78.04% Runeterra: Earthling Among Legends / Chapter 31: A house

บท 31: A house

With the first rays of light from the sun this day, we made our way through the paths of this village. Beside me, on my right was Karya, on the other side there was Sett, rubbing his head still in pain from the punch that delivered to him near a hour ago.

As I stole a glance to his face, I saw him scowling while complaining and cursing for his luck.

"..And just when I promised mommy to gift her something, damn it!.." I heard him saying.

Looking properly towards his face, I asked him "Why do you need the money?" Curious about his reason for getting into the arena, risking his life at that.

The boy looked over me and with an annoyed expression on his face answered "To help my mommy and hear her praising me." As he finished saying that, I saw a brief smile appearing on his face as he reminiscing something.

'Thats a good reason.' I thought to myself, aware of the thing's I did once to also receive praises from my own mother. Even if such things diminished as the years passed.

"She's aware you are fighting?" I asked while looking back at Karya for confirmation if I said that right, receiving a nod.

Sett quickly changed his expression from horrified to serious, and with open eyes and a frantic look on his eyes he said to me "No, and she can't know about it, no one should tell her about it."

Taken aback by his sudden demeanor change, I only raised my eyebrow and asked again "And why she can't know?"

Karya also interested on knowing the reason asked by her own "Shouldn't she be aware that her son is getting himself in danger?"

Sett's head seemed to stop hurting, as the boy quickly used both hands to shook his head while saying "Nonono, you don't understand, she can't know it, 'kay? If she does I don't even want to think about how she would react!" He seemed to really think further on this matter as I was able to notice how his expression changed in a pained expression after saying that.

I didn't decided to push things forwards as I replied "Okay." And focused my eyes in the two story building in front of us.

The front of the Inn was packed with mounts and carts that didn't leave any room for our own mounts to leave.

Opting to just tie them to a three, I walked into the doors of the building with Karya at my side.

Sett stayed behind on the street, seemingly thinking further in something.

As we made our way through the reception we were attended by a Vastaya female with an apologetic expression on her face "I'm sorry esteemed guests, but if you're looking a for room to rent we are currently full."

With Karya telling me "Told you." I just nodded my head and turned 180° towards where we came from.

Exiting so quickly Sett seemed stranged and asked "Whats wrong? Did you forget something?" At his question Karya chuckled and answered "No, the inn is full, so we would accept your offer." As Karya finished her words, I saw Sett face forming a smile.

Not letting him enjoy the moment I said to Karya "Tell him that if something isn't pleasant while we stay there, I'll deduct ten percent each time." There wasn't something rational behind it, but just pure illogical evilness from my part.

Somehow, Sett made me piss off.

Katya laughed and said to Sett "Well, it seems like Renzo wanted to add a condition, if our stay isn't pleasant or something uncomfortable happen, he will be deducting each time a few amounts of money from the complete fee." As Karya finished, I saw the face of Sett changing from a grin to a heavy frown with unwilling expression.

"No! You're going to pay me head on! If not there's no deal, ya' hear me!?" He pointed his finger while saying this.

I reached my waist and took the bag with the money, showing it to him I said "My money, my rules."

At those words, Sett clenched his teeth and accepted with frustration and unwillingness "Fine! We're going like that, happy!?" He turned around and started walking under my gratified expression and wide grin.

Karya just hit me with her elbow as she said "Cut that attitude with the boy, can't you see he's not that bad?" Hearing her words I looked over her and stopped unbinding the mounts and said "That boy had already killed someone! What are you talking about?"

Karya just scoffed at my words and made fun of them while saying "Really? And then what about us, huh? Yeah that's what I thought, let's go now." While she said this, I furrowed my brows midway unable to answer her back.

Thus, I just shut my mouth and walked behind Sett with Karya on my right.

For a few minutes we walked through the streets of the village, slowly seeing the people getting out of their houses and helping movie the bodies of those who died or were injured while laying unconscious on the street.

It was a pretty bizarre scene, something that previously would have disturbed me greatly but now, now it was just another interesting story to tell in the future.

As we turned trough a corner, we saw Sett opening the waist tall door of their house garden while signaling us to maintain silence with his finger on his lips.

Motioning with my head towards our mounts, I questioned him with body language where we should left them, the brat just pointed towards the trees on the street.

Facepalming I started to bind them while taking down all the bags and other materials that could be stolen.

With both hands filled, I made my way through his garden while I heard him speaking inside "...mmy, yeah they are some friends from the work that would stay for tonight, as the inn is full, is that okay with you?.." Although surprised by how his tone changed to a more softer, timid and gentler one, I left out stuff on one side of the door just as Sett appeared in front of us.

