19.67% Trading Game (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V SI) / Chapter 12: Ra Yellow Top Three

บท 12: Ra Yellow Top Three

"What's going on there?" She asked as she looked down at the crowd that gathered on the courtyard from above. The courtyard usually wasn't that crowded. Was there someone dueling there? Was that why there's a lot of people there?

"Serena-sama, why did you stop?" Asked one of the guards that was assigned to her.

"There's someone dueling in the courtyard." She said as she leaned over the railing and saw the ones that were dueling. "Those are… The Ra Yellow top three!" She said as her eyes widened at seeing the duelists who were dueling.

"Serena-sama!" Her guards cried out as he rushed over to her side. "Your class is about to start, you should head there immediately." He said as he put a hand on her shoulder, an act that received a glare from the indigo haired girl.

"I'll go there after the duel is finished." She said, shrugging off the hand and returning her focus to the duelist on the courtyard who were surrounded by the many Ra yellow students.

Her focus of course, was on the one that the three Ra Yellow duelists were focusing on. A red haired girl wearing a red jacket, looking calm even though she was facing the three best duelists of Ra Yellow.

"Who is that girl?" She asked aloud, narrowing her eyes at the older girl. A question that was soon answered by one of her traveling guards.

"That is… If I am not mistaken then that is Yuuna. The Champion of this year's Junior League Tournament." He said, garnering a raised eyebrow from the indigo haired girl who he was supposed to watch.

She heard a snort from one of her other guards. "That girl? Challenging the top three of Ra Yellow? I pity the girl, to think that she would have the bravado to challenge them just because she won a tournament."

He was followed soot by his fellow Academia guard, who nodded his head. "Doesn't she know that they are the top three for a reason? They have been under the tutelage of the best of the best for a year after all." He said.

"Yuuna? The Champion? You mean the girl that popularized Summon Limit and Field Spells?" She asked, remembering the older girl from the Continuous Trap that she had popularized .

Yuuna, that was the name of the duelist whose fame was on the rize. And even a young girl like herself knew of her, a sign of how famous she was. "Yes. And if I am not mistaken, she is also attending the Junior Division class just like yourself, Serena-sama."

"Is that so?" She said absentmindedly, focusing instead on the red haired girl who was starting to start the match against the three top duelists of Ra Yellow.

She doubt that the red haired girl could even defeat the best three duelists of Ra Yellow, but she would watch how it would end up.



Yuuna: 4000LP

Shiryo Kusa: 4000LP

Tomo Danshi: 4000LP

Oshino Seiso: 4000LP

"Well. Since I'm the one that challenged you all, I'll go first." She said, looking at her starting hand and full combo already forming in her mind. "I guess I'll start by summoning Parlor Dragonmaid."

The humanoid dragon appeared on her side of her field beside her other monsters, her short skirted classical maid outfit fluttering as she bowed while holding a silver tray with a steaming tea kettle while her other hand was draped with a serviette, her twin tailed light green hair fluttering as she did so.

Parlor Dragonmaid - Wind/Dragon/Level 3/Effect: 500/1700

"Dragonmaid?" The Ra Yellow boy that had dueled muttered. "So she also changed her deck, I didn't think that she would do that..."

"Parlor's effect." She declared, activating the monster's on summon effect just like she did with her other monsters. "If Parlor is normal or special summoned, I can send one 'Dragonmaid' card from my deck to the graveyard except a copy of Parlor."

She then showed the card that she would mill from her deck to the graveyard. "I'll send Chamber Dragonmaid from my deck to the graveyard." Saying so, she sent the monster from her deck to the graveyard.

Yep, that was right. Sister Claire now was playing WIthcrafters, Mei was running ABC, and she was playing Dragonmaids! Well, not really Dragonmaids, for you see, in her side deck she has put a select few monsters who have a certain characteristic of being able to float into its brethren when destroyed, and also a few other monsters who cannot be normal summoned or set except by banishing certain Types of monsters…

Yep, she was playing Linkless Dragon Link. Well, really, it was more of a Dragonmaid deck at this point, but hey, Chaos typing has their advantages and disadvantages, and this is what you get for farming a bunch of Dragon cards to get Keeper of Dragon Magic for Mei to combo off.

And for some reason, the requirements to actually unlock the pack was to buy both a lot of Dragon cards and a lot of cards with girls in the artwork. Which was… incredibly strange really. But then again, the waifu archetype these days are competent enough to be rogue.

And not like she actually has a lot of her side deck though, she only has a copy each of Absrouter and Noctovision, and her only Chaos monster was Chaos Sorc, none of the actually good Levianeer or the broken spell, Chaos Space.

She doesn't even have Seyfert! And no Brotaur or the Guardragons and the World Legacy spell too! And she hasn't even managed to pull even one of the Link Monsters!

And it's not like she could run what was arguably the best Rokket that was Tracer, since it was a Tuner monster. A category of monsters that somehow does not exist in this world. It still doesn't stop her from running two Ghost Ogres though, mostly because she would probably never summon the card.

And she also doesn't have the other enablers too, like Dragon Ravine or even the general Link Monsters like Appolousa or Borrelsword, that and the generic Synchro bosses.

And as to not be too degenerate, she only ran two Dragon Rulers, Blaster and Tempest, and she was only running one of each. She didn't want to abuse the absolute hell out of Super Rejuvenation again, and she doesn't even run that card in this deck! She promised!

"Now I'll activate the spell card, Dragonmaid Hospitality." She said as she played the spell by placing it on her duel disk. "Hospitality lets me special summon one 'Dragonmaid' monster from my hand or graveyard in defence position, then I can send one 'Dragonmaid' monster with the same attribute but a different Level from my deck to the graveyard."

She showed the monster at hand that she would be summoning. "I'll summon Nurse Dragonmaid in defence position." Placing the card, another humanoid dragon appeared on her side of the field.

This one dressed in a pink and white victorian maid outfit with a short skirt and modified to be similar to that of a nurses outfit. She did a bow, her braided silver hair twirling as she held her clipboard with one hand as she eyed her opponents with a warm smile, her dragon tail swaying once or twice every so often.

Nurse Dragonmaid - Earth/Dragon/Level 2/Effect: 500/1600

"And since I summoned an Earth Monster with the effect of Dragonmaid Hospitality, I'll send the same attribute monster, Dragonmaid Ernus from my deck to the graveyard." She said as she milled the card from her deck to the grave

"Nurse's effect." She declared, activating the monster's effect to combo off. "If this card is normal or special summoned, I can target one Level 4 or lower 'Dragonmaid' monster in my graveyard except another copy of Nurse and special summon it." Saying so, she showed the monster that she had milled in her first move and summoned it.

"I'll summon Chamber Dragonmaid in defence position." She said as she placed the card on her duel disk's sword projection, and a monster appeared on her field. It was a lady with draconic features, wearing an elegant dark colored custom maid outfit with a grey corset and long skirt and sleeves, holding a feather duster in her hand. The white haired Dragonmaid did a curtsy, and stared calmly at the three opponents that she was facing.

Chamber Dragonmaid - Dark/Dragon/Level 4/Effect: 500/1800

"Chamber Dragonmaid's effect." She declared the monster's on summon effect. "If this card is normal or special summoned, I can add one 'Dragonmaid' spell or trap from my deck to my hand." Saying so, the Dark Dragonmaid swung her feather duster, and a card was then added to her hand.

"I'll add Dragonmaid Changeover, and activate it!" She said as she placed the card on her duel disk, the spell card appeared on her field, and shone. "This card lets me Fusion summon one Dragon Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck using monsters from my hand or field as Fusion Materials."

