55.17% Naruto Fanfiction CopyWrite / Chapter 16: Chapter 31-32-33

บท 16: Chapter 31-32-33

If I knew I'd spend a month out of Konoha I wouldn't have taken the mission...

The improvements with my Fuinjutsu and my practice with cell transplants almost made this whole ordeal tolerable.



I frowned and rolled around in the bed trying to find a comfortable position.

After a week of hospital work, I started sending clones to fight the Iwa-nin while I healed.

I then realized that I didn't need to be there at all, and sent a clone to replace myself as well.

I then spent a lot of time looking at the samples I got from the woman with bright yellow hair and purple eyes.

I was no closer to figuring out why the cells chakra had a healing property, though I figured out that integrating her cells only added a small amount of new chakra to the body and didn't change the existing chakra pool.

Was there any way to integrate two separate chakras as Madara had?

I had no idea and I was no closer to figuring it out, thus I spent most of my time rolling around in my rented room and pondering.

...Could she have been a half Uzumaki?

I tossed the idea around for a moment before dismissing it.

She probably would have had more chakra.

Though didn't she integrate with the foreign cells?

I couldn't clearly remember, though at the time it seemed that she had.

What a blunder...

I think it's time to look into getting a lab.


Kushina wanted me to join her after my shift at the hospital so I was here in person today, I didn't want any clone shenanigans.

I watched dully as Keiji cut both his and the patient's wrist, he weaved some hand-signs and the blood from his wrist wriggled like a worm and started so flow into the patient.

Keiji only used the technique for a few seconds before he healed both their wrists and set off to continue his duties.

"How did you get that to work?"

I gave Keiji a once over, did he have a bloodline?

"The technique's called Blood Transfusion, you have to have O-negative blood to use it."

So Keiji was a universal donor... Cool, I guess?

"I've never seen or heard of it before."

I sent him a nod and thumbs up, though I doubted my nonverbal praise meant much to him.

"Ya, it's something I made, my fucking brother bled out and I was helpless to stop it."


"I'm sorry to hear that Keiji."

Keiji shook his head and started running his hands along his patient's body looking for injuries.

"Don't be, the fucker blew himself up with an explosive tag, he always was an idiot and it was just a matter of time until he got hurt."

I wasn't sure of what to say so I stayed quiet and returned to work.


"What are you doing Shiro?"

I was doing a handstand and pondering Lightning Release, I wanted to add some bigger moves to my repertoire.

The main problem I and my clones had with the Iwa-nin was their swarm tactics, I couldn't get farther than five kilometers past the border without having more than seven try to kill me.

So, I needed a big jutsu or I needed to improve my Shunshin so I was fast enough not to get caught.

"I decided I needed a new perspective."

Kushina blinked at me.

"You can join me."

She nodded and joined me with her own handstand.

"So, what did you want?"

Kushina had started walking on her hands towards her living quarters, so I followed after her.

"We're heading back to Konoha tomorrow."

I hummed, that was good news I was tired of being here and I think this was the last assassination mission I'd ever willingly take.

"You catch enemy Shiro?"

Kushina snorted and shook her head.

"No someone from Kusa got him."

All that time and effort for nothing...

"Does our mission count as complete or incomplete?"

I think this was the first time I had 'failed' a mission.


Hmmm... Alright...

"So, what are we doing?"

Kushina laughed, sprung from her hands, and landed on her feet.

"We're doing Fuinjutsu!"

I stared at her for a moment before I sprung from my hands to my feet.

"Sounds good!"

I tried to insert some enthusiasm into my voice even though I didn't feel it.

I should have just sent a clone...

While I'm thinking about clones...

A quick hand-sign and I sent a clone to say goodbye to Keiji.


With Kushina traveling with me, it would take three days to reach Konoha.

It gave me plenty of time to get lost in thought.

I was what I'd call halfway into becoming a stem cell vampire, my main problem was that my body heavily rejected foreign cells and that the chakra from foreign cells didn't blend with already existing chakra.

Other people were able to accept my cells but the reverse didn't seem possible, my body wanted nothing to do with foreign cells and rejected them quite handily.

Which was a problem if I wanted to become a stem cell vampire.

I figured that my body might be more open to Kaguya or Hyuga cells, though the problem with that is my immortality would be dependent on the survival of the Hyuga and Kaguya clans.

