12% A Grindelwald's Tale / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Part 1/2 The Hanging Necklace.

บท 3: Chapter 3 Part 1/2 The Hanging Necklace.

The troll was frozen still; its club inches away from Daphne's face. She'd closed her eyes anticipating the hit, when nothing happened, she opened them. The silence that covered the area was palpable.

"Daphne!" A voice broke through the silence, Daphne quickly turned her head and saw Rodrick with his wand out, 'He used the spell.'

Rodrick moved closer, wand still out. He ignored everyone else's reaction to what had just occurred. 'I can't risk getting caught here after that spell.' He reached Daphne, who was still staring up at him unmoving; he held out his hand towards her.

She quickly took it when it reached her.

After helping her up, he moved back away from the troll, Daphne following behind. "Wha-" she started to speak but was quickly cut off when the troll let out another grunt.

The spell was released. Ronald hearing the troll again scampered away. Rodrick aimed his wand towards the club and levitated into the air, a few seconds later the club was enlarged to almost three times its size when Rodrick shouted out "Engorgio!"

He heard Ron Weasley mutter "Bloody hell" to himself. Rodrick crashed the massive club onto the confused troll's head, knocking it down to the floor immediately.

"What was that!?" asked Potter. Daphne was still gaping at the fallen troll before a retreating Rodrick quickly pulled her. "We need to leave, now before the teachers come," She nodded her agreement before following him with a sprint.

The three Gryffindors were still staring at the fallen troll, Hermione turned around to ask Rodrick what spell he had used to freeze the troll, all she saw was the running figures moving further and further away, it took a moment before she realised why.

"That was wicked!" exclaimed Ron Weasley, he was in conversation with Harry Potter before they were quickly interrupted by Hermione urging them to leave before one of the teachers caught them. Ronald to his credit understood why fast enough before muttering, "That snake's trying to pin the blame on us!" The gingers outburst resulted in him getting pulled along by her, once again urging them to move.


Rodrick and Daphne were quietly moving down towards the Slytherin Dungeons; They came to an abrupt stop when they noticed a prefect standing outside the entrance.

"What do we do now?" asked a fearful Daphne, Rodrick didn't reply he was only staring out towards the Prefect. "Rodrick?" she called out again.

Rodrick turned to face her, "Bear with me for a second," he remarked before she could ask him why, he put a finger over his lips.

He took out his wand and cast another disillusionment charm, over the both of them, he followed through with a silencing charm.

Daphne kept quiet throughout but the panic in her was swelling, they couldn't get through the entrance without saying the password. Rodrick didn't seem deterred about this. As they got closer, Daphne noticed he wasn't moving towards the door but the prefect themselves.

"Rodrick, what are you doing!" she whispered frantically but was rebuffed to stay quiet. With a huff they both reached the prefect in question; he still hadn't realized they were there much to Daphne's surprise. The disillusionment charm must've been quite powerful if it fooled a sixth-year prefect.

Rodrick pointed his wand at the prefect. Daphne's eyes bulged wider by the second.

"Confundo," Rodrick uttered at the prefect; the spell seemed to send the other boy into a haze. "Professor Snape wants Draco Malfoy in his office, right now." He added on. Daphne was completely silent watching the exchange. She quickly sighed in relief when she noticed the boy turn towards the entrance and give the password.

Once they were inside the common room, the prefect started calling out Malfoys name. The blonde was surprised by the sudden request to see his Professor but obliged and followed the prefect out, Crabbe and Goyle in tow.

Rodrick walked towards one of the pillars, Daphne in tow, and hid behind it before he removed the disillusionment charm. Daphne nodded her thanks; the two students made their way over to one of the empty sofas, The common room was still buzzing with people, most were discussing the troll incident. Some were more focused on playing board games, Blaise and worried looking Tracey were the latter. Daphne was currently staring down at the table in front of her unsure of what to say, the boy had saved her life, and she couldn't think of anything to say in response.