She motioned towards the monsters that she will fuse. "I'll fuse Nurse Dragonmaid and Parlor Dragonmaid!" The two maid dragons whose names she called glanced to each other, and each doing a curtsy before shining in ethereal light and turning into a single monster.

"Fusion Summon! Appear! House Dragonmaid!" The monster that appeared was another humanoid dragon, this one had black hair with two pairs of horns with red tips and glasses garbed in classic Victorian maid outfit, with her dragon appendages shown through her maid outfit.

House Dragonmaid - Light/Dragon/Fusion/Level 9/Effect: 3000/2000

"A Fusion Summoned monster… and it has 3000 attack too!" The Ra Yellow girl muttered as she narrowed her eyes at the monster that she had summoned, though her muttering was drowned by the crowd.

"Now to continue." She said as she waved her hand. "I'll activate the graveyard effect of Dragonmaid Changeover! While this card is in my graveyard, I can target one 'Dragonmaid' monster that I control, I can then add this card to my hand and return that targeted monster to my hand."

She then motioned towards the dark Dragonmaid on her field. "I'll return Chamber Dragonmaid to my hand and add Changeover back to my hand." She said as she returned the Fusion Spell to her hand.

"She added the spell back to her hand? Wait, does that mean-" The second Ra Yellow boy got cut off, as she continued her combo line. There certainly was a better way to do this, like summoning Parlor to mill Chamber and summoning Chamber with Hospitality, but she wanted to have House in rotation, so this was the play that she decided on.

"I'll activate Dragonmaid Changeover! This time I'm fusing Dragonmaid Tinkhec and Chamber Dragonmaid in my hand!" The dark Dragonmaid appeared in the field briefly along with a large dragon with red and pale scales who flew around her, before said dragon turned into particles of light that surrounded the Dark Dragonmaid whose form began to morph.

"Fusion Summon! Appear! Dragonmaid Sheou!" The fully formed dragon spread her dark wings which tinted to red, her black and white scales shining under the sun as she hovered above the ground, her eyes locked on her opponents.

Dragonmaid Sheou - Light/Dragon/Fusion/Level 10/Effect: 3500/2000

"I'll set one card, and I'll end my turn." She said, ending her turn with no cards in hand, a singular Fusion Monster who was an omni negate on her field and a monster who can basically pop a monster every turn, and a single set card that would facilitate her.

"N-no way! She Fusion Summoned twice in one turn?!" One of the many Ra Yellow students in the crowd shouted, followed suit by the loud chattering of the crowd.

"And both of her monsters have an incredibly high attack! How are they going to defeat her!?" One of the other Ra Yellow students in the crowd said.

"Che, a 3500 attack Fusion Monster and one with 3000 attack huh, well I can certainly beat that! My turn! I draw!" The Ra Yellow boy said as he drew his card for the turn, making him glance at the recently drawn card and the cards on his hand.

"Standby phase." She said, garnering his attention. "Sheou's effect activates!" SHe declared motioning towards the Dragon Fusion Monster. "During each standby phase, I can special summoned one Level 9 or lower Dragonmaid monster from my hand or graveyard. Maind Call!"

She added a card from her graveyard, and then showed the monster that she would summon to her opponent. "I'll summon Nurse Dragonmaid in defence position." The pink outfitted Dragonmaid appeared once again, performing a bow to her opponent.

Nurse Dragonmaid - Earth/Dragon/Level 2/Effect: 500/1600

"Nurse's effect. I'll summon Parlor in defence position." The nurse outfitted Dragonmaid waved her hand, and the miniskirt wearing humanoid dragon was once again summoned on the field.

Parlor Dragonmaid - Wind/Dragon/Level 3/Effect: 500/1700

"Now Parlor lets me send one 'Dragonmaid' card from the deck to the graveyard on summon." Saying so, she showed the card that she would mill. He's the kid that uses Batteryman right? "I will send the Continuous Spell, Dragonmaid Welcome, and its effects activates."

Saying so,an ephemeral light surrounded her monsters. "If Dragonmaid Welcome is sent to the graveyard, my opponents cannot target 'Dragonmaid' monster I control with card effects this turn."

She saw the boy's eyes widened, it wouldn't stop him from using Industrial Strength, but with that Fuel Cell is basically unusable after all. Now then, will he be able to pop off like in his duel with Mei? Or will he brick like Batteryman usually does?

But first, to continue her combo line. "And now I'll activate House Dragonmaid's effect." She said, motioning to the glasses wearing maid dragon. This was full combo after all, bringing the whole material that she used to plus on her opponent's turn.

"T-there's more?!" The Ra Yellow boy shouted, perhaps appalled that she was summoning this many monsters on the start of his turn.

"Yep. Once per turn, during the standby phase, House Dragonmaid lets me target one other 'Dragonmaid' monster I control and special summon one 'Dragonmaid' monster from my hand or graveyard in defence position whose Level is 1 higher or 1 lower than it. Maid Call!"

Saying so, she motioned to the green twintailed Dragonmaid. "I'll target the Level 3 Parlor, and special summon the Level 4 Chamber from my graveyard." With that, the feather duster holding white haired Dragonmaid returned onto the field.

Chamber Dragonmaid - Dark/Dragon/Level 4/Effect: 500/1800

"Chamber's effect! Since she was special summoned, I can add one 'Dragonmaid' Spell or Trap from my deck to my hand." She then added one card from her deck and showed it to her opponents. "I'll add Dragonmaid Hospitality." She said as she put it in her hand.

"Now then." She said, gesturing to the flabbergasted Ra Yellow boy. "Do continue your turn."

"N-no way! She summoned three monsters on Kusa's turn!" One of the many Ra Yellow students in the crows said, followed soon by the shouts and cheer of the large audience that they had somehow acquired.

"Kuh! Fine! I'll activate the effect of Thunder Sea Horse in my hand!" The boy declared, revealing the Thunder Monster in his hand. "I can discard this card and add two Level 4 Light Thunder-Type monsters of the same name with 1600 or less attack from my deck to my hand!"

Thunder Sea Horse? She didn't think that he would play that card, it was playable that added consistency, so at least he has some of that in his deck. "I'll add two Batteryman AAA from my deck to my hand, and summon him!"

The monster made its way on his field, one a purple battery with limbs and the number 4 colored green in his chest, and the other being the same, only with green colors, and the number three in purple in it's torso.

Batteryman AAA - Light/Thunder/Level 4/Effect: 0/0

"AAA's Effect! When this card is normal summoned or flipped face up, I can special summon one Batteryman AAA from my hand or graveyard!" He slapped the other monster that he had added on his duel disk, and another pair of Batteryman appeared on his field.

Batteryman AAA - Light/Thunder/Level 4/Effect: 0/0

"And now I'll activate the spell, Double Summon! And I'll summon Batteryman AA!" With that said, the orange batteryman appeared on the field, electricity wasping out of his battery-like torso and neck, creating an illusion as if it was a scarf.

Batteryman AA - Light/Thunder/Level 3/Effect: 0/0

"AA's effect! If all Batteryman AA that I control are in attack position then this card gains 1000 attack for each!" The Ra Yellow boy then gestured to his two monsters that he summoned first. "And since Batteryman AAA counts as Batteryman AA, then AA gains 3000 attack!"

The electricity that surrounded Batteryman AA started to get stronger, and the Thunder Monster became stronger.

Batteryman AA - Light/Thunder/Level 3/Effect: 3000/0

"Now that I have two or more 'Batteryman' in my field, I can special summon Batteryman Fuel Cell!" The pink fuel box machine with limbs appeared beside his monster, and like its brethren, it was sparking electricity all around its body.

