"Who do you think will win today?", a cultivator asked his companion.
"Ofcourse, it is going to be senior brother Biao. This time, I am sure that he can beat the lioness from the girls gang", his companion replied.
"It is for the best if senior brother Biao can pull out a win but if he lose by chance, then we all are doomed. All these unreasonable witches will make our living worse than hell", the cultivator pointed towards a crowd of girls who were standing opposite to the male cultivators. There were tense look in almost every spectator's eyes as they looked towards the two figures fighting in the middle. Compared to their male counterparts, the female cultivators were looking relatively relaxed. Few of them had arrogant expression on their faces as they looked towards the male cultivators.
Please comment after reading the chapter. I want to know your opinion regarding the progress in the storyline.