The doctor speaks quietly, nodding towards Elizabeth, now sleeping. "It appears, Mr Haswell, that we have been successful, and your wife's premature contractions have ceased. We would like to keep her here for a few hours to be sure. But meanwhile, please try to stop worrying and get some sleep yourself. We'll wake you if anything changes."
"I'll do that, yes."
Feeling wrung out, I sit in the armchair...
Michael... Charlotte...
At least I can call Mitch. Let her know that this part of events is back under control.
I tap in her number.
It rings, but there's no reply.
Why would she not answer?
At a time like this?
I check the number. Try again.
Still no reply.
Where is she?
Klempner pauses, sucking at his teeth, eyes vacant for a moment. Then he head-jerks up the stairs. "Keep going. I'll be right behind you." Then he reverses and, to the sound of running footsteps vanishes back the way we came.