97.14% The Grimm Prince (RWBY) / Chapter 68: Interrupted

บท 68: Interrupted

A/N: Everything is going according to plan until it isn't.


"Kali, come here."

Both she and Sienna stiffen at that, while Salem just smiles knowingly. His Queen doesn't even have to be able to read his mind with her magic to know his intentions. Jaune rises to his feet, leaving Sienna on her back staring up at him with narrowed eyes.

Hesitating a bit, Kali nevertheless walks over. At which point, Jaune reaches out and scoops her into his side, pulling her in for a tongue-filled kiss. The Chieftainess of Menagerie certainly doesn't back down from the kiss, even turning into him all the further, one of her hands coming up to rest against his chest, right over his heart.

As they makeout for a time, Jaune can feel Sienna growing impatient and irritated on the ground before him. Her long striped tail flicks back and forth, showing her increasing agitation. Until finally…

"E-Enough! You have won! I have submitted! Fuck me already, as is your right!"

Pulling away from Kali's lips, he leaves the beautiful MILF of a cat faunus flushed and panting, her ears twitching atop her head. Making sure to give her a wink with the eye that's not currently in Sienna's field of view, Jaune then turns to face the defeated High Leader of the White Fang.

"My right… but not my responsibility. I can take you at my leisure, yes… but that does not mean I have to, does it?"

Sienna's eyes widen at his matter-of-fact tone, even as Jaune tilts his head to the side.

"Why should I fuck you when I have Kali right here, eager and willing?"

Kali blushes harder at that, shifting against his side but not disputing his words. Sienna, meanwhile, scowls furiously.

"B-Because she's weak! She's always been weak! She's nothing! Nobody! I am the High Leader of the White Fang! Conquering me, taming me… you should be thrilled by the opportunity!"

Chuckling, Jaune shakes his head.

"You certainly have a high opinion of yourself, Sienna Khan. And yet… before me, you and Kali might as well be equal in strength. Neither of you are strong enough to defeat me. Isn't that right?"

Sienna flinches, unable to refute it.

"I… y-yes, it is… but I'm still stronger than-!"

Before she can say 'her', Jaune cuts Sienna off with a raised hand.

"I don't care. As we've established, it doesn't matter if you can defeat Chieftainess Belladonna in a fight or not, because you cannot defeat ME in battle. Besides which… why should I care how capable of a fighter you are? Do we fear the Grimm will suddenly come back and your battle prowess will be needed again?"

Both Kali and Sienna flinch at that idea, and Jaune can tell that even the Tiger Faunus doesn't actually want the Grimm to return. That's a good sign.

"N-No… the Grimm are g-gone. They have to be gone. But the humans… the humans might come for us. They might wage war on us."

Jaune tilts his head to the side.

"And do you think you could defeat them? You and your White Fang? If Atlas and Vale conquer Mistral and then turn their eyes here towards you and yours, do you think you could stop them?"

Sienna opens her mouth to reply, but Jaune cuts her off again.

"No, you cannot. In fact, if they turn their eyes in this direction, your only hope would be diplomacy. Now tell me, Sienna Khan… who is Menagerie's best diplomat?"

It's a bit of an educated guess, but Jaune has a good feeling he knows what the answer is. And the longer Sienna stays quietly furious, working her jaw and flicking her eyes between him and Kali, the more confident he gets. It's obvious that the faunus woman wants to say a million other things, but Jaune just stares her down, his eyes all but boring into her until finally… her shoulders slump.

"… Kali Belladonna."

Jaune can't help but scoff in amusement at how much that clearly costs Sienna to admit. He also can't help but be even more amused when Kali jolts against his side, brow furrowing in confusion. Before she can say something that betrays her surprise and lack of confidence, Jaune reaches up and tilts Kali's face towards his again, giving her another deep kiss. It's not the same as him telling her outright that she was perfect for the role, but it's enough to calm her and keep her silent.

When they pull apart again, Sienna has finally risen from her back to her knees. She looks frustrated as her tail swishes and flicks behind her.

"Kali Belladonna is Chieftainess of Menagerie. You and your fellow Council Members would probably call her role purely ceremonial. As does she. But from this moment on, it's not ceremonial anymore… at least not where you're concerned, Sienna Khan."