"Good news, my mom agree, so you two will be sharing the room on the back, although, well its the only room free." He said while scratching his head.

I just nodded at him while I turned around and help Karya carrying the remaining stuff at one side.

"Oh, you can leave all of that in backyard." Said Sett after looking at the bags that we carried with us, furrowing his brows at Morpheus who was hissing and growling at him "You cat will remain outside." He added after grinning towards Morpheus.

I wanted to argue with him regarding my pet treatment but decided to not, Morpheus might have already sleep outside before meeting me.

Grabbing the bag with the devil fruits, and motioned Karya to enter inside, while Morpheus looked at my actions.

"You gotta stay outside for today buddy, I promise I'll make up for you later, okay?" I said to him, unaware if he really understand me.

Reaching the door frame, I hit my foots to make the dirt or anything else fall. Luckily Sett was right in front of us with a piece of clothes that was dirt and whispered "Clean mud and blood."

I grabbed from his hands while I proceed to clean my boots, then I cleaned Karya while she thanked me.

Sett stayed and then asked me for the piece of clothes, returning it to him, I saw him throwing away from the door while then turning and saying loudly "Mommy, these are Renzo and..." He looked behind towards Karya while she smiled back at him "Karya."

"...Renzo and Karya! They were working with us." Sett said while a female figure appeared in front of us.

A petite wolverine vastayan with light violet hair and beautiful face looked over us with curiosity and gentleness. She was wearing a white robe that accentuate her features.

"Nice to meet you Karya and Renzo, I'm Indah, this boy mother, I hope my boy isn't causing troubles to you with his personality." She said in a soft voice that naturally brought a smile towards Karya and I faces.

"Nice to meet you too Indah, don't worry he's been really helpful, sorry to disturb you this earlier in the morning " Said Katya with a smile and bowing her head slightly towards Indah, I also did the same.

"Oh please no need to formalities, make yourself comfortables and I'll prepare a breakfast for you three, okay?" She said with a gentle smiled and starting moving towards another room without giving us a chance to reject her.

Sett was surprisingly quiet and showed a smile on his face when I looked at him.

'I thought she may been a scary mother for him to act like that previously, but she seems pretty nice.' I thought to myself.

"...Settrigh show them their room meanwhile before I finish with this..." We heard Indah saying from the other room and Sett turning towards us while answering her "Kay' mommy." he then moved his thumb in the direction and said to us "Okay follow me."

As we walked through his house towards our room, I saw some paintings and draws in the walls, the draws mostly depicted the figures of Indah and Sett if I was wrong. While the paintings were portraits of Indah, Sett, and sceneries.

The house wasn't big nor too pretty compared to the previous places I've been before, however it have a charming that I wasnt able to find anywhere here, the warm feeling of family and home.

"This is your room." Sett voice brought me from my contemplative mood as he stood besides a door.

He opened it and we saw a simple small room with a bed that was clearly meant for one person, a simple blanket and a pillow. There was a wooden furniture besides the door and that was all, on the other side of the room was a window with curtains that let the room by lighted dimly.

I didn't said anything and moved the devil fruits bags inside while letting it rest on a corner, Karya did the same with her bag while saying "Thank you." after passing Sett.

The later stood on the side of the door looking towards us with curiosity.

"Seems like we're going to share bed this time again." I said to Karya jokingly while she just gave me a look, saying nothing at my remark.

Then she exited the room and stayed beside Sett waiting for me.

As I exited the room too, Sett started heading towards his mother direction while saying to us in a low voice "I don't know how many days are ya planning to stay, but the price would be that bag for each day... also if I happen to hear any kind of remarks towards my mommy, I'll kick your ass out and then break your neck, are we clear?" He said with a serious tone, of which I just looked over to Karya while sighing.

"Yeah sure." I simply answered, I wasn't planning to stay more than today on this place, we needed to talk with the village chief and get more information about other villages and settlements around.

When we reached the kitchen we smelled a nice aroma while Sett pointed out towards the table with four seats.

"Oh, have you already accommodate your stuff?" Indah asked after noticing us entering inside while giving a lovable smile and look towards Sett.

"Yes, thank you once for staying in your house for the time being." Said Karya while smiling at the petite vastaya.

"There's no need, of course I'll let my boy friends staying over, if you need anything you can make me know okay?" She said to us with a kind look on her face while we nodded.

Then as she continue cooking she started asking us "So how's the work? I never seen your faces before so

you both are from other village, am I right?"

