87.25% Altering Skyrim / Chapter 89: Learning Experience

บท 89: Learning Experience

Feeling the blade pressed against his neck, Rictus let out a breath of resignation. He really should have seen this coming. Things had been going a little too well recently. It was his own fault. No one to blame but his own ineptitude.

"Stop your internal mopping and get up off your lazy ass. You got work to do now."

Rictus let out a pained grunt as the wooden blade smacked him on the forehead. He rose to his feet as he gave Ken the stink eye.

"All right, all right. No need to rub it in."

Ken chuckled at his slightly immature attitude while Rictus healed his body of all the bruises.

"You were the one who insisted on sparring with me. Sure, you are stronger, but I have decades of experience on you. Why you insisted on fighting me without using your magic is beyond me. You should use whatever weapons you have during a fight, and a spar shouldn't be any different. Knowing how to fight without your magic is admirable, but if we are in that kind of situation, we are already dead. Besides, there is no shame losing in this context. If I challenged you to a magical duel, then the results would have been similar. Thankfully, I actually know my limits."

Rictus let out a sigh as he agreed with what his friend told him. There was no reason why he should have challenged Ken to a physical spar when he could have been doing plenty of other things. He blamed it on the blood ritual with the dragon.

The raw physical power he felt after draining a portion of its strength had been intoxicating, even after limiting himself on how much he took. He could feel it flowing through his veins and invigorating every aspect of his body. Afterwards, he felt stronger, faster, and even more magically sensitive. It was a qualitative increase of all his abilities. No magic learning of Shouts, but that was expected. He was no dragonborn, and the ritual only absorbed some power and not their soul.

Having Durnehviir there had been a good call. The ancient dragon's questions had kept him grounded and focused on the ritual. Rictus was pretty certain Durnehviir was doing it on purpose so he wouldn't draw too much power and lose himself. He already had more of a desire to challenge people he thought were powerful to a duel and test his strength. Rictus didn't want to know what he would have been like if he took more than he could handle.

Absorbing the power of a mythical creature like a dragon was a risky undertaking no matter the circumstance. Since he wasn't a dragonborn, this wasn't a natural process making it even more perilous. Someone weak of mind, body, or magic would have been consumed by the power. Someone too greedy would have taken too much and lost their sense of self. There was a very fine balance of how much a mortal vessel could handle. Thankfully, Rictus felt he had done admirable in finding that balance. His own natural cautiousness combined with Durnehviir's watchful eye were probably the main contributors.

Still a bit drunk on the power, Rictus had gotten into his head the idea of challenging Ken to a duel. Ken had graciously accepted, probably to release some of his own frustrations at Rictus always running off and leaving the mundane work for him. The fight was closer than either party had initially expected. Rictus thought his new physical power would overcome whatever skill Ken had with the blade while Ken thought Rictus's inexperience would make him easy prey. In the end, Ken's experience and Skill won the day without too much difficulty. The gap in physical abilities wasn't wide enough to overcome that, at least not yet.

Watching Ken strut away while whistling Ragnar the Red made Rictus chuckle. Before the fight, they had bet the loser would be responsible for writing up all the orders for today while the other one could have the day off and do whatever they wanted. Rictus wasn't too upset at his loss. Ken deserved a day off, and the fight gave him lots of practice with his new physical state. There would still be some adjustments, but Rictus felt he had a pretty good grip of things now. It also greatly calmed him down and gave more clarity of thought.

Ken sent a covert glance behind him as he watched Rictus pick himself up and start moving. He couldn't help shaking his head at him with a rueful smile. 'I won, but it was a whole lot closer than he probably thinks. Maybe I should take up Rev's offer of improvements. I could use some new equipment as well. Not like we are hurting for money.'

With Ken gone, Rictus reluctantly began the work of organizing and directing the Restored from their temporary headquarters right outside the inner sanctum of Auri-El. Thankfully, many of their day to day operations didn't need direct oversight which meant he didn't have an abundance of boring mundane work. There was still some of course, but not nearly as bad as it could have been. Making sure the Restored ran efficiently with appropriate leaders had been a big push of both Rictus and Ken. A well ran organization made everything go so much better and easier. A couple reports did draw his attention though.

One spoke of the pyromancers which had ben plaguing parts of Whiterun and other smaller settlements. He hadn't really heard much from them recently, but a group had been sent to end the threat a while ago. The fact it had taken them so long actually spoke pretty highly of the pyromancers.

