[If you are interested in reading 10 chapters ahead, go check out my Pa.tr.eon with the link https://www.patréon.com/LazySageDao, or just type in my writer's name in the website. The plot is getting exciting there and you guys can support me in any way you can.
Additionally, go read my other novel [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] and [The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction], it's a Naruto Fanfic with an evil MC born in the Otsutsuki clan.
Join the discord: https://discord.gg/bnsezTApeY]
9th Tower, the Council delegates walked inside to see someone waiting for him. However, that person was not dressed properly and only had a regular shirt and jeans with a lab coat on.
"Tower Master George Weasley, where is your brother?"
"I'm Fred."
"Sorry about the mistake."
"No problem. As for my brother, our shop is having a week-long discount, so he's attending to it."
The council members were speechless after hearing this.
"Oh, did you guys come up with a new catalog of joke objects?" asked Edward. "Show me!"
Immediately, George showed Edward a holographic image describing some of their new inventions.
"Oh, a potion that allows people to taste color? That sounds interesting. I'm sure you guys went through the proper review before selling them right?"
"Of course, Professor. We are law-abiding citizens."
"Yes, said the guy that just lied to officers of the Empire by taking his brother's identity."
"Professor, why can you always tell us apart when even our mother cannot? We even developed special magic to make us indistinguishable."
"For one, I always assumed you guys were lying about your identity. Plus, I have a few tricks up my sleeve."
"Do tell."
"Hehem," suddenly coughed Amelia lightly.
"Alright, let's get back to business," said Edward. Then, George led the group to show his result. So, he led them to a room that was generating massive amounts of electricity.
However, all the electricity was directed to another connected room that had a massive floating Crystal Ball with blue light in the middle.
"As you all already know, our task was to create a magic item that could convert other energies into mana. After many experiments, we discovered that electricity could be converted into mana.
"Although a large amount is needed for even the smallest amount, with nuclear power plants, the amount of electricity generated is nothing," explained George.
"Excellent," added Edward. "Although the solar system has plenty of leyline nodes that generate mana, we can never be too sure whether one day they will stop. However, with this method, we will not have to worry about mana in the future.
"Let me see the data for the experiment."
After receiving and reviewing the data, Edward said: "It should be possible to also convert solar energy into mana if you change the enchantments a bit."
On the spot, he designed the basic enchantments to accomplish this, then he said: "You guys can finish the rest."
"Professor, I was planning to take a vacation," complained George.
"Then do so, but get back to work after that. However, if you procrastinate longer than necessary, the Royal Guards will arrest you to send you back."
Ignoring George's angry look, Edward and the delegates headed for the next inspection.
8th Tower.
"Cedric, how have you been? How is the wife?"
"Everything has been fine, professor. As for Cho, she just transferred to a new team, so she has been busy with Quidditch training."
"That's good. Now, let's begin."
Nodding his head, Cedric led the team to show them his result. What appeared in front of them was a gigantic spider with twelve legs. For the spider eyes, there was only a giant red glowing orb.
"In front of you is the 8th generation AG-23 Spider Golem. It comes in three modes: Water, Earth, and Sky."
After Cedric Diggory said that, the spider started to fly under his command. Then, he led it to the large ocean that was inside the room. The spider's legs entered his body as it floated on the ocean, acting like a boat.
Finally, it dove deep inside the water, resurfacing a few minutes later.
"It can serve as both a weapon and a reconnaissance drone."
Many modern and magical weapons including laser cannons appeared from the spider's body. Some of the cannons shot elemental magic, and one was enchanted to shoot Bombarda Spell.
"It can scan a planet's basic conditions, search for lifeforms, minerals, and plants. It can even serve as a mining golem--although not as efficient as one, its multipurpose abilities more than made up for that."
Controlling the holographic screen in front of him, Edward asked: "Can they be mass-produced?"
"Yes. With the recent 3-D Printing technology that is enchanted with the same enchantment as the Room of Requirements, as long as the necessary materials are available, they can be mass-produced."
"This is indeed a great invention. With this, the Space Fleet's next expedition will be much safer," commented Edward.
5th Tower:
"Neville, how are you doing?"
"I'm fine, thank you for asking, professor."
"How about your mother and father? Your grandma?"
"Father and Mother are fine, they are now working at St. Mungo's hospital. As for grandma, she is quite healthy. A-and she asked me to hand over some tea she personally made for this Inspection."
"Tea? You can hand over it to me now," replied Edward with a smile. After doing so, Neville said: "She wanted me to thank you for supporting my promotion as Tower Master."
