."

I shook my head. "We're not like that. You heard it out of my mouth. Kim and I are just friends. The 'second girlfriend' thing has officially been put to rest."

"If you say so. You ask me, I thought I heard two pairs of footsteps up there." DJ pointed to the ceiling.

Frowning, I looked up. Dawn wouldn't actually surprise me with something like that, would she?

Miracle of miracles, DJ finished getting ready before Brooke. We emerged into the living room expecting to find my little sister waiting there, but found a different brunette instead.

"Wow, DJ," Kim whistled. "You look stunning."

I elbowed DJ in her ribs. "Told ya."

"Thanks," DJ replied sweetly. "You staying in tonight?"

Kim shook her head and glanced at me. "I'm meeting up with some other single friends. We're going to stay in and have an anime party."

"See?" Raising my eyebrows at DJ, I pointed at Kim.

Now DJ elbowed ME in the ribs, still talking to Kim. "You shoulda gotten lazy butt over here to take you out."

Kim shook her head. "No, Ben belongs with his girlfriend tonight."

"You're practically a girlfriend at this point, aren't you?"

Kim shook her head again, blushing and looking down. "We're just friends. Really."

"See..." I pointed out again. I winked at Kim. We both knew where we stood with each other.

"If you say so." DJ shrugged. Just then, we heard a door open and all turned just as Brooke walked in, wearing a slinky purple cocktail dress that was tight in all the right places.

I went over to my little sister and wrapped an arm around her waist. "So I'll see you home tonight?"

"Yeah, right," Brooke snorted. "Only way I'm coming home tonight is if Joel royally messes up tonight's date."

I feigned a horrified face. "I'm your brother. I can't know those things."

Brooke laughed and said, "Fine. Stay up and wait for me... Dad."

I just rolled my eyes.

Brooke then tapped my chest. "What about you? Not exactly designer threads, here." She gestured with a finger up and down at my attire, which was Monday school-casual jeans and a polo.

I held up my hands helplessly. "Dunno. Dawn kicked me out of the room an hour ago. Expressly told me not to go back upstairs until she came to get me."

Brooke frowned. "So what've you been doing this entire time?"

"Watching me get dressed," DJ said with a laugh.

"Also Dawn's orders," I added.

"Must've been entertaining." Brooke grinned, reaching down and patting my package which was still somewhat swollen. "You certainly feel warmed up and ready to go."

"That was the idea," Dawn said suddenly from behind us, dressed in a way that made all of us collectively lose our breaths. The white outfit she wore was made from some sort of shiny, plasticky material, likely vinyl. The upper hemispheres of her prodigious breasts were completely exposed, although some sort of fuzzy cotton trim helped to ensure that her nipples stayed out of sight. Likewise, the fuzzy-trimmed hem of the dress stopped right at her crotch level, short enough to make me believe that if she only spread her legs, the dress would ride up enough for me to get a peek at her pretty pussy. And the dress was made of two pieces, front and back, that were literally tied together with criss-crossing laces that still left about an inch of exposed skin running down both of Dawn's sides and proved that she wore neither bra nor panties beneath the skintight vinyl.

White, 4-inch "fuck me" high heels were connected to similar criss-crossing laces that ran all the way up Dawn's lower legs and finished above her knees with pretty white bows. Her forearms were sleeved in white, ending in triangles over the backs of her hands that finished with loops around her middle fingers. Hooked around her shoulders like a backpack were fuzzy angel wings, and she even wore a white circlet headband that supported a fuzzy halo above her head.

"Wow..." Brooke exclaimed, summing up all of our reactions in one simple word.

"Dayyyum," DJ breathed.

"I take it we're not going out to dinner," I commented.

"I think that's my cue to leave," Kim stated as well. She came up to me and kissed my cheek. "Have fun tonight. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Bye," I replied, with the others collectively saying goodbye as well. But our attention was all on Dawn.

"Well that explains why Ben didn't need to change," DJ sighed.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Brooke turned to look toward the front of the house and then back at us. "I think you two had better get upstairs," she said quickly. "If Joel or Josh sees Dawn like this, we're never going to leave."

DJ giggled and leaned in, kissing my opposite cheek. She then looked over to her big sister, telling her with a smile, "Tomorrow morning, I want details."

With Dawn leading me by the hand, I took two steps into our bedroom before stopping dead in my tracks. I gawked at the bed, let my jaw drop to the floor, and recalled DJ's prior reaction.


