4.76% NINJA GAMER / Chapter 2: First mission

บท 2: First mission

Alright, so, ninja school, fucking awesome once you were past all the theory and paper crap. Even if doing well on my test added a point to my INT score with 150 EXP for completing the test with more than 75% score. Thankfully I actually saw the quest alert for the test.

After spending some time with my two friends I began making my way home back to the Uchiha district, deep in thought. If I was remembering things correctly, Itachi was born around the time the third war started. The war had lasted for three years at most and we were currently in the second of the war, so I should be at least six years older than him?

For thinking things out carefully, you've exercised your wisdom! +1 WIS

Hmm… is the text box insulting me, or confirming my theory?

Eh, either way that improved my CP!

Speaking of actually… "[Status]," I vocalized quietly, causing the screen to pop up in front of me.

Level: 4

EXP: 250/3000

Age: 7

Gender: Female

Title: Academy Student (+25% EXP until level Ten)


HP - 324

CP - 700

STR - 18 (27)

INT - 20

DEX - 25 (37.5)

VIT - 18

WIS - 25

LUK - 10

Oh, 700 CP already, nice! I think my stats are looking pretty good at the moment, although I have to admit, the low LUK score worried me, would it increase if I played something like poker? Eh, something to test out later I suppose.

My attention was pulled from my inspection of my stats when I crossed into the Uchiha district, several shinobi darting out past me through the gates while several sporting bandages and casts limped their way in. Huh, now that I thought about it, didn't my dad have his left leg bandaged up?

Damn… I really need to pay more attention, my memory told me that my father had been injured on the front lines while my mother was often busy in the hospital as a medic.

Which brought my thoughts to the perk [Medic Nin]. I had picked it because I had thought if I learned Iryojutsu I would be able to keep more people alive, but if I never learned it, then the perk would go to waste, wouldn't it?

Firming my lips I began to jog towards home, resolved to ask my mother to start teaching me Iryojutsu.

Good news, my mother was home and she was ecstatic that I wanted to learn Iryojutsu. Bad news… Iryojutsu is bloody fucking HARD to learn!

Seriously, I was just learning the basic [Relaxation]and it took more than a dozen tries to get it right enough a window popped up declaring my success with the skill.

Congratulations, due to your diligent efforts a new skill has been created!

Relaxation (Active) [Level 1 - 0.00%] - the most basic Iryojutsu used by the Medical Ninja, the user uses their chakra to relax the target, washing their fatigue away and stimulating their chakra regeneration, cannot be used on self. - +100% Chakra Regeneration on Target, 20 CP/second.

Because of your diligence in learning Iryojutsu, your reputation with Shigure Uchiha and Genrai Uchiha has increased by +250, your reputation with the Konoha Hospital staff has increased by +100


You have successfully learned the [Relaxation Technique] from your mother!

+625 EXP, Beginner Iryojutsu Skill unlocked, Iryojutsu Scroll: [Gentle Healing] acquired.

"Amazing, Yuriko-chan!" my mother cheered excitedly as she clapped her hands together. "Wow, I think we may have a medical prodigy on our hands, don't you think, dear?"

My father chuckled in agreement as he patted my hand that was resting on his shoulder, serving as my 'test dummy' for the technique. "Indeed, it's always good to have more Iryonin on hand," he let out a small sigh as he kept a hand on mine. "Such a shame Tsunade-sama's proposal fell through."

My mother sighed as he nodded in agreement. "Well, either way, here, Yuriko-chan, this is the next basic jutsu for Iryonin," she announced as she pulled out a scroll from her equipment pouch on the small of her back. "[Gentle Healing] jutsu, not great for serious injuries, but good for scrapes and bruises."

I grinned as I accepted the scroll. "Thanks mom!" I replied with an excited giggle as I glanced at the popup.

[Gentle Healing] Jutsu scroll acquired, learn? REQUIREMENTS: WIS - 20+ INT - 20+ Y/N?

Grinning I ignored the popup for the time being and placed the scroll in my own equipment pouch. "I'll be sure to study it carefully before using it," I told her happily, getting a smile of approval from her.

