80.14% MHA: Code / Chapter 108: Finals

บท 108: Finals

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Word Count 2580


~Kodo Shinichi vs Yaoyorozu Momo

[Here is its. The finals! Are you excited?!] Hype man yelled out followed by the whole crowd cheering

I already toned down my sense of hearing.

[ Kodo Shinichi versus Yaoyorozu Momo. Teacher versus Student. Master versus Apprentice. The Unstoppable Force versus Creation herself]

Wow he is really going all out with this one. Talk about over-the-top and cringe.

I could see Momo trying to stop the blush that was forming on her face.

[Let the Final Round. START!!]

He didn't even ask if we were ready. Well It doesn't matter either way.

I slowly crack my neck and continue to crack joints across my whole body

"Momo. Skill or Overwhelming strength?" I say casually and Momo gets the meaning instantly and lets out a big relieved sigh

[Huh? What is he saying] Mic asked Aizawa who completely ignored him and focused on the match.

"Skill, please. I don't want to fight giant dinosaurs. Or any other horrifying monster you might become. "

I nod to her "You can start first"

Momo closes her eyes as her skin starts to glow. The fabric started to appear from her skin. It got a little bulkier before it stopped. She made full-body Riot armor. But more compact. She also had a special Visor.

Did me poisoning her traumatize her? Or was it the Annoying Noise compilation that she was forced to listen to? Now I kinda feel bad about it.

Nah she will get over it.

Momo also made a Gladiator-style shield and sword. That she attached the sword to her belt and put the shield on her back before making a double-bladed polearm. (A pole with a spear on both ends). She trained a lot with the spear and halberd over the years.

There were particle lights behind her back. She was making something in secret. I always told her to plan ahead. Her quirk allows her to counter almost anyone if she has it all planned out.

I'm looking forward to see what she has in store for me.

"Your turn Sensei" She pointed her spear at me and got in a defensive stance, waiting to counter-attack. Which is the correct move.

Attacking me is suicidal. She knows this. Probobly better than anyone.

I'm faster and stronger than her. So waiting for me to attack is the right move, she can make something to stop or mess up my attack and counter at the right moment.

"All right" I start shifting. The first thing that happened was me getting bigger. I rose to 3.5 meters my body grew proportionately to that. So my body build was still the same just bigger.

Then I started with the Animal features. First, I made the armor. Pangolin (Armodilo with large hard scales). I already made tons of modifications to it, strengthening the structure and all that. Armored scales started to form over my torso and limbs. I made scales show up in the spots there wasn't any armor. I also made bull horns come out of the sides of my head.

Next, was a tail it was similar to a raptor tail except there was a bone halberd at the end of the tail.

After that, I made my own weapon. I raised my hand and started forming my sword. The basis was the nose of the Swordfish, reinforced with bones on the inside. The sword was big and long. To match my current size.

I could have just fought her without my quirk. But she spars a lot with me in that way. I need to push her a bit more. She can get a lot stronger than she is right now.

I didn't even do anything that impressive. I didn't boost my muscles or anything. I just got bigger and made armor and a sword. That's it. Most Enchanter/Strenght-type Villians will be bigger and stronger than her. She needs to face more people of this type, people who just bulldoze through all her traps and plans.

[ Isn't this a bit overkill? I mean he is quite literally double her size right now] Mic asked Aizawa

[ This is a part of being a Hero. Hero work is dangerous. Sometimes you will have no choice but to fight people who are a lot bigger and stronger than you.] Aizawa answered

[ I know that but I still can't help but feel awkward looking at the current situation. A teenage girl is fighting against a giant Oni. Oh, Kodo started to move] Mic zoomed in on the scene.

Momo's arms started to glow, she swung her arms at me like a whip. As she was swinging her arms. Loads of objects started being thrown at me. Shuriken, Flashbangs, Grenades. Smoke bombs. Poison Smoke. You name it she threw it at me. There were dozens of each type.

Explosions lit up the stage.


[What the HELL] Mic yelled out

[Yaoyorozu is going all out. But considering who her opponent is, I'm not surprised]

[Is Kodo even still alive in there?]