Which was acceptable but not ideal...


I also needed to finish the Lightning Rasengan and Lightning Drill.

I hadn't even got through my list of experiments, though I guess it was alright if that took a while...

So much to do...

Have you been using the Strength Of A Hundred seal?"

I blinked and focused on Kushina.

"I used it once and haven't needed to use it again."

I haven't run into someone I couldn't handle...

"Start getting comfortable with it, it would be a shame to go through all that effort to make it and die because you couldn't use it."

That's true...

Though I'd hate to waste some of the chakra I've gathered...

"Can we continue the Fuinjutsu lessons?"

Kushina nodded but was still looking ahead as we traveled.

"Whenever we're both free."

Even if I only got a single lesson a month, I'd still make more progress then I would by myself.

"Thanks, I wasn't making any progress by myself."

Kushina reached out and ruffled my hair, but said nothing.


After an uneventful trip, we arrived at Konoha.

I said goodbye to Kushina and decided to have a brief look around.

I walked around periodically activating my Byakugan as I went.

Even though tensions were escalating the people seemed happy and the market was well stocked.

I figured there'd be some signs of the impending war but it seems there were no shortages and the people didn't look stressed.

I gave the village one last sweep with my Byakugan before I sent a clone off to find Gai and I made my way home for my customary post-mission shower.



I blinked and spun on my heel.

"Hi, mom."

I walked over and gave her a hug which she returned.

"Why do you have a bounty? I thought I told Kushina to stop you from fighting with Iwa shinobi."

She still hadn't let go of me.

"Ummm... it was a bit late by the time she arrived."

That and I kept sending clones out, I liked learning from the mistakes the clones made, It was better than making them myself.

Mom stayed quiet but didn't loosen her hold on me.

"I thought you wanted me to get a bounty."

I tapped her on the back trying to signal for my release.

"...That was before I knew war was likely in our future."

Mom ignored my tapping and kept her hold on me.

"Fair enough..."

I gave up my escape attempts and settled in, I might not be leaving for a while.

Though I wondered what my bounty was I decided that it was probably better to let it go for now.


I had regained my freedom and was sitting on the counter while mom cooked.

I idly kicked my legs, feeling a bit anxious.

"Heaven's Palm saved me."

I sat quietly for a while wondering what Heaven's Palm was.

Eventually, it occurred to me that she was talking about the Rasengan.

"Tell me about it."

She shook her head.

"It got me out of a sticky situation."

She said nothing further and continued cooking.

"Tell me about it?"

Mom shook her head and didn't reply.

Meaning it wasn't something she could talk about...

Either because she was uncomfortable or it was classified.

I swung my legs up and sat cross-legged on the counter.

"Heaven's Palm is incomplete."

That got her attention.

"What do you mean?"

I formed a tiny Rasengan on my finger and started adding electricity to it.

"It was meant to have a Nature Release added to it."

I looked at my Rasengan, it was just a normal Rasengan with electricity in its center.

"Though mine is still incomplete."

I had tested it and though the electricity damaged things as the Rasengan dispersed I think it should probably be completely made of electricity.

Though I was waiting until I had a private place to practice.

Mom had forgotten about dinner and looked to be lost in thought.

I waved my hand at her and pointed at the stove, successfully returning her attention to our dinner.

"Alright, I'm going to see how Emergency Rations is doing."

Mom shook her head at me but didn't look in my direction.

"Change its name, I know you think it's funny but other people probably won't."

A sound suggestion.

Too bad I'm going to completely ignore it.

"Alright." I sent her a nod and a sloppy salute.

I turned and started leaving, I had some new ideas to try.

Maybe I could get them in before dinner.


Sadly, I couldn't get them in before dinner.

Though I got around to it the day after, I was now eyeing the twelve rabbits I had caged.

I wanted to get started on Deadpool immortality and biological absorption.

I figured the best way to get into absorption was to try and make one whole rabbit from two injured rabbits, so that's where I'd start.

The males would go first and I'd work my way up to the females.

The 'winner' would become Emergency Rations mate and I'd no longer have to hunt for rabbits.

Though I figured I'd go through three dozen rabbits first, I guess I'd see...


"Shiro we're going to Shime's."

I heard mom yell through the door.

"Sure thing I'll be out in a moment."

I heard her retreat from the door and had a devious idea.

I wouldn't be going...