"That's my girl!" she replied, ruffling my hair, garnering a squawk of indignation from me in response.

"Just don't push yourself too hard, alright?" My father requested solemnly, a sad look on his face. "We are shinobi of Konoha yes, but if we waste our lives by needlessly rushing forward, we won't be of any use to the Hokage, now will we?"

I swallowed tightly before nodding. Huh, guess my parents are strongly pro-Konoha, at least, I hope they are anyways.

My father smiled in response, patting my head. "Good," it was all he said, it was all he needed to say.

Okay… I really needed to pay more attention to my memories, because I have an older brother (Sakaki-nii-san) who had just gotten back from his deployment on the front lines.

My heart swelled in excitement as he walked through the front door, looking tired, but uninjured as he greeted us. "Sakaki-nii!" My bodies natural instinct had taken over at that point and I let it run it's course as I plowed into my brother with a massive hug, getting a good natured grunt from him in return as he hugged me back, a large grin on his tired looking face.

"Heya squirt," he greeted in return, his black eyes warm as he looked down at me, his hair a sloppy mess that hung like a mop from his scalp with only his headband keeping his hair from getting into his eyes. "Man you've gotten taller, I hope you've been keeping up with your training."

I grinned in response, taking back control as I assimilated the memories of my brother. "I'm learning Iryojutsu!" I declared proudly stepping back to plant my hands on my hips with a wide grin. "I already learned the first Justu mom taught me!"

Sakaki-nii smiled proudly in response as he crouched down to my eye level to place a hand on my head and meet my gaze. "Well, I'll be counting on you when you become a genin to keep me together in the field then," he told me with a chuckle.

"Of course! I'll be better than even Tsunade-sama!" I announced loudly, letting myself get caught up in the childish excitement as my family laughed in amusement.

"I look forward to seeing that then," he chuckled. "How about I show you some cool ken juts up tricks tomorrow after class?" He offered, getting my eyes to widen in excitement. "Can't have our medic be unable to defend herself after all!"

"Right!" I shouted eagerly in response, saluting him proudly.

My brother is made of awesome, really, I was quite certain that Itachi couldn't hold a candle to him.

Stop looking me like that! He really is! Well, in my opinion he was anyways.

I had forgotten how good it was to have a relationship with a brother, the brother I had in my previous life and I had drifted apart over time, disagreements coming between us. This… was a second chance for me, one that I wasn't going to give up, no way in hell!

Sakaki-nii had come to pick me up from the academy after classes, staying behind a bit to show off to some of my classmates for a bit before taking me to the clan training grounds, a pair of bokutos in his hand as we entered one of the unused ones.

You have entered the Uchiha Clan Training Grounds

+50% EXP gained when within boundaries, CP Regeneration +200% when idle

I quickly dismissed the window as I focused on my brother, hoping he never noticed my arm movement. "Alright," he began as he passed the smaller bokuto over to me, it was in the shape of a kodachi and sized for me. "We'll start with reviewing some of the katas we went over last time."


Spend some time with your bother training in kenjutsu!


Gain one level in [Beginner Kenjutsu]


1. Gain a second level in [Beginner Kenjutsu]

2. Max out [Beginner Kenjutsu]


Primary objective: +250 EXP, +200 Rep with Sakaki Uchiha

Bonus Objective: +200 EXP, +100 Rep with Sakaki Uchiha per objective completed

It was… fun being able to train with my brother, I actually gained a level towards the end of our time within the training ground as we went over the assorted forms that I needed ingrained within me in order to advance to the next level. I had even gotten some practice in with the [Relaxation Justus] gaining a couple of levels in it, and maxing out my [Basic Kenjutsu] skill at level ten.

My brother watched me carefully as I went through the motions of the katas, being mindful of the positioning of my feet and wooden blade as I steadily moved quicker and quicker under his examining gaze.

"I'm impressed, squirt, you really have been working hard at it," Sakaki-nii commented with a grin as I came to a stop. "I think you're at a point where you can learn some of the more advanced stuff, once you get that down, you can branch into the Uchiha sword style."

