8.94% Cheat Awakening ( Rewritten ) / Chapter 49: Chapter 49. Orcs Can Talk?

บท 49: Chapter 49. Orcs Can Talk?



F*ck, so close, just a little bit nearer and I was done for, Myne thought while dodging an upcoming mace attack.

Why are there so many Orcs coming my way today? Don't they have any other work to do like attacking small villages or kidnapping women, etc, rather than wandering around the forest? Myne thought and quickly cast a wind blade and harvest the final Orc's life. Only then did he take a deep breath and set down under a tree for some rest.

This time situation was really quite bad, who would have thought that while I am killing a three men Org team, out of nowhere 6 Orcs come and start using their skills on me crazily, Thank god that I have my Wind shield skill active the whole time, which brought me enough time to adapt, otherwise things could surely go out of control, Myne thought with a serious look on his face, but soon he retunes normal, and after taking some hot food from his Inventory, he starts eating his lunch as it is already been afternoon.

Half a day has passed and I am still wandering in the forest alone like a ghost, sigh, this is really quite boring. At least I found the right way to return home, now, I only hope that no new Orc comes in my way to give me more trouble but with my current levels of bad luck, I don't think that's going to happen, there are definitely more troubles waiting for me ahead, Myne said helplessly while drinking juice in the cup.

Soon Myne finishes his lunch while reading a short but unique female lead novel, where the main character was a young girl who got the superpower of lust, and every time sex with someone she would absorb her partner's life energy to increase her power, overall MC was a bad girl who f*cked up everyone who comes in her way, although the story was short and MC have to die, in the end, because she sucks the dry up too many people openly and in fear that she would become so powerful that no one can stop her or maybe because Author was too lazy to writer any farther, a group of people gang up on her and successfully killed her, which doesn't make sense as how the hell those weak people manage to kill her, but anyway, even though story ending was literally shit, but it manager to entertain Myne and refresh his tired brain.

Then Myne wrapped up everything and resumed his journey home. But as he predicted just after walking 1 km away from the location where he ate his lunch, an Orc team of 7 members, were running toward him at full speed, as if they already know where Myne is. But what surprised Myne was the leading Orc of 7 member squad, an old looking Orc wearing a big black and red colored robe, a weird looking ornament made of mostly bones of various creatures, holding a wooden stick with a big red color crystal on top of it.

"Huh? An Orc Priest?? Now, this is quite rare, but most importantly how the hell those guys are finding my location??? This time I didn't even made any kind of sound, at all" Myne said with a frown. "There's definitely something fishy going on here."

Also If I am not wrong then Orc Priest is an A-Rank monster described in the adventure guild's encyclopedia of the most dangerous creatures. In the book, the author said that An Orc Priest can only be subjugated by several tens of high-rank adventurers or powerful knights. And after seeing the Orc Priest one of Myne's guesses also confirms that there is indeed an Orc King hiding in the settlement. Because not only Orc Priest known as bodyguards and brain of Orc king but only an Orc King have enough authority that he can force an Orc Priest to do patrolling. After all, those guys have quite a high status among other orcs so how can they come out of settlement thier own and do a puny thing like patrolling?

[ Name: Ormanulunas ( Orc・Priest)

LV: 44

Race: Demon Race

Gender: Male

Age: 45 y/o

Title: Life Sucker


Soul Eyes, Presence Detect ( Medium )


God Touch, Warrior Halo, Life Absorption, ]

[ Name: Orama( Orc・Dark Knight )

LV: 25

Race: Demon Race

Gender: Male

Age: 19 y/o


AoE Magic・Earth Maximum, Dark Attribute・Resistance


Roar, Cover of Night, Silent Step, Charge, Smash ]

[ Name: Orbalion ( Orc ・General )

LV: 32

Race: Demon Race

Gender: Male

Age: 23 y/o


One-handed Blade, Twin Blades・Extreme


Roar, Charge, Smash, Rage, Slash.

[ Life Sucker ( Title ) ]

When the Host by any means sucked more than 100 creatures/people's souls and merge them with his own soul then Host gets this title.

Title effect: 1. Increase mental power by 30%.

2. Energy consumption of soul type skills/abilities reduce by 40%.

3. Unstable an impure soul. ( High chance to lost reasonability and thinking ability if Host's soul is polluted too much.)

F*ck, is this title some kind of curse received from the demon or something? Otherwise, how can its side effect is so horrific? Myne thought dumbfounded. But wait a minute if this title is really so dangerous then why there is no 'Negative' mark on it, like other titles which I saw before? Also now if I think about it since this title is so hideous then why it doesn't show any side effect on the Perist Orc? He doesn't look mentally ill from any angle. Hum, since this guy is completely fine then there is only one answer to this question and that is he has a way to clean impurity in his soul. Yes, now this sounds reasonable, Myne thought while nodding his head.

[ Soul Eyes ]

After activating this skill Host can see the things which can't be seen through the naked eye. Special creatures like ghosts or invisible demons who are always stay hidden from most people and after raising the skill levels to a certain limit, there is also a chance that Host can see various energies around him.

