"Elm and Oak are clear, bro. Try Birch. I've got a weak heat signature," Xander called over the ear piece of our tactical comms.
"Copy that. Heading to Birch." I took the next turn in the big black vehicle. The ten block radius surrounding our warehouse and labs was empty. No one person, not one piece of trash, not a single animal was out here.
"Hey, did you experience any difficulties with your animal during that last magic surge?" I asked, trying to keep my voice even, easy.
Xander snorted in my ear. "Sure. If you experiencing difficulties means my tiger trying to hump me and jump my bones, then yeah."
I cough-laughed. The sound getting stuck in my throat. "Junior tried to molest you?"
He groaned. "Seriously, man? He needs a better name than Junior. And yes. He tried to get all up in my biz-nas."
"That's fucked up, bro."
"No shit, Ash. Not to mention it raises a number of philosophical questions for me."
"Like what?"