It was like any regular night.
Crowd was rolling, groupies to the left and right of me but I somehow felt down until she walked in.
Now I'm not the kind to fall for a girl and call it love at first sight but there was something about this girl that seemed to pull me in.
I had never seen her before nor did I know of who she was but I wanted to know more.
I saw no body else but her and as she walked up to the ring where I was at the center rapping, I felt nervous and the need to win to impress her.
She had her eyes on me as she spoke with her friend and that somehow made my smile grew ten times wider.
"He doesn't look like a player. Cute as a kitten yes but far from a player" I heard her laughed and I walked up to her after I was finished with the battle and introduced myself using the introduction that usually worked on girls but for some reason it didn't on her.
I have never written from a man's perspective before.