Just as Mic said those words I swung my sword, clearing all the smoke. My scales were a bit scorched but I was fine.

I took a good look at Momo. She was smiling at me. Then I heard the buzzing. Above me, there were dozens of Drones flying around. Each of them was carrying something.

*Splat* *Splat*

I turn back to Momo to see her throw some slime-like substance all over the stage. Ahh, I see. She is trying to stop me from using Soru.

"Clever" I smile as I raise my sword, but before I could swing it down the drones started to bombard me, some even went all Kamikaze.

I slashed the air above me making Flying slashes that cut them apart making the explosives detonate in the air

Right as they exploded I heard multiple objects cutting the air in front of me. I knew that sound.

Arrows. 3 of them. They were rigged with explosives at the tip. She timed it with the explosives to hide their sound. If it wasn't me they would have caught anyone off guard.

I slash at the two that were going for my legs and guard the 3rd one going for the chest.

The first two exploded but the 3rd one didn't. When it hit my sword it started to foam up. High-density polyurethane foam, it surrounds the opponent before hardening, trapping them. Perfect for strength-type opponents.

Good! That's it! Use anything and everything.

"Good try Momo" I lift the sword and smash it in the stage cracking the hardened foam.

I shift my feet to become talon-like. So I have a better grip on the stage. And I dash straight at her.

Momo quickly brings out the double-edged polearm(halberd)

I lightly swung my sword at her and she parried with her halberd. She quickly spun it around and used the other end which also had a spear tip on it to strike at me. It caused some sparks as it met my Scales but that was all.

Momo seeing this grimaced. From where she parried my sword I swung it horizontally. Momo ducked under it and pointed her palm at me. There was a small device on her hand.

I raised my other arm to grab hers before my nose was assaulted by a foul smell. It smelled like rotten eggs.


But I noticed it too late. The device on her hand activated,

*Click* *WHOOOSH*

A spark was created and a torrent of fire erupted from her hand all the way to my face. No, the fire didn't erupt. The gas was already there. The fire just followed it.

[FIRE!! HOW!!!] Mic's voice boomed

The crowd started to mummer. Does she have another quirk or something like that?

The smoke cleared and I got a good look at Momo. She got some distance between us and was ready to defend herself. I had put some scales on my face to protect myself. My hair was scorched a bit. But all in all I took zero damage.

Man, that was a surprise.

I'm holding back a lot against her but she still pulled out something unexpected. I didn't teach her this,

"Propane. Very Clever. I almost didn't notice it. Actually, why didn't you fix that?" Propane gas has no odor. Propane companies add a harmless chemical called mercaptan to give it its distinctive "rotten egg" smell.

She would catch a lot of people off guard if they couldn't smell it.

" I tried. It didn't work for some reason. But still, Sensei aren't you a bit too tough? Those flames should have given you first-degree burns. But you don't even have a statch" Momo pouted a bit

"Yeah, fire won't work on me." Not exactly true. I can withstand a lot of heat in a short period of time. But if I found myself in a volcano for example I would be slowly cooked. That is without any of the extra quirks that I got.

Momo sighed "Right... Of course, it doesn't. Sensei you are getting more ridiculous by the second" She made a few more drones from her back before charging at me with her halberd.

She starts spinning that thing around as she was moving gracefully on the stage. She only stuck for my fatal spots before dodging my sword strikes. While her drones kamikazed from behind. Exploring near my back. Only to do no damage

I even started to throw some flying slashes at her every now and then.

I increased the speed of my swings as we fought. I swung my sword at her which she parried but at the same time I stuck her with my tail. Which I haven't used this entire match. I used the sharp halberd tip of my tail to cut her weapon in two.

"Damn it, forgot about that tail" She quickly threw the two separated pats at me like Javelins before bringing out her sword and shield.

The next 2 minutes or so I tested out her sword skills and Marital Arts. She punched, kicked, parried, slashed and blocked at the right moments. She moved with grace and precision. She is somewhere between Intermediate and Advanced levels in both. More to the Advanced.

