It was a good sleep and I had good dreams. I kind of had a patch on my trousers but who cared. A good dream was a good dream.
"We're ready-" Mom walked in, saw the patch instantly. What was she, a hawk? "Do take a shower first." She left while suppressing her giggles.
My face twitched.
Embarrassment was in the air.
It was around eleven and most of the stores were jam-packed. I guess this was natural since today was a holiday after all.
The roads however wasn't that crowded and since we were walking, we didn't really care.
"This weather doesn't seem that great though. Maybe we should have brought an umbrella?" Mom was talking to herself.
"No need. I can make barriers if I need to."
Both of them looked at me with curiosity. And that curiosity turned to excitement just seconds later. "Since when!?" And they even spoke in unison!
Lately having trouble coming up with fun title names XD. Anyway, we're getting a feature today, on the wn feature tab. Probably not in the app, but in the website.