96.42% Naruto : The System Files / Chapter 81: Chapter no.81 Be the Best

บท 81: Chapter no.81 Be the Best

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Inoichi Yamanaka was up early, bustling around the kitchen as he prepared a lavish breakfast spread for his daughter, Ino. Today was a big day—her first mission outside the village walls.

The table was covered with all her favorites: a variety of onigiri filled with umeboshi, salmon, and tuna mayo, alongside a fresh salad, a fruit bowl and steaming miso soup.

As he cooked, he couldn't help but smile, though a part of him was churned with concern.

Ino hadn't mentioned her nerves about the mission, but Inoichi had seen the subtle signs: the slight tension in her shoulders, her forced cheerfulness, and her avoidance of discussing the details of the trip. He planned to create a comforting atmosphere at breakfast, hoping it would encourage her to open up to her parents before she left.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the familiar lazy drawl of Shikaku Nara from the window.

"I'll take a plate," Shikaku announced as he stepped inside.

"This is for my princess, not for you, you lazy bum," Inoichi retorted with a mock scowl, although a grin tugged at his lips.

Shikaku yawned, stretching languidly like a tranquilized sloth.

"Would you mind also lecturing Shikamaru?"

"Who do you think I am?" Inoichi pulled out three binder files from a cabinet, each labeled with a name. "I've already prepared different lectures based on their psychological profiles."

"Of course you have," Shikaku replied, settling down at the table with a resigned sigh.

Just then, the door swung open, and an excited Ino stepped out. Both seasoned ninjas could tell she was extremely nervous but was putting on a brave front, which was normal. Inoichi's heart twinged slightly; he knew that most children grew up sheltered within the safety of Konoha's walls. Stepping beyond into an unknown world brought the true fear of the unknown.

"Hello there, Uncle Shikaku," Ino greeted, bowing slightly. Shikaku waved his hand lazily in response.

"Another day, another excitement, am I right?" Shikaku lazily.

'Like Lazy father, like lazy son,' Ino thought.

"Yeah, I'll leave you two to your business," Ino said, grabbing some fruit and quickly leaving the room. Inoichi sighed softly; even though Ino had left her diet for months; her excitement and nervousness for the mission meant she was neglecting the essentials.

"Can I eat the rest?"

"No, the food is for the kids," Inoichi snapped back, as Shikaku lazily began eating a fruit bowl.

"You know, at least have the decency to come through the front door next time."

"Too troublesome."

"Too troublesome to come from the front, yet not troublesome enough to skip out on your nap and cloud gazing," Inoichi remarked, his tone laced with incredulity. He knew full well that his friend wouldn't bother doing anything strenuous this early unless it was absolutely necessary.

"What do you need?"

"Help in dealing with a certain hawk and a ninetail cub," Shikaku said, using his chopsticks to punctuate his words toward the blonde man in question.

Closing his eyes, Inoichi focused on his sensory abilities. As the strongest sensor in Konoha—discounting the Hyuga Clan—the head of T&I could feel everything within a 12-block radius. He smiled faintly as he sensed Ino meeting with Shikamaru and Choji, confirming their safety.

"All clear."

"Good," Shikaku replied, then proceeded to update Inoichi on everything he had discovered. Each piece clicked together like a puzzle in Inoichi's mind, revealing a larger, more complex picture.

"What's the next plan?"

"Pass me the miso soup," Shikaku said nonchalantly, as if they were not discussing matters of national security. Inoichi wondered briefly if it would be worth the trouble to throw the lazy bum out of his window.

"Also, the salt," Shikaku added, glancing briefly at the salt shaker just a few inches away from his hand.

Inoichi's eye twitched in annoyance as he stood to make some coffee.

Right now, he needed a cup more than ever.


Naruto's clone was diligently maintaining watch over Mr. Higurashi in the hospital room, concealed by the Sensory Mirror Wall Seal. The strategy he had devised was straightforward: each day, he would seal a clone into a storage scroll and stow the scroll in his inventory. The original clone would then retrieve the scroll and replace the previous one.

Every clone was tasked with upholding the Spirit Possession Skill—taking no chances was paramount.