Holy crap the Uchiha had a sword style? Who knew?

"Really?" I vocalized with an eager grin that he returned.

"Definitely," he confirmed, a window popping up as it questioned if I wanted to evolve my [Basic Kenjutsu] to [Intermediate Kenjutsu] something that I quickly confirmed. "We can start with that later though," he told me, cutting my happy little dance that I was doing off. "I'm sure mom's finished with dinner and we need to clean ourselves up if we want food."

I giggled happily in response as I followed after my totally-more-awesome-than-Itachi brother as we headed towards our home.


You have completed training with you older brother to his satisfaction!

+437 EXP, +200 Rep with Sakaki Uchiha


+350 EXP, +200 Rep with Sakaki Uchiha

Your Reputation with Sakaki Uchiha has been maxed out!

"Have you been making friends in the Academy?" My brother questioned as we walked, smiling down at me.

"Uh-huh," I confirmed with a wide smile. "Chika-chan and Aoi-kun! Chika-chan is from the Yamanaka clan and Aoi-kun is a civilian!"

My brother chuckled as he ruffled my hair a bit. "Good to know," he replied in response. "Always remember, Yuriko-chan, Konoha shinobi always look out for one another, in this village, all of us are one big family, okay?"

Huh, my brother was a Konoha loyalist, that's a very good thing. But he was expecting a response so I nodded sombrely, picking up his tone. "And family always protects each other, right?" I questioned, my memories supplied me with the response he was looking for.

"Exactly," he confirmed, smiling proudly down at me. "It goes double for us Uchiha as well," he continued. "Our clan and the Senju founded Konoha, so that makes us everyone's older sibling, it is our responsibility to use our eyes to watch for dangers that come for Konoha, even if it means giving our life to protect our family."

I looked up at my brother as he stared ahead, his eyes somewhat distant as he spoke, looking as if he was lost in a memory of some kind, then he blinked and was back before me as if nothing had ever happened. "So, can I count on you to keep the village safe when I can't?"

"Of course!" I replied eagerly. "I'll be like you and protect the whole village with my kickass skills!"

Sakaki smiled indulgently in response. "Good," he breathed as he rubbed my head affectionately, coming up to the door to our modest sized home. "I'm glad I can count on you."

I really wish I had been paying more attention to my brother instead of basking in the warmth of his affection, maybe then I could have seen the signs of what was to come.

"[Status]," I murmur, laying in my bed after a good home cooked meal and a warm shower, the screen popping up in front of me instantly.

Level: 4

EXP: 1867/3000

Age: 7

Gender: Female

Title: Academy Student (+25% EXP until level Ten)


HP - 324

CP - 700

STR - 18 (27)

INT - 20

DEX - 25 (37.5)

VIT - 18

WIS - 25

LUK - 10

Oh.. over halfway to my next level, nice. "[Skills]," I vocalized after a minute of double checking my stats.


Fire Release: Great Fireball (Active)[Level 3 - 22.32%] - Staple Jutsu of the Uchiha Clan, burn your enemies alive with either a massive ball of fire, or a continuous flame-thrower - Fireball - 106 fire damage with a 30% chance to inflict the 'Burn' status, 100 CP per fireball - Flame-Thrower - 56 fire damage per second, with a 30% chance to inflict the 'Burn' status, 50 CP per second

Uchiha Interceptor Fist (Passive)[Level 10 - 15.01%] - The primary and basic taijutsu of the Uchiha clan, has several offshoot forms but each Uchiha has roots with this technique, makes maximum use of the Sharingan to predict and counter enemy attacks - increases DEX and STR by 5%

Basic Shurikenjutsu (Passive)[Level 7 - 43.06%] - The bread and butter of distractions for shinobi, hurling something sharp and shiny at your enemy! - Increases accuracy of thrown shuriken and kunai by +15%

Intermediate Kenjutsu (Passive)[Level 1 - 0.00%] - You know a few basic sword katas and combos, and are getting pretty good at using the weapon in attack and defense - +10% bonus to DEX and STR when using a sword type weapon, +5% chance to block incoming attacks when using a sword type weapon, enables basic swordfighting special moves

