7.47% Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures / Chapter 52: CH29 (52), Improvements And Secret No More, Kinda

บท 52: CH29 (52), Improvements And Secret No More, Kinda

One week had passed since Mikail had succeeded in crafting his first Common Balls and today an important event happened.

Well, at least, it was important for him and his Pokemon, Natu managed to reach the (high) iron stage.

He checked Natu's status after praising him.

'Species: Natu

Gender: Male

Type: Psychic, Flying/Air

Potential: Green (26.5%) -> (69.34%)


Stage: Iron Stage (high)

Vitality: (G ->) D

Strength: (F ->) D

Endurance: (F ->) C

Agility: (F ->) C

Energy Capacity: (F ->) C

Energy Density: (G ->) C

Condition: Healthy, Tired, Happy

Techniques: Leer (Novice) -> (Beginner), Peck (Beginner), Night Shade (Beginner), Stored Power (Beginner) -> (Proficient), Gust (Proficient), Teleport (Beginner) -> (Proficient)'

All that move training had really helped Natu's energy parameters.

While looking at Natu's status screen Mikail started to ponder about his training plans for the future.

'Theoretically, Natu is not far from fulfilling the minimum requirement for advancing to the bronze stage, which is a parameter average of 'B'.

However, that is only the minimum requirement and not really something I want to use.

Anything lower than an 'A' means a parameter reduction upon breakthrough, which is not good, especially because it takes longer to make up for the parameter reduction than it would normally take to increase said parameter.

One has to make up for the bad foundation so to speak before one can continue getting stronger.

Besides, I would also lose out on the potential increase that comes with advancing while possessing a parameter average beyond 'A'.

It's becoming harder to increase the potential of my Pokemon with the materials I have on hand.

Even if we disregard my materials, I noted that the effectiveness of E-class materials, in general, is reducing as well the more of them they consume, so getting new materials won't change much as long as they are not higher than E-class.'

He looked at Natu and Mothra, who were chatting with each other, or more like Mothra cheerily talking and Natu occasionally answering.

He came to a decision, as he watched them.

'There is no reason to make all of my Pokemon break the limit since it is supplement and time-intensive.

I will only let Pokemon that I plan to really use go through the limit breaking all the others simply have to do their best not to regress during advancement.

Currently, this means Natu and Mothra will stay at the iron stage to focus on breaking their limits, while Caterpie will be allowed to break through without breaking his limits.

This may lead to Caterpie reaching the bronze stage before Natu and Mothra, but that does not necessarily mean he will be stronger than them.'

As a reward for his achievement, Mikail gave Natu, Mothra, and Caterpie 2 days off.

The other two were really happy that they could mooch off Natu's success as well.

3 days after Natu reached the (high) iron-stage Mikail succeeded in crafting another 3 Common Balls.

He had initially been planning to use his next batch of balls to catch the chibi Nidoran but he decided against it upon further contemplation.

The chibis were relatively young and naive.

Mikail was sure that he could naturally bond with them in a relatively short time if he spent time with them and kept feeding them with enough candies, *ahem* with enough berries.

Because of this, he decided to use the balls on the 2 Magikarp inside his pond with the highest potential.

This way he could see how much they were missing for a potential increase and decide if feeding them supplements would be worth it or not.

As for the 3rd Common Ball that one could stay in reserve for now.

Once he had caught them he checked their status.

'Name: None

Species: Magikarp

Gender: Male

Age: 1 Year 31 Months

Type: Water

Potential: Deep Green (98.7%)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Swift Swim, Rattled

Talents: None

Affinities: Water

Bond: Mikail (artificial, weak)

Quirks: None


Stage: Iron Stage (low)

Vitality: I

Strength: I

Endurance: G

Agility: F

Energy Capacity: I

Energy Density: I

Resistance: Fire (Minor), Water (Minor), Ice (Minor), Steel (Minor)

Weaknesses: Electric (Minor), Grass (Minor)

Condition: Healthy

Masteries: None

Techniques: Tackle (Novice), Splash (Novice)'

These two did not have any extra affinity and he did not expect one, but he had not checked before this, so it could have happened anyway.

Anyway, once he saw the potential of the male Magikarp he was sure he could help it promote to Light Blue in a week at most.

The female one on the other hand would take longer, about 4-5 weeks to promote to light blue since she had 89.84% displayed in the potential line.

Besides the fact that she was female, obviously, and that she was younger, the rest of her status was the same as that of the male.

After he was done with their status Mikail started to ponder.

'I think that after both of them promote to light blue potential it will be time for them to breed.

