70.45% Demons Are Venomous / Chapter 31: Crazy For You 2...

บท 31: Crazy For You 2...

Chapter 25.5 - Crazy For You 2...

(S.T.A.R. Labs, the next day)

Seth held the widest smile on his face as he looked at Caitlin who was overclothed right now. A thick green scarf around her neck, a pair of dark tinted sunglasses covering her eyes, and a thick coat around her body, covering her clothes underneath it. Her hand clutched around the water bottle. The female doctor was trying to refrain from making any sound or showing any expressions on her face, trying to hide her hangover right now from all.

At first glance, it was undoubtably clear that she was hiding something. And it was unbelievable on how she was obvious about hiding something. He found it hilarious, even though he had made sure to give her quite a greasy breakfast for her this morning. A greasy breakfast consisting of fries with fried eggs, bacon stripes and sausages. And it certainly helped a lot, since she felt better after eating it along with her coffee.

Now for the first time since getting in the elevator, she looked at Seth and said, "You don't look so bad…" Unlike her, he didn't show any signs of being hungover right now.

"You're the reason why, dear." He started with a smirk-

Inhaling sharply, she said, "So loud."

Lightly chuckling, feeling the volume of his words intensifying, he continued, "You did make my fire hot enough to burn through all the alcohol actually. So you're the reason" His words made her cheeks blush. "What do you remember from last night?"

"I envy your inability to get drunk." She inhaled sharply again as she processed her night from yesterday, "And I don't remember much from last night…I remember the two of us drinking, you singing and… not much else."

Seth noticed that she left out a crucial part, so he teasingly reminded her, with a song. " Summer lovin' "

Caitlin blushed and slapped his chest in mock hurt, "Oh, God. That I do remember."

The elevator made a sound as they had reached the right floor. It opened up and they stepped out together, their hands connected with each other. "It was amazing Caitlin. Last night was really great." Seth said as he kissed her head.

"Yeah, it was." Caitlin said as she kissed his cheek, she noticed a few marks on his neck. Her eyes widened with curiosity so she asked, "Is that hickeys on your neck?"

"Yeah that's your fault. Got a couple on my shoulder too." He gestured to the marked shoulder, where she pressed her teeth into. "You owe me, young lady." A kiss placed on ear lobe, mimicking a series of tingles that shot up through her spine.

"I might hold you to that, mister." She nuzzled her face into his neck with a few pecks on it.

They rounded a corner and walked into the Cortex of the facility. When they did, they felt the air thicken with tension that surged out of everyone's bodies. Barry stood beside the founder of the building with his arms crossed over his chest, while both pairs of eyes looked at Cisco. Matt looked at Cisco himself while he leaned against the wall.

The couple at the entrance shared a look before Seth asked the room of people. "What's wrong?"

Harrison directed their attention to the mechanical engineer with his next words, "Cisco… has something he needs to tell you."

Cisco looked to them and stated, "Hartley… he almost escaped from here."

Barry then got into the conversation, he hadn't been told anything before now, "He escaped from the Pipeline? How is that even possible?"

Seth looked between them all before his eyes met the nanite mutant's eyes. His eyes told him that Barry asked the wrong question and reached the wrong conclusion. The elemental lowered his eyes briefly before he realized while he looked to Cisco again. "He never escaped, did he?"

The mechanical engineer shook his head before saying, "I let him out. But Matt stopped him before he got the chance to get away." His finger pointed to the nanite mutant. "Are you mad?" Cisco directed at Caitlin while also directing at Seth.

He remembered that he asked the mutant himself to not hurt Caitlin after the death of Ronnie Raymond. And Seth swore on his own life that he'd never hurt Caitlin and protect her against anything. And he's been keeping his word, making her feel loved and protected again, and making her feel again. Making Caitlin Snow her again. Cisco felt as though he had broken everything good between them right now.

He continued his questions, "I can't tell with those glasses on."

Caitlin then replied, "I'd like to yell and wave my arms, but I'm afraid I'd throw up."

