Elena was struggling with many problems. Her secretive and unknown identity was exposed. Then her world strarted to crumble. After starting to lose the reality, her imagination got bested her. I am throughly bested. You will get your knees down as well. Just follow Elena. Msyteries are everywhere.
เขียนรีวิวWow~ I see you have already uploaded 4ch. well I only read the first. it is good to be honest can tell if the next will be. I hope it is after reading the synopsis.
Why is this too short!! I love the mystery, and the end was amazing. Definitely a big Plot Twist !! Can’t wait for more Books like this from You!! Tho I would understand if You keep making them short. Short and Juicy!!
The mystery in this story is just perfect. Both the setting and the plot are very creative. And especially the ending—it was very unexpected. My only critique is that the story progresses a bit quick on the last two chapters. I really see a lot of potential and it would definitely be an even more enjoyable read if it were spread out in more chapters. The thriller id very well done but it could be improved too with more descriptions. Overall, I loved the short story, and if you ever look to rewrite it in more detail, I’ll be the first to read!
นักเขียน nyype
I admire this author. This is short and too mysterious. Love it.