Magidraco and Magiflora will be bred with the male Magikarp as well, as soon as the experiment is done, but that will take some more time.

I should capture the other Magikarp inside the pond as well to see which ones can promote their potential easily, but that will have to wait until I have enough balls to do it.'

After catching and checking the two Magikarp Mikail continued as usual.

Two weeks later Mothra managed to reach the (high) iron stage as well.

He took her into his arms and happily swung her around while laughing and told her how proud of her he was.

Mothra had an adorable eye smile the whole time he was praising her and he could not stop himself from patting her head while cuddling her.

Anyway, after they all congratulated her, he decided to, once again, give them 2 days off.

While walking home after stopping their training Mikail decided to checkup on his specimen.

It had been about 4 weeks since Magidraco gained her 4th "dragon" scale and Magiflora her second.

Currently, Magidraco had 5 "dragon" scales, she had gained her 5th scale two weeks ago, and Magiflora had 3 scales, she had gained her 3rd scale 1 week ago.

Mikail was not really expecting anything to have changed yet, but he observed the progress of his experiment every day, so checking it now or checking it later made no real difference.

He was pleasantly surprised when he saw that Magidraco had actually gained her 6th scale.

Magiflora on the other hand remained unchanged, but it was already great that two happy events happened on the same day so that did not hamper his happiness.

He made sure to observe if anything else had changed either physically or psychologically but was happy to note that no negative problems had cropped up.

It was with this happiness that he returned home.

Upon noticing his happiness his mother asked him what made him so happy, but he simply said that he had fun with Natu and Mothra outside.

After dinner, his parents decided to read some storybooks to him.

The story they read out to him was about a child with psychic powers growing up to be a hero.

It explains how the child notices his powers and how his parents see him using them.

The parents then sign up their child to a school where the hero, Shigeo, is taught to control his powers.

After the hero graduates from school, he says his goodbyes to his parents and embarks on a journey around their country, where he meets his Pokemon partners.

During his journey, the hero together with his partners gets stronger and he occasionally returns home to visit his parents.

In the middle of the story, the hero decides to pause his journey to stay with his parents for a month or two.

It had been more than a year since he had last seen them, so when he sees a family happily eating and laughing together he suddenly misses his parents.

A few weeks later a message arrives stating that a massive tide is moving towards the country from the border near his home and that all able people were requested to help.

Believing that his parents and the country would be in danger if the tide broke through the border the hero decides to join the defense.

The story describes how the hero helps to defend the border and that the situation was becoming dangerous because the tide did not seem to reduce no matter how many enemies they defeated (killed).

Facing the impending breach the hero decides to enter the tide to kill the leader and the three sub-leaders, hoping that the tide would break up once the leaders were beaten.

After informing the general commanding the defense but without waiting for an answer the hero teleports with his partners as close to the enemy leaders as he can.

They fight through the remaining enemies between the leaders and themselves before they are face to face with them.

The hero and his first partner Alakazam face the main enemy a Golem that is twice the size of a regular one.

While Shigeo and Alakazam fight the main leader, his other 3 Pokemon faced the 3 sub-leaders.

His Butterfree faced a Venomoth, his Starmie faced a Primeape and his Hypno faced an Arbok.

After a hard fight, Shigeo and his Pokemon manage to beat their enemies.

The Pokemon that witness the outcome of the fight all stop and start to retreat.

Shigeo is welcomed back by everyone with thunderous applause and is declared the hero who saved the country by the leaders of the country.

Together with Shigeo his school and psychics, in general, become more famous, and the admiration towards psychics by the citizens increases as well.

Mikail thought the story was good and after his parents finished reading it out loud, he decided to ask them some questions.

"Wow, that was great.

Ne, mommy, daddy do we have psychics too?"

He tilted his head to the side to increase his cuteness factor when he posed that question.

His father answered him.

"Yes, son.

We have psychics in Kanto as well."

Mikail, who heard this put on an awestruck face.



Are there psychic schools too?

Like the one the hero visited."

His parents nodded at this and his mother was the one that replied.


We have psychic schools as well.

At these schools children and adults that have psychic powers, like the hero, learn how to use their powers.

The nearest one is in Honeydew City and the most famous one is in Saffron City."

Mikail, who was genuinely interested in this information earnestly listened to his mother.

His father, who saw how attentive Mikail was added.

"While having powers is not common but it does happen to 1-2 people per major city per year on average, and it is always a happy event for a family when one of their members turns out to have powers.

Not only that but the government also supports the families that have such a member."