Seth wanted to ask the birthing questions in his head but parts of him told that he'd regret asking. The speedster then asked again, "Why? What were you thinking? You know how dangerous he is."

Cisco hesitated and before he could speak, Matt spoke. "Hartley said he knew what happened to that guy. Um… Ronnie." At the mention of his name, Seth's head dropped slightly in sadness, his hand unlatched from Caitlin's own hand.

The mechanical engineer looked to him in surprise. "You heard that too?"

"I heard everything." Matt replied bluntly. "I had a sneaking suspicion that bloody bastard would play on your emotions like that, pal. And I don't take lightly to people who play my friends."

"And you didn't off him? Wimp." Seth inquired of his friend while his "other" sent feelings of various calming emotions to him.

"Nope. Considered it, but killing a wanted weirdo in a CSI lab would probably end up badly, for Barry at least." He answered. The speedster internally glad for his decision, not wanting to be caught in a bloodied lab with a dead body in there.

Caitlin then reminded her co-worker, "I told you to let it go. I didn't want you looking into that for me." She stepped forward and dropped her sunglasses on the table. Her eyes snapped to Seth who looked conflicted by the mention of Ronnie again.

"I wasn't doing it for you." Cisco clarified to her. Surprising everyone in the Cortex. "I… sigh…" He couldn't hold it in more. He had to come clean. "…I sealed Ronnie into the accelerator before it blew." Mouths gaped slightly all over their faces with even more surprise. "He told me to wait two minutes and I waited, but he didn't come back. And I can't stop thinking, 10, 20 seconds and… Ronnie wouldn't be like he is right now." His heartbroken eyes looked to Caitlin, "I've wanted to tell you so many times." Tears began to form in his eyes. "I'm so sorry."

"Poor guy." Seth thought to himself.

"To carry that weight around on your shoulders like that… to carry that secret around this entire time. It takes a toll on people." Venom said in agreement with his host, while also hoping that they needed to confess their own secret soon enough. But it would be no use giving them false hope.

"So you carried that around this whole time?" Caitlin requested of her friend, who couldn't form any words nor make an audible sound, fearing that both Seth and Caitlin would not forgive him right now. Caitlin walked around the main console to speak with him face to face, "Do you know what Ronnie would say if he was here? He would say that you did the right thing. It wasn't your fault. What happened that night wasn't anybody's fault." She assured him softly.

"Cisco." The mechanical engineer looked to the elemental. "You gotta stop blaming yourself for things that were out of your control. Neither what happened that night nor what happened with the Cold and Heat guns were your fault. You're an amazing person, Cisco Ramon. It really shows, you have a really big heart my man." He told his friend with a warm smile. "And just like what Caitlin said, what happened that night wasn't anyone's fault."

Hearing that both of them were trying to make him feel better right now, even though he thought he had been fearing the possibility of them hating him. Cisco felt very good right now.

"Come on." Caitlin started, "Don't we have a teleporter to catch?" Everyone smiled in agreement.

Harrison then added, "We do have a teleporter to catch. And fortunately, with the help of both Mr. Almond and Mr. Rogers, we do have a promising theory." The paralyzed scientist led them to the monitors on the main console. "Take a look at this." Barry looked to the screen, Seth or Matt didn't see the need as they already had experience with a teleporter. "Now, this is the normal behavior of the particulate that Shawna left behind."

Seth then stated, "We had a bit of an experience with a teleporter back in our universe whenever he would try to sneak out of the mansion."

"Oh yeah, Nightcrawler." Matt smiled as he recalled the mutant from his memories. "Fucking bastard always tried and hope that he would get away from us. But he was wrong. Multiple times." He added with a cocky smile while Seth did same.

Harrison nodded in agreement, hearing the stories of their universe's teleporter. "Watch what happened when we remove light." He pressed a button on the keyboard, removing the light as desired. The three heroes looked to each other with inspiration. "Shawna can only become entangled with something she can see."

Seth then carried on, "Take away her ability to do that…"

"And Ms. Baez is unable to play Peek-a-boo again." Matt continued for his friend.

The elemental frowned as he said, "I feel stupid for not realizing that right now."