As we heard her lively voice and question, we looked towards Sett as he looked serious towards us, his lips moving without uttering a word. Since I wasn't able to tell what he may be saying I simply answered "Yes, we are outsiders."

Karya then added to answer her first question "We are from the Kiheji village, so we've been travelling for a few days while making business with the various villages on the road." As Indah hear her words she said "Ooh, I see, I see."

"Have the war affected you? I hear many travelers complaining about all of this matter, but as you may already seen they already set a foothold in these lands since quite time ago, so we've been unable to hear other things that weren't rumours and small complaints." She brought an pan and started serving in three bowls the breakfast for us three.

Sett stand up and went to grab utensils, wooden cups and a jug of drink and lay it on the table.

Meanwhile Karya and I looked at each other while I nodded to her, she then said "I don't know if you already heard news about it, but the Noxians were defeated in the Placidium and Ionia City by our armies and with them bringing the fall in the remaining troops around. I don't know how many soldiers are spread around and left behind, but I dont think they're enough to resist the counteroffensive." She said while Indah looked at her with a surprised expression.

Sett also raised his eyebrows at the news, as he didn't heard about such a thing before.

"Oh, and how long has been since that? We didn't heard any of that here!" Said Indah while serving the breakfast on my table, I didn't know what the hell it was, but the smell was nice and the colour too, it looked like a piece of fried vegetables alongside and egg, but I wasn't sure.

"Thank you for the meal." I said as I gulped down with the wooden sticks. It was wonderful.

Closing my eyes while savoring the meal with a delighted expression, I heard Indah saying "I hope my food Its from your liking, although I was able to start buying more food since Settrigh started working, I know isn't at the the amount that you may be accustomed to." She said with a little bit of pride on her words, when I opened my eyes I saw the car look of a mother while she looked over Sett.

'I guess I know now while he treat his mother so highly.' I said to myself while remembering the voice lines from Sett in the game, alongside his words back in the arena.

"It's a wonderful meal Indah, thank you so much for taking the time of preparing it, it's much more than we eat daily." Said Karya with a grateful smile towards Indah while I nodded in agreement with her words.

Not only was better than our daily soup breakfast and dry meat. Or vegetables sticks. But it also held that special ingredient of mother love that no one but a mother could replicate.

As we continue eating the breakfast, we chatted with Indah while she asked us various things she was curious about.

Mostly about us, she seemed like a caring mother asking her son friends about themselves while making sure they werent bad influence.

'If only she knows.' I thought to myself.

Nonetheless, by the time we finished our meals and drank a nice citric juice, my impression of Indah was sky high.

It was a shame though that we'll only be staying here for a day, as I would honestly like to heard more about her.

Helping cleaning the bowls after a brief discussion when she wanted to do it, both Karya and I carried our tired bodies through the house and closed the door behind us, she was the first to fall into the bed while I moved her body and hugged her.

However, we encountered that the bed was really small for both of our frames, thus I decided to move the bed towards the wall.

I was surprised when I tried to move it and literally held the bed with one hand. Although I knew my strength grow a lot during these days, I wasn't expecting to be it that much.

Nonetheless, without too much problem I put the bed alongside the wall, putting myself towards the wall and letting Karya be on the other side, covering ourselves with the blanket I put my arms aroind her waist and fell asleep without even noticing.

By the time I woke up, Karya was still sleeping beside me, her face facing towards me as her head rested on my chest, our legs intertwined as my hand patted her hair unconsciously.

'It kinda bring back the memories this, didn't they?' I thought to myself while remembering laying in the same way with one of my ex girlfriends.

This thought brought me a question to myself 'What do I wish to be for Karya?' As I feel her warmth body laying beside me and when I looked over her face, I already got my answer.

I didn't knew when or how, but Karya was clearly the person I cared the most in our group.

Was I feeling love? I didn't know, but it was clearly much more than a physical attraction like I shared with Hyuna.

And if anything, my life before getting myself here was me escaping from physical relationships that didn't really involved that much feelings.

Now, facing the possibility of starting something with a person that I was so comfortable with, instead of a person that was only the embodiment of my appearance type...

Hugging closer to Karya, I already knew the answer.

'I guess I'm going to tell Hyuna later.' I thought to myself while remembering the actions of a few days ago.

'Oh that was also, shit.' I cursed to myself, but I was thrown back to reality when I felt Karya waking up.

Opening her eyelids while stretching a bit, she yawned while muttering "...what hour it is?.."

