"Wait, what worms?" asked Tohsaka.
"N-nothing," replied Sakura.
"Crest Worm: a shoddy form of dark magic that uses worms as an intermediary. After transplanting the worm into a host's body, you can control them by influencing their mind, emotions, and memories. You can pass down knowledge, which is how the Matou family has preserved their lineage for many years," explained Edward. "However, most people don't know that Zouken has been using this thing to absorb life energy from people to sustain his longevity."
"She has one of those inside her body?" asked Tohsaka, her eyes once again red with lust for murder.
'Breath in and out, Rin,' thought Tohsaka, trying to calm down. A few seconds later, she looked at Edward, "You can remove it?"
"No problem."
"What about that bastard Zouken? Will he find out and run away?"
"Possibly, but I can track him to the world's end. Plus, if we hurry, we can catch him before he does so."
"Good. Let's move."
"No, no, you can't," pleaded Sakura.
"Don't worry; you'll be fine," reassured Tohsaka.
"No; you simply can't."
Tohsaka frowned before anger once again rushed into her head; he could not fathom how much trauma had been placed on his sister for her to be so afraid of that bastard Zouken. On top of everything, she also had to suffer at the hands of Shinji.
"Do you know who he is?" Tohsaka asked, pointing toward Edward, but Sakura did not respond. She only looked at the floor while her body would occasionally tremble.
"He's the legendary Arcane Emperor. I'm sure you've heard of it."
Sakura slowly raised her head, "Y-you're… telling the truth?" What magician has not heard of the Arcane Emperor? Who amongst them has never dreamed of living in that era considered the pinnacle of magic development?
"Why should I lie?" Sakura slowly looked at Edward, who put on his brightest smile. However, internally, he was rolling his eyes. He did not understand why Akasha gave him such a potent legend or backstory.
"You're really him?"
"The one and only," replied Edward.
"I imagine you much more handsome."
Edward's lips twitched, "I don't think I was known for my beauty."
"True, but some records said you were a womanizer with many queens. I figure someone like that would be extremely handsome," Sakura said softly.
"My charm is more from my personality and vast knowledge of many subjects."
"So, it's true — you were a womanizer."
"I decline to comment." Sakura chuckled at this comment.
"Let's begin, and you don't need to worry with me present," reassured Edward, and Sakura finally agreed to cooperate. Edward pointed his staff on her forehead, releasing a green light. A few seconds later, a worm was forced out of her brain, and a surge of energy rushed throughout Sakura's body, almost making her moan.
"This feeling!" she muttered.
"You have already lost a lot of life energy. So, I reversed the worm's effect and stole life energy from Zouken to replenish what you've lost and more. You're guaranteed to live to 110 unless something major or unexpected occurs."
"I don't know how to feel about this information," proclaimed Sakura. It's good to know she has a long life ahead of her, but it's also scary knowing the exact year she will die.
"We're wasting time. That bastard might be running away anytime," said Tohsaka.
"Alright, Ms. Diva. I'll teleport us to his location." Edward tapped his staff on the floor, and a magic circle enveloped him and the two sisters.
"Wait, I want to go too," yelled Shirour Emiya.
"No," Edward directly declined.
"Sakura is my friend, and I feel bad that I never knew her home life was so terrible. Now that I know, I want to be there as support and help in whatever ways I can."
"Shirou-senpai," muttered Sakura with a doting look in her eyes. "Please, let him come with us."
Edward groaned as she gave him puppy eyes, "You shouldn't even come given what he's done to you; it might be triggering."
"No, I have to face him; I must watch with my eyes," replied Sakura firmly, and Edward decided to change tactics.
"Fine, but we need someone to keep an eye on Shinji; Shirou is the best candidate."
"But he's unconscious, and I doubt he's waking up anytime soon."
"No, things are not so simple," countered Edward. "If I remember correctly, Sakura summoned Rider and gave control of him to Shinji. It did not come to rescue him because he ordered her to work with Caster. She will come to his rescue once she detects something is wrong."
"Is that true?" asked Tohsaka.
"Check his hands; you'll see the Command Seals." She checked on him and discovered makeup that covered the seals.
"Shirou, keep an eye on Shinji. Let's go."
The magic circle light, and the three disappeared from the room.
"Spatial Manipulation," muttered Tohsaka with shining eyes; she wanted to learn this spell immediately, but this was not the time. She looked around to see an extremely thin elderly man trying to walk down a secret tunnel. The latter had blood streaming down his nose and a look of shock at the sight of them suddenly materializing.
