I heard the whisper while I travelled. Desi.
Felt the pull even before I appeared on the packed sand of the battlefield.
Still wearing the smile I’d shared with Lucy and Freyja, my eyes sought Michael’s. I saw him - knew he saw me, too.
But the cry, my name, carrying the power of desperate need, could not go unanswered.
And then I knew.
James. It was James.
And so I had to leave before Michael, running now, could reach me. I’d promised to be with him forever, to never leave his side. But James cried for me again and I had no choice but to fly.
He feels so cold to my touch. As cold as the hard gravel he lies on. As cold as I had once been.
I pull him into my arms. Feel the death that lies over him like a poorly made quilt.
I take him to the only person in all the worlds I know can heal him, if anyone ever can.
I take him to Miri.