Batteryman Fuel Cell - Light/Thunder/Level 6/Effect: 2100/0

Oh, he summoned a Fuel Cell, certainly he can't target my Dragonmaid monsters, but he could possibly target my face down, so might as well pop off from here. "I'll activate the Continuous Trap, Dragonmaid Downtime!"

Saying so, she flipped up her face down card, and revealed that it was Dragonmaid's Continuous Trap that could be used to generate numerous advantages. "I can target one 'Dragonmaid' monster that I control, then I can return it to the hand and add one 'Dragonmaid' card from my deck to my hand, or return one spell or trap that you control to the hand."

She motioned to the card that she will target with the Continuous Trap's effect. "I'll target Chamber, and return her to the hand to add Kitchen Dragonmaid to my hand." The Dark Dragonmaid performed a curtsy, and reformed to her card form and returned to her hand, and she then added the Fire Dragonmaid to her hand.

"A-and now she added another card to her hand!" The Ra Yellow girl said. "How come her cards let her do that in our turn?!" She cried out in outrage.

Well, in comparison to most people in this world that's basically playing GX era decks, certainly the modern decks that can recover advantage like its nothing is extremely broken isn't it? And she's only about to pop off from here too.

"And now, House Dragonmaid's other effect activates." She said, as she shuffled the two cards into her hand. "When another face up Dragon Monster that I control returns to my hand, I can target one monster that my opponent controls and destroy it."

She pointed towards the fuel cell based Batteryman, and the glasses wearing Dragonmaid raised her hand to point towards the Thunder Monster as well. "I'll destroy your Batteryman Fuel Cell."

The Light Dragonmaid then snapped her fingers, and the Thunder Monster that she had designated was destroyed, and turned into light particles. "Fuel Cell!" he cried out as his monster was destroyed before it could activate its effects.

"Kuh!" He grunted as he glanced at the cards in his hand. "Battle!" He said moving onto the battle phase.

And now she pops off once again. "At the start of the battle phase, Parlor Dragonmaid's effect activates." She said as the twintailed light green haired humanoid dragon started to glow.

"What now?!" The second Ra Yellow boy groaned as she activated another effect.

"I can return this card to the hand, and if I do, I can special summon one Level 8 'Dragonmaid' Monster from my hand or graveyard." She then took a card from her graveyard, and placed it onto the field.

"I'll return Parlor to my hand and special summon Dragonmaid Tinkhec in attack position!" The green haired maid then started to morph, and she then turned into the red scaled dragon, flapping her wings as she flew onto her field.

Dragonmaid Tinkhec - Fire/Dragon/Level 8/Effect: 2700/1700

"I-it transformed?!" The girl shouted, seemingly shocked at the tag out effect that the Dragonmaid has as their normal effect.

"House Dragonmaid's effect activates." She said, making the Ra Yellow boy's eyes widened, seemingly realizing what will happen from this point on. "Since another face up dragon that I controlled was returned to the hand, then I can destroy one monster you control, this time I'll destroy Batteryman AA."

"T-that isn't a once per turn?!" The second Ra Yellow student that was dueling shouted, probably realizing the unfairness of cards that do not have hard once per turn. Well, House kind of needs a lot of enablers to actually pop off anyway.

The glasses-wearing maid snapped her fingers once again, and the orange Batteryman wasnow destroyed. "N-no!" he cried out as he saw his biggest beater was destroyed by her Fusion Monster's effect.

"And this time, Nurse Dragonmaid's effect activates." She said gesturing towards the nurse outfit wearing Dragonmaid. "I can return this card to the hand, and if I do, I can special summon one Level 7 'Dragonmaid' Monster from my hand or graveyard."

She added a card from her graveyard, and placed it on her duel disk. "I'll summon Dragonmaid Ernus in attack position." The silver haired Dragonmaid then morphed, and turned into a pink scaled giant dragon, though she kept her nurse cap on top of her head beside her horns.

Dragonmaid Ernus - Earth/Dragon/Level 7/Effect: 2600/1600

"And House Dragonmaid's effect activates once again. This time I'll destroy one of your Batteryman AAA." The Light Fusion Monster snapped her fingers once again, and the twin Batteryman was then destroyed.

"Th-this is..." The boy trailed off as he saw his whole field of monsters all wiped except for one, and he glanced at the cards in his hand and closed his eyes.

"Oh, since you ended the battle phase, I'll activate the effect of Dragonmaid Tinkhec." She said, making the Ra Yellow boy's eyes widened, muttering 'There's more?!' just loud enough for her to hear.

"At the end of the battle phase, I can return this card to the hand, and if I do, I can special summon one Level 3 'Dragonmaid' monster from my hand." The red scaled dragon then morphed into a humanoid form.

"I'll summon Kitchen Dragonmaid in defence position." Said humanoid dragon form was that of a long red haired maid, wearing a classical maid outfit holding a silver bowl and a whisk in hand.

Kitchen Dragonmaid - Fire/Dragon/Level 3/Effect: 500/1700

"And since another Dragon Monster was returned to my hand, House Dragonmaid's effect activates." She said, gesturing to the one and only monster on her opponent's field. "I'll destroy your last monster."

Once again, the Light Dragon Monster snapped her fingers, and the last Thunder Monster on the Ra Yellow boy's field was destroyed. "Kitchen's effect." She declared. "If this card is normal or special summoned, I can add one 'Dragonmaid' monster from my deck to my hand except another copy of Kitchen, then I send one 'Dragonmaid' monster from my hand to the graveyard."

Saying so, she added a Dragonmaid monster to her hand, and discarding one. "I'll add another Dragonmaid Tinkhec, and I'll discard Chamber Dragonmaid." She said as she sent the Dark Dragonmaid to the graveyard.

"I'll set one card face down." And with only one face down card in his field, the boy ended his turn. "I-I'll end my turn."

"M-my turn!" The second Ra Yellow boy said, a bead of sweat running down his face. "I'll draw!" He said as he drew a card to start with six cards in hand.

"On standby, I'll activate the effect of Dragonmaid Sheou. Maid Call." She said, activating the Dragonmaid's effect. "I can special summon one Level 9 or lower 'Dragonmaid' monster from my hand or graveyard, so I'll summon Chamber Dragonmaid in defence position."

Wearing an elegant dark colored custom maid outfit with a grey corset and long skirt and sleeves, the feather duster holding Dragonmaid appeared once again, performing a curtsy once again to her opponents.

Chamber Dragonmaid - Dark/Dragon/Level 4/Effect: 500/1800

"Chamber's effect, I'll add one 'Dragonmaid' spell or trap from my deck to my hand. So I'll add the last copy of Dragonmaid Hospitality to my hand." She said as she added the spell card from her deck to her hand.

"Sadly I can't activate the effect of House Dragonmaid since my field is full, so please do your turn." She said as she waved her hand towards the second Ra Yellow boy, with her field filled with Sheou, House, Ernus, Kitchen, and Chamber. The latter two capable of tagging out into the Tinkhec in her hand.

"...Che, fine! I'll start by activating Forbidden Arts of the Gishiki!" He declared as he activated the Ritual Spell. "This card can be used to Ritual Summon any 'Gishiki' Ritual Monster. I must also Tribute face up monsters from anywhere in the field whose total Levels equal the Level of the Ritual Monster that I Ritual Summon!" He said.

"But if I use this Ritual Spell, the monster's attack is halved, and I cannot conduct my battle phase the turn I activate this effect." He continued the card's explanation.

Wait, hold up. That's a Monarchs Stormforth for Gishki?! Albeit it's way limited and all that, what with it needing the Level being exact and all, and not being able to go to the battle phase.