Substitution Jutsu (Active)[Level 6 - 40%] - The Ninja get out of death card, and piss of to your enemies who thought you were dead! - Allows you change places with an item up to a medium sized dog in weight to avoid an incoming attack you are aware of up to 4 times in a row, costs 10 CP per use

Transformation Jutsu (Active)[Level 4 - 72.34%] - The instant disguise kit! This genjutsu lets you disguise yourself from your enemies but is very fragile and can be disrupted easily. - Can transform into another person that is within 2 feet of your height and 50 lbs your weight. Costs 15 CP/ Second

Clone Jutsu (Active)[Level 8 - 9.02%] - A very basic clone technique, creates illusionary clones that don't have any shadows or creates sound - Can create up to Eight clones per use, 10 CP/Clone

Relaxation Technique (Active) [Level 4 - 4.11%] - the most basic Iryojutsu used by the Medical Ninja, the user uses their chakra to relax the target, washing their fatigue away and stimulating their chakra regeneration, cannot be used on self. - +100% Chakra Regeneration on Target, 20 CP/second.

Beginner Iryojutsu (Passive)[Level 3 - 32.74%] - You are now a step above from those with knowledge in first aid, while you won't be performing surgeries any time soon, you are able to heal minor wounds and keep people from getting infected - - 3% CP cost for Iryojutsu

Well, my repertoire of skills is building up fairly quickly at least, I was waiting on learning the [Gentle Healing] jutsu for a couple of days to first, actually study the scroll, and second, to reduce the chance of raising suspicion if it were to suddenly disappear from my hands.

But to be completely honest… I have no way of knowing how well I compare to genin, if only there was some way to ch DJ their stats and stuff to compare the-

Well… I'm an idiot.

Taking out the bokuto I used in practice with my brother I stared at it intently. "Observe," I mumbled under my breath trying to trigger the skill every Gamer uses. "C'mon… Observe.

You have created a new skill!

Observe (Active)[Level 1] - The go to skill of all with the power of the Gamer, with this you can see the stats of various items and people around you! - 10 CP/use

Wooden Kodachi - A wooden practice sword shaped and sized like a kodachi, fit for a child around the age of seven. 5 - 10 bludgeoning damage, +15% EXP to Kenjutsu skills

[Observe]'s level has increased by one!

I barely managed to contain my 'squee' of excitement of my new skill as I set the bokuto back down and flopped back onto my bed humming in thought as I considered my powers some more. "[Reputation]," she said after several moments, causing a new screen to pop up.


Konohagakure - 200/5000 - Well Liked

Uchiha Clan - 5000/7500 - Friendly

Shigure Uchiha - 8000/10000 - Honored

Genrai Uchiha - 8000/10000 - Honored

Sakaki Uchiha - 25000/25000 - Exalted

Yamanaka Clan - 1750/2500 - Neutral

Chika Yamanaka - 5230/7500 - Friendly

Civilians - 500/2500 Neutral

Aoi Nanase 5020/7500 - Friendly

Academy 3150/5000 - Well Liked

Konjo Asai 4500/5000 - Well Liked

Holy… apparently my brother thinks I'm God or something according to my reputation with him. The question is though… why? "[Help]," I vocalized, calling up the explanation on reputation.


This is where you will find information on your standing with assorted people you have encountered so far, whether positive or negative your reputation has an effect on your relations with people, some people may hate you for associating with someone, while others may like you for being at odds with others. The level of reputation you have with people can even have an affect on what Quests appear!

Exalted - When you are Exalted with someone, they will hold your safety above all others, no matter the personal cost to them. +100% effectiveness to [Teamwork] skills when working with those who hold you in [Exalted] status. You will receive special Quests from these people.

Honored - You are held in high regard with the subject, they will look out for you and always assist you when you need help. +75% effectiveness to [Teamwork] skills when working with those who hold you in [Honored] status.