As Naruto's clone stood vigilant, he suddenly sensed a presence behind the door. A shiver of unease rippled through him, and before he could react, his body began to betray him. His eyes darted downward, catching sight of a shadow stretching ominously from under the door toward him. It felt like his limbs were no longer his to control; they were heavy, responding to some external command.

The door creaked open, and Shikaku stepped through, a tiger seal formed with his hands.

"Walk forward!"

Helplessly, Naruto felt his body comply. He was aware of each movement, yet he couldn't resist. His legs moved mechanically, one foot in front of the other, as if he were a puppet being drawn by invisible strings. His mind screamed for control, to stop, to resist, but his body wouldn't listen.

As Naruto's foot crossed the boundary of the seal, the room erupted in a blinding flash. The intense light shattered the shadow possession jutsu holding him, giving him a moment of freedom.

Seizing the moment, Naruto swiftly executed Kunai Bukijutsu, hurling several kunai into the floor. To an untrained eye, the pattern seemed random, scattered across the dimly lit room.

However, Shikaku understood the tactic immediately.

The kunai were strategically placed to manipulate the shadows, forcing his shadow possession jutsu to take a less direct, elevated route. The jutsu, which naturally followed the path of least resistance through shadows, was cleverly outmaneuvered.

The boy had discerned this weakness in mere moments, a feat that left Shikaku both impressed and bewildered.

"Who is this kid?"

Naruto leapt onto the kunai, his movements too swift for the shadow possession to recapture him. The kunai served as stepping stones.

Mid-air, Naruto's body coiled like a spring before he unleashed a side whip kick.

With a swift, fluid motion, his leg arced through the air, aiming directly at Shikaku.

Shikaku raised his arms just in time to intercept the blow. His forearms met Naruto's foot with a solid thud, absorbing the impact of the kick.

However, the moment his foot connected with Shikaku's arms, a blast of chakra erupted from Naruto's foot. The force was overwhelming, sending Shikaku flying backward, his arm shattering under the impact. As he reeled from the blow, Shikaku managed a half-hearted ram sign, and spikes from his shadow shot out in a desperate counterattack.

Ninjutsu Art: Shadow Impalement!

Naruto mid air and immediately took a firing stance, channeling his chakra.

Wind Style: Zephyr's Arrow.

Just as Naruto was about to release the jutsu, a wave of disruptive chakra washed over him. It was as disorienting as a genjutsu, but without the accompanying illusion—instead, his own nervous system seemed to rebel, throwing his senses into chaos.

Ninjutsu Art: Mind Disturbance!

The jutsu immediately prevented Naruto and Shikaku from killing each other.

Before the clone could regain his bearings or call for the original Naruto, Inoichi appeared between them, forming a ram hand sign.

"Both of you stop it!"

"Mr. Inoichi?!" Naruto gasped, surprised by the sudden intervention.

"Inoichi, who is this young ANBU?"

"Naruto, what are you doing here?"

Shikaku frowned, deep in thought.

He had been aware that Naruto was to join ANBU, but he hadn't expected to encounter the boy here, in such a clandestine setting. The brief skirmish had revealed aspects of Naruto's skill that were far beyond what one might expect from a recent academy graduate.

'I see why Danzo wants you,' Shikaku thought, replaying the fight in his mind. Naruto had employed an invisibility seal detectable only by a powerful sensor, which then broke into a flash seal capable of disorienting even a seasoned jonin. He had quickly identified and exploited the weakness of a jutsu after just one encounter, devised a counter-strategy within seconds, and executed it flawlessly. On top of that, he displayed a wind jutsu Shikaku had never seen before, likely his own creation.

Taking a deep breath, Shikaku acknowledged the analysis was... troublesome.

So troublesome, in fact, that had Naruto been an enemy ninja, Shikaku was sure he would have sacrificed an arm to win the encounter.

"I am a clone," Naruto's voice cut through Shikaku's thoughts, adding another layer of surprise.

A shadow clone was typically weaker than the original—how strong was this boy, really?

'Looks like your son inherited your talent... Eh, Minato.'