[ Presence Detect ( Medium ) ]

Can detect or find any living things in 500 meters radius around the Host.

[ AoE Magic・Earth Maximum ]

Create two giant hands from the earth and can control them like they are Host's own hands through the [ mind. ]

[ One-handed Blade ]

Mastery of learning one-handed blade related techniques would increase by 2 times.

[ Twin Blades・Extreme ]

Can shoot high pressure wind blades through any kind of cold weapon with a little amount of concentration and muscle control.

Special Note: Only use this skill one time a day until Host doesn't make his body strong enough to withstand the impact of his skill.

Sigh, although now I am being a little greedy but compared to that Orc Priest's abilities, his skills are quite disappointing, not only their abilities don't have any restrictions or side-effects but their power is also unique in certain areas, Myne thought while transferring all Orcs skills to himself and Abilities to a nearby tree while making it most powerful tree.

Just as Myne completing shamelessly, the Orc team finally comes in from of him and without giving him any chance they try to use their various skills and abilities to deal with Myne once and for all but soon they found out a problem that no matter how much they try to use their skills and abilities, they can't use them.

After a moment of panic, while other Orcs was in confusion and fear, The Orc Priest come back to his sense and start scouting something to his subordinates, which not only calm down those scared Orcs but also lit up their battle spirit, clearly that guy didn't waste his 40+ years of life in vain.

Soon newly motivated cannon fodder Orcs roared loudly and after rising their weapons high, they rushed toward Myne without even a little bit of fear in their eyes. As for Orc Priest that guy after giving an unknown motivational speech didn't take action just stood in the background while watching everything calmly.

Myne seeing that Orcs are just 3 meters away from him, finally decides to take action. He raises his right hand toward the incoming Orcs and releases AoE Wind Maximum. Because of too little distance to dodge, those Orcs who mindlessly wanted to kill Myne can't do anything and were soon swallowed by the wind Tornado.


Loud scream of Orcs echoes in the forest but it quickly dies down and peace again retunes in the forest. For Myne, there is nothing new in killing some weak Orcs, so, of course, he was calm as sea, but The Orc Priest as if he saw a ghost, start trembling while staring at Myne with his mouth open wide. But soon he come out from his shock and slowly he raise his foot and took a step back out of fear, clearly he understand that today his luck is not on his side and he kick an iron plate unknowingly.

Huh? Is this guy trying to run away from me?? Now, this is something new, most of the Orcs whom I meet before no matter what the situation was, never show this kind of cowardice behavior, is he special among Orcs or does only high level Orcs have enough wisdom to understand when to fight and when to give up instead of mindlessly fighting with an opponent without carrying about anything else??? Myne thought curiously.

But just as Orc Priest was turning around to run, while showing his defenseless back to Myne, as if he was hit hard by something, he suddenly lose his balance and fell to the ground.

Seeing the miserable condition of The Orc Priest, Myne nodded his head with satisfaction and spoke, "Why are leaving so soon? Don't you want to meet me so depressingly that you guys are searching for my whereabouts in the entire forest?? Now you finally found me but want to leave me alone here without saying anything, Isn't this is little rude?"

Although Myne know that Orcs can't understand his language as he try it many times before but failed quite miserably and only get all kind of attackers from Orcs in retune, but after thinking for a while Myne thought that since Orc Priest is a super high level monster among in Orc race, and so maybe who knows it can communicate with him, anyway there is nothing to lose, and if possible then Myne didn't mind wasting a little bit of time to understand Orc language.

As Myne stop talking, At first The Orc Priest didn't make any kind of movement for entire 30 seconds just silently starring at Myne with a hesitated look, but soon as if Orc Priest made a certain decision, he looked up at Myne as he still sitting on the ground and open his mouth and let out a deep sigh...

"What da ya want, Hume?" Ormanulunas spoke with a poker face while trying to hide his killing intent toward Myne.

F*ck! So Orcs can really talk in the Hume language? Although his pronunciation is not correct but that is not important what is more important is that he can actually talk and I can finally get some information out of him, and understand what going on here. Also what the hell are those guys doing in this remote and deserted forest, Myne thought, and subconsidencely asked, "You can talk?"

"Af caurse, I can talk, atherwise what da ya thaught that anly Hume can talk with other? When a monster have sufficient pawer, it can naturally cammunicate with other creatures,"" Ormanulunas said with a disdainful expression.

Amn, you have point, but if that is the case then why I can't communicate with other Orcs?" Myne said surprisedly.

"Well... I can't answer yaur this question, this is a personal matter of Orcs, and outsiders are nat allowed to learn about it," Ormanulunas said after hesitating for a while staring at Myne deeply.

"Hum, It seems like my guess was right. Those guys are just lazy asses who only have fight and sex in their green muscular brains, and are too lazy to learn other languages, am I right?" Myne asked with a playful smile.

Hearing Myne insulting words, although Ormanulunas wanted to defend his race's people somehow, but even after thinking for a while, he can't find anything worth mention reason and in the end, he can only vent his anger on the ground.