The room was softly lit, with lamps in the corners trimmed with red shades to give the whole room an almost eerie glow. Haunting, almost vampiric music thumped with a heavy bass throughout the room. And Dawn had even set up a spinning disco ball to cast little beams of light all over the ceiling and walls in a psychedelic kaleidoscope of color.

DJ had been right. She HAD heard two sets of footsteps in the Master Bedroom. Sitting up at the foot of the bed was a familiar face, dressed as the matching Devil to Dawn's Angel. Her bright red vinyl dress similarly left the upper hemispheres of her massive tits exposed, as well as the entire length of her legs right up to crotch-level. The front and back halves were similarly tied together with criss-crossing laces. And she had the same type of sleeves covering her forearms down to the backs of her hands.

Red "fuck me" heels were topped with red fishnet stockings than ran up to mid-thigh. Hooked around her shoulders were small, down-swept red wings. Instead of an angelic halo, a headband holding two cute devil horns sprouted from the top of her head. And wrapped around her neck, incongruent with the rest of her costume but no less sexy, was a black leather collar with the words "Tiger's Pet" stitched across it.

Not that I was actually looking at all these costume and decorating elements, not yet at least. While I would discover them over the course of the next few hours, for now my eyes were riveted to the young woman's face.

"Adrienne," I breathed. "I can't believe you're here."

The busty blonde bombshell on my bed stuck her tongue out teasingly. "It's Valentine's Day, and you're my eternal valentine."

Blinking, I took a deep breath and recovered quickly. Adrienne's beauty and jaw-dropping sexuality were mind-blowing, especially in this outfit. But one benefit of having been with her for the past several years was that I was semi-accustomed to her magnificence. "Oh, come on, gorgeous woman like you? Certainly you could have your pick of any number of dates tonight."

She laughed and shrugged. "I've been busy, busy, busy. It's hard to develop any lasting relationships when you're flying to a new city every week. Besides, Felicia's planning some intimate dinner at home with James, and do I really need to explain why I want to come visit you?"

"Yeah, seriously," Dawn pouted. "Adrienne brings us these terribly sexy but somewhat uncomfortable outfits and we go to all this trouble to organize a hot seduction, and you're still talking?!?"

"Sorry." I held my hands up apologetically. "It's just been awhile since we've seen you. When you said you were moving into Felicia's apartment, I remember thinking that the city was only a half-hour away. And yet it's been almost two months since we last saw you."

Adrienne grinned, standing up with her vinyl dress squeaking. With surprising grace given the height of her heels, she sashayed up to me saying, "Aww. I've missed you too, Tiger." And with that, she took my head in her hands and gave me one of those patented nuclear kisses than melted my socks.

Our lips mashed together, pivoted an inch to one side, and then mashed together again. I felt her tongue spear into my mouth, tickling the tip of mine before retreating and inviting me into her mouth. And my nostrils flared as I took deep breaths in and out to gain enough oxygen to continue the ferocity of our kiss without pulling apart.

But despite my breathing efforts, Adrienne pulled away from me. Her hands suddenly jerked my head to the side, startling me enough that my eyes flew open in momentary panic. But then immediately Dawn was grabbing my head and giving me one of those patented volcanic kisses that skyrocketed me into outer space.

Dawn kept me for a full minute before pushing me back at Adrienne. I felt like one of those guys in a cartoon, with an Angel on one shoulder and the Devil on the other, going back and forth while the two pint-sized deities gave him conflicting words of advice. Only these two deities weren't pint-sized, and they weren't using their mouths to talk.

My Angel and Devil also weren't at odds with each other. Rather than continue to tug me back and forth for all eternity, after three or four rounds of heavily intense makeout-swapping, the two quickly learned to team up on me. Dawn hit me high and Adrienne hit me low, and the next thing I knew I was flat on my back across the bed while Dawn shoved her tongue down my throat and Adrienne went to work pulling my jeans off.

Dawn really wasn't wearing any panties. Still fully-clad in her Angel costume, my gorgeous girlfriend moved up and knelt over my face. She only had to pull the hem of her dress up about two inches to fully expose her neatly-trimmed beaver. And then I was getting a much more up-close-and-personal view as she dropped herself down onto my mouth, cooing happily as I began to eat her out.

I wasn't the only one eating, either. Adrienne knelt next to me on the bed, already bobbing her head up and down my elongated prick with urgent fury, desperately trying to cram the thing entirely into her mouth. She acted as if dick were the most gloriously delicious treat in the universe, and since mine was the only one in existence she could ever touch, she ravenously devoured it with giddy abandon.