The nanites mutant added, "Remember that we are dealing with metahumans, not mutants. Two very different species of powered beings. We got our powers from a natural cause, they are not. They're the freaks of nature." Barry glared at him in mock. Matt saw the glare and waved his hand in apology.

Caitlin got them on the track again, "So, we just need to get her into a dark space. How do we do that?" while she asked her question, the speedster heard his phone ringing, walking off to take care of it.

"Seth." The elemental looked to Cisco who gestured for him to follow him into Caitlin's private lab, which he did. "Are you… mad at me?"

"For what?" Seth asked, his face avoid of any emotions.

Seeing the emotionless face on his face, he feared the worst. His voice coming out in stutters, "I mean, about me… trying to find Ronnie." Cisco elaborated for him. "I don't how to feel right now… I mean I asked you before you and Caitlin got together to always keep her safe. You did that, you swore on your life to me that you'd keep her safe and you did that too. And, I feel like I'm putting a wench in your relationship right now. You helped her move on-"

"Cisco." The elemental interrupted him before continuing. "You told us right before, that you only did it for what you thought was your fault, costing you your friend, you tried to rectify that. And I… can respect that wholeheartedly. Hell, I've been doing that since I got to this universe for my little sister. Looking for her, each and every single moment of the days and the nights when I'm not with you guys, Caitlin, or on mission. It's the same. So, don't worry about that, man." He assured him immediately, relieving Cisco of his bad thoughts and fears. "Plus, the sooner we can get to Ronnie, the sooner we can figure out why he's trying to grill me like I'm teriyaki."

A chuckle escaped Cisco's mouth before he said, "Thanks man. It means a lot." He stepped closer to his friend and hugged him. Seth reciprocating himself and hugged him back.

But Seth still feared what this might mean in his and Caitlin's relationship, with Ronnie coming back perhaps.


Barry had informed the team that his father Henry Allen have been attacked back in prison for helping police by getting inside knowledge.

The speedster had made sure that his father's attacker was properly punished for attacking his incarcerated father, adding ten years to the attacker's sentence. And while Barry punished him, he got the information that he needed, learning the location of Stockheimer's next heist with Baez and Parker.

With that information passed on to Seth and Matt, all three heroes conversed on the getaway car that the speedster got to drive into a tunnel, where both Venom and Iron Knight hid in wait for the ambush on Bonnie and Clyde while the Flash drew them in with his speed.

The internal of the tunnel was under construction right now. Meaning a lot of construction machines were there right now. These machines in the environment were able to provide more opportunities for a battle. Everything around either opponent was able to be used for either of their advantages


The Flash appeared in the front of Shawna and Clay's car. The male part of the couple tightened his grip on the steering wheel while his eyes grew with anger and determination, he didn't want to be stopped right now. So close to get away from trouble and with loads of money in his disposal.

His criminal girlfriend feeling and seeing his anger spike, placed a hand on his shoulder and told him, "I got this." She looked to the speedster in front of them, teleporting out of the vehicle and reappearing in front of Barry. Addressing the hero, she asked, "Why the hell do we care what we do? Are you a cop of something?"

As she inquired of the speedster, her eyes looked all around the internal area of the tunnel. Searching for any sign of either a hulking beast with booming pitch-black muscles or lines of illuminating energy coursing through the suit of a white knight. Those two are worse than the hero in front of her, because they are willing to kill.

"Something." Barry countered in confidence.

The same confidence reflected in Shawna's eyes while her hands pulled out a metal baton before teleporting out of the way when Barry went to move. She appeared behind him and whacked him in the back of his body, causing him to groan in pain.

Barry snapped around to strike her, but she had already vanished again. Reappearing behind the speedster again, she slammed her metal baton into the back of his right thigh. His eyes peered in the new direction, but it she was gone again.

Shawna appeared again and hit him again with her metallic weapon with a series of strikes, not letting the hero get a moment of rest. Clay saw the series of painful strikes that his girlfriend unleashed on the red hero, it was quite impressive in his eyes, seeing her able deliver such amounts of agony was quite… enticing.

