82.6% The Celestial Child (MLP Fanfic) / Chapter 19: Truly Wrapped Up

บท 19: Truly Wrapped Up

On that certain day there were not many ponies standing on the railway station. But many of them were chuckling at something which seemed really funny. It was standing alongside Bubble. Bubble was wearing a woolly cap on her head, a scarf around her neck, and a wholly saddle on her back. Alongside her was standing her bipedal coltfriend in a very thick wool sweater and a cap. He was looking a little… fat in that sweater. That was much to his embarrassment but that was the only way his mother could make sure that he'll not get sick.

"I told you mom overdone this!" Said Joy

"Oh shucks!" Bubble chuckled "You're looking so good in this."

"Yeah, I see that." Joy chuckled as he looked towards giggling ponies "They certainly do think so."

After a while the train arrived there and both of them along with some other passengers went on the train. Joy was happy that he was going to see something new. And alongside this happiness he couldn't quite think about how funny he was looking. But Bubble seemed to be very happy as she saw him in that sweater so he was okay with that. Looking funny isn't always bad, and nothing worth more than making somepony smile. Pinkie would definitely agree with him in this case.

"All aboard" Said the conductor and the train started to go towards Ponyville.

"So," Joy looked towards Bubble, "How do they wrap up winter in Manehattan?"

"Same as in Canterlot, magic." Bubble said "They've specified unicorn staff for this job."

"Oh" Joy nodded

"And that's why I'm so excited." Bubble said "I'd like to see Twilight's friends again."

Joy chuckled a bit when he thought of them. All of them were really special in their own way. Joy looked outside the window. He could see the snowflakes falling from the sky. It all was going to be wrapped up soon and once again spring would be there, his most favorite weather of the year. Joy once again looked towards a beauty who was sitting in front of him. No doubt that she was one of the most beautiful mares of Equestria but with a purple wholly saddle on her waist she was looking even more gorgeous. She was looking very excited while she was looking outside the window. This gave Joy some time to adore her beauty once again.

<Bubble, my foal-hood's best friend, my very special somepony, and my lovely marefriend, and she's much more to me as well. She loves me no matter how I look. She's the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria. Her pink coat, her purple mane, her beautiful fragrant purple mane, and her incredibly gorgeous figure, everything about her is so amazing. Oh Bubble, I don't know what goods I did to gain your love but I'm sure that I value your love more than anything else.> Joy chuckled. <I just want to spend every moment with you.>

"Joy~" She said, knocking him out of thoughts. On her face there was a huge blush with a charming smile "You said something…?"

Joy realized that he said the last of thoughts a little out loud. He felt a little flustered as he passed her a smile. She giggled in response. "I also want the same for us." She said in a low voice.

They both passed each other a little nervous smile. The rest of the time seemed like pass quickly after that. And after a few hours they were at Ponyville's railway station.

"Now we've arrived at Ponyville's railway station." Said the announcer and in a while the train was slowing down.

Joy came out of the train along with Bubble. He had sent a letter to Twilight about his arrival so as he expected she was there. Spike was also there.

"Nice to see you Twilight," Bubble said in her usual tune

"Nice to see you too, friends," Said Twilight as she noticed Joy in his brand new sweater. "Joy, you're looking… a little healthier." She giggled

"You're looking awfully funny." Said Spike "Just like a giant cuddly stuffed toy."

Joy rubbed his neck as Spike said this. Twilight looked towards Spike and giggled as well.

"Spike~" Said Twilight "That wasn't a nice thing to say."

"It's okay Twilight." Joy said, "It's just that mother was making sure that I couldn't catch a cold."