Rodrick however deflated as soon as he hit the couch, his body practically melted into the comfort. A few moments later, he turned towards Daphne but looked unsure of himself, steeling himself, he asked her if he could borrow her wand.

Daphne was a little startled at the request but quickly agreed before giving him her wand, Rodrick looked a little surprised but smiled quickly. He stared at the wand given him, he recognized the wood, Garrick Ollivander had given him a similar wand to try out when he was in Diagon Alley looking for supplies, the wand had worked fine enough for him, but the wandmaker had decided to give him a different type to try out. Rodrick asked Daphne what wood it was, she confirmed it to be Rowan causing a small smile to light up on his face, remembering what the wandmaker had told him. She raised an eyebrow,before he added on "My wand is made of Elderberry wood." The girl stared at him for a few moments longer waiting for some form of explanation, however Rodrick sighed "Nevermind" to which she frowned.

He took his own wand out before pointing hers towards it. Daphne stared on bemused.

Rodrick whispered the words "Deletrius," at his wand, a small wave of lights flew out of Daphne's wand over Rodricks own. The spell looked to be over in seconds before Rodrick handed Daphne's wand back.

"What did you do?" she questioned.

Rodrick looked back at her somewhat amused; he wasn't sure whether he should say anything or not but he figured it was safer to tell her then to have her questioning a professor.

"The spell I used can help get rid of the echo of previous spells used by a wand," he whispered.

A small look of understanding had appeared in Daphne's eyes before she remarked: "That Confundus spell you used then."

Rodrick stared at her before shaking his head slowly; he was surprised she didn't know what he was trying to hide. Daphne looked a little confused at the action.

"If not that then..."

Rodrick moved closer towards and whispered in her ear. Daphne almost flushed at the action, but the words she heard had stunned her. The spell he had used, "Imperio," was an Unforgivable, he'd broken the law using it. If the teachers found out about it, then he could likely get expelled or worse. The thought made her stomach squirm.

A frown marred Daphne's face, she was shocked he'd risked getting expelled, she attempted to question why he did it if it was forbidden, but the look on his face broke her resolve. He risked it, to make sure she was safe. Realising that she got closer to him and enveloped him in a hug thanking him. The action surprised him; he sat there still for a few moments before returning the hug.

Rodrick was the first to pull back from the hug before giving her a small thankful smile she didn't push the subject. She had hundreds of questions on the spells he had used, almost all of them were spells she'd never heard of. However, she couldn't bring herself to question him now.

"I'll tell you later if you want to know. Just not now," he added on when he noticed her expression. She inclined her head down, unsure of what to say. The boy looked worn out, no doubt from all the spells used, he made to lower his head onto the sofa for a nap but wound up with it on the part of her shoulder, She didn't say or move anywhere when she noticed. Tracey and Blaise had spotted them after they'd finished their game. The worry on her face had disappeared when she saw her; it was replaced by a small smirk when she saw Rodrick's head on her shoulder. Daphne rolled her eyes at the look on her face.

Blaise looked confused at the situation. The two took their seats on the opposite sofa, where Daphne told them about everything that had occurred, minus the forbidden spell. By the end of the story, both of them looked quite surprised. The smirk on Tracey's face grew even more, and Daphne couldn't help but scoff. Blaise looked jealous, most likely from Rodrick's knowledge on spells, but his face quickly turned confused. He asked a question to no one in particular but had managed to settle them into an uncomfortable silence.

"How does he know all of those spells in his first year?"

The hidden meaning that Rodrick was hiding something. Something quite big for that matter. The group didn't pay the thought any mind; he would tell them when he was comfortable. Besides, hiding something was a quality of Slytherin, they couldn't very well be mad at him for it.

The two made their way to leave towards their dormitories, Daphne insisted on her staying until Rodrick woke up. The others didn't question her and made their good nights before making their way to their dorms. Daphne eventually started humming along to the silence, most of the Slytherin students had made their way onto their dorms, there were a few remaining playing a game of chess or reading a book in one of the corners. Rodrick woke up once again a while later. When he noticed the position he was in he made to apologize before Daphne assured him it was okay. Rodrick thanked her again before he got up from the sofa and made his way onto his dorm.