Smiling at her actions I said warmly on her ear "Good morning you too, and I don't know." she raised her head at my words and looked at my eyes with a pout, she then looked over my lips for a brief moment.

I also did the same, but she rested her head in the same moment I decided to move my head forward.

She didn't noticed that while I just hold my fist tight.

I felt her breathing through my neck as her soothing voice reached my ears "...Ren, can I ask you something?..." Hearing her voice, I patted her hair while saying "You already did, but go ahead."

At my response she bit lightly at my neck while I laughed at her actions, she then said "Won't you like, I mean, wouldn't be nice to wake up like this every morning?" As she said that I felt her breath on my neck, making me feel goosebumps while she added "And, maybe, just saying you know, Ehm, a little bit more...." Her voice gradually went slower as when she said the later part I almost wasn't able to hear her.

But, I hear it, smiling I answer her with honesty "You know, just before you woke up I finally decided something." She raised her head from my neck as she looked over my face with a curious expression, I could see some sort of unwillingness from something but she asked "...And what it's that?."

Moving my hands towards her head and neck, I positioned both of them gently as I looked deeply into her eyes "I want to be with you." As she heard my words I saw her eyes quivering while her face went red, closing our distance I kissed her gently, feeling fully her round lips and the soft texture they carried.

Sighing deeply through my nose, I let out the stress being wash away by the kiss, as I felt Karya returning it back.With both hands on my chest, I felt her body soften under the kiss.

Moving my hand from her head towards her waist, I keep the other on her neck while I invited her with my tongue to step forward. She shyly opened her mouth as I ravenously took her tongue with mine and danced overwhelmedly under my rules.

She was helpless as her body melted down under the kiss while being overtaken by the passion. My mind gradually faded as my instincts took my body, her softness, her warmth, her taste and her smell was driving me crazy with love and lust.

Moving on top of her, I separated our lips while I looked over her feverishly look, she wasn't even able to tell what was happening as I took her mouth once again, while her hands locked over my neck as she fervently kissed me back.

My hand that was previously on her neck, holding her with passion was now roaming through her chest, making her let out muffled moans that couldn't scape her mouth, but were enough to keep driving me crazy.

Like a famished person, I seek her lips greedily while my hands gropped her chest tighly and the other travelled around her tight, letting me enjoy her curves and every inch of her body.

Leaving her lips, I moved towards her necks while I greedily started sucking her nape while making her moan and call my name.

"...ahng~ Renzo, please wai-ooooh~" She suddenly said while I stopped and looked over her face, "What's happen?" I asked and I couldn't contain myself and kiss her lips that looked so tasty in front of me.

"Hmm~" Letting out her voice in enjoyment from the kiss, she patted my chest briefly with her hands as she separate us "..huff.. huff.. Wait, please, I can't do it today.." she said me with an apologetic look on her face while I looked at her strangely at first.

As I saw her eyes looking down with a sorry expression, it dawned me after a few seconds that my horny mind calmed down that I understood.

"Ooh, right, yeah, Ehm it's okay." I said without knowing what else to say as I sit on the bed while looking around weirdly.

Karya chuckled as she looked embarrassed while she muttered "... it was really a bad time to say it, but you didn't give me a chance, dummy.." As I heard her saying that, I looked over again at her face and I was instantly infatuated by her hot expression, her blushing face, the bite marks on her neck and her bare upper body was making my throat feel dry.

Gulping down I looked over her beauty as she covered her body while protesting "..stop looking me like that.." Complying with my girls words, I stopped looking at her while I thrown myself at her, kissing those tasty lips once again.

We stayed on the bed making out for a good amount of minutes, until we both calmed down and she fell asleep again.

As I hugged her tightly to my body, I started wondering and fantasying with her. I don't know if it was due to the familiar feeling on the house, but for the first time in my life I was really contemplating my life with children's.

'Stop you idiot, even if she's wife material we only make out and nothing else.' I said to myself, but I couldn't stop my mind from imagining much more, with a blushing face and a silly smile on my face I rested my face on Karya's nape and fell sleep too.


If you wish to support me and enable to make this my job while also reading four chapters ahead, I leave my Patre*n down below.


2 chapters ahead from 1$.

Also if anybody knows how to invite bots and manage a discord server please let me know so I can contact with you.

Xerstoren Xerstoren

4k words!

Man I really liked writing this chap, I dont know why, I guess it's thank for a few tips I received that made the whole chapter structure to change from the previous times.

Anyways, please don't doubt leaving behind your commentary and suggestions!

And continue giving those power stones to keep me motivated.

Thank you for reading my crap!

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