From the other end of the tunnel, was Seth using his camouflage capabilities to conceal himself and Matt hiding behind an excavator in his Iron Knight suit, they watched their fellow hero getting the beating of his life right now. And both Seth and his "other" found it quite funny that the speedster was being overwhelmed right now.

The symbiote laughed darkly, finding the speedster's agony humoring. "Wonder how the chicken's going to look after its pounding."

"Gotta make sure it's nice and tender, and thin and flat." Seth added with his own thoughts humorously.

Matt heard dark demonic snickering coming from his best friend, he knew full well that both Seth and Venom was finding Barry's beating hilarious. "Why haven't that guy learnt how to fight yet?" He thought to himself in absolute wonder. Why the red speedster would never even learn how to raise a clenched fist was an unsolvable mystery that not even science could prove.

Their eyes turned to the beaten Barry who were able to dodge an incoming strike from Shawna. And with her back turned to him, he was able to wrap his arms around the enemy metahuman in a hold.

Her eyes turned to a platform, and a chance was seen there in the form a construction worker. Using her metahuman powers, Shawna teleported and appeared behind the worker along with the Flash. With her torso still bound by the speedster's arms, she jumped up and her legs slammed into the worker's back, sending him flying over the edge.

Barry saw the falling worker and his arms let go of the enemy metahuman. Speeding down from the platform, he caught the worker in his arms before impacting on the ground. The hero's eyes looked back up, seeing Shawna standing on another platform.

The speedster was about to move when a blue shine shone behind them, making them turn around and Shawna teleported out of the way when an energy blast came her way. The blast hit the ceiling, and the two metahumans looked in the direction of the blast and found no one there. However, both of them knew that it was the Iron Knight's repulsors.

Smoke emitted from his gauntlet's repulsor as Matt returned to his hiding spot and turned his eyes back to the fighting metahumans. "Nicely timed." He heard Seth said in his Venom form.

Looking into his demonic white eyes, the Iron Knight spoke, "You do realize I'm a weapons expert, right?" he countered with a quip and a reminder.

Shawna became shocked from the blast of blue energy, allowing the red speedster to take the teleporter and slam her into a nearby truck. The knock from the slam shook her mind, making her focus again with a quick escape with her powers. Reappearing from the air and she slammed onto The Flash again, sending her and him along to the ground.

She went to strike him again with her baton, but Barry dodged it and blocked her other incoming attacks. Since neither of their attacks were able to connect, the metahumans got back on their feet. When they did, Shawna went to strike with her metallic weapon with a series of strikes. All of them were dodged by the speedster, thanks to his own metahuman powers.

Clay saw that the fight between the two were taking too long so he slammed his foot on the accelerator, and went straight for the speedster. Shawna saw and heard the engine rev loudly so she turned to it and teleported into it.

Barry went to move, but it was unnecessary as a black tendril pulled him up and into the air, just before the car could collide with him on the receiving end.

Venom dropped down from the ceiling where he was latched onto and placed the speedster back on the ground. The elemental placed himself on the right side of Barry. Iron Knight placed himself on the ground as well, the left side of Barry, and both mutants turned to the metahuman. "You okay?" the nanite mutant inquired of him. A nod came his way.

"Barry, remember: She can't teleport if she can't see anything before her." Venom told him. "We have to limit her field of vision."

"How?" Barry asked of them, hoping that either of the mutants have a plan formulating in their heads.

But they already had a plan in their minds, letting the speedster know with a single. "Leave it to us." Matt told him before hovering into the air and formed two energy blades. Venom twisted his neck to the sides and his flexed fists caused cracking sounds to emit from them. Black tendrils shot out of his back, turning to adamantium the next instant.

The two mutants then shot off, their paths crossed over each other, letting Venom latch onto the left side wall of the tunnel before crawling on it violently and quickly, and letting Matt fly near the right side wall close to the ceiling above him.

They followed the path before them, following the getaway car by the walls. When they within eye sight of the vehicle, they began their plan.