December's arrival brought about a change of weather to Hogwarts, a change Rodrick found himself enjoying. The lands surrounding Hogwarts had taken an icy outlook reducing the temperature drastically, most of the students seemed bothered by the cold, but Rodrick had found himself enjoying it, it reminded him of London.

Ever since the troll incident, his friends, mostly Daphne, seemed to pay him a lot more attention. This was no doubt due to the spells he had panicked used during that fight. Remembering the whole ordeal still made him queasy. The attention was unwarranted, but he supposed it was better than her questioning the professors about the spells, something Potter had done in their transfiguration class. He had asked his head of house what the Imperio spell did; the question got a reaction out of Daphne who had been sitting next to him, she unknowingly latched onto his sleeve when it happened.

Luckily no one had noticed, they were all paying attention to the professor. Granger no doubt had explained the other spells he'd used. The teacher's answer was guarded, to say the least, she had warned Harry that the spell was forbidden, and had questioned him on where he'd heard it, to which he'd answered the library to Rodrick's good fortune. After that lesson, it seemed the three Gryffindors were much more wary of him, while his friends appeared to be a little more protective. Blaise was even more sarcastic than usual; more than once questioning whether Rodrick had performed the spell on him.

The overall result, however, was not unwelcome, it had brought him closer towards them, Tracey had opened up towards him more when she'd found out he'd saved Daphne's life. Blaise seemed to respect him more for his knowledge of spells; Daphne was self-explanatory. However, even then Rodrick knew he didn't deserve it. If it weren't for the dream he wasn't sure he would've managed to deal with the troll. It was one of his bad features; he had a startling lack of self-esteem, fearful of been put in danger himself. When he had battled the troll, his mind had shut off out of fear, the only actual reason he had stood up to the troll in the first place was simple. The dream he'd had... Haunted him more, the soulless eye and gaping hole was frightening to look at. He was terrified of seeing it again, on anyone for that matter.

His grandfather had reprimanded him for it. Showing fear was one of few things that were not welcome. A lot of his grandfather's old views had changed; he was far more open now than he'd in the past if the history books were anything to consider. But a weak heir was something he would never allow. Rodrick was the family's future, the last chance for success and his grandfather would be damned to hell before he let him mess everything up out of something as trivial as cowardice. Even then Rodrick couldn't help but be grateful for his support, what's an orphan to do after all.


Rodrick woke up from his sleepless dreams into a noisy dorm; All the boys seemed quite excited over something. Why this was the case Rodrick would never understand, Blaise had told him it was due to the Quidditch season starting, but Rodrick still couldn't understand the fuss. He made his way down into the common room with Blaise; his friend quickly made his disappearance no doubt to join in on the excitement of the game with everyone else. Rodrick, in turn, settled himself down onto one of the empty sofas. He was currently reading through his Herbology book, his weakest subject, mostly due to lack of practice. He was irritated with the subject but understood its importance; it linked quite well with Potions. He had wanted to speak with his Professor about the subject but hadn't seemed able to find him, or find any time with him any case. The professor had been more agitated than usual recently.

"Rodrick!" called out a female voice, Turning his attention away from the book Rodrick looked up, meeting two green eyes greeting him with a smile.

"Morning Daphne," he replied.

The girl took a seat on the opposite sofa, Rodrick made to look around searching for Tracey who was nowhere in sight. He questioned Daphne but only received a frown in return.

"She's been too focused on Quidditch recently," huffed the girl.

Rodrick sighed before mentioning Blaise being the same. The two had settled into a small silence before Daphne made her way over to his couch, taking a seat by him. She had her head inches away from his shoulder reading the book in his hands.

"I can get you a copy if you want," Rodrick stammered quickly.