"Tell me about it!" Said Spike

Twilight and Spike along with exotic couple headed towards the Golden Oak Library. There they took some tea and ate some cookies. Tea felt really good in that cold weather. After this they talked for a while. Twilight told them about some recent events. Joy was really surprised that these ponies were scared of a zebra, calling her an enchantress. They weren't that much scared of him when they saw him for the first time, only surprised and a little or more paranoid. The main reason they were scared of that Zebra mare was that she lived in the Everfree forest. Ponies will probably be scared of anything which came out of the Everfree because unlike the whole of Equestria it works on its own. That was scary enough.

"I wonder," Joy thought, and asked. "What kind of effect would that poison joke would've upon me?"

"I don't know!" said Twilight "Maybe it would give you a tail?"

"Yeah!" Spike said "Like a real ponytail!"

"What do you think, Bubble?" Twilight said

"Hmm… I think he'd look perfectly fine with a tail." Bubble while she gave a glance to his hips.

Joy felt flustered as Bubble mentioned this. <She's imagining me with a tail and thinks I'll look good with that. Make sense, she also has a pretty gorgeous one of her own.> Joy chuckled at this thought. Spike laughed hysterically at this. Twilight also made some giggles.

"Don't worry… I like you as you're." Bubble kissed him on his cheek as she was unable to resist this urge because of his confused yet cute expressions. "You don't need any tail to look good."

"That's fine, Bubs." Joy said "I know that was a pretty funny concept."

"It sure was." said Twilight "I believe you must be hungry. Spike will you please…?"

"Yeah ma'am." said Spike and went towards the kitchen

They sat there and talked for a little more while before having a little brunch and heading to the mayor's office to get the key to their temporary house in Ponyville.

Twilight was happy to see her friend Canterlot again. She was waving towards them standing at the door as they were going towards the mayor's office. She felt good whenever Joy visited her but it also made her feel a little lonely for some reason. But that was just a little usual feeling for her now. She took a sigh and went inside the library and closed the door behind her.

In Ponyville's Royal guest house exotic couple was making preparations for tonight's dinner. They both were not feeling that much of hunger so Joy only prepared some fruit salad and a few daffodil sandwiches. Even though flowers weren't his most favorite diet but still he likes the taste of daffodils.

"Oh Joy, these are so good." Bubble said while chewing the sandwich she was holding with her magic. "You must try your talent in food-making?"

"Sweetheart, you know I'm not that good but I'm happy that you like these sandwiches." Joy shrugged while munching on the fruit salad. "I just tried my best to make them good."

Bubble swallowed her bite and giggled "I can't even back a cake properly. You're at least better than me at cooking." She took another bite and finished the sandwich. Around her muzzle there was some remaining sandwich she was eating. She used her hoof to wipe that. Suddenly she made a cute burp and giggled with a blush. "Sorry sometimes I just can't control my inner filly."

"There is a little bit left." Joy said "Here, let me just…" He used a napkin to clean her muzzle "Better?"

Bubble nodded at this. After the dinner was done they cleaned the living room and brought dishes to the sink. It was time to get a relaxing nap now. Both of them got into their nightwear.

"That's a relief." Joy said. "I really don't like thick clothes."

"I know right." Bubble chuckled

Both of them were now lying on the bed looking towards each other. They weren't feeling that sleepy for some reason. They just can't wait for tomorrow. They were going to be a part of winter wrap up for the first time and they were really excited about this.

"Sweet dreams Joy."

"Good Night Bubble."

With this both of them closed their eyes and soon drifted to sleep.

<That's right… your child is what he…

I wish I never had to… I never want to…

You don't have much… return now…

I believe in… he'll have… and even a better…>

Some blurry scenery with one or two tall blurred figures flashed before his vision before he started to have a feeling of floating… Then suddenly he felt as if darkness was being pulled away… He opened his eyes to reveal an unknown yet very strangely familiar face… However before he could be able to see something clearly everything was just starting to fade away.