Seth began crawling along the walls with vicious moves and very quickly as well, like a true predator of the wild running berserk. His adamantium tendrils flailing around his body, from all sides, shattering any and all tunnel lights that met the elemental's path. His plan reducing the shining light the way from the left.

Matt turned both of his energy bladed arms to the left and used his back thrusters to boost him ahead. Now that his momentum has increased, he spun around violently. His spiraling energy blades shattering any and all tunnel lights that met his path. His plan reducing the shining light the way from the right.

Shawna from within the getaway car, heard the sound of glass shattering repeatedly, making her look up from the car. Her eyes filled with horror when she saw that both mutants were destroying the tunnel lights from both sides, one flying and the other clawing up the wall. "No." she let out in paining horror.

Clay saw the same and within the next moments, the entire tunnel was plunged into pure darkness aside from their car's headlights. But that changed when a pair of tendrils shot out from the left slammed into the headlights, shattering them and another glass shattered nearer to Shawna.

Even the insides of the car were darkened, Shawna looked around in the vehicle and saw no other than her making her saddened by the only viable prospect. Her car door opened, and she knew that it was red speedster and two other mutants. She didn't even turn to them as she said, "He left me."

Barry didn't respond with any words, letting the poor girl accept her feelings. Matt looked around with his HUD screen scanning the entire tunnel, trying to find the male companion of the crime couple.

Seth however looked around the getaway car. His eyes scanned over the vehicle, seeing the smashed headlights he wondered how and why they were smashed. He didn't destroy them before, only the tunnel lights. Eyes drifting up to the front of the car and saw the windshield. And like the headlights, it was destroyed too.

"What the…" Venom trailed off as he took in the vehicle's damaged glass. Something about this felt wrong, but he couldn't place his finger on it. It was neither him or Matt who done this.

So who else?


(S.T.A.R. Labs, The Pipeline)

After a while, the heroes had apprehended Shawna Baez and took her out of her car. Matt made a overlarge visor with tinted glass and placed it over her eyes, making sure that the metahuman was unable to use her powers again.

She was then brought to the Pipeline, where now the S.T.A.R. Labs natives and Barry saw Shawna Baez look around while teleporting in vain. The mutants were in Cisco's workshop, talking about the weird and strange damage on the getaway vehicle.

Barry, without any form of identity concealment, asked Cisco. "Is there any way she can teleport out of this?"

Cisco who saw the metahuman try in vain to teleport out of her cell answered, "It's impossible. It's one-way glass, me and Matt installed it before. it's mirrored on the inside." His eyes drifted between Barry and Caitlin and stated determinedly, "No one dangerous is ever gonna get out of this thing again."

The speedster smiled in agreement with him and walked closer to speak with Shawna directly. "Shawna." He got her attention. "Clay left you. He's out there, and you're in here."

"You what the crazy thing is?" she wondered out loud to them. "I still love him."

Caitlin looked at her with saddened eyes, feeling the emotional weight in her words, the heartbreak in her words that resonated with her own heart, with her feelings of…Seth.

Barry accepted her words and was about to turn to Cisco, when Shawna said, "Clay's gone. You're not going to find him again." The speedster turned to her again and countered, "Not for long. Shawna."

The mechanical engineer closed the door to the Pipeline, and while he did that Caitlin and Barry walked down the ramp leading up to the Pipeline.

"Crazy is right." Caitlin stated.

"Some people are worth being crazy for." Barry admitted. "Like you and Seth, right?" he said while wishing he could have the same.

She sheepishly scratched her cheek as she said, "Yeah. I was a bit of a drunken mess the other night, gotta apologize to him."

Barry commented with a chuckle, "Sounds like Seth and you had fun."

"Yeah, it was." She said, while her heart was beating impatiently as she thought about going to find Seth right now. She then added wholeheartedly and determinedly, knowing of what Cisco told them before. "If what Cisco says is true, that Ronnie merged with Martin Stein, then he's not alive anymore. Find someone new to be crazy about… and I gotta go to him, now."

With a wide smile on her face, she sprinted down the corridors, aiming to find the elemental who stole her heart and gave it back better than ever before, but this time opened and unfrozen to accept her ever-growing feelings for him.