Daphne raised an eyebrow before nodding slowly moving away. Rodrick could've sworn he saw a frown on her face. Noticing that he quickly mentioned it being ok and brought the book closer to her. She gave him a smile but made to get her own. 'If grandfather sees's me like this he will either laugh himself to death or die out of disappointment,' Rodrick shuddered at the thought and steeled himself a little, it didn't help very much.


On his way back from the library, he'd bumped into Harry Potter; The boy eyed him cautiously before Rodrick shrugged and made to move past him, uncomfortable at the stare he'd received. Before he could leave however, Harry asked him where he could find Professor Snape, Rodrick a little surprised at the question took a moment before he warned him of Snape's current temper. True to his Gryffindor instincts He slightly puffed out his chest and said he wasn't afraid. Rolling his eyes Rodrick pointed towards the professor's office and left in the opposite direction not willing to deal with any of the consequences.


The next morning was the long awaited game between Slytherin and Gryffindor, Rodrick immediately made plans to avoid the whole spectacle, even the stands where the students were going to be watching from were too high for his tastes, a broken bone wasn't the only thing to worry about there. His grandfather might shoot his ear off at this but height was a subject Rodrick likely would never budge on, not unless he learned how to fly. He made his way into the great hall to have his breakfast; he noticed his friends arguing at the table trying to decide where they would be watching the game from, Daphne was trying to act as the buffer between Blaise and Tracey, neither of them, however, seemed to take her seriously.

They turned their heads towards him when they saw him arrive and proceeded to bombard him with questions. When he mentioned his plans to avoid the entire thing, Tracey's mouth hit the floor, Blaise's frown was quite humourous though he never mentioned it. Daphne was filled with amusement. He told them his plans for studying and asked whether any wanted to join, Blaise and Tracey quickly shut down the thought, as predicted. Daphne was hesitant in answering before saying she might join him later. The look of betrayal on Tracey's face was positively dangerous. After stressing the importance of keeping up their studies she seemed a bit less likely to murder him in his sleep. He spent the rest of the morning talking to Blaise about homework much to the boy's displeasure, though he hadn't even started half of it, so he couldn't very well complain.


Rodrick spent most of the afternoon in the library trying to learn history, by the time he reached the second chapter he was contemplating muggle school.

When he'd first seen the history lesson he'd been excited, he had wanted to learn about dark wizards and their stories. It wasn't a cheerful subject but by the gods was it interesting. The different methods various wizards used to try and achieve their plans were broad in range. The way they failed was even broader. It ranged from stupid to genius to priceless, Voldemort been an excellent example of the latter.

Unfortunately, however, his current assignment was about one goblin war or the other, he was having trouble trying to find the bloody year, he had spent almost 20 minutes whisking through the book trying to find the goblin name Binns had mentioned before it dawned on him that Binns might have made a mistake himself. He had done that often enough according to some of the older students.

Giving up the arduous task Rodrick made his way over towards the shelf of books to return it, the librarian spotted him and asked him what the problem was. When he mentioned what he was looking for, she looked displeased, perhaps assuming she was being made fun off. Rodrick feigned finding what he was looking for before making his way back to his seat and opening up another textbook. He would later find his friends in their common room looking defeated; Daphne explained the loss Slytherin received. After a while ithe depressing spell had worn of the two Slytherin's, they were all quickly piled into a conversation by the other first years discussing their plans for Christmas. Having none, Rodrick moved away from the group and went to sit on his own, he opened up a DADA book borrowed from the library.

"Whats wrong?" someone called out, He didn't need to turn to know the voice.

"Nothing, I am just uncomfortable over there."

"I can see that," snorted Daphne.

By now the others had joined them.

"Rodrick what are you planning to do for Christmas, you ran off without, answering," asked Blaise.

"Ought to be fairly obvious then." he remarked lazily.

The three students raised an eyebrow at this before Tracey broke the silence.