.I made a hand-sign and a clone appeared in a puff of smoke.

I waved the smoke away feeling a tad annoyed.

Perhaps I should make my shadow clones smokeless...

Something else to do...


I now had twelve dead rabbits...

Sadly, I couldn't make rabbit stew out of these monstrosities.

Twelve attempts and twelve failures...


How do I get rid of these?

I can't bury them in the yard, they will be seen...

I'll use storage seals and dump them when I do a mission.

That's the plan...

I turned and eyed the mice I had bought.

I had wanted to do some stem cell transplants with them, but as I had some successful human trials, I wasn't sure I needed them anymore...

Though the 'human trials' only worked out so well because of that woman's unique bloodline.


Decisions... Decisions...


I now had twelve dead rabbits and six dead mice sealed in a scroll.

The stem cell transplant worked as I'd intended only resulting in one mouse death, the remaining five were used to practice biological absorption.

It predictably didn't go well.

Though I wasn't in a hurry, Rome wasn't built in a day after all...

My main problem was lack of necessary cells, I needed to be able to change cell functions to get biological absorption working...


The following day I was seated in the third training ground practicing with the chakra drill.

I had made the chakra I used in it denser and it seemed to be working better, though I was still planning to add electricity to it.

My clones were off in the distance trying to make a pure lightning Rasengan.

Though the Rasengan with lightning at its core did a good job it wasn't quite up to par.

I wanted something stronger...

Though I may be getting greedy...


I had three more days of unsuccessful training, I figured it might be more productive to come back to it later with a fresh mind.

So, I was now browsing the Hyuga library, the only thing of note I had found was the lightning Shadow Clone technique.

I activated my Byakugan as I was leaving and took a second to memorize it before I was out the door.


I was wandering the archives or at least the section devoted to lightning jutsu.

This was the good stuff only accessible to Jonin, requiring permission from the Hokage to enter.

Sadly, it was heavily guarded, I was warned if they detected any chakra usage I'd find myself in T&I.

So, I couldn't do the obvious and activate my Byakugan and copy everything in here.



I looked through the scrolls there were some repeats from the Hyuga library but that didn't diminish my enthusiasm.

There were a lot of Lightning Jutsu's that needed weapons as well...

Even then I was spoiled for choice...

Lightning Release: Lightning Beam.

Lightning Release: Lightning Blast.

Lightning Release: Lightning Bomb.

Lightning Release: Lightning Breath.

Lightning Release: Lightning Aura.

Lightning Release: Lightning Calling.

Lightning Release: Shocking.

Lightning Release: Kiss of Death.

Lightning Release: Omnidirectional Lightning Wave.

Lightning Release: Lightning Construct.

Lightning Release: Lightning Vortex.

Lightning Release: Infusion.

Lightning Release: Shock Wave.

Lightning Release: Zap.

They were all straight forward names, I could tell what most of them did with a glance, there were a few that I was interested in.

Though I was going to copy them all I didn't think I'd have the time to practice most of them.

But I guess that's what shadow clones are for...

I started making my way through the scrolls starting with the most interesting and making my way down.

Lightning Release: Lightning Construct.

The user can turn electricity into tools, objects, weapons, and other items, and create semi-living constructs. A user who has mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.

Chakra expensive but also extremely useful, it was something I was extremely interested in. If this technique worked as it said it did I might forgo the Kagaya bloodline.

Lightning Release: Omnidirectional Lightning Wave.

The user releases massive amounts of electricity in every direction at once. This ability allows the user to dispatch many foes at once and destroy large areas like villages at the cost of the user's life.

I felt this technique should be better guarded...

Lightning Release: Shocking.

The user releases extreme electrical current to destroy almost anything, causing extreme amounts of heat and paralysis in living beings.

This was just a more powerful version of Lightning Palm...

Lightning Release: Kiss of Death.

I sighed as I skimmed over it, it was exactly as the name stated. You kissed your opponent and ran current from your mouth and to your hand which you place on your targets heart...

I decided that it was time to get to work, I activated Kokoro no kyōka and waited for a second to see if I was going to be attacked for chakra usage.

I wasn't dead or dying, which was good.

Now it was go-time.

I started memorizing each scroll only giving each a glance before continuing.

I idly wondered if I could ever learn all of these techniques, Ninjutsu didn't come naturally to me...