"There is no need to thank me. You are one of the most talented herbalists of the Empire. You deserve that title. Now, show me the result."
Inside a very large room that was expanded with the Extension Curse, an enormous tree stood in the middle. The tree was as tall as a 10 story building, the leaves on them were entirely blue. In the dark, they might glow.
Powerful energy could be felt coming from them. As soon as the delegates walked into the same room as the tree, the wizards amongst them instantly felt like their mana was alive.
Their minds became clearer, and using magic became easier for them.
"After years of studying, with the combination of genetic engineering and herbology, the Mana Tree was finally created. After being planted on a leyline node, they absorb mana from them and release it on the surrounding through photosynthesis.
"More importantly, the mana in the surroundings did not dissipate after being released, but remained active in the environment."
"Excellent job, I knew that I could count on you, Neville," said Edward. "What about the effect of the tree on the nodes? Have they shown any sign of activation?"
"Yes, they do, however, the process is very slow. According to our calculation, even the node with the least concentration of mana would take more than 500 years to activate. As for the more powerful one, an estimate of over 100,000 years is the smallest number we could calculate."
"That's indeed too long," replied Edward. "Could the process be accelerated if the tree was planted all over the world at the same time?"
"It's possible," replied Neville. "But there is not enough data to support this claim."
"Then study."
"As you wish."
'This should be enough to placate Death and not make him act rash. As long as he has hopes to activate the leyline nodes to escape, he should continue to remain patient as he has been in the past few decades.'
So, the group headed for the next Tower for inspection.
5 chapters.
Next Chapter Title:
[If you are interested in reading 10 chapters ahead, go check out my Pa.tr.eon with the link https://www.patréon.com/LazySageDao, or just type in my writer's name in the website. The plot is getting exciting there and you guys can support me in any way you can.
Additionally, go read my other novel [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] and [The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction], it's a Naruto Fanfic with an evil MC born in the Otsutsuki clan.
Join the discord: https://discord.gg/bnsezTApeY]
1st Tower:
Edward walked inside with the council delegates following him. The first thing they saw was a breathtakingly beautiful woman dressed similar to Edward. Her magic robe shone with magical light, giving her both a regal and mighty presence.
Without caring about anyone else, Edward hugged her and kissed her. After lightly reciprocating, Hermione said: "You're in front of people, act more appropriately."
"Why do people keep telling me to behave? As a ruler, shouldn't I be able to do whatever I want," complained Edward.
"No, on the contrary, as an Emperor, you have a certain image and reputation to uphold," replied Hermione with a stern look.
"It's not like these people will say anything," added Edward as he looked at the Council members, who quickly looked away, pretending not to see anything. Of course, the exception was Amelia. After seeing how she was glaring at him, Edward knew that it was time to get back to business.
"Alright, you people always take the fun out of everything. Hermione, show us the result of your research."
She then led them to a room with a man in deep meditation. An image appeared in front of everyone with data from the experiment.
"After years of experiment and testing, Project Magician is finally completed."
Many people became excited after hearing this--especially the non-magical members of the council.
"Your highness, could you please elaborate further," asked one of the council members. However, he soon realized that he made a mistake by speaking before the Empire and hurriedly apologized.
However, Edward just waved his hand to motion him to relax.
Then, Hermione continued her explanation:
"Through experiment, we discovered that by gathering mana and condensing it on a specific spot, a core can be formed; it is similar to the Philosopher's Stone. The user's soul combined with the mana to form a small crystal containing a small dimensional space inside that can hold mana."
She then showed a video of two people slowly creating their cores. The person was in a specifically designed room that had mana in the environment.
"As you can see in the video, we have discovered three places that the core can be made: the heart, the brain, and the navel or dantian as the eastern cultures referred to it as. However, the best and most effective place seemed to be the heart like wizards."
"What are the qualifications needed to become a magician?" asked Edward. "Could anyone become one?"
All the excited people quickly calmed down, listening to the answer to that question.
"Unfortunately, no," replied Hermione. She showed them a different type of date.
"According to our experiments, two things are needed to become a mage: one is the ability to sense mana. After many studies, we discovered that many people do not have that talent. Without the ability to sense mana, it's impossible to gather or control it."
"Your highness, how do we sense mana?" asked one of the council.
"We have developed meditation techniques for that, and even potions to aid in the process. Nevertheless, depending on their talents, it is easier for some people than for others."
"Have you discovered any factors that decide talent to sense mana?" asked Edward/
"So far, we have discovered that people with more powerful souls are more sensitive to mana. People that are more spiritual by nature, and people with higher IQ tend to be more sensitive. Additionally, according to one of our studies, the optimal age for people to sense mana is between the ages of 8-11, however, children that age usually have a harder time focusing on meditation.
