90.62% Polaris Black / Chapter 29: 29

บท 29: 29

1978, 15 March- Wednesday

"What's up with that?" Corvus asked Polaris as he used both his hands on the back of his cat, Loki. It was obvious the lazed cat was enjoying the attention, being sprawled over his owner's lap, eyes barely open as he purred.

Polaris had been trying to start his essay which was due the next day for charms. Perhaps Corvus himself should be trying to start his charms essay as well, but instead, he had been sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, with his cat in his lap while Polaris debated how to start the introduction, unsure of how this draft should go.

It hadn't been long since the silence had dwelled amongst them as they were sat in the Great Hall, though the silence between the two of them ended when Corvus asked that simple question that had Polaris curious.

Looking up from the parchment in front of him, he glanced at Corvus who was sitting across from him.

A lot a changed since the start of their second year, which was his hair. His hair was a dark shade of what you would call blonde, which he had cut short, it wouldn't do good having your hair in you eyes after all.

Seeing the head tilted to a specific area he looked to the area of the hall his friend was talking about. He frowned as he tried to see what Corvus was talking about, with his gaze starting from the Ravenclaw table, then to the Hufflepu-

"Where are you bloody looking? The Gryffindor table dumbass!" Corvus interrupted his 'inspection'.

With that, he quickly turned to Corvus, "Who are you calling dumbass, dumbass? What am I even supposed to be looking at? What's so special about the Gryffindor table?" He asked, then he returned his gaze to the Gryffindor table. The table wasn't too full just as most of the tables in the Great hall were. It was only that in the afternoon with a good few students having classes at that moment.

"Nate's over there, with your brother."

His gaze moved again until it finally set on Nathaniel and another person who was indeed his brother. He hummed in response, upon seeing them.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Corvus asked. It was obvious he was bored just being sat there, not feeling bothered enough to just leave the Great Hall alone, so instead of asking Polaris for a spare parchment to start his own Charms essay he took to looking around the great hall to dissipate the boredom.

Polaris shrugged indifferently, looking back to the parchment in front of him. He sighed as he dipped his quill into the ink pot on his right, though the quill didn't meet the sheet just yet. He was unsure how to end the sentence he had barely begun being so indecisive. He was starting to debate why he had taken the extra elective when he could have just chosen two, but instead, he chose four.

Ancient Runes, Alchemy, Arithmancy… and Care of Magical Creatures. Not once had it crossed his mind in his second year to choose that particular subject, not having much interest in the subject. Though he shouldn't complain seeing as it was better than he expected, with their professor as Kettleburn. The lessons were never a bore, then again he wouldn't have minded not taking it altogether.

It was mostly a spur-of-the-moment thing. Like when your friend tells you they're planning on doing something, in your head, you're like 'Huh?' but then you end up saying, 'Why not?'. Perhaps not everyone does, but for some reason he did, that one time and he started to question his sanity for not actually knowing why he decided to go along with it.

Not even his best mate, Corvus chose it. When he had mentioned it in the passing having chosen it, he got laughed at, which got Corvus a hex- It wasn't that bad. Even his brother Regulus had raised a brow at his choice of taking Care of Magical Creatures, finding it odd that he, his little brother, had chosen it.

Charms, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Herbology, Astronomy, D.A.DA, Potions, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Alchemy and Care of Magical Creatures. Those were all the subjects he did. Eleven in total which wasn't bad, seeing as the least number of electives one could take was two and he had taken four, from the six choices given which were, Divination, Arithmancy, Alchemy, Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes and Muggle Studies.

It was fine though. He wasn't saying it was too much to handle, it was perfectly fine, though he wouldn't mind the extra free time.

He was positively happy with the other two he had chosen and at least Care of Magical Creatures was fun enough though he would rather the class time to work on something else, like doing homework or writing essays which there was a lot of seeing as the year was close to an end with it only being march and their OWLS being in the first week of June.

"I could care less right now, Cor." He responded, with disinterest, then his head turned towards where Nathaniel was standing with Sirius, before his gaze set on Corvus. It was true, he really didn't care enough right at that moment to question why Nathaniel, then again who was he to complain, they were both Gryffindors, why wouldn't they talk with one another.

"You know how Nate is. He's probably getting my- getting Sirius in on a prank or something. He no doubt wants the help of Sirius and his goons, who he calls friends to help."

