On any other occasion Allan would have told the vice-captain that if Captain Smith sent an idiot like him to ask someone else for a favor, then I don't know why he expected the task to be accomplished, and that if the captain wanted to talk to Allan, He had feet to come see him.
Unfortunately, Allan could only have those thoughts in his head as he followed Eric.
There was no other alternative, when the vice-captain ordered him to follow Tom was in front, if Allan had refused to follow Eric, Tom as his subordinate would have paid the consequences for it even if he had nothing to do with it. affair.
As Allan followed the vice-captain, Allan watched as people stepped aside to let him pass, evidently Eric was highly respected, feared, or both.
While this might be an image that inspires respect, from Allan's point of view the most prominent was how Vice-Captain Eric's bald head shone brightly in the sunlight. It was as if the shine pf his head cleared the path.
In a few minutes Allan reached the guards' barracks, the building was not much different from the prison, a two floors tall building with the exception that there are no bars on the windows.
When the guards saw the vice-captain, they stopped what they were doing and gave him a military salute, it seems that Eric is a feared person on the base.
Nobody blocked their way all the way from the entrance, only when they reached the captain's room did Eric stop and knock on the door.
Knock knock
"Go ahead"
The moment Eric received permission he opened the door and motioned for Allan to enter.
When the two were inside the room Eric said:
"Captain Smith, I have brought you the stranger named Allan as requested."
"But Eric, it was not necessary for you to go in person, I told you to send a messenger" from the throat of the man in front sounded a calm voice that spread throughout the room.
"I know captain, but I had free time and I decided to go myself, I apologize if I went against his orders, please to punish me" replied Eric.
"No no, we're not going to go to such extremes either, if you had free time that's fine" said the captain as he smiled bitterly when he heard Eric's reply.
As he listened to the conversation between Eric and Captain Smith, Allan couldn't help but feel a little out of place.
The vice-captain was a tall man with broad shoulders, his face had a serious expression and an attitude of no nonsense, it seemed that anyone who interfered in his way would suffer, on the contrary, Captain Smith had a serene and calm attitude, He seemed like a man who did not resort to violence easily, yet from this exchange one could see how much Eric respected Captain Smith.
"In any case thank you very much for escorting our guest, now Eric if you are so kind, I would like to have a few words with him" said the captain ending the conversation.
"Yes sir" Eric gave one last salute and left the room.
Once Allan and Smith were alone, they both looked into each other's eyes for a moment.
"Phew" until Captain Smith let out a sigh.
"Sorry for the behavior of my subordinate, Eric is a good man but communication has never been his specialty.
After this the captain rose from his chair and went to a small table in the corner of the room.
"Would you like something to drink? tea? Or maybe a coffee? Asked the captain while making tea for him.
"No thank you Captain Smith" replied Allan somewhat uncomfortable, the change in attitude has been somewhat radical, which made Allan not know how to act for a few seconds.
"Please call me Smith, after all, you are not one of my soldiers" said Smith smiling as he prepared Allan a tea.
"Smith, may I know why I'm here? That I remember I have not committed any crime "
Smith looked at Allan in surprise.
"Crime? No, I didn't ask you to come for something like that. The reason I have asked you to come is because I am curious "
"Curiosity? About what?" Allan asked.
"About you of course," Smith replied.
"About me?" Allan was genuinely surprised, that the recall has done nothing to attract the attention of a figure like the captain.
"Yes, about you" said Captain Smith "You are not the first foreigner to come to town and I am sure you will not be the last, but for some strange reason, even more strange that people appear out of nowhere is that they disappear shortly after, everyone except you. So I'm curious why your teammates have disappeared but you haven't" Smith said.
Hearing this, Allan breathed a sigh of relief, for a moment he thought that the unlucky title was back on track and he was in trouble.
"Both our arrival to this place and our disappearance are our choices, I just decided to stay longer to explore the town and learn what I can in this place"
"How to learn to use the sword?" Smith said.
Seeing Allan's face, Captain Smith knew that he had been misunderstood and hastened to explain.
"It is no secret that you practice the sword, in fact, it was Tom who told the guards, he said that he taught you everything you know thanks to his incredible gifts as a teacher. There is not a single guard in the whole city who does not know you "
When Allan heard this, he thought it made sense. It would be very strange if no person knew that he had been learning how to use the sword, especially considering who taught him the basics.
"Really?" Still, Allan found it funny to imagine how Tom bragged about what a good teacher he is just to get his ass kicked in training, after all, Tom is one of the youngest and least experienced guards, it is impossible that there are not stronger guards.
"And speaking of crimes, I have learned the circumstances of your first meeting with us, on behalf of all the city guards I would like to formally apologize for our mistake" said the captain of the guard as he sat down and left the tea to the side, looking Allan in the eye.
"Nothing happens"
When Allan saw Captain Smith apologizing, he did not give it much importance, after all, Allan did not have any grudge with the captain, it was all a misunderstanding. It would be foolish for Allan to hold a grudge against the captain for something he had nothing to do with.
Also, every day crimes caused by players are committed, it cannot be expected that with the limited number of guards all incidents would be thoroughly examined, especially considering that the case where the Allan was involved was a brawl at an inn.
"Thank you." Hearing this, Captain Smith showed a relieved smile.
"But even if we don't resent what happened, it is undeniable that we have caused you a lot of inconvenience, I have heard that the residents did not even let you buy in their stores while they thought you were guilty so I have come up with a way to compensate you"
"A way?" Allan said, of all the reasons Captain Smith met with him he never thought the goal would be to compensate him for the inconvenience.
"Tell me Allan, how long have you been learning Tom's sword?"
"One month" Allan replied having an idea of where this conversation was going.
"Really? From the way Tom told how he taught you, anyone would think you have been his apprentice for years" Smith said as he laughed.
"Apprentice" When Allan heard that Tom was telling the everyone that he was his apprentice, he couldn't stay still.
(If I remember correctly Tom told me when he was drunk that he was the one who broke one of Sam's dishes)
Although Allan couldn't get revenge on Tom directly, there were always other ways to make a person suffer.
"Allan" Hearing Smith's voice Allan refocused on the conversation.
"Would you like us to teach you how to use the sword?"
Thank you Nicleback for your power stones.
All help is appreciated.