73.52% Altering Skyrim / Chapter 75: Prophecy

บท 75: Prophecy

[AN]: Just as a warning, there is a fair bit of repetitive dialogue from the games in this chapter. So if you are more familiar with it, you may get a little bored. Sorry about that, but I felt it was still kinda useful for the story.


"Stop hovering. Ken is fine. Go do something more productive than staring at a sleeping man."

Danica pushed Rictus out of the room and shewed him away. He had spent a lot of time just watching over Ken and personally seeing to his recovery. With all their magical advances in restoration, healing Ken had not taken any time at all. The biggest hurdle would be Ken's mental health, but all signs pointed at that not being nearly as much of a problem as expected. Still, his second in command was restrained to bed rest and very light duties while Danica personally watched over his recovery.

It had taken a lot of persuading on Rictus's part to stop the bulk of the Restored's forces from burning the Thalmor Embassy to the ground after they found out what happened to Ken. Thankfully, the mental torture eased most people's desire for violence. There were still some hunting groups formed which just so happened to travel places Thalmor agents had been sighted. Total coincidence as far as he was concerned.

Rictus sat down in his usual spot on the overlook as he pulled two books from his inventory. These were the two books he had gotten off the thief Laverna. This was his first time taking a good look at the two of them. They were obviously the grimoires for the Skilled in Conjuration and Illusion.

He knew the Skilled of Conjuration was Solomon and could be found with the dragonborn who was somewhere out in the wilderness near Markarth. Giving him back the grimoire would increase the dragonborn's party effectiveness, but Rictus wasn't sure if that was the right decision. Solomon had always rubbed him the wrong way and granting more power to someone like that did not sit well with him. Conversely, weakening someone directly supporting the dragonborn on their quest could be a poor decision as well. Maybe once contact was reestablished a little blackmail would be in order.

As for the Skilled of Illusion, he still did not know their true identity. His best guess was that the Skilled was someone close to Ulfric or working with the Stormcloaks. Unless he personally went to investigate or sent one of his Minions, Rictus would have to settle for that since he didn't want to risk any of his people falling to a powerful illusionist. The spells and abilities for someone like that are very intimidating since they wouldn't be limited by what the game did for illusion magic.

Flipping through the books revealed a major disappointment. Casually casting spells listed in the book like Laverna could was not an option. He did not have a way to bypass the soul bound nature of the grimoires or whatever magic was cast upon them. It wasn't all bad news though.

Each spell the person knew was listed out clearly and concisely. Spell formations and more information were also listed out and expanded upon. While this wouldn't grant him the immediate knowledge like a spell tome could, it gave much more insight into each spell. If he learned the spells the hard way by studying this book, his spells would be much more powerful and easily altered. Something he greatly appreciated. Also, knowing all the spells a potentially enemy mage knew would be a huge advantage if they came into conflict. 'Hmm. I think the decision on giving the book back to Solomon can wait until I learn some more of the spells here. There is bound to be something good for enhancing Billy. Maybe a combination of the Familiar and Atronach spells…'

Rictus lost himself in his studies as he enjoyed learning more about magic as a whole. Getting back to something familiar was good for him after all the action against the Thalmor. While he did not feel regret for his actions at all, getting used to such mutilations may not be the best thing. He didn't want to go full murder hobo after all. Still, sometimes this world required a little cruelty to make a point, and he would not hesitate when his people were harmed or threatened.

He was pulled from his thoughts and studies as people approached him. Turning around revealed who had disturbed him.

"You probably weren't expecting to see me again."

He quickly stopped himself from laughing as he looked at Serana. 'If only she knew how wrong she was…' She was standing there in a newer and nicer set of armor than he had seen her in before. Behind her stood Rev, Miruma, and Moira watching her every move.

"Well, it is good to see you again so soon Serana, but what brings you here?"

She had a bit of a complicated look on her face as she responded.

"I needed to talk with you. It's important, so please just listen before your friend here loses her patience. It's…well, it's about me. And the Elder Scroll that was buried with me."

Rictus spared a glance at Moira who was staring hard at the vampire. Feeling his gaze on her, she gave him a slight smile and wink before going back to glare at the vampire.

"What about you?"

"The reason I was down there…and why I had the Elder Scroll."

She took a deep breath as Rictus motioned for her to continue.