Friendly - You are friends, and you will look out for each other in combat. +50% effectiveness to [Teamwork] skills when working with those who hold you in [Friendly] status.

Well-liked - You are more liked than disliked and they will be more likely to listen to your advice. +25% effectiveness to [Teamwork] skills when working with those who hold you in [Well-Liked] status.

Neutral - They neither like nor dislike you, to them, you are a stranger in the street.

Disliked - You have annoyed somebody enough for them to disregard you, as a result they are less than likely to listen to you. -25% effectiveness to [Teamwork] skills when working with those who hold you in [Disliked] status.

Hated - They hate you and what you stand for, chances are, they may try and stab you in the back. -50% effectiveness to [Teamwork] skills when working with those who hold you in [Hated] status. A small chance to attack you on sight unless on neutral ground held by a neutral party

Reviled - Good luck getting them to listen to you, these people are going to be spitting on your grave when you die, preferably at their hands. -75% effectiveness to [Teamwork] skills when working with those who hold you in [Reviled] status. A good chance they will attack you on sight unless on neutral ground held by a neutral party

War - Whatever it was that you said to this person, they will never forget it, only the most extreme of circumstances will get them to listen to you. [Teamwork] skills have no effect when working with those who hold you in [War] status. They will attack you on sight unless on neutral ground held by a neutral party

Well… that was helpful I guess… somewhat. I guess I should be on the lookout for a special quest from my brother then? But when will it come?

Letting out a sigh I roll over onto my side and dismissed the assorted boxes. Something to try and figure out later, my body is still young, and a lack of sleep will be detrimental to my health.

It's rather amazing, how quickly time could pass when you get into a routine, even though three months - and five levels - had come and gone, leading into Konoha's version of winter. Which was basically above freezing temperatures, and for someone from Canada, was awesome. No snow to shovel from the driveway, no freezing your asscheeks off going to the store, no christmas though, so that was a bit of a bummer.

But, there was one important thing that was happening that broke the routine. My class was being graduated early due to a large amount of losses on the front lines of the war. So, with our accelerated training program, we were declared fit for duty and given our headbands after a brief examination.

As soon as I was given my headband and assigned a team - our new sensei never even gave us the 'genin exam' I was given a new quest.


You have been made a genin early due to the war raging in the Elemental Nations, defend your home and allies from invasion while insuring your own survival!


Survive to the end of the Third Shinobi World War without Konohagakure or any of your allied nations being destroyed!


+25000 EXP, +5000 Reputation with Konohagakure, +2500 Reputation with allied nations, War Veteran perk acquired.


Survive with your entire squad



+5000 EXP, +1000 Reputation with your teammates and Jonin-sensei




Well… shit. Hell there wasn't even an option decline the quest.

Silver lining was that I was on a team with Chika and Aoi, so, that's good I guess?

"[Observe]" I mumbled as I took another look at my teammate's stats.

Name: Chika Yamanaka

Level: 9

EXP: 2354/5500

Age: 7

Gender: Female

Title: Genin (+25% EXP until level 25)


HP - 255

CP - 456

STR - 17

INT - 24

DEX - 45

VIT - 15

WIS - 19

LUK - 10


Yamanaka - Has access to Yamanaka Hiden Jutsus, +15% EXP to Yamanaka Clan Techniques, +1 INT & DEX per level

Nimble - +2 DEX per Level

Poisoner - +25% potency to created poisons and poison based jutsus, +75% chance to inflict [Poison] status on targets

Name: Aoi Nanase

Level: 9

EXP: 1250/5500

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Title: Genin (+25% EXP until level 25)


HP - 380

CP - 338

STR - 20

INT - 26

DEX - 21

VIT - 19

WIS - 13

LUK - 10


Civilian - +25% effectiveness to [Barter] skill

Intelligent - +1 INT per level

I honestly was not sure how it related to others, but they were better than most in our class, turning to my sensei I triggered [Observe] once again.

Name: Hasai Natto

Level: ?

EXP: ?/?

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Title: Jonin-sensei (+25% Effectiveness when training [Genin])


HP - ?