Naruto's gaze was that of someone who missed nothing, the eyes of an observer, perceptive and calculating, revealing a mind always at work, always analyzing

'This boy is hiding a lot,' Shikaku concluded, recognizing a depth in Naruto that was beyond an average Nara's insight.

[ Name: Inoichi Yamanaka ]

[ Role: Head of T&I, Head of the Yamanaka Clan ]

[ Level: 20 ]

[ Allies: Konoha ]


[ Name: Shikaku Nara ]

[ Role: Head of the Jonin Council, Head of the Nara Clan ]

[ Level: 20 ]

[ Allies: Konoha ]

"Looks like you two aren't part of Root," Naruto stated, catching Inoichi and Shikaku off guard.

"Why do you say that?" Inoichi asked cautiously.

"I don't see any labels on you."

"What does that mean?"

"The Root have this weird Fuinjutsu on them that I have learned how to detect," Naruto leaned back, his explanation partly a lie. Well, he had seen a strange sealing jutsu destroy Fuu Yamanaka's body and had seized upon this detail as a plausible cover for his observer feat.

Inoichi and Shikaku exchanged a knowing look and nodded.

[ Alert: World Quest ]

[ Quest Title: Uncover Root ]

[ Description: Shikaku Nara and Inoichi Yamanaka are on a mission from the Hokage to dig up any information they can about Root and what they had done to people close to Uzumaki Naruto and why it wasn't reported on. ]

[ Objective: Aid them in their mission. ]

[ Result: Based on actions taken ]

[ Failure: Danzo Shimura will run away ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]

Looks like even a clone can get quests.

Naruto ran his tongue against his cheek thoughtfully as he looked at the two older men before him. A hint of a mischievous smile played at the edges of his lips.

The wheels in his mind were turning, already formulating a plan.


Hiruzen sat behind his desk in the Hokage office, the shadows around him slightly stirred by the silent presence of his ANBU guards. He could feel their eyes on him, always watching, always vigilant. Yet, the irony did not escape him; in what should have been the safest place in Konoha, he felt compromised.

How many of them are working for Danzo?

He drew a long drag from his pipe, the smoke swirling around him as he closed his eyes briefly, savoring the momentary escape it provided.

I hope you can get me some answers, Shikaku.

"Hokage-sama, Jonin Shikaku is here to meet you," his secretary's voice came from the intercom, snapping him back to the present.

That was quick.

It had barely been two hours since their last discussion—could Shikaku have discovered something critical about Root in such a short span? Shikaku was indeed an espionage expert, but even for him, this seemed unusually fast.


"Let him in," Hiruzen instructed, straightening in his chair as he prepared to receive them.

A minute later, Shikaku and Inoichi entered the room. Although Hiruzen initially focused on the duo, his attention was quickly drawn to Inoichi's right hand, where he subtly channeled chakra into something invisible. The shadows around the room shifted as the ANBU guards on duty sensed the irregularity. Despite Inoichi's trusted status, he was not exempt from scrutiny, and the tension in the room was palpable as he continued to conceal whatever he held.

Suddenly, a surge of chakra, potent enough to belong to a high Chunin, erupted from beneath Inoichi's palm, shattering the transformation jutsu he had been maintaining.

A heavy thud echoed as something—or someone—hit the floorboards.

Hiruzen's eyes snapped to the source of the noise, and he saw one of his ANBU guards on the floor, surrounded by an orange glow. Almost instantaneously, Shikaku's shadows sprang into action, extending like vines to trap the remaining ANBU guards and lunging toward the fallen one, who exploded into a swarm of insects.

In response, Hiruzen released his own chakra, a powerful force that despite its age, blazed like kindling fire, hot enough to burn away all deceit and danger in its path. Yet, even with the threat of the Hokage's power, the swarm did not relent, moving aggressively towards Shikaku.

Hiruzen stepped between the insects and Shikaku, his hands stretched forward, from which chakra strings extended and formed a dense web, trapping the insect swarm. As the ANBU re-materialized, Hiruzen slammed him into the floor with a force that echoed throughout the room.

"What a disgusting Fuinjutsu," a voice called out.

Hiruzen turned sharply, his eyes widening as he saw Naruto standing over the downed man. Before Hiruzen could inquire further, a surge of chakra burst from the man, his body disintegrating into ashes.