Well, she certainly can't let that resolve. "I'll activate the effect of Dragonmaid Sheou!" Said Light Dragon twirled in the air, and let out a magnificent roar. "When my opponent activates a card or effect, as a quick effect, I can negate the activation, and if I do, destroy that card!"

The dark scaled Dragonmaid Fusion Monster swung her tail and destroyed the Ritual Spell card, negating the card's activation. "After that, Shoeu returns to the Extra Deck, and if I do, I can special summon one House Dragonmaid from my Extra Deck."

The giant dragon then slowly morphed into a humanoid form, and turned into an exact copy of the glasses wearing Victorian maid that she had on her field. She dusted her outfit, clearing her maid outfit of dust as she bowed.

House Dragonmaid - Light/Dragon/Fusion/Level 9/Effect: 3000/2000

"I-it can do that?!" The Ra Yellow girl shouted in outrage once again, so shocked at the Fusion Monster's omni negation effect that she even stepped back a step. "H-how can it do so much?!"

Well, modern cards just get printed with omni negates with super easy summoning conditions, and with other effects too. Just look at Borreload! Any deck with a Link monster and a Tuner can basically make it! And it doesn't help that it's a Level 8 Synchro! And Level 8 Synchros are the easiest to get on board! Especially with Halq.

"Che! Fine, I'll normal summon Gishki Chain!" The second Ra Yellow duelist placed his card, and a green sea monster appeared, in its hands was a chain with a silver sharp tip, spinning along as the sea serpent floated above ground.

Gishki Chain - Water/Sea Serpent/Level 4/Effect: 1800/1000

Oh, Gishki? She's having hand loop flashbacks. Well, at least it isn't running Moulinglacia right? Even though it's a Water deck, it's definitely not running the card right? How did Water decks become known for hand loops anyway?!

"Gishki Chain's effect!" The boy declared. "If this card is normal summoned, I can look at the top three cards of my deck, and I can reveal one Ritual Monster or one Ritual Spell card among them and add it to my hand, also after that, I'll place any remaining cards on the top of my deck in any order."

After he explained what the monster card does, he then took three cards from his deck and looked at them, and proceeded to show one of them to her. "I'll add the Ritual Spell, Gishki Aquamirror to my hand, and I'll set the other card."

He then placed the other two cards, making it so that he could decide what he would draw next time, and then continued. "Now I'll activate the Ritual Spell, Gishki Aquamirror!" He said, activating the Ritual Spell.

"This card can be used to Ritual Summon any 'Gishki' Ritual Monster! I must also tribute monsters from the field or my hand whose total Levels equal the Level of the Ritual Monster I Ritual Summon!" The boy then showed the card that he will summon and the card that he will tribute to summon it.

"I'll Tribute Gishki Shadow! Whose effect allows me to use this card as the entire requirement for the Ritual Summon of exactly one Water Ritual Monster, to Ritual Summon Gishki Zielgigas!"

A large mirror appeared on the ground beside the sea serpent on the boy's field. And on top of said mirror was a tribal priest-like clothes wearing blue humanoid serpent, who raised it's staff towards the heavens before being consumed by a large blinding light.

The monster that appeared then was an absolute giant, with four arms and horns, along with a pair of giant wings, and adorned with golden armor that covered its body. The Ritual Monster then stared angrily with its red eyes at the monsters on her side of the field.

Gishki Zielgigas - Water/Aqua/RitualLevel 10/Effect: 3200/0

Ah, that's the card that could draw one card by paying life Points right? Yup, she checked with her Shop and saw that it was that card, and it can not targeting shuffle if the card drawn was a Gishki monster. And since he stacked his deck, that monster will definitely trigger that effect.

"I'll activate the effect of Dragonmaid Downtime!" She activated the Continuous Trap card, intending to activate the effect of House to pop cards on it's activation. "I'll return Chamber Dragonmaid to my hand and add another copy of Dragonmaid Ernus to my hand."

The Dark Dragonmaid performed a bow, and disappeared back onto her hand, allowing her to add another monster to her hand. "And with that, House Dragonmaids' effect activates!" She declared motioning to the two Fusion Monsters on her field.

"Since a face up Dragon monster I control was returned to the hand, I can target and destroy one monster on your field!" She then waved her hand to the two monsters on the Ra Yellow boy's field. "And since I control two House Dragonmaid, their effects triggers each, so I'll destroy both Gishki Chain and Gishki Zielgigas."

The two glasses wearing maids raised their hands, each pointing to the two designated targets, and snapped their fingers. Said two targets then were destroyed and turned into particles of light as they were sent to the graveyard.

"T-they activate like that?!" He shouted, before gulping and looking at the cards in his hands. "Che. I'll set two cards face down, and end my turn." Saying so, two face down cards appeared on his field, and the turn controller changed.

"Kuuh! I guess it's my turn!" The other female duelist in the duel said, frustrated at the fact that her two classmates didn't manage to finish this game when it was clearly in their favour. "I'll draw!"

"I'll activate the effect of House Dragonmaid in the standby phase. Maid Call." She said, as she snapped her fingers. "I'll target the Level 3 Kitchen, to special summon the Level 4 Chamber from my hand."

Once again, the feather duster wielding Dark Dragonmaid returned onto the field, she swung her feather duster once before performing a bow.

Chamber Dragonmaid - Dark/Dragon/Level 4/Effect: 500/1800

"And with Chamber's effect, I'll add the Trap card, Dragonmaid Tidying to my hand." She said as she added the trap card onto her grip, making her already large amount of resources even larger.

"Now!" The second Ra Yellow boy exclaimed suddenly, gaining the attention of the other duelists in the match. "I'll activate the Continuous Trap, Summon Limit!" He said, flipping up the face down card, and a light purple net then surrounded the field.

"With this card on the field, neither player can summon more than two times per turn!" He said with a grin on his face. "How do you feel about that!" He said smugly.

"You idiot!" The current turn holder shouted as she glared at the boy. "How am I supposed to summon my monsters now!?" The boy's eyes went wide before looking away nervously, making the girl let out an angry sigh.

"I'll activate the effect of Darklord Ixchel in my hand!" The girl said as she revealed the card in her hand, showing the Dark Fairy monster to activate its effect. "I can discard this card and one 'Darklord' card to draw two cards."

Oh? Darklords? Well, certainly the deck was kind of nice, but she doesn't think that it is that great in a 4000 Life Point format. It is a deck that burns Life Points as fast as Evil Eye after all, and while the monsters have decent stats, it isn't as good without the Fusion right? A card that probably doesn't exist yet in this world.

"I will discard Ixchel and Darklord Edeh Arae from my hand to draw two cards." She said as she discarded the two Darklord monsters to draw two cards. She clicked her tongue, but continued her turn.

"I will activate the Spell, Banishment of the Darklord!" She said as she activated the spell. "This card lets me add one 'Darklord' card from my deck to my hand. I'll add the Trap, Darklord Rebellion from my deck to my hand." She said as she added the trap card.

"I will activate the effect of Darklord Nasten! I can discard two other 'Darklord' cards to special summon this card from my hand!" She said as she showed the card. "I will discard Darklord Amdusc and Darklord Superbia to summon Darklord Nasten in attack positon!"

She discarded two other Darklord monsters from her hand, and special summoned the white winged, bull horned Dark Fairy Monster, it's muscles bulging as it made its way on the field. It's red halo shining on top of its horns.

Darklord Nasten - Dark/Fairy/Level 7/Effect: 2600/2600

Right, a Darklord on field, and it's the one that can special summon itself. Might as well interact with that since she's under Summon Limit. "I'll activate the Continuous Trap, Dragonmaid Downtime once more!"