"It all comes back to my father. I'm guessing you figured this part out already, but my father's not exactly a good person, even by vampire standards. He wasn't always like that though. There was…a turn. He stumbled onto this obscure prophecy and just kind of lost himself in it."

While Rictus knew the main points of the quest, he had forgotten much of the little details and conversations involved in them. Besides, there could always be something more in what people said than just what he remembered from the game. Seeing him watching her intently, she kept talking.

"It was a vague and stupid prophecy, like all prophecies. He latched onto a part that spoke of vampires no longer needing to fear the sun. That is what he's after. He wants to control the sun and have vampires rule the world. My mother and I didn't feel like inviting a war with all of Tamriel, so we tried to stop him. That is why I was sealed away with the Scroll."

He nodded his head before looking at her inquisitively.

"That is very interesting. What does all that have to do with the Restored though?"

Serana scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I had heard you and the vampires were in conflict with each other. Seeing as how you are the leader of the Restored, something you forgot to mention when we were traveling together, I figured you just might want to know about a vampire plot to enslave the rest of the world. Was I wrong?"

Laughter did escape him this time at her sarcastic attitude.

"Ha, I did tell you I was in charge of some mercenaries which is basically what the Restored are. You aren't wrong about us wanting to know though. I don't have any desire to be enslaved any time soon. Also, I did tell you that I would help if you needed it. Guess this would count."

She smiled in relief at hearing his words. She had reached out in faith since she had a good feeling about him. Having that faith confirmed took a weight off her shoulders.

"So, in case you didn't notice the giant thing on my back, I have the Elder Scroll with me. Whatever it says, it will have something that can help us stop my father. But of course, neither of us can read it."

He nodded his head at her words as he spoke with a knowing grin.

"We may not be able to read it, but a Moth Priest could do it. Good thing I just so happen to be hosting one right now."

A wave of the hand was all it took for Miruma to leave and retrieve the priest. Serana just stared at him with a mix of shock and suspicion.

"Why are you hosting a Moth Priest here?"

"Mostly for my own curiosity. I have heard many tales of them but had never personally met one. When I received word of one visiting Skyrim, I invited him to rest here for a while."

Her eyes narrowed at his weak explanation.

"Is that really the only reason?"

He smiled wider.

"Well, Dexion may have decided to stay here a little longer after I mentioned knowing about an Elder Scroll and how there was a good chance I would come in contact with its bearer again. He seemed quite excited by the opportunity. I am sure he would be more than happy to help us out, especially after I saved him from some pesky bandits."

The fact the bandits had been tipped off about an easy mark who could be carrying some very valuable magical materials was not really worth mentioning. Everyone benefited in the end, besides the bandits of course, so it all worked out.

"Also, I have a suspicion that your father actually spread some rumors at the first sign of dragons to get a priest to travel here. Much better he stays here than randomly travel around risking capture or worse, things are quite dangerous out there after all."

Serana agreed that her father would do something like that. He was obsessed with the prophecy and would need a Moth Priest to decipher the Elder Scroll despite his own personal power. She admitted it wasn't too surprising Rictus had come across the priest. Whiterun was the heart of Skyrim and most major roads passed by here. Saving the priest from bandits was a strange coincidence, but it wasn't that farfetched with the war going on and how the Restored patrolled the surrounding areas.

Miruma eventually came back while leading an aging Imperial man. He was bald with a big graying beard. His pale skin hinted at his scholarly life and lack of sun exposure. Still, he was physically fit and there was a mystical aspect to him that was hard to describe. The Cult of the Ancestor Moth was an ancient order and taught things beyond what most could comprehend. It only made sense one of its members gave a very distinct impression. He moved with purpose and barely contained excitement as he quickly approached them without taking his eyes off the Scroll on Serana's back.

"Is it finally time?"

After seeing the decision was left up to her, Serana carefully handed the scroll to Dexion. He took the scroll reverently, as he began opening it up as Rictus felt a strange force surrounding them all.

"Now, if everyone will please be quiet, I must concentrate. I see a vision before me, an image of a great bow. I know this weapon! It is Auriel's Bow! Now a voice whispers, saying 'Among the night's children, a dread lord will rise. In an age of strife, when dragons return to the realm of men, darkness will mingle with light, and the night and day will be as one.'

The voice fades and the words begin to shimmer and distort. But wait, there is more here. The secret of the bow's power is written elsewhere. I think there is more to the prophecy, recorded in other scrolls. Yes, I see them now... One contains the ancient secrets of the dragons, and the other speaks of the potency of ancient blood.

