[If you are interested in reading 10 chapters ahead, go check out my Pa.tr.eon with the link https://www.patréon.com/LazySageDao, or just type in my writer's name in the website. The plot is getting exciting there and you guys can support me in any way you can.
Additionally, go read my other novel [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] and [The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction], it's a Naruto Fanfic with an evil MC born in the Otsutsuki clan.
Join the discord: https://discord.gg/bnsezTApeY]
"Full Metal, you need to calm down," said Mustang, which was his first words ever since Edward showed up.
"Calm down? How can I calm down?" yelled Edward Elric. "This man just recreated a perfect human body through Human Transmutation. No, to be precise, he recreated Nina's body matter by matter. Not to mention how perfectly he separated her soul."
"So?" responded Mustang.
"That means that his method could help get our bodies back," added Alphonse.
"Can you guys quiet down," said Edward Bones. Then, he looked at Nina and asked: "How do you feel?"
"Big brother, I'm fine."
"Does it hurt anywhere?"
Although she said she was fine, Edward could tell that she was not--at least psychologically. Well, it was understandable as she was just fused with a dog by her father. So, he secretly used a Mind Soothing Spell to reduce the impact that this event would have on her.
Once he was done, he used a sleeping spell on her so that she could rest. Finally, he stood up, looked at the Elric brothers, and said: "Unfortunately, you're wrong."
"What do you mean?" hurriedly asked Alphonse.
"Well, your body was used as a toll for opening the Gate of Truth. Logically speaking, it should have been gone, returning to the flow of the universe. Since the Law of Equivalent Exchange is absolute, you can't recreate your body."
"Are you saying that it's impossible to get our bodies back?" asked Edward Elric with gritted teeth.
"I'm not saying that. However, the method I just used will not succeed for you guys."
Meanwhile, Lieutenant Hawkeye--who still had her guns raised--suddenly said: "Have any of you noticed how easy this man was able to gain our trust and lead the conversation, and yet, we do not even know his name.
"On top of that, he seemed to know a lot about the conditions of you two."
Everyone then noticed that she was right, so they once again became on guard. As for Edward, he just smiled before saying: "My name is Edward Bones, a traveler from distant lands. I'm currently in the process of traveling the world to learn about different countries' alchemy.
"My first step is Amestris, soon, I'll be heading to Xing."
"Do you have a passport and a visa?" asked Colonel Mustang.
"Of course," responded Edward as he took it out. The Lieutenant slowly walked to him to check it.
"He's from Creta, the passport and visa are real," commented Lieutenant Hawkeye. She then looked at Edward and asked: "Last question, how did you suddenly appear here? And how did you know that something bad would happen ?"
She remembered how this person asked if he was too late after appearing here. This was one of the reasons she was suspicious.
"I cannot explain how I knew that something would happen here: I just knew. Think of it as intuition. As for how I suddenly appear, well, I just teleported here."
"That's preposterous," said Edward Elric. "Alchemy is based on scientific principles, meanwhile, teleportation is nothing but science fiction. It's impossible to use Alchemy to teleport."
"No, it's possible. All you have to do is decompose the body into atoms, then reconstruct it in another place. Of course, you would need some other dimension as a link to connect the two places."
"Like the Gate of Truth," muttered the older Elric brother.
"Exactly," responded Edward Bones.
"Even so, if even a single atom was missing, the process would fail. Controlling trillions upon trillions of molecules seemed an impossible task."
"You are thinking about this too deeply," added Edward. "Alchemy is not 100% based on science. At a deeper level, it overlaps with spiritualism, the occult, and pseudoscience.
"For example, the soul is linked to the body through the mind. In the process of teleportation, once the soul passes through the Gate and arrives at the desired destination, using the mind, all the atoms in the body will follow.
"And when it comes to the process of reconstruction, if we consider the atoms in the body as living entities with instinct, an alchemist just has to allow these atoms to follow this instinct and the body will reconstruct itself on its own.
"There is no need to rebuild it atom by atom."
Edward was not just spewing nonsense. In the anime, Edward Elric did achieve something similar to teleportation when he was swallowed by the Homunculi, Gluttony.
And the process he used was similar to the one that Edward mentioned.
The Elric brothers seemed to be enlightened after hearing his words, so they stopped to ponder Edward's words. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Hawkeye was thinking to herself:
'This way this man behaved, he seemed like he was a teacher. More importantly, he seemed to enjoy teaching.'
"Wait," suddenly said Alphonse. "There is still the issue of toll: to open the Gate, a toll must be paid. So, what did you pay?"