Though I guess it gives me something to do after the war...


I guess that's my post-war goal, learning all the villages Lightning Ninjutsu...

Eight months passed in a blur I had occupied myself with training, small experiments, and some Fuinjutsu.

Mom and I started taking more missions around Kiri at my request, I was looking for Kaguya clansmen and maybe if I was lucky, I'd find Jugo's clan as well.

Though I considered the former more likely than the latter...

I'd had no success so far but I had high hopes, even though the Shikotsumyaku was uncommon in the Kaguya having a body without the bloodline would still be helpful.

The only thing of note was my birthday and that was a small celebration only including Gai, mom, and Kushina, who mom had invited.


I held my palm out and observed my Lightning Rasengan.

I'd say it was complete or almost complete, I had run out of ways to improve it so this might be its final form.

I half-heartedly tossed the Rasengan and watched as it impacted a tree.

The lightning sphere expanded to four times its size and then dispersed in multiple streams of lightning striking the surroundings.

The Rasengan didn't pierce like I thought it would, it instead turns into a big sphere of lightning and explodes shooting lightning into the surroundings.

I had sadly learned It the painful way...

I had figured the Lightning Rasengan would just be a swirling Chidori but I'd take what I could get...

I admired the charred and smoking tree.

This was more interesting anyways...

I guess this will be called Lightning Release: Heavens Palm.


I then moved onto my next project.

I eyed my lightning chakra drill, it reminded me of the Chidori though it didn't make too much noise and it didn't have any cutting power, the lightning chakra drill was only for piercing...

The lightning chakra drill worked as intended, it's piercing power had improved and I'd soon be piercing the hearts of my enemies. Though it didn't boost my speed as Kakashi's Chidori seemed to

Hopefully, I didn't have to pull a Kakashi and kill my friends with it...

Though I guess time would tell...


I still needed a name for this technique...

I drilled the technique into the earth and released my control over the electricity and watched it disperse into the ground.

Lightning Release: Lightning Drill.

Yep, that's it.


The final Ninjutsu I worked on was the Lightning Construct.

It was by far the one I spent the most time on.

I was close to getting it right, I could make simple shapes like a staff or a simple sword but I couldn't make the construct solid.

Whenever I hit something the construct would disperse, I had tried adding more chakra or making the lightning denser but it didn't seem to work.

I had a few more ideas but hadn't had the time to try them, even with clones a lot of my time was spent murdering rodents in the name of self-improvement.


I made some progress in Fuinjutsu, though I couldn't maintain my 'intent' when writing I was still making steady progress.

I was confident in making and editing existing seals, though I still wouldn't be making anything of my own creation anytime soon.

The more I knew about Fuinjutsu the less confident I was in making my own seals.

It was beautiful and complicated.

I was trying to mix some French and English into my seals with no success, I was pretty sure my lack of success wasn't due to any fault of my writing or use of words.

I believe it has something to do with the structure.

Though I wasn't sure and I didn't want anyone to ask why I knew two never before seen languages, so I didn't consult Kushina or Minato about it.

So, it was up to trial and error...

If it didn't work out it wasn't a big deal, there was already an established system of sealing and I could just focus on it if English or French didn't pan out.


"How are you doing Shiro."

I looked away from the rabbit I was working on.

Minato was standing in the doorway watching me.

I blinked and stared blankly at him, he had already seen me experimenting so it was pointless to cover anything up.

And it would probably make me look suspicious, so I turned around and stabilized the rabbit I was working on before speaking.

"Good thanks for asking, what brought you here?"

Why was my 'lab' being invaded and why didn't any of the traps go off?

"Kushina and I wanted to check up on you and Sumiko."

Meaning Kushina forced him to come over cause she wanted to see us.


I just hummed at him and looked at my rabbit, he was whole and hale having just received a new leg.

I had made a breakthrough and could now turn other cells into stem cells. There was a problem with this though, a lot of the cells that turned into stem cells become cancerous.

I'd say about 30% of the cells became cancerous.

Which currently wasn't a problem as I was looking to study cancer, but it would be a problem if I needed to make myself a new arm.

"What are you working on?"

Now that was a difficult question, I wasn't sure of how truthful I should be...

And would this catch the wrong type of attention?

"I'm working on a new Medical Ninjutsu."