"Burning Man Suicide Seal!"

Hiruzen muttered under his breath, his gaze shifting to Naruto, who nodded in confirmation. To Hiruzen's astonishment, he no longer saw the familiar, carefree demeanor of his grandson; instead, Naruto bore the serious, cold visage of Minato, his father.


"We killed the Root ANBU stationed near you."

Hiruzen's mind reeled with shock and confusion, struggling to grasp the full implications of what had just transpired. The room felt suddenly smaller, the walls closing in as he turned to Shikaku and Inoichi, who were still holding off the other ANBU from attacking.

"Stand down!"

Hiruzen rubbed his eyes wearily as he pored over the files spread before him about Fuu Yamanaka. The details outlined the life of a child born from the union of a Yamanaka clan member and a civilian. Average academy scores, delayed progression to Chunin after years in the Genin reserves, and a current position in Konoha's barrier squad.

The only notable thing was that this man was a Member of Root.

The implications of his role in the barrier squad were troubling—this position could facilitate undetected entries and exits from the village, likely manipulated by Danzo. It was a strategic position that could shield many of Danzo's covert operations.

The thought that Danzo could be concealing his chakra signature, or even replacing it with another, was distressing. If Fuu were ever compromised, Danzo would still be free to operate in the shadows. Hiruzen exhaled a deep, tired sigh, his frustration palpable. He looked across his desk at Naruto, Shikaku, and Inoichi, who sat quietly.

"Good job, you three, but Danzo is going to be on high alert now," Hiruzen said, the disappointment clear in his voice. The reason he and Dragon had maintained such secrecy was precisely to catch Danzo off-guard—a plan now potentially compromised.

"I think you should look at the bright side."

Hiruzen gave Inoichi a weary look.

"We have confirmed who the enemy is."

The Third Hokage could only sigh. At least, he conceded, they were no longer speculating in the dark. Yet, the thought of Danzo operating unchecked was a significant concern.

"Hokage-sama," Naruto's voice brought Hiruzen back to the present.

"Dragon set my original body to on-field training."

This piece of news set Hiruzen's mind racing. Of everyone involved, Dragon was the only one who saw the full picture. If he had deemed it necessary to send Naruto out for training, it suggested that Konoha might no longer be safe for the boy. Alternatively, the outside could be a trap designed to ensnare Naruto.

Hiruzen trusted the man to not put the boy in danger, so he concluded it must be the former reason. This belief was further reinforced by Fuu Yamanaka's involvement in the barrier team.

'Looks like our plans have changed,' Hiruzen thought ruefully.

Dragon had initially wanted Naruto to be a mediator in their discussions, but as was often the case in the life of a ninja, plans rarely stayed fixed.

As Hiruzen studied the young man before him, he could not help but note that this version of Naruto, with his serious demeanor and cold, calculating eyes, bore a striking resemblance to Minato, Naruto's father. It was a jarring contrast to the boisterous, often goofy boy.

The old Hokage felt his throat dry as a troubling thought resurfaced, one that Inoichi had once voiced—was the Naruto they knew merely a deliberate mask? With a slight tremble in his voice, Hiruzen asked, "Am I talking to the real Naruto?"

"The real Naruto was always the boy you knew," the clone replied.

Hiruzen's gaze flicked to Inoichi, who gave a slow blink in acknowledgment. A wave of relief washed over the old leader, soothing the gnawing anxiety in his chest. The thought that the cheerful, spirited Naruto might have been a façade all along was unsettling, and Hiruzen was grateful to dismiss such fears.

"Who is this Naruto then?"

"The Naruto that knows this isn't the time to goof around," the clone began, his tone serious. "The Naruto that knows someone close to him got hurt and that he can't afford to take the situation lightly. I'll laugh with my friends, but on the field, there is no time for my stupidity."

Hiruzen listened intently, frankly impressed by the maturity the boy displayed. It was evident that Naruto had grown significantly.

Hiruzen felt a surge of guilt as he realized how much Naruto had grown ... No, warped.

Dragon's grave words haunted him now more than ever: "Being a ninja will warp him, Hiruzen. Now you must decide if it will also kill him or not."