(S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco's workshop)

Inside of Cisco's workshop was Seth and Matt, both of them looking over the schematics of Shawna and Clay's getaway car from last evening. They both found it incredibly strange that neither of them had damaged the headlights or the windshield. Because of that, they chose to examine the damage instead back at the facility.

"Neither of us or Barry destroyed the headlights." Matt stated.

Seth nodded, "Yeah, it's weird. But the only solution is that there was a third party in that tunnel, someone taking out the headlights and getting Clay out of there. But who?"

"My best guess, is someone who made a deal with Clay got in the tunnel to pull him out when things go south." Seth added his own thoughts while thinking to himself, "But how come neither of us could feel any other presence in there, aside from our own."

That was a question that have been on his mind the entire time, feeling and hoping to get the reason behind the missing presence that was able to get their drop on them like that. But it also gave birth to another mind-bugging question.

Who saved Clay Parker?

"Seth!" the two mutants turned around to the entrance to the workshop and saw Caitlin standing there with her breathing coming out in a series of ragged pants from running.

Matt saw Seth's eyes taking in her form clothed in the blue dress with black and white stripes before his own eyes looking between them and said, "Oh yeah, I forgot. Cisco owes me a beer and some whiskey for saving his ass. So I'll go."

"Subtle." Venom commented on the nanite mutant's not at all subtle way of leaving the two of them alone

"Why Liv loves him is still a mystery to me." Seth said in his mind before he looked to Caitlin again who held one of the widest smiles on her face, he had ever seen. "What's with that beautiful goofy smile on your face? Did someone finally give Barry a good advice about keeping a secret?"

She didn't answer to his joke. Instead she moved closer to him and her arms wrapped around his neck. "I'm really… sorry about being a drunken mess last night, pretty much ruined the night, didn't it?"

Seth shook his head, denying her thoughts. "Trust me it was very fun, even when you were throwing up." She blushed at the memory, but then her face turned tomato red when his face nuzzled against her neck. "I'm never getting tired of that."

"Me neither." She agreed with him while her hand lightly and gently pushed him away, letting both of them make eye contact again. "And I'm really glad that I met you here. I know I've said it before, but it's never going to be enough."

The elemental smiled in happiness as he felt his heart beat rapidly, something his "other" did not like in the slightest. Seth laughed lightly before he recalled the events of last night, of their little date. "You don't remember last night, do you?" She shook her head, intrigued by his tone and embarrassed by what little she remembered from the night. A smile formed on his mouth as he said, "How about a mutant date, then? You wanted one last night. Right now?"

"Right now? You sure?" she asked him for clarity. Her response was a nod, "Let's go."


The next moment the two of them found themselves on top of the roof of the facility. Caitlin clung to Seth out of fear of plummeting down to her death from a fall up here. "W-What a-are we doing here?" she asked with a stammering voice of fear.

"You wanted a mutant date…" he walked over to edge of the roof and said, "… then a mutant date is what you're going to get." He motioned for Caitlin to join him on the edge of the roof.

The native of this universe walked closer to him with shaking legs. When she was close enough, Seth wrapped an arm securely around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "Do you trust me?"

"Always." She said with a nodding head with her eyes peering over the edge of the tall building of her workplace. Her arms shot up, going around his neck. A little shaky about what Seth had planned for them, but at the same time feeling comfort and safety at the feeling of his arms around her. And she knew that Seth was not going to let anything happen to her.

The elemental smiled before he tightened his grip around her waist, the next moment he pushed his feet and her off the ledge and into the air, falling downwards to the ground. As they did, Caitlin took a deep breath with the wind rushing past them before Seth covered his entire left arm with his partner, lashing it out in the direction of a building.

A black tendril shot out of his out lashed arm and stuck to a building. The elemental used his wind element to send them further away from the building and his tendril pulled them, swinging them away. Caitlin felt a whole new sensation of a rush surged over her form as Seth carried them both high and above the buildings and right in front of them.