My vision darkens, and I see no more. To know the complete prophecy, we must have the other two scrolls."

Dexion slumped as if a mountain was on his shoulders as he finished talking. Seeing his exhaustion, Rictus motioned for Miruma to help him.

"Thank you for your help. You should get some rest now though."

As the Moth Priest was led away, no one spoke as they considered the words of the prophecy. Eventually, Moira broke the silence.

"Well, that was decidedly unhelpful. Just another reason why prophecies are a waste of time. One Elder Scroll wasn't good enough, now we must find two more. Those things aren't just found lying around after all."

Rictus couldn't help laughing at her blunt words which ruined the lingering mystical feeling of the Elder Scroll reading.

"I think we could all use a little break after that excitement. How about we each sleep on what we have learned and reconvene in the morning with a fresh start?"

Everyone nodded along and started making their way back inside. When Serana saw that Rictus was still sitting there, she moved over to speak to him. His companions didn't miss this and waited for Rictus to give them a signal all was okay before they kept going. He didn't miss the suggestive look on Moira's face urging him to hurry. Serana eventually spoke after everyone had left.

"Do you have a moment to talk?"

"Of course. What's on your mind? Thinking of what Dexion said?"

She nodded her head in agreement.

"Yes. He said we needed two other Elder Scrolls. I think I know where we can start looking for one of them."

"Oh really? Where do you think it is?"

She had a complicated look on her face as she looked off in the distance.

"We need to find my mother, Valerica. She'll definitely know where it is, and if we're lucky, she actually has it herself. Last time I saw her, she said that she'd go somewhere safe that my father would never search. The way she said it though was cryptic, yet she called attention to it."

Even though he knew where Valerica was hiding, Rictus played along with the conversation.

"Hmm. Seems like she was being cautious and maybe she didn't feel like she could trust you with the information."

"That's always a possibility. She was almost as obsessed as my father by the time she shut me in. But I can't worry about that now. We need the scroll, and she's our only lead. Besides, I can't imagine a single place my father would avoid looking. And he's had all this time, too. Any ideas?"

A thoughtful look crossed Rictus's face as he responded to her.

"Sometimes the most obvious of places are overlooked. Maybe she never left the castle and stayed right under Harkon's nose the whole time?"

She considered his words before a light shone in her eyes.

"That almost makes sense! I used to help mother tend a garden in the courtyard. All the ingredients for our potions came from there. She used to say that my father couldn't stand the place. Too peaceful. It would be risky for her to stay there, but she was never known to be a coward. I doubt we will find her there, but it is worth a look."

Her words had gotten more animated as she talked but slowed down at her final words.

"I think it would be a great place to look. Although, I doubt they would just let me in the front door again."

Serana waved her hand at the comment.

"Trust me. I lived there for a very long time, and I know every nook and cranny. There's an inlet on the norther side of the island that was used by the previous owners for supplies. An old escape tunnel from the castle exits there. That will be our way in."

He could see the excitement in her eyes at sneaking around the castle like an adventurer from the stories. It was quite enduring.

"We have a plan then. I have a few things which need to be taken care of first, but once that is all done, we can leave. You are more than welcome to stay here if you'd like."

She seemed a little hesitant all of a sudden.

"Are you certain? You are aligned with a group dedicated to killing off vampires. My being here could cause some trouble."

"No one will bother you while you are under my protection. I would not have given you the offer if I didn't want you here."

Sporting a small smile, Serana left Rictus sitting there. It seemed the time for going to the Soul Cairn had finally come. He would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about it. Lots could go wrong there. It needed to be done though, and besides maybe Mirajane, he didn't think there was a better person for the job than him. As one of his favorite doctors once said, "Had to be me. Anyone else would have gotten it wrong."


[AN]: Not too much new for this part of the questline. Hopefully there will be some small twists and turns later in the quest to keep it a little more original.

Pepey_LePew Pepey_LePew

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story. Please let me know what you think as comments help direct the story and make me write better.

To those wanting some new knowledge, I got something for you. 'OMG' was first used in a letter to Winston Churchill in 1917. A retired British admiral became excited due to headlines about Britain’s mobilization. Excited to share this news, he wrote an acronym for ‘Oh My God!’ Thus starting OMG.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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