The Continuous Trap shone, a sign that she had activated the card's effect. "I'll return Chamber Dragonmaid to add the Continuous Spell, Dragonmaid Welcome from my deck to my hand!"

The Dark Dragonmaid bowed, and returned to her hand once again and netting her another card. "And with that House Dragonaid's effect activates, and I'll target Darklord Nasten!" The glasses wearing maid dragon then pointed towards the only monster on her opponent's field

"I will activate Nasten's effect! As a quick effect I can pay 1000 Life Points to target one 'Darklord' Spell or Trap in my graveyard and apply that target's effects, then shuffle that target into the deck!" Sparks of electricity came from the girl's duel disk as she winced, paying Life points to activate the monster's effect.

Oshino Seiso: 3000LP

"I will target the Spell, Banishment of the Darklord! Shuffling it into the deck to add the Spell, Darklord Contact from my deck to my hand." The girl said as the Darklord generated a card in its hand, showing the spell card that was shuffled into the deck, and the girl added the card into her hand.

The chain still resolves however, and the Darklord was then destroyed as the Dragonmaid Fusion Monster snapped her fingers, reduced to particles of light as it was sent to the graveyard.

"I'll activate the Spell, Darklrod Contact!" The Ra Yellow girl said, activating the spell card that she had added onto her hand. "With this card, I can special summon one 'Darklord' monster from my graveyard in defence position!"

She then took the card that she would special summon from her graveyard. "I'll special summon Darklord Ixchel in defence position!" Light befell onto the Ra Yellow girl's field, and a Dark Fairy with two pairs of wings appeared, her red halo shining ominously above her purple hair.

Darklord Ixchel - Dark/Fairy/Level 10/Effect: 2500/2900

"I'll set one card face down, and I'll end my turn." Saying so, the girl ended her turn setting what was possibly Darklord Rebellion and an Ixchel on her field with two cards in hand. If she wasn't under summon limit she could have summoned Superbia and got another body on the field too, that's a bit too bad, but the field still is two pops on her turn.

But now the problem is, how does she assemble lethal from here? She could probably eliminate one or two of them at least. She probably won't be able to beat the Ra Yellow girl though, and she'll lower her own Life Points to be on lethal range anyway.

Now on the other two however, has their field cleared. And them not activating their set cards means that they are either bluffs, which she doubts they would do really, or battle traps.

But first she'll have to destroy the Summon Limit, and she knows exactly how she would procc it. "My turn then, I'll draw." She said as she drew her card at her draw phase. "On standby I'll activate the effect of Dragonmaid House, targeting the Level 3 Kitchen Dragonmaid. Maid Call!"

"I will activate the Trap card, Darklord Rebellion!" The Ra Yellow girl said, flipping up the face down card as she chained the trap's activation. "Darklord Rebellion lets me send one 'Darklord' monster from my hand or face up from my field to the graveyard to destroy one card on the field!"

The girl continued, explaining the trap's effect. "I'll discard Darklord Marie to destroy one of your House Dragonmaid!" Eh? She'll destroy one of her House? Hmm, that's certainly quite annoying, but not something that she can't recover from. That would certainly stop her from getting lethal to all three duelists at least.

"I'll activate the Continuous Trap, Dragomaid Downtime!! Targeting my Dragonmaid Ernus!" She said, chaining her own card, and the Continuous Trap shone alight once again. "I'll return Dragonmaid Ernus from the field to my hand and add another copy of Chamber Dragonmaid from my deck to my hand."

With that, the pink dragon returned into her hand, and she added another copy of the Dark Dragonmaid. And the chains resolves, a dark wave was then released from the flipper up trap card, aimed and moving towards one of her glasses-wearing Dragonmaids.

Said maid dragon raised her draconic arms to defend herself, but she was still destroyed and sent to the graveyard. But the effect of House, her special summoning effect that is, still resolves, even though the monster had left the field. "I'll special summon the Level 4 Chamber Dragonmaid in defence position."

The feather duster wielding Dark Dragonmaid graced her field once more. Her horns shining and her tail flailing as she dusted her dark colored dress and performed a bow.

Chamber Dragonmaid - Dark/Dragon/Level 4/Effect: 500/1800

"Chamber's effect, if she's normal or special summoned, I can add one 'Dragonmaid' spell or trap from my deck to my hand." She then added the card that would be another part of her combo. "I'll add the Spell, Dragonmaid Changeover from my deck to my hand."

Yes, she runs two of the fusion spell. Yes, she knows that she could search it with both Chamber and Parlor. And yes, it has a recursion effect that lets her add it from the grave to the hand, she already used the effect already in this duel even!

But D.D. Crow was a card that has scarred her multiple times. Especially during the old format where that was basically the only useful hand trap. And it still has niche uses alright! If someway, somehow, her one copy of Changeover was banished then the deck basically dies okay!

It's the same with some of the other decks too! Like Invoked when their one copy of Invocation gets banished, or Eldlich when their golden boy gets banished. Well, the last one usually runs more than one copy so it doesn't really work, but the point still stands!

She fears D.D. Crow and its multi usefulness, even though it wasn't always the premiere hand trap. That crown goes to either Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring, or Effect Veiler, maybe even Gamma and the capabilities of being used to set up Level 8 Synchros.

Alright, that's her Ted Talk for running more than one copy of a searchable fusion spell in a format where almost no one uses hand traps, but it's still needed for her to actually clear up the field and that pesky Summon Limit.

"Sadly the effect of House Dragonmaid does not activate since it misses timing even though Dragonmaid Ernus returned to my hand, it is a when effect after all." She explained, and continued to her main phase.

And it was at this moment that the Ra Yellow girl chained the quick effect of Ixchel. "I'll activate the effect of Darklord Ixchel!" She said, activating the monster's effect. "I can pay 1000 Life Points, then target one 'Darklord' spell or trap in my graveyard and apply that target's effect, then shuffle that target into the deck."

With another wince as a sign that her Life Points was drained once again, the girl paid the cost to activate the signature Darklord effect.

Oshino Seiso: 2000LP

She then showed the Darklord spell whose effect she would copy. "I'll target Darklord Contact, and copy its effect to special summon one 'Darklord' monster from my graveyard in defence position!"

So she's getting some more bodies on field instead of copying the effect of Rebellion to pop one of her other cards? Well, she could probably still do that if she summoned Nasten, but that would put her extremely close to lethal, not that she isn't already.

"I will special summon Dakrlord Superbia in defence positon!" The girl placed the monster card from her graveyard onto her duel disk, and the brown winged Dark Fairy Monster appeared on her field, it's sharp claws at the ready to defend its master.

Darklord Superbia - Dark/Fairy/Level 8/Effect: 2900/2400

"Superbia's effect! When this card is special summoned from the graveyard, I can target one Fairy Type Monster in my graveyard except Darklord Superbia and special summon that target!" The Ra Yellow girl showed the card that she would special summon from her graveyard.

"I will special summon Darklord Nasten in defence position!" The white winged horned Fairy Monster returned onto the field one again. Letting out a monstrous roar as it faced off against her field of monsters.

Darklord Nasten - Dark/Fairy/Level 7/Effect: 2600/2600

Ah, there's the Nasten. But if she were to activate anymore Darklord effect then it'll leave her at 1000LP. And she could definitely beat her easily from there. Now then, it's time for her to use her tech option. It was the reason why she even added another copy of Chamber through the effect of Downtime after all.

"I'll activate the effect of Dragonmaid Changeover in the graveyard! While this card is in my graveyard, I can target one 'Dragonmaid' monster that I control and add this card to the and and return the monster to the hand." She said.