Seth covered his frame with his suit during the fall from S.T.A.R. Labs fall, letting it be covered by a skin-tight black suit with white veins over his form. They passed a building with glasses on every side, their forms reflecting in the glasses. Caitlin wished she had a camera with her now, so she could commemorate this brief moment as they passed another building.

A blushing smile formed behind Seth's mask when he felt Caitlin press up against him as he swung with a tendril and tendril, her arms tightly around his neck, her face shining brightly with a wide smile and placed on his chest with happiness coursing through her form.

"Keep it in your pants." Venom chided, although the symbiote was quite happy with how comfortable and at ease his partner was with the young woman close to him, and in the air with him now.

"Shut it." Seth said back to him, as he swung himself and Caitlin out of the city limits and over to a lake. She saw the place and recognized it as the riverfront where Bette Sans Souci was temporarily bonded to the symbiote. Incidentally, it's also the place where she attacked and stroke down soldiers with ease, from what she could recall back then.

He brought himself and Caitlin down to the ground, right by the waters, his arms letting go of Caitlin and the symbiote retracting into his form. Moving to her front, Seth asked her, "Having fun?"

Caitlin was still smiling widely as she replied, "it was… amazing!" she shouted like an overly excited teenage girl. She even jumped up and down like one as well. "Is that how you feel every time you swing?"

"Yeah, it's amazing. Better than a jetpack." He added with a quip.

Still smiling, her eyes peering over the area and looked to the waters. She didn't want to be rude but wondered of him, "How is this a mutant date?"

With a charming smirk on his face he grasped her hand, and led her over to the edge, this time near the waters. "Our little mutant date is not done yet, my dear."

Surprise came over her when she saw him place a raised foot on top of the waters. She expected it to go through the waters because of its weight… but it didn't. Instead she saw him place both feet on the water surface.

Her eyes widened when she saw him now stand on the water surface right before her. "How?" she inquired of him still baffled by the sight.

"Water element. I'm concentrating the water to form a large mass of water under my feet, it's solid enough so it always gives people the impression that I'm standing or walking on water." He explained.

"Puts you in interesting company." She stated with a joke.

A chuckle came from his mouth as he was compared to God right now. "Thanks for that." He added with a bow, "Problem, is that I can only do it to myself because I can control the water inside of my body and not others."

"So what? You're going to show off now? Sounds like a great second date." Caitlin said in mock hurt.

Holding up a finger to her lips, Seth said with assurance, "Don't you worry Cait. But since you can't stand here… how about…" he swiped his left foot around in a half-circular motion, sending a wave of coldness over the surface of the water. Freezing it within a certain radius.

Seeing it, Caitlin had to place her hands over her mouth in shock. Absolutely baffled was the best way to describe her current status as she drank in the frozen water surface that her boyfriend created within a second. "Seth, this is amazing!"

He didn't respond other than with his hand stretched out for her to take, which she did with small steps. Leading her to the edge, leading up to the make-shift skating rink. She didn't want to waste a single moment, so she took her first step on the ice rink. It was amazing that it was able to hold the two of them now, but he probably froze more than the water surface.

Seth gently swung her around with one hand on the frozen surface while he directed them to the middle of the ice rink with gentle moves. Before Caitlin could get away from him, the elemental wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close again.

Her arms went around his neck as her amber brown eyes looked into his azure blue eyes. Both pairs are filling with warmth and comfort as they held each other close and swayed as though there was a gentle song playing just for them. They moved in sync with one another as their eyes never lost contact and they just lost themselves in each other.

Caitlin felt unlike anything she had ever felt before, she felt like she was completed again. Her missing piece had been rediscovered again, by Seth who now stood in front of her and held her like she was the most precious thing in the entire multiverse. His eyes spoke volumes that no mere words could utter, making her heart speed up thousand-fold and warmth spreading across her chest, across her heart.

And she wasn't the only one.

Even though Seth's heart and soul still have cracks on them, they were slowly piecing back together again. And a part of him wondered if he would able to move on from his past, his losses and finally stay with Caitlin from now on, in this universe. To be able dance again and over and over with the most beautiful woman who looked at him with the very same emotions that reflected in his own eyes, his own core being.

