3.2% The Cursed Gamer / Chapter 16: Finally Free (2)

บท 16: Finally Free (2)

Chapter 16: Finally Free (2)

Disclaimer: I was horny.

|A few months later|

Along with his family and Kimi, Neji walked towards the parking lot located in the Hado courtyard. Gara had red eyes and was being supported by Kimi, helping her walk. Nejire was walking by Neji's side while Aiko walked a step forward in front of the group.

They reached the parking lot where dozens of cars were resting, most of them bought by Aiko who was a gigantic car nerd with his grand collection. The group walked in front of a brand new black-coloured car with red lining on the tires. The car was reflecting the sunlight gorgeously.

"Lo and behold, this is the latest Mercedes-G-Class. She is painted with the colour 'Black 3.0', the darkest black in the world. This baby's true beauty comes to life at night." Aiko grabbed a key out of his pocket and clicked a button. The car beeped as the front lights lit up.

"This was completely unnecessary," Neji said, shaking his head. "How much did it cost?"

Aiko shrugged. "Eh, just a few million yen, don't worry about the price, kiddo. You're gonna travel for two years, it's only fair that your father gives you something that would help you do what you want with just but a few problems." 

Neji didn't reply and simply observed the car. To say the car was gorgeous would be an understatement. It was fucking divine. The question about the price was simply a formality. He knew there weren't any cars his parents couldn't afford, they are pillars of their respective fields after all. He has seen many kids drive luxurious cars in his previous life, and today here he was going to experience the same. 

Meanwhile, Nejire tilted her head with a finger in her lips. "Hey, hey, daddy." She called with her eyes locked on the car. "The car is cool and all, but shouldn't white be better for Neji?" She turned and locked eyes with Aiko. "Yeah, yeah, it would have been better! It matches his hair!"

"Not really, sweety." Gara, who was busy wiping her tears, talked for the first time. "I… sniff... specifically chose the colour since it would look better in contrast with his hair. Black and white colour matches with each other better than anything."

Nejire glanced at Gara and nodded her head. "Okay then, this is good too. Though stop crying! Even I'm not crying!" She stuck her tongue out as Gara giggled whilst wiping away her tears.

"Alright, alright, I will stop." 

She sighed and moved Kimi's hands away from her shoulder. She walked closer to Neji and crouched down, putting her hands on his shoulder. 

"Baby, I have listened to what you said, haven't I?"

Neji nodded.

"Then listen to me too, okay? Don't cause any trouble for Kimi. She may be a maid, but treat her like your big sister." She said while glancing at the smiling Kimi. "Do whatever she says, and always stick close to her."

Neji nodded again.

"And the previous condition still stands. You need to call me every night before going to bed. Or, you know, I won't be able to sleep at night."

Neji nodded again.

"And then, there is the–"

"Ah, Gara, it's getting late." Aiko interrupted her only for Gara to glare at him with fiery eyes. "Um… you can always talk to him on the phone, you know."

She hissed at him and mouthed at him, which Aiko clearly understood as 'No sex this week', making him sigh.

"Hmph. Fine." She hugged Neji for the last time. "It's already noon, so it really is getting late. I don't want you to reach your destination at midnight." 

She kissed him on the cheek for the last time. "Be careful, my baby boy."

Neji only smiled. "I will." 


It was already 8 p.m, the sky was dark and the road in front of them was empty. It was a forest roadside, trees were towering at either side of the road. The only light at this place was the moonlight and the headlight of the car.

Kimi was driving the car that was making a lovely sound while Neji was in the backseat, laying on his back on the wide seats while reading a book.

Kimi was quite surprised when Gara asked her to be Neji's escort. She was surprised by the trust she received from the other party. She really felt this was like being with her own family and not just a job, she felt as if she was an elder sister now. 

From a young age, she was a lone girl in this world. She only had a single person beside her. But even she, her only family, her older sister, had died a few years ago. So now that a group of people treated her like this, she naturally took a liking to them, she wanted to believe that they really loved her like family. 

So she didn't want to ruin this family of hers. She would give her all into keeping Neji safe and sound these two years. The only thing she hoped was that she would still be the same dignified maid who Neji can see as an older sister.

However, she didn't know if that would be possible or not. She hoped he wouldn't have to see her dark side.

Her quirk, "Super Cat", has a huge side effect. She enters the state of "Heat" as soon as she gets horny. She becomes aggressive, and can barely think straight in that state. Mainly, she wants to relieve herself with any possible method as soon as possible. 

That's what happened in the Beach House a few years ago. She was aroused hearing the sound Gara was making. Her Quirk acted up, and she was forced to relieve herself right there.

People might ask, why not just control your horniness? ? That should fix the problem. 

Unfortunately… Being a closet pervert, getting horny is a matter of seeing a couple holding hands.

Mixed with her enhanced senses, her skin's enhanced sensitivity, she can't resist the touch of a man, not at all. It's a wonder how she maintained her virginity up until now. It really is a wonder.

