"Ow," I groaned painfully as I sat up, trying to switch off my blasting alarm. I grabbed my phone and quickly switched it off before throwing myself back onto the bed. My skull felt like it was cracking open from the pounding headache. I rubbed my face with my hands as I tried to remember what happened last night, I knew Vasili came over some time, we drank wine… oh no. I got drunk and fell asleep on the floor. That did not explain how I got onto the bed but I assumed I must have woken up during the night and climbed into bed.
When I turned around I noticed a bottle of water with two painkillers next to it. This caught my attention and I noticed a note.
Try not to get shit faced next time
-Vasili C.
"Oh god no," I groaned even louder. I was practically his boss and it had been less than a day and he already saw me drunk. I knew I was incredibly stupid and emotional when I was drunk so I could imagine the amount of things I said last night. As if things could not get any worse.
"Fuck from the amount of sounds you were making I thought you wanking off," John laughed. I did not even notice him standing by the door way like the creep he was.
"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes and took the painkillers and chugged all the water down.
"Allison thought I should check on you since you have an hour before your meeting with Yavok," he shrugged. My eyes nearly fell out of their sockets as I ran to the shower. I had never gotten ready so quickly before and luckily for me John had my suit and necessities out for me when I got back into my room. I would have to give him a raise. The man was a saviour.
When I was done I noticed breakfast and a cup of coffee on the breakfast bar. Allison deserved a raise as well. I quickly ate and soon we were all on our way to Yavoks warehouse. He was going to show me his warehouse so I could check if we needed anything extra for the project. My architects were working on the plans which meant they would be done by the end of this month. Obviously Yavok and I would change a few things before they were fully approved but it gave me an opportunity to plan.
We had to check the sites we would be building; if the soil was correct, was it prone to sinkholes? How we could make the buildings earthquake proof and most importantly make sure that it was environmentally friendly.
The warehouse was on the outskirts of Moscow so we travelled for quite some time before we reached it. When we arrived I noticed multiple cars and trucks outside and I knew we were at the right place.
"Good morning Edward, John and lovely Allison," he smiled and shook our hands.
"Good morning. Your warehouse is definitely the most organised I've ever seen," I chuckled as he led us inside. It was true, there were signs everywhere, everything was packed perfectly, every single vehicle looked brand new and I was impressed.
"Thank you very much. Coming from you whose warehouses are always pristine I know I am doing a good job," he grinned. He showed me around for an hour since there was just so much to see. "Vasili is with the engineers on site so will meet him there," Yavok said as we got back to our cars. We would follow him to the site which made things a lot easier for me. Till I remembered what happened last night. Had Vasili told his brother about what happened last night? Yavok seemed perfectly normal so he must have not or maybe he was simply the type not to mention such things.
"Boss at this point you sound like a whale with all the groaning. What's going on?" Allison laughed.
"Vasili came over last night to apologise with a bottle of wine then I got drunk…" before I could even finish my sentence Allison and John hissed. They knew how I got when I was drunk.
"Well if it makes you feel any better I saw him come out of your room last night laughing," John shrugged as he drove. That instantly made me feel better knowing he did not witness the emotional mess I could become. After a long forty minute drive to the country side, I could make out distant figures and that was a good indication I would be let out of this metallic bubble. I hated huge SUV's nothing against Range Rover but I preferred my cars flat and sport like.
As soon as the car stopped, I was the first to hop out of the car and quickly stride to where Yavok talked to Vasili. From what I could tell Vasili was not a fan of suits. He opted for jeans, a black hoodie with a black winter coat that had fur on the collar and boots. He added sunglasses for whatever effect he was going for and his hair was a neat mess, if that made sense.
When I was close enough to hear what they were saying I noticed they were speaking Russian. The one language I did not understand. I would have to change that quickly.
"Morning Edward," Vasili grinned like a Cheshire cat, as I approached them.
"Good morning Vas," I said seriously ignoring his happy go demeanour. Hopefully if I pretended I knew nothing he would not bother making fun of me.