Minato Hummed and started petting the rabbit, I had a feeling he was running a discreet Diagnostic Jutsu on it but couldn't tell for sure.

Minato continued petting the rabbit for a moment before he spoke.

"What are you trying to do?"

I was silent for a moment, I was mentally debating how much I could share, a few words in the right ear could get me a lab.

But the reverse was also true, a few words in the right ear might also stop me from getting a lab, so I had to word this correctly.

"I'm trying to regrow lost limbs."

Minato hummed and ran his hand along the rabbit's front left leg.

"It seems you were successful."

I shook my head with a small smile on my lips, he could tell there was something different about the leg but he couldn't tell what was going on at the cellular level.

"No, I sadly was not."

I walked over to a bookshelf on the wall and grabbed a cabbage from the shelf.

"You may not be able to tell but the leg is full of cancer."

I brought the cabbage over to the cage and started breaking leaves off of it.

"It may look alright now but over time the cancer will grow and possibly spread around the body."

I made my way over the Emergency Rations cage and left the remainder of the cabbage with him.

Done with my task I turned my eyes to Minato, he was staring at the rabbit while it ate its cabbage seemingly lost in thought.

What I didn't say was that the more chakra one had the less cancer seemed to form, chakra seemed to keep cells cancer-free. Which was good for me, the technique might not even need to be improved, cancer could be removed anyway though Minato might not have realized it.

"The other problem I had was the techniques chakra cost."

Minato blinked and focused on me.

"I had to use a good part of the chakra in my seal just for the leg of a rabbit."

That wasn't true at all, but I didn't want people to think it was easy making limbs.

Well, that and the jutsu would get more efficient with proficiency and added hand-seals. Currently, it was seal-less but if I offloaded some of the easy work using some hand-seals I could probably improve both the speed and cost of the technique further.

"So only those with the Strength Of A Hundred Seal can use your technique?"

I nodded.

"The Third might be able to pull it off as well."

Minato shook his head.

"Do you have a name for it?"

No, I didn't, did I need a name for it?

I shook my head and raised an eyebrow afterwards.

Minato folded his arms and leaned against a table.

"The Jutsu should be considered a Kinjutsu."

I raised an eyebrow at Minato again.

Techniques were called a Kinjutsu when they got banned from being taught or used.

Though I had no idea who banned them...

"How so."

I wasn't sure of his game, was he trying to stop me from developing the technique, using it, or just teaching it?

"Jutsu that cause harm to the user are generally considered a Kinjutsu."

I nodded, I knew that and didn't need to be told.

"I guess it would be considered a Kinjutsu, I won't be teaching anyone I guess."

Though the technique would see more use from myself.

"Alright let's go see how Kushina and mom are doing."

I wondered why mom had allowed Minato around my lab.

"Sure" Minato nodded.

Though I guess I'd trust her, she probably had her reasons.


Mom and Kushina were standing outside and chatting.

"Hi, Shiro!"

I was engulfed in a hug as soon as Kushina noticed me.


I could see my mother's amused look out of the corner of my eye.

"So, what brought you guy's here?"

Why was my home being invaded?

"Me and Minato are going to spar and we wanted to invite you to watch!"

I sent a look over to Minato, did he want to show off or something?

My eyes left Minato and I looked up at Kushina, was it her who wanted to show off?

I sent a look to my mother asking for permission, I got a nod from her.


There was no harm in watching, I had needed a break anyway.

"That's great!"

Kushina took off in a sprint leaving me no time to say goodbye to my mother.


We arrived at training ground seven, Kakashi had been waiting at the training ground and sent me a look of disgust when he saw me being held by Kushina.

I didn't expect to see him here...

I did my best nice guy pose in his direction in an effort to annoy him.

Though my pose was probably lackluster as I was still being restrained.

"Can you let me down?"

I was squeezed for a few more seconds before I was released.

I landed and sent Kakashi a much better nice guy pose.

Though he was chatting with Minato so he probably didn't see it.


Seeing that my pose was ignored I turned to Kushina.

"So why are we watching you spar?"

Kushina ruffled my hair.

"Kakashi is going to take his Jonin exam soon and Minato wants to show him how a par of elite Jonin fight!"

I blinked and looked at Kakashi, he was probably being a cocky little shit and needed to be shown that he wasn't top shit yet.

"Cool." Was all that I said.