"You don't have any plans? don't you want to visit your fam-" but before she could finish she quickly covered her mouth.

Rodrick rolled his eyes "Oh yes the orphanage certainly seems like a happy place to spend my holidays in."

Tracey made to apologize but was stopped by Rodrick who shrugged "It doesn't matter, I'll be spending it here with the Bloody Baron." Rodrick grumbled before he stood up, "I am tired," he sighed as he left.

The three students were left in silence, Tracey took a seat on the sofa feeling guilty about what had transpired, Daphne attempted to soothe her with a hand on her shoulder to no avail, it didn't help she felt just as bad about the situation. 'He'll be spending Christmas alone,' Daphne thought with a frown

"I'll try and talk to him," said Blaise sheepishly "I know, no sarcasm." he added on.


Rodrick stared ahead at the mirrors in front of him. He saw his eyes and the familiar hidden face. He brushed his hands over his face and noticed it didn't match the one he was staring at; he smiled a little when he realized his magic was still working even in sleep. The old wizard showed up beside him, eyes intent on the mirror. He turned towards Rodrick with a sad look in his eyes before he apologized. There was no reaction on Rodrick's face, he merely nodded. The temporary weakness, however, disappeared from his grandfather's face before it turned into a steel mask.

The two proceeded to spend the day like any other, Gellert Grindlewald was passing off his knowledge to his heir. He had never made an attempt to force his ideologies onto the boy as he had tried with his mother. The result of that... It wouldn't do well to dwell on it. He would raise Rodrick to the highest ability he could and let him choose his path, just as he did, of course, he would try and make sure he didn't waste it. He had made tremendous progress in the past six years, at the beginning it had been difficult to convince the boy he was magical, he had taken it with a grain of salt, which frankly was impressive. How the boy managed to flip his room inside the orphanage upside down and still think he was normal was beyond his comprehension. Only when he had received his letter and allowance did he really believe it.

Gellert recalled memories of his daughter as he stared at his grandson work on his latest spell, some form of summoning charm, his mother had almost never listened to what he had to say, in fact the one and only point she had agreed with was when she had decided to marry a pureblood. The boy had made attempts to ask about his parents however he received no answers, his daughter rarely spoke to him about her life. She rarely even let him into her mind for that matter. By the time he had realized he had a daughter, it was too late for her to accept him, deeming him the cause of all her misfortunes. He couldn't blame her.

The boy had potential. However, years of growing up in that god awful place limited him immensely. The thoughts about that had enraged him, had he been capable he would've burnt the place to the ground. The fact a Grindelwald had to hide out of fear of prosecution... He had planned to become death's master and yet all he had managed was to send his family line into fear of it, the irony was not lost on him... Though the day he'd decided on his quest was long gone, it was still just as fresh in his mind.

When the boy had received his letters, he had initially planned to urge him to go to Durmstrang, but his own history quickly made him realize the stupidity of that idea. Hogwarts was, to his irritation, the better option, whatever can be said about his old friend, he was a fool when it came to mercy. of course, he still instructed Rodrick to at least hide his identity. No need to tempt fate, Grindelwald's didn't have a particularly good time doing that. He was both glad and angered when he'd learned of his grandson's adventure with the troll, glad at how quickly he overcame the beast but angered that it had taken a premonition to make it happen, the boy had admitted it himself, without the vision he probably would've avoided it out of fear. There was a lot of work to do to get him to break out of his shell... He certainly had the time to teach him at least.


Christmas was on its way to Hogwarts; the coming festive season had put a large damper to Rodrick's mood knowing he would be spending it at Hogwarts, it would've been fine had he not been the only one too. Almost if not all the Slytherin students were planning to spend it with their families, his friends had tried to cheer him up ever since but seeing them only made him feel worse as he realized something else. He couldn't even afford to get them any gifts. He had asked his grandfather if he had any money to his name.

