93.33% Avatar : How to become a Badass / Chapter 14: Chapter 14 : The truth

บท 14: Chapter 14 : The truth

Having finished up my work for the day I can't help but smile thinking about how you learn something new every day. Just yesterday I learned how long you need to hang a grown man over a pool of lava before he starts crying for his mama.

Needless to say, Butakha graciously decided to drop my debt. Such a nice man.

On a more serious note earlier today Korra dropped by to invite me to Asami's home. And to be honest, if I wasn't busy I would have gladly come. That notion surprised me as my feelings for Asami should have made me apprehensive of anything that has to do with her.

So after wishing Korra good luck and seeing her off I sat down closed my eyes and using my detective mode I tried to understand what happened.

You see, over the years I have discovered that panmnesia has one very useful technique. By meditating and entering a sort of semi-sleep state I can enter my mind. The 'detective mode' as I started calling it, allows me to truly access my memories even the sounds and sights I wasn't aware of.

By rewinding to the day before I stopped at the moment both me and Korra were just sitting quietly in the park and enjoying each other's silence. I focused on my feelings at that moment and realized that some sort of hidden weight was leaving me.

Now, these sorts of things are hard to tell but I think that dating Korra was the last step I needed to take for me to move on from the past.

I am brought out of my thoughts by a knock on my office door.

"Come in." I call out and Nari comes in with a concerned looking Korra.

"The Avatar was looking for you. She said it's something urgent and it couldn't wait." Nari informed me before walking out.

"Korra, what's wrong?" I ask in concern and approach her already having an inkling of what she is going to say.

"While I was at the Sato estate I accidentally overheard Hiroshi Sato talking to somebody over the phone. He said the Cabbage Corp investigation bought them enough time and by the end of the week they will be ready to strike." She explains.

"I think Hiroshi is working with the equalists."

And there it is.

"If what you are saying is true then we need to get more help, somebody we can trust, Hiroshi is one of the most influential people in the city." I start laying down a plan.

"Wait a minute. You believed me just like that?" She asks me in slight surprise.

"Do you want me to doubt you? Of course, I trust you Korra, from now on we are in this together." I smile at her.

Korra envelops me in a tight hug which I return.

"Thank you for trusting me Hanzo."

"Anything for you shorty."

"Who are you calling short!" She instantly breaks the hug and points her finger at me.

"You. Who else?" I reply as if she asked a stupid question.

"5'7 is not short, you're just tall!" Korra defends.

"Sorry I can't hear you from up here shorty." I rile her up more.

"Hanzo you're about to catch these hands if you don't stop this instant!"

"Pfft… like you could reach me."

"That's it!" Korra starts swinging and I run for my life while laughing.

*Roof of the Republic City Police headquarters*

"So, you think Mr. Sato manufactured these gloves for the equalists then framed Cabbage Corp?" Asks Tenzin.

"That's a bold accusation. But what proof do you have?" Questions Chief Beifong.

"Well we don't exactly have proof, but I know what I heard. Sato is up to something." Korra states.

"He does have the means. And he has a motive." Lin tells us after thinking a bit.

"That's right." Tenzin seems to remember something.

"A motive? What is it?" Korra asks.

"Twelve years ago, the Agni Kai Triad robbed Sato's mansion." Tenzin started telling the story.

"And someone firebender killed Asami's mother during the break-in." I finished it.

"That's terrible." My sweet turtle duck grasps.

"It was tragic. It's possible he's been harboring anti-bending sentiment all this time."

"Maybe we should look at Mr. Sato a little more closely." Chief Beifong comments.

"Yeah, and in doing so alert him. Think people, think!" I told her.

Lin turns to Korra and asks. "Can you please unfreeze him? I can't take him seriously otherwise."

You heard that right! After I teased my girlfriend about height a few more times she decided that the answer to her problem was to freeze me solid leaving only the head free.

Korta smirks at me before turning ice to water.

"Freedom!" I rejoice.

"Hanzo, can you please take this seriously?!" Tenzin gets fed up with my antics.

I drop my playful demeanor and look at him with a frown. "I am taking this seriously. while you were gossiping like a bunch of old ladies I was figuring out Hiroshi's operation."

"So the comment earlier about alerting Hiroshi?" Beifong asks.

"He will prepare and retaliate if you go searching in Future Industries. He's been preparing for years, and to do that without slipping up even once means he isn't using his usual factories, it would be too risky." I state.

"But if what you're saying is true then where would the factory be?" Tenzin inquiries after realizing I was serious.

"Where most of the villains make their secret bases..."

After saying that I waited for their Aha! moment but it never arrived. They just stared at me like an idiot.

"I swear I work with amateurs. Underground! It's underneath his house! C'mon guys step up your game." I spell it out for them.

Lin looks thoughtful for a moment before asking me. "How sure are you of this?"

"I would bet my lucky trousers." I answered her seriously but only gained a sigh of resignation from Everyone.

"How can you be smart one moment and a moron the next?" Korra asks me.