But the 'spar' changed when Momo suddenly threw 3 small glass marbles at me. I didn't know what they were so I batted them with my sword only for them to explode on impact. Destroying my sword and sending me flying back for a few meters

[Another Explosion? But how could Marbles explode?] Mic asked the question that the crowd wanted to say

I look at my sword. Or what was left of it. Only a bit of the 'blade' was attached to the handle. I threw the thing away.

"It was Nitroglycerin wasn't it?"

"Yep~" Momo puffed up her chest a bit.

Nitroglycerin ( is a highly unstable liquid that explodes 25 times faster and with 3 times the energy of gunpowder.

It's also what our unfriendly neighborhood bomber sweats out to make his explosions.

[Is that even legal?] Mic asks, unsure on how to follow through with Momo using such a highly unstable explosive

" You let Bakugo fight with explosions. And don't give me some shit about it being his quirk. Momo made it with her quirk. The end result is the same. Who gives a damn if the process is different" I really hate how many restrictions they put on Momo's quirk and people like her.

Things are better now since she can decompose the stuff she made. But in her early childhood, she was forbidden to make a lot of stuff by the government. Like swords and guns, gold and shit like that. Since she can basically Arm and Fund her own army.

If her parents weren't that powerful and I wasn't there I doubt her childhood would have gone as smoothly as it went.

[Kodo is right. Same result, different process. Proceed with the Match] Aizawa stopped Mic from wasting any time.

Momo didn't waste any time. She started to carefully throw those marbles. I had no chance of catching those. They blow up on impact. So I dodged them while advancing.

She stopped with the Nitroglycerin. She used Soru to appear in front of me and raised her sword.

I raised my arm to block with my hardened scales. But what happened next was totally unexpected


My severed arm hit the stage.


A large gash appeared on my chest as blood started to flow out.

She cut through my scales. How?

I focus on the Blade only to hear some light buzzing. I use my quirk to quickly change my ears, increasing my hearing.

The sword was buzzing. It was using Ultrasonic vibrations on the blade itself. She made a Vibroblade.

I looked up to see her expression behind her mask. Her eyes were wide with tears forming in them, her face paled as her blood drained from her face


"Holy shit!"

"She cut him!"

"Kodo died"


People started to panic and scream

Midnight yells out "Medic"

I did the only thing I could do. I laughed.

I started laughing harder and harder. The Arena went deathly quiet. My laughter echo in the silent arena

"You actually cut me? That's my girl. I'm so fucking proud!" I laughed even harder than before


"Sensei?" Momo's voice trembled.

I started to shift. My ears changed. They turned into 3 pink horns with some small pink hairs on them. I grabbed my hand and reattach it to the severed stump.

Steam started to come out of my wounds as they slowly closed and healed.

[Axolotl of course. Kodo is like the Animal kingdom combined into one being. There are many animals that can heal or regrow a lost limb] Aizawa explained his realization

[You have to be kidding me. is there anything this guy can't do?!] Mic yelled out, the crowd found themselves slumped back in their seats

Momo's face goes red as she realized what happened. And what's been happening this whole match.

"Sensei you moron! I thought I killed you! Why did you hold back so much against me?! My heart almost stopped!!!" Her armored body starts glowing and a Cannon appeared on the stage.

She quickly fired the canon ball at me causing the people behind me to panic.

With a large smile, I just grab it out of the air, pull it away from me and crush it making it explode. It looked like I made an explosion from my hand.

I slowly turned back into my normal form.


I appeared in front of Momo before she could even move. I swung my clawed hands around, riping her Riot Armor apart. Mostly the headgear and the parts around her shoulders and neck. I quickly put my hand on the top of her head.

She was stunned.

"Momo.." I said softly

She closed her eyes and lower her head. She lost and she knew it.


"Huh!" Momo looked at me with shock and confusion.

I grin at her and yell out loudly with pride.

"Yaoyorozu Momo. I officially declare that you have passed your apprenticeship!"

Momo's brain shut down.



""" EHHHHHHH"""""


Is it just me? Or did anyone else notice how it feels like Momo has become the Main Character in this Arc?

I mean for real. It just turned out this way.

Man this chap took a lot out of me.

Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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