Her gaze went through her three opponents, trying to see if any of them would interact with the cards that they have. But seeing no interaction, she continued. "I'll target and return Chamber Dragonmaid, and add Changeover to my hand."

The Dark Dragonmaid did a bow, and returned back into a card that returned to her hand. Well, she might as well trigger the interaction herself so that it wouldn't trouble her actual play. "House Dragonmaid's effect! Since a face up Dragon monster that I controlled was returned to the hand, I can target and destroy one monster on your side of the field."

She of course, as she was trying to trigger that one interaction that Nasten represents, points towards the white winged Fairy Monster. "I'll target Darklord Nasten!" The glasses-wearing Dragonmaid then points towards the monster of her designation.

The Ra yellow girl clicked her tongue, and waved her hand to her monster. "I'll activate the effect of Darklord Nasten! I can pay 1000LP, tehn target one 'Darklord' Spell or Trap in my graveyard and apply that targets effect, the shuffle that target into the deck!"

Oh! So she's willing to lower her Life Points even further huh? And since the only Darklord card that is a valid target is Darklord Rebellion, then that means that she's going to pop one of the cards on her field. The question is, which one is it?

"I'll target Darklord Rebellion, and copy its effect! And since only its effect was copied, I don't have to pay its cost!" The white winged Fairy formed a dark orb of energy on its hand, showing the targeted trap card in it, and shot a wave of darkness to the Light Dragonmaid Fusion Monster.

And though her one remaining Fusion Monster was destroyed by the dark wave released by the white winged Darklord, said Darklord too was destroyed and sent to the graveyard by the effect of House. The chain ended resulting in mutual destruction.

But that was fine, this was what she had aimed for after all.

"UWOOO! Seiso managed to destroy all of her Fusion Monsters!" One of the manys people in the audience shouted loudly, followed by the cheer of the other Ra Yellow duelists in the crowd.

"And since Summon Limit is on the field she can only summon once! This duel is basically over!" A random person from the crowd pointed out. "With only one monster on the field, she can't do anything!"

"Show that girl who's boss!" Another one shouted. "This is the power of the Ra Yellow top three!"

No, no, no, if anything this only shows the dueling skill of that Ra Yellow girl right? She played through her interaction well, and timed it so that she would have to trigger it while only one monster was on the field, all while adding a card which would reborn a Darklord, or was that just her being too hasty?

Probably the latter now that she thought about it, she could have just used Downtime when she over extended and cleared her board. Gosh she was unfocused, and it certainly doesn't help that she was nervous.

Huh? She doesn't look nervous? Of course she was nervous! This is the first time she was dueling in a battle royal style thing, something that mind you, was something that she had never done before in her past life!

And it also doesn't help that her own deck was supposed to be a one v one kind of deck, especially with it not having much interaction capability other than their tag out mechanic and House. She managed to do this much thanks to Downtime capable of triggering her after all.

It certainly helped that her perk lets her start with one Dragonmaid Spell or Trap and a Level 4 or lower Dragonmaid Monster on hand.

But uh, sure enough the crowd pointed out how her field only has a defence position Kitchen in it left, but did you all not point to the plethora of cards that she has on hand? She has over fifteen cards at hand for goodness sake! How much did she plused in those turns!?

But enough reviewing how the match could have gone and other stuff, she has to focus on the match! Since she already baited out the interaction, she can go all out, first off to get her tech option and remove the floodgate that was Summon Limit.

"I'll activate the Spell, Dragonmaid Changeover!" Placing the spell card on her duel disk, the card appeared on her field and shone. "This card lets me Fusion Summon one Dragon FUsion Monster using monsters from my hand or field as materials."

She then showed the two materials that she would use as material for the Fusion Summon. "I'll fuse two Chamber Dragonmaid in my hand." The two identical Dark Dragonmaids appeared on the field, performing a curtsy and turning into beams of light that intertwined with each other.

It was at this moment that she looked at the crowd, or more specifically at Mei who was looking at her with twinkling eyes. She then let out a sigh, knowing what she wanted her to do. "Guess it can't be helped."

Saying so she held out her hand outwards, pointing towards the swirling mass of light that was her soon to be summoned Fusion Monster. "The two forlorn anger that lives in the network, surpass the root of evil and become one!"

She waved her hand outwards, and finished her chant. "Fusion Summon! Appear! Borreload Furious Dragon!" Appearing from the entwindling light was a mechanical dragon with light purple wings of energy, its torso being that of a mechanical revolver, and its body emitting purple wisps of energy.

The Fusion Monster let out a loud furious roar, one that shook the wind and made the three duelists that she was facing to put up their guard to defend themselves. The audience themselves were silent, seemingly shocked from the monster's presence alone.

The only exception being Mei who was looking at her monster, and herself, with glittering eyes.

Borreload Furios Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Fusion/Level 8/Effect: 3000/2500

"A-another 3000 attack Fusion Monster..." The Ra Yellow boy trailed off, before glaring at her with determined eyes as he clenched his fist. "But it's no matter! You can't summon anymore this turn! And 3000 attack isn't enough to defeat us!"

"It certainly isn't enough is it." She said and snapped her fingers. "Furious' effect! Once per turn as a quick effect I can target one monster I control and one card that my opponent controls and destroy them!"

Motioning towards the red haired Dragonmaid, she declared the target of Furious' effect. "I'll target Kitchen Dragonmaid and Summon Limit to destroy both! Destruction Trigger!" Her Kitchen Dragonmaid turned into a ball of light that entered Furious' barrel-like torso, and the dragon then shot a dark beam from its maw and destroyed the COntinuous Trap.

"M-my Summon Limit is-!" The second Ra Yellow boy said in surprise with his eyes wide at the destruction of his floodgate.

The one who responded next was the Ra Yellow duelist that plays Batteryman. "But if Summon Limit is destroyed then-"

"I can resume my normal turn." She finished for him as she already took a card from her hand and played it. "I'll summon Nurse Dragonmaid." Placing the card on her duel disk, the nurse outfit wearing maid dragon re appeared on her field once more.

Nurse Dragonmaid - Earth/Dragon/Level 2/Effect: 500/1600

"Nurse's effect. I'll special summon Kitchen Dragonmaid from my graveyard." Adding the card from her graveyard and placing it on her duel disk, the whisk holding Dragonmaid returned onto her field.

Kitchen Dragonmaid - Fire/Dragon/Level 3/Effect: 500/1700

"Kitchen's effect, if she is normal or special summoned, I can add one 'Dragonmaid' monster from my deck to my hand except another copy of Kitchen, then I send one 'Dragonmaid' monster from my hand to the graveyard." Oh jeez, she's running out of cards to actually search at this point.

"I'll add a copy of Parlor Dragonmaid, and I'll discard her form my hand." She's running the Dragonmaid engine dry already, she really should finish this quickly before she decks out or something. "And I'll activate another copy of Spell, Dragonmaid Changeover!"

The spell card appeared on her field once more, and shone. "I'll fuse Dragonmaid Tinkhec and a copy of Parlor Dragonmaid in my hand." She showed the two monsters, who briefly appeared on her field, the dragon flew spinning around the green haired humanoid dragon, and fused.

"Fusion Summon! Appear! Dragonmaid Sheou!" The Light Fusion Monster let out a roar, as it flew and spun in the air before floating down onto the side of the mechanical dragon that was Borreload Furious.

Dragonmaid Sheou - Light/Dragon/Fusion/Level 10/Effect: 3500/2000

"Now I'll activate the Spell, Dragonmaid Hospitality!" She said activating the spell card. "Hospitality lets me special summon one 'Dragonmaid' monster from my hand or graveyard in defence position, then I can send one 'Dragonmaid' monster with the same attribute but a different Level from my deck to the graveyard."