"It's a talent honed over years of practice." I boast proudly.

*Sato Estate, The next day*

With my suggestion, we executed the raid in the evening, when Hiroshi was the most likely to be working on anything secret.

"Raiding the Sato mansion is a risky move especially with Tarrlok breathing down your neck." Tenzin comments worriedly. "If we're wrong…"

"I know, I can kiss my job goodbye, but Hanzo has proven himself to be right on these things in the past, and protecting the Republic City is all I care about. Amon can't get his hands on any new weapons." Answers Chief Beifong.

After the airship arrived the Metalbender officers started going through the ground floor room by room. One of them had Asami, Mako, and Bolin hanging out. Let's say a bunch of cops busting through the door wasn't what they were expecting.

"What is the meaning of this? What are you doing here?" Ask Asami in surprise and indignation.

"We have reason to believe there's an equalist factory below the mansion." States Beifong.

"Just because we're not benders doesn't mean we support those awful equalists! And I think I would have noticed if there were a factory underneath my house!"

"Where is your father?" Asks Tenzin trying to diffuse the situation.

"In his workshop, behind the house." She answers more calmly.

With a signal from the Chief, every officer and Tenzin move out towards the back leaving the rest of us alone.

"What's going on Korra? Why are the police searching for an equalist factory? And why is he here?" Asami asks Korra before pointing at me with a bit of force.

"I overheard Hiroshi on the phone yesterday. Asami I don't know how to tell you this, but I think your father might be involved with the equalists." She answers gently before continuing with a more challenging tone.

"As for Hanzo, he's with me. Do you have a problem with him or something?"

Asami briefly glances at Mako and me before grabbing his hand. "No, I don't. Let's go Mako, Bolin."

The firebender just throws Korra a glare and is dragged away while earthbender follows his brother looking confusedly to the ground, leaving a conflicted Avatar.

"Don't take it to mind Korra. They are just a bit on edge like all of us with the whole equalist movement." I hug her from behind and comfort her.

"Thanks, Hanzo. I just hope my gut feeling is wrong for all of our sake." She smiled and replied to me.

"Yeah, maybe it's just gas." I comment only to get slapped on the back of my head.

*Hiroshi's workshop*

Officers barge in ready for anything only to find an empty workshop.

"Dad? Hello?" Asami calls out when the rest of us come in hoping her father is here.

"Chief, the estate has been secured. No one's left the workshop since we arrived." Reports random officer no.1

"Perhaps we just couldn't see him leaving." Says Lin before walking to the center of the room.

She raised her foot prompting a slot to open underneath. With a slam, Beifong used a downgraded version of her mother's seismic sense.

"There's a tunnel beneath the workshop, running deep into the mountainside." She states.

"What? There is no tunnel." Denies Asami only to shut up after Chief metalbends the hidden lid away.

"Do you think your dad knows about this tunnel?" Bolin loudly whispers to Asami.

"I don't understand. There must be an explanation." She says more to herself than anybody else.

"Maybe you don't know everything about your father. I'm sorry." Consoles Korra.

"Officers into the tunnel. Be cautious." Commands Lin.

I get ready to follow the rest when a voice comes from my back.

"Not you four. You stay here." Chief says to Asami, Mako, Bolin, and most Importantly me!

"Officer Song, keep an eye on them." She continues.

"Chief-" I try to argue but get shot down.

"You're not a special consultant anymore and rules are rules."

"Fine! But if I hear any weird noises from down there I'm coming down." I grumble under my breath and finally give in.

I turn to Korra and give her a serious nod which she returns before climbing onto a diagonal lift that starts going down.

*Five minutes later*

The silence is killing me but I ain't going to be the first to speak up. Those are just the rules of being socially awkward, try to keep up kiddo.

"Hanzo, I was meaning to ask…" Bolin hesitates after being the one to start.

"Don't be shy now." I encourage him. Finally having something to do while I wait.

"I saw how close you and Korra are acting. Are you two dating?"

A brilliant smile graces my face. "It happened Recently."

"Congrats Hanzo!" Bolin pats my back.

"I'm sorry about what happened between you and Korra." I tell him to remember the past.

"No no, It's fine! We already talked it out. I'm just happy for you guys." He replied with a smile. Checking for any lies I detected none so he is truly happy for Korra and me.

"Thanks, Bolin. I'm glad Korra has found a true friend."

Our conversation is interrupted by a loud sound originating from the tunnel.

"What was that?" Asks Bolin.

"Our signal. We need to head down there." I replied.

"Absolutely not. You're staying put until the Chief comes back." Interject officer Song.

Bolin sends Mako a look that indicates a plan but before they could reenact it a thin needle flew between them and embedded itself in the officer's forehead.

Song looks at the needle still stuck in its place before falling backwards unconscious.

"What was that?!" Asks Mako after getting out of his stupor.

"A quick-acting sleeping agent, he will wake up in about fifteen minutes." Comes out my voice from the back drawing their attention.

"Asami you stay here." I told her.