"Yavok…" he said before continuing to speak in Russian. I was not going to fry my brain by attempting to decode whatever the hell he was saying. I was still very hung over. Yavok simply nodded and walked off to the group of engineers who were scanning the ground and taking soil samples. "I'm glad to see you are alive," he chuckled as we stood next to one another.
"Why wouldn't I be alive? I'm perfectly healthy," my voice was normal and cool.
"Considering how you were last night I am surprised," he snickered as we made the walk to the engineers.
"Look let's forget all about that. Technically it is your fault for bringing that wine. I already had a glass of gin and tonic before you came," I hissed. Even though I had promised myself to not drink for another two weeks I had figured it would not hurt but Vasili just had to come and ruin it all.
"You don't handle your alcohol well," he shook his head probably finding this situation humorous.
"I use too, then I turned thirty four," I shrugged. My mind recalled the days I could drink an hour before a party, drink some more and have decent brain function, now two shots of tequila and I was seeing rainbows.
"Lucky for you I have a few tricks up my sleeves, no? One night with me and you will be fixed," he chuckled. Easy for him to say he was at his prime age whilst I was more at that awkward stage of life. I did not respond since we were just a few meters away from the engineers and I was pretty sure no one wanted to hear about him and me talking about alcohol.
Two hours later and meeting a whole flock of people we were done. I was utterly exhausted and hungry.
"So when is your flight back to London?" Vasili asked as we walked towards our cars.
"This afternoon," I yawned then scratched the back of my neck.
"Well that's disappointing I was hoping you could join me for dinner at my house," he said taking off his sunglasses. His bright blue eyes pierced my soul as he stared at me. For the past day I had been desperate to go home since I just missed my family but it would not hurt just to enjoy dinner with someone I would be working with.
"I could leave in the morning," I shrugged as we stopped in front of his Porsche.
"Really? Great you could ride back with me if you want unless you want to get changed or something," he grinned brightly.
"Boss," John interfered from behind us. Shit, I had completely forgotten about him and Allison.
"Uh John I'm heading back with Vasili."
"Boss you know protocol…" he started with his rules. John knew I could protect myself but he also knew if anything happened he would be the first to blame.
"Look I will be fine," I pulled out my wallet and gave him a few hundred Euros, "Take Allison somewhere fancy and have fun, or if you want you can fly back without me you know I can handle myself," I smiled hoping for once he would not be stubborn.
He sighed then stared at me then Vasili, "Anything happens to him your arse will be on the chopping block."
"Yes sir," Vasili teased. John rolled his eyes before climbing into the Range Rover and waiting. I knew he would follow us back to Moscow just to make sure I was okay then leave us alone. We climbed into the Porsche with me in the passenger seat obviously. My body immediately relaxed into the warm heated seat as he drove down the road.
"Is he always like that?" he asked referring to John.
"Yep but he is extra crazy around young Russian men," I joked.
"We can get a bit crazy," he laughed loudly. We continued to chat about meaningless information as we drove into the city. This time the drive felt shorter, maybe it was the car or the company but I felt a whole lot better. When I looked back I noticed John was no longer following us which felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. He was a great friend but sometimes I just wanted to be alone.
We drove to the suburbs and I was impressed with Vasili's modern home. It was not extremely huge but it was definitely big. He drove into his garage which had three other cars in it; another Porsche, a huge Ford Raptor truck which was probably used for work, a BMW M3 and a cute tiny turquoise Mini Cooper.
"It's my girlfriends," he answered my questioning stare as we passed the car. I simply nodded and for some strange reason I felt nervous about meeting his girlfriend.
When we entered, he called out something in Russian and we heard footsteps climb down the stairs. The house was extremely modern and industrial mostly decorated in white, black and grey. There were lots of plants which I appreciated since it added lots of colour.
