36.84% Eternity Blue / Chapter 7: Early Headstart [1]

บท 7: Early Headstart [1]


This contains some spoilers about the English Lostbelt and you can skip this if you wanted dear readers and enjoy it if you still wanted to read this chapter and I apologize that this chapter takes so long to update because I was and still am busy on other things, I also am a little depressed that I can't play Genshin Impact in my Laptop anymore which sucks!!!


Elaine hummed quietly when she sat comfortably near the fireplace and read a book about the ever distant isle that claimed to be non-existed, but she highly doubted it because no one ever set sail beyond the sea since people who lived their life here in Teyvat and rather stay ignorant of the outside world and praying their gods, so they have no real interest which is really bad on her own viewpoint and from Galahad who was really disbelief though it was really understandable as they researched about the cataclysm in 500 years ago that Celestia and Khaenri'ah caused.

'...Then those mysterious creatures who calling themselves [the Abyss Order] showing up from that day with a single purpose and [The Abyss] is created beneath of Teyvat.'

The grey-haired girl flipped the page and sigh for a bit while her brothers playing chess behind her.

'I wonder what actually happens of that day if there is such a thing called time travel, but it's one of the true magic that only a few magus can pull it of like that old man who can travel other worlds...' Then her eyes shifted to her brothers at that moment and saw that Diluc is about to win this round while Kaeya was focused even he would lose the game.

'Even if Time Travel is possible, it would cause many ripples that have a lot of consequences in the future.' Commented Galahad which Elaine silently nodded.

'I agree with you... though it would be nice to change it.' She smiled gently and looked through the window when she thought 'what if' from her experience of her past, 'I really want to bet on this even though it's really foolish like to know about my birth parents for example.'

The knight remained silent as she said to him and broke the communication to clear their minds for a while.

"Tch. I lost again," grumbled Kaeya in defeat while Diluc posed a victory pose with a grinned in confidence.

"Don't worry! I bet you're going to win next time for sure, Kaeya!" He encourages his brother and patted on his back, "After all only you and Elaine giving to me so much challenge of that game."

Elaine couldn't help but giggle at Diluc's words which the boys looked over and softly smiled at her.

Then the red-haired boy realized something and glanced over to Kaeya who also gazed at her with unrequited emotion which he can understand why.

"Elaine? Would you play chess with me?" Asked Diluc politely that Elaine looked thoughtful about it since she rather wanted to read that book, but playing chess with her older brother didn't bother her actually.


As Kaeya and Elaine switched their place, the blue-haired boy was curious about what she was reading and picked up the book that she read.

"Avalon le Fae or known as the land of faeries, Britain." He breathed softly as he read the title book on its cover while Elaine and Diluc were focused on their game, while he opens the book and began to read.

[A long time ago in ancient time, there lived six fairies on the planet's endless ocean.

They were tasked to forge a Holy Sword by the planet's will, however, they chose not to out of sheer laziness which the 'white titan' whipped out all the existence of the planet while the ever distant paradise that the mortals and the fairies longed for remained untouched of the destruction.

Thus the six fairies are remained on the surface, unable to go home to the utopia due to their sin.

"Only Innocence shall pass to the unreachable utopia that every living being dreamed about."

They suffered from the heavy waves and buffering then the planet's will sent a god to properly punish them for their sins, but the god has a gentle soul that did not wish to do this because he felt that they there punished enough and allowed them to live upon his body along with a human woman who was the last living human that it saved with gratitude, she became the priestess of that god.

However, the six fairies were ungrateful and they kept pestering the god to create a new home for them which was something it could not do. The Priestess chastised them and warned them to reflect on their actions, but instead, the Fairies concluded that the god's titanic body would make a nice landmass to live on. They held a celebratory feast and lied to it about wanting to become its worshipers which are thought that they reflected their actions as they offered a drink for the god and it gladly accepted the offering despite its priestess's disbelief and suspicion as it proved to be correct that the wine they served contained poison, which the god died and they took the corpse to use a foundation for their new home which they called 'Britain'.]

'Am I reading some kind of a dark fairy tale story? And what happened to that woman?' Kaeya questioned himself and searched the writer's name on the first page which he quickly found along with the chapter names. 'Hoh... The author's name is Artoria and it was written in 2018 which was 700 years ago makes this book is still valuable because it is in good condition.'

Then he was suddenly taken aback as he saw that she still lives because she isn't a human, to begin with, but a humanoid fairy who originated from Britain that the blue-haired boy reads.

'Holy crap! She's damn old!' He declared in his thoughts and sweated as he has a sudden chill that someone wanted wack his head for that rude declaration while Elaine was winning against Diluc who wants another match which she didn't have the mood to play chess again and would rather read her book that Kaeya took out of curiosity, but even if she says no to him, he would use his puppy eyes which Adelaide was also weak against it.

"Please! Pretty please, Elaine~!" He pleaded to her and she looked the other way around to avoid those eyes for her own sake!