"But I have-"

"You have to stay put or you will get the Officer Song treatment." I point at the still unconscious man.

Mako tries to defend his girlfriend but is shut up by my death glare. He might be from the streets but he has never killed and even if he has it's definitely not as much as me.

Why the sudden change in demeanor? It seems that even with my warnings and the surprise strike Hiroshi was still prepared and ambushed us.

That means that right now Korra is in the hands of some equalist scum. I might try to follow the plot but if my girlfriend actually gets hurt then heads are rolling.

Asami, please. For old times sake." Seeing that doesn't work I try the diplomatic approach.

"...Fine." After a bit of Thinking she agrees.

*Two minutes later*

Arriving at the platinum wall blockade Bolin creates a tunnel underneath it for us with his earthbending. Soon after we all three pop our heads out on the other side and see all of our allies knocked out.

"Oh no." Whispers Bolin.

We see the equalists loading the last of the metalbender officers into the truck. Hiroshi and the mustache guy are discussing something with their backs turned to us.

"Korra was right." Mako whispers.

"Of Course she was right. Now let's get her and others." I whisper.

We sneak up to our targets each taking one. I take Korra, Mako Beifong and Bolin Tenzin.

"Not so fast, boys." Hiroshi says from behind us as his two electro gloves light up.

Bolin using Tenzin's arms as his own greets him. "Hello, Mr. Sato. Wow, what a really swell, scary factory you have under your giant mansion.

"Sponsoring our team, supporting the avatar." Mako starts putting it all together. "It was all just a big cover."

"Yes, and the most difficult part was watching my daughter traipse around with filthy benders like you." Spits out Hiroshi.

He looks over to me and continues. "It was so painful seeing my girl cry her heart out for weeks when I planted that false evidence about you Hanzo. It was all your fault she had to suffer like that! You forced me!" He shouted at me trying to justify himself.

"But just as I thought it was over she found another bender! Worse of a firebender! The same as the one who killed my wife!" By now Hiroshi was out of patience and was getting ready to attack when someone called out for him someone really familiar.

"Dad, stop!"

He turned around to find Asami looking at him in disbelief and disappointment.

"How could you?" She asks with a quivering voice having heard it all.

"Sweetie" Hiroshi's tone regains its calm demeanor. "I wanted to keep you out of this for as long as I could, but now that you know the truth, please forgive me."

"These people… These benders…" He finds it too hard to call benders people. "They took away your mother, the love of my life. They've ruined the world!"

"With Amon, we can fix it and build a perfect world together. A world without benders." He takes off one of his electro gloves and offers it. "Join me, Asami."

She looks at the offering and slowly walks up to her father. After shortly hesitating she took the glove and put it on.

"I love you, dad." Asami tells him before electrocuting him.

Mustache guy attacks her but gets one of his sticks kicked out of his grasp. He tries to use the other but Asami dodges and shocks him with her glove.

While that was happening Korra and the others managed to wake up. Unfortunately, they were not in fighting condition.

"Let's get out of here!" Shouts Mako.

As everyone rushed towards the hole that we created earlier I created an earth wall to separate us from the Mecha tanks. That bought us enough time to escape.

*The police airship*

Lin, blaming herself, decided to resign. She chose to find her officers and fight Amon outside the law.

I, on the other hand, had a bigger problem. Korra overheard Hiroshi talking about my past relationship with Asami.

"Korra." I call out and get no response so I use my secret weapon.


"Your whole family is short!" She finally responds.

I smile at her before asking again. "Can you please just listen to me?"

"Fine.. talk."

"I wanted to tell you eventually but we've been dating for at most three days. How was I supposed to bring that up? Especially when Asami was a part of your extremely small friend group."

"Are you saying I don't have friends?!"

"I'm saying that you need friends your age and those friends need you as well." She glances around the airship's deck. Mako and Bolin looked sad, confused, and lost while Asami looked plain broken.

"Korra, you are my most important person and nothing is going to change that." I reassure her.

"So you're saying that you love me?" She shyly asks.

I envelop her in a warm hug. "As I said, three days of dating is a short time. But keep acting this cute and it won't take long."


Author's note:

Hi guys!

So a lot of things happened in this chapter.

I will get to the thing I get the most comments about first. The romance.

And the question of is Asami is going to join the relationship is still in the air. As I have said before I don't want to force it so if it does happen expect it in season 2 or season 3.

Now onto MC not impacting the story enough. I honestly want to do more and to fuck with all the villains but season 1 is too restricting. Essentially the only threat Hanzo faces is Amon and that's it. Non-benders are really useless in front of a master bender.

Also, Amon is Korra's enemy. He pushes her to become a full Avatar so expect Hanzo to take a relaxed stance for now.

Other than that thank you all very much for the comments and suggestions. It really makes my day when I see that people are so passionate about my fanfic.

I never expected much out of it when I first started, so seeing it grow so fast can be daunting. But don't worry I don't plan on stopping to write any time soon. Writing itself has made me gain a new appreciation for all the authors out there.

Anyway, I hope you all had a good day until next time.


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