As the weight of those words settled in, the lines on his face deepening with worry. His hands trembled almost imperceptibly as he clasped them together on his desk.

"Naruto, why is Danzo after you?"

The clone casually raised his finger, activating a rune of Telekinesis.

Effortlessly, he floated a pen towards himself.

"I don't know if Danzo knows this or wants to know this, but I have the Uzumaki clan's legacy sealed into my bloodline. I can learn any skills that the Uzumaki clan had."

The lie was delivered with such finesse that not even Hiruzen, Shikaku, or Inoichi could detect any deceit. His tone was steady, his gaze unwavering; there was nothing in his demeanor that suggested he was doing anything but stating a simple fact.

The trio's reaction was one of immediate shock. The Uzumaki clan was the backbone of Uzushiogakure. The mere possibility that Naruto might possess and could potentially wield the full extent of Uzumaki techniques implied that he represented a power formidable enough to rival that of the Five Great Ninja Villages. The implications of such a claim were staggering, sending ripples of disbelief and fear through the room.

In that moment, Hiruzen ceased to be merely Naruto's 'Jiji', and solidified into the Third Hokage. The revelation of Naruto's supposed secret—the immense potential of a Nine Tails Jinchuriki combined with the power of the Uzumaki clan—was absolutely terrifying. Such a union could elevate Naruto to a position akin to the future God of Shinobi.

Despite the enormity of this disclosure, Hiruzen knew he had to act.

The idea of eliminating Naruto for the sake of village safety was abhorrent; such a notion made Hiruzen recoil internally, disgusted even by the fleeting thought. Naruto was not only his surrogate grandson and the son of the Fourth Hokage, but a young man who had just placed immense trust in them by sharing this secret.

He owed Naruto the same level of trust the boy had afforded them.

At that moment, as Hiruzen looked upon Naruto, he couldn't help but feel that the young ninja before him possessed a genius surpassing even that of Itachi or Minato. With a weight of responsibility pressing upon him, he asked the same question he had posed to those two before.

"What is your goal?"

Minato had responded with a firm resolve. "I want to be given a chance to prove myself, to show that I can accomplish great things, even though I was born a civilian."

Itachi, with his eyes deep and thoughtful, had said, "I want to find a way to peace."

As these replies echoed in his mind, Hiruzen awaited Naruto's answer with a weighted breath.

"I want to protect."

"And that entails?"

"Killing Shimura Danzo."

Hiruzen gave a mechanical nod, the motion betraying none of the tumultuous emotions swirling within him.

'Looks like your time has come, my old friend,' Hiruzen thought grimly, regarding the man who had been both a teammate and a thorn in his side yet, the old man could not help but think, somewhat ironically.

At least you'll serve Konoha's betterment with your death.

[ Alert: World Quest ]

[ Quest Title: Alliance ]

[ Description: Hiruzen Sarutobi offers his help. ]

[ Objectives: ]

- [ Accept Hiruzen Sarutobi's help. ]

- [ Make a plan with Shikaku Nara to fish out Danzo. ]

- [ Learn from the 3rd Hokage. ]


[ Result: ]

- [ Ally: Hiruzen Sarutobi, Shikaku Nara, and Inoichi Yamanaka. ]

- [ +200 Reputation with Konoha, Sarutobi, Yamanaka, Nara, and Akamichi clans. ]

- [ ? ]

- [ ? ]

- [ ? ]


[ Failure: ]

- [ Death of the 3rd Hokage. ]

- [ Shimura Danzo becoming the 5th Hokage. ]

- [ Status: Slave Seal, Mindwash. ]

- [ Title: Root Operative. ]

- [ ? ]

- [ ? ]

- [ ? ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]


Ino Yamanaka's mood was anger as she sat on the fresh, springy grass of the training ground. She bit into her apple with more force than necessary.

"He's late," she growled under her breath.

Shikamaru merely opened one eye at her complaint, gave her a brief look, and closed it again, unbothered.

"Choji, give her your chips."

"But these are limited edition Suna spice chips," Choji protested, a few crumbs escaping his mouth as he spoke. Shikamaru gave him a pointed look, clearly exasperated. The duo knew that Choji cherished those chips like a rare treasure and would only bring them out if he thought he was going to die soon.