Loki jumped from Corvus' grasp, landing on the table. Its sharp canines were revealed as Loki began to stretch. Polaris reached over, petting the head of the cat, who in return purred. It was too long ago that the cat had grown on Polaris, perhaps cats weren't too bad. Though they still weren't what he would call his favourite animal.

Cats just did whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. At first, he just didn't like how flexible they were. He found it awkward to hold Loki thinking he broke it- is his spine working? Was the first thing he had asked when he first carried Loki.

"Exactly what you said! We know exactly how Nathaniel is. He's having too much fun this year with apparently heeding his calling, of pranking. His pranks are so stupid, he should do something useful for once." Corvus ranted as the black-coated cat leapt to the floor. Corvus' gaze followed Loki who decided to curl up at his feet, allowing Corvus to concentrate back on Polaris.

Honestly, Polaris would have thought he would drift from the friendship he had with Nathaniel but surprisingly enough he hadn't, they only got to know each other more in their second year with Corvus along for the ride as well, finally allowing Nathaniel to call him, 'Vus' which Polaris found interesting seeing as he knew Corvus the longest and had never called him that. Corvus had complained at first to no surprise but just let it go seeing as Nathaniel wouldn't back down, declaring the name was fit for a king, stroking Corvus' ego.

"I'll admit they are stupid. though at times they're actually funny. He keeps us on our toes with the constant avoiding of pranks," Polaris mused, his eyes then lit up, "Remember last week?" he continued, unable to stop himself from smiling from amusement.

Corvus groaned in response, having it mentioned. He ran his hand through his hair instinctively, "Of course, I remember last week. My hair was pink after all, for six bloody days- unbelievable, I'm still annoyed at him for that, it was literally only me as well." Corvus' face scrunched with the memory, "It's not fair you managed to avoid it and I didn't."

"Well, we already know that life's not fair. Besides I think it looked good on you, I would have thought you would be happy to be getting all the attention from the girls." Polaris mused.

Corvus rolled his eyes. "That's the wrong sort of attention! I want them talking about how Handsome I am, not how pink my hair was last week. Don't think I didn't forget how you refused to help me reverse the potion!" Corvus glowered, as Polaris enjoyed how funny it had been when it had happened. Corvus was after all someone who was always concerned about how he looked.

Polaris waved a hand dismissively, as a small smirk appeared on his face, "Awh, come on. It was brilliant! Your reaction was the best part of it all. Then- then you wore that stupid hat on the third day in class! Professor McGonagall, make you take it off, for apparently disrupting the class. The laughter that erupted in the class still lives in my head." Polaris said, having chuckled a few times between words. Corvus huffed not finding it as amusing.

"It's ridiculous! Tell me, how is a hat distracting? She acted as if walked around the class and stopped at each desk and told them, 'Hey, look at my hat. I hope I'm distracting you.' What bullshit is that."

"Well, you've got to be careful what you say. I swear she's got the hearing of her animagus form."

Corvus rolled his eyes, "You know, it's either old people having the hearing of a bat or you have to repeat what you said about three times, each time as louder as the last-" As Corvus spoke, he was interrupted by a large book being dropped on the table beside them, a loud bang catching their attention.

Polaris' gaze set on the book first before looking to the wizard who decided to drop it.

'Hermetic Alchemy' it read, their lesson book for the elective. Looking up from the title, he was faced by non-other than Andrew Travers, another friend. It was only in their second year that they actually formed what would be called a friendship, one that Polaris didn't mind telling people, 'yeah, he's a friend'.

It started the day he had asked him to go flying that time his first summer after his first year. That had been the stepping stone of the friendship.

Andrew stood there, his hands pressed against the side of the table as he stood on Polaris' side, smiling. "Guess what!" he exclaimed as he looked towards Polaris and then Corvus waiting for either of them to guess, which none of them did, only sending each other a glance.

Corvus huffed taking the initiative, "Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours, Herkules?" he drawled, Andrew scoffed, before clicking his tongue, "My bad, go on then. Continue that sentence of yours. Better yet, start from the beginning." Andrew responded as he took a seat beside Polaris, his hands entangled with one another as they rested o the table as he looked at Corvus.

He seemed flustered, Corvus that is with a frown on his face. "You forgot what you were talking about, didn't you…" Polaris helpfully contributed, "And I wonder whose fault that is." Corvus said airily and Andrew rolled his eyes, "Will you guess now?" he asked, ignoring the pointed look Corvus gave him.