He'd been surprised when his grandfather had, in fact, confirmed a Grindlewald vault's existence. There was only a small problem, attempting to access said vault would encourage half the wizarding world to try to hunt him down. The elder Grindlewald had told me to leave it to him to sort out himself however before he could ask his meaning Rodrick had woken up almost immediately.

It was currently mid-December, Hogwarts had woken to find the castle covered in snow, even Rodrick couldn't help the smile coming to his face when he saw it. His friends had seemed relieved to see him smile and made the most of it.

"This is one of the few rare moments we can get a conversation out of him without him pouting." Blaise joked.

The girls attempted to hide their chuckles poorly while Rodrick frowned before forcing a smile back on so as not to prove Blaise's point.

They saw through the whole thing and laughed even harder.


They'd had a strange potions lesson that morning, Rodrick had found out that some of the Gryffindors, more importantly, some he knew, would also be spending Christmas at Hogwarts. This made Rodrick feel slightly better knowing he would have some company, however, he didn't voice it out. Malfoy had also apparently found out as he'd attempted to make fun of them for it. That was the moment it got strange. Rodrick had glared off towards Malfoy when he'd started making the remarks assuming them to be directed towards himself, Malfoy noticed the glare and surprisingly stopped trying.

Malfoy had avoided insulting him on purpose? Rodrick couldn't figure out why. In fact, now that he'd thought about it, he should've been a prime target for a person like Draco Malfoy. Having no family links that he can speak off and him being an orphan to top it off. Rodrick had worn his school robes most of his time in the common room as he feared his muggle clothes would attract too much attention however even then his school robes were second hand.

That alone should've prompted some form of snide remark out of Malfoy and yet now that Rodrick had thought about it... The boy had never actually tried to antagonize him. The thought unsettled him.

Rodrick was confused at the realization, but he was sure of one thing... Draco wasn't trying to make an enemy out of him. Daphne who was beside him had noticed the exchange and raised an eyebrow when Malfoy had ceased on his insults; even the Gryffindors seemed put out. He turned towards his friend and shook his head showing off his own confusion at the matter.

Daphne and Rodrick were sitting in one of the sofas in the Slytherin dungeon, Tracey was currently playing a game of chess with a fellow Slytherin with Blaise behind her trying to give her his 'advice' to help her 'win.' Rodrick shook his head at his friend's antics before resting his head on the couch. Daphne stared at him for a few moments before she asked him a question that made him almost bolt his head.

"Do you want to spend the holiday with my family?" Daphne had a small smile on her face when she asked.

Rodrick stared at her face dumbfounded; he wasn't sure what to say in all honesty, he felt happy that he was offered.

"Did you ask your parents?" he questioned back, he didn't have anything against Hogwarts, but he didn't want any reminders of his orphanage either.

Daphne's face fell a little at this before she replied, "I sent them an owl asking... They haven't responded to it yet."

Rodrick's hopeful look disappeared before he quickly set his face into a neutral mask and replied "I don't think it's a good idea than," he shrugged with false amusement

"I doubt it'd be that big of a problem, I mean you di-" however before she could finish Rodrick quickly put a finger over her mouth to quiet her, she narrowed her eyes a little before she realized the common room was quite packed, she nodded her head slowly.

"Even then...I mean it'll be okay here really, I can at least wear what I want with everyone else leaving, don't really have to worry about any insults or anything." Rodrick shrugged.

"If you change your mind tell me, I'll be gone in about three days," she added.

Rodrick lowered his head slowly, before motioning them to join the others.

Daphne looked a little dismayed at the thought before she admitted not knowing how to play the game, Rodrick chuckled before he offered to teach her.

They both came up in time to see Blaise lose a game to a happy Tracey, Rodrick raised his eyebrow at his friend who narrowed his eyes back before offering him a chance to do better. Rodrick accepted, a small smirk lit up his face.


Rodrick had fallen asleep, he'd expected to see his grandfather, well looked forward to it at any case; he wasn't interested in any spells or such at the moment, he was currently more interested in his family's fortune. The last time he'd spoken to his only family member, he'd found out that his family did indeed have a vault at Gringotts.