I didn't know Kakashi had become a Jonin at such a young age, though that meant that he stagnated for around ten years.

I wondered if I would stagnate in the same way Kakashi did in canon.


After some time Kushina and Minato stood in front of each other, me and Kakashi were seated in a tree at the edge of the clearing.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as they started the spar with an exchange of Taijutsu, Kakashi looked surprised though I couldn't tell what surprised him.

I turned my attention back to Kushina and Minato, they continued to engage for a few minutes until Kushina jumped back and Minato followed suit.

I watched Kushina start to weave some hand-signs and Minato pulled a handful of familiar Kunai from his pouch.

I raised an eyebrow, it seems Minato learned the Flying Thunder God...

Minato threw his Kunai at Kushina as she finished her hand-seals, Kushina waved a hand and a wall of wind blew Minato's Kunai away.

Minato Charged with Kunai in each hand, Kushina jumped backwards and started weaving more Hand-signs.

Kushina created a water whip and sent it forward towards Minato.

Minato threw his Kunai and disappeared in a yellow flash reappearing past the whip.

I sighed and looked at Kakashi, he didn't seem surprised at Minato's use of the Jutsu so I assumed Minato had been using it for a while.

I looked back to see Kushina launch a couple of dozen wind blades at Minato while he flashed around the field.

Kushina was a Ninjutsu cannon and Minato was fast and slippery, it was interesting watching Kushina and Minato fight.

It also made me realize that I hadn't yet fought anyone at their level, though I was technically a Jonin I was upsettingly weak compared to these two.

I ran my fingers through my hair, Minato was so much faster than me it was upsetting.

Even with my improved nervous system, Chikaku no kyōka, and near-constant use of Shunshin I wouldn't be able to match him in speed.

All my effort to improve my speed...

I watched Minato dodge a huge wave of water that Kushina spat from her mouth.

I thought watching this fight would be entertaining, but all it did was cause me anxiety.

I wasn't good enough, though I could kill a bunch of cannon fodder I was still nothing compared to the stronger ninjas.

All it would take was one encounter and my life would be forfeit.

My mother as well, she wasn't strong enough...

She was canon fodder and she would probably die like cannon fodder.

I had been stronger than her for a while now...

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath at the painful realization, she had a close call recently as well.

I don't know why I didn't think about this then...

Not only did I need to get stronger my mother did as well.


A few chunks of earth flew past the tree Kakashi and I were in.

I focused back onto the fight, I still had time I didn't need to worry right away.


"Thanks for allowing me to watch you fight."

I sent a bow to Kushina and Minato both who looked no worse for wear. I had expected them to sweat or at least breathe heavily but I guess not.

Kushina sent me a brilliant smile while Minato sent a silent nod.

"Anytime Shiro!"

I returned her smile with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.

"Sorry but I've got to go."

I had thinking to do...

"Aww... I wanted to go eat some ramen together."

Kushina pouted and mentioned free food, free food was my weakness...

"Sorry, but I have things to do."

I disappeared in a Shunshin before Kushina had any more time to change my mind.


I sat on my bed lost in thought.

I had to get stronger...

Taijutsu and Medical Ninjutsu were my main focuses, Medical Ninjutsu was steadily improving and my Taijutsu would improve as I got naturally stronger.

Though sadly that would have to wait until puberty, I was pretty much at my physical limit...

My mother on the other hand...

What could I do for her? Or what could she do for herself?

And how would I get her to get her ass in gear?

My realization of my mother's weakness added a whole new dimension to my anxiety...

Most of the ways I could strengthen her involved Medical Ninjutsu and telling her my secrete techniques...

Both of which I wasn't very comfortable with.

I flopped over onto the bed and rolled myself into a hotdog with my blanket.

What to do... What to do...

The day after I had witnessed Minato and Kushina's spar I started bothering my mother about her affinity and applied a gravity seal to her.

After finding out my mom also had a lightning affinity, I spent the next month trying to get my mom to learn Ninjutsu, she was resistant to the idea and I didn't understand why until I was a month into teaching her Lightning Release: Heavens Palm.

She had zero talent in Ninjutsu, though she had learned a few techniques to become a qualified Jonin she quickly gave up afterward.

She said she thought her time was better spent elsewhere, I wholeheartedly agreed after spending a lot of time trying and failing to teach her Heavens Palm.