"You must be Zouken," said Tohsaka with gritted teeth.
"Rin Tohsaka? Sakura?" uttered Zouken. "Why are you here?"
"You know why we're here."
Zouken did not say anything and immediately exploded into a pile of thousands of worms, each running in different directions.
"It's pointless," said Edward. "I've already isolated this area. You guys only need to kill all the worms until only one last one remains."
Tohsaka did not have to be told twice. She immediately activated her Gem Magic and attacked everywhere. Sakura first hesitated, but after a few seconds, she followed, killing as many as those worms who were her childhood nightmare. The process was so satisfying, and after close to thirty minutes, only one worm remained, and it transformed into Zouken.
"You can't do this," he said in a feeble voice. "Sakura, I raised you like my own daughter. You can't do this to me."
"Daughter? You treated me like a pawn for your cursed ambition of immortality," cursed Sakura. "How dare you say you treated me like a daughter."
"B-but I raised you. Doesn't that count for anything?" persuaded Zouken. "All I'm asking for is a second chance. Just let me go; I promise I will never do it again. I will live my life in solitude until the end of my days. I'm begging you."
Sakura looked at the person who caused her nightmare for over a decade. As she saw his pathetic pleading, she discovered how ridiculous of her to be afraid of someone like that, someone with no honor or shred of dignity. Simultaneously, she also felt pity for his situation.
"He's lying," suddenly said Edward. "He has a few worms hidden worldwide and is counting on them to survive this ordeal. He's just putting on a show."
"You!" Zouken pointed his bony finger at him, his body trembling in anger.
"Damn bastard," roared Tohsaka, ready to end his miserable life.
"No," said Edward. "She has the right to dictate his end." Tohsaka stopped and looked at her sister. Sakura did not hesitate and used a projectile spell that blew Zouken's head off. Immediately afterward, she couched on the ground and began sobbing uncontrollably. She did not know why but only felt like crying nonstop. Tohsaka approached and hugged her.
Edward calmly looked at this. He went to all of this because of regrets. Back in Primordial Earth, he had watched many shows and had regrets about many characters. The three he felt most intense about were Nina from FullMetal Alchemist and the other was Sakura and Illya's fate.
Now that he had avenged her, he had this odd sensation that some of his regrets had been overcome.
After more than ten minutes, Sakura finally stopped crying, and Tohsaka looked at Edward, "What should we do about the other worms?"
"Don't worry. I've already placed a curse on them; they should be dead by now," Edward replied casually.
"That's good. In that case, let's return home."
Edward teleported the group back home, and as soon as they saw the state of Tohsaka's mansion, they knew something had happened.
"What's going on?' asked Tohsaka.
"He…was right," said Shirou. "Someone tried to release Shinji."
"Was it another Servant?"
Shirou nodded. Edward looked at the destruction around him, and he was slightly surprised. He expected Rider to take action but did not expect she would act so swiftly. He thought she would take at least one day before acting.
His original intention for preventing Shirou from accompanying them was not due to his disdain for him; he did not want his morality to influence Sakura and Tohsaka, preventing them from killing the garbage of a human called Zouken.
"Can you fix this?" asked Tohsaka, and Edward looked at her, his lips twitching. "Please," she added.
"Hey, Shirou, you've learned basic repair magic. Come practice."
"Why should I?"
"This is partly the mess you've made, so shouldn't you fix it?" rebutted Edward.
"You have a point." Then, Shirou began to use the basic knowledge he had acquired to fix the damage from the previous battle.
Tohsaka was speechless at this exchange, but the unconscious Shinji soon diverted her attention. "Now, what to do with you?" Her eyes did not hide the desire for bloodlust.
"Please…don't kill him."
"Are you serious?" Tohsaka looked at his lost sister. "After what he's done?"
"He was not always like that," replied Sakura. "He used to be a sweet and kind brother."
"This does not change what's become and done."
"Please, for my sake, don't kill him."
Tohsaka looked her in the eyes, and uncontrollably, her eyes softened, and the rage overwhelming her mind due to the guilt rapidly dissipated. "Fine, but from now on, he will live his life as less than a man, and the Matou bloodline will end with him."
"Tohsaka, isn't that a little too much?"
"Mind your own business," snapped Tohsaka while glaring at Shirou. Then, a few seconds later, Shinji's wailing scream made every man in the room instinctively tremble and clutch their legs. Tohsaka punched him to knock him out and stop his screaming.
Edward gave this girl a thump as he did not expect she would be so ruthless and decisive.
"We should get a move on," said Edward.