Likewise, I devoured Dawn's pussy with giddy abandon. The thrill of having Adrienne in my bed once again was giving me an extra boost of energy, and I dedicated myself to thanking Dawn for being such a wonderful girlfriend who was willing to share. I didn't hold back anything, using all of my considerable skill and knowledge to wring every ounce of oral pleasure from my girlfriend's body: lashing her clit, teasing her labia, and even reaching a finger inside to scratch her G-spot. In less than two minutes flat, the Angel thrashed and vibrated above me to an explosive climax, Dawn's body bucking and jerking so hard that her halo actually fell down onto the bed beside us.

"Holy shit!" Dawn gasped when her orgasm passed, an apropos comment given her particular costume. She came to a stop, still straddling my face and grinning down at me. But just then, Adrienne began spanking her butt rather impatiently.

Giggling, Dawn dismounted me and knelt next to the bed while beckoning to her friend. Adrienne immediately popped off my cock, grinning and crawling up my body to take my face in her hands and begin licking up the honeyed cream Dawn had left all over my lower jaw

At the same time, Dawn reached around and between our legs, grabbing hold of my thick erection. She stroked it a few times, spreading around the saliva Adrienne had left to coat me. My girlfriend then re-aimed my prick, swabbing the head through the golden blonde's wet furrow and then centering it at the entrance to Adrienne's vaginal canal.

Taking the hint, Adrienne sat down, cooing as she felt my thick prod opening her up. Dawn held onto the base of my cock all the way until Adrienne's body pushed her out of the way. And once my adoptive sister and I were fully joined, Dawn grabbed Adrienne's cheeks and seared the other blonde's mouth with a volcanic kiss that left me breathless merely to behold.

"Oh, fuck me, Tiger!" Adrienne gasped once Dawn set her free. Still fully-clothed in her Devil costume, she stared down into my eyes with an inner fire in her now golden irises.

I ran my hands up her flanks and to her sides, feeling the hot skin in-between each gap in her laces. Her vinyl red dress squeaked as she rocked on me just once. And when my hands got behind her shoulders, grabbing onto her just behind those costume wings, I yanked Adrienne's upper body down so that we were pressed chest-to-chest and I powerfully began to buck my hips up and down, driving my dick into her juicing wet snatch.

"Ungh, ungh, ungh!" I grunted from the abdominal exertion of thrusting up and into Adrienne's pussy.

"Fuck! Me! Fuck!" Adrienne chanted, exhaling heavily right into my ear.

Dawn just giggled, sitting beside us with her thighs spread to the sides and both feet pointing off to her left. She reached down and stirred her own pussy in anticipation. And when I turned my head to look at her, she merely said, "Happy Valentine's Day."

I stared straight at the bed, gasping for oxygen as I slumped in the desk chair like a wet sack of meat. I was tired, momentarily wiped out from the herculean exertion of pounding my cock in and out of a gorgeous young woman's orgasmically-clenching cunt from BENEATH her. My abs burned from contracting and releasing some hundreds of times to drive my dick upwards. And my calf muscles similarly felt strained since I'd planted my feet flat on the bed and used my legs to assist, otherwise I never would have lasted long enough to get Adrienne off.

The girls were now in a sixty-nine position, Adrienne on top leaking all of the jism I'd just shot into her down into Dawn's waiting mouth. Both sets of wings had been discarded, and Dawn's halo was still missing. But otherwise, the two heartbreakingly beautiful blondes were still clothed as they munched on each other's clit and filled the room with erotic moans of passion.

Staring at the pair of them, for a few brief seconds I was annoyed. No, I was more than annoyed. I was angry. Angry with Adrienne. I was angry with her for leaving school and going off to be a famous model traipsing the globe doing photo shoots for Sports Illustrated.

I was angry ... because that meant Adrienne hadn't been here with me.

I admitted to myself that I was pretty self-centered. I justified it to myself by saying that there was no point in a human being's life if they didn't try to maximize their own happiness. Well I wanted to make myself happy, and I would be happiest if Adrienne were still my roommate, still my classmate, and an adoptive sister who would be with me always. That way I could have been going to bed with this view almost every night. I could have fallen asleep while cradling the two women I loved the most in this world against each of my sides.

But the moment of anger passed. Whether I was still self-centered and recognized that to trap Adrienne here would make her unhappy and ultimately make me unhappy as well, or whether I valued her as a part of my community and therefore sought the greatest combined utility for her and me together as a collective, I didn't know.

Really, it didn't matter.