'...What would happen if he used those eyes to prevent you to go?' Asked Galahad that Elaine deadpanned mentally.

'Don't ask or do you want us to get cursed.' She hissed at him which he raised his hands to surrender.


She blinked slowly when she swayed her head to Kaeya as he called her name and hold her book from his hand which Elaine has a questioned face about what he wanted from here.

"Does this so-called Britain even exist in this world?" He asked in curiosity which she nervously played her hair a little then Elaine remained calm of all sudden.

"Hmm... I guess it does exist I believe." She held her head high as was thinking while Diluc took her book from Kaeya's hand and started to read a little then looked disbelief at her.

"Are you going to set sail to search the non-existed land? It sounds like it came from a fairy tale instead of geography ones like you usually read." The red-haired boy said which the demi-servant lightly coughed and her eyes shifted to the window.

"Well... it's one of my plans when I am done traveling here and buying a small ship when I have enough money if it was planned well."

They starred at her deadpanned for the longest time they could then Kaeya sighed because she set her mind already that no one can stop her.

'Well... that bet is no longer exists since she is already determined to go her own way which is really a shame...' He thought and hid his small smile then the blue-haired boy coughed his throat a little.

"So, are you bring some souvenirs when you return home?" Kaeya asked her which Elaine and Diluc were surprised by the answer, but the demi-servant answered his question with a sense of relief that he accepted her goal.

"...I'm not so sure, but I willing to bring a lot of stuff that you have never seen before like those so-called 'chocolate' that northern Britain known for if I manage to be careful, because I cannot reveal my name or else the fairies going to enslave me."

"Wait! Why are those Fairies would enslave you when you going to reveal your name? Why would they do that? Adelaide and father told me that fairies are good beings." Diluc looked shocked at this information and was desperate.

"Well... Fairies are good and bad like humans like us even they are more in touch with nature itself, but they are more vicious if you get on their bad side or they are mischievous from their nature they would like kidnapping you, stealing your memories, or force to binding your own will... This is the true nature of the fairies even they are nice to you, never let your guard down if you meet one." Explained Elaine to her elder brother who understood what she meant. "Oh, and don't look straight to meet their eyes because they have the ability to see your truth behind your lies."

"That's... Actually quite scary to know that the faeries have those abilities." Kaeya paused and looked at her with an unreadable expression, but he quickly changed it into a happy one.

"Well, as long you're careful enough and coming back to us safely then we don't see a problem not stopping you, as the way you are right now."

Elaine gently smiled at him as she was grateful for his support and embrace him with a hug that the blue-haired child's face turned into pink.

"I'm really appreciated that you accepting my desire to travel the world. I really am grateful to have such a nice brother like you, Kaeya."

She said and he silently patted her shoulder and hummed peacefully rest on her shoulder which Diluc puffed his cheeks that looked almost like a chipmunk's cheek and attacked them with an aggressive hug that they both jolted about the sudden action from the red-haired boy.

"Not Fair! Let me join too!"

Kaeya seemed to struggle to pushed him but failed as Diluc was a little stronger than him that made Elaine smile and let the red-head join.

"Of course, Of course, Diluc. You can come too."

The Demi-Servant heartily wishes that their relationship doesn't change too much in the future.


The next day as they're on the way to the colosseum, they encounter Romani who was on his way to the other side of the city and he seemed to be tired for some reason that the Ragnvindr family are worried about him which they approached him.

"Yo, Romani. You seemed to be not in your spirit today like usual." Crepus called them out which the doctor turned and saw that the family was concern about him which he chuckled tiredly.

"Oh, hello everyone." He greeted them and yawned, "Well if pull out an all-night work then you can say I really have a rough night that's for sure."

Elaine blinked her eyes. "Was your job too difficult to keep up yesterday?"

Romani looked at her with a soft smile when he said to her. "Well, I had to do paperwork and so on which took all day. I'll swear when I catch you, Alice, to bump yours into mine, I do the worse thing to you that you cannot imagine it."

They sweatdropped as they can see the fire of revenge from his eyes.

"Aha... So, it's just Alice's fault that you're looking so tired."

The pink-haired man looked very serious about it then he quickly changes into exhausted and sighed loudly.

"You have no idea when she has her mood like this but I can handle her without a problem because I know someone very similar to her."

"I see..." Said Kaeya with a blank face which the poor man coughed his throat then he turned to Crepus.

"I hope the appointment is still there today."

The red-haired man nodded at him in seriousness, "Yes. I look what you want to tell me Romani if you want, you can join us when the tournament is over and sleepover in our mansion."

His green eyes widen a little of the generous offer from Crepus but unfortunately for him, his job comes first.

"Thank you for the offer for staying over at your house, but sadly I have to do my job as a doctor here in Mondstadt. No one knows when someone has critical conditions that the church didn't know to heal it, so they need me as a professional doctor who can do such thing that they can't do it." Romani declined the offer reasonable which Crepus understand.

"Well is that so then I'll arrange a carriage for you once we're done of our talking."