"Okay, let's forget about it, tell me one thing, why are you guys searching for me so depressingly? I don't think I did anything to anger you guys right?" Myne asked with an innocent look on his face. Although he indeed has killed a lot of Orc recently but he did everything professionally without leaving any clue or survival behind, who can send information about him back to the settlement and inform anyone about him, that's why Myne is puzzled and can't figure out how the hell those Orcs know about him.

"Sarry, this is also a secret of Orc's tried and I can't tell anything about to an outsider," Ormanulunas again said the same nonsense while shaking his head but this time before he could even stop shaking his head, a big fireball appear in front of his eyes.

Feeling scorching temperature from the upcoming fireball, Ormanulunas subconsciously rolls side and narrowly dodges the fireball attack.

"Listen carefully, you f*cker, currently you are not in the position to make demands in front of me, you are still alive because you have some value, and I wanted to know more about your Orcs communication system, otherwise do you think that I have so much free time that I will causally talk with you like a friend? So now honestly answer what I ask and don't make me force use some alternative methods to spit out answers from your mouth," Myne said in coldly while making an aggressive look on his face.

Although Ormanulunas is more than 40+ years old, and have seen more than enough world, that a low level threat from a teenager can't scare him, but for some reason, after hearing Myne's words, Ormanulunas felt as if what Myne said is complete truth and if he didn't do what he said, then his end might not be peaceful he thinks.

So after thinking pros and cons of the situation, Ormanulunas took a deep Sigh and helplessly spoke, "We found out about ya through our spy, they are everywhere near the settlement, the day you follow those Orcs and found the settlement, we already know about ya, and even send some Orcs to deal with ya but you survive. Today, after you come into the forest alone, we send more Orcs to deal with ya, but again an accident happened in midway. I don't know about the real situation, but it seems like some idiot ignited a big fire in the forest and woke up The Guardian Beaste of this forest, and create a big mess. Because of this not only we lost a lot of our people but also can't kill ya, in the end, The King didn't want to lose more people so send me to kill ya and investigate which braindead idiot caused so much trouble in the forest," Ormanulunas said weakly while starring at the sky.

"Now, this makes sense why do you guys know about me but why I didn't see any of your spies in so many days? And also what is the Guardian Beast you are talking about?" Myne asked curiously, although the matter of Orcs having spies is important but it is not much serious threat for Myne. he is now powerful enough to deal with most of the Orcs, but he is more interested in that Guardian Besate of Ormanulunas's mouth, who can make a giant water tried just with its roar alone, is defiantly a big trouble in Myne's dream of conquering this entire forest.

After hearing Myne's question, at first, Ormanulunas hesitate a little bit but after Myne shot a wind bullet at Ormanuluna's thig, making him cry in pain, he again starts talking obediently.

"We Orcs are a little different from other races, we have a high talent in taming animals and monsters, and because of this after generations of hard work we finally create a special technique to tame birds and made their eyes of our Orcs trie, with help of Tame birds, we can observe all nearby locations and any kind of movement can't hide from our bird's eye. As for Information about the Guardian Beast, we themselves don't know much about it and only hear legends about it which say that there is a big beast lives in the center of the forest but because no one comes alive after going there, so no one knows if it is true of wrong, but after today's incident I think legend might be not completely wrong," Ormanulunas said after thinking for a while.

So in this way, you those Orcs were able to find my location so easily. It turns out that they have air surveillance to monitor all nearby areas around the settlement but it seems like because of some reason those spy birds can only move around near the settlement otherwise it won't take them so much time to know about me, and they also only find out about me every time I was near the settlement, but no matter what to say, using birds to spying on your opponent is really a brilliant method, also...

While Myne was lost in thoughts, Ormanulunas who was sitting on the ground with an innocent expression, suddenly took out a red crystal like a red color rock from his pocket and while Myne wasn't paying attention to him, he crushed it with his hand while making a crisp sound like glass shattering sound.

Oops, The King didn't mention that this thing would make noise after breaking it. Today, my luck is really not good, First I had a fight with my wife and now I become captive of this dangerous Hume, SIgh, such a poor old man am I... Ormanulunas thought while slowly raising his head, but after looking up what greet him is the cold and angry eyes of Myne.

"So, do you have any last wish before you say goodbye to this world?" Myne asked with a smile that doesn't look like a smile.

"Will ya believe me if I say that it was just an accident?" Ormanulunas asked while standing up from the ground, with the help of his wooden stick with a red crystal on top of it.

" So this is your last wish, huh, although it is quite unique but anyway, who am I who judges other people? Also No, I don't believe in your nonsense," Myne said and shot two fireballs at Ormanuluna's face.

Ormanulunas after seeing that he can no longer steal any more time, put away his fake mask of being weak, and just as two fireballs come in front of him, he smashes the butt of his wooden stick on the ground, and a firewall suddenly appears in front of him out of thin air, blocking Myne's fireball with ease.

"Hohoho, Let's start the game...

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    Stone -- หินพลัง








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