I had thought my progress in Ninjutsu was slow, but compared to my mother my progress was considered prodigious.

I had given up on any fast progress after a while, instead, I had started trying to get her to do some 'Body modifications', she and I fought over it for another three months all the while her progress with the Heavens Palm slowly trudged forward.

I had spent six months total trying to get my mother stronger.

If she didn't want to do any body-modifications, I couldn't force her but It was a damper on my mood as of late.

I left her to her own devices with the Gravity Seal, I didn't feel like it was my place to police her exercise.


I sighed and cracked my Knuckles.

Even though I had no success with my mother I had made some improvements with my Lightning Constructs and had been pondering experiments and further enhancements.

I had been trying to find ways to further improve my Byakugan's range.

The Byakugan can detect additional wavelengths of light, while chakra is normally invisible to the normal eye, it emits electromagnetic waves in a different part of the light spectrum, the Byakugan has photoreceptor cells corresponding to those wavelengths, making chakra visible.

Different materials absorb different regions of the spectrum and thus will be opaque or transparent to different wavelengths. To see through various objects, Byakugan needs to be able to detect a wavelength that the object is transparent too.

There wasn't anything I needed to do about this part of the Byakugan but it was interesting.

The Part I could improve was visual acuity or the 'range' of the Byakugan.

Visual acuity depends on the amount of cone and rod cells you have, this is why birds like hawks have amazing visual range, they have a huge amount of rod and cone cells.

The same applied to the Byakugan, the Byakugan has many more rod or cone cells than the normal eye, to accommodate the increased number of wavelengths the Byakugan detects and to increase the visual acuity for each wavelength.

The increase in the number of active rod or cone cells requires increased blood flow to supply it with the necessary nutrition and oxygen, which is why the blood vessels enlarge when the Byakugan is active.

I had been thinking about increasing the number of rod/cone cells in my eyes.

Though I didn't think it would increase my range much I was interested in seeing what it did.

But after some thought, I gave up on the idea.

The Byakugan's range naturally increased and my range had not finished expanding yet so I shouldn't be in a rush.

I wrote down my findings in my book of experiments and decided that I'd get back to it later.

Though I knew the clan had people with ranges of more then ten kilometers I guess five or so would be fine with me.


I should leave my eyes alone for a while...

At least until I could grow new ones...

I needed a more private space to get started on Byakugan experiments...


I watched Gai exit from the academy, I had seated myself in the usual tree and was watching both new and old faces stream from the academy.

Gai was graduating this year in September, which meant team Minato would soon be complete and the war would soon kick-off.

I was feeling good about my chances of survival but was less sure about Gai and mom.

I had tried with my mother and now it was time to offer Gai some training.


I caught up to Gai as he was leaving.

"Hey Gai!" I tapped him on the shoulder as I spoke.

Gai turned and smiled at me.

"Hello, my Youthful friend!"

I sent Gai a nod.

"What are your plans for today?"

Gai sent a wide grin in return.

"I was going to have a most Youthful training session!"


"Can I join you in some Youthful training?"

Gai struck his nice Guy pose.

"Of course, my most Youthful friend!"

Gai took off in the direction of the northern gate, it seems we were running around the village...


"So, are you interested in apprenticing under me when you graduate?"

Gai's canon team was full of nobodies as far as I knew so it didn't matter to me if I deprived the team of Gai. If they died because of a lack of Gai it wasn't my problem.

Gai teared up and wiped his tears away with the sleeve of his jumpsuit.

"No thank you, my Eternal friend! Look deep into my eyes and accept my sincere apology!"

Gai stopped running and then gave me a deep bow.

"I can't look into your eyes if you bow..."

I gestured for him to stand-up.

"Are you not interested in an apprenticeship? I may not be as experienced as other Jonin but I could still teach you whatever you needed to know."

Gai likely wanted to join a team under his own merit, I think I had made a mistake in asking like this.

"I want to join a team with my prowess! I don't want people to say I became a ninja because of my connections!"

I was disappointed but I tried not to let it show.

"That's very Youthful!"

I gave Gai a thumbs up and started on my run again.

Gai probably thought I was offering an apprenticeship because I felt he wasn't good enough to get a Jonin sensei, it wasn't the case but trying to deny it would probably look worse than just dropping the topic.

I eyed Gai as I ran, he had a lightning affinity maybe I could teach him, Heavens Palm...