The point was: Adrienne was a full-time model, I recognized that her course of action was best for her, and I was happy that she was happy. Sure, it meant that I didn't get to be the meat in a Dawn/Adrienne sandwich every night, but I knew I should probably appreciate the opportunity while I had it. In fact, since I didn't know the next time I would get to see my carved-in-the-image-of-Aphrodite girlfriend having lustful girl-on-girl sex with my alluring-sexiest-woman-alive adoptive sister, I realized I should probably commit this moment to memory.

With my lungs once again full of oxygen and my heartbeat having calmed down to a safe bpm-level, I took my semi-hard prick in hand and began stroking it. The girls' vinyl dresses had been rubbing against each other with a delightfully kinky sound, but at present they had begun to unlace each other and pry the restrictive garments away.

Dawn buried her face in Adrienne's cleavage and motorboated herself quite happily there once the red devil dress came off. Adrienne was a little more direct in grabbing Dawn's tit and squeezing it hard while shoving two fingers into the other blonde's snatch at the same time.

"Holy shit!" Dawn cried once again.

Once divested of the main articles of clothing that impeded their lovemaking, Dawn and Adrienne resumed making out. Their hands were all over each other's face, brushing away sunny blonde and golden blonde locks that constantly flew around as they passionately kissed, changed position, and kissed again. Their big, heavy boobs literally bounced off one another, jiggling and swaying enticingly with their body movements.

"Pinch me! Suck me! So fucking good!" Adrienne crooned as Dawn's face darted up and down Adrienne's body, doing exactly the things the bustier blonde was screaming about.

Presently, Dawn lay on her back with her right leg fully extended and her left raised up and bent at the knee. Adrienne straddled Dawn's right leg and scissored her body in between Dawn's thighs, bringing their crotches together so that they could bump and grind. Holding onto Dawn's left knee, Adrienne undulated her hips to bring her clit into contact with Dawn's and rub their pussies against each other. She bit her lip with a stricken look of overwhelming pleasure, grimacing as if in pain and yet sighing so happily with moans of ecstatic bliss.

Dawn threw her head back and enjoyed the heavy friction against her clit, reaching out with her right hand to bunch up the bedcovers in her fingers while reaching up with her left hand to get a firm grip on one of Adrienne's naked boobs. "Hump me! Hump me! Hump me!" she chanted over and again.

Adrienne did so. But after another few minutes, Adrienne pressed down on Dawn's left leg, rolling the other girl onto her belly while she got up and moved out of the way. Dawn lay there acquiescently, letting the slightly bigger girl manhandle her and move her, right up until Dawn's lower body slid off the edge of the bed.

Realizing she was about to fall, Dawn suddenly tried to climb back up. But with a grin, Adrienne pushed on the side of Dawn's hips, twisting my girlfriend until her legs swung off the bed once again and was forced to plant her feet on the ground to catch herself.

"Perfect," Adrienne announced, then looked over to me and crooked a finger invitingly.

I grinned and got off the chair, now with a wickedly hard erection leading the way. My girlfriend stood with her four-inch heels flat on the floor, her calves covered by those criss-crossing laces all the way up and above her knees. She was bent face-down over the mattress with her sleeve-covered arms stretched out before her. And her absolutely mouth-watering ass was pointed right back at me, centered by the juiciest pink pussy you could imagine.

Having realized her position, Dawn stopped struggling and instead just thrust her ass back at me, wiggling it a little. I stepped into position, guided my cock into her folds, and swiftly skewered my girlfriend's inferno-hot cunt.

What followed was the greatest threesome of my life.

I fucked Dawn from behind while she spread Adrienne's thighs and furiously ate out her pussy.

Dawn then climbed up onto the bed and mashed her body face-to-face with Adrienne's, rubbing their tits together and making out with all of their earlier fury while I alternated fucking each of them, drilling Dawn doggy-style and then aiming lower to thrust away into Adrienne before returning back up to Dawn.

Dawn pulled off me and moved out of the way so that I could spray my second load of the night all over Adrienne's big, heaving tits. My girlfriend then licked up every drop and snowballed it all into my adoptive sister's mouth. And then the two of them knelt on either side of me to suck my cock back to life, switching off one at a time until I was hard enough for them to lick both sides at the same time, french-kissing each other quite happily with my cockhead mashed in-between.

Dawn found the Astroglide after that, and though the intention was to start up a round of assfucking, she and Adrienne got so into the lubing process that I wound up sitting in the desk chair once again watching the two smokingly hot babes hold an impromptu contest of who could take more fingers up their ass. Adrienne won by fitting four of Dawn's fingers in her rectum while Dawn couldn't manage more than three. Dawn wanted to keep trying, but by that point, my impatience had won out and Dawn had to settle for me shoving her face into the mattress and shoving my thick dick up her butt instead.