"Alright." Corvus respond, dragging the word along, emphasising the word more than needed, "You finally forced yourself onto the quidditch team?"

"Shut up about that already. That wasn't even a proper guess." Andrew huffed out.

"A proper guess? What do you mean? A guess is a guess!" Corvus refuted, then looked over to Polaris, "Isn't that right?" he spoke again. Polaris merely looked over to Andrew, with a quick glance at the book, "My guess is you just back from talking to Sir… is he allowing you to resit tat exam you failed earlier?" Polaris gave his own guess.

Corvus huffed once again, his elbows hitting the table as he used his hands to rest his chin on as he looked with watchful eyes at Andrew and Polaris. He was not in the slightest interested in Alchemy, having not chosen it, while the two in front of him had chosen it and had the class together.

"Right on the dot! It's that brilliant?"

"Really? That's it? Why do you even do Alchemy if you're going to be shit at it? We have more things to be concerned about, like how Nathaniel is being sketchy over there- how are they still talking?" Corvus added. All the while Polaris was scribbling words onto the parchment in front of him, as he listened to them talk.

Andrew turned to look over at where Corvus was looking at, before snorting remembering something. He quickly turned back to Corvus his eyes lit as he spoke, "Remember when he turned-" he wasn't able to get it all out, as Corvus raised a hand dismissing what he was about to say as he interrupted him as he had done when he first arrived at the table.

"Bloody hell Andrew! Yeah I know he turned my hair pink!"

Polaris couldn't stop the stupid smile from appearing on his face, having found it funny, as he stopped moving the quill in his hand while Andrew snorted. Polaris looked up from the parchment.

"It's annoying the pranks," Corvus muttered in disdain.

"Well, he keeps us on our toes," Andrew mused.

Corvus rolled his eyes "Well, I don't need to be worried about my hair turning green tomorrow. My unpredictable grades are already keeping me on my toes."

"Yeah, you should probably work on that. We're in third year now you can't be doing that shit and you had mentioned me being shit at Alchemy." Andrew added.

"Oh, pish posh! says the one who got a troll in his transfiguration essay," Corvus said dramatically.

"Shut up."

"Make me Travers!"

Without another voice sounded from the right side of Corvus having walked up to them. "Perhaps I should shut you both up! There's something called an indoor voice, pray tell you know what that is?" it was Elora, she gave Corvus a pointed stare, her lips thinned, as her cold gaze moved towards Andrew, who sank where he was seated giving her a pinched smile.

Corvus didn't need to turn his head to know that a certain blonde girl was standing on his right. "Oh yeah? Like your voice is indoor friendly I'm surprised the glass hasn't broken yet." He snarked.

"You're testing my patience again," She sternly said, finally he turned to her. "What do you even want? We were having a conversation here, one to which you weren't invited, but here you are being all annoying like usual. Perhaps my handsome face has charmed you? You can take a picture if you want, Elora, I really don't mind."

"You are the most arrogant boy I have ever met!" She snapped, he smiled at her nodding.

"Perhaps… and you, Elora are the most Stubborn girl I have ever met." He replied and she huffed. SH didn't stop glaring at him. Polaris coughed, getting their attention as they were both glaring at each other.

Polaris stood from the seat, leaning over the table towards Elora, "I'm assuming the sheets in your hand are my Transfiguration notes? Are you already finished with them?" he asked, trying to lessen the tension in the air, as Andrew watched on in amusement.

Her eyes shifted towards him, and she nodded stiffly, "Yes. They were really helpful, thank you Polaris." She said smiling at him, as she handed them back, he scanned through them nodding, "Glad to be of help." He replied as he sat back down.

She then turned back to Corvus glaring at him once again, "I am not stubborn, I'll have you know." She told him, as she raised her head and turned swiftly.

"Yes, you are!" Corvus called out to her and Polaris groaned, "Cor! Give leave it, bloody hell!" He muttered but COvrus didn't listen, not at all, with him throwing his right leg over the bench, placing it on the other side, completely facing Elora who turned facing him again, from where she was stood.

"What?! Am not!"

"You literally are, though," Corvus said as he tilted his head at her. Her hands drew into a tight fist, trying to stop herself from hitting him from frustration.

"Not." She simply said.

"Are," he replied.

"You're as stubborn as they come, Elora Calista Parkinson. You're literally being stubborn about being stubborn, now that deserves a high achievement." He continued.