'This is just a mission outside the village, Choji, not a war,' Shikamaru seemed to think, though all he said aloud was, "Troublesome."

"Hey, let's go to the dango shop near the Hokage tower."

The idea of sweet dango seemed to immediately appeal to Choji, who nodded eagerly.

"What about Kakashi Sensei?"

"Well, let's give him a taste of his own medicine," Ino smirked. Choji nodded in agreement, and they both turned to Shikamaru, who pretended to be asleep, turning his body to the side.

Ino and Choji exchanged a knowing smirk before each grabbing one of Shikamaru's legs. "Don't," Shikamaru mumbled, barely protesting.

"Then walk," Ino retorted sharply.

"Too troublesome."

"Then we'll drag."

"Wake me up when we hit dirt road," Shikamaru said, resigning himself to his fate.

"You want to be dragged?"

"Through soft grass... Yes."


The Dango shop near the Hokage Tower was a cozy place. Small wooden tables dotted the interior, adorned with colorful paper lanterns that swayed gently from the ceiling. Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru found themselves a spot near the window, ordering a large plate of dango, each skewer laden with plump, sticky rice balls glazed in a shiny, sweet syrup.

Ino relished the first bite of her dango, the sweet, chewy texture. As she savored the taste, her attention was caught by a nearby conversation. Two civilian women at the next table were whispering fervently.

"Hey, did you see that boy working the tower?"

"Yeah, I don't see why the Hokage even allows that troublemaker to go scot-free; he should be punished."

"Excuse me, but who are you talking about?" Ino interjected.

The two women glanced at her especially the ninja headband, their eyes wide with sudden fear. "N-N-Nothing," one stuttered, and quickly, they gathered their things and left the shop, leaving Ino and Choji confused while Shikamaru's eyes narrowed thoughtfully.

"Who could they be talking about?"

"Naruto," Shikamaru replied simply.

"Oh yeah, Naruto was working at the tower today. I'm going to invite him to eat with us," Ino said.

Choji eyed Ino's remaining dango, his stomach rumbling slightly.

"Can I eat them?"

"You want to deal with Ino?"

"Too troublesome," Choji concluded, deciding against it as Shikamaru snorted softly, resting his head on the table. His mind replayed the civilians' words, a slow frown forming on his face.

"Troublesome indeed."


Miki, the head of the Hokage's administrative support team and his Secretary, had her hands full on any given day. Now, to her mild annoyance, she found herself tasked with integrating Naruto Uzumaki into their workflow—a boy known more for his pranks than anything.

Despite her reservations about working with the notoriously hyperactive child, Miki was nothing if not professional. She upheld the highest standards in her work and expected no less from those around her, child or not.

As they walked through the bustling station, Miki began to explain the due process to Naruto.

"Here at the front desk, we receive documents from civilians, ninjas, and messenger birds," she explained, gesturing towards the busy area where several clerks were sorting through a pile of scrolls. "Based on the importance of each scroll, we categorize them. The critical ones are sent directly to our Cryptanalysis team for urgent decoding and analysis."

She pointed to a series of bins labeled with various degrees of urgency. "The less critical scrolls are thoroughly read and summarized before being passed along. These summaries help the Hokage keep abreast of less urgent but still significant village matters without getting bogged down by details."

As she spoke, Miki kept a watchful eye on Naruto, gauging his reaction to see if he understood the gravity of the task at hand.

"What do I need to do?"

"Since this is your first day, you'll be at the front desk."

"Will this cause any problems?" Naruto asked, pointing to his midsection.

Miki paused for a moment before answering.

"Your position is on the ninja side of the tower. You won't be dealing with civilians, so there shouldn't be any issues."

Nodding in understanding, Naruto then asked for any last-minute advice.

"Be polite," Miki suggested. "People appreciate that."

With that Naruto took his place at the desk. As he introduced himself, reactions varied; some people nodded, others waved, and a few looked simply confused.

Remembering his duties, Naruto recalled that he needed to relay everything that happened to his original body and also get another clone for Mr. Higurashi, as most of his chakra had been drained by the Rune of Telekinesis.