Venom remained silent as they danced. Making sure that his partner and Caitlin were left alone together to enjoy this moment. But a sense of joy was present in his mental eyes that looked at them. Both of them deserved this happiness after everything that they had been through. And if the alien clone had anything to say about it… It would be that the couple would continue on being happy for a very long time.

But that was not within his hands… that job was assigned to fate.

Seth lowered his lips and latched onto Caitlin's lips which raised themselves to meet his incoming ones, and then the two of them connected. An all-powerful surge of emotions flowed between them as once again they were led into their own little world again.

The two of them left alone in their own little world with soothing blue ice around them as their floor while they danced and swayed to their hearts' contents.

And no one was there to break their trance.



Clay Parker unleashed a blood-curdling scream as he was thrown into the air and into the back of the alley, cracking the wall that he crashed against. And if his crushed kneecap and broken shoulder wasn't putting him through enough agony, his back hurt with the traveling shockwave from the impact spreading around his back.

When he was suddenly dragged out of his getaway car in the middle of his getaway with Shawna Baez, the last thing he expected was for a pair of tendrils to drag him out by the windshield and away before either of the three heroes could see that.

And, because the tunnel was laced with pure darkness, Parker expected the tendrils to belong to the elemental who's been putting the fear of God into each and every criminal of the city. But it was anyone but Venom.

Instead of the black tendrils belonging to the anti-hero, he was dragged out by red tendrils with black veins. And when Clay saw the face and the body of the crimson tendrils' origin, his entire body became petrified with pure terror.

A pair of white demonic eyes looking at the terrified criminal escapee from Iron Heights Prison with visible sadistic traits residing in them of murder and bloodlust. Red and black claws scratching against the wall as the deranged killer walked slowly with his clawed feet ever so closer to the agonizing Clay Parker. His long serpent-like tongue licked over the surface of his pitch-black teeth like he was eyeing his prey with a sense of hunger. As he now stood in front of the injured man, Carnage coated both of his clawed hands with his very unique poison. The liquid poison even dripping down on the ground itself and melting the surface upon contact.

Parker tried to back away, fearing that he might meet the same fate as the ground and melt after contact with the venomous liquid. But it was to no success…



… as Cletus Kasady slammed his foot into Clay's guts, his clawed toes piercing his skin and digging deeper into his flesh. A message of his design, telling that there wasn't any hope of him escaping the dangerous serial killer from a far universe. And the message was loud and clear as Parker let out another scream, the black claws digging deeper and drawing a large amount of blood, which reddened his clothes and lowered his life force with each drop.

Carnage looked over his injured prey and laughed as he took in his pitiful form. "You're WEAK!" He lowered his head down to look into Clay's eyes. "I know a Parker myself… and you're NOTHING like him! You're just a little joke who left his girlfriend to save his own ass."

Clay felt enraged by his words and shouted, "Shu-AAAAGGH!"

But his words were caught off when the clawed toes digging into his guts twisted around, forcing Clay to unleash another scream before he could even finish his sentence.

A tongue licked the side of his face, making Clay flinch in disgust because of the slithering feeling of the sadistic killer's tongue. "You …shut… up." He forced his prey to look into his evil eyes with his clawed hand holding him in place.

The hand around his face forced Clay to withhold his scream as he felt the poisonous red liquid sear the sides of his face. Carnage smiled happily as he saw the flesh erode around Parker's face, even more when he saw him struggle with the growing pain in his core. It shook his core with delight.

Cletus' free hand swung and swiped across Clay's clothed torso, ripping the shirt off his body in an instant. As he took in the sight of the undamaged flesh, he smiled again happily with hints of sadistic traits clear in his teeth. "Time to get down to business."

He raised a single finger and sharpened it, a malicious smile formed on his face as the red liquid substance coated his sharp finger. Lowering the finger, the sharp tip of it touched Parker's chest and then dug deeper into it and through the surface of his skin.

Carnage smiled again in triumph, knowing full well that his dear uncle would be more than happy to hear from him again…

…especially with his well-written message…

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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