"….Well, anyway. Can I borrow your Alchemy notes, Pol?" Andrew asked as he turned away from Corvus and Elora as they continued on.

Polaris reluctantly turned to Andrew, finding the whole situation amusing. "Yeah, sure. Which one? Is it the superstition one?" Polaris asked, and Andrew nodded, "Yeah that one, with the one where we studied 'Magic in the Continent of Africa'."

"Alright, I'll give it to you after my next lesson," Polaris told him.

"Great!" Andrew responded with, then continued, "Don't you have Ancient Runes next? I can't believe you actually understand what's going on in that class. David does it too, he says it's hard and stuff."

Polaris shrugged, "I find it interesting. It's better to just look over the notes after every lesson, to have them ingrained in your mind, and fresh and ready for the next class. Are you on about David Mush? I sat beside him once. Half-blood Gryffindor, yeah?"

"Yeah, that's him, I'm surprised you sat with him, I'm guessing you were late to class and there was a seat free next to him." Andrew said in amusement and Polaris snorted as he shook his head, "That's rude of you to assume, I'll have you know I'm friends with you and you're a half-blood."

Andrew waved a hand dismissively, "Relax, I was only messin'. Who do you even sit beside usually? I literally know no one else that does Ancient Runes in Slytherin."

"Mostly Elias Blecher, you already know him and Ella Cole."

Andrew scrunched his face up, "Whose Ella Cole? She's not a Slytherin is she?"

"Nah, she's a Hufflepuff. She's Lia's friend, I happened to be the only person she knew in our Ancient Runes class, well known more than those already there which was much. There are some other Hufflepuffs but she decided to sit with Elias and me, which I didn't mind. She's proper smart too."

"Lia? Do you mean Lia Thatcher, the Ravenclaw?" Andrew asked, "No, Amelia. Look I think I'm going to start heading to my next lesson now. Catch up later?" Polaris told him, as he began to pack his things into his satchel, with Andrew nodding in response, "I guess, but I don't know if we're going to hang out it's going to be with me with a book in my face the whole time. I don't plan on failing the retake."

"While he has a book in his face, I'll hang out with you," Corvus spoke as he turned back to them.

"Really? Are you sure you're not going to be arguing with Elora? I'm sure that's more fun, seeing as you do it at every given chance you get." Andrew commented.

Polaris snorted, "Alright, I'm going now. Don't start fighting each other. Now Corvus be the bigger person and don't overreact and now Andrew, come on, that wasn't needed. Though feel free to throw everything I said out the window, I don't mind hearing the insults while I put my ink pot away." Polaris lightly added to the conversation.

"How nice of you Polaris." Corvus drawled.

"Just get to class already."


They were sat in their Ancient Runes class, a class that had yet to start with only ten more minutes until the class would start. Their teacher had yet to enter the room, with most of the class already sitting in seats, with the first few rows left vacant as usual.

Polaris was sat on the edge of the row, on the left of the class, with Ella on his left, and Elias on her left, with the three of the filling the three seats on that row, which was meant for four, leaving one seat empty.

Polaris scanned his finger on the poem that Ella had given him, it was an old English poem, in the Runic language. It had been their assignment, to translate the runes to English. Polaris would have just given her his translation but he couldn't since their professor had given them all different passages to translate to prevent copying.

'ᚹᛖᚨᛚᛏᚺ ᛁᛋ ᚨ ᚲᛟᛗᚠᛟᚱᛏ ᛏᛟ ᛖᚡᛖᚱᚤ ᛗᚨᚾ,

ᚨᛚᛏᚺᛟᚢᚷᚺ ᛖᚡᛖᚱᚤ ᛗᚨᚾ ᛗᚢᛋᛏ ᛋᚺᚨᚱᛖ ᛁᛏ ᛟᚢᛏ ᚷᚱᛖᚨᛏᛚᚤ

ᛁᚠ ᚺᛖ ᚹᛟᚢᛚᛞ ᛟᛒᛏᚨᛁᚾ ᚨ ᛈᛟᚱᛏᛁᛟᚾ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛚᛟᚱᛞ'ᛋ ᚷᛚᛟᚱᚤ.'

"Do you know what it's saying?" Ella asked as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her hair. Elias was leaned over on the desk, looking over in a bored manner wanting the class to be over and done with already, he too had his parchment in front of him with his own translation though it wasn't done, well he still regarded it as done as he translated what he could with a few untranslated.