CP - ?

STR - ?

INT - ?

DEX - ?

VIT - ?

WIS - ?

LUK - ?

Huh, well… alright then, helpful that is.

"Alright, I know you all only just graduated, and early at that, but we have a job to do," Natto-senses declared as he stood before us outside of the Academy. "Bandits are targeting our supply lines from the capital and we think they may have enemy shinobi helping them, you have two hours to gather your supplies and equipment, I will meet you at the main gate."


Bandits are encroaching upon Hi no Kuni's supply lines, eliminate them.


Eliminate all of the Darkwood Bandits and any shinobi supporting them.


+4500 EXP, +500 Rep with Konohagakure and Hi no Kuni, -1500 Rep with ?, +10,000 Ryo


Kill 10 Bandits yourself

Find out who is supporting the bandits

Succeed without a loss on your team


+1500 EXP and +10,000 Ryo per objective complete


Possibility of Death, -5000 Rep with Konohagakure

Accept? Y/N

Is it just me or does this seem way too high level for a bunch of genin? Still I accepted the Quest with a nod of my head. "I'll see you guys at the gate," I told my friends before channeling my chakra to my legs and sprinted off towards home to gather up my gear.

My mother was waiting for me at the front door, a tight look on her face as she looked me over. "Yuriko-chan," she breathed with a heavy sigh before suddenly pulling me into a tight hug. "Come back home, okay?"

A tight lump formed in my throat as I suddenly realized, this may be the last chance I have to speak to my family, and both my father and brother were off on the front lines, my mother to join them soon now that I graduated. "I will," I promised, hugging her tightly in return, she may not have been my original mother, but she was my mother nonetheless.

"Okay… go and get ready, I have some rations ready for you to take with you," she told me, wiping away her tears before smiling at me. "And here, you may need this out there."

She held a pair scrolls out for me to take, as soon as my hand closed around it a box popped up.

[Mystical Palm] Jutsu scroll acquired


INT: 25+ WIS: 30+

Learn? Y/N

[Chakra Scalpel] Jutsu scroll acquired


DEX: 25+ WIS: 25+

Learn? Y/N

I blinked several times as I stared at the scroll before looking up at my mom who smiled at me. "I know," she whispered gently to me. "That you have some way of learning Justus from scrolls instantly. Your brother was the one to notice it, so go ahead, we won't tell anyone."

I could only stare in shock at my mom before wiping my eyes clear of the tears that began to well up at the unflinching acceptance she showed to me. "Okay," was all I could say before I hit the accept button, the scroll vanishing from my grasp at the information filtered through my mind.

Holy HELL was the [Mystical Palm] jutsu versatile! It wasn't just heal no, it was capable of inducing cell replication and could even induce cancer if done a certain way.

"I know that look," my mother said knowingly. "It's not commonly known, outside of Iryonin, but yes, [Mystical Palm] is a very dangerous technique, so be careful using it on your friends and only experiment with it on your enemies, alright?"

All I could do was nod dumbly in response, staring at my kind and gentle mother who was encouraging me to experiment on our enemies, but… then again we were both shinobi.

"Right, I will," I promised after a moment of staring. "I'm going to go get my stuff now."

My mother smiled and nodded in response. "I hope, that when we see each other again, you can trust me with the secret you've been keeping," she said hopefully as I walked towards my room.

I paused in the hallway at her request. "I promise," I said finally, swallowing the lump that formed in my throat. "I will explain all of it."

"Thank you," my mom hugged me again from behind before patting my back. "Now go before I keep you here forever.

I quicker a grin over my shoulder at her. "Like I wouldn't drive you crazy within the first week."

"Far too true," my mother sighed dramatically as I entered my room.

"[Equipment]" I vocalized as I entered, not bothering to lower my voice, my mother knew after all, prompting a box to pop up before me with an image of me in the centre of it before I began to load the gear my brother had gotten for me as an early graduation gift before he left for the front lines again, fully aware do the fact that my mother was watching me from the door as my gear appeared on my body.