"Excuse me, where is the bathroom?"

"Down to the left," came the response.


Naruto was sprinting with such focus that he didn't see Ino until it was too late; their heads collided in a sudden, unintentional meeting.

"What's the big—Naruto?"

"Ino? Sorry for headbutting you, I was just busy."

"No problem, I came here to meet you," Ino replied, a blush coloring her cheeks.


"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to eat dango with me."

[ Alert: World Quest ]

[ Quest Title: Date or Note ]

[ Description: Ino Yamanaka wants to get to know you, personally. ]

[ Objectives: ]

- [ Accept her offer. ]

- [ Or ]

- [ Reject her offer. ]

[ Rewards upon Accepting: ]

- [ +100 Exp. ]

- [ Superficial Gf: Ino Yamanaka. ]

- [ ? ]

[ Rewards upon Rejection: ]

- [ Ino Yamanaka's Improvement as a Ninja. ]

- [ 100 Exp. ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]

"Is this a date?"

Ino smiled, a playful gleam in her eye as she brushed her hair back. "Well, Shikamaru and Choji will be there, but if you'd like, we could make it our own little thing."

"Thanks, but I am busy," Naruto responded, turning to leave.

Ino reached out, grabbing his hand. "Naruto, I won't give you another chance."

He almost wanted to shout at her but remembered Miki's words: Be polite.

"Ino, I am seriously busy," he said firmly, gently pulling his hand away as he left.

"What's with you? You disguise yourself as Takaie for me, you fight Sasuke for me, and you even made me like you with your actions," Ino muttered, more to herself than to him, not really expecting a response.

Naruto stopped in his tracks, turning to face her.

"Not everything revolves around you," he said, before turning back and running off, leaving Ino standing there, her mind reeling, unable to form a coherent thought.


Ino's mind reeled, replaying Naruto's dismissive words over and over. Each repetition shook her a little more. Her lips trembled as a troubling thought dawned on her: maybe Naruto's actions were never about her at all.

Why did he even have that disguise as Takaie? How long?

The questions spiraled in her mind without answers, and she scolded herself for inserting her own desires as the reason behind his actions.

He's observant, Shikamaru had once said, hinting that perhaps Naruto saw through her façade, knew about the bet she made to ask him out.

Her heart sank as she pieced together the events—his absences, his confrontations.

It was never about me.

How could I be so self-absorbed?

The notion stung, twisting inside her like a knife. She had felt special during their interactions, but now she saw the truth: she was merely a spectator in his larger story.

As she walked aimlessly, ending up in the park, the reality of her misunderstandings settled in with crushing weight.

I didn't change. I didn't get better. I'm still that delusional girl who projected her own narrative onto Naruto's actions, turning him into the object of my affection.

The self-realization was bitter; she had simply swapped Sasuke for Naruto in her affectionate narrative, mislabeling her infatuation as love.

I am narcissistic, always centering myself. The self-judgment echoed in her mind, mingling with a haunting question: Is this why Sakura doesn't want to be friends with me anymore? Am I that unbearable?

Seated on the bench, Ino buried her face in her hands, tears escaping her eyes.

"My cute Genin, what's wrong?" Kakashi's voice was gentle, a soft eye-smile reaching above his masked face.

Ino looked up, her eyes brimming with tears. She tried to compose herself, to maintain some semblance of control, but the effort was too much. Without a word, she lunged forward, hugging Kakashi tightly, her face buried in the folds of his Jonin jacket.

Kakashi hesitated at first, unsure.

It had been a long time since he had comforted someone this way. As he felt the wetness of her tears seep through his jacket and heard the muffled sobs, something shifted within him. Gently, he placed his arms around her.

Eventually, Ino's sobs subsided, and they sat down on the bench together in silence. Kakashi didn't ask or press her for details.

The two sat together in silence, their gazes fixed on the ground. Kakashi knew better than to press Ino for details. He understood well that sometimes people needed to keep their thoughts to themselves, to maintain their own sense of control over their emotions. He waited patiently, allowing Ino the space to open up on her own terms, an ironic stance for him, given his own notorious reticence.