"How's your chakra control?"

Gai's shoulders slumped a tiny amount.

Not very well my friend. I still have trouble making even a basic clone."

I hummed in reply.

So ninjutsu was out.

I activated my Byakugan for a moment, Gai didn't have enough chakra to make any Shadow clones...


I wonder if Gai will be open to body modifications...

I looked at Gai, I seemed to have ruined his mood...


Maybe not...


I sloppily waved my sword of lightning at a tree and watched as it slid off its stump before falling to the ground.

The lightning constructs might make up for my lack of Kaguya bloodline with its versatility if I wanted to wildly slash at my enemies with a ten-meter lightning sword now I could...

Though I had no sword skills and I wasn't willing to invest any time into anything other than basic sword skills...

Once I 'cast' the jutsu the sword wasn't malleable which was a shame. But I suppose making a sword was already good enough. I shouldn't expect to turn into the green lantern I guess...

I gave my sword another swing, this time carving a deep furrow into the ground.

What should I call this?

I looked at the construct with a critical eye.

I was going to slim this down a bit, it didn't look cool when it was this thick...

It didn't look anything like a sword, no one would know it was a sword unless I told them...

I took a stance and tossed the construct like a javelin into the earth.

I watched it tunnel for a while before it dispersed into the ground.


Could I use the huge sword to kill big summons?

Something to try if I'm ever unfortunate enough to run into a summoner...

I'll slim it down a bit and keep calling it a lightning sword...

I'd gotten what I wanted out of the Lightning Construct Jutsu, and didn't have any other ideas at the moment.

I now had seven Lightning Jutsu's to my name...

'It's a shame this had such a huge chakra cost' I thought as I idly twirled the blade around.

It looked cool but it was too expensive to use for normal fighting.

I guess that's why people coat weapons in lightning instead of making constructs...


I was sitting in my backyard sunbathing while a pair of clones worked on Fuinjutsu a few meters away from me.

The clones were making Storage Scrolls and explosive tags, I had found out I could sell my seals and now I had a clone on seal duty almost all day.

I want to buy a few houses...

Having another stream of income from renters would be nice.

I was laying in the grass and thinking whilst my clones were hard at work.

The more lightning jutsu I learned the faster I seemed to learn other lightning jutsu, the things I needed to learn for a new jutsu overlapped with the things I learned when I was practicing other jutsu's.

It cut down the time I needed to learn stuff considerably.

Which was nice, though it still took me a few months to learn anything...

I think I inherited some of my mother's lack of talent in ninjutsu...

That or all Hyuga had no talent in Ninjutsu.

I had just thought ninjutsu was hard but there were lots of people with more than one nature release even when it wasn't their affinity.

But then again most people only learned their affinity, it was only the truly talented that learned more than their affinity.


My control was amazing but once distance was involved my control was lacking...

I'd been able to overcome the problem some with training but I was still lacking...

Was this a me problem or a Hyuga problem?

Mom was the only other Hyuga I spent time with.

I blew a breath from my nose.

I'll get around to figuring it out eventually...

Perhaps I need to scan a few Hyuga...


"Shiro! Look at what I found!"

Kushina was waving a pair of scrolls around while she danced towards me.

I just stared dully at her in response.

She sent me a sunny smile and slid the scrolls into my pockets.

I raised an eyebrow and ignored the scrolls for now.

"What brings you here?"

I was practicing with a dual bladed lightning sword after remembering the dual bladed lightsaber from Star Wars.

"I wanted to say bye before I left, I'm going to reinforce some buildings around the border for a few months."

That sounded like an opportunity.

"With Fuinjutsu."

Kushina nodded

"With Fuinjutsu."

Learning Fuinjutsu and the possibility of fighting, how could I resist?

"Can I come?"

Kushina bit her lip and looked to be lost in thought.

Eventually, she shook her head.

"No, it's highly classified, no-one is supposed to know about it."

I raised an eyebrow at her, why was I told then?

At my look, Kushina looked sheepish and rubbed the back of her head.

"I had forgotten until now..."

I rolled my eyes at her.


My body was impacted and I blinked in surprise as I was caught in a hug.

"So, have you said goodbye to mom?"

Kushina nodded and released me from the hug.

"Yep, you and Kakashi are the last people I needed to see."

I nodded and took the scrolls from my pocket.


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