Total DEF - 10

Head - [Konoha Hitai-ate: Basic Style w/t blue cloth] - The Hitai-ate of Konohagakure, bears a spiralled leaf to declare your allegiance. +25% Rep gains from Quests originating in Hi no Kuni, allows you access to Konohagakure exclusive quests - DURABILITY 100/100

Face - [Lower Face Mask - Chakra Cloth - Black] - a special face mask with chakra receptive threads woven into the material, allowing the wearer to use fire breathing Justus without igniting the mask. +1 DEF, -50% chance for hostile shinobi to recognize you - DURABILITY 100/100

Neck - Empty

Left shoulder - Empty

Right shoulder - Empty

Right arm - [Forearm Protector - Dark Grey] - Standard Issue forearm protector. +2 DEF - DURABILITY 100/100

Left arm - [Forearm Protector - Dark Grey] - Standard Issue forearm protector. +2 DEF - DURABILITY 100/100

Hands - [Fingerless Reinforced Gloves - Black] - Fingerless gloved with a metal plate sewed into the back. +1 DEF. DURABILITY 100/100

Torso - [Longsleeve Turtleneck - Black] - standard long sleeve shirt with a turtleneck to cover the neck - DURABILITY 100/100

[Standard Issue Chestplate - Dark Grey] - Standard Chestplate used by those looking for a little extra protection. +5 DEF - DURABILITY 100/100

Waist - [Equipment Pouch] - standard issue pouch for all shinobi, has several storage seals sewn inside for extra storage.

Currently stored

50 [Standard Issue Kunai] - standard issue kunai used by all shinobi everywhere as an all purpose tool - 10-25 Slashing damage

[Medical Supplies]

30 Days worth of rations

Legs - [Standard Issue Combat Pants - Navy Blue] - Standard issued combat pants used by the majority of Konoha's shinobi forces, resistant to cuts, tears and burns. DURABILITY 100/100

Left thigh - [Shuriken Holster] - Standard issued shuriken holster - Holds 50 [Standard Issue Shuriken] - 10-20 slashing damage

Right thigh - [Shuriken Holster] - Standard issued shuriken holster - Holds 50 [Standard Issue Shuriken] - 10-20 slashing damage

Feet - [Standard Issue Open Toed Shinobi Shoes] - Footwear of choice for shinobi. DURABILITY 100/100

As soon as I equipped the gear, I bent over and began wrapping the ends of my pants around my ankles to ensure I didn't trip over the hem of my pants. That finished I grabbed the gift my father had given me and ran a quick [Observe] on it.

[Custom Made Kodachi](Guardian) - A Kodachi forged from chakra receptive metals named and gifted to you by your father, you are capable of using the skill [Chakra Flow] with this sword. 75-100 slashing damage. DURABILITY 2500/2500

I clipped it in place on my back, making a few testing draws to make sure it was good and not to cumbersome to draw in its position.

Once I made sure it was good I let out a deep breath and turned to the door to see my mother there with a few boxed lunches in her hands. "I'm heading out now," I told her quietly as I accepted the lunches and placed them in a seal in my equipment pouch.

"I look forward to when I can see you again," she sighed gently, placing a gentle kiss on my head. "Watch your teammates backs and listen to your senses, okay?"

"I will," I promised solemnly. "See you again soon!"

I gave her one more quick hug before dashing out the door, wiping my glistening eyes off on my sleeve as I rushed towards the gate for my mission.

"Are you seeing anything out of the ordinary, Uchiha?" My sensei's voice crackled over the radio into my ear quietly.

I lowered my binoculars as I pressed a hand to the throat mike I was wearing (Seriously, these guys basically have CODEXes but no telephones? Seriously?) while mentally cursing my lack of Sharingan. Being able to see Chakra would be seriously helpful right now.

"Nothing on my end," she reported, her voice even less than a whisper as I spoke. "Their scheduled guard rotation went off at the same time today."

"Understood, Yamanaka is on her was to switch out with you," he replied. "Codeword is Sanguine."

"Understood, sanguine," I replied, mentally cross checking my mental 'code phrase' manual. "I'll give my detailed report when I return."

