The phone vibes in my back pocket: a message from James.
U free to talk?
One min. Will call u back
From the lounge comes the banter of female voices: Elizabeth and Kirstie laughing and joking. But the joking sounds artificial; the laughter, forced.
Then Mitch's voice, indistinct; I can't pick out her words, but it sounds like an instruction.
Slipping past the door and down the hall, I make my way to the rear of the house and outside. Then, checking I'm still private, I tap into my mobile.
James face flashes up, set against a background of what looks like a hospital waiting room.
"Yes, James? What can I do for you? News of some sort I assume?"
"Yes. We've told Klempner about Mitch's pregnancy. He wants to speak with her..."
"A bit of an about-turn, then."