Maybe it's the promise she made with her older sister? Her first time should go to a person she loves, not a person who made her feel horny. That's what her sister had asked her to promise her.

That was most likely the case. 

So, Sugihara Kimi, who has reluctantly agreed to be Neji's escort, only hoped her "Heated" side wouldn't come out to light in front of this child. Or she doesn't know what she would do if Gara learns about it.


She heard a yawn from the back of the seat. She looked back using the front mirror and smiled. Neji had fallen asleep. She instinctively relaxed her body and heaved a sigh. 

"A few more hours… and we will be there."


"~Chirp Chirp Chirp~"

I woke up with the sound of birds chirping. I wasn't in the car seat, the thing under me was too soft to be one. Then light invaded my eyes while I covered them with my hand.

"Young master, get up."

I heard as I barely peeked under the radiant light. "Uhm, Kimi?"

I rubbed my eyes and looked in front of me. A cat-girl wearing a maid dress was opening the windows, the reason as to why the room is filled with light. 

"Young master, it's already 8 AM! Mistress Gara asked me to wake you up early, or it would be bad for your health!" 

Kimi looked at me and sternly said as I yawned and sat on the soft bed.

"Mhm, we reached Mount Fuji?" 

Mount Fuji was our destination, it's a great tourist spot. I  watched a few videos on YouTube in my previous life, and I can still vividly remember how nice this place looked. 

But that's not why I chose this to be my first destination! Mainly, this place has three dungeons close by, according to the Map. 

"Yes, we have." She said as she turned around to move the widow's veil. "We are in a hotel in the town located under the mountain. We stay here for 10 days and then move out for Imperial Tokyo."

'So I have 10 days, huh.' Neji thought.

3 dungeons. 10 days. A fair amount of time. 'First of all, let's move around the town and memorise the layout a little.' While the locations of the dungeons are present in his Mini-Map, it's still better to know about the locations first before going in.

"Hey, Kimi," Neji called. "I am hungry. Let's go out after eating breakfast."

Kimi smiled reassuringly. "Of course. Wait, I will bring you breakfast."


|Neji Pov|

It's been two days. We have seen most of the town and I have confirmed the locations of the dungeons secretly. 

There is one dungeon in a shady alleyway near the west of the town, it's a Goblin dungeon. That would be easy to access. 

There is one at the school-field of a middle school around here. The school is built above a grave yard, from what I have heard. So it's no wonder that the dungeon is a Zombie dungeon.

Finally, the third one is at the top of Mount Fuji. I didn't get to see it, obviously. I am not allowed to climb the mountain, so I had to confirm from the mini-map. 

Now that I have observed my targets, it's time to start the hunt. Power, I would get power from these three dungeons. Just a matter of time before I catch up to the monsters like All Might. 

So! Here I am, eliminating the only hurdle I have in my path to strength. 

Kimi Sugihara.

|General Pov|

"Um, are you sure?" 

Kimi asked, fidgeting with a hidden blush. She clearly wasn't expecting Neji to propose this.

"Duh. I usually massage Mom, but since she is not here, I need another target to sustain the level of my skill. Adding to that point, you have worked hard showing me around. I wouldn't mind helping you relieve your muscles." Neji said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"So," He patted the bed. "Come, lay here face down. I will show you a whole different world, Kimi."

Kimi was very reluctant. With the issue of her sensitive skin, it would be very bad if she gets touched all over by Neji. 

Neji tilted his head seeing her hesitating expression. He decided to push her a little, "What's wrong? You won't let me…?"

Kimi blinked seeing his cute pleading expression. 

'Come on, Kimi! He will just touch your back! You'll be fine!' She took a deep breath. "A- alright."

She slowly walked forward, crawled on the bed, and laid on her chest. She felt her breasts pressing against the bed while Neji climbed on top of her. Feeling Neji sitting on her back, her heartbeat started rising.

'Calm down, Kimi… you're a pervert, but you're not a paedophile! Take a deep breath, he is just a child. His touch can't arouse you. Calm down. Calm down…' Kimi breathed out and relaxed her body.

But the next second– "Eep!"

She flinched and turned her head backwards. "W- what are you doing, young master!?"

"Oh," Neji, who was undoing the chain of her dress on the back, tilted his head. "It's better to do it bare-skinned. In fact, with clothes on not only would you feel much less pleasure, but you might also even feel pain. Oh- wait, is it a problem to show your naked back to me?"

Kimi bit her lips. "That's not what I meant… f- fine if it will help with the massage. It's fine."

"Mhm." Seeing her turn her head forward again, Neji continued to undo the chain of her cloth. Soon, her bareback was in his view. 

It was creamy, almost milky. Neji slowly placed his palms on her slightly muscular back. 

Why was Neji doing this? People might ask. It's to simply make her go unconscious. With his acupuncture techniques, it should be a piece of cake. But he is being cautious. If Kimi goes unconscious suddenly, the next day she would be more cautious and knocking her out via this method would be nigh-impossible. 