Taking the card from her graveyard, she showed the monster that she would special summon with Hospitality. "I'll special summon Parlor Dragonmaid from my graveyard." The twintailed green haired Dragonmaid appeared on her turn, holding her silver tray of tea pot and a serviette in each hand.

Parlor Dragonmaid - Wind/Dragon/Level 3/Effect: 500/1700

"Parlor's effect, I'll send the Trap, Dragonmaid Tidying from my deck to the graveyard." She said as she milled the trap card that was basically another special summon to the graveyard, and continued her turn.

"And now I'll activate the Continuous Spell, Dragonmaid Welcome." The Continuous Spell was activated, the card shining as it appeared on her side of the field. "All monsters on my field gains 100 attack and defence for each 'Dragonmaid' monster I control. I control four 'Dragonmaid' monsters, so all my monster's attack and defence increases by 400."

Her monsters all let out a roar, even the humanoid Dragonmaids that she has on her field. Their bodies shining as their attack and defence was raised.

Borreload Furios Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Fusion/Level 8/Effect: 3400/2900

Nurse Dragonmaid - Earth/Dragon/Level 2/Effect: 900/2000

Kitchen Dragonmaid - Fire/Dragon/Level 3/Effect: 900/2100

Dragonmaid Sheou - Light/Dragon/Fusion/Level 10/Effect: 3900/2400

Parlor Dragonmaid - Wind/Dragon/Level 3/Effect: 900/2100

"I'll go to battle, and trigger my monster's effect." She said as she activated her monster's signature tag out effect. "I'll tag out Nurse for Ernus, and tag out Kitchen and Parlor each for a copy of Tinkhec."

The three humanoid dragons then morphed into their true draconic forms, the nurse outfit wearing Dragonmaid turned into a light pink dragon, while the other two Dragonmaid turns into identical red dragons.

Dragonmaid Ernus - Earth/Dragon/Level 7/Effect: 2600/1600

Dragonmaid Tinkhec - Fire/Dragon/Level 8/Effect: 2700/1700

Dragonmaid Tinkhec - Fire/Dragon/Level 8/Effect: 2700/1700

"And their stats gets boosted by Dragonmaid Welcome." The newly arrived dragons let out roars each, and their body shone in a sign that their powers were increased by the effect of Dragonmaid Welcome.

Dragonmaid Ernus - Earth/Dragon/Level 7/Effect: 3000/2000

Dragonmaid Tinkhec - Fire/Dragon/Level 8/Effect: 3100/2100

Dragonmaid Tinkhec - Fire/Dragon/Level 8/Effect: 3100/2100

It wasn't enough to go for lethal for all three of them, but she can hopefully get one or two of them out of the game. "I'll attack you directly with my first copy of Tinkhec!" She said pointing towards the first Ra Yellow duelist and attacked.

The boy's eyes widened, but he then activated the one and only card left in his field. "I'll activate the Continuous Trap, Portable Battery Pack!" He said flipping up his face down card and revealed that it was a continuous trap card.

"This card lets me select two 'Batteryman' monsters form my graveyard and special summon them in attack position! I'll summon Batteryman AA and Batteryman Fuel Cell!" He said as he summoned the orange Batteryman and the one based on a fuel cell back on his field.

Batteryman AA - Light/Thunder/Level 3/Effect: 0/0

Batteryman Fuel Cell - Light/Thunder/Level 6/Effect: 2100/0

"AA's effect!" He declared. " If all Batteryman AA that I control are in attack position then this card gains 1000 attack for each!" The Ra Yellow boy's monster then sparked with electricity, becoming stronger if only by slightly.

Batteryman AA - Light/Thunder/Level 3/Effect: 1000/0

"Ah, so that's your face down." She muttered out loud. "ThenI'll replay the attack, and Tinkhec attacks your Fuel Cell." The red dragon let out a roar, and let out a breath of fire towards the pink Thunder Monster.

"GYAA!" The Ra Yellow boy shouted as he put up both his arms as his monster was destroyed by battle, and received a hefty chunk of damage along with sparks of electricity from his duel disk.

Shiryo Kusa: 3000LP

It's a bit annoying that she can't beat him even if she attacks with Sheou, guess she'll just have to attack him three times then. "Next, I'll attack your Batteryman AA with the second Tinkhec."

The second Fire Dragon let out a magnificent roar, and flew over towards the orange battery based Thunder Monster. The Dragon form of the Dragonmaid let out a breath of fire, and destroyed the orange Thunder Monster and dealt a good amount of damage to her opponent.

"GYAA!" He screamed once again, his duel disk dispersing electrivity as he received damage from battle and his last monster got destroyed.

Shiryo Kusa: 900LP

"N-no way- this is-"

"I'll finish you off with Ernus." The nurse hat wearing dragon let out a roar, and rushed towards the defenceless Ra yellow boy and dealt way over lethal damage to her opponent. Eliminating him from the battle royal.

"GYAAAAAAH!" He shrieked, being thrown by the force of the solid hologram, as he landed down on the courtyard, his Life Points reaching zero from the attack.

Shiryo Kusa: 0LP

"Kusa!" His friend shouted his name, looking at him worriedly before turning back to her. "Y-you!"

U-uh. she didn't think that it would do that much actual damage to him. Before coming inside their duel disk was supposed to be checked by one of the Academia staff and configured it so that it would dispert electricity when they received damage, but thanks to Sister Claire's own knowledge of electronics, she managed to configure it to the lowest setting.

And by that she meant that it doesn't electrocute them, but instead just tickles them, or at most just shock them a teeny little bit.

"Continuing, I'll attack you directly with Sheou." She declared, pointing towards the still standing Ra Yellow duelist that still faced her, and her monster obliges. The Dragonmaid Fusion Monster flew onto the sky, creating momentum to strike.

"I'll activate the Trap card, Aquamirror Illusion!" He said raising his hand and flipping his trap card face up. "This card lets me special summon one 'Gishki' Ritual Monster from my hand! It cannot attack, and is returned to the hand during the end phase!"

So he's buying time then. He'll fade one attack by summoning whatever Ritual Monster is in his hand in defence position, what with Zielgigas being the Gishki Ritual Monster with the highest attack, and even then that would put him for lethal against Furious.

But right now that was the one and only interaction, and with that Darklord girl having only 1000 Life Points left, she wouldn't be able to trigger anymore Darklord effects, so might as well shotgun Sheou.

"I'll activate the effect of Sheou!" She chained the effect of Sheou. "I'll negate the activation, and destroy it. And return Sheou back to the Extra Deck and special summon House Dragonmaid from my Extra Deck." The black and white dragon let out a roar, and the flipped trap card was negated and destroyed.

The black and white dragon then started to change its form, becoming a humanoid dragon wearing a Victorian maid outfit and glasses, her tail swinging as she landed down on the ground.

House Dragonmaid - Light/Dragon/Fusion/Level 9/Effect: 3000/2000

"I'll continue, House gains a boost from Dragonmaid Welcome, and attack directly." The glasses wearing Dragonmaid shone, a sign that her attack and defence was boosted by the effect of the continuous spell.

House Dragonmaid - Light/Dragon/Fusion/Level 9/Effect: 3400/2400

She then rushed towards her opponent, and struck him with her draconic claws, dealing extremely close to lethal. "GUAH!" The Ra Yellow boy screamed as the hit landed, leaving him with only a sliver of Life Points left.

Tomo Danshi: 600LP

"And I'll attack once more with Furious." The purple dragon gave out a roar that shook the air, and dashed towards her designated opponent, its horns emitting purple lightning as it attacked the second Ra Yellow boy directly and finishing him off.