"I tried using our book, but a lot of the runes on my poem weren't even in our book." Elias drawled in disdain. Ella turned to him, smiling, "Me too! Honestly, it's like he's trying to set us up to fail." She responded.

"Maybe he is," Elias commented as his eyes set on the runic passage Polaris was still trying to get his head around.

"Well, he's trying to push us to find information on the runes," Polaris added as he looked up and glanced at them both.

"Did you get any of it?" Ella asked seeing he was done reading. He shifted her parchment to her side and she placed her hand on it, her face dimming in sadness with the assumption that Polaris was not in fact able to translate it.

"Get your quill out. I could translate a good few of the words, but trying to make out the sentence as a whole isn't that easy, but I suppose I could try to make it out, with a guess." With that said Ella quickly dipped her quill in the ink and when she was ready to write she looked to Polaris who nodded and told her what it was that the passage was saying.

"Thank you!" Ella said happily, "No problem. The thing is that with each context the words can mean something very different. In mine, I got the rune Heaven, but the annoying thing is, is that it could also mean 'Sky' but with the context given it had to be 'Heaven'. Had my head spinning trying to translate it."

"I don't even think I'll try to get a NEWT in this class," Elias announced as he leaned backwards, though made sure to hold steady as he was sitting on a stool. Ella turned to him raising a brow.

"You can't possibly give up now. It's only our first year doing this and we still have our fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh years. You have plenty of time to get familiar with the language, Elias." The Hufflepuff told him with an encouraging smile.

He huffed, "Yeah, yeah… I won't give up just yet. I don't even think I did too bad with my translation. Look at it will you, Polaris?" Elias spoke as he handed his parchment to Polaris who took it and skimmed over the runes and then the 'translation' underneath it.

"Yeah, seems alright," Polaris told him not bothering to fill in the blanks, tossing it back to him.

"I bet he isn't even going to remember he assigned it to us." Elias groaned out, and another voice answered.

"Of course, he isn't. He's forgetful like that, which is why we must remind him if we want to actually do good in this forsaken class."

turning their heads to the right, they saw Elora standing there. "Elora." Polaris greeted, with Ella smiling at her as a greeting and Elias nodded as he spoke, "The only time I won't remind him is if I forget to do it."

Elora hummed, "Yeah, alright now move over." She demanded. Polaris raised a brow as he turned his head to the left to see Elias and Ella just as confused but nonetheless Elias moved to the last seat, and Ella followed suit and moved to Elias' seat. Polaris sighed and moved to the one she had been sitting in.

Elora smiled triumphantly as she elegantly sat on the one Polaris had been sitting on.

"No, thank you?" Polaris drawled as he inquired. She shrugged, "Whatever." She said as she glanced around the class and Polaris found himself rather annoyed.

"Why are you sitting here? Why not with your boyfriend?" Elias asked as he had to lean forward on the desk looking at her, she turned to him and sneered at him.

"Of course not!" she snapped as if he should know why, she seemed annoyed, which was an understatement with the glare that was to follow after speaking.

Everyone knew Elora Parkinson was dating Silas, a fourth-year Slytherin. Polaris really couldn't see why Elora went out with him in the first place. Perhaps because she just could? He was a pureblood, which would be acceptable for her parents not to complain, and he was terrible looking, seeing as he had heard a few girls in his year talk about him.

It would seem later that day he would find out why she had been acting in such a manner. Ancient Runes was too bad that day, and it was his last lesson for the day, but unfortunately, it wasn't for Elias and Ella, who went on to their next class which would be their last for the day.

A lot of his friends, perhaps even all of them, considering only the Slytherins had a lesson at that moment, other than Elora who was with him at that moment, who had moved to sit beside him after her friend had left for her lesson. He had been reading while she had been talking to her, while they were in the common room.

She huffed as she sat beside him. He found his eyes drifting to her, noticing how her skirt had lifted as she sat, they were set there for a few seconds with nothing going through his mind at that moment.


She didn't get to finish as he looked at her and answered, her as he placed the book down decisively on his lap. "Yeah?" he answered, slightly flustered. She stared at him for a few seconds and he knew there was no point in even using the book anymore, she wasn't stupid.

"Are you alright?" she asked. He frowned at her trying to decipher her tone as he nodded, "I'm fine." He simply told her, keeping his expression steady. "You know, I should be asking you that. What was that about at the start of Runes? Why didn't you sit with Tels" he asked, referring to Silas, Silas Tels.