Ino, her eyes still red, watched an ant struggling on the ground, trying to right itself. "Want to hear my lame love story?" she asked, her voice hoarse.

"I love love stories," Kakashi replied, managing a soft chuckle.

Ino gave a brief, watery smile and started sharing her tale, all while keeping her gaze fixed on the ant.

A moment of silence later, Kakashi said.

"I used to know these two boys when I was on the field. One of the boys had a crush on a girl, and the girl had a crush on him, a love triangle."

"Did the boy have a crush on the other boy?" Ino asked.

Blushing in embarrassment, Kakashi quickly corrected, "No."

"Then it's not a love triangle."

Kakashi just gave a slow blink before playfully karate-chopping the top of Ino's head.

"Not the point," he said, closing his eye as he shifted back to his story. "The boy used to always confess to the girl, but she only saw him as a friend. Ironically, the girl was seen as just a friend by the other boy."

"What happened?"

"He died saving the other boy during the Third Great Shinobi War," Kakashi said, his voice tinged with a somber note.

"Oh," Ino drew out the word.

"After everything that happened, the surviving boy confessed to the girl, hoping he could be her pillar. But the girl rejected him, saying she had long since fallen for the first boy, and had he survived, she would have confessed to him," Kakashi finished.

"Were you the surviving boy, Kakashi sensei?"


"Why are you telling me this?"

"I'm telling you this to teach you a lesson. Rin fell for Obito while he tried to make the best version of himself to defeat me." As he spoke, Kakashi casually threw two kunai, redirecting an ant's path toward some crumbs of bread. It was a small, but precise distraction.

"Ino, become the best version of yourself and everything will come to you. Sakura will be your friend, you'll know your true self, and maybe Naruto will see that the best girl in Konoha..." Kakashi paused, placing his hand gently on Ino's head, "...is right here."

Ino looked up at him, her face brightening with a grateful smile. "Thank you, sensei," she said, standing up.

Just then, the moment was interrupted by the growl of Ino's stomach, and she blushed a deep red.

"Love doesn't fill the stomach," Kakashi said as he turned a page in his small orange book.


"Did you say something, my cute little Genin?"


[ Author's Note ]

Not much to say since the chapter was straightforward.

1- This chapter continues from the last one, where Naruto's clone meets Shikaku. Obviously, Naruto wasn't going to reveal the system to Hiruzen or the others. Hinata and Tenten have reasons to be trusted with such a thing, but the rest? Not so much. So, what did you guys think of the "Uzumaki clan legacy being sealed in Naruto" excuse? Especially since it allows Naruto to use his stronger techniques without everyone asking questions.


2- I'm also considering giving Naruto a summoning jutsu.

One would be the ANBU summoning jutsu so that Naruto can reverse summon his clones. This will be given by Hiruzen because he doesn't know about the inventory hack Naruto has.

Another would be the Uzumaki clan summoning. So, give me ideas on what you want to see—and please, for the love of God, don't give me generic ideas like a dragon.


3- Ino's character development. It's a bit sad, but I think it needed to happen. Many of you commented on how Ino's crush seemed very superficial, that she just switched from Sasuke to Naruto, so I added this arc to the story where, while still having a crush on Naruto, Ino will strive to become the best ninja and befriend Naruto, and maybe more.



4- What did you guys think of Kakashi's moment with Ino? I think it was wholesome plus I added a non canon addition where after Obito died, Kakashi fake confessed to Rin out of guilt but Rin rejected him saying that she loved Obito because of him improving to get better.

I know Canon Rin is closer to Sakura because of the whole parallel thing but I honest didn't like that so I am not going to add it into the story.

The whole parallel can still happen but why did the love dynamic have to be the same and if it was the same, why didn't Kakashi ever intervene if he knew that this love dynamic has resulted in death, considering Kakashi's trauma, he should've immediately talked to Naruto and Sakura and had them focus on improving themselves before love but I guess you can also chalk this upto Kishimoto's inconsistent writing.


Sorry for uploading a little late; real life and college assignments are killing me at the moment.


Thank you for your continued support and engagement with my work. Have a blessed day, and I look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments!

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