"Ha!" He gasped as he opened his eyes all of sudden. The light in the bedroom was dim though he felt like his hand was being placed on something warm, cozy, and really soft. On his face he felt soft hairs of her mane which was giving away a really charming fragrance. He reckoned that he was spooning his special somepony with his hand being placed on her chest. The movement of her chest along with every breath was really soothing and appealing. <I wonder what that dream means and why do I even have such dreams. I think I should talk to my mother about this.> He thought before hearing some sweet hums made by her. A pleasing feeling calmed him down. <Dreams are still dreams, aren't they? As long as my reality is within my arms, I can face and stand everything.> He nuzzled his face closer to her mane.

"Love you too."

A whisper made by Bubble caused him to open his eyes but soon he realized that she was talking in her sleep. Even while sleeping she knew how to make me feel better. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep once again.


"Wake up my sweetie!" Joy heard a delightful voice with a little stroke on his shoulder "Wake up!"

"A little more while, please." He said while his eyes were still closed.

"It's already 6:30 in the morning. Do you wanna be late for the beginning of the Winter Wrap Up?"

Hearing this he shot open his eyes to see that Bubble was standing in front of him with a hoof of her on his shoulder. He stretched his muscles and sat on the bed. 'Winter Wrap Up' his mind rang. He had to get up now so he could be a part of the festival.

"Morning Bubble."

"Morning sleepy Prince." She said "Looks like somepony really loves to play with my mane~" There was a sweet irony in her voice. "It takes a good measure of time to properly style my mane, you know." She said, referring to her messy mane.

Joy smiled and shrugged at this "I can't help myself with this."

Bubble smiled and rolled her eyes at this "Just get up already! Everypony must be gathering now."

"Right~" Joy got up from the bed

After getting freshen up and a little breakfast they were ready to join the event. Joy wore his casual clothes and a normal not-so-thick sweater as well. That other sweater was a little too much… funny looking. He was ready to go now. Bubble was also ready to go. So they headed outside their house and galloped towards the town's hall.

Twilight had reached there before them. They stood there just beside her. Twilight passed them a glance before looking towards the mayor again. Most of the ponies of the town were standing in front of town's hall and many were still gathering there as Mare Mayor was doing a motivational speech.

"Thank you everypony, for being here bright and early. We need everypony's help to wrap up winter on time and bring spring." Everypony cheered at this and the mayor continued her speech "And it's an honor that our Prince is here as well to be a part of the event." They cheered once again "So let's do even better than last year and have the quickest winter wrap up ever." Ponies cheered excited at this

"Oh, this is so exciting!" Said Twilight with an excited tune

"I know right!" Bubble said excitedly "I just can't wait."

"Alright everypony," the Mayor announced "Find your team leader and let's get galloping!" Ponies cheered once again as the speech was over and started to go towards their own team leader.

There were three teams to be exact: weather team, plant team, and finally the animal team. Everypony who was assigned to a certain team was wearing a certain color vest i.e. blue, green, and tanned for weather, plant, and animal team respectively.

Winter Wrap Up was officially started and everypony was ready to play his/her own role in the event. Except for Twilight who was very confused about what should she do? As for Joy and Bubble they were also excited to see how they can be a part of the festival?

"Twilight, so which team you're going to be part of?" Bubble asked

"I'm really not sure about this." Twilight replied with a hint of excitement in her tune "I'll check around and see if I can help somepony somehow." She said and galloped away

Joy waved his hand towards her "See you around Twilight."

"Alright Joy; I'm also going to see where I can fit in." Bubble said "Okay!"

"Alright Bubble! Best of luck and have fun." Joy replied

"Best of luck to you too Joy." she said and trotted away waving a hoof towards him

Now let me see what I can do to help my dear friends. He looked around and observed all the teams doing their jobs well. Which team could he become a part of? Well, maybe he had to look around and see what others did so he could find what he's good at. He walked around for a while observing them. Just then he figured out what should he try. That seems like something I can do easily. With a smile on his face he headed towards a certain direction.