A young woman with strawberry blonde hair approached us wearing a pair of jeans and a superman jersey. She was cute in my eyes but that was because I had slept with supermodels before. When she saw me I noticed the blush on her cheeks and Vasili's very obvious eye roll. I could not help it if I was handsome.
"Edward Coleman, nice to meet you," I smiled and shook her hand.
"Oh I know I've met you before. I'm Mary," she smiled back. My heart dropped at this. Hopefully we did not… "I'm a journalist for Forbes so I interviewed you two years ago." I literally felt the stress evaporate from my body. I did not sleep with journalists anyway so I was grateful.
"I'm sorry if I forgot. I meet tens of people every week," I chuckled hoping not to offend her.
"Oh don't worry about it. I know you are a very busy man," she giggled. She and Vasili suited each other. She was friendly and seemed to be energetic whilst he was tempered and well Vasili. "Let me go finish up dinner I can imagine how hungry you are."
"Starving. I can literally feel myself loosing muscle mass as we speak," literally I had gone four hours without any food. I was doomed.
"Animal," Vasili laughed as he showed me around. We ended up by the bar where he had decided to show me some tricks on how to not get wasted. "First of all old man you need to drink water. Sure have a glass than diffuse that by drinking some water before your next drink. It just helps to get it out of your system. Second, olive oil."
"Olive oil?" my face scrunched up wondering what would olive oil help with.
"Take a teaspoon of olive oil and just swash it around your mouth. Helps the alcohol not affect you as quickly," he passed me a teaspoon of olive oil.
"Where did you get all of this from?" I stared at the teaspoon questionably.
"Mary's woman magazine," he shrugged.
"You're not serious," I burst out laughing. Here he was acting like a genius but he got it from a magazine. Whilst I was laughing Vasili took the opportunity to shove the teaspoon into my mouth. That shut me up as the oil poured into my mouth.
"Swash it around," his voice was stern as his blue eyes connected with mine. I wanted to protest but the way he looked at me made me do what he said. I let the oil coat my tongue. "Swallow," he smirked. My eyes enlarged at that. "I said swallow," he commanded. I flared my nostrils and crossed my arms. No way was I listening to someone ten years younger than me. I shook my head indicating I would not do it.
Vasili squinted than took a step towards me. I backed away leaving a few feet between us. He stepped forward again but I took another step back, "You British are so stubborn," he huffed when he suddenly hurried over to me till my back hit the wall. I was trapped and before I could even make a run for it he was right in front of me. ""Swallow," he instructed again and I disagreed. He shrugged and before my brain could process what was going on his lips were on my neck.
Not just any spot on my neck my sweet spot. Everyone knew if you even touched that spot it had my body turning into jelly. I subconsciously moaned and gulped. As soon as the olive oil was down my throat Vasili moved away with a smirk.
"You are an olive oil whore," he cracked up slapping his thigh.
"You told me swallow!"
"I was kidding," he laughed even harder. I tackled him onto the floor and we wrestled about. Do note I was still wearing my suit. We wrestled on the floor for a few minutes till we flipped over and he was on my waist, each of his legs on my side practically straddling me.
"You're an arse," I muttered still panting from the exercise.
"A nice ass," he smirked. He was outrageous, utterly crazy!
"You are ridiculous." We laughed, with him still on my lap.
"Foods ready," Mary called out snapping us both out of our little bubble. "Thanks to you I have olive breathe," I growled.
"I find it hot," he stuck his tongue out at me before jumping up and helping me stand up. As we walked to the dining room I could not help but feel slightly flushed about Vasili's actions. Was it just normal to kiss a guy's neck than call him hot? Maybe he was just messing with me because he definitely seemed crazy that way. Yet as I stared at his back as he led me to the dining room I felt uneasy.
Thank you so much for reading Edward in Love <3 If you like the book please make sure to vote, add it to your library and drop a review. Check out my other books, His Cowboy, For My King, The Egyptian Goddess and Sugar Baby Diary’s: Guide on How to Get Divorced. Hope you enjoy reading! <3 <3 <3
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