"It's similar to when young wizards and witches developed their magical abilities. Is there a certain age requirement to become a mage?" asked Edward.
"So far, we have not discovered any. Some subjects who are over the age of 100 years have managed to become mages. However, the process took longer than the others."
Edward pondered for a moment before saying: "Since deep meditation is the key, we can develop a set of basic meditation for children to prepare them beforehand. It can become a mandatory requirement of the curriculum for all the schools."
"That's indeed a good method. That way, when these children are detected to have magical talents, they could be prepared in advance," commented Amelia.
"Alright, you said that there were two requirements to become a mage; what's the second?"
"The second requirement is something that we referred to as Mana Body. According to our research, not all individuals' bodies can properly bear mana. For some of them, mana is like poison. After entering it, it makes them sick.
"The second step of becoming a mage is to create Magic Veins in the body like wizards. Unfortunately, not all of them can go through that process as a result of that."
While looking at the data, Amelia said: "This Mana Poison could be a great problem once the leyline nodes are activated and mana returned to the surrounding. In an environment with a high level of mana, it is foreseeable that it will enter people's bodies unknowingly. Many people could get sick as a result."
"That's true. Let's put it in the agenda of things to study and solve," replied Edward. He then looked at Hermione and asked: "What is the level of mana that the mage's core can hold?"
"The minimum is lower than even some young wizards, while the highest level so far is 20 units of mana."
"20 units of mana? That's 20 times that of an adult wizard. This amount is a little far from the amount before the First Limiter," commented one of the council members. "Is there any way for the amount to increase, just like it does for wizards after breaking the Limiters?"
"Unfortunately, no. As recently discovered, the Limiters are both a bloodline restriction of wizards and a restriction of the world. Since mages do not have bloodlines, they do not have such restrictions.
"So, if they want to increase the mana in their magic core, we have to find a way to expand the interior dimension of the core. Unfortunately, the research of the Empire has not had any result as of yet."
"What about the growth of mana? Can mages naturally produce mana as they grow up like wizards?"
"No. Wizard's mana is also a product of their bloodlines. If a mage wants to increase his or her mana, they would have to draw it from the environment, or potions."
"So far, mages sound like an inferior version of wizards," complained one person. "Are there any advantages that they have?"
"There are. Since mages have to begin their journey by sensing mana in the environment, controlling it, and entering their bodies, their general control over mana is much better than most wizards. Furthermore, in the future, when the leyline nodes are activated, using spells will require to control mana in the environment to increase their strength. Mages will have a way easier time doing so than wizards."
Many people finally felt relieved after hearing this. Meanwhile, Amelia was thinking to herself.
'Project Magician was supposed to decrease the discrimination and division between the magical and non-magical citizens of the empire. But now, It's more likely that it will further divide people into mages, wizards, and ordinary people. I need to prepare for this in advance.'
She was not the only one who discovered the issue. However, Edward did not place too much emphasis on this kind of thing since he had his aunt do it for him. So, he asked another question:
"You said that there were three places where a magic core could be made. Have you tried making three cores at once?"
"Yes, we have. However, the result was that as soon as the second core was made, it immediately resonated with the first one, resulting in both of them being destroyed. After that, the subject has lost its ability to wield magic forever."
Edward reviewed the data one last time, then said with a smile: "Since everything seemed fine, we can begin a worldwide test for people with talent to become mages. I can see another boom in the Empire's rise in strength."
Right now, the Empire had a total of 100 million wizards and another 15 million humanoid or intelligent magical races. That may sound a large number--especially compared to the measly 5 million wizards before Edward announced the existence of magic to the world.
However, compared to the 50 billion people in the Empire that spawn across the entire Solar System, it's nothing.
Of course, there is the issue of clones. Cloning wizards is possible. Unfortunately, only 1 out 100,000 clones will be born with magical abilities, while all the others turned out ordinary.
Still, with the Empire's ability to mass-produce clones, it's not a big problem. Unfortunately, the magical abilities of these clones are truly weak due to their weak souls. Even a 12-13-year-old young wizard could easily defeat them. As such, they are mostly used for cannon fodders or experimental subjects.
After finishing the inspection, Edward prepared to go to another Tower. However, he received a mental message from Hermione.
'If you secretly leave without saying anything, I will never forget you.'
'My love, you should know that I'm not that insensitive.'
'If that was the case, you would have taken us with you.'
'We discussed this long ago. Next time, you guys can accompany me.'
4 chapters
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