Twilight was a little confused at what she should do and Spike's stubbornness wasn't much helping either. But she was so willing to do her part. Soon she saw her friend Rarity at a little distance who was decorating a beautiful nest standing in front of a table.

"Rarity, please tell me something I can help you with." Twilight asked her a little eagerly

"Well, how would you like to help me with Ponyville's finest birds' nests?" Rarity replied

"Birds' nests?" Twilight said in disbelief

"Why yes" Rarity nodded "When the weather team guides the birds back to Ponyville they need a place to live and lay their eggs." She gestured towards the nest she just made

"Wow Rarity, this one's really beautiful."

"Oh why thank you most sincerely! Would you like to try your hoof in the nest?" Rarity asked

"Would I?" Twilight exclaimed "Yes, where do I begin?"

"Okay!" Rarity said, floating a basket full of straws, sticks, and ribbons "Now leave ribbons there, hay over there, and yes." Twilight put all the stuff in front of her in an organized way. Then was the time when things started to be messed up. Rarity tried her best to instruct Twilight to do that right way but it seemed like Twilight had no idea what she was doing. Spike was there watching Twilight making the bird nest with a face which was saying "What she's even trying to do?" At last Twilight's birds' nest was done. She was happy to see this.

"Here," She said "It looks just like…" Twilight looked towards Rarity's beautifully decorated nest and her smile disappeared "… Yours?"

"That nest needs to be condemned." Spike said.

"Oh, Spike…" Rarity giggled at this "This isn't so bad…" Rarity said and looked towards that atrociousness for the bird nest. "Maybe birds can use this as…" Rarity thought the nicest words to say.

"An outhouse?" Spike said bluntly

"Spike," Rarity spoke as she came to help Twilight with her nest "It's just fine. It's just a little rough around the edges. We just need to fix this…" Rarity tried to fix the nest as Twilight got aside. Then Rarity got busy in an impossible attempt to fix that nest. Twilight soon realized that her bird's nest was a lost cause and looked down in disappointment.

"I think we lost her." Spike whispered to Twilight

With this Twilight left Rarity lost in her own world and went to find something else in which she'd do better than nest making.

"I'm ready!" Joy said as he was sitting in a tree holding a branch covered with snow while some earth ponies were standing beneath there to collect the snow in their cart.

"Your highness, you sure wanna do this?" A stallion with a brown coat and black mane asked him.

"I'm one hundred percent sure, Doc." Joy replied "Now, tell me whenever you're ready."

After getting signals from them Joy shook the branch intensely and the snow fell into the cart. "Done!" After this he shook the other branches in the same manner until there was no more snow in that tree. After this he came down from the tree and headed for the next one. Though he was feeling a little tired, he was really enjoying this. I wonder what team Bubble decided to be a part of.

"You sure they'll not bite." Bubble asked Fluttershy

"Don't worry, they're very nice." Fluttershy reassured her "They'll not bite you."

"Alright, if you say so…" Bubble went near a hole and rang the bell "Little nice critters, rise and shine." Bubble said and got herself away from the warren. In a while a bunch of squirrels came out of the warren. Bubble sighed in relief as they didn't try to hurt her.

"You did well for your first try." Fluttershy said.

"Thanks, I guess." Bubble replied.

"Your welcome" The shy mare replied "Well, now let's carry on. We've got lots of critters to wake up." Fluttershy said as she looked towards many animal dens which they'd left. Bubble smiled lightly and went along with Fluttershy. "Right behind you Fluttershy"

On other hoof Twilight was going towards Fluttershy to help her with the animals after a literally ice-skating crash course in an attempt to help Pinkie Pie. This time she was sure of herself to be proven helpful. As she reached there Fluttershy had put her head inside a warren to wake up the creatures inside. "Wake up little sleepy heads. Hope you have wonderful dreams and restful hibernation. It's time to get up now." Fluttershy get her head out of the hole as she saw two hedgehogs coming out of that hole.