"Good question, unfortunately, I cannot answer that question."
Edward Elric frowned after hearing this, then he said: "By chance…"
"If you want to ask me if I have a Philosopher's Stone, the answer is no. However, I can warn you guys. Your search for this stone will bring you a lot of pain and misery."
After saying that, Edward paused for a moment, looked at the Lieutenant: "Could you please stop pointing a gun at me? It is very uncomfortable and useless. Quite frankly, if I wanted to do something to any of you, there is nothing you could do about it."
"Oh, how so?" asked Colonel Mustang with a smirk on his face, obviously displeased by the insinuation.
"Like this," said Edward who proceeded to snap his finger. Then, flame surrounded him, then he snapped his finger again, controlling the atoms and electrons in the surrounding area. Then, a massive surge of electricity surrounded him.
"Flame Alchemy!" said Colonel Mustang.
"How is that possible?" muttered Lieutenant Hawkeye. Her father was the creator of Flame Alchemy, and she only passed it on to one person.
"I can be considered one of the greatest Alchemists in modern time," boasted Edward. "So, it was quite easy to recreate it after seeing the basic principle."
He paused for a moment, turn to look at the sleeping Nina, and thought to himself: 't's good that I was able to save you'
He then finally looked at Shou Tucker who was trembling on the floor. Ever since Edward entered the room, he felt a horrendous dread overcoming his soul. This was the reason that he did not say anything.
After taking a quick glance at this guy, he raised his head and said:
"Well, now that I've accomplished the task I came here for and fed my vanity in the process, my job here is done; it was nice meeting all of you, folks." He then clapped his hand together, a transmutation light flashed from his body and he disappeared.
This was not magic, he just bent the lights surrounding him to appear invisible.
While everyone was still shocked by what just happened, Edward did not immediately leave the compound. Instead, he waited for the night; he waited until Scar found Shou Tucker and killed him.
Edward did not know whether his action would prevent that guy's death, so he waited to see. Since he could not do anything himself, he was prepared to use magic to influence Scar to do his bidding for him.
Luckily, he did not have to do anything as the Ishvalan Avenger did not have any mercy for an alchemist like Shou Tucker.
Of course, another reason he waited for Scar was to see the Transmutation Array tattooed on his body, and use Legilimency to acquire information about where he placed his brother's research on combining Alchemy and Alkahestry.
After getting the information he wanted, he left.
Next Chapter Title: Homunculi
[If you are interested in reading 10 chapters ahead, go check out my Pa.tr.eon with the link https://www.patréon.com/LazySageDao, or just type in my writer's name in the website. The plot is getting exciting there and you guys can support me in any way you can.
Additionally, go read my other novel [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] and [The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction], it's a Naruto Fanfic with an evil MC born in the Otsutsuki clan.
Join the discord: https://discord.gg/bnsezTApeY]
Underneath Central, Fuhrer Bradley stood along with all the other homunculi, waiting respectively while looking at his father.
"You're saying that there is an alchemist that performed a perfect Human Transmutation to separate a Human Chimera?" asked Father with a calm look in his voice.
"According to the report made by Mustang, it seems so."
"Did that Alchemist have a Philosopher's Stone?" asked Envy.
"According to the report, no."
"Then the report must be a lie. There is no way a human is powerful enough to accomplish such a task without a stone."
All the other homunculi agreed with her, even Father. He knew how difficult it is to perfectly create a human body--especially without a Philosopher's Stone.
The body he currently has was made using some of the souls from the people of Xerxes.
Since he could not achieve such a task on his own, he did not believe a mere human would be able to.
"Nevertheless, even with a stone, this alchemist is quite talented. And from the information summarized, he likely opened the Gate," said Lust. "So, he can be considered a sacrifice. Wrath, have you located him?"
"Unfortunately, no. In the past few days, I've sent people to find him but there was no result."
"Since he said that he was traveling east, could he have already headed for Xing?" asked Pride.
"Not likely," responded Fuhrer Bradly. "I received a report yesterday that someone with his exact description was seen not long ago in Central. So, I'm guessing that he is here, but very good at hiding."
"Why is he hiding? Does he know something about us?" asked Pride.
"Unlikely. If I had to guess, I would say it was because of his identity as a citizen of Creta. Maybe, he does not like to draw attention to himself in a foreign land."
"None of that truly matters," said Lust. "What matters is to find this alchemist as soon as possible and control him."
"It's quite easy to accomplish both," said Envy with a grin full of malice. "Since this alchemist went his way to save Nina Tucker, all we have to do is kidnap her and lure him. Based on his reaction, we might even use her to control him."