"Right, that. I broke up with him, I totally hate him now, and regret dating him." She simply told him, a neutral expression on her face, "Oh?" Polaris sounded out and she nodded.

"I'm tired of the one-sided relationship. He doesn't care about me as much as I would want him to and he's boring on top of that… then there's the fact he forgot our three-month anniversary. He forgot the last two as well, which I ignored, but this time I just fucking had it." She ranted in his ear, and he found himself drifting to his thoughts finding it all boring, not caring one bit about her relationship life.

"He was my first boyfriend too. I only said yes because I liked the idea of having a boyfriend, I'm fourteen now so it's bound to happen and I wanted to show my parents I've grown up and getting a boyfriend shows that, you know?"

He hummed in response, tuning back in, "Then you didn't really like him? Did he like you?" he asked, she shrugged, "He's not bad looking, so for that, yes I did. Perhaps it was the same for him, he wasn't really interested in what I had to say, he mostly rathered talking with clothes off." She muttered in annoyance, "What a dick." She declared.

"Oh…" Polaris muttered, unsure what to say.

"Well, then… have you thought about finding someone who you actually like? That'll listen to you, and maybe be better at remembering those dates for anniversaries?" he tried helping, and she stared blankly at him before answering.

"I don't know, I think I'm going to stay single for the rest of the year or something. I don't need a boyfriend, but I'd like one."

He frowned being unsure of how to respond again. It just sounded like she wanted a boyfriend as an accessory, one she can just show off but not care about. "Well-" before he could respond, he was stopped. He couldn't say anything else, unable to continue what he was saying- he completely forgot what he was even going to say, unable to think at that moment, having not expected what Elora had done.

She kissed him. It was a quick one. Her lips pressed against his for a second before she pulled back. It took a moment for Polaris to register what she had done. "…Sorry," Elora said, though she didn't look sorry, not at all.

"…It's fine?" he responded awkwardly, if he would say it was his first kiss that would be a lie, with his first one in his second year, but this one? This one was his second. His first kiss was awkward for the most part. It had been with a Ravenclaw, starting with her mentioning how she liked him, something he hadn't heard before. He didn't exactly like her back but decided to get to know her as she suggested. It didn't last long.

He was rather confused about the situation and why she did it.

"It's fine? Does that mean I can do it again, Polaris?" she asked, she seemed awkward as she said it and he stared at her confused, "What?" he responded.

She huffed, turning away from him, then turned back. As she turned back he did the same she had done to him, but instead of lasting just a second, it lasted longer-

"What are you two doing?!" That broke the moment, turning their heads as they jumped away from each other.

Elora sighed in relief, "Merlin, what did you do that for?!" she snapped seeing Corvus standing there at the door, her hand to her chest. Polaris himself seemed relived seeing it was just Corvus.

He seemed angry which confused Polaris. Polaris stood up, "Shouldn't you be at Divination?" he asked and Corvus didn't answer, his eyes drifting to Polaris, his expression yet to change. Instead of answering he marched off out the door, leaving them confused.

"What a weirdo," Elora muttered as she stood up herself, as she straightened her skirt. "I'm going to see what's up," Polaris told her as he followed after him. He was surprised to see how far Corvus had gotten, he had to jog to catch up with Corvus.

"You alright?" Polaris asked him as he was at his side, still, Corvus' stride never faltered only continuing on.

"Corvus? Are you angry at me, or something?"



Again nothing.

"Wait- are you angry because of that… thing with Elora?" Polaris finally asked, this time Corvus' pace faulted as he finally turned his gaze to Polaris frowning. He stopped walking with Polaris stopping alongside him. "-She's… she's my enemy! You can't go sticking your tongue in my enemy's throat!" Corvus hissed.

Polaris was taken back at his tone, raising a brow, "Well.. it kind of just happened? And if it makes you feel better, there was no tongue involved…"

"That's not the point, Polaris! This goes against the boy code! She's my enemy!"

"Well… not really? Since when is she your enemy? You've never called her that before. I get you don't like her and all, but really? Your getting this worked up because of some kiss that didn't mean anything?"

"You're not getting it!" Corvus snapped, running his hand through his hair in frustration. "What am I not getting? Look I won't kiss her again, alright? It's not like I like her anyway." He told him, not really seeing the point in it all.

"Whatever," Corvus muttered under his breath. Polaris had hoped that would cool things over, but that 'whatever' didn't sit right with him.