"What's your plan?" Tohsaka was calm enough to listen and plan out their next move.
"Caster is still sucking the life energy from the children in school while creating a bounded field in the Ryuudou Temple. She will be much harder to deal with once she succeeds."
"You have a point. I remember you said Rider was now their ally?" asked Tohsaka.
"That's right."
"Then, our best move is to force Shinji to forfeit his identity as a Master."
"I was going to suggest this," nodded Edward, and Tohsaka walked to the still-unconscious Shinji. She suddenly stopped, "Where's his Command Seals?"
"What are you talking about?" asked Edward, who walked beside her. "You're right, it's gone."
"Shirou, did something happen when you were protecting him?"
"Hmm, no. Saber held up their Servant while I closely watched him."
"Caster must have done something while you were distracted; you're lucky she did not kill you for whatever reason," added Edward.
"This doesn't make sense. Shinji had to be conscious to hand over his seals, and Shirou would have noticed if he had. So, how did she get it? Some kind of spell?"
"Probably since she's a very talented magician," replied Edward. "If we can defeat her, I might be able to use a similar spell to get the position of Caster."
"You're not the Caster?" asked Sakura, and Edward gave her a look that said wasn't it obvious.
"Well, you're the Arcane Emperor and used many spells, so I figured you would be the Caster as the servant."
"I'm too powerful, so the Grail had to nerf me."
"That makes sense."
"Don't listen to his narcissistic talk," chimed Tohsaka before looking at Shirou, "Are you coming with us?"
"Of course. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."
She looked at Edward and asked, "Do you have any problem with this?"
"No, but Sakura has to stay home."
"Why? I can help."
"Although you're gifted, you lack battle experience. So, it's best to stay here. I will leave a barrier in this mansion that will protect you."
"I agree with him," said Tohsaka. "And that's final. Let's move before it's too late."
With Edward's help, they instantly reached the stairs leading to the Ryuudou Temple. Everyone, except for Shirou, could see the massive amount of magical energy surrounding this temple.
"We were almost too late," commented Tohsaka. Bounded Fields are like pseudo-domains. In comparison, they are like the Arcane/Magic Towers from Edward's world. An Arcanist will have an absolute advantage in their towers when doing anything, and it's the same for the bounded field in this world.
Someone with a magic robe covering their robes appeared before them. She seemed to pause after seeing Edward before focusing on the group.
"I did not expect you to come so swiftly," said Caster.
"Do you know me?" asked Edward, who noticed the pause.
"What an odd question."
"I already know you're Medea, the Princess of Colchis. So, you can answer my question if that's what you're worried about."
Medea paused before removing the hoody, showing her light blue hair and pointed ears, "It's nice to see you again, Your Majesty."
"So, you do know me."
"You don't remember?"
"Sadly, no," replied Edward. "You should have been one of the magicians I invited."
"Yes, and with your theory on Anti-Magic, I was able to elevate my Rule Breaker to a higher level."
Every time Edward heard about his background or legend, he wanted to curse Akasha. "I don't mean to be rude or insulting, but was our relationship strictly professional?" Knowing himself and Akasha's means, he had to ask this question.
Medea's face turned red, "We kissed once, but you said that I was not in the best emotional state to enter any relationship after what happened with Jason."
At this point, rolling his eyes and cursing were not enough to indicate how he felt about this situation. "Well, I apologize for not being able to reminisce about the past."
"That's fine. After all, we are currently enemies," replied Medea. "And I won't show any mercy to my enemy."
"The feeling is mutual."
"In that case, let's see who the last man standing is." She disappeared from the temple's entrance.
"What are you looking at?" asked Edward after he saw everyone intently glancing at him.
"I'm not judging, just surprised," said Shirou.
"I am," added Saber; she did not like this kind of unfaithful man.
"I knew there were rumors you were a womanizer, but it's different seeing it personally," commented Tohsaka.
"No is perfect, and that rule also applies to me," shrugged Edward. "Let's move on." The group tried to enter the temple, and someone was already waiting at the gate. The man appeared to be of Japanese origin and had a katana on his side.
"Who is this?" Tohsaka did not anticipate this unknown enemy.
"Assassin," replied Edward.
"Why is he here?"
"Caster summoned him."
"She can do that?"
"Apparently, yes."
"So, what's the plan?"
"Saber, he will be your opponent while we move on," said Edward, but she ignored him and looked at Shirou.
"This might be the best." So, Saber finally accepted this plan.
"You better win this fight as soon as possible. My intuition tells me things will not proceed smoothly," added Edward before they move on.
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