Adrienne happily lined herself up on all fours next to my girlfriend, and I spent the next ten minutes switching back and forth, plundering both lewdly stretched anuses that were nevertheless still excruciatingly tight inside.

Even after ten minutes, I wasn't ready to surrender my load. I was having too much fun sodomizing my beautiful girls, so I tipped them over and parked them next to each other and flat on their backs. And taking hold of their stiletto heels, one-by-one I lifted their legs over my shoulders and proceeded to really ream out their buttholes with my never-quitting rod. There are simply few things in this world more kinkily exciting than to see a girl wearing red pumps, fishnet stockings, arm sleeves, and nothing else but a pair of devil horns while you're pumping your throbbingly-hard dick in and out of her ass...

Well, maybe it was more exciting to see Dawn wearing white pumps, criss-crossed laces up her legs, arm sleeves, and nothing else while my throbbingly-hard dick pumped in and out of her ass...

Well, maybe they were both pretty kinky. I couldn't really decide, which is why I kept switching back and forth between them for another ten minutes.

At the end of those ten minutes, I announced my orgasm and let loose with two powerful spurts into Dawn's bowels. But before I could finish sperming her, Adrienne knocked me back and pounced on my still twitching prick, taking the rest of my load in her mouth and then tonguing out whatever she'd first missed out of Dawn's gaping asshole. It still amazed me that Adrienne would do that.

The three of us made our way into the shower after that. Copious amounts of soap and shampoo were spread around as all three of us pawed at each other's body under the guise of trying to "clean" them. Of course, with all the jostling around, we frequently would lose our balance and have to brace ourselves against the walls, soapy hands or not. And by the end of the shower, there was so much soap on the walls that it felt like we were in a bubble bath instead.

The girls then focused on drying me off before them. They threw me onto the bed and then stood before me, making a big production out of drying each other off. I think they paid more attention to the rapturous expression on my face than to the actual act of rubbing towels on each other's body.

Dawn then took advantage of my fourth erection of the night by climbing aboard cowgirl-style. She kept her towel, using it to dry and pat her hair while she humped up and down my prick, sliding a full six inches up into the air before descending rapidly, grinning and staring down at me while her hands worked the terrycloth through her dark-slickened blonde locks.

Adrienne, meanwhile, went and found her devil horns. She giggled as she put them into her hair once more. Fully naked and with her skin still steaming from the shower's heat, she mounted my chin while facing back toward Dawn. And then she leaned forward to resume the girls' prior fondling and kissing while both of them bucked and undulated on top of me.

It was the girls' turn to switch back and forth, with Dawn and Adrienne taking turns to be at either end of me. But then one time while it was Adrienne's turn to go for a ride on my pogo stick, Dawn left the bed instead of going for a tongue-ride. I watched Dawn as she ducked down underneath the bed, but Adrienne was too focused on fucking me to really pay attention. My eyes went wide when I realized what Dawn had retrieved, but Adrienne had no warning before the lubed-up strap-on was suddenly shoved up her ass.

"Holy FUCK!" Adrienne screamed in surprise at the double-penetration. But then her eyes rolled up into her head and her body began humping up and down, meeting both of our thrusts as she whimpered over and again, "Oh, gawd ... Oh, gawd ... Oh, gawd..."

Adrienne finally tripped off into her fifteenth orgasm of the night (or was it her sixteenth?), collapsing down onto my chest. Without really waiting, Dawn then pushed off the momentarily exhausted girl and climbed on to take her place, riding me quite happily for two minutes before Adrienne recovered enough to buckle the strap-on around her waist and return the favor by shoving the blunt end of it six inches up Dawn's butt.

In the end, my fourth and final load sprayed down Dawn's innards. My ab muscles actually hurt from the uncontrollable orgasmic clenches, as they were already sore from the exertion they'd gone through all night. And when I finished creaming my girlfriend, all four of my limbs turned to jello as I did my best to melt into the mattress.

Adrienne pulled out of Dawn's ass, unbuckling the belt and then dropping the contraption to the floor. Dawn planted her hands on my chest to keep herself from collapsing, worn out from her own final series of multiple orgasms. After another minute or so of heavy breathing, she rolled limply to the side and flopped onto her back beside me. And returning the favor done nearly two hours before, Adrienne slurped out every droplet and snowballed it into my girlfriend's mouth.

In the end I got my wish: I fell asleep while cradling the two women I loved the most in this world against each of my sides.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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