While he had no intention of opening it up yet he knew he would eventually need to rely on it. In the end he didn't end up staring at the mirrors; instead, he found himself in another barren field. While this wasn't the first time he'd been in an empty realm like this, he knew this one was different, he could feel it in his bones. Something felt foreboding about the area he was in. His mind screamed for him to wake up, something was wrong, and he knew it. Rodrick blinked and found himself on a singular mud covered road.

The road was big enough for a single person to pass through, Rodrick looked towards the end. There was a teen, sat on the floor, he tried to focus on the his face but something stopped him from recognizing or even understanding any part of it, he could see all the details however it didn't translate to his brain. It was almost as if he was attempting to read an unknown language. On the floor, breathing heavily next to the older looking student was a sight that revolted him completely, he was shocked he had missed it in the first place. It looked like the corpse of a baby; the body was shriveled, colored pink. The eyes, however, threatened to churn his stomach inside out, lifeless, cold-blooded eyes. The same thing occurred, he couldn't keep the image in his head, every time he blinked it disappeared.

He attempted to run towards the pair but never seemed to get any closer, a few moments was all it took before he gave up.. He made to reach for his wand until he realized it was missing. Before he could contemplate it any further, another figure appeared in front of him. Rodrick's heart beat faster, this ones body and face were shrouded in darkness, there was an eery feeling in his head that he couldn't quite seem to place.

Slowly the shrouds seemed to expand in size before literally splitting apart through the middle. Two shrouds, the same size as the previous stood in front of him.

It looked as if someone had used a duplication spell. When Rodrick looked closer he almost hit himself in frustration, how had he not noticed the raised wand earlier. The wand in question looked ancient, the wood, however, was familiar to him, he had seen a likeness of it before, only it had a different look to it.

The two shades stared at each other, Rodrick still couldn't make out any features, they were both surrounded by darkness. It wasn't long before the grounded teen had started to move, one of the shades had lent it a hand and helped him up. The shade in question pointed him in a direction, and the older boy disappeared without a sound. Rodrick rubbed his eyes thinking he had missed something. The shades that were left simply stared at each other, they looked like mirror copies of each other. A third figure appeared next to the helpful one, this one he could see but once again couldn't discern any features.

This dream was beginning to frustrate him a great deal.

The new arrival spoke in a low monotone voice, he was unable to make out any of the words. A couple of seconds later and both the visible person and the helpful shade had disappeared. The corpse and the silent shade was all that remained. Rodrick was staring at them waiting for something to happen before he almost recoiled.

The shade moved at an unbelievable speed towards him, Rodrick put his hand up, intent on firing off a Protego to defend himself, however his mouth wouldn't move, attempting a non-verbal version resulted in the same effect. He instead brought his hand up to protect his face but found his hands frozen. The shade was getting closer and closer... Before it moved past him.

Rodrick's breathing skyrocketed, he had seen the shade practically fly past him, and something in his mind felt about to burn. Rodrick turned around to look for the shade and found nothing; even the road had disappeared. He turned his head back, breathing heavily, in an attempt to locate the mutated creature. Instead, all he saw was a large mansion, a mansion that disappeared just as fast as it showed itself.

A gust of wind crashed into him, landing him on his back, at the disappearance; his eyes landed on what had been behind him. Hogwarts. The castle much like the manor had also disappeared, however, no wind followed it.

It was at that moment that his mind recoiled, unbearable pain filled him, lasting a few minutes before disappearing entirely. But what had replaced it made Rodrick pale. For he'd remembered the small second he'd gazed into the shrouded figure.

Rodrick had seen his own yellow eyes staring back at him.

Rodrick woke up with a silenced scream. He found himself drenched in sweat. His magic had already worn off, his natural face set in. Before he could think anything through, however, he found himself back into a dreamless sleep; he had no memories of what he had seen the next morning. Though at the very least he was the first one up.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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