My sensei was an incredibly paranoid bastard. That entire conversation? It was all in code, China-chan wasn't coming to relieve me at all as she was positioned in the north while sanguine is the codeword for 'unknown spotted on the eastern side'.

Subtly adjusting myself I was very thankful that I have yet to go through puberty, because sitting here just watching and noting every little thing that was going on in the bandit camp below was difficult enough. I was nowhere near ready to do it while on my period.

Just that thought alone was enough to send minute shudders down my spine as I raised my non-reflective binoculars to my eyes and scanned the eastern side of the camp, spotting the unknown my sensei reported on from his position on the opposite side of the camp from me.

The man was tall, standing at a massive 7'5" and was nothing but solid muscle and moved with a catlike grace, a hitai-ate on his forehead with a slashed Yugakure symbol told me was a missing ninja from Yugakure. Thankfully he wasn't Hidan - no way in hell was I going to touch that level of crazy this soon! Nor did he have any symbols of Jashin him, well… ones I couldn't see anyways.

Hopefully this guy wasn't some kind of Jashinite then, even if he was weaker than Hidan, immortality is kinda a bitch to deal with.

Although… did Hidan's immortality extend towards something like cancer? I mulled the question over as I studied the bandit camp, idly noting that the shinobi was having a heated conversation with someone we tentatively identified as the bandit leader. Unfortunately I was too far, even with binoculars to accurately read their lips, so I noted down my best effort for sensei to look over and see if he can extrapolate.

"[Skills]," I murmured quietly, bringing up my skill list to my newest additions that I had tested out a bit on our travel time and when we stopped for the night.

Mystical Palm (Active)[Level 1 - 45.32%] - The standard Iryojutsu of medic shinobi everywhere, the [Mystical Palm] is one of the most versatile Iryojutsu in circulation, including the [Chakra Scalpel] jutsu, it band heal your allies or damage your enemies with creative application, one medic nine was even noting saying 'I can heal my enemies to death' - Healing - 50 HP/second, 25 CP/second. Damage - varied depend on usage

Chakra Scalpel (Active)[Level 1 - 34.56%] - A standard jutsu learned by both the medical profession and the interrogators, this jutsu is capable of cutting solely what the user wishes to cut and nothing else, including targeted organs and leaving the skin intact. - Varied depending on usage

Now… I know that my life is a game right now, but I have to wonder, what is the house rules for damaging someone's heart? Because a jutsu like this, if the heart was targeted, would cause near instant death one would need someone like Tsunade on hand to save them from.

Well, guess I'll be getting a chance to test that theory when we attack the 40+ bandit camp tomorrow.

Looking down at the sole shinobi we had eyes on, I brought up my binoculars. "[Observe]" I murmured, trying to see if the range was set, or could be enhanced by my binoculars.

Target out of range

No, they did not, damn.

Letting out an inaudible sigh I settled myself in for a long wait.

It was finally time, sensei had given us all the signal to start our approach as dusk fell, about a half hour before the sentries changed their shift. This was when they were at their most inattentive, rather than thinking about their perimeter, they were focused on either getting drunk around th fire, or heading to their bed.

I kept my breathes quiet as I slowly approached my unaware target, subtly adjusting the grip on my kunai as I crept in close. Once I was in range, I leapt up, wrapping my hand around h a mouth and gabbed my kunai twice like we were taught in the academy.

The first strike hit him in the larynx, removing his ability to make any noise beyond gurgling and my second strike hit him in the temple, the man going slack as he crumpled back into my, I was barely able to suppress my yelp of surprise at the dead weight of a thirty something year old man slumped on top of my seven year old girl body, thankfully I had my Chakra reinforcing my muscles allowing me to quietly set him on the ground my eyes catching a pop up.

Sneak Attack critical! Instant kill!

+437 EXP, +500 Ryo gained, [Yew Bow] and 10 [Wooden Arrows] looted and stored in [Inventory].

I… just killed a man.

Oh… fuck.


AN: You mad at the cliffhanger?

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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