The Restored had kept them under observation for a time before acting. Part of the reason was because the pyromancers had grown in number and power by a significant margin from the initial reports. Their magical power was worrying enough that reinforcements were called in before any assault. Thankfully, all their newfound strength and numbers did not mean they were the best strategically. A sneak attack during the middle of the night had caught them off guard and allowed the Restored to defeat them quickly and efficiently while suffering minimal casualties.

Most interestingly had been the sheer number of dwemer artifacts found among their possessions. Beyond an actual ruin, it was probably the most extensive collection in all of Skyrim. Why such obsession was beyond anyone's understanding. Maybe they just really liked them or something? Whatever it meant before didn't matter now though as the collection now belonged to the Restored. Rictus wasn't entirely sure how, but he thought it would be really cool if he could figure out how to make some of the automatons. Another project for the future though.

Another report demanded his attention as well. A recall of the Stormcloaks had been ordered. They were pulling back large numbers on all fronts and gathering at Winterhold. With the chaos created by the vampires and undead in the north, the Empire had not capitalized on this just yet, but it wouldn't be long till they moved. Rictus couldn't help but think this would be the precursor to the Siege of Whiterun. The timing was not the most opportune, but that was just how things go.

A Stormcloak victory at Whiterun would prove disastrous for the Empire. Despite staying neutral, it was pretty obvious that Jarl Balgruuf was more partial to the Empire over the Stormcloaks. The amount of trade goods and taxes greatly favored Solitude and other Holds supporting the Empire which were a big help during the war. If Ulfric could capture the city, he would have control of the economic and strategic heart of Skryim and could easily launch attacks on every hold while stymieing trade everywhere.

None of that truly affected the Restored since they had decent relations with both sides, although they had better contacts within the empire. Rictus may have been a bit more supportive of the Empire himself, but that was mostly because they had the better chance of uniting everyone against the Thalmor, who had been suspiciously quite lately. Maybe dropping mutilated corpses booby trapped with destructive runes made them think twice? If so, he would have to remember that tactic for later.

Despite all this, he may go ahead and call back the majority of the Restored. They would keep upholding their current contracts but wouldn't be taking any more, at least for a while. With access to the Vale, it wasn't like they would be sitting idle, and if anything did end up happening, Rictus would have the majority of his forces at the ready. He couldn't help feeling they would be needed soon. It just seemed things were coming to a climax and being caught off guard wasn't something he wanted.

Rictus lifted his head with a smile as he detected the approaching magical signatures. It had taken them long enough. Serana, Alucard and Valerica entered his tent with a tired but accomplished look on their faces. Serana stepped forward with a smile while presenting a unique bow in her hands.

"We did it. It's…not as shiny as I was expecting. Still, it's beautiful."

Studying the bow, Rictus couldn't help but agree with her. Auriel's bow was an ancient artifact, and the flowing curves and patterns clearly showed its elven influences. It was beautiful in its simplicity though. A vibrant dusty gold color with elegant curves, that maintained the image of the deadly weapon it was. Feelings of warm sunshine with an undercurrent of something far more deadly and powerful could be felt emanating from it. The bow was the most impressive weapon he had ever laid eyes on.

"It truly in incredible. Why don't you take a seat and tell me about your journey? I will have refreshments brought so you can be more comfortable. I'm sure you all could use the break."

Everyone quickly sat down with a sigh and smiled at finally having a secure place to rest. Rictus even got an appreciative nod and small smile from Valerica which proved just how tired everyone was feeling. After the food and drink arrived, Serana began her tale. Rictus already knew a lot of what happened at the beginning portion from talking with Reysera, but he didn't know anything about what happened in the inner sanctum.

Serana's animated talking kept Rictus interested while he learned how they had traveled through the inner sanctum and eventually confronted Arch-Curate Vyrthur. It was him who had actually created the prophecy Harkon was obsessed with. Him being a vampire was also something Rictus had forgotten so he was able to act appropriately surprised. Serana did compliment Alucard on how after their first run in with an ice sculpture dethawing into a living falmor, he destroyed everyone they came across before they had the chance to transform. This had made the final battle against Vyrthur significantly easier than it could have gone since they weren't under constant waves of falmer warriors.

"Well it sounds like you all have had quite the time. I am very impressed at how easily you all accomplished it. Although, I wouldn't say I am surprised given how strong each of you are. Once you all have a chance to rest, I would love an introduction to this Knight-Paladin Gelebor. He seems like an extremely interesting and knowledgeable person, and someone I would enjoy talking with. It isn't much, but we do have some temporary houses set up if you all want to rest in a more secure location."

Everyone looked grateful at that suggestion, but Serana gave him a weary look.

"That does sound nice. I think we should talk about what happens next before we rest."

Rictus nodded his head while giving her his full attention. The words seemed strained, but Serana powered through regardless of her feelings.