Understanding dawns in Sienna's eyes.

"You would have her as your figurehead while you work as the power behind the throne."

Jaune almost shakes his head. He almost tells Sienna outright that he's not going to stick around Menagerie forever, and that once he leaves, Kali's voice will be her own and he still expects her word to be law. However, from the way Kali almost seems to relax into his side at the idea, and Sienna seems surprisingly resigned and accepting of it… Jaune holds his tongue. After a moment, he finally nods.

"Kali Belladonna will speak with my voice. Always. And if you wish to truly be tamed by me, you will submit to her as well."

That causes Sienna to bristle and sputter a bit.

"W-What?! Where did you get the idea I WANTED to be tamed by y-you?! Don't be ridiculous!"

Jaune raises an eyebrow.

"Oh? I suppose I'm supposed to just ignore the fact that you've soaked through your undergarments then. I'm supposed to just ignore the scent of arousal filling the air right now. Some of its from Kali, certainly… but plenty of its from you as well."

Sienna bristles but stays silent, once again unable to deny his words. Smiling thinly, Jaune's eyes flash.

"I'll even let you keep your pride and won't force you to admit how badly you want me to fuck you, Sienna Khan. Instead… all you have to do is acknowledge Chieftainess Belladonna's leadership. Right here, right now."

Hah. In a way, that might even be worse than just having to admit out loud how much she wants Jaune to plow her silly. Though at the same time, she'd already all but admitted it earlier when she'd demanded that he fuck her. Ultimately though, Jaune isn't too worried. He has Sienna's measure at this point. Kali's too, really. So he's not surprised at all when the Tiger Faunus finally looks to Kali, her face scrunched up like she's swallowed something sour.

"… Chieftainess Belladonna, I am at your command."

Kali stares at Sienna in shock for a brief moment… until Jaune gives the frozen cat faunus a quick pinch on the ass cheek, causing her to yelp, jump a foot in the air, and then scowl at him. When he just grins unrepentantly, she pouts in response before finally nodding down at Sienna.

"… I appreciate that, Councilwoman Khan. I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about if we're going to navigate the integration of the White Fang into Menagerie's official military… as well as present a united front from now on to the rest of the Council."

In one statement, Kali has made it clear that she's not going to let Sienna be both High Leader and Councilwoman anymore. And while the White Fang might cease to exist as a private paramilitary company, they would become more official and so would Sienna. So it really wasn't all bad.

Sienna mulls that all over before begrudgingly nodding. Then, she looks to Jaune with a lustful growl.

"Now then… fuck me already, you bastard!"

Jaune chuckles and rolls his eyes, sharing a significant glance with Salem. Or rather, he intends to do so but when he looks over at his Queen, the disguised Grimm Woman isn't looking at any of them. Instead, she has an amused smile on her lips as she glances towards one of the side entrances to Sienna's throne room. It's the only warning Jaune receives before said door bursts open and a familiar face makes an appearance.

"Y-You're just going to give in, Sienna?! Just like that?!"

All eyes save for Jaune and Salem's widen as Blake Belladonna makes her presence known. Jaune's eyes, on the other hand, narrow as he looks over at the Grimm Queen. She just grins back at him, knowing full well that she's earned a punishment at some point down the line for this. Needless to say, the only way Blake could have possibly snuck up on them is if Salem had known about her presence… and hidden it entirely. Even from him, the minx.


As Kali calls out to her daughter, Blake flinches back. But Sienna's reaction is the most pronounced, with the White Fang's leader surging to her feet, looking wide-eyed and suddenly hunted.

"Belladonna! H-How long have you been listening in?!"

Suddenly blushing profusely, Blake crosses her arms over her chest defensively.

"T-That's not important! L-Long enough! Long enough to know you're planning on secretly giving up control to my mother… and all so you can get your pussy stuffed full of HIS dick!"

Sienna growls, not liking being challenged like this… even if Blake is completely on the ball.

"Tch! Your mother is already Chieftainess of Menagerie, girl! I'm not giving up anything that her title didn't already technically afford her! She simply hasn't had cause to try to fight for power… until now."

Blake stares at Sienna for a moment before scoffing.

"You aren't even going to deny it, are you? You just want him to fuck you."