"That's a good idea," said Lust. Then, all the homunculi looked at Father for him to make a final decision.
"In that case, Lust and Gluttony, you two go capture that small human."
--Scene Break--
East City:
Lust was standing in front of a small house with Gluttony next to her; the latter had drools coming out of his mouth.
"This place should be where Mustang placed the little girl Nina Tucker. How nice of him."
"Can I eat her?" asked Gluttony.
"You can eat the old lady taking care of the little girl, but you cannot eat her. Also, you cannot eat the alchemist as well."
After saying that, Lust entered the house calmly. However, she soon felt that something was wrong: it was too quiet.
'Could it be that Nina and the caretaker were not home today?'
With the utmost confidence in herself and her power, Lust entered the small manor with Gluttony following. However, when they reached the living room, they saw a man with black hair and blue eyes waiting for them; a smirking smile that made Lust angry for some reason was plastered on his face.
"You must be Edward Bones, correct?" asked Lust.
"That's correct."
"And what are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you, of course," replied Edward.
Lust frowned after hearing this.
"Are wondering how I knew you guys would be coming?" continued Edward. "Well, let's just say, you people are quite predictable. Let me guess, this was Envy's plan, wasn't it?"
A slight surprise flash across her eyes.
"It seems that I was right. Well, her personality is truly twisted, so only he would have no problem using a little girl for her plan."
"You seem to know us pretty well," commented Lust.
"More than you can imagine."
Then, Edward ignored her as he focused on the idiot known as Gluttony; his eyes contained endless greed.
Inside this idiot was an entire dimension that lies between reality and the Soul Space where the Gate of Truth exists. Gluttony is the result of a failed experiment by Father trying to recreate the Gate of Truth so that he can gain all the alchemy knowledge in existence.
However, after failing, he only used Gluttony as a disposable expert--an act which Edward considered truly wasteful.
By studying Gluttony, Edward believed that he would be able to create an entire large dimension by himself as right now, he could only use magic to create a small one the size of a bucket.
After creating that large dimension, all he has to do is connect it to his Soul Space, place countless mana inside the dimension, then use that mana to cast magic and remove his limitation on his body.
Of course, Edward knew that there were a few problems with his plan. For Example, he still does not know how to use energy from different dimensions to cast spells. Maybe, he will have to wait one day when he goes to the Marvel World.
Nevertheless, the first step of being able to create his own dimension will start by studying the homunculi, Gluttony.
While Edward was staring at Gluttony, Lust immediately took action and attacked. Her fingernails grew longer and rushed towards him, trying to piece his arms and legs. She was probably trying to immobilize him.
However, a weird blue shield appeared to surround Edward, protecting him. This was a force field that he created by using Alchemy to control electromagnetic fields in the surrounding.
Ever since he came to this world, he tried his best not to use magic to the best of his ability.
After being attacked, Edward turned his head and looked at Lust.
"Although you're not as important as him, you still have value. After dissecting you, I should find a way to turn the Philosopher's Stone into my magic core."
Lust was confused by the words "magic core". However, she did not have time to respond. Edward snapped his finger, then both Lust and Gluttony fell to the ground and started seizing.
Immediately after that, they found themselves unable to move.
"What did you do to us?"
With a smile on his face, Edward said: "Did you know that certain sound frequencies can affect the human brain and make it shut down the entire body?
"If it was a normal person, they would have passed out long ago. However, you, homunculi, are more resistant, so you can keep some form of consciousness.
"Alright, let's get down to business."
Edward then walked to both Lust and Gluttony to take a few samples of blood. Then, he turned on the light in the dark house, displaying a strange transmutation circle that was already drawn.
He placed the blood in the middle of the circle before activating it. Then, to Lust's horror, two bodies that looked exactly like her and Gluttony appeared inside the room.
Meanwhile, Edward nodded in satisfaction after seeing this, he then took out two stones from his pocket: two Philosopher's Stone to be exact. He placed the stones inside their bodies.
"Morgana, can you take control of these bodies?"
"As you wish, master." replied the little purple-hair elf that suddenly appeared. Then she said:
"I have already scanned these people's memories and developed a behavior model based on their personality and ideologies. However, there are a few problems."
"What is it?"
"Although I can replicate the woman's ability, I cannot do the same for the fat one."
"Well, it does not matter; their replacement is only temporary. So, just try not to use his ability until I'm finished."
"As you wish."
After that, Edward took the real Lust and Envy to go back to his laboratory, while the fake one returned to see Father.
Next Chapter Title: The Key Ingredient
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