Mikail who hears that is intrigued by it and he can see that his parents genuinely believe that having powers was a good thing.

He did not know if it was his happiness from the events of the day, or if he had let himself get carried away by the story they had read or it could have been the respect and acceptance his parents showed during their answers, most likely it was a combination of everything, but Mikail decided to tell his parents about his psychic talent.


Mommy, Daddy I think I am a psychic too.

I felt something warm in the air.

Natu said he can feel it too.

He helped me and now I can move it.

Sometimes the warmth goes in my head."

Mikail, who saw his parent's happy face thought in for a penny in for a pound.

"Me and Natu played with the warm feeling.

And then something reeeeally awesome happens.

I started feeling really close Natu.

Natu said it happened to him too."

Hearing what Mikail said, his parents showed shocked expressions on top of their happy ones.

His mother was the first one to speak between his parents.

Well more like she first released a high-pitched noise before she talked, but she was the first anyway.


"My son is a genius.

My baby boy is a big genius.

Not only does he have psychic talents, but he has already started to use them, without any outside help."

Mikail who heard that blushed a bit because he had quite a bit of knowledge on the topic, but his mother saw it as him getting embarrassed and started to hug him.

She also smooched his cheeks a few times, before she continued.

"As if that was not great enough, my darling also managed to bond with his Natu.

As expected of my son.

He is a great genius."

Mikail tilted his head when she said that and asked in a confused tone.


This time it was his father who spoke up.

He jumped in as soon as his mother stopped talking, he "pouted" after she said, my son.

"MY boy, a bond with a Pokemon is something great.

Normally, a trainer and his Pokemon can bond with each other after the Pokemon becomes quite strong.

The bond really helps the trainer and the Pokemon as well.

Not only that a bond signifies that you are real partners and no one can try to catch your Pokemon even if it does not have a Pokeball.

The bond replaces the function of the Pokeball in that case.

Some people who have powers can bond with their Pokemon earlier than normal trainers because the connection does not have to be established from only one side but both sides reach out to each other to establish the bond.

In short, that you bonded with Natu so early is a really great thing and we are really proud of you."

His father joined their hug as well after his explanation.

This time his mother started talking before he could ask another question.

"We had actually noticed that you have a psychic talent, because of our Butterfrees noticing slight movements of psionic energy around you and also the reactions of two Natu's.

Our initial plan was to wait until after your 4th birthday to tell you about it and to see if you want to enroll in a psychic school, but who would have thought that you would not only notice your talent but also managed to make some progress in it."

The moment he heard his mother Mikail gained a gobsmacked look.

He was honestly surprised his parents had noticed his psychic talent but hearing the reason for their deduction he was convinced.

He was happy that they were so accepting of his situation and he was happy that he had decided to open up about his powers, well at least a part of them.

Mikail never intended to keep his powers permanently a secret, at least not his aura and psychic talent.

He planned to tell his parents about them one after the other with a few years between them, to not overwhelm them.

Now that he had told them about him being a psychic he planned to wait for 3-4 years before he told them about his aura.

He could see their current agitation and even if the reason was entirely positive he thought that too many surprises at once were not good.

He planned to give them a few years to get used to him being a psychic genius before he added aura to that list.

He wanted to know what they planned to do now regarding the school.


Do I have to go now?"

His mother answered him.

"No honey.

The reason that we planned to wait until your 4th birthday is that the school only accepts students older than 5 and we wanted to give you time to decide if you want to go there or not.

While you being a genius is great, we don't plan to change that.

Besides as long as nothing bad happens you will have to wait until you're 5 to go there anyway."

His father fluidly continued where his mother left off.

"We will lookout for a few introductory books that will help you get started or at least help you not lose control, but otherwise we will wait until you're older, okay?"

Mikail nodded at that.

He was happy with that and he was sure that after a while he could openly train his powers.

After these revelations the family together with all their Pokemon celebrated.

His parents bragged about him to their Pokemon and everyone was happy.

Before he went to bed that day, his parents told him that he should not tell others about his powers yet.

Rose and her parents were the only exceptions in that regard.

They said that we should wait for a little until he is a bit older before being open about it.

He nodded at that and promised his parents to be quiet about it.

Mikail had a big smile on his face before he fell asleep that night.


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Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 5/5 for this week.

I uploaded a poll on patre*on for patrons.

The poll decides which area Mikail will explore in the near future.

Depending on the area chosen, another poll will decide which one out of a few rarer species will join him.

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on.

If my first patre*on goal is reached the weekly release rate is increased to 6 and 2 Bonus chapters will be released.


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