"Awe! How cute?" Twilight said in awe

"Aren't they? This is my favorite task of the whole year when I get to see my animal friends again." Fluttershy said.

"What's hibernation?" Asked Spike

"It's like a long sleep." Fluttershy replied as she rang the bell in front of another warren "Wake up little porcupines."

"Long sleep?" Spike said

"Yeah, animals sleep throughout the winter to save their energy and eat less food." Fluttershy replied.

"I definitely like the idea, except for the less eating part." Spike remarked as two porcupines came out of the

In a while Bubble came there to see Twilight. "Hey Twilight!"

"Hey Bubble," Twilight said. "Are you helping Fluttershy with the animals too?"

Bubble nodded. "Who knew, I can be this good with little critters."

"Oh, but look at all these warren and dens," Fluttershy looked towards a large number of holes they left. "I doubt that we'll be able to wake every animal before the spring."

"Well, I'll help you!" Twilight exclaimed

"Oh will you?" The shy mare said. "That'd be wonderful."

Fluttershy gave her bell to Twilight who was very happy to finally prove to be helpful. "Let's start from there!" She said and went towards a den at a little distance.

"That's the spirit my friend!" Bubble said as she waved her hoof toward her

Twilight rang the bell in front of the den. "Oh, I don't know what cute, little, furry creature I'm going to see!" She said in excitement. But soon her excitement turned into fear as she saw the creature that came out of the den.

"Eah! snakes!" She said and backed off quickly, accidentally entering a bats' cave. "Ahhhhhhhh!" She shrieked as she came out of the cave with a swarm of bats behind her. She was galloping so fast that she couldn't see a tree in front of her and hit that tree really hard. A honey comb which was hanging from the tree fell on her and stuck on her head. She trotted once again to save herself from bees.

Meanwhile Bubble was standing in front of another den ready to ring the bell to wake up the little critters in it. All of sudden she saw that Twilight was galloping towards her really fast with a honey comb stuck on her head. She tried to stop her.

"Twilight, wait!" She said "Stop-" Before she could do something to stop her she tackled with her and both of them rolled inside the den. Fluttershy and Spike came there as a family of skunks came out of the den.

"Ow!" came the voice of Twilight.

"Eww! That stinks horrible!" That was Bubble's voice. "What was in this den?"

They both came out of the den and gosh they were stinking really bad. Spike and Fluttershy covered there noses at this.

"I'm sorry, Bubble." Twilight said

"It's… alright, Twilight." Bubble said "I forgive you. But… what to do about this smell now."

"I'd suggest you use tomato paste!" Fluttershy said.

In a moment Joy reached there and looked at the current situation and smelled that nasty stink as well. He covered his nose and said "Smells like as if a foal just pooped in their diaper… Oof!"

Fluttershy shook her head and looked towards both unicorn mares. Joy didn't take much time to get the situation and though the situation was enough to make him laugh hard on his lungs but he kept calm. "Oh."

"Joy, I need to go home. Let's go." Bubble pleaded

"Alright" Joy said as the exotic couple headed back to their home as Twilight and Spike headed towards the Golden Oak Library.

Bubble was sitting in a bathtub filled with tomato paste. She was using a brush to clean off that stink from her mane and coat. "Unhh, I still smell a little bit like skunk." She brushed her back as Joy came there a few more cans of tomato paste and emptied that in the bathtub.

"Alright Bubble; I think that would be enough." He said

"Mmmhmm," She said "I hope so…" Then she looked towards Joy and said "My sweetie, would you please help me with getting rid of that stink. I know it's hard to stand this but…"

"No, that's alright... let me help you" Joy said, taking the brush and brushing her mane "Now tell me what happened?"

"Well, you see…" Bubble started "I was helping Fluttershy to wake the little critters up…" She told him about the whole incident.