"GUAAAAAH!" He screamed as he was thrown off, and was knocked onto his back from the shock of the attack that the ever furious dragon had dealt.

Tomo Danshi: 0LP

She then moved her focus to the single remaining duelist left, the Ra Yellow girl who flinched when her gaze, or more correctly on the two monsters on her field. "At the end of the turn, I'll tag out Dragonmaid Ernus for a Nurse Dragonmaid."

The pink dragon then morphed back onto her humanoid form, readjusting her crumpled up nurse outfit.as she returned with her clipboard.

Nurse Dragonmaid - Earth/Dragon/Level 2/Effect: 500/1600

Said nurse dragon then glowed, her attack and defence being boosted by the effect of Dragonmaid Welcome.

Nurse Dragonmaid - Earth/Dragon/Level 2/Effect: 900/2000

"And the effect of House triggers, I'll destroy your Ixchel." The titular head maid of the Dragonmaid archetype raised her hand forward, and snapped her fingers. The four winged angel was then destroyed, turning into light particles as it was sent to the graveyard.

She could trigger one of her Tinkhecs and switch to either Parlor or Kitchen, which would trigger House's effect and destroy Superbia, but that instead gives the chance for her to recur again since Superbia was dead on field.

She has one card in hand, and the only chance for her to turn this whole duel on its head would be if she draws Zerato and has a Dark Monster in hand, and even then she could just chain Downtime and pop it before it activates its effects.

"I'll set two cards face down, and end my turn." She ended her turn with a full board of monsters and two sets cards, though only one of them was usable since she set the last copy of Hospitality as a bluff.

"N-no way! She defeated both Kusa and Danshi!" One of the people in the crowd said, followed by mutterings from the audience.

"B-but there's still Seiso! Seiso can surely turn this duel all around right?" A voice asked in the audience, though from the tone of their voice, they probably weren't sure of themselves either.

"M-my turn." The yellow jacket wearing girl said before gulping as she placed a hand on top of her duel disk. "D-draw!" She then shouted as she drew the card, and looked at it before adding it to her hand.

"On the standby phase I'll activate the effect of Darklod Marie in my graveyard!" The girl declared the activation of the monster's effect, and the black winged Darklord appeared beside her. "Once per turn, during my standby phase, I gain 200 Life Points, this card must be in the graveyard to activate and to resolve this effect."

The blond haired Darklord then waved their hands and spread their wings, creating particles of light around the Ra Yellow girl, seemingly healing her for a measly 200 points. Though that itself was just enough for her to activate another Darklord effect.

Oshino Seiso: 1200LP

"And now, I'll tribute Darklord Superbia to tribute summon Darklord Zerato!" The brown winged fairy was then surrounded in strong winds, before disappearing. And in its place was a Dark Monster carrying a serrated silver sword in his left hand, with large red bat-like and horns, his black muscles bulging as the Fairy Monster appeared in the field.

Darklord Zerato - Dark/Fairy/Level 8/Effect: 2800/2300

Ah, her prediction came true. But that's a telegraphed move, and she could definitely deal with that easily, barely an inconvenience. "I'll activate Dragonmaid Downtime's effect, I'll return Nurse Dragonmaid to add the last copy of Parlor Dragonmaid from my deck to my hand."

The nurse outfitted maid dragon then disappeared from her field and returned to her hand, and she added from her deck to hand the third copy of Parlor Dragonmaid. Welp, she's out of Targets now, Downtime can't net her anymore recourse.

But it has done more than enough for this match. "House's effect triggers! I'll destroy your Darklord Zerato!" The Darklord did not even last long enough in the field to even activate its effect, as with the snap of the glasses wearing Dragonmaid, he was destroyed and removed from the field.

"N-no way." The girl said, as she fell to her knees. "Even after all that, we weren't even able to deal any damage to her Life Points..." She said as she looked at her with wide fearful eyes.

And she saw that every other kid on the courtyard also had that same terrified expression, with the exception of Mei who was instead looking at her with twinkles in her eyes. Uh, did she, did she accidentally ruin some kids' lives and prospects? Again?

Oh, crap. Salva the situation! Salvage it somehow! "Umm-" She said, reaching out to the downed girl.

The girl flinched, and scooted away with fervor. "Hiii! I-I give up! I surrender! I surrender!" She said as she forfeited the match. Automatically losing from doing so as her Life Points were automatically turned to zero.

Oshino Seiso: 0LP

Right after that the girl stood up and ran away, followed by the other two boys who dueled along with her, all ran away without looking back at her. She turned to look at the other Ra Yellow students in the clearing with a shaky smile, and they too ran away as soon as her gaze fell upon them.

"S-she's too strong! Run away!" A Ra Yellow student said as they ran away from the courtyard.

"She beat the Ra Yellow top three easily! There's no way we can beat her!" Another one shouted as they followed suit and ran off.

"Ahh..." She saw the courtyard that was once bursting with people was now empty, even the teachers and the staff that were watching were all gone, with the only people still staying there was herself and Mei. "It was a fun duel..." She said to no one as everyone had left the grass clearing, surrounded by bricks and stone walls.

She just-she just wanted to play the game… Mei seemed to have fun when she was dueling with that Ra Yellow boy, and he seemed like he wanted to duel again, so she obliged. And they were the top three too! Sure it was an unfair three on one, but she thought that since she was using a competent deck then it would be even but...

Did she, did she accidentally become a bully again? Just like the thing that happened with Haru but with just a single duel? She didn't mean to okay! She was just going through the Dragonmaid motions! And the deck wasn't even meta!

Sure it was still a middlingly strong waifu archetype and some of the cards were used for one of the most infamous meta decks that can both build boards and lock the opponent out of the extra deck with Buster Lock and chew through interaction, but it was only two of those cards!

Well, did she at least assert dominance so that they won't bother her or Mei? Because if she was being honest, she doesn't like the idea of going to school again in the first place, and she's really only here for that get out of this dimension portal thingy ma jiggy that they have.

Mei started to gush at how cool the duel was, how she had timed all those interactions extremely well, and certainly gushing about how cool that revolver based dragon that she had summoned was.

Right, Mei wanted to help her build her deck at one point and even transfer some DP to her so that she could open more packs on her Shop, and that was how she managed to pull the Dark Fusion Monster.

She managed to pull the other three Houses on her own though, and she only has one copy of Sheou, though thankfully that card has a recursion and can dodge on field effects at least by activating its negation and all.

She let out a long sigh, and looked at the violet haired girl in the eyes. "Let's just, let's just go to class already. I'm sure that classes have already started." Not that she would actually need actual classes though, she was an adult after all, and she did graduate at the top of her class, at most she only needs a refresher or two probably.

She stopped her walk and looked back at the empty courtyard once again, and let out another long sih. "This is going to be a long few years."

And it certainly will be.


"N-no way! She managed to defeat all three of the Ra Yellow top three at once!" One of the Academia staff following her said, his mouth open and eyes wide as everyone in the courtyard started to disperse.

"She… defeated all of them..." She trailed off, as she watched the red haired girl have a brief chat with the smaller violet haired girl, and started to walk away.

That girl, Yuuna, she was strong. Extremely so. And she was going to be in the same class as her. Which means that she will have a lot of chances to meet the red haired girl that she had just seen duel.

Her eyes burned with determination, and she balled her fist.

If she's strong then she'll just beat her. It doesn't matter if she's The Champion of this year's Junior League Tournament, it doesn't matter if she managed to beat the Ra Yellow top three, she'll beat her.

And she'll prove herself, she'll duel against that red haired girl and test her strength. She will defeat her and prove her strength.

And she'll show the Professor her strength.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C12
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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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