So, first, he needs to make her body relax, so relaxed that she will assume she fell asleep naturally because of her relaxed state of mind. Not only that, Neji is confident enough to make her addicted to his hands. So he would be able to ask her for a massage session and she would agree without a question. 

'Acupuncture Massage; Lvl 30!'

This is the MVP, of course. Neji channelled the skill in his palm as he started to rub his hands on her back, slowly.


Surprising him, the cat-girl released a muffled moan.

Meanwhile, Kimi who was feeling her soul being touched by two small hands was barely holding herself from screaming out a moan.

What's this? What's this? Why does she feel s- so good!? Is this magic?? Or is she dreaming??

Kimi was baffled. What the hell is this situation! She felt as if Neji wasn't touching her back, but her inner thighs instead. I- if she is feeling this much from just her back, what would happen if he actually touched her inner thighs—

'No! Stop these thoughts!' Kimi bit her lip down as she clutched the bedsheets. She felt a wetness spread between her legs and bit her lips harder. 'This is bad…. This is bad… he is a child, he is 10!'

'I should stop him-...!! But why does this feel so good!? Nhgh!' Kimi bit down the bedsheet.

Meanwhile, Neji could see all her reactions. 

He was mildly amused by her reactions and kept massaging her back. He didn't know her thoughts, of course. Or he would have stopped right now. Though he did know that Kimi was a pervert from that incident a few years ago, he assumed with that as a fact it would only help him make her fall asleep faster.

Luckily, he was still a kid with fewer horny hormones than usual. Or he might have even taken advantage of this situation.

For extra effects, he coated his hands with light shockwaves. He groped her back, rubbed it, and pressed the pleasure points deliberately. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

But of course, the woman was clutching the bed and moaning in her mouth. She couldn't hear him.

'She is kinda cute, pfft.' Neji chuckled as he felt a bulge in his pants. 'Heh, luckily I am not the same guy from my previous life. Or by now she would have been on her back instead.'

He shook his head dismissively and focused on massaging her with his growing erection. (Yes, 10-year-olds can get erections.)

He kept massaging her as minutes passed. Around 5 minutes later, under her muffled moan, Neji felt Kimi clutching her thighs together as the sound of her squirting entered his ears. 


'Oops… I made her cum…' he shrugged and then slowly removed his hands from her back and drove it close to her neck instead. 'Either way, one tap, and she would be out.'

His finger touched her neck as he was about to press her pressure point- but just then!

Kimi turned around, causing Neji to fall off her back. But before he could fall on the bed, Kimi grabbed him by his collar and pushed her tongue inside his mouth.

'What the fuck?!' Neji tried to push her back but he couldn't outpower a physical type quirk and was forced to stay still as she kissed him passionately with her amateur tongue.

After a minute-long kiss, she parted her lips but Neji didn't get the chance to take a breath as she pushed him down on his back. 

"I am sorry…" she said. "Please forgive me." She mumbled.

She didn't stop her hands though. It went inside Neji's T-shirt and ran through his small chest. Her lips were kissing his nape while she was rubbing his crotch with her knee.

Neji couldn't even struggle! His two hands were grabbed by Kimi's larger hand as she molested him while chanting sorry like a mantra.

"Kimi! Stop! I am 10! I am fucking 10!!" Neji pleaded with a shocked expression. 

Remember when he once talked about losing his virginity to his 16-year-old cousin at the age of 9? Yeah, she ràped him.

'Fuck! I don't want to be ràped again!' Neji struggled restlessly, but no matter how much strength he used, she was unmovable. 

He has said it before, in his previous life, being ràped at the age of 9 didn't leave trauma, but it didn't make him a masochist either. He doesn't want to be ràped again, it stung his pride as a man who bedded tens of girls. 

He turned his palms a little towards her head and prepared to blast her away, but before he could do so, Kimi locked her lips with him again with her other hand gripping his palms tighter.


He didn't care though. He streamed energy in his palms and tried blowing her away. But-

[Ding! Stamina too low after using the skill, <Acupuncture Massage>. Master would lose consciousness if he proceeds to try using his Quirk again. Proceed?]

'...' Neji sighed. 

He stopped struggling and laid limp. 'Haiyaah, it's happening again. I am getting ràped.'

Staring at her face, he went silent. 'Kimi... I will get back for this.''

Looking at her blushing face, he shook his head. 'Guess the only thing I can do is enjoy, like last time.' 

As his body lost strength, he just moved his tongue against her while using his massage skill, receiving a moan from her.

[LUCK plays a role! You have gotten an opportunity for an easier life!]

'What the fuck are you on about?'




Author's Note:

I have officially become GhostyZ! Mc starts fucking girls starting from the age 10.

Wait- or is it reverse GhostyZ since Mc is getting raped, instead? 


(For the pissed off people, read the next chapter before starting the rant 😄, I am here all day)

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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