"Oh, so that's what happened." Joy said, holding back a chuckle "You know I felt a little bad for Twilight; she was just trying to help…"

"And me? I didn't do anything to get in this mess…" Bubble huffed. "I was happy that I'm a part of the event but now…" She sniffed her front hoof "Now I really smell like rotten tomatoes and I don't like it."

"I know you're mad for this…" Joy said as he was brushing her head "I don't like this either… but let it go now."

"Ha…! You're right." Bubble said "I'm not mad… it's just… I don't like tomato paste that much." She said and blushed a little "I've to remove that stink… otherwise I'd never… take a bath in it."

Joy giggled at this but luckily Bubble didn't hear him. <So she was upset because of this, really? Unbelievable!> Joy smiled once again.

"Alright, I think that's enough." Bubble said as she got out of the bathtub "My, I'm just looking like a zombie mare from a horror movie." Bubble said making a silly expression. Both of them chuckled at this. "Anyways, that's better than that horrible smell." She said and looked towards Joy. "I think I should clean THIS off now."

"Alright," Saying this Joy came out of bathroom

It took Bubble a little long while to clean the tomato paste off her coat and mane. At last almost after one and' a half hour she was able to get rid of that unwanted smell. "That's a relief," She said with a sigh of relaxation. "Now I must get back in the festival along with my sweetie."

Joy was waiting for her in the living room. She came there and told me that she was ready to join the festival once again. Then they both headed outside, so they could continue to play their parts in the event. But both of them weren't expecting what they saw when they came out. The teams were not doing their jobs as they should, instead many ponies were arguing with each other over what they should do first. Not only that but none of the targets were met and more than a half of the day had been passed. Joy sighed and looked around while walking towards their friends. Ice hadn't melted yet, a large area still needed to be clear to start farming, and only one bird nest was made.

"Well, that's not what I thought." Bubble said "This isn't good at all."

Joy saw that the Mayor was trying to make them stop arguing with each other and get to their tasks. He went towards her and asked about this situation. The response was a hopeless sigh from her. "That happens every year."

"Every year?" Joy asked

She nodded and went towards where Fluttershy and Applejack were arguing with Rainbow Dash about whether snow should melt fast or slow. Applejack wanted snow to melt fast while on other hoof Fluttershy wanted snow to melt slowly.

"Make up your mind!" Rainbow shouted.

The situation was desperate. Bubble looked around looking for a certain friend; soon she saw Spike standing there alongside a bush and went towards him.

"Hey Spike!" Bubble said

"Oh, hey Bubble." Spike replied "You don't know what you missed!"

"I'm pretty sure I don't." She giggled "Where is Twilight by the way?"

"I'm in here!" Came the voice of Twilight from the bush almost shocking Bubble in this process

"What… are you doing in the bush Twilight?" Bubble asked

"I'm a winter mess up, I messed up everything." Twilight said

"You… messed up something?" Bubble giggled "Why do you think so?"

"Yeah, you're just not good at waking critters, making nests, skating, and clearing the snow." Spike explained

"Thanks Spike, that's already made me feel much better." Twilight said sarcastically

"That's what I'm here for sister." Spike said as Bubble giggled at this

"Oh, what in Equestria are you ponies arguing about? This is the reason we were late for spring last year and the year before that and the year before that…" They heard that the Mayor was trying to make them stop arguing with each other.

"Did they say last year?" Twilight asked, peeking her head out of the bush.

Bubble nodded and said "So don't be so hard on yourself, Twilight. I don't think you're responsible for this mess up." She looked towards the group of ponies as they were arguing with each other. Joy joined the Bubble and Spike as well near that bush. Joy and Bubble seemed to be disappointed by this scenery because they were only here to have some fun. "What the hay? That's not fun at all!" Joy crossed his arms.

Soon they started to argue even louder as more and more ponies joined the group. "Another year of scandalous shame. Oh, only if we've been more organized."

Twilight's mind rang at the word organized. She smiled with excitement at this and came out of the bush at this. "Spike, bring my clipboard and checklist, fast."