"Why were you even in the common room anyway?" Polaris asked and Corvus shrugged his shoulders, "Forgot my textbook." He grunted out.

"…Well, then you forgot it again?"

"Doesn't matter, I'll do without it," Corvus told him as he began to walk off. "I'll see you after, then?" Polaris called out to him, Corvus turned his head, "Yeah, I guess." Corvus replied somberly and Polaris stood there in the hallway watching Corvus get further and further.

Was he that upset about it? Was all that went through his head at that moment as he saw his friend head back to class.

Later that afternoon, he hadn't seen Corvus back in the Common room, even with many of the other Slytherins of all ages coming back after hanging out with friends someone coming back from class some from the library. He hadn't seen Aaron either, so he assumed they were together so he hung out with Andrew and Elias.

Even when they had gotten back, Corvus didn't seem up for talking, having just blamed it on a stomach ache, was what he had said. When he had gone to the dorms, Polaris turned to Aaron.

"Is he okay?" Polaris asked.

Aaron shrugged as he jumped back unto the couch, and sighed. "Not sure, but I'm guessing the stomach ache is really bad. He was really quick in Divination, he didn't even make fun of the crap our professor said. Hope he gets better." He responded.

"Stomach ache? That must suck, shouldn't he go to the infirmary? I'm sure he could get a potion to make him feel better." Elias suggested.

"I mentioned that, but he said it wasn't that bad and it would be embarrassing to go to the infirmary for something so stupid," Aaron responded and Polaris stayed silent, remembering the look on Corvus' face when he had seen him, Elora, together.

He stood up, catching their attention. "I'm going to go check on him, you guys stay here." He told them and Aaron gave him a thumbs up, "Yeah, send him my best wishes." Elias told him and he nodded as he began to head towards the dorm, until he finally reached the door our the dorm he shared with Aaron and Corvus.

He sighed before opening the door, seeing Corvus tucked into his bed. Corvus didn't move at the sound of the door only staying in that position, his arms around Loki who seemed to be enjoying the attention.

Polaris neared his bed, staring at Corvus who didn't look at him, only to the side. "You're not sick." Polaris simply stated and Corvus turned to him frowning, "Who are you to tell me how I feel" Corvus snarked.

"You're lying… you are still angry about that whole thing with Elora. At first, I was confused why you were this angry, then all of a sudden you have a 'stomach ache'," Polaris told him, the frown on Corvus' face deepening.

"What?" Corvus sounded out.

"Do you like Elora?" Polaris asked and Corvus tensed, "That's rid-"

"I'm not going to make fun of you Corvus. I don't care if you like her, like who want." He told him.

"I don't" Corvus responded.

"I really don't like her like that."

Corvus didn't respond, "Alright, I guess if you don't I'll ask her out, then." Polaris said as he turned to leave with Corvus sitting up straight, "What?! No, you can't! Fine I like her!" he called out and Polaris turned to him, smiling triumphantly, "Wasn't so hard now was it and seriously a stomach ache? What are you a five-year-old? You should have just told me instead of being so dramatic about it."

"Whatever, just don't tell anyone. I'm waiting until I stop liking her," Corvus told him as he swung his legs over to the edge of his bed. "I actually thought you liked her or something, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like you. You have to do something to piss her off. You know what? You should wear yellow and purple together, she hates that." Corvus told him, and Polaris raised a brow.

"…Yellow and purple? Why?"

"You know what? Nevermind. Isn't she dating that fourth-year guy anyway?"

"Nah, she broke up with him or something. She didn't even like him all that much." Polaris told him as he moved towards the door and Corvus stood up surprised, "Really?" he asked.

"Yeah," Polaris told him as he nudged his head towards the now open door, "Coming back down?" Polaris asked and Corus rushed over, "You won't believe had dreadful that Divination lesson was. I get that I chose it but we all know I did it for the easy NEWT. I swear she says something intangible in every sentence that spurs from her mouth." Corvus ranted on as he went out the door, Polaris' closing it behind the.

"I feel like if the board of education actually got a good teacher the lesson could actually be good, maybe I would have chosen it too." Polaris commented, with Corvus rolling their eyes, "Oh please, everyone that applies for the job is a total fraud." Corvus drawled.

mefait mefait

Updates may be lacking. I've started studying for an exam, and I'll be busy with my tutor here and there.

I'll try to update here and there, seeing as people are surprisingly interested.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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