"I think that it is time we face my father. After everything I've been through and talking with mother, I just don't think there is any other choice. He cannot be trusted after everything he has done."

She clasped her hands around the bow in a tight grip as Valerica laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. Serana looked down at the bow but kept on talking despite the slight quiver in her voice.

"I keep wanting there to be some other way to resolve all this madness. There isn't much of a choice though, at least I don't think there is one. He will keep chasing us for the rest of our lives while trying to fulfill that prophecy. All this time obsessing over it has only corrupted his mind more and more. He is well beyond reason at this point. It's…it is not an easy decision for me, but it is the only option I have left. I must kill my father. He must die. There is no other choice."

She tried schooling her expression and emotions, but he could tell the words hit her hard. Rictus reached over and squeezed her hand comfortingly.

"Then that is what we shall do. You can count on my help in this. We shall face him together."

Alucard also moved forward and comforted her as well. Smiling softly, he rested his hand on her arm.

"I will do all in my power to support you no matter what may come. There is nothing which can stop us if we all work together."

Valerica's face slightly scrunched up at the sappy words of the other vampire, but quickly schooled her face as she also comforted her daughter.

"My support goes without question. I abandoned you once, but never again."

Serana's eyes started tearing up at the support and warmth projected towards her. All of their words gave her strength as she straightened up with a renewed determination in her eyes.

"Thank you all. He won't stand a chance with all of us working together. We should get some rest. All our strength will be needed when we confront Harkon."

She stood up and moved towards the door with Alucard and Valerica following at her heels. Rictus gently cleared his throat causing them to stop and look back at him. He couldn't help looking away as he scratched his beard.

"Ah…well there may be a little issue with the whole final battle."

The three looked at him confused.

"See, no one really knows where Harkon is at the moment, so we can't really confront him."

Their confusion only grew at his words. Valerica looked at him questioningly.

"Surely he is still at Castle Volkihar. I know Harkon better than anyone, and he wouldn't just abandon his home like that. We did spread word to some others we trusted in the castle, so they will surely know where he is."

Rictus nodded his head at her line of reasoning.

"Normally, I would agree with that being a great plan, but there is a tiny complication."

Alucard was the one to speak up now.

"What kind of complication? It shouldn't be too difficult to get word to the castle, especially for you."

Rictus looked away sheepishly as he stroked his beard.

"Well you see…The Restored kind of took over the castle, and we now kind of possess it. Harkon wasn't there during the assault and is still missing. We thought he was hunting you all down, but now we are not so sure. He is most likely still somewhere in northern Skyrim since all the attacks of undead and other vampires have been out of control in this area. There is a chance he is in Morthal. If he is, we will know soon enough because a large force of Vigilants of Stendarr, mages, and Dawnguard should be there right now. Once I know where he is, I will waste no time in sharing."

They each looked at him incredulously. They had known the Restored were not happy with Rictus being missing after they came back from the Soul Cairn, but this was on another level. When they had continued on their quest, none of them expected for the Restored to assault an ancient vampiric stronghold, much less take it over. It was good, yet troublesome news. Serana deflated after wrapping her mind around it. She had worked up the determination to go kill her father, and now that will have to wait since no one knew where exactly he was at. She let out a loud sigh as her shoulders slumped.

"Well, I am going to get some rest. Nothing we can do now but wait and react to him. Hopefully this won't come back to bite us."

She made her way out as the others followed her. Rictus couldn't help but agree with her. Harkon on the loose, Alduin raising more dragons each and every day, the undead plague, Ulfric consolidating his forces, and the dragonborn missing. Things were not looking too good right at this moment. Looking down at the plate before him, Rictus popped the last bite of sweet role in his mouth.

"Oh well. Nothing to do but prepare as best as possible. What will be will be."

He turned his attention back to the various reports and orders laid out before him. There was a lot to do and not much time to do it in.


[AN]: A bit of a transition chapter with some blatant hints at what all is about to go down real soon. Crazy to think we are closing in on the final parts of this fic. Still a ways to go, but the ending is in sight.

If there is anything you would like to see happen, or updates about other people in the story you would like to see, please let me know. I can't guarantee I will write about them, but I would love to hear what people want to hear about that hasn't been touched on as much or lingering plot holes I forgot to resolve.

Pepey_LePew Pepey_LePew

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story. If you have any comments or tips on what would make it better, please don't hesitate to let me know. I love reading them and even incorporate my favorite ones.

Did you know the oil changing services in the United States is an industry valued at $7 Billion? That is a whole lot of money. Don't forget to get the oil changed in your vehicle ever so often. This has been your Public service with Pepey update.

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