"Now that's the Twilight I know." Bubble said

Twilight looked towards her friend with gratitude for this compliment for a moment and went towards the ponies. "Stop everypony! I said stop!"

Joy went towards her to help. He called out, "Everypony, please listen to Twilight Sparkle." That wasn't enough to catch their attention. Twilight saw a sparrow sitting on the bush near her. She thought of a plan. She used a sparrow as a blow horn to bring their attention towards her, angering the bird in the process. "Sorry," She whispered.

"I know that all of you want to get your job done on time," Twilight said "But arguing is no way. What you need is," She paused as Spike came there with a clipboard and quill. "Organization!" She exclaimed happily. "And I'm just the pony for the job." All of the ponies looked towards her with hopeful smiles as she looked towards Spike with determination.

Then Twilight told them a strategy for every task they needed to done and helped them with it. Joy and Bubble were also helping their friends and this time they're more fun than before. It was good to see that ponies were not arguing with each other anymore all thanks to Twilight. They were working now in an organized way to wrap up the winter on time. Joy and Bubble also tried their hands/hooves in some other tasks. Bubble helped Rarity in nest making while Joy was helping Applejack and her team to sow the seeds. Until evening they'd done all the work. Most of the ponies were a little exhausted by the end of the day because of all that hard work. But it was totally worth the effort, as for the first time in many years Spring was coming there on time.

Bubble was humming in a low voice to entertain herself. Joy as always was enjoying the tender melodies she was making.

"You seem so happy today." Joy chuckled

"I am my sweetie." She replied "This was my very first and best winter wrap up ever~!" She exclaimed

Some of the ponies were going to continue to work at night, especially the weather team that had to bring back the southern birds and the plant team who were sowing the new seeds in the ground. As for the exotic couple they decided that they needed to rest now. They both looked towards Twilight with heavy eyes. Twilight understood their condition and said. "You two can go and have a rest now; you did a really good job today." Both of them smiled and nodded in reassurance.

"Good night, Twilight." Bubble yawned "See you tomorrow."

Joy yawned as well. "It was a nice experience."

After that they both headed back to their house. They both needed a refreshing bath after working for a whole day. After getting a warm bath they both decided to have some cucumber sandwiches and fruit salad for dinner. They were

"I'm feeling so tired today." Bubble said as she picked up a sandwich "These ponies are really hard workers."

"Mmhm," Joy nodded "I'm glad that we were part of this event."

"I'm glad that Twilight was there to fix the problem." Bubble said as she swallowed a bite "Otherwise, I don't think spring would be there on time." She said taking another bite.

Joy nodded and took another bite as well. After both have downed three or four sandwiches and all the fruit salad, their hunger was satisfied. And now they both were feeling like going to bed.

"Let's clean up and then we can relax all night." Joy said

Bubble looked at him with reassurance. Joy passed her a smile at this. Then they got up to clean up the living room.

"My sweetie," she said, "I was thinking that… can we snuggle a little tonight before sleeping?" she giggled "You know because it's been… a really long time."

"Umm… how can I say no to such a sweet request by such a sweetheart mare." Joy said with a chuckle

<Yeah! Tonight's gonna be a really cuddly night then.>

Bubble passed him a cheerful smile at this with a light glow on her cheeks. Joy returned the smile with a soft boop on her nose. After that they collected the dishes and left the used dishes in the sink. The rest of the work could wait till tomorrow. Now both were prepared for a cozy and snuggly night.

Joy was setting the bed for two of them. He was now in his sleeping PJs. In a while Bubble entered the room as the room was filled with the heavenly scent of her mane and coat. She gave him a delightful look. The fragrance of her mane and coat soon filled his breaths. She wasn't wearing her usual nightwear tonight. A light glow appeared on his face as he looked towards her.