The young doctor lowered his head, "I am looking forward to your hospitality Crepus and will cheer your children to give their best to the upcoming matches."

"Hahahaha. There's nothing to thank for Dr. Roman." Crepus waved his hand lazily which the doctor sighed then glanced to Elaine who observed him of his movements for some reason.

'How strange... is this just me? Or does he know someone who is just like me that he approached me for this reason?'

"Then thank you again for the appointment that is still settled today." Romani pointed his finger behind his shoulder with a smile, "I have to leave now since I had to check a patient real quick then I will catch you guys later."

They waved at him as he went to his next patient then they sweatdropping as the doctor nearly tripped on the stairs.

"Will he be okay?" Asked Diluc in worry but the family was relieved the pink-haired man went without a struggle.

"I think he should be fine on his own after all, he is a man who everyone depended on him here in this city." Commented Elaine with a blank expression and make her way to the colosseum. "Let's just get going then, we don't want to be late after all, or else we are going to be disqualified."

Diluc and Kaeya sweated as she said and do the same while Crepus remained calm as they ran to the colosseum and he goes on his own pace.

The children passed by a strange man in strange clothing who observed the girl with light grey hair who secretly smiled at her adoptive brothers which he made short eye contact and he had such a puzzled look on his face, then the blonde-haired man walking on his way where Romani went.


"Aww... Chucks... It seems like I fighting against you Kaeya." Diluc said as he looked at the bulletin board which Kaeya was oddly calm about that.

"Mmm. Is that so? Then I don't want to lose to you, Diluc." Kaeya smirked mischievously at his brother who also did the same to him.

"Oho? I looking forward to it trying to beat me."

As the boys bickering themselves, Elaine stared blankly at who her opponent is which was clearly Jean Gunnhildr.

'Out of all seven opponents, it must be her.' She sighed mentally as the demi-servant makes clear that she disliked that blonde-haired girl who was influenced by her own mother at a young age to protect Mondstadt for freedom and cut the connections of her sister who lived with her father in the church.

'I see... I was worried that you disliked her because of her face which resembles a little of king Arthur...'

'Sir Galahad. I realized that I really shouldn't think that much about that event on what happens to me before and keep my head high to the present even though it's really difficult to do that, also my dislike or hate about King Arthur is gone because I never personally met him and only saw him from your memories even though he was also responsible along with his master, I rather want to try to see forward than looking back.'

'...That's a healthy way of thinking and mature coming from you... it shows how much you changed in the past years.' Muses Galahad which Elaine hid her smile from her face.

'Thank you, Galahad for your kind words, but I am still an immature child inside who wants to know about her purpose in this world.' She replied to him then she looked over the names of her potential opponents and the demi-servant hid her surprised look when the knight told her something.

'Perhaps this is the time that we need to switch our class.'

She blinked her eyes in confusion which Galahad going to explain to her.

'I've neglected to tell you that Servants can be summoned with more Classes, but it's incredibly rare to achieve it for example like Brynhildr, the tragic heroine who can be summoned as a Lancer and a Berserker based when she felt betrayed as Sigurd loses his memories and murdered him.' Elaine hummed quietly as she slowly understands what he meant to say, 'Also I'm a literary just a heroic spirit, and you're a living being. There's no such thing to have one weapon, just take advantage to learn more from the outside box.'

'I see... now I understand what you want to tell me and I am honored for trusting me.' Elaine was really glad that Galahad trusted her with his part of the power she gained from him and saw that her unique saint graph gained a new class called [Saber] which she can switch from her own free will, but right now she rather sticks with the [Shielder] [Class] because it would perhaps odd for her to switch right now since she wasn't used to swinging a sword before and it feels natural for her to be on the [Shielder Class].

Then she turned her head towards her step-siblings as Diluc tapped her shoulder gently and looked in great interest who is going to be her opponent while Kaeya has a blank look on his face when he glanced at her name from the board.

"Elaine! Do you know who is your opponent going to be?" Diluc asked in pure curiosity which she replied to him bluntly.

"My opponent is going to be Jean Gunnhildr."

They gave her a pained look on their faces when she told them the name of her opponents. Although the Ragnvindrs and Gunnhildr are neutral against each other since old times, the current Gunnhildr head clan was someone with who Elaine didn't want to make a contact with her face to face.

"... Will you be fine since Jean is quite skilled with her sword as was trained by his own mother from her early age?" Kaeya asked in concern and wanted to be sure that Elaine is up for this task which her eyes showed confidence as she was thinking to WIN this competition for her future carrier to be an adventurer and was going to sweep her opponents with her shield away.

"No need to worry about me. I believe that I can do this with my own strength so have faith in me." The Demi-Servant gave them a thumbs-up and made her way to the battlefield since it's her turn now while Diluc and Kaeya watched her leave with a crooked smile on their faces.

"She will never change would she?" Said Diluc with a tender look on his face which Kaeya has also the same as his brother but he has some thoughts about her.

'I wonder...'

[To be continued]

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