Kali calls out to her daughter again and this time Blake doesn't ignore her. Her mother might have wished she had though, because the younger cat faunus whips around and glares at her, snarling.

"Don't start with me, mother! Father is dead and you've already jumped into bed with not just another man, but his woman as well! I-I saw you, y-you know! Back at the house! I saw you sandwiched between the two of them l-like you were their p-pet!"

Kali squeaks at that, while Sienna looks at her in a new light. Though to be fair, just based off of Jaune's manhandling and kissing of the MILF alone, it should have been obvious how quickly their relationship had evolved. Blake though…

"And did you not enjoy the show, Ms. Belladonna?"

Salem's rich, cultured voice fills the throne room and her words clearly catch Blake off guard because she sputters as she looks towards the Queen of the Grimm.

"W-What? N-No… o-of course not!"

Smiling knowingly, Salem takes a step towards Blake, causing Blake to take a step back.

"I wonder."

Blake crumbles like a house of cards at that.

"S-So what if I did, huh?!"

Her face blazes bright red at her own admittance, but she stands her ground all the same.

"T-That is that and t-this is this! My mom getting shared between two strangers is mortifying, yeah… but Sienna giving up the entire White Fang just to get fucked is… High Leader Khan, please reconsider!"

As Blake pleads with Sienna, the Tiger Faunus narrows her eyes.

"You… don't know, do you? You arrived late enough not to know I was poisoned."

From the way Blake blinks in shock, Sienna is right on the money. Salem just looks smug as ever as she watches the proceedings.

"W-What?! Poisoned?!"

Kali speaks up at this, her voice strained with emotion.

"The same poison, apparently, that took Ghira from us."

Now Blake looks baffled.

"N-No… that's not possible. Dad was… he was sick. They didn't say anything about a poison."

Salem hums, drawing Blake's attention back over to her.

"Because the poison was magical in nature, my dear."

Blake looks bewildered by this assertion, and even more so by Kali's follow-up.

"Lady Salem cured me of the poison with her own magic, saving my life. But the price for that cure was always submission. Lord Jaune allowed me to fight for supremacy, before handily defeating me in one on one combat all the same. I must submit, Blake… or else Lady Salem will just put the poison back and I will die anyways."

Well now, Jaune couldn't let that stand.

"I won't let her do that, actually."

His voice carries in the silence that had been caused by Sienna's proclamation and causes all three of the actual faunus in the room to look over at him. Salem just smiles placidly, not saying a word.

"No matter what happens next, I'm not going to let Salem poison you, Sienna. You're cured, no matter what."

There's a brief pause at that, after which Sienna inclines her head in wordless gratitude. However, Blake can't help but explode again.

"So there! Y-You don't have to give up, High Leader Khan! You can keep fighting!"

At that, Sienna looks decidedly like a prey animal trapped between two predators. She still wants him to fuck her, irrespective of all of this politicking. She wants the man who beat her to plow her silly. But at the same time, Blake represents the White Fang in this moment… the young faunus who are all looking up to Sienna and expecting her to champion their cause, whatever that may be. Frankly, at this point Jaune was beginning to suspect not even they knew what their cause was supposed to be. Blake certainly didn't seem to know.

Of course, even if Sienna doesn't answer her one way or another… the moments dragging on and silence filling the room is an answer in and of itself, isn't it? Blake hisses at Sienna's lack of a response, her hands curling into fists at her sides. Which is when Kali tries to step in.

"Blake… would it truly be so bad if Sienna and I worked together for the betterment of all Menagerie? We want the same thing, in the end. We want what's best for you… what's best for all faunus."

Gritting her teeth, Blake glares at her mother.

"Yes! It would be terrible! You're not a warrior, mother. If you couldn't even fight for the White Fang… for your own daughter back then, how can I expect you to fight for us now?!"

Kali flinches at her daughter's words and it's obvious Blake has hit a critical strike against both Kali and Sienna's self-esteem. Jaune was beginning to wish Salem had never let the girl eavesdrop, but even after everything that's been said so far, the Queen of the Grimm doesn't look like she regrets her actions. In fact, she's still radiating faint amusement even now.

Frowning, Jaune considers the tableau for a moment. Blake is certainly putting on a good show of being mad, but is she really all that angry? Even if she was, perhaps… perhaps that anger could be channeled in a different direction…

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