"No sleep-robes tonight?" Joy asked

"No, I thought it would be more… comfy like this." She replied "And… I'd like it if you… don't wear your shirt for tonight as well." She blushed even more deeply as she said this.

Joy gave her an incredulous look. He blushed and gave her an expected smile. "My dear sweetheart, don't you think it's still a little cold for this."

"Oh you, my dear Joy…" She said, caressing his cheek. "I'll not let the coldness of Equestria's winter get to you, my sweetie." She chuckled.

<Perhaps he wasn't expecting me to ask something like this. Why you've to be that much timid about yourself my sweetie. But…you look so sweet when you show coyness like this as well. That's what makes you more lovable to me.>

Joy gave her another look of wonder. A realization suddenly hit his mind. Unlike him, ponies didn't wear clothes all the time. He was used to seeing her, not to mention everypony else in their natural birth suit all the time. So it would be so wrong if he didn't act upon such a sweet request. She was her marefriend after all and there is nothing wrong if she wanted to see him without a shirt. She maybe just wanted to be a little more… comfy like this.

"Hmm… forget what I say!" She suddenly knock him out of thoughts "Let's just-" A soft boop on her nose paused her.

"Don't you think you're too fast to jump on conclusions?" Bubble was surprised by sudden tinkling. She gave him a look of disbelief with a smile on her face while rubbing her muzzle with a hoof. Joy just unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. "Happy, my sweetheart?"

Bubble gave him a gleeful nod. She gave a quick glance to his torso. It was almost completely hairless. Even his body wasn't that of an athlete but it was muscular due to his daily workout, well almost daily workout, especially his arms and chest. Joy felt a little cold as he removed the shirt. He looked towards Bubble and smiled awkwardly as he wrapped his arms around himself for a brief moment. He's so amazingly good-looking like this. She thought as she took a yawn. Joy also took a yawn and then they both lied on the bed under a cozy blanket facing each other. A smile could be seen on their faces.

Joy looked towards the fabric of the mattress carving circles on it for a moment, to come over the fact that he was only in his night-trousers in front of his marefriend. Soon he lifted his head and looked towards the cute mare's face in front of her. Bubble took a yawn and got herself a little closer to him. She took her hoof to the back of his neck as she said "I really missed my snuggly nights." She caressed the back of his neck softly. A shiver of pleasure went across his body. Then he caressed his hand through her mane. "Hmm… that feels so good." She hummed under his gentle touch. "Your hooves feel so tender." Joy said, caressing her front leg with his other hand. They both pulled each other closer and soon they were in a loving embrace. Bubble brushed his cheek against his bare chest as he was caressing her back softly. "Your skin feels too good~" Joy took a delightful sigh at this. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself…" Then he took another relaxing yawn. "Awe, don't tell me you're not enjoying this as much as I…" She took a lovely yawn. "Yeah, I do indeed…" he yawned once more. "I love you my sweetheart." He said kissing her on her forehead tenderly "I love you too… my sweetie." She said kissing him on his forehead in return and snuggling even closer to him. Now she could literally feel his heartbeat and it was beating in a really soothing manner. This beat feels like it's especially comforting me. "Be close to me…" She whispered, caressing the back of his neck with her hoof. "Mmmhmm, your coat feels so warm…" She looked towards him with half-lidded eyes and a delightful smile on her face. They both pulled each other in a deep passionate kiss. A surge of delight and comfort went across both of their bodies. While their lips were being curled and pressed against each other, they kept caressing each other's neck, hair, and back. After a few minutes they parted their lips. There was a deep blush on their faces as they kept looking at each other for a while. "Joy~" Bubble sighed in relaxation. "Bubble~" He replied in the same manner. She closed her eyes and so did her coltfriend. They were in a lovely embrace now as they drifted down to the valley of the dreams. Though the weather was still a little cool, the warmth radiating from their bodies was enough to comfort.

They spent the last night of that winter while being wrapped up in each other's arms. The winter was truly wrapped up.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C19
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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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