Flynn reassured me as the couple left the church that I'd done a great job of holding myself together, even if I had cried. I comforted him in return, making a joke that he didn't have to feed me, the one thing he focused on when I'd been emotionally strung out in the past. For a second I almost said, "I wished it was our wedding day." If I had, I'm sure he'd have made light of it and put it down to my emotional state.
I took most of the official pictures myself from outside the church and at the wedding reception luncheon, after that, it was left to a guy I trusted who had been filming in the church during the service. I knew him well, and he'd been using my studio in town as his for most of the time since I'd been with Flynn.
Liam did great and added the cuteness factor the whole day for us. His sense of purpose and the way he carried out his duty with the wedding ring made my heart melt with pride and love.